Пример #1
  Allocates an aligned buffer for SCSI device.

  This function allocates an aligned buffer for the SCSI device to perform
  SCSI pass through operations. The alignment requirement is from SCSI pass
  through interface.

  @param  ScsiIoDevice      The SCSI child device involved for the operation.
  @param  BufferSize        The request buffer size.

  @return A pointer to the aligned buffer or NULL if the allocation fails.

AllocateAlignedBuffer (
  IN SCSI_IO_DEV              *ScsiIoDevice,
  IN UINTN                    BufferSize
  return AllocateAlignedPages (EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (BufferSize), ScsiIoDevice->ScsiIo.IoAlign);
Пример #2
        for (Index = 0; Index < TT_ENTRY_COUNT; Index++) {
          *SubTableBlockEntry = Attributes | (BlockEntryAddress + (Index << TT_ADDRESS_OFFSET_AT_LEVEL(IndexLevel + 1)));

        // Fill the BlockEntry with the new TranslationTable
        *BlockEntry = ((UINTN)TranslationTable & TT_ADDRESS_MASK_DESCRIPTION_TABLE) | TableAttributes | TT_TYPE_TABLE_ENTRY;
    } else {
      if (IndexLevel != PageLevel) {
        // Case when we have an Invalid Entry and we are at a page level above of the one targetted.

        // Create a new translation table
        TranslationTable = (UINT64*)AllocateAlignedPages (EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES(TT_ENTRY_COUNT * sizeof(UINT64)), TT_ALIGNMENT_DESCRIPTION_TABLE);
        if (TranslationTable == NULL) {
          return NULL;

        ZeroMem (TranslationTable, TT_ENTRY_COUNT * sizeof(UINT64));

        // Fill the new BlockEntry with the TranslationTable

  // Expose the found PageLevel to the caller
  *TableLevel = PageLevel;
Пример #3
GetBlockEntryListFromAddress (
  IN  UINT64       *RootTable,
  IN  UINT64        RegionStart,
  OUT UINTN        *TableLevel,
  IN OUT UINT64    *BlockEntrySize,
  OUT UINT64      **LastBlockEntry
  UINTN   RootTableLevel;
  UINTN   RootTableEntryCount;
  UINT64 *TranslationTable;
  UINT64 *BlockEntry;
  UINT64 *SubTableBlockEntry;
  UINT64  BlockEntryAddress;
  UINTN   BaseAddressAlignment;
  UINTN   PageLevel;
  UINTN   Index;
  UINTN   IndexLevel;
  UINT64  Attributes;
  UINT64  TableAttributes;

  // Initialize variable
  BlockEntry = NULL;

  // Ensure the parameters are valid
  if (!(TableLevel && BlockEntrySize && LastBlockEntry)) {
    return NULL;

  // Ensure the Region is aligned on 4KB boundary
  if ((RegionStart & (SIZE_4KB - 1)) != 0) {
    return NULL;

  // Ensure the required size is aligned on 4KB boundary and not 0
  if ((*BlockEntrySize & (SIZE_4KB - 1)) != 0 || *BlockEntrySize == 0) {
    return NULL;

  T0SZ = ArmGetTCR () & TCR_T0SZ_MASK;
  // Get the Table info from T0SZ
  GetRootTranslationTableInfo (T0SZ, &RootTableLevel, &RootTableEntryCount);

  // If the start address is 0x0 then we use the size of the region to identify the alignment
  if (RegionStart == 0) {
    // Identify the highest possible alignment for the Region Size
    BaseAddressAlignment = LowBitSet64 (*BlockEntrySize);
  } else {
    // Identify the highest possible alignment for the Base Address
    BaseAddressAlignment = LowBitSet64 (RegionStart);

  // Identify the Page Level the RegionStart must belong to. Note that PageLevel
  // should be at least 1 since block translations are not supported at level 0
  PageLevel = MAX (3 - ((BaseAddressAlignment - 12) / 9), 1);

  // If the required size is smaller than the current block size then we need to go to the page below.
  // The PageLevel was calculated on the Base Address alignment but did not take in account the alignment
  // of the allocation size
  while (*BlockEntrySize < TT_BLOCK_ENTRY_SIZE_AT_LEVEL (PageLevel)) {
    // It does not fit so we need to go a page level above

  // Get the Table Descriptor for the corresponding PageLevel. We need to decompose RegionStart to get appropriate entries

  TranslationTable = RootTable;
  for (IndexLevel = RootTableLevel; IndexLevel <= PageLevel; IndexLevel++) {
    BlockEntry = (UINT64*)TT_GET_ENTRY_FOR_ADDRESS (TranslationTable, IndexLevel, RegionStart);

    if ((IndexLevel != 3) && ((*BlockEntry & TT_TYPE_MASK) == TT_TYPE_TABLE_ENTRY)) {
      // Go to the next table
      TranslationTable = (UINT64*)(*BlockEntry & TT_ADDRESS_MASK_DESCRIPTION_TABLE);

