Пример #1
unsigned int FindPlane( vec3d_t norm, fp_t dist )
	int		i;	

	SnapPlane( norm, &dist );

 	for ( i = 0; i < p_planenum; i++ )
		if ( ArePlanesEqual( p_planes[i].norm, p_planes[i].dist, norm, dist ) )
			aplane_t	*pl;
			pl = (aplane_t *) malloc( sizeof( aplane_t) );
			Vec3dCopy( pl->norm, norm );
			pl->dist = dist;
			pl->next = p_planes[i].planes;
			p_planes[i].planes = pl;
			return i;				   
#if 0
		else if ( ArePlanesNearlyEqual( p_planes[i].norm, p_planes[i].dist, norm, dist ) )
			printf( " * FindPlane: planes are nearly equal. *\n" );

	return AddPlane( norm, dist );
void COccluder_2D::InitOutline(const ViewParams& Params, const COccludee::COutline &cOutline, const LTPlane &cPlane)
	// Make room

	// Get the plane
	m_cPolyPlane = cPlane;

	// Get the reversal flag
	bool bReverseWinding = false;
	if (m_cPolyPlane.DistTo(Params.m_Pos) < 0.0f)
		m_cPolyPlane = -m_cPolyPlane;
		bReverseWinding = !bReverseWinding;

	m_ePolyPlaneCorner = GetAABBPlaneCorner(m_cPolyPlane.m_Normal);

	static COccludee::COutline cOutline2D;

	// Read in from the un-transformed occluder
	LTVector vPrevWorld = cOutline.back();
	LTVector vPrevScr;
	MatVMul_H(&vPrevScr, &Params.m_FullTransform, &vPrevWorld);
	COccludee::COutline::const_iterator iCurVert = cOutline.begin();
	for (; iCurVert != cOutline.end(); ++iCurVert)
		const LTVector &vNextWorld = *iCurVert;
		LTVector vNextScr;
		MatVMul_H(&vNextScr, &Params.m_FullTransform, &vNextWorld);
		float fXDiff = (vNextScr.x - vPrevScr.x);
		float fYDiff = (vNextScr.y - vPrevScr.y);
		if ((fXDiff * fXDiff + fYDiff * fYDiff) > 0.001f)
			LTPlane cScreenPlane;
			LTVector vEdgeScr = vNextScr - vPrevScr;
			cScreenPlane.m_Normal.Init(vEdgeScr.y, -vEdgeScr.x, 0.0f);
			if (bReverseWinding)
				cScreenPlane.m_Normal = -cScreenPlane.m_Normal;
			cScreenPlane.m_Dist = cScreenPlane.m_Normal.x * vNextScr.x + cScreenPlane.m_Normal.y * vNextScr.y;


		vPrevWorld = vNextWorld;
		vPrevScr = vNextScr;

	// Figure out how big we are on-screen
	m_fScreenArea = cOutline2D.CalcArea2D();
void COccluder_Frustum::InitFrustum(const ViewParams& Params)
	// Clear!

	// Get the points of the near plane in order
	const uint32 k_nNumScreenPts = 4;
	LTVector aScreenPts[k_nNumScreenPts];
	aScreenPts[0] = Params.m_ViewPoints[2];
	aScreenPts[1] = Params.m_ViewPoints[3];
	aScreenPts[2] = Params.m_ViewPoints[1];
	aScreenPts[3] = Params.m_ViewPoints[0];

	// Gimmie some room

	// Remember the near plane
	m_cPolyPlane = Params.m_ClipPlanes[CPLANE_NEAR_INDEX];
	m_ePolyPlaneCorner = GetAABBPlaneCorner(m_cPolyPlane.m_Normal);

	// Build the occluder
	LTVector vPrevWorld = aScreenPts[3];
	LTVector vPrevScr;
	MatVMul_H(&vPrevScr, &Params.m_FullTransform, &vPrevWorld);
	for (const LTVector *pCurVert = aScreenPts; pCurVert != &aScreenPts[k_nNumScreenPts]; ++pCurVert)
		const LTVector &vNextWorld = *pCurVert;
		LTVector vNextScr;
		MatVMul_H(&vNextScr, &Params.m_FullTransform, &vNextWorld);
		float fXDiff = (vNextScr.x - vPrevScr.x);
		float fYDiff = (vNextScr.y - vPrevScr.y);
		if ((fXDiff * fXDiff + fYDiff * fYDiff) > 0.001f)
			LTPlane cScreenPlane;
			LTVector vEdgeScr = vNextScr - vPrevScr;
			cScreenPlane.m_Normal.Init(vEdgeScr.y, -vEdgeScr.x, 0.0f);
			cScreenPlane.m_Dist = cScreenPlane.m_Normal.x * vNextScr.x + cScreenPlane.m_Normal.y * vNextScr.y;

