Пример #1
DefuzzifierFactory::DefuzzifierFactory() {
    registerClass(Bisector().className(), &(Bisector::constructor));
    registerClass(Centroid().className(), &(Centroid::constructor));
    registerClass(LargestOfMaximum().className(), &(LargestOfMaximum::constructor));
    registerClass(MeanOfMaximum().className(), &(MeanOfMaximum::constructor));
    registerClass(SmallestOfMaximum().className(), &(SmallestOfMaximum::constructor));
    registerClass(WeightedAverage().className(), &(WeightedAverage::constructor));
    registerClass(WeightedSum().className(), &(WeightedSum::constructor));
Пример #2
static void WhiskerStep(
    double&      xstep,  // out: x dist to move one pix along whisker
    double&      ystep,  // out: y dist to move one pix along whisker
    const Shape& shape,  // in
    int          ipoint) // in: index of the current point
    int prev, next; PrevAndNextLandmarks(prev, next, ipoint, shape);

    if ((Equal(shape(prev, IX), shape(ipoint, IX)) &&
         Equal(shape(prev, IY), shape(ipoint, IY)))     ||

        (Equal(shape(next, IX), shape(ipoint, IX)) &&
         Equal(shape(next, IY), shape(ipoint, IY))))
        // The prev or next point is on top of the current point.
        // Arbitrarily point the whisker in a horizontal direction.
        // TODO Revisit, this is common at low resolution pyramid levels.

        xstep = 1;
        ystep = 0;
        const VEC whisker_direction(Bisector(shape.row(prev),
        xstep = -whisker_direction(IX);
        ystep = -whisker_direction(IY);

        // normalize so either xstep or ystep will be +-1,
        // and the other will be smaller than +-1

        const double abs_xstep = ABS(xstep);
        const double abs_ystep = ABS(ystep);
        if (abs_xstep >= abs_ystep)
            xstep /= abs_xstep;
            ystep /= abs_xstep;
            xstep /= abs_ystep;
            ystep /= abs_ystep;
Пример #3
Real DistPoint3Ellipsoid3<Real>::SqrDistanceSpecial (const Real e[3],
    const Real y[3], Real x[3])
    Real sqrDistance;

    Real ePos[3], yPos[3], xPos[3];
    int numPos = 0;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        if (y[i] > (Real)0)
            ePos[numPos] = e[i];
            yPos[numPos] = y[i];
            x[i] = (Real)0;

    if (y[2] > (Real)0)
        sqrDistance = Bisector(numPos, ePos, yPos, xPos);
    else  // y[2] = 0
        Real e2Sqr = e[2]*e[2];
        Real denom[2], ey[2];
        for (i = 0; i < numPos; ++i)
            denom[i] = ePos[i]*ePos[i] - e2Sqr;
            ey[i] = ePos[i]*yPos[i];

        bool inAABBSubEllipse = true;
        for (i = 0; i < numPos; ++i)
            if (ey[i] >= denom[i])
                inAABBSubEllipse = false;

        // Initialize to avoid C4701 in MSVS 2008.  The compiler cannot
        // determine that sqrDistance is assigned a value in all cases.
        sqrDistance = (Real)0;

        bool inSubEllipse = false;
        if (inAABBSubEllipse)
            // yPos[] is inside the axis-aligned bounding box of the
            // subellipse.  This intermediate test is designed to guard
            // against the division by zero when ePos[i] == e[N-1] for some i.
            Real xde[2], discr = (Real)1;
            for (i = 0; i < numPos; ++i)
                xde[i] = ey[i]/denom[i];
                discr -= xde[i]*xde[i];
            if (discr > (Real)0)
                // yPos[] is inside the subellipse.  The closest ellipsoid
                // point has x[2] > 0.
                sqrDistance = (Real)0;
                for (i = 0; i < numPos; ++i)
                    xPos[i] = ePos[i]*xde[i];
                    Real diff = xPos[i] - yPos[i];
                    sqrDistance += diff*diff;
                x[2] = e[2]*sqrt(discr);
                sqrDistance += x[2]*x[2];
                inSubEllipse = true;

        if (!inSubEllipse)
            // yPos[] is outside the subellipse.  The closest ellipsoid
            // point has x[2] == 0 and is on the domain-boundary ellipse.
            x[2] = (Real)0;
            sqrDistance = Bisector(numPos, ePos, yPos, xPos);

    // Fill in those x[] values that were not zeroed out initially.
    for (i = 0, numPos = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        if (y[i] > (Real)0)
            x[i] = xPos[numPos];

    return sqrDistance;