Пример #1
task autonomous()


    if(SensorValue[J1]) // blue
        if(SensorValue[J2]) //normal
            // RAM


        else // oppo
    else // red
        if(SensorValue[J2]) // normal
        else // oppo

Пример #2
void CParam::S4_alpha_i(CData &Data) {
  is_accept_vec(3) = 0 ; 
  // if ( normC < 0 ) normC = normC_fn(Beta, Data) ;	// Ver_1_4_1
  for (int i_pheno=0; i_pheno<n_pheno; i_pheno++){  // V_1_3_5 ; Update each alpha_i
    arma::mat Beta_prop = Beta ;
    RandVec = Rcpp::rnorm(1, Beta(i_pheno,i_pheno), Data.stepsize_alpha ) ;
    Beta_prop(i_pheno,i_pheno) = RandVec(0) ; 
    double logP_numer = R::dnorm(Beta_prop(i_pheno,i_pheno), Data.theta_alpha, sqrt(Data.tau2_alpha),1) ; // log=TRUE
    double logP_denom = R::dnorm(Beta(i_pheno,i_pheno), Data.theta_alpha, sqrt(Data.tau2_alpha),1) ; // log=TRUE
    double normC_prop = normC_fn(Beta_prop, Data) ;
    for (int i_SNP=0; i_SNP<n_SNP; i_SNP++){
      double e_it = E_mat(i_pheno,i_SNP) ;
      logP_numer = logP_numer + log( normC ) + Beta_prop(i_pheno,i_pheno) * e_it  ; 
      logP_denom = logP_denom + log( normC_prop ) + Beta(i_pheno,i_pheno) * e_it ;
    double accept_prob = exp( logP_numer - logP_denom ) ; 
    accept_prob_vec(3) = accept_prob ;  
    RandVec = Rcpp::runif(1, 0, 1) ; 
    if ( accept_prob >= RandVec(0) ){
      Beta = Beta_prop ; normC = normC_prop ; 
      is_accept_vec(3) = is_accept_vec(3) + 1 ; 
  } // for (int i=0; i<n_pheno; i++){

