static rdpChannels* freerdp_channels_find_by_instance(freerdp* instance) { int index; BOOL found = FALSE; rdpChannels* channels = NULL; ArrayList_Lock(g_ChannelsList); index = 0; channels = (rdpChannels*) ArrayList_GetItem(g_ChannelsList, index++); while (channels) { if (channels->instance == instance) { found = TRUE; break; } channels = (rdpChannels*) ArrayList_GetItem(g_ChannelsList, index++); } ArrayList_Unlock(g_ChannelsList); return (found) ? channels : NULL; }
IWTSVirtualChannel *dvcman_find_channel_by_id(IWTSVirtualChannelManager *pChannelMgr, UINT32 ChannelId) { int index; BOOL found = FALSE; DVCMAN_CHANNEL *channel; DVCMAN *dvcman = (DVCMAN *) pChannelMgr; assert(dvcman); ArrayList_Lock(dvcman->channels); index = 0; channel = (DVCMAN_CHANNEL *) ArrayList_GetItem(dvcman->channels, index++); while (channel) { if (channel->channel_id == ChannelId) { found = TRUE; break; } channel = (DVCMAN_CHANNEL *) ArrayList_GetItem(dvcman->channels, index++); } ArrayList_Unlock(dvcman->channels); return (found) ? ((IWTSVirtualChannel *) channel) : NULL; }
int SortedLimitedList_AddItem (SortedLimitedList* self, void* value) { int pos = ArrayList_Count(&self->base); while (pos > 0 && self->comparator.compareTo(&self->comparator, ArrayList_GetItem(&self->base, pos-1), value) >= 0) { if (pos < self->max) { if (pos==self->max-1) { if (ArrayList_Count(&self->base) == self->max) { if (self->deletefn) { self->deletefn(ArrayList_GetItem(&self->base, pos)); } } } SortedLimitedList_SetItem(self, pos, ArrayList_GetItem(&self->base, pos-1)); } pos --; } if (pos < self->max) { if (pos==self->max-1) { if (ArrayList_Count(&self->base) == self->max) { if (self->deletefn) { self->deletefn(ArrayList_GetItem(&self->base, pos)); } } } SortedLimitedList_SetItem(self, pos, value); } else { if (self->deletefn) { self->deletefn(value); } pos = -1; } return pos; }
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { ArrayList* al = ArrayList_new0 (FilterPoint_delete); Random* rnd = Random_new0 (); int n; for (n = 0 ; n < 10 ; ++n) { FilterPoint* p = FilterPoint_new0 (); p->x = Random_NextDouble(rnd) * 400.0; p->y = Random_NextDouble(rnd) * 400.0; ArrayList_AddItem(al, p); } int i; for(i=0; i<ArrayList_Count(al); i++) { FilterPoint* p = ArrayList_GetItem(al, i); WriteLine ("%f %f # GNUPLOT1", p->x, p->y); } AreaFilter* conv = AreaFilter_new0 (); ArrayList* hull = AreaFilter_CreateConvexHull(conv, al); WriteLine ("\nhull: %d elements", ArrayList_Count(hull)); int j; for(j=0; j<ArrayList_Count(hull); j++) { FilterPoint* p = ArrayList_GetItem(hull, j); WriteLine ("%f %f # GNUPLOT2", p->x, p->y); } WriteLine ("\npolygon area: %f", AreaFilter_PolygonArea(conv, hull)); ArrayList_delete(al); return 0; }
ArrayList* MatchKeys_FilterJoins (ArrayList* matches) { HashTable* ht = HashTable_new0 (NULL, NULL); // Count the references to each keypoint int i; for(i=0; i<ArrayList_Count(matches); i++) { Match* m = (Match*) ArrayList_GetItem(matches, i); int lI = (HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp1) == NULL) ? 0 : (int) HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp1); HashTable_SetItem(ht, m->kp1, (void*)(lI + 1)); int rI = (HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp2) == NULL) ? 0 : (int) HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp2); HashTable_SetItem(ht, m->kp2, (void*)(rI + 1)); } ArrayList* survivors = ArrayList_new0(NULL); int removed = 0; int j; for(j=0; j<ArrayList_Count(matches); j++) { Match* m = (Match*) ArrayList_GetItem(matches, j); //WriteLine ("match: %d, %d", (int) HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp1), (int) HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp2)); if (((int) HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp1)) <= 1 && ((int) HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp2)) <= 1) ArrayList_AddItem(survivors, m); else removed += 1; } HashTable_delete(ht); return (survivors); }
