static void decodeframe(uint8_t * srcP, uint8_t * dstP) { do { int32_t count=*srcP++; if (!count) /* Short RLE */ { int32_t color = *(srcP+1); count = *(uint8_t *)((srcP += sizeof(int16_t)) - sizeof(int16_t)); Bmemset((dstP += count) - count, color, count); continue; } else if ((count & 0x80) == 0) /* Short copy */ { Bmemcpy((dstP += count) - count, (srcP += count) - count, count); continue; } else if ((count &= ~0x80) > 0) /* short skip */ { dstP += count; continue; } /* long op */ count = B_LITTLE16(B_UNBUF16(srcP)); srcP += sizeof(int16_t); if (!count) /* stop sign */ return; else if ((count & 0x8000) == 0) /* long skip */ { dstP += count; continue; } else if ((count &= ~0x8000) & 0x4000) /* long RLE */ { int32_t color = *srcP++; count &= ~0x4000; Bmemset((dstP += count) - count, color, count); continue; } /* long copy */ Bmemcpy((dstP += count) - count, (srcP += count) - count, count); } while (1); }
// // addnewsymbol() -- Allocates space for a new symbol and attaches it // appropriately to the lists, sorted. // static symbol_t *addnewsymbol(const char *name) { symbol_t *newsymb, *s, *t; newsymb = (symbol_t *)Bmalloc(sizeof(symbol_t)); if (!newsymb) { return NULL; } Bmemset(newsymb, 0, sizeof(symbol_t)); // link it to the main chain if (!symbols) { symbols = newsymb; } else { if (Bstrcasecmp(name, symbols->name) <= 0) { t = symbols; symbols = newsymb; symbols->next = t; } else { s = symbols; while (s->next) { if (Bstrcasecmp(s->next->name, name) > 0) break; s=s->next; } t = s->next; s->next = newsymb; newsymb->next = t; } } return newsymb; }
static inline void linefeed(void) { Bmemmove(osdtext+osdcols, osdtext, TEXTSIZE-osdcols); Bmemset(osdtext, 32, osdcols); if (osdlines < osdmaxlines) osdlines++; }
void initfastcolorlookup_palette(uint8_t const * const pal) { Bmemset(colhere,0,sizeof(colhere)); Bmemset(colhead,0,sizeof(colhead)); colmatch_palette = pal; char const *pal1 = (char *)&pal[768-3]; for (int i=255; i>=0; i--,pal1-=3) { int32_t const j = (pal1[0]>>FASTPALRIGHTSHIFT)*FASTPALGRIDSIZ*FASTPALGRIDSIZ + (pal1[1]>>FASTPALRIGHTSHIFT)*FASTPALGRIDSIZ + (pal1[2]>>FASTPALRIGHTSHIFT) + FASTPALGRIDSIZ*FASTPALGRIDSIZ + FASTPALGRIDSIZ + 1; if (colhere[j>>3]&pow2char(j&7)) colnext[i] = colhead[j]; else colnext[i] = -1; colhead[j] = i; colhere[j>>3] |= pow2char(j&7); }
// // OSD_Init() -- Initialises the on-screen display // void OSD_Init(void) { Bmemset(osdtext, 32, TEXTSIZE); osdlines=1; osdinited=1; OSD_RegisterFunction("listsymbols","listsymbols: lists all the recognized symbols",_internal_osdfunc_listsymbols); OSD_RegisterFunction("help","help: displays help on the named symbol",_internal_osdfunc_help); OSD_RegisterFunction("osdrows","osdrows: sets the number of visible lines of the OSD",_internal_osdfunc_vars); atexit(OSD_Cleanup); }
// This is run after all CON define's have been processed to set up the // dynamic->static sound mapping. void G_InitDynamicSounds(void) { int32_t i; Bmemset(DynamicSoundMap, 0, sizeof(DynamicSoundMap)); for (i=0; g_dynSoundList[i].staticval >= 0; i++) #ifdef DYNSOUNDREMAP_ENABLE DynamicSoundMap[*(g_dynSoundList[i].dynvalptr)] = g_dynSoundList[i].staticval; #else DynamicSoundMap[g_dynSoundList[i].staticval] = g_dynSoundList[i].staticval; #endif }
