Пример #1
struct CryptoAuth_Session* CryptoAuth_newSession(struct CryptoAuth* ca,
                                                 struct Allocator* alloc,
                                                 const uint8_t herPublicKey[32],
                                                 const uint8_t herIp6[16],
                                                 const bool requireAuth,
                                                 char* displayName)
    struct CryptoAuth_pvt* context = Identity_check((struct CryptoAuth_pvt*) ca);
    struct CryptoAuth_Session_pvt* session =
        Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct CryptoAuth_Session_pvt), 1);
    session->context = context;
    session->requireAuth = requireAuth;
    session->pub.displayName = String_new(displayName, alloc);
    session->timeOfLastPacket = Time_currentTimeSeconds(context->eventBase);
    session->alloc = alloc;

    if (herPublicKey != NULL) {
        Bits_memcpyConst(session->pub.herPublicKey, herPublicKey, 32);
        uint8_t calculatedIp6[16];
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(calculatedIp6, herPublicKey);
        Bits_memcpyConst(session->pub.herIp6, calculatedIp6, 16);
        if (herIp6 != NULL) {
            Assert_true(!Bits_memcmp(calculatedIp6, herIp6, 16));
    } else if (herIp6) {
        Bits_memcpyConst(session->pub.herIp6, herIp6, 16);

    return &session->pub;
Пример #2
static void getIp6(struct CryptoAuth_Session_pvt* session, uint8_t* addr)
    uint8_t ip6[16];
    AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(ip6, session->pub.herPublicKey);
    AddrTools_printIp(addr, ip6);
Пример #3
static void getIp6(struct CryptoAuth_Wrapper* wrapper, uint8_t* addr)
    if (knowHerKey(wrapper)) {
        uint8_t ip6[16];
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(ip6, wrapper->herPerminentPubKey);
        AddrTools_printIp(addr, ip6);
Пример #4
static void check(struct SessionManager* sm, int mapIndex)
    Assert_true(sm->ifaceMap.keys[mapIndex].bytes[0] == 0xfc);
    uint8_t* herPubKey = CryptoAuth_getHerPublicKey(sm->ifaceMap.values[mapIndex]->pub.internal);
    if (!Bits_isZero(herPubKey, 32)) {
        uint8_t ip6[16];
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(ip6, herPubKey);
        Assert_true(!Bits_memcmp(&sm->ifaceMap.keys[mapIndex], ip6, 16));
Пример #5
int main()
    char* pingBenc = "d1:q4:ping4:txid4:abcde";
    struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(1<<22);
    struct TestFramework* tf = TestFramework_setUp("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv", alloc, NULL);
    struct Ducttape_pvt* dt = Identity_cast((struct Ducttape_pvt*) tf->ducttape);

    struct Allocator* allocator = MallocAllocator_new(85000);
    uint16_t buffLen = sizeof(struct Ducttape_IncomingForMe) + 8 + strlen(pingBenc);
    uint8_t* buff = allocator->calloc(buffLen, 1, allocator);
    struct Headers_SwitchHeader* sh = (struct Headers_SwitchHeader*) buff;
    sh->label_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian64(4);
    struct Headers_IP6Header* ip6 = (struct Headers_IP6Header*) &sh[1];

    uint8_t herPublicKey[32];
    Base32_decode(herPublicKey, 32,
                  (uint8_t*) "0z5tscp8td1sc6cv4htp7jbls79ltqxw9pbg190x0kbm1lguqtx0", 52);
    AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(ip6->sourceAddr, herPublicKey);

    struct Headers_UDPHeader* udp = (struct Headers_UDPHeader*) &ip6[1];
    ip6->hopLimit = 0;
    ip6->nextHeader = 17;
    udp->sourceAndDestPorts = 0;
    udp->length_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian16(strlen(pingBenc));

    strncpy((char*)(udp + 1), pingBenc, strlen(pingBenc));

    dt->switchInterface.receiveMessage = catchResponse;
    dt->switchInterface.receiverContext = NULL;

    // bad checksum
    udp->checksum_be = 1;
    struct Message m = { .bytes = buff, .length = buffLen, .padding = 0 };
    Ducttape_injectIncomingForMe(&m, &dt->public, herPublicKey);

    // zero checksum
    udp->checksum_be = 0;
    struct Message m2 = { .bytes = buff, .length = buffLen, .padding = 0 };
    Ducttape_injectIncomingForMe(&m2, &dt->public, herPublicKey);

    // good checksum
    udp->checksum_be =
        Checksum_udpIp6(ip6->sourceAddr, (uint8_t*) udp, strlen(pingBenc) + Headers_UDPHeader_SIZE);
    struct Message m3 = { .bytes = buff, .length = buffLen, .padding = 0 };
    Ducttape_injectIncomingForMe(&m3, &dt->public, herPublicKey);
Пример #6
int Key_parse(String* key, uint8_t keyBytesOut[32], uint8_t ip6Out[16])
    if (!key || key->len < 52) {
        return Key_parse_TOO_SHORT;
    if (key->bytes[52] != '.' || key->bytes[53] != 'k') {
        return Key_parse_MALFORMED;
    if (Base32_decode(keyBytesOut, 32, (uint8_t*)key->bytes, 52) != 32) {
        return Key_parse_DECODE_FAILED;
    if (ip6Out) {
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(ip6Out, keyBytesOut);
        if (!AddressCalc_validAddress(ip6Out)) {
            return Key_parse_INVALID;
    return 0;
Пример #7
static int genAddress(uint8_t addressOut[40],
                      uint8_t privateKeyHexOut[65],
                      uint8_t publicKeyBase32Out[53])
    struct Address address;
    uint8_t privateKey[32];

    for (;;) {
        randombytes(privateKey, 32);
        crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(address.key, privateKey);
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(address.ip6.bytes, address.key);
        // Brute force for keys until one matches FC00:/8
        if (address.ip6.bytes[0] == 0xFC) {
            Hex_encode(privateKeyHexOut, 65, privateKey, 32);
            Base32_encode(publicKeyBase32Out, 53, address.key, 32);
            Address_printIp(addressOut, &address);
            return 0;
Пример #8
static void parsePrivateKey(Dict* config, struct Address* addr, uint8_t privateKey[32])
    String* privateKeyStr = Dict_getString(config, BSTR("privateKey"));
    if (privateKeyStr == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not extract private key from configuration.\n");
    } else if (privateKeyStr->len != 64) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Private key is not 32 bytes long.\n");
    } else if (Hex_decode(privateKey, 32, (uint8_t*)privateKeyStr->bytes, 64) != 32) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse private key.\n");
    } else {
        crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(addr->key, privateKey);
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(addr->ip6.bytes, addr->key);
        if (addr->ip6.bytes[0] != 0xFC) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Ip address is outside of the FC00/8 range, "
                            "invalid private key.\n");
        } else {
Пример #9
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(1<<22);
    struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, NULL, NULL);

    uint8_t privateKey[32];
    uint8_t publicKey[32];
    uint8_t ip[16];
    uint8_t hexPrivateKey[65];
    uint8_t printedIp[40];

    for (;;) {
        Random_bytes(rand, privateKey, 32);
        crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(publicKey, privateKey);
        if (AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(ip, publicKey)) {
            Hex_encode(hexPrivateKey, 65, privateKey, 32);
            AddrTools_printIp(printedIp, ip);
            printf("%s %s\n", hexPrivateKey, printedIp);
    return 0;
Пример #10
int main()
    /* verify public key */
    struct Address address;
    crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(address.key, privateKey);

    AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(address.ip6.bytes, address.key);

    uint8_t privateKeyHexOut[65];
    uint8_t publicKeyHexOut[65];
    uint8_t publicKeyBase32Out[53];

    Hex_encode(privateKeyHexOut, 65, privateKey, 32);

    Hex_encode(publicKeyHexOut, 65, publicKey, 32);

    printf("Private key %s (hex)\n\nExpect:\nPublic Key: %s (hex)\n"
           "Public Key: %s (base32)\nAddress: %s\n",

    uint8_t addressOut[40];

    Hex_encode(publicKeyHexOut, 65, address.key, 32);
    Base32_encode(publicKeyBase32Out, 53, address.key, 32);
    Address_printIp(addressOut, &address);

    printf("\nGot:\nPublic Key: %s (hex)\n"
           "Public Key: %s (base32)\nAddress: %s\n",

    Assert_always(0 == memcmp(address.key, publicKey, 32));
    Assert_always(0 == strcmp(publicKeyBase32, (char*) publicKeyBase32Out));
    Assert_always(0 == strcmp(ipv6, (char*) addressOut));
Пример #11
static int genAddress(uint8_t addressOut[40],
                      uint8_t privateKeyHexOut[65],
                      uint8_t publicKeyBase32Out[53],
                      uint8_t privateKey[32])
    struct Address address;

    crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(address.key, privateKey);
    AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(address.ip6.bytes, address.key);
    // Brute force for keys until one matches FC00:/8
        address.ip6.bytes[0] == 0xFC// &&
        //(address.ip6.bytes[15] & 0xF) == (address.ip6.bytes[15] & 0x0F << 4) &&
        //address.ip6.bytes[14] == address.ip6.bytes[15]
        Hex_encode(privateKeyHexOut, 65, privateKey, 32);
        Base32_encode(publicKeyBase32Out, 53, address.key, 32);
        Address_printIp(addressOut, &address);
        return 1;
    return 0;
Пример #12
int InterfaceController_bootstrapPeer(struct InterfaceController* ifc,
                                      int interfaceNumber,
                                      uint8_t* herPublicKey,
                                      const struct Sockaddr* lladdrParm,
                                      String* password,
                                      String* login,
                                      String* user,
                                      struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct InterfaceController_pvt* ic = Identity_check((struct InterfaceController_pvt*) ifc);


    struct InterfaceController_Iface_pvt* ici = ArrayList_OfIfaces_get(ic->icis, interfaceNumber);

    if (!ici) {
        return InterfaceController_bootstrapPeer_BAD_IFNUM;