static rdpChannels* freerdp_channels_find_by_open_handle(int open_handle, int* pindex) { int i, j; BOOL found = FALSE; rdpChannels* channels = NULL; ArrayList_Lock(g_ChannelsList); i = j = 0; channels = (rdpChannels*) ArrayList_GetItem(g_ChannelsList, i++); while (channels) { for (j = 0; j < channels->channelDataCount; j++) { if (channels->channelDataList[j].open_handle == open_handle) { *pindex = j; found = TRUE; break; } } if (found) break; channels = (rdpChannels*) ArrayList_GetItem(g_ChannelsList, i++); } ArrayList_Unlock(g_ChannelsList); return (found) ? channels : NULL; }
static rdpSvcPlugin* svc_plugin_find_by_open_handle(UINT32 open_handle) { int index; BOOL found = FALSE; rdpSvcPlugin* plugin; ArrayList_Lock(g_AddinList); index = 0; plugin = (rdpSvcPlugin*) ArrayList_GetItem(g_AddinList, index++); while (plugin) { if (plugin->open_handle == open_handle) { found = TRUE; break; } plugin = (rdpSvcPlugin*) ArrayList_GetItem(g_AddinList, index++); } ArrayList_Unlock(g_AddinList); return (found) ? plugin : NULL; }
VOID WINAPI FreeRDP_WTSCloseServer(HANDLE hServer) { int index; int count; rdpPeerChannel* channel; WTSVirtualChannelManager* vcm; vcm = (WTSVirtualChannelManager*) hServer; if (vcm) { HashTable_Remove(g_ServerHandles, (void*)(UINT_PTR) vcm->SessionId); ArrayList_Lock(vcm->dynamicVirtualChannels); count = ArrayList_Count(vcm->dynamicVirtualChannels); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { channel = (rdpPeerChannel*) ArrayList_GetItem(vcm->dynamicVirtualChannels, index); WTSVirtualChannelClose(channel); } ArrayList_Unlock(vcm->dynamicVirtualChannels); ArrayList_Free(vcm->dynamicVirtualChannels); if (vcm->drdynvc_channel) { WTSVirtualChannelClose(vcm->drdynvc_channel); vcm->drdynvc_channel = NULL; } MessageQueue_Free(vcm->queue); free(vcm); } }
static void _Publish(rdpShadowMultiClientEvent* event) { wArrayList* subscribers; struct rdp_shadow_multiclient_subscriber* subscriber = NULL; int i; subscribers = event->subscribers; assert(event->consuming == 0); /* Count subscribing clients */ ArrayList_Lock(subscribers); for (i = 0; i < ArrayList_Count(subscribers); i++) { subscriber = (struct rdp_shadow_multiclient_subscriber *)ArrayList_GetItem(subscribers, i); /* Set flag to subscriber: I acknowledge and please handle */ subscriber->pleaseHandle = TRUE; event->consuming++; } ArrayList_Unlock(subscribers); if (event->consuming > 0) { event->eventid = (event->eventid & 0xff) + 1; WLog_VRB(TAG, "Server published event %d. %d clients.\n", event->eventid, event->consuming); ResetEvent(event->doneEvent); SetEvent(event->event); } return; }
// Measure the absolute area of a non self-intersecting polygon. // Formula by Paul Bourke // ( // // The input points must be ordered (clock- or counter-clockwise). The // polygon is closed automatically between the first and the last point, // so there should not be two same points in the polygon point set. double AreaFilter_PolygonArea (AreaFilter* self, ArrayList* orderedPoints) { double A = 0.0; int n; for (n = 0 ; n < ArrayList_Count(orderedPoints) ; ++n) { FilterPoint* p0 = (FilterPoint*) ArrayList_GetItem(orderedPoints,n); FilterPoint* p1 = (FilterPoint*) ArrayList_GetItem(orderedPoints, (n + 1) % ArrayList_Count(orderedPoints)); A += p0->x * p1->y - p1->x * p0->y; } A *= 0.5; return (abs (A)); }