			LTPlane cWorldPlane;
			LTVector vEdgeWorld = vNextWorld - vPrevWorld;
			cWorldPlane.m_Normal = vEdgeWorld.Cross(vNextWorld - Params.m_Pos);
			cWorldPlane.m_Dist = cWorldPlane.m_Normal.Dot(vNextWorld);

			AddPlane(cScreenPlane, cWorldPlane);

		vPrevWorld = vNextWorld;
		vPrevScr = vNextScr;
Пример #4
void CurrentApp::AddWidget(PxShape* shape, PxRigidActor* actor, glm::vec4 colour)
	PxGeometryType::Enum type = shape->getGeometryType();
	switch (type)
	case PxGeometryType::eBOX:
		AddBox(shape, actor, colour);
	case PxGeometryType::ePLANE:
		AddPlane(shape, actor, glm::vec4(0, 0.4, 0, 1));
Пример #5
static void
addALine( /*lint -e{818} */ Occluder * pOcc, float x, float y, float z, float x2, float y2, float z2, float x3,
         float y3, float z3, int otherEdge)
{                               /* Declaring pOcc as constant isn't useful as pointer member is modified (error 818) */
    winged_edge we;
    int planeNum;
    unsigned int p1 = AddPos(pOcc->handle->points, x, y, z);
    unsigned int p2 = AddPos(pOcc->handle->points, x2, y2, z2);

    position pn3;
    pn3.x = x3;
    pn3.y = y3;
    pn3.z = z3;

    planeNum =
        (int) AddPlane(pOcc->handle->planes, &g_array_index(pOcc->handle->points, position, p1),
                       &g_array_index(pOcc->handle->points, position, p2), &pn3);

    we.e[0] = p1;
    we.e[1] = p2;
    we.w[0] = planeNum;
    we.w[1] = otherEdge;        /* subsequent attempt to add this edge will replace w[1] */
    AddEdge(pOcc->handle->edges, &we);
Пример #6
uintptr_t CPROC DrawSectorLines( INDEX pSector, uintptr_t unused )
	_POINT o, n;
	POBJECT object = CreateObject();
	INDEX iWorld = DrawThis.iWorld;
	INDEX pStart, pCur;
	int count=0;
	int priorend = unused;
	DrawThis.object = object;
		// origin at z +1
		scale( o, VectorConst_Y, 10.0 );//SetPoint( o, VectorConst_Z );
		// direction z+1
		SetPoint( n, VectorConst_Y );
		AddPlane( object, o, n, 0 );
		Invert( n );
		Invert( o );
		AddPlane( object, o, n, 0 );
		//DrawSpaceLines( display->pImage, pSector->spacenode );
		lprintf( WIDE("Adding Sector %d"), pSector );
	pCur = pStart = GetFirstWall( iWorld, pSector, &priorend );
		_POINT tmp;
      LOGICAL d = IsSectorClockwise( iWorld, pSector );
      //GETWORLD( display->pWorld );
      INDEX iLine;
		//VECTOR p1, p2;

      iLine = GetWallLine( iWorld, pCur );

		GetLineData( iWorld, iLine, &Line );
      // stop infinite looping... may be badly linked...
		if( count > 20 )
         xlprintf(LOG_ALWAYS)( WIDE("Conservative limit of 20 lines on a wall has been reached!") );
			_POINT o, n, r;
			//int d;
         o[0] = Line->r.o[0];
         o[1] = Line->r.o[2];
         o[2] = Line->r.o[1];
         tmp[0] = Line->r.n[0];
         tmp[1] = Line->r.n[2];
         tmp[2] = Line->r.n[1];
			if( priorend )
            lprintf( WIDE("prior end causes reversal...") );
				Invert( tmp );
			if( d )
            lprintf( WIDE("Sector clockwise..>") );
				Invert( tmp );
			//SetPoint( o, Line->r.o );
			crossproduct( n, VectorConst_Y, tmp );
			if( priorend )
            d = 1;
				Invert( n );
				d = 1;
			lprintf( WIDE("Adding plane to object... ") );
			PrintVector( o );
			PrintVector( n );
			AddPlane( DrawThis.object, o, n, (GetMatedWall( iWorld, pCur )==INVALID_INDEX)?0:2 );

