BOOLEAN UpdateSaveBufferWithBackbuffer(void) { UINT32 uiDestPitchBYTES, uiSrcPitchBYTES; UINT8 *pDestBuf, *pSrcBuf; UINT16 usWidth, usHeight; UINT8 ubBitDepth; // Update saved buffer - do for the viewport size ony! GetCurrentVideoSettings( &usWidth, &usHeight, &ubBitDepth ); pSrcBuf = LockVideoSurface(FRAME_BUFFER, &uiSrcPitchBYTES); pDestBuf = LockVideoSurface(guiSAVEBUFFER, &uiDestPitchBYTES); if(gbPixelDepth==16) { // BLIT HERE Blt16BPPTo16BPP((UINT16 *)pDestBuf, uiDestPitchBYTES, (UINT16 *)pSrcBuf, uiSrcPitchBYTES, 0, 0, 0, 0, 640, 480 ); } UnLockVideoSurface(FRAME_BUFFER); UnLockVideoSurface(guiSAVEBUFFER); return(TRUE); }
HRESULT BltFastDDSurfaceUsingSoftware( LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2 pDestSurface, INT32 uiX, INT32 uiY, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2 pSrcSurface, LPRECT pSrcRect, UINT32 uiTrans ) { DDSURFACEDESC SurfaceDescription; UINT32 uiDestPitchBYTES, uiSrcPitchBYTES; UINT8 *pDestBuf, *pSrcBuf; HRESULT ReturnCode; DDCOLORKEY ColorKey; UINT16 us16BPPColorKey; // Lock surfaces DDLockSurface( (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2)pDestSurface, NULL, &SurfaceDescription, 0, NULL); uiDestPitchBYTES = SurfaceDescription.lPitch; pDestBuf = SurfaceDescription.lpSurface; // Lock surfaces DDLockSurface( (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2)pSrcSurface, NULL, &SurfaceDescription, 0, NULL); uiSrcPitchBYTES = SurfaceDescription.lPitch; pSrcBuf = SurfaceDescription.lpSurface; if ( uiTrans == DDBLTFAST_NOCOLORKEY ) { Blt16BPPTo16BPP( (UINT16 *)pDestBuf, uiDestPitchBYTES, (UINT16 *)pSrcBuf, uiSrcPitchBYTES, uiX , uiY, pSrcRect->left , pSrcRect->top, ( pSrcRect->right - pSrcRect->left ), ( pSrcRect->bottom - pSrcRect->top ) ); } else if ( uiTrans == DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY ) { // Get 16 bpp color key..... ReturnCode = IDirectDrawSurface2_GetColorKey( pSrcSurface, DDCKEY_SRCBLT, &ColorKey); if (ReturnCode == DD_OK) { us16BPPColorKey = (UINT16)ColorKey.dwColorSpaceLowValue; Blt16BPPTo16BPPTrans( (UINT16 *)pDestBuf, uiDestPitchBYTES, (UINT16 *)pSrcBuf, uiSrcPitchBYTES, uiX , uiY, pSrcRect->left , pSrcRect->top, ( pSrcRect->right - pSrcRect->left ), ( pSrcRect->bottom - pSrcRect->top ), us16BPPColorKey ); } } else { // Not supported..... } DDUnlockSurface( (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2)pDestSurface, NULL ); DDUnlockSurface( (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2)pSrcSurface, NULL ); return( DD_OK ); }
UINT32 ExitChatBox( INT8 ubExitCode ) { UINT32 uiDestPitchBYTES, uiSrcPitchBYTES; UINT8 *pDestBuf, *pSrcBuf; SGPPoint pPosition; // Delete popup! RemoveMercPopupBoxFromIndex( gChatBox.iBoxId ); gChatBox.iBoxId = -1; // OJW - 20090208 - Add text input box type // exit text input mode in this screen and clean up text boxes KillAllTextInputModes(); RemoveButton( gChatBox.uiOKButton ); RemoveButton( gChatBox.uiNOButton ); // Delete button images UnloadButtonImage( gChatBox.iButtonImages ); //Remove the toggle buttons for(int cnt=0; cnt<NUM_CHAT_TOGGLES; cnt++) { RemoveButton( guiChatToggles[ cnt ] ); } // delete graphics and scrolling buttons / slider if (gIncludeChatLog) { RemoveButton( guiChatLogScrollButtons[ 0 ] ); RemoveButton( guiChatLogScrollButtons[ 1 ] ); UnloadButtonImage( guiChatLogScrollButtonsImage[ 0 ] ); UnloadButtonImage( guiChatLogScrollButtonsImage[ 1 ] ); DeleteVideoObjectFromIndex( guiCHATLOGIMG ); DeleteChatLogSliderBar(); } #if 0 if (!gChatBox.fWasPaused) { // Unpause game.... UnLockPauseState(); UnPauseGame(); // UnPause timers as well.... PauseTime( FALSE ); } #endif // Restore mouse restriction region... RestrictMouseCursor( &gOldCursorLimitRectangle ); gfInChatBox = FALSE; // Call done callback! if ( gChatBox.ExitCallback != NULL ) { (*(gChatBox.ExitCallback))( ubExitCode ); } //if ur in a non gamescreen and DONT want the msg box to use the save buffer, unset gfDontOverRideSaveBuffer in ur callback if( ( ( gChatBox.uiExitScreen != GAME_SCREEN ) || ( fRestoreBackgroundForMessageBox == TRUE ) ) && gfDontOverRideSaveBuffer ) { // restore what we have under here... pSrcBuf = LockVideoSurface( gChatBox.uiSaveBuffer, &uiSrcPitchBYTES); pDestBuf = LockVideoSurface( FRAME_BUFFER, &uiDestPitchBYTES); Blt16BPPTo16BPP((UINT16 *)pDestBuf, uiDestPitchBYTES, (UINT16 *)pSrcBuf, uiSrcPitchBYTES, gChatBox.sX , gChatBox.sY, 0, 0, gChatBox.usWidth, gChatBox.usHeight ); UnLockVideoSurface( gChatBox.uiSaveBuffer ); UnLockVideoSurface( FRAME_BUFFER ); InvalidateRegion( gChatBox.sX, gChatBox.sY, (INT16)( gChatBox.sX + gChatBox.usWidth ), (INT16)( gChatBox.sY + gChatBox.usHeight ) ); } fRestoreBackgroundForMessageBox = FALSE; gfDontOverRideSaveBuffer = TRUE; if( fCursorLockedToArea == TRUE ) { GetMousePos( &pPosition ); if( ( pPosition.iX > ChatBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iRight ) || ( pPosition.iX > ChatBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iLeft ) && ( pPosition.iY < ChatBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iTop ) && ( pPosition.iY > ChatBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iBottom ) ) { SimulateMouseMovement( pOldMousePosition.iX , pOldMousePosition.iY ); } fCursorLockedToArea = FALSE; RestrictMouseCursor( &ChatBoxRestrictedCursorRegion ); } // Remove region MSYS_RemoveRegion(&(gChatBox.BackRegion) ); // Remove save buffer! DeleteVideoSurfaceFromIndex( gChatBox.uiSaveBuffer ); switch( gChatBox.uiExitScreen ) { case GAME_SCREEN: if ( InOverheadMap( ) ) { gfOverheadMapDirty = TRUE; } else { SetRenderFlags( RENDER_FLAG_FULL ); } break; case MAP_SCREEN: fMapPanelDirty = TRUE; break; } if ( gfFadeInitialized ) { SetPendingNewScreen(FADE_SCREEN); return( FADE_SCREEN ); } return( gChatBox.uiExitScreen ); }
INT32 DoChatBox( bool bIncludeChatLog, const STR16 zString, UINT32 uiExitScreen, MSGBOX_CALLBACK ReturnCallback, SGPRect *pCenteringRect ) { VSURFACE_DESC vs_desc; UINT16 usTextBoxWidth; UINT16 usTextBoxHeight; UINT16 usYMargin; SGPRect aRect; UINT32 uiDestPitchBYTES, uiSrcPitchBYTES; UINT8 *pDestBuf, *pSrcBuf; INT16 sButtonX, sButtonY; UINT8 ubMercBoxBackground = BASIC_MERC_POPUP_BACKGROUND, ubMercBoxBorder = BASIC_MERC_POPUP_BORDER; UINT8 ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor; UINT16 usCursor; INT32 iId = -1; // clear the ouput string memset(gszChatBoxInputString,0,sizeof(CHAR16)*255); gIncludeChatLog = bIncludeChatLog; GetMousePos( &pOldMousePosition ); if (bIncludeChatLog) usYMargin = CHATBOX_Y_MARGIN_LOG; else usYMargin = CHATBOX_Y_MARGIN_NOLOG; //this variable can be unset if ur in a non gamescreen and DONT want the msg box to use the save buffer gfDontOverRideSaveBuffer = TRUE; SetCurrentCursorFromDatabase( CURSOR_NORMAL ); if( gChatBox.BackRegion.uiFlags & MSYS_REGION_EXISTS ) { return( 0 ); } // set style ubMercBoxBackground = DIALOG_MERC_POPUP_BACKGROUND; ubMercBoxBorder = DIALOG_MERC_POPUP_BORDER; // Add button images gChatBox.iButtonImages = LoadButtonImage( "INTERFACE\\popupbuttons.sti", -1,0,-1,1,-1 ); ubFontColor = CHATBOX_FONT_COLOR; ubFontShadowColor = DEFAULT_SHADOW; usCursor = CURSOR_NORMAL; // Use default! aRect.iTop = 0; aRect.iLeft = 0; aRect.iBottom = SCREEN_HEIGHT; aRect.iRight = SCREEN_WIDTH; // Set some values! //gChatBox.usFlags = usFlags; gChatBox.uiExitScreen = uiExitScreen; gChatBox.ExitCallback = ReturnCallback; gChatBox.fRenderBox = TRUE; gChatBox.bHandled = 0; // Init message box if (bIncludeChatLog) // we need a string just long enough to give 1 line, but max length of the box, we render the chatlog over this string so well never see it. DONT DELETE ANY SPACES gChatBox.iBoxId = PrepareMercPopupBox( iId, ubMercBoxBackground, ubMercBoxBorder, L"A string that will be hidden, ", CHATBOX_WIDTH, CHATBOX_X_MARGIN, usYMargin, CHATBOX_Y_MARGIN_BOTTOM, &usTextBoxWidth, &usTextBoxHeight ); else gChatBox.iBoxId = PrepareMercPopupBox( iId, ubMercBoxBackground, ubMercBoxBorder, zString, CHATBOX_WIDTH, CHATBOX_X_MARGIN, usYMargin, CHATBOX_Y_MARGIN_BOTTOM, &usTextBoxWidth, &usTextBoxHeight ); if( gChatBox.iBoxId == -1 ) { #ifdef JA2BETAVERSION AssertMsg( 0, "Failed in DoMessageBox(). Probable reason is because the string was too large to fit in max message box size." ); #endif return 0; } // Save height,width gChatBox.usWidth = usTextBoxWidth; gChatBox.usHeight = usTextBoxHeight; // Determine position ( centered in rect ) gChatBox.sX = (INT16)( ( ( ( aRect.iRight - aRect.iLeft ) - usTextBoxWidth ) / 2 ) + aRect.iLeft ); gChatBox.sY = (INT16)( ( ( ( aRect.iBottom - aRect.iTop ) - usTextBoxHeight ) / 2 ) + aRect.iTop ); if ( guiCurrentScreen == GAME_SCREEN ) { gfStartedFromGameScreen = TRUE; } if ( (fInMapMode == TRUE ) ) { // fMapExitDueToMessageBox = TRUE; gfStartedFromMapScreen = TRUE; fMapPanelDirty = TRUE; } // Set pending screen SetPendingNewScreen( MP_CHAT_SCREEN); // Init save buffer vs_desc.fCreateFlags = VSURFACE_CREATE_DEFAULT | VSURFACE_SYSTEM_MEM_USAGE; vs_desc.usWidth = usTextBoxWidth; vs_desc.usHeight = usTextBoxHeight; vs_desc.ubBitDepth = 16; if( AddVideoSurface( &vs_desc, &gChatBox.uiSaveBuffer) == FALSE ) { return( - 1 ); } //Save what we have under here... pDestBuf = LockVideoSurface( gChatBox.uiSaveBuffer, &uiDestPitchBYTES); pSrcBuf = LockVideoSurface( FRAME_BUFFER, &uiSrcPitchBYTES); Blt16BPPTo16BPP((UINT16 *)pDestBuf, uiDestPitchBYTES, (UINT16 *)pSrcBuf, uiSrcPitchBYTES, 0 , 0, gChatBox.sX , gChatBox.sY, usTextBoxWidth, usTextBoxHeight ); UnLockVideoSurface( gChatBox.uiSaveBuffer ); UnLockVideoSurface( FRAME_BUFFER ); // Create top-level mouse region MSYS_DefineRegion( &(gChatBox.BackRegion), 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, usCursor, MSYS_NO_CALLBACK, ChatBoxClickCallback ); // Add region MSYS_AddRegion(&(gChatBox.BackRegion) ); // findout if cursor locked, if so, store old params and store, restore when done if( IsCursorRestricted() ) { fCursorLockedToArea = TRUE; GetRestrictedClipCursor( &ChatBoxRestrictedCursorRegion ); FreeMouseCursor( ); } // vars for positioning controls on the chatbox int usPosX = 0; int usPosY = gChatBox.sY + GetFontHeight(CHATBOX_FONT_TITLE) + CHATBOX_Y_GAP + 5; if (bIncludeChatLog) { // CREATE BUTTONS AND IMAGES FOR CHATLOG VOBJECT_DESC VObjectDesc; // will create buttons for interface bottom VObjectDesc.fCreateFlags=VOBJECT_CREATE_FROMFILE; FilenameForBPP( "INTERFACE\\mpchatbox.sti", VObjectDesc.ImageFile ); if( !AddVideoObject( &VObjectDesc, &guiCHATLOGIMG ) ) Assert( false ); gChatMessageLogRegion.iTop = usPosY; gChatMessageLogRegion.iLeft = gChatBox.sX + (CHATBOX_X_MARGIN / 2); gChatMessageLogRegion.iBottom = usPosY + CHATBOX_LOG_HEIGHT; gChatMessageLogRegion.iRight = gChatMessageLogRegion.iLeft + CHATBOX_LOG_WIDTH; // SETUP SCROLLING AREA BOUNDS CHATLOG_SCROLL_AREA_START_Y = gChatMessageLogRegion.iTop+20; CHATLOG_SCROLL_AREA_END_Y = gChatMessageLogRegion.iBottom-20; CHATLOG_SCROLL_AREA_HEIGHT = ( CHATLOG_SCROLL_AREA_END_Y - CHATLOG_SCROLL_AREA_START_Y + 1 ); CHATLOG_SCROLL_AREA_START_X = gChatMessageLogRegion.iRight + CHATBOX_SLIDER_GAP + 1; CHATLOG_SCROLL_AREA_END_X = gChatMessageLogRegion.iRight + CHATBOX_SLIDER_GAP + 1 + CHAT_SLIDER_WIDTH; CHATLOG_SCROLL_AREA_WIDTH = ( CHATLOG_SCROLL_AREA_END_X - CHATLOG_SCROLL_AREA_START_X + 1 ); CHAT_SLIDER_BAR_RANGE = ( CHATLOG_SCROLL_AREA_HEIGHT - CHAT_SLIDER_HEIGHT ); LoadChatLogSliderBar(); // Load Scroll button images guiChatLogScrollButtonsImage[ CHAT_SCROLL_MESSAGE_UP ]= LoadButtonImage( "INTERFACE\\map_screen_bottom_arrows.sti" ,11,4,-1,6,-1 ); guiChatLogScrollButtonsImage[ CHAT_SCROLL_MESSAGE_DOWN ]= LoadButtonImage( "INTERFACE\\map_screen_bottom_arrows.sti" ,12,5,-1,7,-1 ); // Create buttons guiChatLogScrollButtons[ CHAT_SCROLL_MESSAGE_UP ] = QuickCreateButton( guiChatLogScrollButtonsImage[ CHAT_SCROLL_MESSAGE_UP ], gChatMessageLogRegion.iRight + CHATBOX_SLIDER_GAP + 2 , gChatMessageLogRegion.iTop + 1 , BUTTON_TOGGLE, MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, (GUI_CALLBACK)BtnGenericMouseMoveButtonCallback, (GUI_CALLBACK)BtnMessageUpChatLogCallback); guiChatLogScrollButtons[ CHAT_SCROLL_MESSAGE_DOWN ] = QuickCreateButton( guiChatLogScrollButtonsImage[ CHAT_SCROLL_MESSAGE_DOWN ], gChatMessageLogRegion.iRight + CHATBOX_SLIDER_GAP + 2, gChatMessageLogRegion.iBottom - 16, BUTTON_TOGGLE, MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, (GUI_CALLBACK)BtnGenericMouseMoveButtonCallback, (GUI_CALLBACK)BtnMessageDownChatLogCallback); usPosY = gChatBox.sY + CHATBOX_Y_MARGIN_LOG + (CHATBOX_Y_GAP * 2) + GetFontHeight(FONT12ARIAL) + 5; // END CREATE CHATLOG } else usPosY = gChatBox.sY + CHATBOX_Y_MARGIN_NOLOG + (CHATBOX_Y_GAP * 2) + GetFontHeight(FONT12ARIAL); // get the middle of the box UINT16 middleBox = ( usTextBoxWidth / 2 ); // CREATE SEND TO ALLIES / ALL TOGGLES // send to all int toggleWidth = 32 + StringPixLength( gzMPChatToggleText[ 0 ], CHATBOX_FONT_TOGGLE ); usPosX = gChatBox.sX + ((middleBox - toggleWidth)/2); guiChatToggles[ 0 ] = CreateCheckBoxButton( usPosX, usPosY, "INTERFACE\\OptionsCheckBoxes_12x12.sti", MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, BtnChatTogglesCallback ); MSYS_SetBtnUserData( guiChatToggles[ 0 ], 0, 0 ); // send to allies toggleWidth = 32 + StringPixLength( gzMPChatToggleText[ 1 ], CHATBOX_FONT_TOGGLE ); usPosX = gChatBox.sX + middleBox + ((middleBox - toggleWidth)/2); guiChatToggles[ 1 ] = CreateCheckBoxButton( usPosX, usPosY, "INTERFACE\\OptionsCheckBoxes_12x12.sti", MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, BtnChatTogglesCallback ); MSYS_SetBtnUserData( guiChatToggles[ 1 ], 0, 1 ); usPosY += CHATBOX_TOGGLE_HEIGHT + CHATBOX_Y_GAP; // SET DEFAULT FLAGGED if (gbChatSendToAll) ButtonList[ guiChatToggles[ 0 ] ]->uiFlags |= BUTTON_CLICKED_ON; else ButtonList[ guiChatToggles[ 1 ] ]->uiFlags |= BUTTON_CLICKED_ON; // END CREATE TOGGLES // CREATE TEXT INPUT BOX InitTextInputMode(); // API call to initialise text input mode for