Пример #1

Finds the spawn function for the entity and calls it,
returning qfalse if not found
qboolean G_CallSpawn( gentity_t *ent )
	spawn_t     *s;
	buildable_t buildable;

	if ( !ent->classname )
		G_Printf( "G_CallSpawn: NULL classname\n" );
		return qfalse;

	//check buildable spawn functions
	if ( ( buildable = BG_FindBuildNumForEntityName( ent->classname ) ) != BA_NONE )
		if ( buildable == BA_A_SPAWN || buildable == BA_H_SPAWN )
			ent->s.angles[ YAW ] += 180.0f;
			AngleNormalize360( ent->s.angles[ YAW ] );

		G_SpawnBuildable( ent, buildable );
		return qtrue;

	// check normal spawn functions
	for ( s = spawns; s->name; s++ )
		if ( !strcmp( s->name, ent->classname ) )
			// found it
			s->spawn( ent );
			return qtrue;

	G_Printf( "%s doesn't have a spawn function\n", ent->classname );
	return qfalse;
Пример #2

Finds the spawn function for the entity and calls it,
returning qfalse if not found
qboolean G_CallSpawn(gentity_t *ent) {
  spawn_t *s;
  buildable_t buildable;

  if (!ent->classname) {
    G_Printf("G_CallSpawn: NULL classname\n");
    return qfalse;

  //check buildable spawn functions
  if ((buildable = BG_FindBuildNumForEntityName(ent->classname)) != BA_NONE) {
    // don't spawn built-in buildings if we are using a custom layout
    if (level.layout[ 0 ] && Q_stricmp(level.layout, "*BUILTIN*"))
      return qtrue;

    if (buildable == BA_A_SPAWN || buildable == BA_H_SPAWN) {
      ent->s.angles[ YAW ] += 180.0f;
      AngleNormalize360(ent->s.angles[ YAW ]);

    G_SpawnBuildable(ent, buildable, ent->biteam, level.survivalStage);
    return qtrue;

  // check normal spawn functions
  for (s = spawns; s->name; s++) {
    if (!strcmp(s->name, ent->classname)) {
      // found it
      return qtrue;

  G_Printf("%s doesn't have a spawn function\n", ent->classname);
  return qfalse;