    Log_debug(ic->logger, "bootstrapPeer total [%u]", ici->peerMap.count);

    uint8_t ip6[16];
    AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(ip6, herPublicKey);
    if (!AddressCalc_validAddress(ip6) || !Bits_memcmp(ic->ca->publicKey, herPublicKey, 32)) {
        return InterfaceController_bootstrapPeer_BAD_KEY;

    struct Allocator* epAlloc = Allocator_child(ici->alloc);

    struct Sockaddr* lladdr = Sockaddr_clone(lladdrParm, epAlloc);

    // TODO(cjd): eps are created in 3 places, there should be a factory function.
    struct Peer* ep = Allocator_calloc(epAlloc, sizeof(struct Peer), 1);
    int index = Map_EndpointsBySockaddr_put(&lladdr, &ep, &ici->peerMap);
    Assert_true(index >= 0);
    ep->alloc = epAlloc;
    ep->handle = ici->peerMap.handles[index];
    ep->lladdr = lladdr;
    ep->ici = ici;
    ep->isIncomingConnection = false;
    Bits_memcpy(ep->addr.key, herPublicKey, 32);
    Allocator_onFree(epAlloc, closeInterface, ep);
    Allocator_onFree(alloc, freeAlloc, epAlloc);

    ep->peerLink = PeerLink_new(ic->eventBase, epAlloc);
    ep->caSession = CryptoAuth_newSession(ic->ca, epAlloc, herPublicKey, false, "outer");
    CryptoAuth_setAuth(password, login, ep->caSession);
    if (user) {
        ep->caSession->displayName = String_clone(user, epAlloc);

    ep->switchIf.send = sendFromSwitch;

    if (SwitchCore_addInterface(ic->switchCore, &ep->switchIf, epAlloc, &ep->addr.path)) {
        Log_debug(ic->logger, "bootstrapPeer() SwitchCore out of space");
        return InterfaceController_bootstrapPeer_OUT_OF_SPACE;

    // We want the node to immedietly be pinged but we don't want it to appear unresponsive because
    // the pinger will only ping every (PING_INTERVAL * 8) so we set timeOfLastMessage to
    // (now - pingAfterMilliseconds - 1) so it will be considered a "lazy node".
    ep->timeOfLastMessage =
        Time_currentTimeMilliseconds(ic->eventBase) - ic->pingAfterMilliseconds - 1;

    if (Defined(Log_INFO)) {
        struct Allocator* tempAlloc = Allocator_child(alloc);
        String* addrStr = Address_toString(&ep->addr, tempAlloc);
        Log_info(ic->logger, "Adding peer [%s] from bootstrapPeer()", addrStr->bytes);

    // We can't just add the node directly to the routing table because we do not know
    // the version. We'll send it a switch ping and when it responds, we will know it's
    // key (if we don't already) and version number.

    return 0;
Пример #13
int InterfaceController_registerPeer(struct InterfaceController* ifController,
                                     uint8_t herPublicKey[32],
                                     String* password,
                                     bool requireAuth,
                                     bool isIncomingConnection,
                                     struct Interface* externalInterface)
    // This function is overridden by some tests...
    if (ifController->registerPeer) {
        return ifController->registerPeer(ifController, herPublicKey, password, requireAuth,
                                          isIncomingConnection, externalInterface);

    struct InterfaceController_pvt* ic =
        Identity_check((struct InterfaceController_pvt*) ifController);

    if (Map_OfIFCPeerByExernalIf_indexForKey(&externalInterface, &ic->peerMap) > -1) {
        return 0;

    Log_debug(ic->logger, "registerPeer [%p] total [%u]",
              (void*)externalInterface, ic->peerMap.count);

    uint8_t ip6[16];
    if (herPublicKey) {
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(ip6, herPublicKey);
        if (!AddressCalc_validAddress(ip6)) {
            return InterfaceController_registerPeer_BAD_KEY;

        if (!Bits_memcmp(ic->ca->publicKey, herPublicKey, 32)) {
            // can't link with yourself, wiseguy
            return InterfaceController_registerPeer_BAD_KEY;
    } else {

    struct Allocator* epAllocator = externalInterface->allocator;
    struct InterfaceController_Peer* ep =
        Allocator_calloc(epAllocator, sizeof(struct InterfaceController_Peer), 1);
    ep->bytesOut = 0;
    ep->bytesIn = 0;
    ep->external = externalInterface;
    int setIndex = Map_OfIFCPeerByExernalIf_put(&externalInterface, &ep, &ic->peerMap);
    ep->handle = ic->peerMap.handles[setIndex];
    Allocator_onFree(epAllocator, closeInterface, ep);

    // If the other end need needs to supply a valid password to connect
    // we will set the connection state to UNAUTHENTICATED so that if the
    // packet is invalid, the connection will be dropped right away.
    if (requireAuth) {
        ep->state = InterfaceController_PeerState_UNAUTHENTICATED;

    ep->cryptoAuthIf = CryptoAuth_wrapInterface(externalInterface,

    ep->cryptoAuthIf->receiveMessage = receivedAfterCryptoAuth;
    ep->cryptoAuthIf->receiverContext = ep;

    // Always use authType 1 until something else comes along, then we'll have to refactor.
    if (password) {
        CryptoAuth_setAuth(password, 1, ep->cryptoAuthIf);

    ep->isIncomingConnection = isIncomingConnection;

    Bits_memcpyConst(&ep->switchIf, (&(struct Interface) {
        .sendMessage = sendFromSwitch,

        // ifcontrollerForPeer uses this.
        // sendFromSwitch relies on the fact that the
        // switchIf is the same memory location as the Peer.
        .senderContext = ic,

        .allocator = epAllocator
    }), sizeof(struct Interface));
Пример #14
 * This is called as sendMessage() by the switch.
 * There is only one switch interface which sends all traffic.
 * message is aligned on the beginning of the switch header.
static uint8_t incomingFromSwitch(struct Message* message, struct Interface* switchIf)
    struct Ducttape* context = switchIf->senderContext;
    struct Headers_SwitchHeader* switchHeader = (struct Headers_SwitchHeader*) message->bytes;
    Message_shift(message, -Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);

    // The label comes in reversed from the switch because the switch doesn't know that we aren't
    // another switch ready to parse more bits, bit reversing the label yields the source address.
    switchHeader->label_be = Bits_bitReverse64(switchHeader->label_be);

    if (Headers_getMessageType(switchHeader) == Headers_SwitchHeader_TYPE_CONTROL) {
        uint8_t labelStr[20];
        uint64_t label = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchHeader->label_be);
        AddrTools_printPath(labelStr, label);
        if (message->length < Control_HEADER_SIZE) {
            Log_info1(context->logger, "dropped runt ctrl packet from [%s]", labelStr);
            return Error_NONE;
        } else {
            Log_debug1(context->logger, "ctrl packet from [%s]", labelStr);
        struct Control* ctrl = (struct Control*) message->bytes;
        bool pong = false;
        if (ctrl->type_be == Control_ERROR_be) {
            if (message->length < Control_Error_MIN_SIZE) {
                Log_info1(context->logger, "dropped runt error packet from [%s]", labelStr);
                return Error_NONE;
                      "error packet from [%s], error type [%d]",


            uint8_t causeType = Headers_getMessageType(&ctrl->content.error.cause);
            if (causeType == Headers_SwitchHeader_TYPE_CONTROL) {
                if (message->length < Control_Error_MIN_SIZE + Control_HEADER_SIZE) {
                              "error packet from [%s] containing runt cause packet",
                    return Error_NONE;
                struct Control* causeCtrl = (struct Control*) &(&ctrl->content.error.cause)[1];
                if (causeCtrl->type_be != Control_PING_be) {
                              "error packet from [%s] caused by [%s] packet ([%d])",
                } else {
                               "error packet from [%s] in response to ping, length: [%d].",
                    // errors resulting from pings are forwarded back to the pinger.
                    pong = true;
            } else if (causeType != Headers_SwitchHeader_TYPE_DATA) {
                          "error packet from [%s] containing cause of unknown type [%d]",
        } else if (ctrl->type_be == Control_PONG_be) {
            pong = true;
        } else if (ctrl->type_be == Control_PING_be) {
            ctrl->type_be = Control_PONG_be;
            Message_shift(message, Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);
            switchIf->receiveMessage(message, switchIf);
        } else {
                      "control packet of unknown type from [%s], type [%d]",
                      labelStr, Endian_bigEndianToHost16(ctrl->type_be));

        if (pong) {
            // Shift back over the header
            Message_shift(message, Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);
            context->switchPingerIf->receiveMessage(message, context->switchPingerIf);
        return Error_NONE;

    uint8_t* herKey = extractPublicKey(message, switchHeader->label_be, context->logger);
    int herAddrIndex;
    if (herKey) {
        uint8_t herAddrStore[16];
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(herAddrStore, herKey);
        if (herAddrStore[0] != 0xFC) {
                      "Got message from peer whose address is not in fc00::/8 range.\n");
            return 0;
        herAddrIndex = AddressMapper_put(switchHeader->label_be, herAddrStore, &context->addrMap);
    } else {
        herAddrIndex = AddressMapper_indexOf(switchHeader->label_be, &context->addrMap);
        if (herAddrIndex == -1) {
            uint64_t label = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchHeader->label_be);
            struct Node* n = RouterModule_getNode(label, context->routerModule);
            if (n) {
                herAddrIndex = AddressMapper_put(switchHeader->label_be,
            } else {
                #ifdef Log_DEBUG
                    uint8_t switchAddr[20];
                    AddrTools_printPath(switchAddr, Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchHeader->label_be));
                               "Dropped traffic packet from unknown node. (%s)\n",
                return 0;

    // If the source address is the same as the router address, no third layer of crypto.
    context->routerAddress = context->addrMap.entries[herAddrIndex].address;

    // This is needed so that the priority and other information
    // from the switch header can be passed on properly.
    context->switchHeader = switchHeader;

    context->session = SessionManager_getSession(context->routerAddress, herKey, context->sm);

    // This goes to incomingFromCryptoAuth()
    // then incomingFromRouter() then core()
    context->layer = OUTER_LAYER;
    context->session->receiveMessage(message, context->session);

    return 0;
Пример #15
static int registerPeer(struct InterfaceController* ifController,
                        uint8_t herPublicKey[32],
                        String* password,
                        bool requireAuth,
                        bool transient,
                        struct Interface* externalInterface)
    struct Context* ic = Identity_cast((struct Context*) ifController);