this screen // does not mean we are inputting text right away // Player Name field SetTextInputCursor( CUROSR_IBEAM_WHITE ); SetTextInputFont( (UINT16) FONT12ARIALFIXEDWIDTH ); //FONT12ARIAL //FONT12ARIALFIXEDWIDTH Set16BPPTextFieldColor( Get16BPPColor(FROMRGB( 0, 0, 0) ) ); SetBevelColors( Get16BPPColor(FROMRGB(136, 138, 135)), Get16BPPColor(FROMRGB(24, 61, 81)) ); SetTextInputRegularColors( FONT_WHITE, 2 ); SetTextInputHilitedColors( 2, FONT_WHITE, FONT_WHITE ); SetCursorColor( Get16BPPColor(FROMRGB(255, 255, 255) ) ); usPosX = gChatBox.sX + (CHATBOX_X_MARGIN / 2); //Add Player Name textbox AddTextInputField( usPosX , usPosY , usTextBoxWidth - CHATBOX_X_MARGIN, 20, MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGH+2, gszChatBoxInputString, 255, INPUTTYPE_ASCII );//23 gChatTextBoxRegion.iTop = usPosY; gChatTextBoxRegion.iLeft = usPosX; gChatTextBoxRegion.iBottom = usPosY+20; gChatTextBoxRegion.iRight = usPosX+usTextBoxWidth - CHATBOX_X_MARGIN; // exit text input mode in this screen and clean up text boxes SetActiveField( 0 ); usPosY += CHATBOX_INPUT_HEIGHT + CHATBOX_Y_GAP; // END CREATE TEXT INPUT BOX // CREATE OK AND CANCEL BUTTONS // get the button width UINT16 btnWidth = GetChatBoxButtonWidth( gChatBox.iButtonImages ); // Create OK Button sButtonX = middleBox + ((middleBox - btnWidth)/2); sButtonY = usTextBoxHeight - CHATBOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT - 10; gChatBox.uiOKButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gChatBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_OK ], FONT12ARIAL, CHATBOX_FONT_COLOR, ubFontShadowColor, CHATBOX_FONT_COLOR, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gChatBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gChatBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)OKChatBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gChatBox.uiOKButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gChatBox.uiOKButton ); // move the mouse over the ok button if( gGameSettings.fOptions[ TOPTION_DONT_MOVE_MOUSE ] == FALSE ) { SimulateMouseMovement( ( gChatBox.sX + sButtonX + 27 ), ( gChatBox.sY + sButtonY + 10) ); } // Create Cancel Button sButtonX = ((middleBox - btnWidth)/2); sButtonY = usTextBoxHeight - CHATBOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT - 10; gChatBox.uiNOButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gChatBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_CANCEL ], FONT10ARIAL, CHATBOX_FONT_COLOR, ubFontShadowColor, CHATBOX_FONT_COLOR, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gChatBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gChatBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)CancelChatBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gChatBox.uiNOButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gChatBox.uiNOButton ); // END CREATE BUTTONS #if 0 gChatBox.fWasPaused = GamePaused(); if (!gChatBox.fWasPaused) { InterruptTime(); PauseGame(); LockPauseState( 1 ); // Pause timers as well.... PauseTime( TRUE ); } #endif // Save mouse restriction region... GetRestrictedClipCursor( &gOldCursorLimitRectangle ); FreeMouseCursor( ); gfNewChatBox = TRUE; gfInChatBox = TRUE; return( iId ); }
void RenderEditorItemsInfo() { UINT8 *pDestBuf, *pSrcBuf; UINT32 uiSrcPitchBYTES, uiDestPitchBYTES; INVTYPE *item; HVOBJECT hVObject; UINT32 uiVideoObjectIndex; INT16 i; INT16 minIndex, maxIndex; INT16 sWidth, sOffset, sStart, x, y; UINT16 usNumItems; UINT16 usQuantity; if(!eInfo.fActive) { return; } if( gusMouseXPos < (iScreenWidthOffset + 110) || gusMouseXPos > (iScreenWidthOffset + 480) || gusMouseYPos < (2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 360) || gusMouseYPos > (2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 440) ) { //Mouse has moved out of the items display region -- so nothing can be highlighted. eInfo.sHilitedItemIndex = -1; } pDestBuf = LockVideoSurface(FRAME_BUFFER, &uiDestPitchBYTES); pSrcBuf = LockVideoSurface(eInfo.uiBuffer, &uiSrcPitchBYTES); Blt16BPPTo16BPP((UINT16 *)pDestBuf, uiDestPitchBYTES, (UINT16 *)pSrcBuf, uiSrcPitchBYTES, iScreenWidthOffset + 110, 2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 360, 60*eInfo.sScrollIndex, 0, 360, 80 ); UnLockVideoSurface(eInfo.uiBuffer); UnLockVideoSurface(FRAME_BUFFER); //calculate the min and max index that is currently shown. This determines //if the highlighted and/or selected items are drawn with the outlines. minIndex = eInfo.sScrollIndex * 2; maxIndex = minIndex + 11; //draw the hilighted item if applicable. if( eInfo.sHilitedItemIndex >= minIndex && eInfo.sHilitedItemIndex <= maxIndex ) { if( eInfo.pusItemIndex ) { item = &Item[eInfo.pusItemIndex[eInfo.sHilitedItemIndex]]; uiVideoObjectIndex = GetInterfaceGraphicForItem( item ); GetVideoObject( &hVObject, uiVideoObjectIndex ); x = iScreenWidthOffset + (eInfo.sHilitedItemIndex/2 - eInfo.sScrollIndex)*60 + 110; y = 2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 360 + (eInfo.sHilitedItemIndex % 2) * 40; UINT16 usGraphicNum = g_bUsePngItemImages ? 0 : item->ubGraphicNum; sWidth = hVObject->pETRLEObject[usGraphicNum].usWidth; sOffset = hVObject->pETRLEObject[usGraphicNum].sOffsetX; sStart = x + (60 - sWidth - sOffset*2) / 2; if( sWidth ) { BltVideoObjectOutlineFromIndex( FRAME_BUFFER, uiVideoObjectIndex, usGraphicNum, sStart, y+2, Get16BPPColor(FROMRGB(250, 250, 0)), TRUE ); } } } //draw the selected item if( eInfo.sSelItemIndex >= minIndex && eInfo.sSelItemIndex <= maxIndex ) { if( eInfo.pusItemIndex ) { item = &Item[eInfo.pusItemIndex[eInfo.sSelItemIndex]]; uiVideoObjectIndex = GetInterfaceGraphicForItem( item ); GetVideoObject( &hVObject, uiVideoObjectIndex ); x = iScreenWidthOffset + (eInfo.sSelItemIndex/2 - eInfo.sScrollIndex)*60 + 110; y = 2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 360 + (eInfo.sSelItemIndex % 2) * 40; UINT16 usGraphicNum = g_bUsePngItemImages ? 0 : item->ubGraphicNum; sWidth = hVObject->pETRLEObject[usGraphicNum].usWidth; sOffset = hVObject->pETRLEObject[usGraphicNum].sOffsetX; sStart = x + (60 - sWidth - sOffset*2) / 2; if( sWidth ) { BltVideoObjectOutlineFromIndex( FRAME_BUFFER, uiVideoObjectIndex, usGraphicNum, sStart, y+2, Get16BPPColor(FROMRGB(250, 0, 0)), TRUE ); } } } //draw the numbers of each visible item that currently resides in the world. maxIndex = min( maxIndex, eInfo.sNumItems-1 ); for( i = minIndex; i <= maxIndex; i++ ) { usNumItems = CountNumberOfEditorPlacementsInWorld( i, &usQuantity ); if( usNumItems ) { x = iScreenWidthOffset + (i/2 - eInfo.sScrollIndex)*60 + 110; y = 2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 360 + (i % 2) * 40; SetFont( FONT10ARIAL ); SetFontForeground( FONT_YELLOW ); SetFontShadow( FONT_NEARBLACK ); if( usNumItems == usQuantity ) mprintf( x + 12, y + 4, L"%d", usNumItems ); else mprintf( x + 12, y + 4, L"%d(%d)", usNumItems, usQuantity ); } } }