  is_accept_vec(3) = 1.0 / n_pheno * is_accept_vec(3) ;
Пример #3
void CParam::S1_e_it(CData &Data) {
  for (int i_SNP=0; i_SNP<n_SNP; i_SNP++){
    for (int i=0; i<n_pheno; i++){
      if ( ( Data.Y(i,i_SNP) > 0 ) & ( Data.Y(i,i_SNP) <= Data.threshold_on ) ){ 
				// V 1.3.1 -> other case: e_it is fixed in CParam::Initialize, 
				//             i.e., e_it=0 if y_it<=0 and 1 if y_it>=Data.threshold_on
        double unnorm_logprob0 = 0.0 ;
        double unnorm_logprob1 = Beta(i,i) ;
        for (int j=0; j<n_pheno; j++){
          if (G_mat(i,j)==1) unnorm_logprob1 = unnorm_logprob1 + Beta(i,j) * E_mat(j,i_SNP) ; 
				  // Note: Not count G_mat(i,j)=0 or G_mat(i,j)=9,i.e., diagonal
        unnorm_logprob0 = unnorm_logprob0 + R::dnorm(Data.Y(i,i_SNP),0,1,1) ; // log = T
        unnorm_logprob1 = unnorm_logprob1 + R::dlnorm(Data.Y(i,i_SNP),mu_vec(i),sqrt(sig2_vec(i)),1) ; // log = T
        double prob_e_it = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + exp(unnorm_logprob0-unnorm_logprob1) ) ; 
        	// Note: p1 = f1/(f1+f0) = 1 / (1+f0/f1) = 1 / (1+exp(log f0 - log f1)) 
				RandVec = Rcpp::runif(1,0,1) ;
        if ( prob_e_it >= RandVec(0) ){
          E_mat(i,i_SNP) = 1 ; 
        } else {
          E_mat(i,i_SNP) = 0 ; 
      // To check loglikelihood
      if (E_mat(i,i_SNP)==1){
        loglikelihood = loglikelihood + R::dlnorm(Data.Y(i,i_SNP),mu_vec(i),sqrt(sig2_vec(i)),1)  ;
      } else {
        loglikelihood = loglikelihood + R::dnorm(Data.Y(i,i_SNP),0,1,1) ;
  is_accept_vec(0) = 1 ; 
Пример #4
/* Very fast binomial sampler. 
 * Returns the number of successes out of n trials, with success probability p.
int Binomial(RndState *S, double p, int n)
  int r = 0;
  if(isnan(p)) return 0;
  if(p < DBL_EPSILON) return 0;
  if(p >= 1-DBL_EPSILON) return n;
  if((p > 0.5) && (n < 15)) {
    /* Coin flip method. This takes O(n) time. */
    int i;
    for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
      if(Uniform(S) < p) r++;
    return r;
  if(n*p < 10) {
    /* Waiting time method.  This takes O(np) time. */
    double q = -log(1-p), e = -log(Uniform(S)), s;
    r = n;
    for(s = e/r; s <= q; s += e/r) {
      if(r == 0) break;
      e = -log(Uniform(S));
    r = n-r;
    return r;
  if (1) {
    /* Recursive method.  This makes O(log(log(n))) recursive calls. */
    int i = (int)floor(p*(n+1));
    double b = Beta(S,i, n+1-i);
    if(b <= p) r = i + Binomial(S,(p-b)/(1-b), n-i);
    else r = i - 1 - Binomial(S,(b-p)/b, i-1);
    return r;
Пример #5
bool FeasibleUpwardPlanarSubgraph::constructMergeGraph(
	GraphCopy &M,
	adjEntry adj_orig,
	const List<edge> &orig_edges)
	CombinatorialEmbedding Beta(M);

	//set ext. face of Beta
	adjEntry ext_adj = M.copy(adj_orig->theEdge())->adjSource();

	FaceSinkGraph fsg(Beta, M.copy(adj_orig->theNode()));
	SList<node> aug_nodes;
	SList<edge> aug_edges;
	SList<face> fList;
	fsg.possibleExternalFaces(fList); // use this method to call the methode checkForest()
	node v_ext = fsg.faceNodeOf(Beta.externalFace());

	OGDF_ASSERT(v_ext != 0);

	fsg.stAugmentation(v_ext, M, aug_nodes, aug_edges);

	//add the deleted edges
	for(edge eOrig: orig_edges) {
		node a = M.copy(eOrig->source());
		node b = M.copy(eOrig->target());
		M.newEdge(a, b);
	return (isAcyclic(M));
Пример #6
 double MVTR::pdf(dPtr dp, bool logscale)const{
   Ptr<DataType> d = DAT(dp);
   const Vec &y(d->y());
   const Vec &X(d->x());
   double ans = dmvt(y, X*Beta(), Siginv(), nu(), ldsi(), true);
   return logscale ? ans : exp(ans);
Пример #7
Module::ReturnType FeasibleUpwardPlanarSubgraph::call(
	const Graph &G,
	GraphCopy &FUPS,
	adjEntry &extFaceHandle,
	List<edge> &delEdges,
	bool multisources)
	FUPS = GraphCopy(G);
	node s_orig;
	hasSingleSource(G, s_orig);
	List<edge> nonTreeEdges_orig;
	getSpanTree(FUPS, nonTreeEdges_orig, true, multisources);
	CombinatorialEmbedding Gamma(FUPS);
	nonTreeEdges_orig.permute(); // random order