      // If we are at the last level then update the last level to next level
      if (IndexLevel == PageLevel) {
        // Enter the next level
    } else if ((*BlockEntry & TT_TYPE_MASK) == TT_TYPE_BLOCK_ENTRY) {
      // If we are not at the last level then we need to split this BlockEntry
      if (IndexLevel != PageLevel) {
        // Retrieve the attributes from the block entry
        Attributes = *BlockEntry & TT_ATTRIBUTES_MASK;

        // Convert the block entry attributes into Table descriptor attributes
        TableAttributes = TT_TABLE_AP_NO_PERMISSION;
        if (Attributes & TT_PXN_MASK) {
          TableAttributes = TT_TABLE_PXN;
        // XN maps to UXN in the EL1&0 translation regime
        if (Attributes & TT_XN_MASK) {
          TableAttributes = TT_TABLE_XN;
        if (Attributes & TT_NS) {
          TableAttributes = TT_TABLE_NS;

        // Get the address corresponding at this entry
        BlockEntryAddress = RegionStart;
        BlockEntryAddress = BlockEntryAddress >> TT_ADDRESS_OFFSET_AT_LEVEL(IndexLevel);
        // Shift back to right to set zero before the effective address
        BlockEntryAddress = BlockEntryAddress << TT_ADDRESS_OFFSET_AT_LEVEL(IndexLevel);

        // Set the correct entry type for the next page level
        if ((IndexLevel + 1) == 3) {
          Attributes |= TT_TYPE_BLOCK_ENTRY_LEVEL3;
        } else {
          Attributes |= TT_TYPE_BLOCK_ENTRY;

        // Create a new translation table
        TranslationTable = (UINT64*)AllocateAlignedPages (EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES(TT_ENTRY_COUNT * sizeof(UINT64)), TT_ALIGNMENT_DESCRIPTION_TABLE);
        if (TranslationTable == NULL) {
          return NULL;

        // Populate the newly created lower level table
        SubTableBlockEntry = TranslationTable;
        for (Index = 0; Index < TT_ENTRY_COUNT; Index++) {
          *SubTableBlockEntry = Attributes | (BlockEntryAddress + (Index << TT_ADDRESS_OFFSET_AT_LEVEL(IndexLevel + 1)));

        // Fill the BlockEntry with the new TranslationTable
        *BlockEntry = ((UINTN)TranslationTable & TT_ADDRESS_MASK_DESCRIPTION_TABLE) | TableAttributes | TT_TYPE_TABLE_ENTRY;
    } else {
      if (IndexLevel != PageLevel) {
  Initialize DMA protection.

  @param VTdInfo        The VTd engine context information.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           the DMA protection is initialized.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  no enough resource to initialize DMA protection.
InitDmaProtection (
  IN   VTD_INFO                    *VTdInfo
  EFI_STATUS                  Status;
  UINT32                      LowMemoryAlignment;
  UINT64                      HighMemoryAlignment;
  UINTN                       MemoryAlignment;
  UINTN                       LowBottom;
  UINTN                       LowTop;
  UINTN                       HighBottom;
  UINT64                      HighTop;
  DMA_BUFFER_INFO             *DmaBufferInfo;
  VOID                        *Hob;
  EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR      *OldDescriptor;
  EDKII_IOMMU_PPI             *OldIoMmuPpi;

  Hob = GetFirstGuidHob (&mDmaBufferInfoGuid);
  DmaBufferInfo = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA(Hob);

  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, " DmaBufferSize : 0x%x\n", DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferSize));

  LowMemoryAlignment = GetLowMemoryAlignment (VTdInfo, VTdInfo->EngineMask);
  HighMemoryAlignment = GetHighMemoryAlignment (VTdInfo, VTdInfo->EngineMask);
  if (LowMemoryAlignment < HighMemoryAlignment) {
    MemoryAlignment = (UINTN)HighMemoryAlignment;
  } else {
    MemoryAlignment = LowMemoryAlignment;
  ASSERT (DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferSize == ALIGN_VALUE(DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferSize, MemoryAlignment));
  DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferBase = (UINTN)AllocateAlignedPages (EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES(DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferSize), MemoryAlignment);
  ASSERT (DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferBase != 0);
  if (DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferBase == 0) {
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, " InitDmaProtection : OutOfResource\n"));

  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, " DmaBufferBase : 0x%x\n", DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferBase));

  DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferCurrentTop = DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferBase + DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferSize;
  DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferCurrentBottom = DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferBase;

  // (Re)Install PPI.
  Status = PeiServicesLocatePpi (
             (VOID **) &OldIoMmuPpi
  if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    Status = PeiServicesReInstallPpi (OldDescriptor, &mIoMmuPpiList);
  } else {
    Status = PeiServicesInstallPpi (&mIoMmuPpiList);

  LowBottom = 0;
  LowTop = DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferBase;
  HighBottom = DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferBase + DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferSize;
  HighTop = LShiftU64 (1, VTdInfo->HostAddressWidth + 1);

  Status = SetDmaProtectedRange (
             (UINT32)(LowTop - LowBottom),
             HighTop - HighBottom

  if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
    FreePages ((VOID *)DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferBase, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES(DmaBufferInfo->DmaBufferSize));

  return Status;