		pCur = GetNextWall(l.world
								, pCur, &priorend );
	}while( pCur != pStart );
	if( IntersectObjectPlanes( object ) )
		// destroy these planes, and add new ones.
		//priorend = FALSE;
      //DestroyObject( &object );
	// oh - add lines first one way and then the other... interesting
	// to test both directions of priorend!
	if( !unused )
		DrawSectorLines( pSector, 1 );
	PutIn( object, DrawThis.root );
		INDEX iTexture = GetSectorTexture( l.world, pSector );
		GetTextureData( l.world, iTexture, &texture );
		SetObjectColor( object, texture->data.color /*BASE_COLOR_BLUE*/ );

	return 0; // continue drawing... non zero breaks loop...
Пример #7
// =====================================================================================
//  ClipToSeperators
//      Source, pass, and target are an ordering of portals.
//      Generates seperating planes canidates by taking two points from source and one
//      point from pass, and clips target by them.
//      If the target argument is NULL, then a list of clipping planes is built in
//      stack instead.
//      If target is totally clipped away, that portal can not be seen through.
//      Normal clip keeps target on the same side as pass, which is correct if the
//      order goes source, pass, target.  If the order goes pass, source, target then
//      flipclip should be set.
// =====================================================================================
inline static winding_t* ClipToSeperators(
    const winding_t* const source,
    const winding_t* const pass, 
    winding_t* const a_target,
    const bool flipclip, 
    pstack_t* const stack)
    int             i, j, k, l;
    plane_t         plane;
    vec3_t          v1, v2;
    float           d;
    int             counts[3];
    bool            fliptest;
    winding_t*      target = a_target;

    const unsigned int numpoints = source->numpoints;

    // check all combinations       
    for (i=0, l=1; i < numpoints; i++, l++)
        if (l == numpoints)
            l = 0;

        VectorSubtract(source->points[l], source->points[i], v1);

        // fing a vertex of pass that makes a plane that puts all of the
        // vertexes of pass on the front side and all of the vertexes of
        // source on the back side
        for (j = 0; j < pass->numpoints; j++)
            VectorSubtract(pass->points[j], source->points[i], v2);
            CrossProduct(v1, v2, plane.normal);
            if (VectorNormalize(plane.normal) < ON_EPSILON)
            plane.dist = DotProduct(pass->points[j], plane.normal);

            // find out which side of the generated seperating plane has the
            // source portal
            fliptest = false;
            for (k = 0; k < numpoints; k++)
                if ((k == i) | (k == l)) // | instead of || for branch optimization
                d = DotProduct(source->points[k], plane.normal) - plane.dist;
                if (d < -ON_EPSILON)
                {                                          // source is on the negative side, so we want all
                    // pass and target on the positive side
                    fliptest = false;
                else if (d > ON_EPSILON)
                {                                          // source is on the positive side, so we want all
                    // pass and target on the negative side
                    fliptest = true;
            if (k == numpoints)
                continue;                                  // planar with source portal

            // flip the normal if the source portal is backwards
            if (fliptest)
                VectorSubtract(vec3_origin, plane.normal, plane.normal);
                plane.dist = -plane.dist;

            // if all of the pass portal points are now on the positive side,
            // this is the seperating plane
            counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < pass->numpoints; k++)
                if (k == j)
                d = DotProduct(pass->points[k], plane.normal) - plane.dist;
                if (d < -ON_EPSILON)
                else if (d > ON_EPSILON)
            if (k != pass->numpoints)
                continue;                                  // points on negative side, not a seperating plane

            if (!counts[0])
                continue;                                  // planar with seperating plane

            // flip the normal if we want the back side
            if (flipclip)
                VectorSubtract(vec3_origin, plane.normal, plane.normal);
                plane.dist = -plane.dist;

	    if (target != NULL)
            // clip target by the seperating plane
            target = ChopWinding(target, stack, &plane);
            if (!target)
                return NULL;                               // target is not visible
        	AddPlane(stack, &plane);