	//insert nonTreeEdges
	while (!nonTreeEdges_orig.empty()) {
		// make identical copy GC of Fups
		//and insert e_orig in GC
		GraphCopy GC = FUPS;
		edge e_orig = nonTreeEdges_orig.popFrontRet();
		//node a = GC.copy(e_orig->source());
		//node b = GC.copy(e_orig->target());

		if (UpwardPlanarity::upwardPlanarEmbed_singleSource(GC)) { //upward embedded the fups and check feasibility
			CombinatorialEmbedding Beta(GC);

			//choose a arbitrary feasibel ext. face
			FaceSinkGraph fsg(Beta, GC.copy(s_orig));
			SList<face> ext_faces;

			GraphCopy M = GC; // use a identical copy of GC to constrcut the merge graph of GC
			adjEntry extFaceHandle_cur = getAdjEntry(Beta, GC.copy(s_orig), Beta.externalFace());
			adjEntry adj_orig = GC.original(extFaceHandle_cur->theEdge())->adjSource();

			if (constructMergeGraph(M, adj_orig, nonTreeEdges_orig)) {
				FUPS = GC;
				extFaceHandle = FUPS.copy(GC.original(extFaceHandle_cur->theEdge()))->adjSource();
			else {
				//Beta is not feasible
		else {
			// not ok, GC is not feasible

	return Module::retFeasible;
 double MvReg::loglike(const Vector &beta_siginv) const {
   Matrix Beta(xdim(), ydim());
   Vector::const_iterator it = beta_siginv.cbegin();
   std::copy(it, it + Beta.size(), Beta.begin());
   it += Beta.size();
   SpdMatrix siginv(ydim());
   siginv.unvectorize(it, true);
   return log_likelihood_ivar(Beta, siginv);
Пример #9
void CParam::S5_beta_ij(CData &Data) {
	is_accept_vec(4) = 0 ; 
	int w_cur = 0 ; // just for calculation of is_accept_vec( ) 
	for (int i=0; i<(n_pheno-1); i++){
		for (int j=(i+1); j<n_pheno; j++){
			if ( G_mat(i,j)==1 ){
				w_cur ++ ; 
			  arma::mat Beta_prop = Beta ;
				double temp_beta_prop = 0.0 ; 
				while ( temp_beta_prop <= 0.0 ){
					temp_beta_prop = rtruncNorm_uppertail_fn(Beta(i,j), Data.stepsize_beta, 0) ;
				Beta_prop(i,j) = temp_beta_prop ; 
				Beta_prop(j,i) = temp_beta_prop ;
				double logP_numer = R::dgamma(Beta_prop(i,j),Data.a_beta,(1.0/Data.b_beta),1) ;   // (shape,scale,log), i.e., b_beta = rate // V_1_3_5
			  double logP_denom = R::dgamma(Beta(i,j),Data.a_beta,(1.0/Data.b_beta),1) ;         // 
        double normC_prop = normC_fn(Beta_prop, Data) ;
			  for (int i_SNP=0; i_SNP<n_SNP; i_SNP++){
			    double e_it = E_mat(i,i_SNP) ;
			    double e_jt = E_mat(j,i_SNP) ; 
			    logP_numer = logP_numer + log(normC) + Beta_prop(i,j) * e_it * e_jt ; 
			    logP_denom = logP_denom + log(normC_prop) + Beta(i,j) * e_it * e_jt ; 
			  double logQ_numer = log( dtruncnorm_uppertail_fn(Beta(i,j), 0, Beta_prop(i,j), Data.stepsize_beta) ) ; // CHECK
			  double logQ_denom = log( dtruncnorm_uppertail_fn(Beta_prop(i,j), 0, Beta(i,j), Data.stepsize_beta) ) ;
				double accept_prob = exp( logP_numer - logP_denom + logQ_numer - logQ_denom ) ; 
			  accept_prob_vec(4) = accept_prob ;  
        RandVec = Rcpp::runif(1, 0, 1) ; 
			  if ( accept_prob >= RandVec(0) ){
			    Beta = Beta_prop ; normC = normC_prop ; 
					is_accept_vec(4) = is_accept_vec(4) + 1 ; 
	if ( w_cur == 0 ){
	  is_accept_vec(4) = 0.2 ; 
	} else {
	  is_accept_vec(4) = 1.0 / w_cur * is_accept_vec(4) ; 
Пример #10
double Basis(int m, int M, float x, float xmin, float DX){
    double y = 0;
    double xm = xmin + (m * DX);
    double z = abs((double)(x - xm) / (double)DX);
    if (z < 2.0) {
        z = 2 - z;
        y = 0.25 * (z*z*z);
        z -= 1.0;
        if (z > 0)
            y -= (z*z*z);
    // Boundary conditions, if any, are an additional addend.
    if (m == 0 || m == 1)
        y += Beta(m, M) * Basis(-1, M, x, xmin, DX);
    else if (m == M-1 || m == M)
        y += Beta(m, M) * Basis(M+1, M, x, xmin, DX);
    return y;
Пример #11
::ComputeAMatrix(const Realizations &R) 
  /// It computes the A matrix (ref documentation) based on the orthonormal basis B and the beta coefficients
  MatrixType NewA(m_ManifoldDimension, m_NbIndependentSources);
  for(int i = 0; i < m_NbIndependentSources; ++i)
    VectorType Beta(m_ManifoldDimension, 0.0);
    for(size_t j = 0; j < m_ManifoldDimension - 1; ++j)
      std::string Number = std::to_string(int(j + i*(m_ManifoldDimension - 1)));
      Beta(j) = R.at( "Beta#" + Number, 0);
    NewA.set_column(i, m_OrthogonalBasis * Beta);
  m_AMatrix = NewA;
Пример #12
int main(int argc, char* argv[ ]) {
	double v, w, x, y, z;
	double timer = omp_get_wtime();
	int thread_count = 1;
	if (argc>1)
		thread_count = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10);

