ECode AttributesImpl::RemoveAttribute( /* [in] */ Int32 index) { if (index >= 0 && index < mLength) { if (index < mLength - 1) { for(Int32 i = index * 5; i < (mLength - 1) * 5; i++) { (*mData)[i] = (*mData)[i + 5]; } //System.Arraycopy(data, (index+1)*5, data, index*5, (mLength-index-1) * 5); } index = (mLength - 1) * 5; (*mData)[index++] = NULL; (*mData)[index++] = NULL; (*mData)[index++] = NULL; (*mData)[index++] = NULL; (*mData)[index] = NULL; mLength--; } else { return BadIndex(index); } return NOERROR; }
char SQLTypeAdapter::at(size_type i) const throw(std::out_of_range) { if (buffer_) { if (i <= length()) { return *(buffer_->data() + i); } else { throw BadIndex("Not enough chars in SQLTypeAdapter", int(i), int(length())); } } else { throw BadIndex("SQLTypeAdapter buffer not initialized", int(i), -1); } }
size_t CResourceRefArray::FindResourceName( RES_TYPE restype, LPCTSTR pszKey ) const { ADDTOCALLSTACK("CResourceRefArray::FindResourceName"); // Is this resource already in the list ? CResourceLink * pResourceLink = dynamic_cast <CResourceLink *>( g_Cfg.ResourceGetDefByName( restype, pszKey )); if ( pResourceLink == NULL ) return BadIndex(); return FindPtr(pResourceLink); }
void Matrix::set (int i, int j, double n) { if (i >= height || j >= width) { std::cout << i << ' ' << height << ' ' << j << ' ' << width << ' ' << n << std::endl; throw BadIndex(); } mElements[i*width + j] = n; }
double Matrix::get (int i, int j) const { if (i >= height || j >= width) { std::cout << i << ' ' << j << std::endl; std::cout << height << ' ' << width << std::endl; throw BadIndex(); } return mElements[i*width + j]; }
ECode AttributesImpl::SetValue( /* [in] */ Int32 index, /* [in] */ const String& value) { if (index >= 0 && index < mLength) { (*mData)[index*5+4] = value; } else { return BadIndex(index); } return NOERROR; }
ECode AttributesImpl::SetQName( /* [in] */ Int32 index, /* [in] */ const String& qName) { if (index >= 0 && index < mLength) { (*mData)[index*5+2] = qName; } else { return BadIndex(index); } return NOERROR; }
ECode AttributesImpl::SetURI( /* [in] */ Int32 index, /* [in] */ const String& uri) { if (index >= 0 && index < mLength) { (*mData)[index*5] = uri; } else { return BadIndex(index); } return NOERROR; }
size_t CResourceQtyArray::Load(LPCTSTR pszCmds) { ADDTOCALLSTACK("CResourceQtyArray::Load"); // clear-before-load in order not to mess with the previous data if ( !m_mergeOnLoad ) { RemoveAll(); } // 0 = clear the list. size_t iValid = 0; ASSERT(pszCmds); while ( *pszCmds ) { if ( *pszCmds == '0' && ( pszCmds[1] == '\0' || pszCmds[1] == ',' )) { RemoveAll(); // clear any previous stuff. pszCmds ++; } else { CResourceQty res; if ( !res.Load(pszCmds) ) break; if ( res.GetResourceID().IsValidUID()) { // Replace any previous refs to this same entry ? size_t i = FindResourceID( res.GetResourceID() ); if ( i != BadIndex() ) { SetAt(i, res); } else { Add(res); } iValid++; } } if ( *pszCmds != ',' ) { break; } pszCmds++; } return( iValid ); }
size_t CResourceQtyArray::FindResourceMatch( CObjBase * pObj ) const { ADDTOCALLSTACK("CResourceQtyArray::FindResourceMatch"); // Is there a more vague match in the array ? // Use to find intersection with this pOBj raw material and BaseResource creation elements. for ( size_t i = 0; i < GetCount(); i++ ) { RESOURCE_ID ridtest = GetAt(i).GetResourceID(); if ( pObj->IsResourceMatch( ridtest, 0 )) return i; } return BadIndex(); }
size_t CResourceQtyArray::FindResourceID( RESOURCE_ID_BASE rid ) const { ADDTOCALLSTACK("CResourceQtyArray::FindResourceID"); // is this RESOURCE_ID in the array ? // BadIndex = fail for ( size_t i = 0; i < GetCount(); i++ ) { RESOURCE_ID ridtest = GetAt(i).GetResourceID(); if ( rid == ridtest ) return i; } return BadIndex(); }
size_t CResourceQtyArray::FindResourceType( RES_TYPE type ) const { ADDTOCALLSTACK("CResourceQtyArray::FindResourceType"); // is this RES_TYPE in the array ? // BadIndex = fail for ( size_t i = 0; i < GetCount(); i++ ) { RESOURCE_ID ridtest = GetAt(i).GetResourceID(); if ( type == ridtest.GetResType() ) return i; } return BadIndex(); }
size_t CResourceRefArray::FindResourceType( RES_TYPE restype ) const { ADDTOCALLSTACK("CResourceRefArray::FindResourceType"); // Is this resource already in the list ? size_t iQty = GetCount(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < iQty; ++i ) { RESOURCE_ID ridtest = GetAt(i).GetRef()->GetResourceID(); if ( ridtest.GetResType() == restype ) return( i ); } return BadIndex(); }
size_t CResourceRefArray::FindResourceID( RESOURCE_ID_BASE rid ) const { ADDTOCALLSTACK("CResourceRefArray::FindResourceID"); // Is this resource already in the list ? size_t iQty = GetCount(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < iQty; i++ ) { RESOURCE_ID ridtest = GetAt(i).GetRef()->GetResourceID(); if ( ridtest == rid ) return i; } return BadIndex(); }
ECode AttributesImpl::SetAttribute( /* [in] */ Int32 index, /* [in] */ const String& uri, /* [in] */ const String& localName, /* [in] */ const String& qName, /* [in] */ const String& type, /* [in] */ const String& value) { if (index >= 0 && index < mLength) { (*mData)[index*5] = uri; (*mData)[index*5+1] = localName; (*mData)[index*5+2] = qName; (*mData)[index*5+3] = type; (*mData)[index*5+4] = value; } else { return BadIndex(index); } return NOERROR; }
void indexTest(unsigned i) const { if (i >= len_) throw BadIndex(); }
PtrCAbstractPoint NormalizedPointsSpace<T>::operator [](const unsigned &pid) const throw(BadIndex) { if(!this->points__.count(pid) == 0) throw BadIndex(); return this->; }