    Log_debug(ic->logger, "registerPeer [%p] total [%u]",
              (void*)externalInterface, ic->peerMap.count);
    if (Map_OfIFCPeerByExernalIf_indexForKey(&externalInterface, &ic->peerMap) > -1) {
        Log_debug(ic->logger, "Skipping registerPeer [%p] because peer is already registered",
        return 0;

    uint8_t ip6[16];
    if (herPublicKey) {
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(ip6, herPublicKey);
        if (!AddressCalc_validAddress(ip6)) {
            return InterfaceController_registerPeer_BAD_KEY;

    struct Allocator* epAllocator = externalInterface->allocator;
    struct IFCPeer* ep = Allocator_calloc(epAllocator, sizeof(struct IFCPeer), 1);
    ep->external = externalInterface;
    int setIndex = Map_OfIFCPeerByExernalIf_put(&externalInterface, &ep, &ic->peerMap);
    ep->handle = ic->peerMap.handles[setIndex];
    Allocator_onFree(epAllocator, closeInterface, ep);

    // If the other end need not supply a valid password to connect
    // we will set the connection state to HANDSHAKE because we don't
    // want the connection to be trashed after the first invalid packet.
    if (!requireAuth) {
        ep->state = InterfaceController_PeerState_HANDSHAKE;

    ep->cryptoAuthIf =
        CryptoAuth_wrapInterface(externalInterface, herPublicKey, requireAuth, true, ic->ca);

    ep->cryptoAuthIf->receiveMessage = receivedAfterCryptoAuth;
    ep->cryptoAuthIf->receiverContext = ep;

    // Always use authType 1 until something else comes along, then we'll have to refactor.
    if (password) {
        CryptoAuth_setAuth(password, 1, ep->cryptoAuthIf);

    ep->transient = transient;

    Bits_memcpyConst(&ep->switchIf, (&(struct Interface) {
        .sendMessage = sendFromSwitch,

        // ifcontrollerForPeer uses this.
        // sendFromSwitch relies on the fact that the
        // switchIf is the same memory location as the Peer.
        .senderContext = ic,

        .allocator = epAllocator
    }), sizeof(struct Interface));
Пример #16
static uint8_t decryptHandshake(struct CryptoAuth_Wrapper* wrapper,
                                const uint32_t nonce,
                                struct Message* message,
                                union Headers_CryptoAuth* header)
    if (message->length < Headers_CryptoAuth_SIZE) {
        cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "DROP runt");
        return Error_UNDERSIZE_MESSAGE;

    // handshake
    // nextNonce 0: recieving hello.
    // nextNonce 1: recieving key, we sent hello.
    // nextNonce 2: recieving first data packet or duplicate hello.
    // nextNonce 3: recieving first data packet.
    // nextNonce >3: handshake complete

    if (knowHerKey(wrapper)) {
        if (Bits_memcmp(wrapper->herPerminentPubKey, header->handshake.publicKey, 32)) {
            cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "DROP a packet with different public key than this session");
            return Error_AUTHENTICATION;
    } else if (!Bits_isZero(wrapper->herIp6, 16)) {
        uint8_t calculatedIp6[16];
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(calculatedIp6, header->handshake.publicKey);
        if (Bits_memcmp(wrapper->herIp6, calculatedIp6, 16)) {
            cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "DROP packet with public key not matching ip6 for session");
            return Error_AUTHENTICATION;

    if (wrapper->nextNonce < 2 && nonce == UINT32_MAX && !wrapper->requireAuth) {
        // Reset without knowing key is allowed until state reaches 2.
        // this is because we don't know that the other end knows our key until we
        // have received a valid packet from them.
        // We can't allow the upper layer to see this message because it's not authenticated.
        if (!knowHerKey(wrapper)) {
            Bits_memcpyConst(wrapper->herPerminentPubKey, header->handshake.publicKey, 32);
        Message_shift(message, -Headers_CryptoAuth_SIZE, NULL);
        message->length = 0;
        wrapper->user = NULL;
        cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "Got a connect-to-me message, sending a hello");
        // Send an empty response (to initiate the connection).
        encryptHandshake(message, wrapper, 1);
        return Error_NONE;

    String* user = NULL;
    uint8_t passwordHashStore[32];
    uint8_t* passwordHash = tryAuth(header, passwordHashStore, wrapper, &user);
    if (wrapper->requireAuth && !user) {
        cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "DROP message because auth was not given");
        return Error_AUTHENTICATION;
    if (passwordHash == NULL && header->handshake.auth.challenge.type != 0) {
        cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "DROP message with unrecognized authenticator");
        return Error_AUTHENTICATION;

    // What the nextNonce will become if this packet is valid.
    uint32_t nextNonce;

    // The secret for decrypting this message.
    uint8_t sharedSecret[32];

    uint8_t* herPermKey = NULL;
    if (nonce < 2) {
        if (nonce == 0) {
            cryptoAuthDebug(wrapper, "Received a hello packet, using auth: %d",
                            (passwordHash != NULL));
        } else {
            cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "Received a repeat hello packet");

        // Decrypt message with perminent keys.
        if (!knowHerKey(wrapper) || wrapper->nextNonce == 0) {
            herPermKey = header->handshake.publicKey;
            #ifdef Log_DEBUG
                if (Bits_isZero(header->handshake.publicKey, 32)) {
                    cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "Node sent public key of ZERO!");
        } else {
            herPermKey = wrapper->herPerminentPubKey;
            if (Bits_memcmp(header->handshake.publicKey, herPermKey, 32)) {
                cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "DROP packet contains different perminent key");
                return Error_AUTHENTICATION;

        nextNonce = 2;
    } else {
        if (nonce == 2) {
            cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "Received a key packet");
        } else if (nonce == 3) {
            cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "Received a repeat key packet");
        } else {
            cryptoAuthDebug(wrapper, "Received a packet of unknown type! nonce=%u", nonce);
        if (Bits_memcmp(header->handshake.publicKey, wrapper->herPerminentPubKey, 32)) {
            cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "DROP packet contains different perminent key");
            return Error_AUTHENTICATION;
        if (!wrapper->isInitiator) {
            cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "DROP a stray key packet");
            return Error_AUTHENTICATION;
        // We sent the hello, this is a key
        nextNonce = 4;

    // Shift it on top of the authenticator before the encrypted public key
    Message_shift(message, 48 - Headers_CryptoAuth_SIZE, NULL);

    #ifdef Log_KEYS
        uint8_t sharedSecretHex[65];
        printHexKey(sharedSecretHex, sharedSecret);
        uint8_t nonceHex[49];
        Hex_encode(nonceHex, 49, header->handshake.nonce, 24);
        uint8_t cipherHex[65];
        printHexKey(cipherHex, message->bytes);
                  "Decrypting message with:\n"
                  "    nonce: %s\n"
                  "   secret: %s\n"
                  "   cipher: %s\n",
                  nonceHex, sharedSecretHex, cipherHex);

    // Decrypt her temp public key and the message.
    if (decryptRndNonce(header->handshake.nonce, message, sharedSecret) != 0) {
        // just in case
        Bits_memset(header, 0, Headers_CryptoAuth_SIZE);
        cryptoAuthDebug(wrapper, "DROP message with nonce [%d], decryption failed", nonce);
        return Error_AUTHENTICATION;

    Assert_ifParanoid(!Bits_isZero(header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32));

    #ifdef Log_KEYS
        uint8_t tempKeyHex[65];
        Hex_encode(tempKeyHex, 65, header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32);
                  "Unwrapping temp public key:\n"
                  "    %s\n",

    Message_shift(message, -32, NULL);

    // Post-decryption checking
    if (nonce == 0) {
        // A new hello packet
        if (!Bits_memcmp(wrapper->herTempPubKey, header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32)) {
            // possible replay attack or duped packet
            cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "DROP dupe hello packet with same temp key");
            return Error_AUTHENTICATION;
    } else if (nonce == 2 && wrapper->nextNonce >= 4) {
        // we accept a new key packet and let it change the session since the other end might have
        // killed off the session while it was in the midst of setting up.
        if (!Bits_memcmp(wrapper->herTempPubKey, header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32)) {
            Assert_true(!Bits_isZero(wrapper->herTempPubKey, 32));
            cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "DROP dupe key packet with same temp key");
            return Error_AUTHENTICATION;

    } else if (nonce == 3 && wrapper->nextNonce >= 4) {
        // Got a repeat key packet, make sure the temp key is the same as the one we know.
        if (Bits_memcmp(wrapper->herTempPubKey, header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32)) {
            Assert_true(!Bits_isZero(wrapper->herTempPubKey, 32));
            cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "DROP repeat key packet with different temp key");
            return Error_AUTHENTICATION;

    // If Alice sent a hello packet then Bob sent a hello packet and they crossed on the wire,
    // somebody has to yield and the other has to stand firm otherwise they will either deadlock
    // each believing their hello packet is superior or they will livelock, each switching to the
    // other's session and never synchronizing.
    // In this event whoever has the lower permanent public key wins.

