Пример #1
do_quad(char *line)
    int element_id;
    int pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4;
    fastf_t thick = 0.0;
    int pos = 0;

    bu_strlcpy(field,  &line[8], sizeof(field));
    element_id = atoi( field );

    if ( debug )
	bu_log( "do_quad: %s\n", line );

    if ( !bot )
	bot = element_id;

    if ( faces == NULL )
	faces = (int *)bu_malloc( GRID_BLOCK*3*sizeof( int ), "faces" );
	thickness = (fastf_t *)bu_malloc( GRID_BLOCK*sizeof( fastf_t ), "thickness" );
	facemode = (char *)bu_malloc( GRID_BLOCK*sizeof( char ), "facemode" );
	face_size = GRID_BLOCK;
	face_count = 0;

    bu_strlcpy(field,  &line[24], sizeof(field));
    pt1 = atoi( field );

    bu_strlcpy(field,  &line[32], sizeof(field));
    pt2 = atoi( field );

    bu_strlcpy(field,  &line[40], sizeof(field));
    pt3 = atoi( field );

    bu_strlcpy(field,  &line[48], sizeof(field));
    pt4 = atoi( field );

    if ( mode == PLATE_MODE )
	bu_strlcpy(field,  &line[56], sizeof(field));
	thick = atof( field ) * 25.4;

	bu_strlcpy(field,  &line[64], sizeof(field));
	pos = atoi( field );

	if ( pos == 0 )	/* use default */
	    pos = POS_FRONT;

	if ( pos != POS_CENTER && pos != POS_FRONT )
	    bu_log( "do_quad: illegal postion parameter (%d), must be one or two\n", pos );
	    bu_log( "\telement %d, component %d, group %d\n", element_id, comp_id, group_id );

    Add_bot_face( pt1, pt2, pt3, thick, pos );
    Add_bot_face( pt1, pt3, pt4, thick, pos );
Пример #2
static void
do_tri(char *line)
    int element_id;
    int pt1, pt2, pt3;
    fastf_t thick;
    int pos;

    if (debug)
	bu_log("do_tri: %s\n", line);

    bu_strlcpy(field,  &line[8], sizeof(field));
    element_id = atoi(field);

    if (!bot)
	bot = element_id;

    if (faces == NULL) {
	if (bu_debug&BU_DEBUG_MEM_CHECK &&  bu_mem_barriercheck())
	    bu_log("memory corrupted before malloc of faces\n");
	faces = (int *)bu_malloc(GRID_BLOCK*3*sizeof(int), "faces");
	thickness = (fastf_t *)bu_malloc(GRID_BLOCK*sizeof(fastf_t), "thickness");
	facemode = (char *)bu_malloc(GRID_BLOCK*sizeof(char), "facemode");
	face_size = GRID_BLOCK;
	face_count = 0;
	if (bu_debug&BU_DEBUG_MEM_CHECK &&  bu_mem_barriercheck())
	    bu_log("memory corrupted after malloc of faces, thickness, and facemode\n");

    bu_strlcpy(field,  &line[24], sizeof(field));
    pt1 = atoi(field);

    bu_strlcpy(field,  &line[32], sizeof(field));
    pt2 = atoi(field);

    bu_strlcpy(field,  &line[40], sizeof(field));
    pt3 = atoi(field);

    thick = 0.0;
    pos = 0;

    if (mode == PLATE_MODE) {
	bu_strlcpy(field,  &line[56], sizeof(field));
	thick = atof(field) * 25.4;

	bu_strlcpy(field,  &line[64], sizeof(field));
	pos = atoi(field);
	if (pos == 0)
	    pos = POS_FRONT;

	if (debug)
	    bu_log("\tplate mode: thickness = %f\n", thick);


    if (bu_debug&BU_DEBUG_MEM_CHECK &&  bu_mem_barriercheck())
	bu_log("memory corrupted before call to Add_bot_face()\n");

    Add_bot_face(pt1, pt2, pt3, thick, pos);

    if (bu_debug&BU_DEBUG_MEM_CHECK &&  bu_mem_barriercheck())
	bu_log("memory corrupted after call to Add_bot_face()\n");