#	pragma omp parallel num_threads(thread_count)
#		pragma omp sections
#			pragma omp section
				v = Alpha( );
				printf("v = %lf\n", v);
#			pragma omp section
				w = Beta( );
				printf("w = %lf\n", w);

#		pragma omp sections
#			pragma omp section
				x = Gamma(v, w);
				printf("x = %lf\n", x);
#			pragma omp section
				y = Delta( );
				printf("y = %lf\n", y);

	z = Epsilon(x, y);
	printf("z = %lf\n", z);

	timer = omp_get_wtime() - timer;
	printf("timer = %lf\n", timer);

	return 0;
Пример #13
  MVTR::MvtRegModel(const Mat &X,const Mat &Y, bool add_intercept)
    : ParamPolicy(new MatrixParams(X.ncol() + add_intercept,Y.ncol()),
		  new SpdParams(Y.ncol()),
		  new UnivParams(default_df))
    Mat XX(add_intercept? cbind(1.0,X) : X);
    QR qr(XX);
    Mat Beta(qr.solve(qr.QtY(Y)));
    Mat resid = Y - XX* Beta;
    uint n = XX.nrow();
    Spd Sig = resid.t() * resid/n;


    for(uint i=0; i<n; ++i){
      Vec y = Y.row(i);
      Vec x = XX.row(i);
      NEW(MvRegData, dp)(y,x);
Пример #14
 Vec MVTR::predict(const Vec &x)const{ return x*Beta(); }
Пример #15
 double LRM::Loglike(Vec &g, Mat &h, uint nd)const{
   if(nd>=2) return log_likelihood(Beta(), &g, &h);
   if(nd==1) return log_likelihood(Beta(), &g, 0);
   return log_likelihood(Beta(), 0, 0);
Пример #16
void tracc::UProcessFill()
   // User Function called for all entries .
   // Entry is the entry number in the current tree.
   // Fills histograms.
    //cout << "Event "<<Event()<<endl;
    Float_t xm=0;
     MCEventgR mc_ev=MCEventg(0);
      xm = log(mc_ev.Momentum);
      h1A[0]-> Fill(xm,1);
      cout <<Run()<< "  " <<Event()<< "  "<<mc_ev.Momentum<<"  "<<MCEventg(1).Momentum<<"  "<< MCEventg(1).Coo[2]<<" "<<endl;
      cout <<"  Particle "<<Particle(0).Momentum<<"  "<<NBeta()<<endl;
      for (int k=0;k<nTrTrack();k++){
         cout <<"  tracke "<<k<<" "<<TrTrack(k).IsGood()<<endl;