    // If we receive a (possibly repeat) key packet
    if (nextNonce == 4) {
        if (wrapper->nextNonce <= 4) {
            // and have not yet begun sending "run" data
            Assert_true(wrapper->nextNonce <= nextNonce);
            wrapper->nextNonce = nextNonce;

            wrapper->user = user;
            Bits_memcpyConst(wrapper->herTempPubKey, header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32);
        } else {
            // It's a (possibly repeat) key packet and we have begun sending run data.
            // We will change the shared secret to the one specified in the new key packet but
            // intentionally avoid de-incrementing the nonce just in case
            cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "New key packet but we are already sending data");

    } else if (nextNonce == 2 && (!wrapper->isInitiator || wrapper->established)) {
        // This is a hello packet and we are either in ESTABLISHED state or we are
        // not the initiator of the connection.
        // If the case is that we are in ESTABLISHED state, the other side tore down the session
        // and we have not so lets tear it down.
        // If we are not in ESTABLISHED state then we don't allow resetting of the session unless
        // they are the sender of the hello packet or their permanent public key is lower.
        // this is a tie-breaker in case hello packets cross on the wire.
        if (wrapper->established) {
        // We got a (possibly repeat) hello packet and we have not sent any hello packet,
        // new session.
        if (wrapper->nextNonce == 3 && nextNonce == 2) {
            // We sent a key packet so the next packet is a repeat key but we got another hello
            // We'll just keep steaming along sending repeat key packets
            nextNonce = 3;

        Assert_true(wrapper->nextNonce <= nextNonce);
        wrapper->nextNonce = nextNonce;
        wrapper->user = user;
        Bits_memcpyConst(wrapper->herTempPubKey, header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32);

    } else if (nextNonce == 2
        && Bits_memcmp(header->handshake.publicKey, wrapper->context->pub.publicKey, 32) < 0)
        // It's a hello and we are the initiator but their permant public key is numerically lower
        // than ours, this is so that in the event of two hello packets crossing on the wire, the
        // nodes will agree on who is the initiator.
        cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "Incoming hello from node with lower key, resetting");

        Assert_true(wrapper->nextNonce <= nextNonce);
        wrapper->nextNonce = nextNonce;
        wrapper->user = user;
        Bits_memcpyConst(wrapper->herTempPubKey, header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32);

    } else {
        cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "Incoming hello from node with higher key, not resetting");

    if (herPermKey && herPermKey != wrapper->herPerminentPubKey) {
        Bits_memcpyConst(wrapper->herPerminentPubKey, herPermKey, 32);

    // If this is a handshake which was initiated in reverse because we
    // didn't know the other node's key, now send what we were going to send.

    if (wrapper->bufferedMessage) {
        // This can only happen when we have received a (maybe repeat) hello packet.
        Assert_true(wrapper->nextNonce == 2);

        struct Message* bm = wrapper->bufferedMessage;
        wrapper->bufferedMessage = NULL;
        cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "Sending buffered message");
        sendMessage(bm, &wrapper->externalInterface);

    if (message->length == 0 && Headers_isSetupPacket(&header->handshake.auth)) {
        return Error_NONE;

    Bits_memset(&wrapper->replayProtector, 0, sizeof(struct ReplayProtector));

    return callReceivedMessage(wrapper, message);
Пример #17
static int handleOutgoing(struct DHTMessage* dmessage,
                          void* vcontext)
    struct Ducttape* context = (struct Ducttape*) vcontext;

    struct Message message =
        { .length = dmessage->length, .bytes = (uint8_t*) dmessage->bytes, .padding = 512 };

    Message_shift(&message, Headers_UDPHeader_SIZE);
    struct Headers_UDPHeader* uh = (struct Headers_UDPHeader*) message.bytes;
    uh->sourceAndDestPorts = 0;
    uh->length_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian16(dmessage->length);
    uh->checksum_be = 0;

    uint16_t payloadLength = message.length;

    Message_shift(&message, Headers_IP6Header_SIZE);
    struct Headers_IP6Header* header = (struct Headers_IP6Header*) message.bytes;
    header->versionClassAndFlowLabel = 0;
    header->flowLabelLow_be = 0;
    header->nextHeader = 17;
    header->hopLimit = 0;
    header->payloadLength_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian16(payloadLength);



    context->ip6Header = header;
    context->switchHeader = NULL;

    sendToRouter(dmessage->address, &message, context);

    return 0;

// Aligned on the beginning of the content.
static inline bool isRouterTraffic(struct Message* message, struct Headers_IP6Header* ip6)
    if (ip6->nextHeader != 17 || ip6->hopLimit != 0) {
        return false;

    struct Headers_UDPHeader* uh = (struct Headers_UDPHeader*) message->bytes;
    return message->length >= Headers_UDPHeader_SIZE
        && uh->sourceAndDestPorts == 0
        && (int) Endian_bigEndianToHost16(uh->length_be) == message->length - Headers_UDPHeader_SIZE;

 * Message which is for us, message is aligned on the beginning of the content.
 * this is called from core() which calls through an interfaceMap.
static inline uint8_t incomingForMe(struct Message* message,
                                    struct Ducttape* context,
                                    uint8_t herPubKey[32])
    struct Address addr;
    AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(addr.ip6.bytes, herPubKey);

    if (memcmp(addr.ip6.bytes, context->ip6Header->sourceAddr, 16)) {
        #ifdef Log_DEBUG
            uint8_t keyAddr[40];
            Address_printIp(keyAddr, &addr);
            Bits_memcpyConst(addr.ip6.bytes, context->ip6Header->sourceAddr, 16);
            uint8_t srcAddr[40];
            Address_printIp(srcAddr, &addr);
                       "Dropped packet because source address is not same as key.\n"
                       "    %s source addr\n"
                       "    %s hash of key\n",
        return Error_INVALID;

    if (message->length == 0) {
        #ifdef Log_WARN
            uint8_t keyAddr[40];
            uint8_t ipv6Hex[80];
            Address_printIp(keyAddr, &addr);
            Hex_encode(ipv6Hex, 80, (uint8_t*) context->ip6Header, 40);
                      "Got ipv6 packet from %s which has no content!\nIPv6 Header: [%s]",
                      keyAddr, ipv6Hex);
        return Error_INVALID;

    if (isRouterTraffic(message, context->ip6Header)) {
        // Shift off the UDP header.
        Message_shift(message, -Headers_UDPHeader_SIZE);
        addr.path = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(context->switchHeader->label_be);
        Bits_memcpyConst(addr.key, herPubKey, 32);
        return incomingDHT(message, &addr, context);

    // RouterModule_addNode(&addr, context->routerModule);

    if (!context->routerIf) {
                 "Dropping message because there is no router interface configured.\n");
        return Error_UNDELIVERABLE;

    // Now write a message to the TUN device.
    // Need to move the ipv6 header forward up to the content because there's a crypto header
    // between the ipv6 header and the content which just got eaten.
    Message_shift(message, Headers_IP6Header_SIZE);
    uint16_t sizeDiff = message->bytes - (uint8_t*)context->ip6Header;
    if (sizeDiff) {
        context->ip6Header->payloadLength_be =
                Endian_bigEndianToHost16(context->ip6Header->payloadLength_be) - sizeDiff);
        memmove(message->bytes, context->ip6Header, Headers_IP6Header_SIZE);
    context->routerIf->sendMessage(message, context->routerIf);
    return Error_NONE;

uint8_t Ducttape_injectIncomingForMe(struct Message* message,
                                     struct Ducttape* context,
                                     uint8_t herPublicKey[32])
    struct Headers_SwitchHeader sh;
    Bits_memcpyConst(&sh, message->bytes, Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);
    context->switchHeader = &sh;
    Message_shift(message, -Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);

    struct Headers_IP6Header ip6;
    Bits_memcpyConst(&ip6, message->bytes, Headers_IP6Header_SIZE);
    context->ip6Header = &ip6;
    Message_shift(message, -Headers_IP6Header_SIZE);

    return incomingForMe(message, context, herPublicKey);

 * Send a message to another switch.
 * Switchheader will precede the message.
static inline uint8_t sendToSwitch(struct Message* message,
                                   struct Headers_SwitchHeader* destinationSwitchHeader,
                                   struct Ducttape* context)
    Message_shift(message, Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);
    struct Headers_SwitchHeader* switchHeaderLocation =
        (struct Headers_SwitchHeader*) message->bytes;

    if (destinationSwitchHeader != switchHeaderLocation) {
        memmove(message->bytes, destinationSwitchHeader, Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);

    return context->switchInterface.receiveMessage(message, &context->switchInterface);
Пример #18
 * This is called as sendMessage() by the switch.
 * There is only one switch interface which sends all traffic.
 * message is aligned on the beginning of the switch header.
static uint8_t incomingFromSwitch(struct Message* message, struct Interface* switchIf)
    struct Context* context = switchIf->senderContext;
    struct Headers_SwitchHeader* switchHeader = (struct Headers_SwitchHeader*) message->bytes;
    Message_shift(message, -Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);

    // The label comes in reversed from the switch because the switch doesn't know that we aren't
    // another switch ready to parse more bits, bit reversing the label yields the source address.
    switchHeader->label_be = Bits_bitReverse64(switchHeader->label_be);

    if (Headers_getMessageType(switchHeader) == MessageType_CONTROL) {
        struct Control* ctrl = (struct Control*) (switchHeader + 1);
        if (ctrl->type_be == Control_ERROR_be) {
            if (memcmp(&ctrl->content.error.cause.label_be, &switchHeader->label_be, 8)) {
                         "Different label for cause than return packet, this shouldn't happen. "
                         "Perhaps a packet was corrupted.\n");
                return 0;
            uint32_t errType_be = ctrl->content.error.errorType_be;
            if (errType_be == Endian_bigEndianToHost32(Error_MALFORMED_ADDRESS)) {
                Log_info(context->logger, "Got malformed-address error, removing route.\n");
                RouterModule_brokenPath(switchHeader->label_be, context->routerModule);
                return 0;
                      "Got error packet, error type: %d",
        return 0;

    uint8_t* herKey = extractPublicKey(message, switchHeader->label_be, context->logger);
    int herAddrIndex;
    if (herKey) {
        uint8_t herAddrStore[16];
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(herAddrStore, herKey);
        if (herAddrStore[0] != 0xFC) {
                      "Got message from peer whose address is not in fc00::/8 range.\n");
            return 0;
        herAddrIndex = AddressMapper_put(switchHeader->label_be, herAddrStore, &context->addrMap);
    } else {
        herAddrIndex = AddressMapper_indexOf(switchHeader->label_be, &context->addrMap);
        if (herAddrIndex == -1) {
            struct Node* n = RouterModule_getNode(switchHeader->label_be, context->routerModule);
            if (n) {
                herAddrIndex = AddressMapper_put(switchHeader->label_be,
            } else {
                #ifdef Log_DEBUG
                    uint8_t switchAddr[20];
                    struct Address addr;
                    addr.networkAddress_be = switchHeader->label_be;
                    Address_printNetworkAddress(switchAddr, &addr);
                               "Dropped traffic packet from unknown node. (%s)\n",
                return 0;
    uint8_t* herAddr = context->addrMap.addresses[herAddrIndex];

