BBOX UNIT::GetBoundingBox() { if(m_type == 0) //Farmer return BBOX(m_position + D3DXVECTOR3(0.3f, 1.0f, 0.3f), m_position - D3DXVECTOR3(0.3f, 0.0f, 0.3f)); else if(m_type == 1) //Soldier return BBOX(m_position + D3DXVECTOR3(0.35f, 1.2f, 0.35f), m_position - D3DXVECTOR3(0.35f, 0.0f, 0.35f)); else if(m_type == 2) //Magician return BBOX(m_position + D3DXVECTOR3(0.3f, 1.1f, 0.3f), m_position - D3DXVECTOR3(0.3f, 0.0f, 0.3f)); return BBOX(); }
extern void test_sagwrite_3x3_zero(void) { bbox_t bbox = BBOX(0, 3, 0, 3); polyline_t p; CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(polyline_rect(bbox, &p), 0); domain_t *dom = domain_insert(NULL, &p); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(dom); const char path[] = "tmp/sagwrite-3x3.txt"; CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(sagwrite(path, dom, f0, NULL, 3, 3), 0); sagread_t sagread; CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(sagread_open(path, &sagread), 0); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL_FATAL(sagread.grid.dim, 2); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL_FATAL(sagread.vector.dim, 2); double eps = 1e-10; for (int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++) { CU_ASSERT_EQUAL_FATAL(sagread.grid.n[i], 3); CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(sagread.grid.bnd[i].min, 0.5, eps); CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(sagread.grid.bnd[i].max, 2.5, eps); } sagread_close(sagread); domain_destroy(dom); unlink(path); }
inline BBOX bface_bbox(Bface* face) { BBOX ret = BBOX(); ret.update(face->v1()->loc()); ret.update(face->v2()->loc()); ret.update(face->v3()->loc()); return ret; }
inline BBOX bface_bbox(QuadtreeNode* face) { BBOX ret = BBOX(); ret.update(face->v1()); ret.update(face->v2()); ret.update(face->v3()); return ret; }
BBOX MESHINSTANCE::GetBoundingBox() { if(m_pMesh == NULL || m_pMesh->m_pMesh == NULL)return BBOX(); if(m_pMesh->m_pMesh->GetFVF() != ObjectVertex::FVF) // XYZ and NORMAL and UV return BBOX(); BBOX bBox(D3DXVECTOR3(-10000.0f, -10000.0f, -10000.0f), D3DXVECTOR3(10000.0f, 10000.0f, 10000.0f)); D3DXMATRIX World = GetWorldMatrix(); //Lock vertex buffer of the object ObjectVertex* vertexBuffer = NULL; m_pMesh->m_pMesh->LockVertexBuffer(0,(void**)&vertexBuffer); //For each vertex in the mesh for(int i=0;i<(int)m_pMesh->m_pMesh->GetNumVertices();i++) { //Transform vertex to world space using the MESHINSTANCE //world matrix, i.e. the position, rotation and scale D3DXVECTOR3 pos; D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&pos, &vertexBuffer[i]._pos, &World); // Check if the vertex is outside the bounds // if so, then update the bounding volume if(pos.x < bBox.min.x)bBox.min.x = pos.x; if(pos.x > bBox.max.x)bBox.max.x = pos.x; if(pos.y < bBox.min.y)bBox.min.y = pos.y; if(pos.y > bBox.max.y)bBox.max.y = pos.y; if(pos.z < bBox.min.z)bBox.min.z = pos.z; if(pos.z > bBox.max.z)bBox.max.z = pos.z; } m_pMesh->m_pMesh->UnlockVertexBuffer(); return bBox; }
DLLEXPORT int32_t DLLCALL search(SearchContext* sc, const Rect rect, const int32_t count, Point* out_points) { std::vector<int32_t> res = query_BUQTree(sc->ps, count, BBOX(rect), sc->root); for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) { out_points[i].x = sc->ps.x[res[i]]; out_points[i].y = sc->ps.y[res[i]]; out_points[i].rank = sc->ps.rank[res[i]]; out_points[i].id = sc->[res[i]]; } return res.size(); }
void OctreeNode::set_neibors() { OctreeNode* n; BBOX test_box = BBOX(min()-0.5*dim(), max()+0.5*dim()); if ((!_leaf || _display) && _height != 1) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { n = _parent->get_children()[i]; if (n != this && (!n->get_leaf() || n->get_disp())) { _neibors += n; } } _parent->neibors().num(); for (int i = 0; i < _parent->neibors().num(); i++) { n = _parent->neibors()[i]; if (!n->get_leaf()) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (n->get_children()[j]->overlaps(test_box) && (!n->get_children()[j]->get_leaf() || n->get_children()[j]->get_disp())) { //XXX - crashing here... _neibors += n->get_children()[j]; } } } } } if (!_leaf) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { _children[i]->set_neibors(); } } }
BBOX MeshModel::getActualBBox() const { return BBOX(vertices); }
/******************************************************** Given a velocity vector and a position, it will test all objects found with the sps octree for collisions and return and new velocity that doesn't run through objects ********************************************************/ CWvec Collide::_get_move(CWpt& s, CWvec& vel) { if (_land == NULL) return vel; //transform source/velocty to object space Wpt source = _land->inv_xform() * s; Wvec velocity = _land->inv_xform() * vel; Wpt dest = source + velocity; //destination to travel to (obj space) double speed = velocity.length(); _hitFaces.clear(); double boxsize = _size * 5; Wvec d = Wvec(1,1,1)*boxsize; _camBox = BBOX(source - d, source + d); _hitFaces.clear(); //build collision list from the land buildCollisionList(_RootNode); //if(_hitFaces.num() != 0) // cout << "Faces Found: " << _hitFaces.num() << endl; //if there are no near by nodes then bring camera closer to the object if (_hitFaces.empty()) { Wvec force = _land->bbox().center() - dest; return velocity+(_size * .1 * log(force.length()) * force); } ARRAY<Wvec> norms; ARRAY<double> weights; double totalWeight = 0; //spring forces //weight all near by nodes for (int i = 0; i < _hitFaces.num(); i++) { Wpt p; _hitFaces[i]->bc2pos(_smplPoints[i],p); Wvec n = _hitFaces[i]->bc2norm(_smplPoints[i]); //get the projected distance of the camera and the surface point //against the normal of the surface point Wvec v = (dest - p).projected(n); double dist = n*v; //calculate the weight of given point weights.add(pow(e,sqr(dist))); totalWeight+=weights[i]; //calculate normal if (dist <= _size) //if its closer than it should be norms += speed * (_size - dist) * n; else //if its further than should be norms += speed * (_size - dist) * -n; } //calculate combination of all weighted norms Wvec force = Wvec(0,0,0); for (int i = 0; i < _hitFaces.num(); i++) force += (weights[i]/totalWeight) * norms[i]; //smooth forces so its not jerky double a = .1; _prevForce = force; force = ((1 - a) * (force - _prevForce)) +_pV; _pV = force; /* for (int i = 0; i < _hitFaces.num(); i++) { Wpt p; _hitFaces[i]->bc2pos(_smplPoints[i],p); Wvec n = _hitFaces[i]->bc2norm(_smplPoints[i]); Wvec v = ((source + (velocity + force)) - p).projected(n); double dist = n*v; if(dist < _size) velocity = velocity + (n *(_size - dist)); } */ return _land->xform() * (velocity + force); }
BBOX Rectangle::LocalBBOX() const { return BBOX(Vector3f(-x_size / 2.f, EPS, -z_size / 2.f), Vector3f(x_size / 2.f, -EPS, z_size / 2.f)); }