      float xx=pow(float(fabs(Particle(0).Momentum/mc_ev.Momentum)),float(2.7));
       cout << xx<<endl;
       int ng=nEcalHit();
        EcalHitR ec=EcalHit(ng-1);
          for(int kk=0;kk<10000000;kk++){
           }                                                                                      //cout <<" ne "<<ng<<" "<<ec.Edep<<endl;
       int ptrack = Particle(0).iTrTrack();
       int ptrd = Particle(0).iTrdTrack();
       if(NParticle()== 1 && ptrack>=0 && ptrd>=0){ //final if
         h1A[1]-> Fill(xm,1);
        int pbeta = Particle(0).iBeta();   
        BetaR *pb =  Particle(0).pBeta();   // another way 
        if(pbeta>=0){			//check beta
	  BetaR BetaI=Beta(pbeta);
          if(fabs(BetaI.Beta) < 2 && pb->Chi2S < 5 && BetaI.Pattern < 4){
	    Int_t Layer1 =0;
            Int_t Layer2 =0;  
             TrTrackR tr_tr=TrTrack(ptrack);
		 int  ptrh=tr_tr.iTrRecHit(0);			//pht1
		  ptrh=tr_tr.iTrRecHit(tr_tr.NTrRecHit()-1);			//pht2

 // alt method

                  for (int k=0;k<tr_tr.NTrRecHit();k++){
 uint MvReg::xdim() const { return Beta().nrow(); }
 uint MvReg::ydim() const { return Beta().ncol(); }
Пример #19
void FUPSSimple::computeFUPS(UpwardPlanRep &UPR, List<edge> &delEdges)
	const Graph &G = UPR.original();
	GraphCopy FUPS(G);
	node s_orig;
	hasSingleSource(G, s_orig);
	List<edge> nonTreeEdges_orig;
	bool random = (m_nRuns != 0);

	getSpanTree(FUPS, nonTreeEdges_orig, random);

	CombinatorialEmbedding Gamma(FUPS);

	if (random)
		nonTreeEdges_orig.permute(); // random order

	adjEntry extFaceHandle = nullptr;

	//insert nonTreeEdges
	while (!nonTreeEdges_orig.empty()) {

	GraphAttributes AG(FUPS, GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics|
	// label the nodes with their index
	for(node v : AG.constGraph().nodes) {
		AG.label(v) = to_string(v->index());

		// make identical copy FUPSCopy of FUPS
		//and insert e_orig in FUPSCopy
		GraphCopy FUPSCopy((const GraphCopy &) FUPS);
		edge e_orig = nonTreeEdges_orig.popFrontRet();

		if (UpwardPlanarity::upwardPlanarEmbed_singleSource(FUPSCopy)) { //upward embedded the fups and check feasibility
			CombinatorialEmbedding Beta(FUPSCopy);

			//choose a arbitrary feasibel ext. face
			FaceSinkGraph fsg(Beta, FUPSCopy.copy(s_orig));
			SList<face> ext_faces;



#if 0
			//*************************** debug ********************************
			cout << endl << "FUPS : " << endl;
			for(face ff : Beta.faces) {
				cout << "face " << ff->index() << ": ";
				adjEntry adjNext = ff->firstAdj();
				do {
					cout << adjNext->theEdge() << "; ";
					adjNext = adjNext->faceCycleSucc();
				} while(adjNext != ff->firstAdj());
				cout << endl;
			if (Beta.externalFace() != 0)
				cout << "ext. face of the graph is: " << Beta.externalFace()->index() << endl;
				cout << "no ext. face set." << endl;