    // This is needed so that the priority and other information
    // from the switch header can be passed on properly.
    context->switchHeader = switchHeader;

    context->session = SessionManager_getSession(herAddr, herKey, context->sm);

    // This goes to incomingFromCryptoAuth()
    // then incomingFromRouter() then core()
    context->layer = OUTER_LAYER;
    context->session->receiveMessage(message, context->session);

    return 0;
Пример #19
 * This is called as sendMessage() by the switch.
 * There is only one switch interface which sends all traffic.
 * message is aligned on the beginning of the switch header.
static uint8_t incomingFromSwitch(struct Message* message, struct Interface* switchIf)
    struct Ducttape_pvt* context = Identity_cast((struct Ducttape_pvt*)switchIf->senderContext);

    struct Ducttape_MessageHeader* dtHeader = getDtHeader(message, true);

    struct Headers_SwitchHeader* switchHeader = (struct Headers_SwitchHeader*) message->bytes;
    Message_shift(message, -Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);

    // The label comes in reversed from the switch because the switch doesn't know that we aren't
    // another switch ready to parse more bits, bit reversing the label yields the source address.
    switchHeader->label_be = Bits_bitReverse64(switchHeader->label_be);

    if (Headers_getMessageType(switchHeader) == Headers_SwitchHeader_TYPE_CONTROL) {
        return handleControlMessage(context, message, switchHeader, switchIf);

    if (message->length < 8) {
        Log_info(context->logger, "runt");
        return Error_INVALID;

    #ifdef Version_2_COMPAT
    translateVersion2(message, dtHeader);

    // #1 try to get the session using the handle.

    uint32_t nonceOrHandle = Endian_bigEndianToHost32(((uint32_t*)message->bytes)[0]);

    struct SessionManager_Session* session = NULL;

    if (nonceOrHandle > 3) {
        // Run message, it's a handle.
        session = SessionManager_sessionForHandle(nonceOrHandle, context->sm);
        Message_shift(message, -4);
        if (session) {
            uint32_t nonce = Endian_bigEndianToHost32(((uint32_t*)message->bytes)[0]);
            if (nonce == ~0u) {
                Log_debug(context->logger, "Got connectToMe packet at switch layer");
                return 0;
            debugHandlesAndLabel(context->logger, session,
                                 "running session nonce[%u]",
            dtHeader->receiveHandle = nonceOrHandle;
        } else {
            Log_debug(context->logger, "Got message with unrecognized handle");
    } else if (message->length >= Headers_CryptoAuth_SIZE) {
        union Headers_CryptoAuth* caHeader = (union Headers_CryptoAuth*) message->bytes;
        uint8_t ip6[16];
        uint8_t* herKey = caHeader->handshake.publicKey;
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(ip6, herKey);
        // a packet which claims to be "from us" causes problems
        if (AddressCalc_validAddress(ip6) && Bits_memcmp(ip6, &context->myAddr, 16)) {
            session = SessionManager_getSession(ip6, herKey, context->sm);
            debugHandlesAndLabel(context->logger, session,
                                 "new session nonce[%d]", nonceOrHandle);
            dtHeader->receiveHandle = Endian_bigEndianToHost32(session->receiveHandle_be);
        } else {
            Log_debug(context->logger, "Got message with invalid ip addr");

    if (!session) {
        #ifdef Log_INFO
            uint8_t path[20];
            AddrTools_printPath(path, Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchHeader->label_be));
            Log_info(context->logger, "Dropped traffic packet from unknown node. [%s]", path);
        return 0;

    // This is needed so that the priority and other information
    // from the switch header can be passed on properly.
    dtHeader->switchHeader = switchHeader;

    // This goes to incomingFromCryptoAuth()
    // then incomingFromRouter() then core()
    dtHeader->layer = Ducttape_SessionLayer_OUTER;

    if (session->iface.receiveMessage(message, &session->iface) == Error_AUTHENTICATION) {
        debugHandlesAndLabel(context->logger, session,
                             "Failed decrypting message NoH[%d] state[%d]",
                             nonceOrHandle, CryptoAuth_getState(&session->iface));
        return Error_AUTHENTICATION;

    return 0;
Пример #20
static bool ip6MatchesKey(uint8_t ip6[16], uint8_t key[32])
    uint8_t calculatedIp6[16];
    AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(calculatedIp6, key);
    return !Bits_memcmp(ip6, calculatedIp6, 16);
Пример #21
static void udpConnectTo(String* connectToAddress,
                         Dict* config,
                         struct UDPInterface* udpContext,
                         struct Context* ctx)
    String* password = Dict_getString(config, BSTR("password"));
    int64_t* authType = Dict_getInt(config, BSTR("authType"));
    String* publicKey = Dict_getString(config, BSTR("publicKey"));
    int64_t* trust = Dict_getInt(config, BSTR("trust"));

    #define FAIL_IF_NULL(cannotBeNull, fieldName) \
        if (!cannotBeNull) {                                                     \
            fprintf(stderr,                                                      \
                    "interfaces.UDPInterface['%s']." fieldName " is not set, "   \
                    "this field is mandatory.\n",                                \
                    connectToAddress->bytes);                                    \
            exit(-1);                                                            \

    FAIL_IF_NULL(password, "password")
    FAIL_IF_NULL(authType, "authType")
    FAIL_IF_NULL(publicKey, "publicKey")
    FAIL_IF_NULL(trust, "trust")

    #undef FAIL_IF_NULL

    #define CHECK_RANGE(number, min, max) \
        if (number < min || number > max) {                                           \
        fprintf(stderr,                                                               \
                "interfaces.UDPInterface['%s'].number must be between min and max\n", \
                connectToAddress->bytes);                                             \
        exit(-1);                                                                     \

    CHECK_RANGE(*authType, 1, 255)
    CHECK_RANGE(*trust, 0, INT64_MAX)

    #undef CHECK_RANGE

    uint8_t pkBytes[32];
    if (publicKey->len < 52 || Base32_decode(pkBytes, 32, (uint8_t*)publicKey->bytes, 52) != 32) {
                "interfaces.UDPInterface['%s'].publicKey could not be parsed.\n",
    uint8_t addressBytes[16];
    AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(addressBytes, pkBytes);
    if (addressBytes[0] != 0xFC) {
                "interfaces.UDPInterface['%s'].publicKey\n( %s )\nis not in FC00/8 range, "
                "it was probably mistranscribed.\n",

    struct Interface* udp =
        UDPInterface_addEndpoint(udpContext, connectToAddress->bytes, ctx->eHandler);
    struct Interface* authedUdp = CryptoAuth_wrapInterface(udp, pkBytes, false, true, ctx->ca);
    CryptoAuth_setAuth(password, *authType, authedUdp);

    uint64_t switchAddr_be;
    SwitchCore_addInterface(authedUdp, *trust, &switchAddr_be, ctx->switchCore);
    struct Address addr;
    memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct Address));
    memcpy(addr.key, pkBytes, 32);
    addr.networkAddress_be = switchAddr_be;
    RouterModule_addNode(&addr, ctx->routerModule);
Пример #22
int main()
    // This is valid benc but it takes over 75k of memory (on an amd64)
    // to build a structure representing it.
    char* evilBenc =

    struct Ducttape* dt = TestFramework_setUp();

    struct Allocator* allocator = MallocAllocator_new(85000);
    uint16_t buffLen = sizeof(struct Ducttape_IncomingForMe) + 8 + strlen(evilBenc);
    uint8_t* buff = allocator->calloc(buffLen, 1, allocator);

    struct Headers_IP6Header* ip6 = (struct Headers_IP6Header*) (buff + Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);
    uint8_t* herPublicKey = (uint8_t*) "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv";
    AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(ip6->sourceAddr, herPublicKey);

    struct Headers_UDPHeader* udp = (struct Headers_UDPHeader*) (ip6 + 1);
    ip6->hopLimit = 0;
    ip6->nextHeader = 17;
    udp->sourceAndDestPorts = 0;
    udp->length_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian16(strlen(evilBenc));

    strncpy((char*)(udp + 1), evilBenc, strlen(evilBenc));

    struct Message m = { .bytes = buff, .length = buffLen, .padding = 0 };

    Ducttape_injectIncomingForMe(&m, dt, herPublicKey);
Пример #23
int main()
    AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(nodeCjdnsIp6, fakePubKey);
    struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(1<<20);
    struct Log* logger = FileWriterLog_new(stdout, alloc);
    struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, logger, NULL);
    struct EventBase* eb = EventBase_new(alloc);

    struct IpTunnel* ipTun = IpTunnel_new(logger, eb, alloc, rand);
    struct Sockaddr_storage ip6ToGive;
    Sockaddr_parse("fd01:0101:0101:0101:0101:0101:0101:0101", &ip6ToGive);
    IpTunnel_allowConnection(fakePubKey, &ip6ToGive.addr, 0, NULL, 0, ipTun);

    struct Message* message;
    Message_STACK(message, 64, 512);
    message->alloc = alloc;

    const char* requestForAddresses =
          "1:q" "21:IpTunnel_getAddresses"
          "4:txid" "4:abcd"
    CString_strcpy((char*)message->bytes, requestForAddresses);
    message->length = CString_strlen(requestForAddresses);

    Message_shift(message, Headers_UDPHeader_SIZE, NULL);
    struct Headers_UDPHeader* uh = (struct Headers_UDPHeader*) message->bytes;

    uh->srcPort_be = 0;
    uh->destPort_be = 0;
    uh->length_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian16(message->length - Headers_UDPHeader_SIZE);
    uint16_t* checksum = &uh->checksum_be;
    *checksum = 0;
    uint32_t length = message->length;

    Message_shift(message, Headers_IP6Header_SIZE, NULL);
    struct Headers_IP6Header* ip = (struct Headers_IP6Header*) message->bytes;

    ip->versionClassAndFlowLabel = 0;
    ip->flowLabelLow_be = 0;
    ip->payloadLength_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian16(length);
    ip->nextHeader = 17;
    ip->hopLimit = 255;
    Bits_memset(ip->sourceAddr, 0, 32);

    Message_shift(message, RouteHeader_SIZE + DataHeader_SIZE, NULL);
    struct RouteHeader* rh = (struct RouteHeader*) message->bytes;
    struct DataHeader* dh = (struct DataHeader*) &rh[1];