WNDCLASSEXA* FindWindowClass(LPCSTR lpClassName) { int index; int count; BOOL found = FALSE; WNDCLASSEXA* lpwcx = NULL; ArrayList_Lock(g_WindowClasses); count = ArrayList_Count(g_WindowClasses); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { lpwcx = (WNDCLASSEXA*) ArrayList_GetItem(g_WindowClasses, index); if (strcmp(lpClassName, lpwcx->lpszClassName) == 0) { found = TRUE; break; } } ArrayList_Unlock(g_WindowClasses); return (found) ? lpwcx : NULL; }
static rdpPeerChannel* wts_get_dvc_channel_by_id(WTSVirtualChannelManager* vcm, UINT32 ChannelId) { int index; int count; BOOL found = FALSE; rdpPeerChannel* channel = NULL; ArrayList_Lock(vcm->dynamicVirtualChannels); count = ArrayList_Count(vcm->dynamicVirtualChannels); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { channel = (rdpPeerChannel*) ArrayList_GetItem(vcm->dynamicVirtualChannels, index); if (channel->channelId == ChannelId) { found = TRUE; break; } } ArrayList_Unlock(vcm->dynamicVirtualChannels); return found ? channel : NULL; }
int shadow_client_boardcast_msg(rdpShadowServer* server, void* context, UINT32 type, SHADOW_MSG_OUT* msg, void* lParam) { wMessage message = {0}; rdpShadowClient* client = NULL; int count = 0; int index = 0; message.context = context; = type; message.wParam = (void *)msg; message.lParam = lParam; message.Free = shadow_msg_out_release; /* First add reference as we reference it in this function. * Therefore it would not be free'ed during post. */ shadow_msg_out_addref(&message); ArrayList_Lock(server->clients); for (index = 0; index < ArrayList_Count(server->clients); index++) { client = (rdpShadowClient*)ArrayList_GetItem(server->clients, index); if (shadow_client_dispatch_msg(client, &message)) { count++; } } ArrayList_Unlock(server->clients); /* Release the reference for this function */ shadow_msg_out_release(&message); return count; }
TSMF_PRESENTATION* tsmf_presentation_find_by_id(const BYTE *guid) { UINT32 index; UINT32 count; BOOL found = FALSE; char guid_str[GUID_SIZE * 2 + 1]; TSMF_PRESENTATION* presentation; ArrayList_Lock(presentation_list); count = ArrayList_Count(presentation_list); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { presentation = (TSMF_PRESENTATION*) ArrayList_GetItem(presentation_list, index); if (memcmp(presentation->presentation_id, guid, GUID_SIZE) == 0) { found = TRUE; break; } } ArrayList_Unlock(presentation_list); if (!found) WLog_WARN(TAG, "presentation id %s not found", guid_to_string(guid, guid_str, sizeof(guid_str))); return (found) ? presentation : NULL; }
bool AreaFilter_ccw (ArrayList* points, int i, int j, int k) { double a = ((FilterPoint*)ArrayList_GetItem(points, i))->x - ((FilterPoint*)ArrayList_GetItem(points, j))->x; double b = ((FilterPoint*)ArrayList_GetItem(points, i))->y - ((FilterPoint*)ArrayList_GetItem(points, j))->y; double c = ((FilterPoint*)ArrayList_GetItem(points, k))->x - ((FilterPoint*)ArrayList_GetItem(points, j))->x; double d = ((FilterPoint*)ArrayList_GetItem(points, k))->y - ((FilterPoint*)ArrayList_GetItem(points, j))->y; return ((a * d - b * c) <= 0.0); }