#ifdef RVIS_LEVEL_1
            break; /* Antony was here */

    return target;
Пример #8
* Draw a cube into the verticies buffer. Draws the cube in the x-z plane at 
* the specified row and column with a set height and color.
* In most cases, the texture coordinates are the same as the offsets for the cube
* vertex coordinates. Minor exception for left and right side to ensure texture
* is not sideways.
* @param x coordinate location
* @param y coordinate location
* @param z coordinate location
* @param size cube scaling size
* @param side cube side to draw
* @param type tile type to draw
void WorldNode::DrawTile(float x, float y, float z, float s, CubeSide side, TileType type)
    D3DXVECTOR3 n; // normal


    case kTop:
        D3DXVECTOR3 p1( x,   y+s, z   );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p2( x,   y+s, z+s );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p3( x+s, y+s, z+s );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p4( x+s, y+s, z   );
        D3DXVec3Cross(&n, &(p2-p1), &(p3-p1));
            CustomVertex( p1, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 1.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p2, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p3, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p1, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 1.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p3, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p4, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 1.0f) ),
        m_vCollQuads.push_back( CollQuad(p1, p2, p3, p4, n) ); 
    case kBottom:
        D3DXVECTOR3 p1( x,   y,   z   );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p2( x,   y,   z+s );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p3( x+s, y,   z+s );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p4( x+s, y,   z   );
        D3DXVec3Cross(&n, &(p2-p1), &(p3-p1));
            CustomVertex( p1, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 1.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p2, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p3, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p1, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 1.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p3, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p4, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 1.0f) ),
        m_vCollQuads.push_back( CollQuad(p1, p2, p3, p4, n) ); 
    case kLeft:        
        D3DXVECTOR3 p1( x,   y,   z   );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p2( x,   y,   z+s );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p3( x,   y+s, z+s );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p4( x,   y+s, z   );
        D3DXVec3Cross(&n, &(p2-p1), &(p3-p1));
            CustomVertex( p1, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 1.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p2, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 1.0f) ), 
            CustomVertex( p3, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p1, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 1.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p3, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p4, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 0.0f) ),
        m_vCollQuads.push_back( CollQuad(p1, p2, p3, p4, n) ); 
    case kRight:
        D3DXVECTOR3 p1( x+s, y,    z   );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p2( x+s, y+s,  z   );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p3( x+s, y+s,  z+s );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p4( x+s, y,    z+s );
        D3DXVec3Cross(&n, &(p2-p1), &(p3-p1));
            CustomVertex( p1, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 1.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p2, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p3, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p1, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 1.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p3, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p4, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 1.0f) ),
        m_vCollQuads.push_back( CollQuad(p1, p2, p3, p4, n) ); 
    case kUpper:
        D3DXVECTOR3 p1( x,   y,   z+s );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p2( x+s, y,   z+s );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p3( x+s, y+s, z+s );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p4( x,   y+s, z+s );
        D3DXVec3Cross(&n, &(p2-p1), &(p3-p1));
            CustomVertex( p1, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 1.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p2, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 1.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p3, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p1, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 1.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p3, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p4, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 0.0f) ),
        m_vCollQuads.push_back( CollQuad(p1, p2, p3, p4, n) ); 
    case kLower:
        D3DXVECTOR3 p1( x,   y,   z   );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p2( x,   y+s, z   );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p3( x+s, y+s, z   );
        D3DXVECTOR3 p4( x+s, y,   z   );
        D3DXVec3Cross(&n, &(p2-p1), &(p3-p1));
            CustomVertex( p1, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 1.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p2, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p3, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p1, n, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 1.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p3, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 0.0f) ),
            CustomVertex( p4, n, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 1.0f) ),
        m_vCollQuads.push_back( CollQuad(p1, p2, p3, p4, n) ); 
Пример #9
void Tracker::AddTrackerConeVerts(ovrSession Session, Model* m, bool isItEdges)
	//Get attributes of camera cone
	std::vector<ovrTrackerDesc>   TrackerDescArray;
	unsigned int trackerCount = std::max<unsigned int>(1, ovr_GetTrackerCount(Session)); // Make sure there's always at least one.
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < trackerCount; ++i)
		TrackerDescArray.push_back(ovr_GetTrackerDesc(Session, i));
	                                                            // v4-------v5
	float hFOV = TrackerDescArray[0].FrustumHFovInRadians;      // | \     / |
	float vFOV  = TrackerDescArray[0].FrustumVFovInRadians;     // |  v0-v1  |
	float nearZ = TrackerDescArray[0].FrustumNearZInMeters;     // |  | C |  |
	float farZ  = TrackerDescArray[0].FrustumFarZInMeters;      // |  v2-v3  |
	                                                            // | /     \ |
	                                                            // v6-------v7
    // MA: Having the lines/pyramid start closer to camera looks better.
    nearZ = 0.08f;