    Bits_memset(rh, 0, RouteHeader_SIZE + DataHeader_SIZE);
    Bits_memcpy(rh->ip6, nodeCjdnsIp6, 16);
    Bits_memcpy(rh->publicKey, fakePubKey, 32);
    DataHeader_setContentType(dh, ContentType_IPTUN);

    *checksum = Checksum_udpIp6(ip->sourceAddr, (uint8_t*) uh, length);

    int origCap = message->capacity;
    int origLen = message->length;

    struct Iface nodeIface = { .send = responseWithIpCallback };
    Iface_plumb(&nodeIface, &ipTun->nodeInterface);
    struct Iface tunIface = { .send = messageToTun };
    Iface_plumb(&tunIface, &ipTun->tunInterface);

    Iface_send(&nodeIface, message);
    Assert_true(called == 2);
    called = 0;

    // This is a hack, reusing the message will cause breakage if IpTunnel is refactored.
    Message_shift(message, origCap, NULL);
    message->length = origLen;

    Bits_memcpy(ip->sourceAddr, fakeIp6ToGive, 16);
    // This can't be zero.
    Bits_memset(ip->destinationAddr, 1, 16);

    Iface_send(&nodeIface, message);
    Assert_true(called == 1);

    return 0;
Пример #24
static int handleOutgoing(struct DHTMessage* dmessage,
                          void* vcontext)
    struct Ducttape_pvt* context = Identity_cast((struct Ducttape_pvt*) vcontext);

    struct Message message = {
        .length = dmessage->length,
        .bytes = (uint8_t*) dmessage->bytes,
        .padding = 512,
        .capacity = DHTMessage_MAX_SIZE

    Message_shift(&message, Headers_UDPHeader_SIZE);
    struct Headers_UDPHeader* uh = (struct Headers_UDPHeader*) message.bytes;
    uh->sourceAndDestPorts = 0;
    uh->length_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian16(dmessage->length);
    uh->checksum_be = 0;

    uint16_t payloadLength = message.length;

    Message_shift(&message, Headers_IP6Header_SIZE);
    struct Headers_IP6Header* header = (struct Headers_IP6Header*) message.bytes;
    header->versionClassAndFlowLabel = 0;
    header->flowLabelLow_be = 0;
    header->nextHeader = 17;
    header->hopLimit = 0;
    header->payloadLength_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian16(payloadLength);



    #ifdef Log_DEBUG
        Assert_true(!((uintptr_t)dmessage->bytes % 4) || !"alignment fault");

    uh->checksum_be =
        Checksum_udpIp6(header->sourceAddr, (uint8_t*) uh, message.length - Headers_IP6Header_SIZE);

    struct Ducttape_MessageHeader* dtHeader = getDtHeader(&message, true);
    dtHeader->ip6Header = header;
    dtHeader->switchLabel = dmessage->address->path;

    struct SessionManager_Session* session =
    if (session->version == Version_DEFAULT_ASSUMPTION && dmessage->replyTo) {
        int64_t* verPtr = Dict_getInt(dmessage->replyTo->asDict, String_CONST("p"));
        session->version = (verPtr) ? *verPtr : Version_DEFAULT_ASSUMPTION;
    if (session->version == Version_DEFAULT_ASSUMPTION) {
        struct Node* n = RouterModule_getNode(dmessage->address->path, context->routerModule);
        if (n) {
            n->version = session->version =
                (n->version > session->version) ? n->version : session->version;

    sendToRouter(&message, dtHeader, session, context);

    return 0;

// Aligned on the beginning of the content.
static inline bool isRouterTraffic(struct Message* message, struct Headers_IP6Header* ip6)
    if (ip6->nextHeader != 17 || ip6->hopLimit != 0) {
        return false;

    struct Headers_UDPHeader* uh = (struct Headers_UDPHeader*) message->bytes;
    return message->length >= Headers_UDPHeader_SIZE
        && uh->sourceAndDestPorts == 0
        && (int) Endian_bigEndianToHost16(uh->length_be) ==
            (message->length - Headers_UDPHeader_SIZE);

#define debugHandles(logger, session, message, ...) \
    do {                                                                               \
        uint8_t ip[40];                                                                \
        AddrTools_printIp(ip, session->ip6);                                           \
        Log_debug(logger, "ver[%u] send[%d] recv[%u] ip[%s] " message,                 \
                  session->version,                                                    \
                  Endian_hostToBigEndian32(session->sendHandle_be),                    \
                  Endian_hostToBigEndian32(session->receiveHandle_be),                 \
                  ip,                                                                  \
                  __VA_ARGS__);                                                        \
    } while (0)
//CHECKFILES_IGNORE expecting a ;

#define debugHandles0(logger, session, message) \
    debugHandles(logger, session, message "%s", "")

#define debugHandlesAndLabel(logger, session, label, message, ...) \
    do {                                                                               \
        uint8_t path[20];                                                              \
        AddrTools_printPath(path, label);                                              \
        debugHandles(logger, session, "path[%s] " message, path, __VA_ARGS__);         \
    } while (0)
//CHECKFILES_IGNORE expecting a ;

#define debugHandlesAndLabel0(logger, session, label, message) \
    debugHandlesAndLabel(logger, session, label, "%s", message)

 * Message which is for us, message is aligned on the beginning of the content.
 * this is called from core() which calls through an interfaceMap.
static inline uint8_t incomingForMe(struct Message* message,
                                    struct Ducttape_MessageHeader* dtHeader,
                                    struct SessionManager_Session* session,
                                    struct Ducttape_pvt* context,
                                    uint8_t herPublicKey[32])
    struct Address addr;
    Bits_memcpyConst(addr.ip6.bytes, session->ip6, 16);
    //AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(addr.ip6.bytes, herPubKey);

    if (Bits_memcmp(addr.ip6.bytes, dtHeader->ip6Header->sourceAddr, 16)) {
        #ifdef Log_DEBUG
            uint8_t keyAddr[40];
            Address_printIp(keyAddr, &addr);
            Bits_memcpyConst(addr.ip6.bytes, dtHeader->ip6Header->sourceAddr, 16);
            uint8_t srcAddr[40];
            Address_printIp(srcAddr, &addr);
                       "Dropped packet because source address is not same as key.\n"
                       "    %s source addr\n"
                       "    %s hash of key\n",
        return Error_INVALID;

    if (isRouterTraffic(message, dtHeader->ip6Header)) {
        // Check the checksum.
        struct Headers_UDPHeader* uh = (struct Headers_UDPHeader*) message->bytes;

        if (Checksum_udpIp6(dtHeader->ip6Header->sourceAddr, (uint8_t*)uh, message->length)) {
            #ifdef Log_DEBUG
                uint8_t keyAddr[40];
                Address_printIp(keyAddr, &addr);
                          "Router packet with incorrect checksum, from [%s]", keyAddr);
            return Error_INVALID;

        // Shift off the UDP header.
        Message_shift(message, -Headers_UDPHeader_SIZE);
        addr.path = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(dtHeader->switchHeader->label_be);
        Bits_memcpyConst(addr.key, herPublicKey, 32);
        return incomingDHT(message, &addr, context);

    if (!context->userIf) {
                 "Dropping message because there is no router interface configured.\n");
        return Error_UNDELIVERABLE;

    // prevent router advertizement schenanigans
    if (dtHeader->ip6Header->hopLimit == 255) {

    // Now write a message to the TUN device.
    // Need to move the ipv6 header forward up to the content because there's a crypto header
    // between the ipv6 header and the content which just got eaten.
    Message_shift(message, Headers_IP6Header_SIZE);
    uint16_t sizeDiff = message->bytes - (uint8_t*)dtHeader->ip6Header;
    if (sizeDiff) {
        dtHeader->ip6Header->payloadLength_be =
                Endian_bigEndianToHost16(dtHeader->ip6Header->payloadLength_be) - sizeDiff);
        Bits_memmoveConst(message->bytes, dtHeader->ip6Header, Headers_IP6Header_SIZE);

    TUNMessageType_push(message, Ethernet_TYPE_IP6);

    context->userIf->sendMessage(message, context->userIf);
    return Error_NONE;

uint8_t Ducttape_injectIncomingForMe(struct Message* message,
                                     struct Ducttape* dt,
                                     uint8_t herPublicKey[32])
    struct Ducttape_pvt* context = Identity_cast((struct Ducttape_pvt*)dt);
    struct Ducttape_MessageHeader* dtHeader = getDtHeader(message, true);
    struct Headers_SwitchHeader sh;
    Bits_memcpyConst(&sh, message->bytes, Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);
    dtHeader->switchHeader = &sh;
    Message_shift(message, -Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);

    struct Headers_IP6Header ip6;
    Bits_memcpyConst(&ip6, message->bytes, Headers_IP6Header_SIZE);
    dtHeader->ip6Header = &ip6;
    Message_shift(message, -Headers_IP6Header_SIZE);

    struct SessionManager_Session s;
    AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(s.ip6, herPublicKey);
    s.version = Version_CURRENT_PROTOCOL;

    return incomingForMe(message, dtHeader, &s, context, herPublicKey);

 * Send a message to another switch.
 * Switchheader will precede the message.
static inline uint8_t sendToSwitch(struct Message* message,
                                   struct Ducttape_MessageHeader* dtHeader,
                                   struct SessionManager_Session* session,
                                   struct Ducttape_pvt* context)
    uint64_t label = dtHeader->switchLabel;

    if (CryptoAuth_getState(&session->iface) >= CryptoAuth_HANDSHAKE3) {
        debugHandlesAndLabel0(context->logger, session, label, "layer2 sending run message");
        uint32_t sendHandle_be = session->sendHandle_be;
        #ifdef Version_2_COMPAT
        if (session->version < 3) {
            sendHandle_be |= HANDLE_FLAG_BIT_be;
        Message_push(message, &sendHandle_be, 4);
    } else {
        debugHandlesAndLabel0(context->logger, session, label, "layer2 sending start message");
        #ifdef Version_2_COMPAT
        if (session->version < 3) {
            Message_push(message, &session->receiveHandle_be, 4);

    Message_shift(message, Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);