BOOL tsmf_presentation_set_geometry_info(TSMF_PRESENTATION* presentation, UINT32 x, UINT32 y, UINT32 width, UINT32 height, int num_rects, RDP_RECT *rects) { UINT32 index; UINT32 count; TSMF_STREAM* stream; void *tmp_rects = NULL; BOOL ret = TRUE; /* The server may send messages with invalid width / height. * Ignore those messages. */ if (!width || !height) return TRUE; /* Streams can be added/removed from the presentation and the server will resend geometry info when a new stream is * added to the presentation. Also, num_rects is used to indicate whether or not the window is visible. * So, always process a valid message with unchanged position/size and/or no visibility rects. */ presentation->x = x; presentation->y = y; presentation->width = width; presentation->height = height; tmp_rects = realloc(presentation->rects, sizeof(RDP_RECT) * num_rects); if(!num_rects) presentation->rects=NULL; if (!tmp_rects&&num_rects) return; presentation->nr_rects = num_rects; presentation->rects = tmp_rects; CopyMemory(presentation->rects, rects, sizeof(RDP_RECT) * num_rects); ArrayList_Lock(presentation->stream_list); count = ArrayList_Count(presentation->stream_list); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { stream = (TSMF_STREAM *) ArrayList_GetItem(presentation->stream_list, index); if (!stream->decoder) continue; if (stream->decoder->UpdateRenderingArea) { ret = stream->decoder->UpdateRenderingArea(stream->decoder, x, y, width, height, num_rects, rects); } } ArrayList_Unlock(presentation->stream_list); return ret; }
BOOL tsmf_presentation_set_geometry_info(TSMF_PRESENTATION* presentation, UINT32 x, UINT32 y, UINT32 width, UINT32 height, int num_rects, RDP_RECT *rects) { UINT32 index; UINT32 count; TSMF_STREAM* stream; void *tmp_rects; BOOL ret = TRUE; if (num_rects < 1 || !rects) return TRUE; /* The server may send messages with invalid width / height. * Ignore those messages. */ if (!width || !height) return TRUE; if ((width == presentation->width) && (height == presentation->height) && (x == presentation->x) && (y == presentation->y) && (num_rects == presentation->nr_rects) && (0 == memcmp(rects, presentation->rects, num_rects * sizeof(RDP_RECT)))) { return TRUE; } presentation->x = x; presentation->y = y; presentation->width = width; presentation->height = height; tmp_rects = realloc(presentation->rects, sizeof(RDP_RECT) * num_rects); if (!tmp_rects) return FALSE; presentation->nr_rects = num_rects; presentation->rects = tmp_rects; CopyMemory(presentation->rects, rects, sizeof(RDP_RECT) * num_rects); ArrayList_Lock(presentation->stream_list); count = ArrayList_Count(presentation->stream_list); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { stream = (TSMF_STREAM *) ArrayList_GetItem(presentation->stream_list, index); if (!stream->decoder) continue; if (stream->decoder->UpdateRenderingArea) { ret = stream->decoder->UpdateRenderingArea(stream->decoder, x, y, width, height, num_rects, rects); } } ArrayList_Unlock(presentation->stream_list); return ret; }
// Create the convex hull of a point set. ArrayList* AreaFilter_CreateConvexHull (AreaFilter* self, ArrayList* points) { int chn = AreaFilter_CreateHull (self, points); ArrayList* hull = ArrayList_new0 (NULL); int k; for (k = 0 ; k < chn ; ++k) ArrayList_AddItem(hull, ArrayList_GetItem (points, k)); return (hull); }
ArrayList* MatchKeys_FindMatchesBBF (ArrayList* keys1, ArrayList* keys2) { // TODO: swap so smaller list is searched. ArrayList* al = ArrayList_new0 (NULL); int i; for (i=0; i<ArrayList_Count(keys2); i++) ArrayList_AddItem (al, ArrayList_GetItem(keys2, i)); KDTree* kd = KDTree_CreateKDTree (al); ArrayList_delete(al); ArrayList* matches = ArrayList_new0 (Match_delete); int j; for (j=0; j<ArrayList_Count(keys1); j++) { KeypointN* kp = (KeypointN*) ArrayList_GetItem(keys1, j); ArrayList* kpNNList = (ArrayList*)KDTree_NearestNeighbourListBBF (kd, (IKDTreeDomain*)kp, 2, 40); if (ArrayList_Count(kpNNList) < 2) FatalError ("BUG: less than two neighbours!"); KDTreeBestEntry* be1 = (KDTreeBestEntry*) ArrayList_GetItem(kpNNList, 0); KDTreeBestEntry* be2 = (KDTreeBestEntry*) ArrayList_GetItem(kpNNList, 1); if ((be1->distance / be2->distance) > 0.6) continue; KeypointN* kpN = (KeypointN*)KDTreeBestEntry_Neighbour(be1); ArrayList_AddItem(matches, Match_new (kp, kpN, be1->distance, be2->distance)); /* WriteLine ("(%d,%d) (%d,%d) %d, 2nd: %d", (int)(kp->x + 0.5), (int)(kp->y + 0.5), (int)(kpN->x + 0.5), (int)(kpN->y + 0.5), be1->distance, be2->distance); */ } return (matches); }