			GraphCopy M((const GraphCopy &) FUPSCopy); // use a identical copy of FUPSCopy to construct the merge graph of FUPSCopy
			adjEntry extFaceHandle_cur = getAdjEntry(Beta, FUPSCopy.copy(s_orig), Beta.externalFace());
			adjEntry adj_orig = FUPSCopy.original(extFaceHandle_cur->theEdge())->adjSource();

			List<edge> missingEdges = nonTreeEdges_orig, listTmp = delEdges;
			if (constructMergeGraph(M, adj_orig, missingEdges)) {
				FUPS = FUPSCopy;
				extFaceHandle = FUPS.copy(FUPSCopy.original(extFaceHandle_cur->theEdge()))->adjSource();
			else {
				//Beta is not feasible
		else {
			// not ok, GC is not feasible
	UpwardPlanRep fups_tmp (FUPS, extFaceHandle);
	UPR = fups_tmp;
Пример #20
bool FUPSSimple::constructMergeGraph(GraphCopy &M, adjEntry adj_orig, const List<edge> &orig_edges)
	CombinatorialEmbedding Beta(M);

	//set ext. face of Beta
	adjEntry ext_adj = M.copy(adj_orig->theEdge())->adjSource();

	//*************************** debug ********************************
	cout << endl << "FUPS : " << endl;
	for(face ff : Beta.faces) {
		cout << "face " << ff->index() << ": ";
		adjEntry adjNext = ff->firstAdj();
		do {
			cout << adjNext->theEdge() << "; ";
			adjNext = adjNext->faceCycleSucc();
		} while(adjNext != ff->firstAdj());
		cout << endl;
	if (Beta.externalFace() != 0)
		cout << "ext. face of the graph is: " << Beta.externalFace()->index() << endl;
		cout << "no ext. face set." << endl;

	FaceSinkGraph fsg(Beta, M.copy(adj_orig->theNode()));
	SList<node> aug_nodes;
	SList<edge> aug_edges;
	SList<face> fList;
	fsg.possibleExternalFaces(fList); // use this method to call the methode checkForest()
	node v_ext = fsg.faceNodeOf(Beta.externalFace());

	OGDF_ASSERT(v_ext != 0);

	fsg.stAugmentation(v_ext, M, aug_nodes, aug_edges);

	GraphAttributes AG(M, GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics|
	// label the nodes with their index
	for(node v : AG.constGraph().nodes) {
		AG.label(v) = to_string(v->index());


