Пример #1
void Components_Init(void)
  /* ### PWM_LDD "PwmLdd1" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### PWM_LDD "PwmLdd2" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### PWM_LDD "PwmLdd3" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd1" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd2" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### Asynchro serial "ASBluetooth" init code ... */
  /* ### Asynchro serial "ASDXL" init code ... */
  /* ### TimerInt_LDD "TIMotorCtrl" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### ExtInt_LDD "EInt_M1A" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### ExtInt_LDD "EInt_M1B" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### ExtInt_LDD "EInt_M2A" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### ExtInt_LDD "EInt_M2B" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### ExtInt_LDD "EInt_M3A" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### ExtInt_LDD "EInt_M3B" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd3" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd4" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd5" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd6" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd7" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd8" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd9" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### KinetisSDK "KSDK1" init code ... */
  /* Write code here ... */
  /* ### CriticalSection "CS1" init code ... */
  /* ### Timeout "TMOUT1" init code ... */
  /* ### RingBuffer "Tx1" init code ... */
  /* ### RingBuffer "Rx1" init code ... */
  /* ### Serial_LDD "IO1" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
Пример #2
void Components_Init(void)
    /* ### PWM_LDD "PwmLdd1" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
    /* ### Asynchro serial "UART" init code ... */
    /* ### PWM_LDD "PwmLdd2" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
    /* ### ADC "M2_ANALOG" init code ... */
    /* ### ADC "M1_ANALOG" init code ... */
    /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd1" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
    /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd2" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
    /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd3" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
    /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd4" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
    /* ### ExtInt_LDD "ExtIntLdd1" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
    /* ### ExtInt_LDD "ExtIntLdd2" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
    /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd5" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
    /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd6" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
    /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd7" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
    /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd8" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
    /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd9" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
    /* ### TimerInt_LDD "TimerIntLdd1" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
    /* ### TimerInt "FastLoop" init code ... */
    /* ### TimerInt_LDD "TimerIntLdd2" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
    /* ### TimerInt "SlowLoop" init code ... */
Пример #3
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  PE_low_level_init (component MK22FN1M0LH12)
**     Description :
**         Initializes beans and provides common register initialization. 
**         The method is called automatically as a part of the 
**         application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void PE_low_level_init(void)
  #ifdef PEX_RTOS_INIT
    PEX_RTOS_INIT();                   /* Initialization of the selected RTOS. Macro is defined by the RTOS component. */
      /* Initialization of the SIM module */
  /* PORTA_PCR4: ISF=0,MUX=7 */
  PORTA_PCR4 = (uint32_t)((PORTA_PCR4 & (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)(
               )) | (uint32_t)(
        /* Initialization of the RCM module */
  RCM_RPFW &= (uint8_t)~(uint8_t)(RCM_RPFW_RSTFLTSEL(0x1F));
  RCM_RPFC &= (uint8_t)~(uint8_t)(
               RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSS_MASK |
  /* SIM_SCGC7: MPU=1 */
        /* Initialization of the MPU module */
  /* MPU_CESR: SPERR=0,VLD=0 */
  MPU_CESR &= (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)((MPU_CESR_SPERR(0x1F) | MPU_CESR_VLD_MASK));
      /* Initialization of the PMC module */
  PMC_LVDSC1 = (uint8_t)((PMC_LVDSC1 & (uint8_t)~(uint8_t)(
                PMC_LVDSC1_LVDIE_MASK |
               )) | (uint8_t)(
                PMC_LVDSC1_LVDACK_MASK |
  PMC_LVDSC2 = (uint8_t)((PMC_LVDSC2 & (uint8_t)~(uint8_t)(
                PMC_LVDSC2_LVWIE_MASK |
               )) | (uint8_t)(
  PMC_REGSC &= (uint8_t)~(uint8_t)(
                PMC_REGSC_BGEN_MASK |
                PMC_REGSC_ACKISO_MASK |
  /* SMC_PMPROT: ??=0,??=0,AVLP=0,??=0,ALLS=0,??=0,AVLLS=0,??=0 */
  SMC_PMPROT = 0x00U;                  /* Setup Power mode protection register */
  /* Common initialization of the CPU registers */
  /* NVICIP42: PRI42=0x80 */
  NVICIP42 = NVIC_IP_PRI42(0x80);
  /* NVICIP53: PRI53=0 */
  NVICIP53 = NVIC_IP_PRI53(0x00);
  /* NVICIP20: PRI20=0 */
  NVICIP20 = NVIC_IP_PRI20(0x00);
  /* NVICISER1: SETENA|=0x0400 */
  /* GPIOC_PDDR: PDD&=~0x0104 */
  GPIOC_PDDR &= (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)(GPIO_PDDR_PDD(0x0104));
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd1" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd2" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### Init_FTM "FTM0" init code ... */

  /* ### SynchroMaster "SM1" init code ... */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd4" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd5" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### ExtInt_LDD "ExtIntLdd1" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### nRF24L01 "RF24" init code ... */
  /* ### CriticalSection "CS1" init code ... */
  /* ### Asynchro serial "AS1" init code ... */
  /* ### KinetisSDK "KSDK1" init code ... */
  /* Write code here ... */
  /* ### Shell "mainShell" init code ... */
  mainShell_Init(); /* initialize shell */
  /* ### FreeRTOS "FRTOS1" init code ... */
  /* enable clocking for low power timer, otherwise vPortStopTickTimer() will crash */
  vPortStopTickTimer(); /* tick timer shall not run until the RTOS scheduler is started */
  /* ### FreeRTOS_Tasks "rtTasks" init code ... */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd6" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd7" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd8" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### GenericSWSPI "RFIDspi" init code ... */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd9" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### ExtInt_LDD "ExtIntLdd2" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd10" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd11" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### LEDbit "LED1" init code ... */
  LED1_Init(); /* initializes the driver */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd3" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### LEDbit "LED2" init code ... */
  LED2_Init(); /* initializes the driver */
  /* ### BitIO_LDD "BitIoLdd12" component auto initialization. Auto initialization feature can be disabled by component property "Auto initialization". */
  /* ### LEDbit "LED3" init code ... */
  LED3_Init(); /* initializes the driver */
  /* ### Init_USB_OTG "USB0" init code ... */

  /* ### RingBuffer "Tx1" init code ... */
  /* ### RingBuffer "Rx1" init code ... */