int OSD_Dispatch(const char *cmd) { char *workbuf, *wp, *wtp, *state; char *parms[MAXPARMS]; int numparms, restart = 0; osdfuncparm_t ofp; symbol_t *symb; //int i; workbuf = state = Bstrdup(cmd); if (!workbuf) return -1; do { numparms = 0; Bmemset(parms, 0, sizeof(parms)); wp = strtoken(state, &wtp, &restart); if (!wp) { state = wtp; continue; } symb = findexactsymbol(wp); if (!symb) { OSD_Printf("Error: \"%s\" is not defined\n", wp); free(workbuf); return -1; } = wp; while (wtp && !restart) { wp = strtoken(NULL, &wtp, &restart); if (wp && numparms < MAXPARMS) parms[numparms++] = wp; } ofp.numparms = numparms; ofp.parms = (const char **)parms; ofp.raw = cmd; switch (symb->func(&ofp)) { case OSDCMD_OK: break; case OSDCMD_SHOWHELP: OSD_Printf("%s\n", symb->help); break; } state = wtp; } while (wtp && restart); free(workbuf); return 0; }
static int32_t MV_StartPlayback(void) { // Initialize the buffers Bmemset(MV_MixBuffer[0], 0, MV_TOTALBUFFERSIZE); for (int buffer = 0; buffer < MV_NumberOfBuffers; buffer++) MV_BufferEmpty[buffer] = TRUE; MV_MixPage = 1; if (SoundDriver_BeginPlayback(MV_MixBuffer[0], MV_BufferSize, MV_NumberOfBuffers, MV_ServiceVoc) != MV_Ok) { MV_SetErrorCode(MV_DriverError); return MV_Error; } return MV_Ok; }
void CONFIG_SetDefaultKeys(const char (*keyptr)[MAXGAMEFUNCLEN]) { int32_t i,f; Bmemset(ud.config.KeyboardKeys, 0xff, sizeof(ud.config.KeyboardKeys)); CONTROL_ClearAllBinds(); for (i=0; i < (int32_t)ARRAY_SIZE(keydefaults); i+=3) { f = CONFIG_FunctionNameToNum(keyptr[i+0]); if (f == -1) continue; ud.config.KeyboardKeys[f][0] = KB_StringToScanCode(keyptr[i+1]); ud.config.KeyboardKeys[f][1] = KB_StringToScanCode(keyptr[i+2]); if (f == gamefunc_Show_Console) OSD_CaptureKey(ud.config.KeyboardKeys[f][0]); else CONFIG_MapKey(f, ud.config.KeyboardKeys[f][0], 0, ud.config.KeyboardKeys[f][1], 0); } }
void bflushchars(void) { Bmemset(&keyasciififo,0,sizeof(keyasciififo)); keyasciififoplc = keyasciififoend = 0; }
void texcache_writetex(const char *fn, int32_t len, int32_t dameth, char effect, texcacheheader *head) { static GLint glGetTexLevelParameterivOK = GL_TRUE; char cachefn[BMAX_PATH]; char *pic = NULL, *packbuf = NULL; void *midbuf = NULL; uint32_t alloclen=0, level; uint32_t padx=0, pady=0; GLint gi; int32_t offset = 0; if (!texcache_enabled()) return; gi = GL_FALSE; bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_ARB, &gi); if (gi != GL_TRUE) { if (glGetTexLevelParameterivOK == GL_TRUE) { OSD_Printf("Error: glGetTexLevelParameteriv returned GL_FALSE!\n"); glGetTexLevelParameterivOK = GL_FALSE; } return; } Blseek(texcache.filehandle, 0, BSEEK_END); offset = Blseek(texcache.filehandle, 0, BSEEK_CUR); // OSD_Printf("Caching %s, offset 0x%x\n", cachefn, offset); Bmemcpy(head->magic, TEXCACHEMAGIC, 4); // sizes are set by caller if (glusetexcache == 2) head->flags |= CACHEAD_COMPRESSED; // native -> external (little-endian) head->xdim = B_LITTLE32(head->xdim); head->ydim = B_LITTLE32(head->ydim); head->flags = B_LITTLE32(head->flags); head->quality = B_LITTLE32(head->quality); if (Bwrite(texcache.filehandle, head, sizeof(texcacheheader)) != sizeof(texcacheheader)) goto failure; CLEAR_GL_ERRORS(); for (level = 0; level==0 || (padx > 1 || pady > 1); level++) { uint32_t miplen; texcachepicture pict; bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_ARB, &gi); WRITEX_FAIL_ON_ERROR(); if (gi != GL_TRUE) goto failure; // an uncompressed mipmap bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT, &gi); WRITEX_FAIL_ON_ERROR(); #ifdef __APPLE__ if (pr_ati_textureformat_one && gi == 1) gi = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; #endif // native -> external (little endian) pict.format = B_LITTLE32(gi); bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, &gi); WRITEX_FAIL_ON_ERROR(); padx = gi; pict.xdim = B_LITTLE32(gi); bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, &gi); WRITEX_FAIL_ON_ERROR(); pady = gi; pict.ydim = B_LITTLE32(gi); bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER, &gi); WRITEX_FAIL_ON_ERROR(); pict.border = B_LITTLE32(gi); bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH, &gi); WRITEX_FAIL_ON_ERROR(); pict.depth = B_LITTLE32(gi); bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE_ARB, &gi); WRITEX_FAIL_ON_ERROR(); miplen = gi; pict.size = B_LITTLE32(gi); if (alloclen < miplen) { pic = (char *)Xrealloc(pic, miplen); alloclen = miplen; packbuf = (char *)Xrealloc(packbuf, alloclen); midbuf = (void *)Xrealloc(midbuf, miplen); } bglGetCompressedTexImageARB(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, pic); WRITEX_FAIL_ON_ERROR(); if (Bwrite(texcache.filehandle, &pict, sizeof(texcachepicture)) != sizeof(texcachepicture)) goto failure; if (dxtfilter(texcache.filehandle, &pict, pic, midbuf, packbuf, miplen)) goto failure; } { texcacheindex *t; int32_t i = hash_find(&texcache.hashes, texcache_calcid(cachefn, fn, len, dameth, effect)); if (i > -1) { // update an existing entry t = texcache.iptrs[i]; t->offset = offset; t->len = Blseek(texcache.filehandle, 0, BSEEK_CUR) - t->offset; /*initprintf("%s %d got a match for %s offset %d\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, cachefn,offset);*/ } else { t = texcache.currentindex; Bstrcpy(t->name, cachefn); t->offset = offset; t->len = Blseek(texcache.filehandle, 0, BSEEK_CUR) - t->offset; t->next = (texcacheindex *)Xcalloc(1, sizeof(texcacheindex)); hash_add(&texcache.hashes, cachefn, texcache.numentries, 0); if (++texcache.numentries > texcache.iptrcnt) { texcache.iptrcnt += 512; texcache.iptrs = (texcacheindex **) Xrealloc(texcache.iptrs, sizeof(intptr_t) * texcache.iptrcnt); } texcache.iptrs[texcache.numentries-1] = t; texcache.currentindex = t->next; } if (texcache.index) { fseek(texcache.index, 0, BSEEK_END); Bfprintf(texcache.index, "%s %d %d\n", t->name, t->offset, t->len); } else OSD_Printf("wtf?\n"); } goto success; failure: initprintf("ERROR: cache failure!\n"); texcache.currentindex->offset = 0; Bmemset(texcache.currentindex->name,0,sizeof(texcache.currentindex->name)); success: TEXCACHE_FREEBUFS(); }
int32_t CONFIG_ReadSetup(void) { int32_t dummy, i = 0; char commmacro[] = "CommbatMacro# "; char tempbuf[1024]; CONTROL_ClearAssignments(); CONFIG_SetDefaults(); ud.config.setupread = 1; pathsearchmode = 1; #ifndef EDUKE32_TOUCH_DEVICES if (SafeFileExists(setupfilename) && ud.config.scripthandle < 0) // JBF 20031211 ud.config.scripthandle = SCRIPT_Load(setupfilename); else if (SafeFileExists(SETUPFILENAME) && ud.config.scripthandle < 0) { i=wm_ynbox("Import Configuration Settings", "The configuration file \"%s\" was not found. " "Import configuration data from \"%s\"?",setupfilename,SETUPFILENAME); if (i) ud.config.scripthandle = SCRIPT_Load(SETUPFILENAME); } else if (SafeFileExists("duke3d.cfg") && ud.config.scripthandle < 0) { i=wm_ynbox("Import Configuration Settings", "The configuration file \"%s\" was not found. " "Import configuration data from \"duke3d.cfg\"?",setupfilename); if (i) ud.config.scripthandle = SCRIPT_Load("duke3d.cfg"); } #endif pathsearchmode = 0; if (ud.config.scripthandle < 0) return -1; if (ud.config.scripthandle >= 0) { char dummybuf[64]; for (dummy = 0; dummy < MAXRIDECULE; dummy++) { commmacro[13] = dummy+'0'; SCRIPT_GetString(ud.config.scripthandle, "Comm Setup",commmacro,&ud.ridecule[dummy][0]); } Bmemset(tempbuf, 0, sizeof(tempbuf)); // Bmemset(dummybuf, 0, sizeof(dummybuf)); SCRIPT_GetString(ud.config.scripthandle, "Comm Setup","PlayerName",&tempbuf[0]); while (Bstrlen(OSD_StripColors(dummybuf,tempbuf)) > 10) tempbuf[Bstrlen(tempbuf)-1] = '\0'; Bstrncpyz(szPlayerName, tempbuf, sizeof(szPlayerName)); if (g_rtsNamePtr == NULL) SCRIPT_GetString(ud.config.scripthandle, "Comm Setup","RTSName",&ud.rtsname[0]); SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Setup","ConfigVersion",&ud.configversion); SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Setup","ForceSetup",&ud.config.ForceSetup); SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Setup","NoAutoLoad",&ud.config.NoAutoLoad); // #ifdef _WIN32 if (g_noSetup == 0 && g_modDir[0] == '/') { struct Bstat st; SCRIPT_GetString(ud.config.scripthandle, "Setup","ModDir",&g_modDir[0]); if (Bstat(g_modDir, &st)) { if ((st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) != S_IFDIR) { initprintf("Invalid mod dir in cfg!\n"); Bsprintf(g_modDir,"/"); } } } // #endif if (g_grpNamePtr == NULL && g_usingAddon == 0) { SCRIPT_GetStringPtr(ud.config.scripthandle, "Setup","SelectedGRP",&g_grpNamePtr); if (g_grpNamePtr && !Bstrlen(g_grpNamePtr)) g_grpNamePtr = dup_filename(G_DefaultGrpFile()); } if (!NAM) { SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "Out",&ud.lockout); SCRIPT_GetString(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup","Password",&ud.pwlockout[0]); } SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "ScreenHeight",&ud.config.ScreenHeight); SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "ScreenMode",&ud.config.ScreenMode); SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "ScreenWidth",&ud.config.ScreenWidth); SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "WindowPositioning", (int32_t *)&windowpos); windowx = -1; SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "WindowPosX", (int32_t *)&windowx); windowy = -1; SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "WindowPosY", (int32_t *)&windowy); #ifdef RENDERTYPEWIN SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "MaxRefreshFreq", (int32_t *)&maxrefreshfreq); #endif SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "ScreenBPP", &ud.config.ScreenBPP); if (ud.config.ScreenBPP < 8) ud.config.ScreenBPP = 32; #ifdef POLYMER SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "Polymer", &dummy); if (dummy > 0 && ud.config.ScreenBPP >= 16) glrendmode = REND_POLYMER; else glrendmode = REND_POLYMOST; #endif /* SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Misc", "Color",&ud.color); G_CheckPlayerColor((int32_t *)&ud.color,-1); g_player[0].ps->palookup = g_player[0].pcolor = ud.color; tempbuf[0] = 0; */ SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Misc", "Executions",&ud.executions); #ifdef _WIN32 SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Updates", "CheckForUpdates", &ud.config.CheckForUpdates); SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Updates", "LastUpdateCheck", &ud.config.LastUpdateCheck); #endif } //CONFIG_SetupMouse(ud.config.scripthandle); //CONFIG_SetupJoystick(ud.config.scripthandle); ud.config.setupread = 1; return 0; }