	Vector3f baseVec3(tan(0.5f * hFOV), tan(0.5f * vFOV), 1.0f);
	v[0] = v[4] = Vector3f(baseVec3.x, -baseVec3.y, 1.0f);
	v[1] = v[5] = Vector3f(-baseVec3.x, -baseVec3.y, 1.0f);
	v[2] = v[6] = Vector3f(baseVec3.x, baseVec3.y, 1.0f);
	v[3] = v[7] = Vector3f(-baseVec3.x, baseVec3.y, 1.0f);
	v[8] = Vector3f(0, 0, 0.5f*lengthOfTrackerHead); //front of tracker location

	// Project to near and far planes
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		float depth = (i < 4 ? nearZ : farZ);
		v[i].x *= depth;
		v[i].y *= depth;
		v[i].z *= depth;

	Color c = Color(255, 255, 255, 255);

	if (isItEdges) //Wire parts
		#define AddEdge(i0,i1) m->AddQuad(    \
		Vertex(v[i0],c,0,0),Vertex(v[i1],c,0,0), \
		Vertex(v[i1], c, 0, 0), Vertex(v[i1], c, 0, 0));

        if (drawWalls)
        {   // Add wireframe fronty and back outlines if we have walls
            AddEdge(0, 1); AddEdge(1, 3); AddEdge(3, 2); AddEdge(2, 0);
            AddEdge(4, 5); AddEdge(5, 7); AddEdge(7, 6); AddEdge(6, 4);
		AddEdge(4, 0); AddEdge(5, 1); AddEdge(7, 3); AddEdge(6, 2);
		if (extendLinesToTracker)
			AddEdge(8, 0);	AddEdge(8, 1);	AddEdge(8, 2);	AddEdge(8, 3);
	else //Solid planes
		float gridDensity = 6.0f;
		#define AddPlane(i0,i1,i2,i3,U,V,dense) m->AddQuad(    \
		Vertex(v[i0], c, dense*v[i0].U, dense*v[i0].V), \
		Vertex(v[i1], c, dense*v[i1].U, dense*v[i1].V), \
		Vertex(v[i2], c, dense*v[i2].U, dense*v[i2].V), \
		Vertex(v[i3], c, dense*v[i3].U, dense*v[i3].V))
		AddPlane(4, 0, 6, 2, z, y, gridDensity); // Left
		AddPlane(1, 5, 3, 7, z, y, gridDensity); // Right
		AddPlane(4, 5, 0, 1, x, z, gridDensity); // Top
		AddPlane(2, 3, 6, 7, x, z, gridDensity); // Bot
		AddPlane(5, 4, 7, 6, x, y, gridDensity); // Back
		if (frontOfGridAsWell) { AddPlane(0, 1, 2, 3, x, y, gridDensity); } // Front
Пример #10
void Frustum::CalculateFrustum(float angle, float ratio, float near, float far,
                               Vector3D &camPos, Vector3D &lookAt, Vector3D &up)
   Vector3D xVec, yVec, zVec;
	Vector3D vecN, vecF;
	Vector3D nearTopLeft, nearTopRight,
	         nearBottomLeft, nearBottomRight;
   Vector3D farTopLeft, farTopRight,
            farBottomLeft, farBottomRight;

	float radians = (float)tan((DEG_TO_RAD(angle)) * 0.5);
	float nearH = near  * radians;
	float nearW = nearH * ratio;
	float farH = far    * radians;
	float farW = farH   * ratio;

	zVec = camPos - lookAt;

	xVec = up.CrossProduct(zVec);

	yVec = zVec.CrossProduct(xVec);

	vecN = camPos - zVec * near;
	vecF = camPos - zVec * far;

	nearTopLeft     = vecN + yVec * nearH - xVec * nearW;
	nearTopRight    = vecN + yVec * nearH + xVec * nearW;
	nearBottomLeft  = vecN - yVec * nearH - xVec * nearW;
	nearBottomRight = vecN - yVec * nearH + xVec * nearW;

	farTopLeft      = vecF + yVec * farH - xVec * farW;
	farTopRight     = vecF + yVec * farH + xVec * farW;
	farBottomLeft   = vecF - yVec * farH - xVec * farW;
	farBottomRight  = vecF - yVec * farH + xVec * farW;


   Plane plane;

   plane.CreatePlaneFromTri(nearTopRight, nearTopLeft,

   plane.CreatePlaneFromTri(nearBottomLeft, nearBottomRight,

   plane.CreatePlaneFromTri(nearTopLeft, nearBottomLeft,

   plane.CreatePlaneFromTri(nearBottomRight, nearTopRight,

   plane.CreatePlaneFromTri(nearTopLeft, nearTopRight,

   plane.CreatePlaneFromTri(farTopRight, farTopLeft,