Пример #1
inline void WriteBounds(const T* in, unsigned int size, FILE* out)
	T minc,maxc;
Пример #2
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
float ComputePositionEpsilon(const aiMesh* pMesh)
	const float epsilon = 1e-4f;

	// calculate the position bounds so we have a reliable epsilon to check position differences against 
	aiVector3D minVec, maxVec;
	return (maxVec - minVec).Length() * epsilon;
Пример #3
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
float ComputePositionEpsilon(const aiMesh* const* pMeshes, size_t num)
	const float epsilon = 1e-4f;

	// calculate the position bounds so we have a reliable epsilon to check position differences against 
	aiVector3D minVec, maxVec, mi, ma;

	for (size_t a = 0; a < num; ++a) {
		const aiMesh* pMesh = pMeshes[a];

		minVec = std::min(minVec,mi);
		maxVec = std::max(maxVec,ma);
	return (maxVec - minVec).Length() * epsilon;
Пример #4
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TempMesh::RemoveAdjacentDuplicates() 

	bool drop = false;
	std::vector<IfcVector3>::iterator base = verts.begin();
	BOOST_FOREACH(unsigned int& cnt, vertcnt) {
		if (cnt < 2){
			base += cnt;

		IfcVector3 vmin,vmax;
		ArrayBounds(&*base, cnt ,vmin,vmax);

		const IfcFloat epsilon = (vmax-vmin).SquareLength() / static_cast<IfcFloat>(1e9);
		//const IfcFloat dotepsilon = 1e-9;

		//// look for vertices that lie directly on the line between their predecessor and their 
		//// successor and replace them with either of them.

		//for(size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
		//	IfcVector3& v1 = *(base+i), &v0 = *(base+(i?i-1:cnt-1)), &v2 = *(base+(i+1)%cnt);
		//	const IfcVector3& d0 = (v1-v0), &d1 = (v2-v1);
		//	const IfcFloat l0 = d0.SquareLength(), l1 = d1.SquareLength();
		//	if (!l0 || !l1) {
		//		continue;
		//	}

		//	const IfcFloat d = (d0/std::sqrt(l0))*(d1/std::sqrt(l1));

		//	if ( d >= 1.f-dotepsilon ) {
		//		v1 = v0;
		//	}
		//	else if ( d < -1.f+dotepsilon ) {
		//		v2 = v1;
		//		continue;
		//	}

		// drop any identical, adjacent vertices. this pass will collect the dropouts
		// of the previous pass as a side-effect.
		FuzzyVectorCompare fz(epsilon);
		std::vector<IfcVector3>::iterator end = base+cnt, e = std::unique( base, end, fz );
		if (e != end) {
			cnt -= static_cast<unsigned int>(std::distance(e, end));
			drop  = true;

		// check front and back vertices for this polygon
		if (cnt > 1 && fz(*base,*(base+cnt-1))) {
			verts.erase(base+ --cnt);
			drop  = true;

		// removing adjacent duplicates shouldn't erase everything :-)
		base += cnt;
	if(drop) {
		IFCImporter::LogDebug("removing duplicate vertices");
Пример #5
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FindMeshCenter (aiMesh* mesh, aiVector3D& out, aiVector3D& min, aiVector3D& max)
	ArrayBounds(mesh->mVertices,mesh->mNumVertices, min,max);
	out = min + (max-min)*0.5f;