int xf_event_execute_action_script(xfContext* xfc, XEvent* event) { int index; int count; char* name; int exitCode; FILE* actionScript; BOOL match = FALSE; const char* xeventName; char buffer[1024] = { 0 }; char command[1024] = { 0 }; if (!xfc->actionScript) return 1; if (event->type > (sizeof(X11_EVENT_STRINGS) / sizeof(const char*))) return 1; xeventName = X11_EVENT_STRINGS[event->type]; count = ArrayList_Count(xfc->xevents); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { name = (char*) ArrayList_GetItem(xfc->xevents, index); if (_stricmp(name, xeventName) == 0) { match = TRUE; break; } } if (!match) return 1; sprintf_s(command, sizeof(command), "%s xevent %s %d", xfc->actionScript, xeventName, (int) xfc->window->handle); actionScript = popen(command, "r"); if (actionScript < 0) return -1; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), actionScript)) { strtok(buffer, "\n"); } exitCode = pclose(actionScript); return 1; }
static BOOL xf_event_execute_action_script(xfContext* xfc, XEvent* event) { int index; int count; char* name; FILE* actionScript; BOOL match = FALSE; const char* xeventName; char buffer[1024] = { 0 }; char command[1024] = { 0 }; if (!xfc->actionScriptExists || !xfc->xevents) return FALSE; if (event->type > LASTEvent) return FALSE; xeventName = x11_event_string(event->type); count = ArrayList_Count(xfc->xevents); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { name = (char*) ArrayList_GetItem(xfc->xevents, index); if (_stricmp(name, xeventName) == 0) { match = TRUE; break; } } if (!match) return FALSE; sprintf_s(command, sizeof(command), "%s xevent %s %lu", xfc->context.settings->ActionScript, xeventName, (unsigned long) xfc->window->handle); actionScript = popen(command, "r"); if (!actionScript) return FALSE; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), actionScript)) { strtok(buffer, "\n"); } pclose(actionScript); return TRUE; }
int AreaFilter_MakeChain (AreaFilter* self, ArrayList* points, int (*comp)(const FilterPoint*, const FilterPoint*)) { IComparator comparator; comparator.compareTo = (int ( *)(IComparator *,const void *,const void *)) comp; ArrayList_Sort(points, &comparator); int s = 1; int pCount = ArrayList_Count(points); int i; for (i = 2 ; i < pCount ; ++i) { int j; for (j = s ; j >= 1 && AreaFilter_ccw (points, i, j, j - 1) ; --j) ; s = j + 1; // Swap FilterPoint* t = (FilterPoint*) ArrayList_GetItem(points, s); ArrayList_SetItem(points, s, ArrayList_GetItem(points, i)); ArrayList_SetItem(points, i, t); } return (s); }
void tsmf_presentation_sync(TSMF_PRESENTATION* presentation) { UINT32 index; UINT32 count; ArrayList_Lock(presentation->stream_list); count = ArrayList_Count(presentation->stream_list); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { TSMF_STREAM* stream = (TSMF_STREAM *) ArrayList_GetItem(presentation->stream_list, index); WaitForSingleObject(stream->ready, 500); } ArrayList_Unlock(presentation->stream_list); }