void InitEditorItemsInfo(UINT32 uiItemType) { VSURFACE_DESC vs_desc; UINT8 *pDestBuf, *pSrcBuf; UINT32 uiSrcPitchBYTES, uiDestPitchBYTES; INVTYPE *item; SGPRect SaveRect, NewRect; HVOBJECT hVObject; UINT32 uiVideoObjectIndex; UINT16 usUselessWidth, usUselessHeight; INT16 sWidth, sOffset, sStart; INT16 i, x, y; UINT16 usCounter; CHAR16 pStr[ 100 ];//, pStr2[ 100 ]; CHAR16 pItemName[SIZE_ITEM_NAME]; UINT8 ubBitDepth; BOOLEAN fTypeMatch; INT32 iEquipCount = 0; // Check to make sure that there isn't already a valid eInfo if( eInfo.fActive ) { if( eInfo.uiItemType == uiItemType ) { //User clicked on the same item classification -- ignore return; } else { //User selected a different item classification -- delete it first. ClearEditorItemsInfo(); ClearTaskbarRegion( iScreenWidthOffset + 100, 2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 360, iScreenWidthOffset + 480, 2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 440 ); } } else { //Clear the menu area, so that the buffer doesn't get corrupted. ClearTaskbarRegion( iScreenWidthOffset + 100, 2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 360, iScreenWidthOffset + 480, 2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 440 ); } EnableEditorRegion( ITEM_REGION_ID ); eInfo.uiItemType = uiItemType; eInfo.fActive = TRUE; //Begin initialization of data. switch(uiItemType) { case TBAR_MODE_ITEM_WEAPONS: eInfo.sNumItems = eInfo.sNumWeapons; eInfo.sScrollIndex = eInfo.sSaveWeaponsScrollIndex; eInfo.sSelItemIndex = eInfo.sSaveSelWeaponsIndex; break; case TBAR_MODE_ITEM_AMMO: eInfo.sNumItems = eInfo.sNumAmmo; eInfo.sScrollIndex = eInfo.sSaveAmmoScrollIndex; eInfo.sSelItemIndex = eInfo.sSaveSelAmmoIndex; break; case TBAR_MODE_ITEM_ARMOUR: eInfo.sNumItems = eInfo.sNumArmour; eInfo.sScrollIndex = eInfo.sSaveArmourScrollIndex; eInfo.sSelItemIndex = eInfo.sSaveSelArmourIndex; break; case TBAR_MODE_ITEM_LBEGEAR: eInfo.sNumItems = eInfo.sLBEGear; eInfo.sScrollIndex = eInfo.sSaveLBEScrollIndex; eInfo.sSelItemIndex = eInfo.sSaveSelLBEIndex; break; case TBAR_MODE_ITEM_EXPLOSIVES: eInfo.sNumItems = eInfo.sNumExplosives; eInfo.sScrollIndex = eInfo.sSaveExplosivesScrollIndex; eInfo.sSelItemIndex = eInfo.sSaveSelExplosivesIndex; break; case TBAR_MODE_ITEM_EQUIPMENT1: eInfo.sNumItems = eInfo.sNumEquipment1; eInfo.sScrollIndex = eInfo.sSaveEquipment1ScrollIndex; eInfo.sSelItemIndex = eInfo.sSaveSelEquipment1Index; break; case TBAR_MODE_ITEM_EQUIPMENT2: eInfo.sNumItems = eInfo.sNumEquipment2; eInfo.sScrollIndex = eInfo.sSaveEquipment2ScrollIndex; eInfo.sSelItemIndex = eInfo.sSaveSelEquipment2Index; break; case TBAR_MODE_ITEM_EQUIPMENT3: eInfo.sNumItems = eInfo.sNumEquipment3; eInfo.sScrollIndex = eInfo.sSaveEquipment3ScrollIndex; eInfo.sSelItemIndex = eInfo.sSaveSelEquipment3Index; break; case TBAR_MODE_ITEM_TRIGGERS: eInfo.sNumItems = eInfo.sNumTriggers; eInfo.sScrollIndex = eInfo.sSaveTriggersScrollIndex; eInfo.sSelItemIndex = eInfo.sSaveSelTriggersIndex; break; case TBAR_MODE_ITEM_KEYS: eInfo.sNumItems = eInfo.sNumKeys; eInfo.sScrollIndex = eInfo.sSaveKeysScrollIndex; eInfo.sSelItemIndex = eInfo.sSaveSelKeysIndex; break; default: //error return; } //Allocate memory to store all the item pointers. eInfo.pusItemIndex = (UINT16*)MemAlloc( sizeof(UINT16) * eInfo.sNumItems ); //Disable the appropriate scroll buttons based on the saved scroll index if applicable //Left most scroll position DetermineItemsScrolling(); //calculate the width of the buffer based on the number of items. //every pair of items (odd rounded up) requires 60 pixels for width. //the minimum buffer size is 420. Height is always 80 pixels. eInfo.sWidth = (eInfo.sNumItems > 12) ? ((eInfo.sNumItems+1)/2)*60 : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 120; eInfo.sHeight = 80; // Create item buffer GetCurrentVideoSettings( &usUselessWidth, &usUselessHeight, &ubBitDepth ); vs_desc.fCreateFlags = VSURFACE_CREATE_DEFAULT | VSURFACE_SYSTEM_MEM_USAGE; vs_desc.usWidth = eInfo.sWidth; vs_desc.usHeight = eInfo.sHeight; vs_desc.ubBitDepth = ubBitDepth; //!!!Memory check. Create the item buffer if(!AddVideoSurface( &vs_desc, &eInfo.uiBuffer )) { eInfo.fKill = TRUE; eInfo.fActive = FALSE; return; } pDestBuf = LockVideoSurface(eInfo.uiBuffer, &uiDestPitchBYTES); pSrcBuf = LockVideoSurface(FRAME_BUFFER, &uiSrcPitchBYTES); //copy a blank chunk of the editor interface to the new buffer. for( i=0; i<eInfo.sWidth; i+=60 ) { Blt16BPPTo16BPP((UINT16 *)pDestBuf, uiDestPitchBYTES, (UINT16 *)pSrcBuf, uiSrcPitchBYTES, 0+i, 0, iScreenWidthOffset + 100, 2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 360, 60, 80 ); } UnLockVideoSurface(eInfo.uiBuffer); UnLockVideoSurface(FRAME_BUFFER); x = 0; y = 0; usCounter = 0; NewRect.iTop = 0; NewRect.iBottom = eInfo.sHeight; NewRect.iLeft = 0; NewRect.iRight = eInfo.sWidth; GetClippingRect(&SaveRect); SetClippingRect(&NewRect); if( eInfo.uiItemType == TBAR_MODE_ITEM_KEYS ) { //Keys use a totally different method for determining for( i = 0; i < eInfo.sNumItems; i++ ) { item = &Item[ KeyTable[ 0 ].usItem + LockTable[ i ].usKeyItem ]; uiVideoObjectIndex = GetInterfaceGraphicForItem( item ); GetVideoObject( &hVObject, uiVideoObjectIndex ); //Store these item pointers for later when rendering selected items. eInfo.pusItemIndex[i] = KeyTable[ 0 ].usItem + LockTable[ i ].usKeyItem; SetFont(SMALLCOMPFONT); SetFontForeground( FONT_MCOLOR_WHITE ); SetFontDestBuffer( eInfo.uiBuffer, 0, 0, eInfo.sWidth, eInfo.sHeight, FALSE ); swprintf( pStr, L"%S", LockTable[ i ].ubEditorName ); DisplayWrappedString(x, (UINT16)(y+25), 60, 2, SMALLCOMPFONT, FONT_WHITE, pStr, FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED ); UINT16 usGraphicNum = g_bUsePngItemImages ? 0 : item->ubGraphicNum; //Calculate the center position of the graphic in a 60 pixel wide area. sWidth = hVObject->pETRLEObject[usGraphicNum].usWidth; sOffset = hVObject->pETRLEObject[usGraphicNum].sOffsetX; sStart = x + (60 - sWidth - sOffset*2) / 2; BltVideoObjectOutlineFromIndex( eInfo.uiBuffer, uiVideoObjectIndex, usGraphicNum, sStart, y+2, 0, FALSE ); //cycle through the various slot positions (0,0), (0,40), (60,0), (60,40), (120,0)... if( y == 0 ) { y = 40; } else { y = 0; x += 60; } } } else for( i = 0; i < eInfo.sNumItems; i++ ) { fTypeMatch = FALSE; while( usCounter<MAXITEMS && !fTypeMatch ) { if ( Item[usCounter].usItemClass == 0 ) break; item = &Item[usCounter]; //if( Item[usCounter].fFlags & ITEM_NOT_EDITOR ) if(item->notineditor) { usCounter++; continue; } if( eInfo.uiItemType == TBAR_MODE_ITEM_TRIGGERS ) { if( i < PRESSURE_ACTION_ID ) usCounter = ( i % 2 ) ? ACTION_ITEM : SWITCH; else usCounter = ACTION_ITEM; fTypeMatch = TRUE; item = &Item[usCounter]; } else switch( item->usItemClass ) { case IC_GUN: case IC_BLADE: case IC_LAUNCHER: case IC_THROWN: case IC_THROWING_KNIFE: fTypeMatch = eInfo.uiItemType == TBAR_MODE_ITEM_WEAPONS; break; case IC_PUNCH: if ( i != NOTHING ) { fTypeMatch = eInfo.uiItemType == TBAR_MODE_ITEM_WEAPONS; } else { fTypeMatch = FALSE; } break; case IC_AMMO: fTypeMatch = eInfo.uiItemType == TBAR_MODE_ITEM_AMMO; break; case IC_ARMOUR: fTypeMatch = eInfo.uiItemType == TBAR_MODE_ITEM_ARMOUR; break; case IC_LBEGEAR: fTypeMatch = eInfo.uiItemType == TBAR_MODE_ITEM_LBEGEAR; break; case IC_GRENADE: case IC_BOMB: fTypeMatch = eInfo.uiItemType == TBAR_MODE_ITEM_EXPLOSIVES; break; case IC_MEDKIT: case IC_KIT: case IC_FACE: case IC_MONEY: case IC_BELTCLIP: fTypeMatch = eInfo.uiItemType == TBAR_MODE_ITEM_EQUIPMENT1; break; case IC_MISC: if( usCounter == ACTION_ITEM || usCounter == SWITCH ) break; if( iEquipCount < eInfo.sNumEquipment2 ) fTypeMatch = eInfo.uiItemType == TBAR_MODE_ITEM_EQUIPMENT2; else fTypeMatch = eInfo.uiItemType == TBAR_MODE_ITEM_EQUIPMENT3; iEquipCount++; break; } if( fTypeMatch ) { uiVideoObjectIndex = GetInterfaceGraphicForItem( item ); GetVideoObject( &hVObject, uiVideoObjectIndex ); //Store these item pointers for later when rendering selected items. eInfo.pusItemIndex[i] = usCounter; SetFont(SMALLCOMPFONT); SetFontForeground( FONT_MCOLOR_WHITE ); SetFontDestBuffer( eInfo.uiBuffer, 0, 0, eInfo.sWidth, eInfo.sHeight, FALSE ); if( eInfo.uiItemType != TBAR_MODE_ITEM_TRIGGERS ) { LoadItemInfo( usCounter, pItemName, NULL ); swprintf( pStr, L"%s", pItemName ); } else { if( i == PRESSURE_ACTION_ID ) { swprintf( pStr, pInitEditorItemsInfoText[0] ); } else if( i < 2 ) { if( usCounter == SWITCH ) swprintf( pStr, pInitEditorItemsInfoText[5] ); else swprintf( pStr, pInitEditorItemsInfoText[1] ); } else if( i < 4 ) { if( usCounter == SWITCH ) swprintf( pStr, pInitEditorItemsInfoText[6] ); else swprintf( pStr, pInitEditorItemsInfoText[2] ); } else if( i < 6 ) { if( usCounter == SWITCH ) swprintf( pStr, pInitEditorItemsInfoText[7] ); else swprintf( pStr, pInitEditorItemsInfoText[3] ); } else { if( usCounter == SWITCH ) swprintf( pStr, pInitEditorItemsInfoText[8], (i-4)/2 ); else swprintf( pStr, pInitEditorItemsInfoText[4], (i-4)/2 ); } } DisplayWrappedString(x, (UINT16)(y+25), 60, 2, SMALLCOMPFONT, FONT_WHITE, pStr, FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED ); UINT16 usGraphicNum = g_bUsePngItemImages ? 0 : item->ubGraphicNum; if(usGraphicNum < hVObject->usNumberOfObjects) { //Calculate the center position of the graphic in a 60 pixel wide area. sWidth = hVObject->pETRLEObject[usGraphicNum].usWidth; sOffset = hVObject->pETRLEObject[usGraphicNum].sOffsetX; sStart = x + (60 - sWidth - sOffset*2) / 2; if( sWidth && sWidth > 0 ) { BltVideoObjectOutlineFromIndex( eInfo.uiBuffer, uiVideoObjectIndex, usGraphicNum, sStart, y+2, 0, FALSE ); } //cycle through the various slot positions (0,0), (0,40), (60,0), (60,40), (120,0)... if( y == 0 ) { y = 40; } else { y = 0; x += 60; } } else { static vfs::Log& editorLog = *vfs::Log::create(L"EditorItems.log"); editorLog << L"Tried to access item [" << item->ubGraphicNum << L"/" << hVObject->usNumberOfObjects << L"]" << vfs::Log::endl; } } usCounter++; } } SetFontDestBuffer( FRAME_BUFFER, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, FALSE ); SetClippingRect(&SaveRect); gfRenderTaskbar = TRUE; }
HRESULT BltDDSurfaceUsingSoftware( LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2 pDestSurface, LPRECT pDestRect, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2 pSrcSurface, LPRECT pSrcRect, UINT32 uiFlags, LPDDBLTFX pDDBltFx ) { DDSURFACEDESC SurfaceDescription; UINT32 uiDestPitchBYTES, uiSrcPitchBYTES; UINT8 *pDestBuf, *pSrcBuf; HRESULT ReturnCode; DDCOLORKEY ColorKey; UINT16 us16BPPColorKey; // Lock surfaces DDLockSurface( (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2)pDestSurface, NULL, &SurfaceDescription, 0, NULL); uiDestPitchBYTES = SurfaceDescription.lPitch; pDestBuf = SurfaceDescription.lpSurface; if ( pSrcSurface != NULL ) { // Lock surfaces DDLockSurface( (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2)pSrcSurface, NULL, &SurfaceDescription, 0, NULL); uiSrcPitchBYTES = SurfaceDescription.lPitch; pSrcBuf = SurfaceDescription.lpSurface; } if ( pSrcRect != NULL && ( ( pSrcRect->right - pSrcRect->left ) != ( pDestRect->right - pDestRect->left ) || ( pSrcRect->bottom - pSrcRect->top ) != ( pDestRect->bottom - pDestRect->top ) ) ) { DDUnlockSurface( (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2)pDestSurface, NULL ); if ( pSrcSurface != NULL ) { DDUnlockSurface( (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2)pSrcSurface, NULL ); } // Fall back to DD IDirectDrawSurface2_Blt( pDestSurface, pDestRect, pSrcSurface, pSrcRect, uiFlags, pDDBltFx ); return( DD_OK ); } else if ( uiFlags == DDBLT_WAIT ) { // Lock surfaces DDLockSurface( (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2)pSrcSurface, NULL, &SurfaceDescription, 0, NULL); uiSrcPitchBYTES = SurfaceDescription.lPitch; pSrcBuf = SurfaceDescription.lpSurface; Blt16BPPTo16BPP( (UINT16 *)pDestBuf, uiDestPitchBYTES, (UINT16 *)pSrcBuf, uiSrcPitchBYTES, pDestRect->left , pDestRect->top, pSrcRect->left , pSrcRect->top, ( pSrcRect->right - pSrcRect->left ), ( pSrcRect->bottom - pSrcRect->top ) ); } else if ( uiFlags & DDBLT_KEYSRC ) { // Get 16 bpp color key..... ReturnCode = IDirectDrawSurface2_GetColorKey( pSrcSurface, DDCKEY_SRCBLT, &ColorKey); if (ReturnCode == DD_OK) { us16BPPColorKey = (UINT16)ColorKey.dwColorSpaceLowValue; Blt16BPPTo16BPPTrans( (UINT16 *)pDestBuf, uiDestPitchBYTES, (UINT16 *)pSrcBuf, uiSrcPitchBYTES, pDestRect->left , pDestRect->top, pSrcRect->left , pSrcRect->top, ( pSrcRect->right - pSrcRect->left ), ( pSrcRect->bottom - pSrcRect->top ), us16BPPColorKey ); } } else if ( uiFlags & DDBLT_COLORFILL ) { // do color fill here... FillRect16BPP( (UINT16 *)pDestBuf, uiDestPitchBYTES, pDestRect->left, pDestRect->top, pDestRect->right, pDestRect->bottom, (UINT16)pDDBltFx->dwFillColor ); } else { // Not supported..... } DDUnlockSurface( (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2)pDestSurface, NULL ); if ( pSrcSurface != NULL ) { DDUnlockSurface( (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2)pSrcSurface, NULL ); } return( DD_OK ); }
