Пример #1
 * @brief Custom tooltip
 * @param[in] node Node we request to draw tooltip
 * @param[in] x Position x of the mouse
 * @param[in] y Position y of the mouse
static void UI_BaseMapNodeDrawTooltip (uiNode_t *node, int x, int y)
	int col, row;
	building_t *building;
	const int itemToolTipWidth = 250;
	char *tooltipText;
	base_t *base = B_GetCurrentSelectedBase();

	UI_BaseMapGetCellAtPos(node, x, y, &col, &row);
	if (col == -1)

	building = base->map[row][col].building;
	if (!building)

	tooltipText = _(building->name);
	if (!B_CheckBuildingDependencesStatus(building))
		tooltipText = va("%s\n%s %s", tooltipText, _("not operational, depends on"), _(building->dependsBuilding->name));
	UI_DrawTooltip(tooltipText, x, y, itemToolTipWidth);
Пример #2
 * @brief Checks why a button in base menu is disabled, and create a popup to inform player
static void B_CheckBuildingStatusForMenu_f (void)
	int num;
	const char *buildingID;
	const building_t *building;
	const base_t *base = B_GetCurrentSelectedBase();

	if (cgi->Cmd_Argc() != 2) {
		Com_Printf("Usage: %s <buildingID>\n", cgi->Cmd_Argv(0));

	buildingID = cgi->Cmd_Argv(1);
	building = B_GetBuildingTemplate(buildingID);

	if (!building || !base)

	/* Maybe base is under attack ? */
	if (B_IsUnderAttack(base)) {
		CP_Popup(_("Notice"), _("Base is under attack, you can't access this building !"));

	if (building->buildingType == B_HANGAR) {
		/* this is an exception because you must have a small or large hangar to enter aircraft menu */
		CP_Popup(_("Notice"), _("You need at least one Hangar (and its dependencies) to use aircraft."));

	num = B_GetNumberOfBuildingsInBaseByBuildingType(base, building->buildingType);
	if (num > 0) {
		int numUnderConstruction;
		/* maybe all buildings of this type are under construction ? */
		B_CheckBuildingTypeStatus(base, building->buildingType, B_STATUS_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION, &numUnderConstruction);
		if (numUnderConstruction == num) {
			int minDay = 99999;
			building_t *b = NULL;

			while ((b = B_GetNextBuildingByType(base, b, building->buildingType))) {
				if (b->buildingStatus == B_STATUS_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION) {
					const float remaining = B_GetConstructionTimeRemain(b);
					minDay = std::min(minDay, (int)std::max(0.0f, remaining));

			CP_Popup(_("Notice"), ngettext("Construction of building will be over in %i day.\nPlease wait to enter.", "Construction of building will be over in %i days.\nPlease wait to enter.",
					minDay), minDay);

		if (!B_CheckBuildingDependencesStatus(building)) {
			const building_t *dependenceBuilding = building->dependsBuilding;
			if (B_GetNumberOfBuildingsInBaseByBuildingType(base, dependenceBuilding->buildingType) <= 0) {
				/* the dependence of the building is not built */
				CP_Popup(_("Notice"), _("You need a building %s to make building %s functional."), _(dependenceBuilding->name), _(building->name));
			} else {
				/* maybe the dependence of the building is under construction
				 * note that we can't use B_STATUS_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION here, because this value
				 * is not use for every building (for exemple Command Centre) */
				building_t *b = NULL;

				while ((b = B_GetNextBuildingByType(base, b, dependenceBuilding->buildingType))) {
					if (!B_IsBuildingBuiltUp(b)) {
						CP_Popup(_("Notice"), _("Building %s is not finished yet, and is needed to use building %s."),
								_(dependenceBuilding->name), _(building->name));
				/* the dependence is built but doesn't work - must be because of their dependendes */
				CP_Popup(_("Notice"), _("Make sure that the dependencies of building %s (%s) are operational, so that building %s may be used."),
						_(dependenceBuilding->name), _(dependenceBuilding->dependsBuilding->name), _(building->name));
		/* all buildings are OK: employees must be missing */
		if (building->buildingType == B_WORKSHOP && E_CountHired(base, EMPL_WORKER) <= 0) {
			CP_Popup(_("Notice"), _("You need to recruit %s to use building %s."),
					E_GetEmployeeString(EMPL_WORKER, 2), _(building->name));
		} else if (building->buildingType == B_LAB && E_CountHired(base, EMPL_SCIENTIST) <= 0) {
			CP_Popup(_("Notice"), _("You need to recruit %s to use building %s."),
					E_GetEmployeeString(EMPL_SCIENTIST, 2), _(building->name));
	} else {
		CP_Popup(_("Notice"), _("Build a %s first."), _(building->name));