CardProperty::CardProperty(const char* propertyName) :
	char* pValue = NULL;
	CK_ULONG valueLength = 0;

	CardReader* reader = CardReader::GetInstance();
	if (!reader) return;

	int retVal = Beidsdk_GetObjectValue(reader->GetReaderFunctions(), reader->GetSessionHandle(), (CK_CHAR_PTR)propertyName, (CK_VOID_PTR*)&pValue, &valueLength);
	if (retVal == CKR_OK)
		char* pDataDest = (char*);
		memcpy(pDataDest, pValue, valueLength);
		isPresent = true;

	if (pValue != NULL) free(pValue);
Пример #2
CK_ULONG beidsdk_GetData() 
	void *pkcs11Handle;				//handle to the pkcs11 library		  
	CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR pFunctions;		//list of the pkcs11 function pointers
	CK_C_GetFunctionList pC_GetFunctionList;
	CK_RV retVal = CKR_OK;

	//open the pkcs11 library
	pkcs11Handle = dlopen(PKCS11_LIB, RTLD_LAZY);   // RTLD_NOW is slower
	if (pkcs11Handle == NULL) {
		printf("%s not found\n",PKCS11_LIB);
#ifdef WIN32
		DWORD err;
		err = GetLastError();
		printf("err is 0x%.8x\n",err);
		//14001 is "MSVCR80.DLL not found"
   		printf("err is %s", dlerror());

	// get function pointer to C_GetFunctionList
	pC_GetFunctionList = (CK_C_GetFunctionList)dlsym(pkcs11Handle, "C_GetFunctionList");
	if (pC_GetFunctionList == NULL) { retVal = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; goto out; }

	// invoke C_GetFunctionList to get the list of pkcs11 function pointers
	retVal = (*pC_GetFunctionList) (&pFunctions);
	if (retVal != CKR_OK) { goto out; }

	// initialize Cryptoki
	retVal = (pFunctions->C_Initialize) (NULL);
	if (retVal != CKR_OK) { goto out; }

	CK_ULONG slot_count = 0;
	// retrieve the number of slots (cardreaders) found
	//set first parameter to CK_FALSE if you also want to find the slots without a card inserted
	retVal = (pFunctions->C_GetSlotList) (CK_TRUE, 0, &slot_count);
	if (slot_count == 0) { retVal = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; printf("no slots found\n"); }
	if (retVal != CKR_OK) { goto finalize; }

	CK_SLOT_ID_PTR slotIds = (CK_SLOT_ID_PTR)malloc(slot_count * sizeof(CK_SLOT_ID));
	if(slotIds == NULL) { printf("malloc failed\n"); retVal = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; goto finalize; }

	// Now retrieve the list of slots (cardreaders).
	retVal = (pFunctions->C_GetSlotList) (CK_TRUE, slotIds, &slot_count);
	if (retVal != CKR_OK) { goto freeslots; }

	/* Note: the above should ideally be done in a loop, since the
	 * number of slots reported by C_GetSlotList might increase if
	 * the user inserts a card (or card reader) at exactly the right
	 * moment. See PKCS#11 (pkcs-11v2-11r1.pdf) for details.

	/* Loop over the reported slots and read data from any eID card found */
	CK_ULONG slotIdx;
	for (slotIdx = 0; slotIdx < slot_count; slotIdx++) 
		CK_SESSION_HANDLE session_handle;
		//open a session
		retVal = (pFunctions->C_OpenSession)(slotIds[slotIdx], CKF_SERIAL_SESSION, NULL_PTR, NULL_PTR, &session_handle);
		if (retVal != CKR_OK) { continue; }

		/* Prepare some labels for particular bits of data that we want
		 * to read from the card. See sdk/pdf/beid_card_data.pdf (or
		 * .../beid_card_data.odt) for other options (e.g., address,
		 * given name, issuing municipality, ...).
		CK_CHAR_PTR pFilename = (CK_CHAR_PTR)TEXT("carddata_glob_os_version");
		CK_CHAR_PTR pSignatureFilename = (CK_CHAR_PTR)TEXT("CARD_DATA");
		CK_CHAR_PTR pLastname = (CK_CHAR_PTR)TEXT("surname");
		 * Variables in which to store the actual data
		CK_VOID_PTR pFileValue = NULL;
		CK_VOID_PTR pSignatureValue = NULL;
		CK_VOID_PTR pLastnameValue = NULL;
		CK_ULONG    FileValueLen = 0;
		CK_ULONG    SignatureValueLen = 0;
		CK_ULONG    LastnameValueLen = 0;

		//retrieve the card OS version
		retVal = Beidsdk_GetObjectValue(pFunctions, session_handle, pFilename, &pFileValue, &FileValueLen);
		if(retVal == CKR_OK)
			Beidsdk_PrintValue(pFilename,(CK_BYTE_PTR)pFileValue, FileValueLen);
			printf("error 0x%.8x Beidsdk_GetObjectValue\n",retVal);

		//retrieve the data of the signature file
		retVal = Beidsdk_GetObjectValue(pFunctions, session_handle, pSignatureFilename, &pSignatureValue, &SignatureValueLen);
		if(retVal == CKR_OK)
			Beidsdk_PrintValue(pSignatureFilename,(CK_BYTE_PTR)pSignatureValue, SignatureValueLen);
			printf("error 0x%.8x Beidsdk_GetObjectValue\n",retVal);

		//retrieve the lastname
		retVal = Beidsdk_GetObjectValue(pFunctions, session_handle, pLastname, &pLastnameValue, &LastnameValueLen);
		if(retVal == CKR_OK)
			Beidsdk_PrintValue(pLastname,(CK_BYTE_PTR)pLastnameValue, LastnameValueLen);
			printf("error 0x%.8x Beidsdk_GetObjectValue\n",retVal);

		if (pFileValue != NULL)
			free (pFileValue);
		if (pSignatureValue != NULL)
			free (pSignatureValue);
		if (pLastnameValue != NULL)
			free (pLastnameValue);

		//close the session
		if (retVal == CKR_OK)
			retVal = (pFunctions->C_CloseSession) (session_handle);
			(pFunctions->C_CloseSession) (session_handle);
	if (retVal == CKR_OK)
		retVal = (pFunctions->C_Finalize) (NULL_PTR);
		(pFunctions->C_Finalize) (NULL_PTR);
	return retVal;