Пример #1
void tcg_brdcst(long type, void *buf, long lenbuf, long originator)
    long atype = type;
    long alenbuf = lenbuf;
    long aoriginator = originator;

    BRDCST_(&atype, buf, &alenbuf, &aoriginator);
Пример #2
void tcg_brdcst(long type, void *buf, long lenbuf, long originator)
    Integer atype = type;
    Integer alenbuf = lenbuf;
    Integer aoriginator = originator;

    BRDCST_(&atype, buf, &alenbuf, &aoriginator);
Пример #3
static void TestGlobals()
#define MAXLENG 256*1024
    double *dtest;
    long *itest;
    long len;
    long me = NODEID_(), nproc = NNODES_(), from=NNODES_()-1;
    long itype=3+MSGINT, dtype=4+MSGDBL;

    if (me == 0) {
        (void) printf("Global test ... test brodcast, igop and dgop\n----------\n\n");
        (void) fflush(stdout);

    if (!(dtest = (double *) malloc((unsigned) (MAXLENG*sizeof(double)))))
        Error("TestGlobals: failed to allocated dtest", (long) MAXLENG);
    if (!(itest = (long *) malloc((unsigned) (MAXLENG*sizeof(long)))))
        Error("TestGlobals: failed to allocated itest", (long) MAXLENG);

    for (len=1; len<MAXLENG; len*=2) {
        long ilen = len*sizeof(long);
        long dlen = len*sizeof(double);
        long i;

        if (me == 0) {
            printf("Test length = %d ... ", len);

        /* Test broadcast */

        if (me == (nproc-1)) {
            for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
                itest[i] = i;
                dtest[i] = (double) itest[i];
        else {
            for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
                itest[i] = 0;
                dtest[i] = 0.0;
        BRDCST_(&itype, (char *) itest, &ilen, &from);
        BRDCST_(&dtype, (char *) dtest, &dlen, &from);

        for (i=0; i<len; i++)
            if (itest[i] != i || dtest[i] != (double) i)
                Error("TestGlobal: broadcast failed", (long) i);

        if (me == 0) {
            printf("broadcast OK ...");

        /* Test global sum */

        for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
            itest[i] = i*me;
            dtest[i] = (double) itest[i];

        IGOP_(&itype, itest, &len, "+");
        DGOP_(&dtype, dtest, &len, "+");

        for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
            long iresult = i*nproc*(nproc-1)/2;
            if (itest[i] != iresult || dtest[i] != (double) iresult) {
                printf(" dt %f it %ld ir %ld \n",dtest[i],itest[i],iresult);
                Error("TestGlobals: global sum failed", (long) i);

        if (me == 0) {
            printf("global sums OK\n");

    free((char *) itest);
    free((char *) dtest);
Пример #4
 * Process node0 has a file (assumed unopened) named fname.
 * This file will be copied to all other processes which must
 * simultaneously invoke pfilecopy. Since the processes may be
 * using the same directory one probably ought to make sure
 * that each process uses a different name in the call.
 *    e.g.
 *    on node 0    pfilecopy(99, 0, 'argosin')
 *    on node 1    pfilecopy(99, 0, 'argosin_001')
 *    on node 2    pfilecopy(99, 0, 'argosin_002')
void tcgi_pfilecopy(Integer *type, Integer *node0, char *filename)
    char *buffer;
    FILE *file;
    Integer length, nread=32768, len_nread=sizeof(Integer);
    Integer typenr = (*type & 32767) | MSGINT;   /* Force user type integer */
    Integer typebuf =(*type & 32767) | MSGCHR;

    if (!(buffer = malloc((unsigned) nread))) {
        Error("pfilecopy: failed to allocate the I/O buffer",nread);

    if (*node0 == NODEID_()) {

        /* I have the original file ... open and check its size */

        if ((file = fopen(filename,"r")) == (FILE *) NULL) {
            (void) fprintf(stderr, "me=" FMT_INT ", filename = %s.\n",
                           NODEID_(), filename);
            Error("pfilecopy: node0 failed to open original file", *node0);

        /* Quick sanity check on the length */

        (void) fseek(file, 0L, (int) 2);   /* Seek to end of file */
        length = ftell(file);              /* Find the length of file */
        (void) fseek(file, 0L, (int) 0);   /* Seek to beginning of file */
        if ( (length<0) || (length>1e12) ) {
            Error("pfilecopy: the file length is -ve or very big", length);

        /* Send the file in chunks of nread bytes */

        while (nread) {
            nread = fread(buffer, 1, (int) nread, file);
            BRDCST_(&typenr, (char *) &nread, &len_nread, node0);
            if (nread) {
                BRDCST_(&typebuf, buffer, &nread, node0);
    else {

        /* Open the file for the duplicate */

        if ((file = fopen(filename,"w+")) == (FILE *) NULL) {
            (void) fprintf(stderr,"me=" FMT_INT ", filename = %s.\n",
                           NODEID_(), filename);
            Error("pfilecopy: failed to open duplicate file", *node0);

        /* Receive data and write to file */

        while (nread) {
            BRDCST_(&typenr, (char *) &nread, &len_nread, node0);
            if (nread) {
                BRDCST_(&typebuf, buffer, &nread, node0);
                if (nread != (Integer)fwrite(buffer, 1, (int) nread, file)) {
                    Error("pfilecopy: error data to duplicate file", nread);

    /* Tidy up the stuff we have been using */

    (void) fflush(file);
    (void) fclose(file);
    (void) free(buffer);