int AreaFilter_CreateHull (AreaFilter* self, ArrayList* points) { int u = AreaFilter_MakeChain (self, points, AreaFilter_CompareLow); if (ArrayList_Count(points) == 0) return (0); /* int k; for (k = 0 ; k < u ; ++k) WriteLine ("point %d: %f %f", k, ((FilterPoint*)ArrayList_GetItem(points, k)[k])->x, ((FilterPoint*)ArrayList_GetItem(points, k)[k])->y); */ ArrayList* pointsHigh = ArrayList_new(ArrayList_Count(points)+1-u, NULL); //WriteLine ("points.Length = %d, u = %d", ArrayList_Count(points), u); ArrayList_Copy (points, u, pointsHigh, 0, ArrayList_Count(points) - u); ArrayList_SetItem(pointsHigh, ArrayList_Count(pointsHigh) - 1, ArrayList_GetItem(points, 0)); int h = AreaFilter_MakeChain (self, pointsHigh, AreaFilter_CompareHigh); int p; for ( p = u ; p < ArrayList_Count(points) ; ++p) { ArrayList_SetItem(points, p, ArrayList_GetItem(pointsHigh, p-u)); } /* WriteLine ("h = %d, u = %d", h, u); int k; for (k = 0 ; k < (h + u) ; ++k) WriteLine ("point %d: %f %f", k, ((FilterPoint*)ArrayList_GetItem(points, k)[k])->x, ((FilterPoint*)ArrayList_GetItem(points, k)[k])->y); */ return (h + u); }
void tsmf_presentation_start(TSMF_PRESENTATION* presentation) { UINT32 index; UINT32 count; TSMF_STREAM* stream; ArrayList_Lock(presentation->stream_list); count = ArrayList_Count(presentation->stream_list); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { stream = (TSMF_STREAM *) ArrayList_GetItem(presentation->stream_list, index); tsmf_stream_start(stream); } ArrayList_Unlock(presentation->stream_list); }
void tsmf_presentation_volume_changed(TSMF_PRESENTATION* presentation, UINT32 newVolume, UINT32 muted) { UINT32 index; UINT32 count; TSMF_STREAM* stream; presentation->volume = newVolume; presentation->muted = muted; ArrayList_Lock(presentation->stream_list); count = ArrayList_Count(presentation->stream_list); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { stream = (TSMF_STREAM *) ArrayList_GetItem(presentation->stream_list, index); tsmf_stream_change_volume(stream, newVolume, muted); } ArrayList_Unlock(presentation->stream_list); }
BOOL tsmf_presentation_restarted(TSMF_PRESENTATION* presentation) { UINT32 index; UINT32 count; TSMF_STREAM* stream; BOOL ret = TRUE; ArrayList_Lock(presentation->stream_list); count = ArrayList_Count(presentation->stream_list); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { stream = (TSMF_STREAM*) ArrayList_GetItem(presentation->stream_list, index); ret &= tsmf_stream_restart(stream); } ArrayList_Unlock(presentation->stream_list); return ret; }
int shadow_client_boardcast_quit(rdpShadowServer* server, int nExitCode) { wMessageQueue* queue = NULL; int count = 0; int index = 0; ArrayList_Lock(server->clients); for (index = 0; index < ArrayList_Count(server->clients); index++) { queue = ((rdpShadowClient*)ArrayList_GetItem(server->clients, index))->MsgQueue; if (MessageQueue_PostQuit(queue, nExitCode)) { count++; } } ArrayList_Unlock(server->clients); return count; }
RpcClientCall* rpc_client_call_find_by_id(rdpRpc* rpc, UINT32 CallId) { int index; int count; RpcClientCall* clientCall; ArrayList_Lock(rpc->client->ClientCallList); clientCall = NULL; count = ArrayList_Count(rpc->client->ClientCallList); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { clientCall = (RpcClientCall*) ArrayList_GetItem(rpc->client->ClientCallList, index); if (clientCall->CallId == CallId) break; } ArrayList_Unlock(rpc->client->ClientCallList); return clientCall; }
ArrayList* MultiMatch_CreatePointList (MultiMatch* self, ArrayList* matches) { ArrayList* points = ArrayList_new0 (FilterPoint_delete); // Create a point list. int i; for(i=0; i<ArrayList_Count(matches); i++) { Match* m = (Match*) ArrayList_GetItem(matches, i); FilterPoint* p = FilterPoint_new0 (); p->x = m->kp1->x; p->y = m->kp1->y; p->user = m; WriteLine ("%f %f # CPOINTS", p->x, p->y); ArrayList_AddItem(points, p); } return (points); }