    Assert_true(message->bytes == (uint8_t*)dtHeader->switchHeader);

    return context->switchInterface.receiveMessage(message, &context->switchInterface);
Пример #25
int main()
    AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(nodeCjdnsIp6, fakePubKey);
    struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(1<<20);
    struct Writer* w = FileWriter_new(stdout, alloc);
    struct Log* logger = WriterLog_new(w, alloc);
    struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, logger, NULL);
    struct EventBase* eb = EventBase_new(alloc);

    struct IpTunnel* ipTun = IpTunnel_new(logger, eb, alloc, rand, NULL);
    struct Sockaddr_storage ip6ToGive;
    Sockaddr_parse("fd01:0101:0101:0101:0101:0101:0101:0101", &ip6ToGive);
    IpTunnel_allowConnection(fakePubKey, &ip6ToGive.addr, NULL, ipTun);

    struct Message* message;
    Message_STACK(message, 64, 512);
    message->alloc = alloc;

    const char* requestForAddresses =
          "1:q" "21:IpTunnel_getAddresses"
          "4:txid" "4:abcd"
    CString_strcpy((char*)message->bytes, requestForAddresses);
    message->length = CString_strlen(requestForAddresses);

    Message_shift(message, Headers_UDPHeader_SIZE, NULL);
    struct Headers_UDPHeader* uh = (struct Headers_UDPHeader*) message->bytes;

    uh->srcPort_be = 0;
    uh->destPort_be = 0;
    uh->length_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian16(message->length - Headers_UDPHeader_SIZE);
    uint16_t* checksum = &uh->checksum_be;
    *checksum = 0;
    uint32_t length = message->length;

    Message_shift(message, Headers_IP6Header_SIZE, NULL);
    struct Headers_IP6Header* ip = (struct Headers_IP6Header*) message->bytes;

    ip->versionClassAndFlowLabel = 0;
    ip->flowLabelLow_be = 0;
    ip->payloadLength_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian16(length);
    ip->nextHeader = 17;
    ip->hopLimit = 255;
    Bits_memset(ip->sourceAddr, 0, 32);

    Message_shift(message, IpTunnel_PacketInfoHeader_SIZE, NULL);
    struct IpTunnel_PacketInfoHeader* pi = (struct IpTunnel_PacketInfoHeader*) message->bytes;

    Bits_memcpyConst(pi->nodeIp6Addr, nodeCjdnsIp6, 16);
    Bits_memcpyConst(pi->nodeKey, fakePubKey, 32);

    *checksum = Checksum_udpIp6(ip->sourceAddr, (uint8_t*) uh, length);

    ipTun->nodeInterface.receiveMessage = responseWithIpCallback;
    ipTun->nodeInterface.sendMessage(message, &ipTun->nodeInterface);
    called = 0;

    // Now create a message for someone else.
        + Headers_IP6Header_SIZE
        + IpTunnel_PacketInfoHeader_SIZE,
    Bits_memcpyConst(ip->sourceAddr, fakeIp6ToGive, 16);
    // This can't be zero.
    Bits_memset(ip->destinationAddr, 1, 16);

    ipTun->tunInterface.receiveMessage = messageToTun;
    ipTun->nodeInterface.sendMessage(message, &ipTun->nodeInterface);

    return 0;
Пример #26
static uint8_t encryptHandshake(struct Message* message,
                                struct CryptoAuth_Wrapper* wrapper,
                                int setupMessage)
    Message_shift(message, sizeof(union Headers_CryptoAuth), NULL);

    union Headers_CryptoAuth* header = (union Headers_CryptoAuth*) message->bytes;

    // garbage the auth challenge and set the nonce which follows it
    Random_bytes(wrapper->context->rand, (uint8_t*) &header->handshake.auth,
                 sizeof(union Headers_AuthChallenge) + 24);

    // set the permanent key
    Bits_memcpyConst(&header->handshake.publicKey, wrapper->context->pub.publicKey, 32);

    if (!knowHerKey(wrapper)) {
        return genReverseHandshake(message, wrapper, header);
    } else if (!Bits_isZero(wrapper->herIp6, 16)) {
        // If someone starts a CA session and then discovers the key later and memcpy's it into the
        // result of getHerPublicKey() then we want to make sure they didn't memcpy in an invalid
        // key.
        uint8_t calculatedIp6[16];
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(calculatedIp6, wrapper->herPerminentPubKey);
        Assert_true(!Bits_memcmp(wrapper->herIp6, calculatedIp6, 16));

    if (wrapper->bufferedMessage) {
        // We wanted to send a message but we didn't know the peer's key so we buffered it
        // and sent a connectToMe.
        // Now we just discovered their key and we're sending a hello packet.
        // Lets send 2 hello packets instead and on one will attach our buffered message.

        // This can never happen when the machine is beyond the first hello packet because
        // it should have been sent either by this or in the recipet of a hello packet from
        // the other node.
        Assert_true(wrapper->nextNonce == 0);

        struct Message* bm = wrapper->bufferedMessage;
        wrapper->bufferedMessage = NULL;
        cryptoAuthDebug0(wrapper, "Sending buffered message");
        sendMessage(bm, &wrapper->externalInterface);

    // Password auth
    uint8_t* passwordHash = NULL;
    struct CryptoAuth_Auth auth;
    if (wrapper->password != NULL) {
        passwordHash = hashPassword(&auth, wrapper->password, wrapper->authType);
                         sizeof(union Headers_AuthChallenge));
    header->handshake.auth.challenge.type = wrapper->authType;

    // Packet authentication option is deprecated, it must always be enabled.
    Headers_setPacketAuthRequired(&header->handshake.auth, 1);

    // This is a special packet which the user should never see.
    Headers_setSetupPacket(&header->handshake.auth, setupMessage);

    // Set the session state
    uint32_t sessionState_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian32(wrapper->nextNonce);
    header->nonce = sessionState_be;

    if (wrapper->nextNonce == 0 || wrapper->nextNonce == 2) {
        // If we're sending a hello or a key
        // Here we make up a temp keypair
        Random_bytes(wrapper->context->rand, wrapper->ourTempPrivKey, 32);
        crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(wrapper->ourTempPubKey, wrapper->ourTempPrivKey);

        #ifdef Log_KEYS
            uint8_t tempPrivateKeyHex[65];
            Hex_encode(tempPrivateKeyHex, 65, wrapper->ourTempPrivKey, 32);
            uint8_t tempPubKeyHex[65];
            Hex_encode(tempPubKeyHex, 65, header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32);
            Log_keys(wrapper->context->logger, "Generating temporary keypair\n"
                                                "    myTempPrivateKey=%s\n"
                                                "     myTempPublicKey=%s\n",
                      tempPrivateKeyHex, tempPubKeyHex);

    Bits_memcpyConst(header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, wrapper->ourTempPubKey, 32);

    #ifdef Log_KEYS
        uint8_t tempKeyHex[65];
        Hex_encode(tempKeyHex, 65, header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32);
                  "Wrapping temp public key:\n"
                  "    %s\n",

    cryptoAuthDebug(wrapper, "Sending %s%s packet",
                    ((wrapper->nextNonce & 1) ? "repeat " : ""),
                    ((wrapper->nextNonce < 2) ? "hello" : "key"));

    uint8_t sharedSecret[32];
    if (wrapper->nextNonce < 2) {

        wrapper->isInitiator = true;

        Assert_true(wrapper->nextNonce <= 1);
        wrapper->nextNonce = 1;
    } else {
        // Handshake2
        // herTempPubKey was set by receiveMessage()
        Assert_ifParanoid(!Bits_isZero(wrapper->herTempPubKey, 32));

        Assert_true(wrapper->nextNonce <= 3);
        wrapper->nextNonce = 3;

        #ifdef Log_KEYS
            uint8_t tempKeyHex[65];
            Hex_encode(tempKeyHex, 65, wrapper->herTempPubKey, 32);
                      "Using their temp public key:\n"
                      "    %s\n",

    // Shift message over the encryptedTempKey field.
    Message_shift(message, 32 - Headers_CryptoAuth_SIZE, NULL);

    encryptRndNonce(header->handshake.nonce, message, sharedSecret);

    #ifdef Log_KEYS
        uint8_t sharedSecretHex[65];
        printHexKey(sharedSecretHex, sharedSecret);
        uint8_t nonceHex[49];
        Hex_encode(nonceHex, 49, header->handshake.nonce, 24);
        uint8_t cipherHex[65];
        printHexKey(cipherHex, message->bytes);
                  "Encrypting message with:\n"
                  "    nonce: %s\n"
                  "   secret: %s\n"
                  "   cipher: %s\n",
                  nonceHex, sharedSecretHex, cipherHex);

    // Shift it back -- encryptRndNonce adds 16 bytes of authenticator.
    Message_shift(message, Headers_CryptoAuth_SIZE - 32 - 16, NULL);

    return wrapper->wrappedInterface->sendMessage(message, wrapper->wrappedInterface);
Пример #27
static void adminPeerStats(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct Context* context = Identity_check((struct Context*)vcontext);
    struct InterfaceController_PeerStats* stats = NULL;

    int64_t* page = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("page"));
    int i = (page) ? *page * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE : 0;

    int count = InterfaceController_getPeerStats(context->ic, alloc, &stats);

    String* bytesIn = String_CONST("bytesIn");
    String* bytesOut = String_CONST("bytesOut");
    String* pubKey = String_CONST("publicKey");
    String* addr = String_CONST("addr");
    String* state = String_CONST("state");
    String* last = String_CONST("last");
    String* switchLabel = String_CONST("switchLabel");
    String* isIncoming = String_CONST("isIncoming");
    String* user = String_CONST("user");
    String* version = String_CONST("version");

    String* duplicates = String_CONST("duplicates");
    String* lostPackets = String_CONST("lostPackets");
    String* receivedOutOfRange = String_CONST("receivedOutOfRange");

    List* list = List_new(alloc);
    for (int counter=0; i < count && counter++ < ENTRIES_PER_PAGE; i++) {
        Dict* d = Dict_new(alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, bytesIn, stats[i].bytesIn, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, bytesOut, stats[i].bytesOut, alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, addr, Address_toString(&stats[i].addr, alloc), alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, pubKey, Key_stringify(stats[i].addr.key, alloc), alloc);