	//add the deleted edges
	for(edge eOrig : orig_edges) {
		node a = M.copy(eOrig->source());
		node b = M.copy(eOrig->target());
		M.newEdge(a, b);
	return (isAcyclic(M));
 void MvReg::mle() {
   set_Sigma(suf()->SSE(Beta()) / suf()->n());
Пример #22
HHKinFit2::HHLorentzVector::SetEkeepBeta(double E){
  double pnew = Beta()*E;
  double ptnew = pnew * sin(2.*atan(exp(-Eta())));
Пример #23
 uint MVTR::xdim()const{ return Beta().nrow();}
Пример #24
void CParam::S6_G_beta_ij(CData &Data) {
  arma::mat G_prop = G_mat ; arma::mat Beta_prop = Beta ; 
  double logQ_numer, logQ_denom ; 
  double logP_numer, logP_denom ;
  double normC_prop ;
  bool is_forcein_edge_selected = false ;
	// double P_G_q, P_G ; // For updated E(i,j)
  // Step 1
  int w_cur = 0 ; int w_max = 0 ; int w_prop ; 
  for (int i=0; i<(n_pheno-1); i++){
    for (int j=(i+1); j<n_pheno; j++){
      w_max ++ ; w_cur = w_cur + G_mat(i,j) ; 
  if ( w_cur==0 ){ w_prop = 1 ; logQ_numer = log(0.5) ; logQ_denom = log(1.0) ; } // q(w|w^q) // q(w^q|w)
  if ( w_cur==w_max ){ w_prop = w_max - 1 ; logQ_numer = log(0.5) ;  logQ_denom = log(1.0) ; } // q(w|w^q) // q(w^q|w)
  if ( (w_cur > 0) && (w_cur < w_max) ){
    RandVec = Rcpp::runif(1, 0, 1) ; 
    if ( RandVec(0) < 0.5 ){ w_prop = w_cur + 1 ; } else { w_prop = w_cur - 1 ; }
    logQ_denom = log(0.5) ; // q(w^q|w)
    if ( (w_prop==0) || (w_prop==w_max) ){ logQ_numer = log(1.0) ; } else { logQ_numer = log(0.5) ; } // q(w|w^q)
  // Step 2
  if ( w_prop > w_cur  ){ // step 2-a
		int id_added = rDiscrete(w_max-w_cur) + 1 ; // 1 ~ total. of empty edges
    int count_empty_edge = 0 ;
    for (int i=0; i<(n_pheno-1); i++){
      for (int j=(i+1); j<n_pheno; j++){
        if ( G_mat(i,j)==0 ){
          if ( id_added==count_empty_edge ){
            G_prop(i,j) = 1 ; G_prop(j,i) = G_prop(i,j) ; 
            RandVec = Rcpp::rgamma(1, Data.a_betaG, 1.0/Data.b_betaG) ; // q(beta_ij^q)
            Beta_prop(i,j) = RandVec(0) ; 
            Beta_prop(j,i) = Beta_prop(i,j) ; 
            id_added = -9 ; 
						// if ( Data.PriorSetting==2 ){
						//	P_G = 1.0 - Data.priorprob_G(i,j) ; // Bernoulli(E_ij=0; p_ij)
						//	P_G_q = Data.priorprob_G(i,j) ; // Bernoulli(E_ij^q=1; p_ij)
						// }
            logP_numer = R::dgamma(Beta_prop(i,j),Data.a_beta,(1.0/Data.b_beta),1) ; // f(beta_ij^q|G_ij^q)
            logP_denom = 0 ; // f(beta_ij|G_ij) cancelled with q(beta_ij)
            normC_prop = normC_fn(Beta_prop, Data) ;
            for (int i_SNP=0; i_SNP<n_SNP; i_SNP++){
              double e_it = E_mat(i,i_SNP) ;
              double e_jt = E_mat(j,i_SNP) ; 
              logP_numer = logP_numer - log(normC_prop) + Beta_prop(i,j) * e_it * e_jt ; // f(e_t|alpha,beta^q,G^q)
              logP_denom = logP_denom - log(normC) + Beta(i,j) * e_it * e_jt ; // f(e_t|alpha,beta,G)
            logQ_numer = logQ_numer + 0 ; // q(beta_ij) cancelled with f(beta_ij|G_ij)  
            logQ_denom = logQ_denom + R::dgamma(Beta_prop(i,j),Data.a_betaG,(1.0/Data.b_betaG),1) ; // q(beta_ij^q)
          } // if ( id_added==count_empty_edge ) 