UINT32 ExitMsgBox( INT8 ubExitCode ) { UINT32 uiDestPitchBYTES, uiSrcPitchBYTES; UINT8 *pDestBuf, *pSrcBuf; SGPPoint pPosition; // Delete popup! RemoveMercPopupBoxFromIndex( gMsgBox.iBoxId ); gMsgBox.iBoxId = -1; //Delete buttons! if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_FOUR_NUMBERED_BUTTONS ) { RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiButton[0] ); RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiButton[1] ); RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiButton[2] ); RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiButton[3] ); } else { if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_OK ) { RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiOKButton ); } if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_YESNO ) { RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); } if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_OKCONTRACT ) { RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); } if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_YESNOCONTRACT ) { RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiOKButton ); } if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_GENERICCONTRACT ) { RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiOKButton ); } if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_GENERIC ) { RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); } if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_YESNOLIE ) { RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiOKButton ); } if( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_CONTINUESTOP ) { RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); } if ( gMsgBox.usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_OKSKIP ) { RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); RemoveButton( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); } } // Delete button images UnloadButtonImage( gMsgBox.iButtonImages ); // Unpause game.... UnLockPauseState(); UnPauseGame(); // UnPause timers as well.... PauseTime( FALSE ); // Restore mouse restriction region... RestrictMouseCursor( &gOldCursorLimitRectangle ); gfInMsgBox = FALSE; // Call done callback! if ( gMsgBox.ExitCallback != NULL ) { (*(gMsgBox.ExitCallback))( ubExitCode ); } //if ur in a non gamescreen and DONT want the msg box to use the save buffer, unset gfDontOverRideSaveBuffer in ur callback if( ( ( gMsgBox.uiExitScreen != GAME_SCREEN ) || ( fRestoreBackgroundForMessageBox == TRUE ) ) && gfDontOverRideSaveBuffer ) { // restore what we have under here... pSrcBuf = LockVideoSurface( gMsgBox.uiSaveBuffer, &uiSrcPitchBYTES); pDestBuf = LockVideoSurface( FRAME_BUFFER, &uiDestPitchBYTES); Blt16BPPTo16BPP((UINT16 *)pDestBuf, uiDestPitchBYTES, (UINT16 *)pSrcBuf, uiSrcPitchBYTES, gMsgBox.sX , gMsgBox.sY, 0, 0, gMsgBox.usWidth, gMsgBox.usHeight ); UnLockVideoSurface( gMsgBox.uiSaveBuffer ); UnLockVideoSurface( FRAME_BUFFER ); InvalidateRegion( gMsgBox.sX, gMsgBox.sY, (INT16)( gMsgBox.sX + gMsgBox.usWidth ), (INT16)( gMsgBox.sY + gMsgBox.usHeight ) ); } fRestoreBackgroundForMessageBox = FALSE; gfDontOverRideSaveBuffer = TRUE; if( fCursorLockedToArea == TRUE ) { GetMousePos( &pPosition ); if( ( pPosition.iX > MessageBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iRight ) || ( pPosition.iX > MessageBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iLeft ) && ( pPosition.iY < MessageBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iTop ) && ( pPosition.iY > MessageBoxRestrictedCursorRegion.iBottom ) ) { SimulateMouseMovement( pOldMousePosition.iX , pOldMousePosition.iY ); } fCursorLockedToArea = FALSE; RestrictMouseCursor( &MessageBoxRestrictedCursorRegion ); } // Remove region MSYS_RemoveRegion(&(gMsgBox.BackRegion) ); // Remove save buffer! DeleteVideoSurfaceFromIndex( gMsgBox.uiSaveBuffer ); switch( gMsgBox.uiExitScreen ) { case GAME_SCREEN: if ( InOverheadMap( ) ) { gfOverheadMapDirty = TRUE; } else { SetRenderFlags( RENDER_FLAG_FULL ); } break; case MAP_SCREEN: fMapPanelDirty = TRUE; break; } if ( gfFadeInitialized ) { SetPendingNewScreen(FADE_SCREEN); return( FADE_SCREEN ); } return( gMsgBox.uiExitScreen ); }
INT32 DoMessageBox( UINT8 ubStyle, INT16 *zString, UINT32 uiExitScreen, UINT16 usFlags, MSGBOX_CALLBACK ReturnCallback, SGPRect *pCenteringRect ) { VSURFACE_DESC vs_desc; UINT16 usTextBoxWidth; UINT16 usTextBoxHeight; SGPRect aRect; UINT32 uiDestPitchBYTES, uiSrcPitchBYTES; UINT8 *pDestBuf, *pSrcBuf; INT16 sButtonX, sButtonY, sBlankSpace; UINT8 ubMercBoxBackground = BASIC_MERC_POPUP_BACKGROUND, ubMercBoxBorder = BASIC_MERC_POPUP_BORDER; UINT8 ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor; UINT16 usCursor; INT32 iId = -1; GetMousePos( &pOldMousePosition ); //this variable can be unset if ur in a non gamescreen and DONT want the msg box to use the save buffer gfDontOverRideSaveBuffer = TRUE; SetCurrentCursorFromDatabase( CURSOR_NORMAL ); if( gMsgBox.BackRegion.uiFlags & MSYS_REGION_EXISTS ) { return( 0 ); } // Based on style.... switch( ubStyle ) { //default case MSG_BOX_BASIC_STYLE: ubMercBoxBackground = DIALOG_MERC_POPUP_BACKGROUND; ubMercBoxBorder = DIALOG_MERC_POPUP_BORDER; // Add button images gMsgBox.iButtonImages = LoadButtonImage( "INTERFACE\\popupbuttons.sti", -1,0,-1,1,-1 ); ubFontColor = FONT_MCOLOR_WHITE; ubFontShadowColor = DEFAULT_SHADOW; usCursor = CURSOR_NORMAL; break; case MSG_BOX_RED_ON_WHITE: ubMercBoxBackground = WHITE_MERC_POPUP_BACKGROUND; ubMercBoxBorder = RED_MERC_POPUP_BORDER; // Add button images gMsgBox.iButtonImages = LoadButtonImage( "INTERFACE\\msgboxRedButtons.sti", -1,0,-1,1,-1 ); ubFontColor = 2; ubFontShadowColor = NO_SHADOW; usCursor = CURSOR_LAPTOP_SCREEN; break; case MSG_BOX_BLUE_ON_GREY: ubMercBoxBackground = GREY_MERC_POPUP_BACKGROUND; ubMercBoxBorder = BLUE_MERC_POPUP_BORDER; // Add button images gMsgBox.iButtonImages = LoadButtonImage( "INTERFACE\\msgboxGreyButtons.sti", -1,0,-1,1,-1 ); ubFontColor = 2; ubFontShadowColor = FONT_MCOLOR_WHITE; usCursor = CURSOR_LAPTOP_SCREEN; break; case MSG_BOX_IMP_STYLE: ubMercBoxBackground = IMP_POPUP_BACKGROUND; ubMercBoxBorder = DIALOG_MERC_POPUP_BORDER; // Add button images gMsgBox.iButtonImages = LoadButtonImage( "INTERFACE\\msgboxGreyButtons.sti", -1,0,-1,1,-1 ); ubFontColor = 2; ubFontShadowColor = FONT_MCOLOR_WHITE; usCursor = CURSOR_LAPTOP_SCREEN; break; case MSG_BOX_BASIC_SMALL_BUTTONS: ubMercBoxBackground = DIALOG_MERC_POPUP_BACKGROUND; ubMercBoxBorder = DIALOG_MERC_POPUP_BORDER; // Add button images gMsgBox.iButtonImages = LoadButtonImage( "INTERFACE\\popupbuttons.sti", -1,2,-1,3,-1 ); ubFontColor = FONT_MCOLOR_WHITE; ubFontShadowColor = DEFAULT_SHADOW; usCursor = CURSOR_NORMAL; break; case MSG_BOX_LAPTOP_DEFAULT: ubMercBoxBackground = LAPTOP_POPUP_BACKGROUND; ubMercBoxBorder = LAPTOP_POP_BORDER; // Add button images gMsgBox.iButtonImages = LoadButtonImage( "INTERFACE\\popupbuttons.sti", -1,0,-1,1,-1 ); ubFontColor = FONT_MCOLOR_WHITE; ubFontShadowColor = DEFAULT_SHADOW; usCursor = CURSOR_LAPTOP_SCREEN; break; default: ubMercBoxBackground = BASIC_MERC_POPUP_BACKGROUND; ubMercBoxBorder = BASIC_MERC_POPUP_BORDER; // Add button images gMsgBox.iButtonImages = LoadButtonImage( "INTERFACE\\msgboxbuttons.sti", -1,0,-1,1,-1 ); ubFontColor = FONT_MCOLOR_WHITE; ubFontShadowColor = DEFAULT_SHADOW; usCursor = CURSOR_NORMAL; break; } if ( usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_USE_CENTERING_RECT && pCenteringRect != NULL ) { aRect.iTop = pCenteringRect->iTop; aRect.iLeft = pCenteringRect->iLeft; aRect.iBottom = pCenteringRect->iBottom; aRect.iRight = pCenteringRect->iRight; } else { // Use default! aRect.iTop = 0; aRect.iLeft = 0; aRect.iBottom = 480; aRect.iRight = 640; } // Set some values! gMsgBox.usFlags = usFlags; gMsgBox.uiExitScreen = uiExitScreen; gMsgBox.ExitCallback = ReturnCallback; gMsgBox.fRenderBox = TRUE; gMsgBox.bHandled = 0; // Init message box gMsgBox.iBoxId = PrepareMercPopupBox( iId, ubMercBoxBackground, ubMercBoxBorder, zString, MSGBOX_DEFAULT_WIDTH, 40, 10, 30, &usTextBoxWidth, &usTextBoxHeight ); if( gMsgBox.iBoxId == -1 ) { #ifdef JA2BETAVERSION AssertMsg( 0, "Failed in DoMessageBox(). Probable reason is because the string was too large to fit in max message box size." ); #endif return 0; } // Save height,width gMsgBox.usWidth = usTextBoxWidth; gMsgBox.usHeight = usTextBoxHeight; // Determine position ( centered in rect ) gMsgBox.sX = (INT16)( ( ( ( aRect.iRight - aRect.iLeft ) - usTextBoxWidth ) / 2 ) + aRect.iLeft ); gMsgBox.sY = (INT16)( ( ( ( aRect.iBottom - aRect.iTop ) - usTextBoxHeight ) / 2 ) + aRect.iTop ); if ( guiCurrentScreen == GAME_SCREEN ) { gfStartedFromGameScreen = TRUE; } if ( (fInMapMode == TRUE ) ) { // fMapExitDueToMessageBox = TRUE; gfStartedFromMapScreen = TRUE; fMapPanelDirty = TRUE; } // Set pending screen SetPendingNewScreen( MSG_BOX_SCREEN); // Init save buffer vs_desc.fCreateFlags = VSURFACE_CREATE_DEFAULT | VSURFACE_SYSTEM_MEM_USAGE; vs_desc.usWidth = usTextBoxWidth; vs_desc.usHeight = usTextBoxHeight; vs_desc.ubBitDepth = 16; if( AddVideoSurface( &vs_desc, &gMsgBox.uiSaveBuffer) == FALSE ) { return( - 1 ); } //Save what we have under here... pDestBuf = LockVideoSurface( gMsgBox.uiSaveBuffer, &uiDestPitchBYTES); pSrcBuf = LockVideoSurface( FRAME_BUFFER, &uiSrcPitchBYTES); Blt16BPPTo16BPP((UINT16 *)pDestBuf, uiDestPitchBYTES, (UINT16 *)pSrcBuf, uiSrcPitchBYTES, 0 , 0, gMsgBox.sX , gMsgBox.sY, usTextBoxWidth, usTextBoxHeight ); UnLockVideoSurface( gMsgBox.uiSaveBuffer ); UnLockVideoSurface( FRAME_BUFFER ); // Create top-level mouse region MSYS_DefineRegion( &(gMsgBox.BackRegion), 0, 0, 640, 480, MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, usCursor, MSYS_NO_CALLBACK, MsgBoxClickCallback ); if( gGameSettings.fOptions[ TOPTION_DONT_MOVE_MOUSE ] == FALSE ) { if( usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_OK ) { SimulateMouseMovement( ( gMsgBox.sX + ( usTextBoxWidth / 2 ) + 27 ), ( gMsgBox.sY + ( usTextBoxHeight - 10 ) ) ); } else { SimulateMouseMovement( gMsgBox.sX + usTextBoxWidth / 2 , gMsgBox.sY + usTextBoxHeight - 4 ); } } // Add region MSYS_AddRegion(&(gMsgBox.BackRegion) ); // findout if cursor locked, if so, store old params and store, restore when done if( IsCursorRestricted() ) { fCursorLockedToArea = TRUE; GetRestrictedClipCursor( &MessageBoxRestrictedCursorRegion ); FreeMouseCursor( ); } // Create four numbered buttons if ( usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_FOUR_NUMBERED_BUTTONS ) { // This is exclusive of any other buttons... no ok, no cancel, no nothing sBlankSpace = usTextBoxWidth - MSGBOX_SMALL_BUTTON_WIDTH * 4 - MSGBOX_SMALL_BUTTON_X_SEP * 3; sButtonX = sBlankSpace / 2; sButtonY = usTextBoxHeight - MSGBOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT - 10; gMsgBox.uiButton[0] = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, L"1", FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)NumberedMsgBoxCallback ); MSYS_SetBtnUserData( gMsgBox.uiButton[0], 0, 1); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiButton[0], usCursor); sButtonX += MSGBOX_SMALL_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_SMALL_BUTTON_X_SEP; gMsgBox.uiButton[1] = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, L"2", FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)NumberedMsgBoxCallback ); MSYS_SetBtnUserData( gMsgBox.uiButton[1], 0, 2); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiButton[1], usCursor); sButtonX += MSGBOX_SMALL_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_SMALL_BUTTON_X_SEP; gMsgBox.uiButton[2] = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, L"3", FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)NumberedMsgBoxCallback ); MSYS_SetBtnUserData( gMsgBox.uiButton[2], 0, 3); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiButton[2], usCursor); sButtonX += MSGBOX_SMALL_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_SMALL_BUTTON_X_SEP; gMsgBox.uiButton[3] = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, L"4", FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)NumberedMsgBoxCallback ); MSYS_SetBtnUserData( gMsgBox.uiButton[3], 0, 4); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiButton[3], usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiButton[3] ); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiButton[2] ); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiButton[1] ); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiButton[0] ); } else { // Create text button if ( usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_OK ) { // sButtonX = ( usTextBoxWidth - MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH ) / 2; sButtonX = ( usTextBoxWidth - GetMSgBoxButtonWidth( gMsgBox.iButtonImages ) ) / 2; sButtonY = usTextBoxHeight - MSGBOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT - 10; gMsgBox.uiOKButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_OK ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)OKMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiOKButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiOKButton ); } // Create text button if ( usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_CANCEL ) { sButtonX = ( usTextBoxWidth - GetMSgBoxButtonWidth( gMsgBox.iButtonImages ) ) / 2; sButtonY = usTextBoxHeight - MSGBOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT - 10; gMsgBox.uiOKButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_CANCEL ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)OKMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiOKButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiOKButton ); } if ( usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_YESNO ) { sButtonX = ( usTextBoxWidth - ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ) / 2; sButtonY = usTextBoxHeight - MSGBOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT - 10; gMsgBox.uiYESButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_YES ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)YESMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiYESButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); gMsgBox.uiNOButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_NO ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX + ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)NOMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiNOButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); } if ( usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_CONTINUESTOP ) { sButtonX = ( usTextBoxWidth - ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ) / 2; sButtonY = usTextBoxHeight - MSGBOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT - 10; gMsgBox.uiYESButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pUpdatePanelButtons[ 