        String* stateString = String_new(InterfaceController_stateString(stats[i].state), alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, state, stateString, alloc);

        Dict_putInt(d, last, stats[i].timeOfLastMessage, alloc);

        uint8_t labelStack[20];
        AddrTools_printPath(labelStack, stats[i].addr.path);
        Dict_putString(d, switchLabel, String_new((char*)labelStack, alloc), alloc);

        Dict_putInt(d, isIncoming, stats[i].isIncomingConnection, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, duplicates, stats[i].duplicates, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, lostPackets, stats[i].lostPackets, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, receivedOutOfRange, stats[i].receivedOutOfRange, alloc);

        if (stats[i].user) {
            Dict_putString(d, user, stats[i].user, alloc);

        uint8_t address[16];
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(address, stats[i].addr.key);
        Dict_putInt(d, version, stats[i].addr.protocolVersion, alloc);

        List_addDict(list, d, alloc);

    Dict* resp = Dict_new(alloc);
    Dict_putList(resp, String_CONST("peers"), list, alloc);
    Dict_putInt(resp, String_CONST("total"), count, alloc);

    if (i < count) {
        Dict_putInt(resp, String_CONST("more"), 1, alloc);

    Dict_putString(resp, String_CONST("deprecation"),
        String_CONST("publicKey,switchLabel,version will soon be removed"), alloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(resp, txid, context->admin);
Пример #28
static struct Address* createAddress(int mostSignificantAddressSpaceByte, int* hops)
    uint64_t path = getPath(hops);
    struct Address address = { .path = 0 };

    if (!genKeys) {
        if ((int)(sizeof(KEYS) / sizeof(*KEYS)) < (nextKey + 1)) {
        Bits_memcpyConst(address.key, KEYS[nextKey], 32);
        if (AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(address.ip6.bytes, address.key)
            && (mostSignificantAddressSpaceByte == -1
                || address.ip6.bytes[8] == mostSignificantAddressSpaceByte))
            uint8_t publicKeyHex[65];
            Hex_encode(publicKeyHex, 65, address.key, 32);
            printf("created new key: [%s]\n", publicKeyHex);

            address.path = path;
            return Allocator_clone(alloc, &address);
        } else {
            uint8_t publicKeyHex[65];
            Hex_encode(publicKeyHex, 65, address.key, 32);
            printf("bad key: [%s]\n", publicKeyHex);
            if (address.ip6.ints.three) {
                uint8_t printedAddr[40];
                AddrTools_printIp(printedAddr, address.ip6.bytes);
                printf("addr: [%s]\n", printedAddr);

    for (;;) {
        Random_bytes(rand, address.key, 32);
        // Brute force for keys until one matches FC00:/8
        if (AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(address.ip6.bytes, address.key)
            && (mostSignificantAddressSpaceByte == -1
                || address.ip6.bytes[8] == mostSignificantAddressSpaceByte))

            uint8_t publicKeyHex[65];
            Hex_encode(publicKeyHex, 65, address.key, 32);
            printf("created new key: [%s]\n", publicKeyHex);

            address.path = path;
            return Allocator_clone(alloc, &address);

static struct Address* randomIp(int* hops)
    return createAddress(-1, hops);

// This creates a random address which is a peer
static struct Address* randomAddress()
    return randomIp((int[]){0,1}/*0x13*/);
Пример #29
static void encryptHandshake(struct Message* message,
                             struct CryptoAuth_Session_pvt* session,
                             int setupMessage)
    Message_shift(message, sizeof(union CryptoHeader), NULL);

    union CryptoHeader* header = (union CryptoHeader*) message->bytes;

    // garbage the auth challenge and set the nonce which follows it
    Random_bytes(session->context->rand, (uint8_t*) &header->handshake.auth,
                 sizeof(union CryptoHeader_Challenge) + 24);

    // set the permanent key
    Bits_memcpyConst(&header->handshake.publicKey, session->context->pub.publicKey, 32);


    uint8_t calculatedIp6[16];
    AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(calculatedIp6, session->pub.herPublicKey);
    if (!Bits_isZero(session->pub.herIp6, 16)) {
        // If someone starts a CA session and then discovers the key later and memcpy's it into the
        // result of getHerPublicKey() then we want to make sure they didn't memcpy in an invalid
        // key.
        Assert_true(!Bits_memcmp(session->pub.herIp6, calculatedIp6, 16));

    // Password auth
    uint8_t* passwordHash = NULL;
    uint8_t passwordHashStore[32];
    if (session->password != NULL) {
        passwordHash = passwordHashStore;
    } else {
        header->handshake.auth.challenge.type = session->authType;
        header->handshake.auth.challenge.additional = 0;

    // Set the session state
    header->nonce = Endian_hostToBigEndian32(session->nextNonce);

    if (session->nextNonce == 0 || session->nextNonce == 2) {
        // If we're sending a hello or a key
        // Here we make up a temp keypair
        Random_bytes(session->context->rand, session->ourTempPrivKey, 32);
        crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(session->ourTempPubKey, session->ourTempPrivKey);

        if (Defined(Log_KEYS)) {
            uint8_t tempPrivateKeyHex[65];
            Hex_encode(tempPrivateKeyHex, 65, session->ourTempPrivKey, 32);
            uint8_t tempPubKeyHex[65];
            Hex_encode(tempPubKeyHex, 65, session->ourTempPubKey, 32);
            Log_keys(session->context->logger, "Generating temporary keypair\n"
                                                "    myTempPrivateKey=%s\n"
                                                "     myTempPublicKey=%s\n",
                      tempPrivateKeyHex, tempPubKeyHex);

    Bits_memcpyConst(header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, session->ourTempPubKey, 32);

    if (Defined(Log_KEYS)) {
        uint8_t tempKeyHex[65];
        Hex_encode(tempKeyHex, 65, header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32);
                  "Wrapping temp public key:\n"
                  "    %s\n",

    cryptoAuthDebug(session, "Sending %s%s packet",
                    ((session->nextNonce & 1) ? "repeat " : ""),
                    ((session->nextNonce < 2) ? "hello" : "key"));

    uint8_t sharedSecret[32];
    if (session->nextNonce < 2) {

        session->isInitiator = true;

        Assert_true(session->nextNonce <= 1);
        session->nextNonce = 1;
    } else {
        // Handshake2
        // herTempPubKey was set by decryptHandshake()
        Assert_ifParanoid(!Bits_isZero(session->herTempPubKey, 32));

        Assert_true(session->nextNonce <= 3);
        session->nextNonce = 3;

        if (Defined(Log_KEYS)) {
            uint8_t tempKeyHex[65];
            Hex_encode(tempKeyHex, 65, session->herTempPubKey, 32);
                      "Using their temp public key:\n"
                      "    %s\n",

    // Shift message over the encryptedTempKey field.
    Message_shift(message, 32 - CryptoHeader_SIZE, NULL);

    encryptRndNonce(header->handshake.nonce, message, sharedSecret);

    if (Defined(Log_KEYS)) {
        uint8_t sharedSecretHex[65];
        printHexKey(sharedSecretHex, sharedSecret);
        uint8_t nonceHex[49];
        Hex_encode(nonceHex, 49, header->handshake.nonce, 24);
        uint8_t cipherHex[65];
        printHexKey(cipherHex, message->bytes);
                  "Encrypting message with:\n"
                  "    nonce: %s\n"
                  "   secret: %s\n"
                  "   cipher: %s\n",
                  nonceHex, sharedSecretHex, cipherHex);

    // Shift it back -- encryptRndNonce adds 16 bytes of authenticator.
    Message_shift(message, CryptoHeader_SIZE - 32 - 16, NULL);
Пример #30
struct TestFramework* TestFramework_setUp(char* privateKey,
        struct Allocator* allocator,
        struct Log* logger)
    if (!logger) {
        struct Writer* logwriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, allocator);
        logger = WriterLog_new(logwriter, allocator);

    struct Random* rand = Random_new(allocator, logger, NULL);
    struct EventBase* base = EventBase_new(allocator);

    uint64_t pks[4];
    if (!privateKey) {
        Random_longs(rand, pks, 4);
        privateKey = (char*)pks;

    uint8_t* publicKey = Allocator_malloc(allocator, 32);
    crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(publicKey, (uint8_t*)privateKey);

    struct Address* myAddress = Allocator_calloc(allocator, sizeof(struct Address), 1);
    Bits_memcpyConst(myAddress->key, publicKey, 32);
    AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(myAddress->ip6.bytes, publicKey);

    struct SwitchCore* switchCore = SwitchCore_new(logger, allocator);
    struct CryptoAuth* ca = CryptoAuth_new(allocator, (uint8_t*)privateKey, base, logger, rand);

    struct DHTModuleRegistry* registry = DHTModuleRegistry_new(allocator);
    ReplyModule_register(registry, allocator);

    struct NodeStore* nodeStore = NodeStore_new(myAddress, 128, allocator, logger, rand);

    struct RouterModule* routerModule =
        RouterModule_register(registry, allocator, publicKey, base, logger, rand, nodeStore);

    struct SearchRunner* searchRunner =
        SearchRunner_new(nodeStore, logger, base, routerModule, myAddress->ip6.bytes, allocator);

    SerializationModule_register(registry, logger, allocator);

    struct IpTunnel* ipTun = IpTunnel_new(logger, base, allocator, rand, NULL);

    struct Ducttape* dt =
        Ducttape_register((uint8_t*)privateKey, registry, routerModule, searchRunner,
                          switchCore, base, allocator, logger, ipTun, rand);

    struct SwitchPinger* sp = SwitchPinger_new(&dt->switchPingerIf, base, rand, logger, allocator);

    // Interfaces.
    struct InterfaceController* ifController =

    struct TestFramework* tf = Allocator_clone(allocator, (&(struct TestFramework) {
        .alloc = allocator,
         .rand = rand,
          .eventBase = base,
           .logger = logger,
            .switchCore = switchCore,
             .ducttape = dt,
              .cryptoAuth = ca,
               .router = routerModule,
                .switchPinger = sp,
                 .ifController = ifController,
                  .publicKey = publicKey,
                   .ip = myAddress->ip6.bytes