        } // for ( G_mat(i,j)==0 )
      } // for (j)
    } // for (i)
    logQ_numer = logQ_numer - log(w_cur) ; // q(G|G^q,w)
    logQ_denom = logQ_denom - log(w_max-w_cur)  ; // q(G^q|G,w^q)
	} else { // step 2-b
    int id_deleted = rDiscrete(w_cur)+1 ; // 1 ~ total no. of connected edges
    int count_connected_edge = 0 ; 
    for (int i=0; i<(n_pheno-1); i++){
      for (int j=(i+1); j<n_pheno; j++){
        if ( G_mat(i,j)==1 ){
          if ( id_deleted==count_connected_edge ){
            G_prop(i,j) = 0 ; G_prop(j,i) = G_prop(i,j) ; 
            Beta_prop(i,j) = 0 ; // q(beta_ij^q)
            Beta_prop(j,i) = Beta_prop(i,j) ; 
            id_deleted = -9 ; 
            if (Data.isforcein==true){
              if (Data.E_forcein_mat(i,j)==1) is_forcein_edge_selected = true ; 
						// if ( Data.PriorSetting==2 ){
						//	P_G = Data.priorprob_G(i,j) ; // Bernoulli(E_ij=1; p_ij)
						//	P_G_q = 1.0 - Data.priorprob_G(i,j) ; // Bernoulli(E_ij^q=0; p_ij)
						// }
            logP_numer = 0 ; // f(beta_ij^q|G_ij^q) cancelled with q(beta_ij^q)
            logP_denom = R::dgamma(Beta(i,j),Data.a_beta,(1.0/Data.b_beta),1) ; // f(beta_ij|G_ij)
            normC_prop = normC_fn(Beta_prop, Data) ;
            for (int i_SNP=0; i_SNP<n_SNP; i_SNP++){
              double e_it = E_mat(i,i_SNP) ;
              double e_jt = E_mat(j,i_SNP) ; 
              logP_numer = logP_numer - log(normC_prop) + Beta_prop(i,j) * e_it * e_jt ; // f(e_t|alpha,beta^q,G^q)
              logP_denom = logP_denom - log(normC) + Beta(i,j) * e_it * e_jt ; // f(e_t|alpha,beta,G)
            logQ_numer = logQ_numer + R::dgamma(Beta(i,j),Data.a_betaG,(1.0/Data.b_betaG),1) ; // q(beta_ij) 
            logQ_denom = logQ_denom + 0 ; // q(beta_ij^q) cancelled with f(beta_ij^q|G_ij^q) 
    logQ_numer = logQ_numer - log(w_max-w_cur) ; // q(G|G^q,w)
    logQ_denom = logQ_denom - log(w_cur) ; // q(G^q|G,w^q)
	// if ( Data.PriorSetting==1 ){
	  if ( w_prop > 0 ) logP_numer = logP_numer - log(w_prop) ; // f(G^q) // if w_prop=0, let 1/w_prop = 1, so that log(w_prop) = 0
	  if ( w_cur > 0 ) logP_denom = logP_denom - log(w_cur) ; // f(G) // if w_cur=0, let 1/w_cur = 1, so that log(w_cur) = 0
	// }
	// if ( Data.PriorSetting==2 ){
	//  if ( w_prop > 0 ) logP_numer = logP_numer + log(P_G_q) ; 
	//  if ( w_cur > 0 ) logP_denom = logP_denom + log(P_G) ; 
	// }

  // Step 3  
  double accept_prob = exp( logP_numer - logP_denom + logQ_numer - logQ_denom ) ; 
  if (is_forcein_edge_selected==true) accept_prob = 0 ;
  accept_prob_vec(5) = accept_prob ;  
  RandVec = Rcpp::runif(1, 0, 1) ; 
  if ( accept_prob >= RandVec(0) ){
    Beta = Beta_prop ; G_mat = G_prop ; normC = normC_prop ; 
    is_accept_vec(5) = 1 ; 
  } else {
    is_accept_vec(5) = 0 ; 
 double MvReg::log_likelihood() const {
   return log_likelihood_ivar(Beta(), Siginv());
 Vector MvReg::predict(const Vector &x) const { return x * Beta(); }
Пример #27
 uint MVTR::ydim()const{ return Beta().ncol();}
Пример #28
 double log_likelihood() const override {
   Vector g;
   Matrix h;
   return Loglike(Beta(), g, h, 0);