0 ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)YESMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiYESButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); gMsgBox.uiNOButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pUpdatePanelButtons[ 1 ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX + ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)NOMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiNOButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); } if ( usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_OKCONTRACT ) { sButtonX = ( usTextBoxWidth - ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ) / 2; sButtonY = usTextBoxHeight - MSGBOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT - 10; gMsgBox.uiYESButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_OK ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)OKMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiYESButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); gMsgBox.uiNOButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_REHIRE ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX + ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)ContractMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiNOButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); } if ( usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_YESNOCONTRACT ) { sButtonX = ( usTextBoxWidth - ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ) / 3; sButtonY = usTextBoxHeight - MSGBOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT - 10; gMsgBox.uiYESButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_YES ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)YESMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiYESButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); gMsgBox.uiNOButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_NO ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX + ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)NOMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiNOButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); gMsgBox.uiOKButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_REHIRE ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX + 2 * ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)ContractMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiOKButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiOKButton ); } if ( usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_GENERICCONTRACT ) { sButtonX = ( usTextBoxWidth - ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ) / 3; sButtonY = usTextBoxHeight - MSGBOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT - 10; gMsgBox.uiYESButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, gzUserDefinedButton1, FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)YESMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiYESButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); gMsgBox.uiNOButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, gzUserDefinedButton2, FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX + ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)NOMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiNOButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); gMsgBox.uiOKButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_REHIRE ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX + 2 * ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)ContractMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiOKButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiOKButton ); } if ( usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_GENERIC ) { sButtonX = ( usTextBoxWidth - ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ) / 2; sButtonY = usTextBoxHeight - MSGBOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT - 10; gMsgBox.uiYESButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, gzUserDefinedButton1, FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)YESMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiYESButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); gMsgBox.uiNOButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, gzUserDefinedButton2, FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX + ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)NOMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiNOButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); } if ( usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_YESNOLIE ) { sButtonX = ( usTextBoxWidth - ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ) / 3; sButtonY = usTextBoxHeight - MSGBOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT - 10; gMsgBox.uiYESButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_YES ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)YESMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiYESButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); gMsgBox.uiNOButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_NO ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX + ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)NOMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiNOButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); gMsgBox.uiOKButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_LIE ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX + 2 * ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)LieMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiOKButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiOKButton ); } if ( usFlags & MSG_BOX_FLAG_OKSKIP ) { sButtonX = ( usTextBoxWidth - ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ) / 2; sButtonY = usTextBoxHeight - MSGBOX_BUTTON_HEIGHT - 10; gMsgBox.uiYESButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_OK ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)YESMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiYESButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiYESButton ); gMsgBox.uiNOButton = CreateIconAndTextButton( gMsgBox.iButtonImages, pMessageStrings[ MSG_SKIP ], FONT12ARIAL, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, ubFontColor, ubFontShadowColor, TEXT_CJUSTIFIED, (INT16)(gMsgBox.sX + sButtonX + ( MSGBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + MSGBOX_BUTTON_X_SEP ) ), (INT16)(gMsgBox.sY + sButtonY ), BUTTON_TOGGLE ,MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, DEFAULT_MOVE_CALLBACK, (GUI_CALLBACK)NOMsgBoxCallback ); SetButtonCursor(gMsgBox.uiNOButton, usCursor); ForceButtonUnDirty( gMsgBox.uiNOButton ); } } InterruptTime(); PauseGame(); LockPauseState( 1 ); // Pause timers as well.... PauseTime( TRUE ); // Save mouse restriction region... GetRestrictedClipCursor( &gOldCursorLimitRectangle ); FreeMouseCursor( ); gfNewMessageBox = TRUE; gfInMsgBox = TRUE; return( iId ); }