int32_t MV_Init(int32_t soundcard, int32_t MixRate, int32_t Voices, int32_t numchannels, void *initdata) { if (MV_Installed) MV_Shutdown(); MV_SetErrorCode(MV_Ok); // MV_TotalMemory + 2: FIXME, see valgrind_errors.log int const totalmem = Voices * sizeof(VoiceNode) + MV_TOTALBUFFERSIZE + 2; #ifdef _3DS char *ptr = (char *) linearAlloc( totalmem); #else char *ptr = (char *) Xaligned_alloc(16, totalmem); #endif if (!ptr) { MV_SetErrorCode(MV_NoMem); return MV_Error; } Bmemset(ptr, 0, totalmem); MV_Voices = (VoiceNode *)ptr; ptr += Voices * sizeof(VoiceNode); // Set number of voices before calculating volume table MV_MaxVoices = Voices; LL_Reset((VoiceNode*) &VoiceList, next, prev); LL_Reset((VoiceNode*) &VoicePool, next, prev); for (int index = 0; index < Voices; index++) { LL_Add((VoiceNode*) &VoicePool, &MV_Voices[ index ], next, prev); } MV_SetReverseStereo(FALSE); ASS_SoundDriver = soundcard; // Initialize the sound card if (SoundDriver_Init(&MixRate, &numchannels, initdata) != MV_Ok) MV_SetErrorCode(MV_DriverError); if (MV_ErrorCode != MV_Ok) { ALIGNED_FREE_AND_NULL(MV_Voices); return MV_Error; } MV_Installed = TRUE; MV_CallBackFunc = NULL; MV_ReverbLevel = 0; MV_ReverbTable = NULL; // Set the sampling rate MV_MixRate = MixRate; // Set Mixer to play stereo digitized sound MV_SetMixMode(numchannels); MV_ReverbDelay = MV_BufferSize * 3; // Make sure we don't cross a physical page MV_MixBuffer[ MV_NumberOfBuffers ] = ptr; for (int buffer = 0; buffer < MV_NumberOfBuffers; buffer++) { MV_MixBuffer[ buffer ] = ptr; ptr += MV_BufferSize; } // Calculate pan table MV_CalcPanTable(); MV_SetVolume(MV_MAXTOTALVOLUME); // Start the playback engine if (MV_StartPlayback() != MV_Ok) { // Preserve error code while we shutdown. int status = MV_ErrorCode; MV_Shutdown(); MV_SetErrorCode(status); return MV_Error; } return MV_Ok; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------- JBF: no synchronisation happens inside MV_ServiceVoc nor the supporting functions it calls. This would cause a deadlock between the mixer thread in the driver vs the nested locking in the user-space functions of MultiVoc. The call to MV_ServiceVoc is synchronised in the driver. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void MV_ServiceVoc(void) { // Toggle which buffer we'll mix next if (++MV_MixPage >= MV_NumberOfBuffers) MV_MixPage -= MV_NumberOfBuffers; if (MV_ReverbLevel == 0) { // Initialize buffer //Commented out so that the buffer is always cleared. //This is so the guys at Echo Speech can mix into the //buffer even when no sounds are playing. if (!MV_BufferEmpty[MV_MixPage]) { Bmemset(MV_MixBuffer[MV_MixPage], 0, MV_BufferSize); MV_BufferEmpty[ MV_MixPage ] = TRUE; } } else { char const *const end = MV_MixBuffer[0] + MV_BufferLength; char *dest = MV_MixBuffer[MV_MixPage]; char const *source = MV_MixBuffer[MV_MixPage] - MV_ReverbDelay; if (source < MV_MixBuffer[ 0 ]) source += MV_BufferLength; int32_t length = MV_BufferSize; while (length > 0) { int const count = (source + length > end) ? (end - source) : length; MV_16BitReverb(source, dest, MV_ReverbTable, count / 2); // if we go through the loop again, it means that we've wrapped around the buffer source = MV_MixBuffer[ 0 ]; dest += count; length -= count; } } // Play any waiting voices //DisableInterrupts(); VoiceNode *voice; if (! || (voice = == &VoiceList) return; int iter = 0; VoiceNode *next; do { next = voice->next; if (++iter > MV_MaxVoices && MV_Printf) MV_Printf("more iterations than voices! iter: %d\n",iter); if (voice->Paused) continue; MV_BufferEmpty[ MV_MixPage ] = FALSE; MV_Mix(voice, MV_MixPage); // Is this voice done? if (!voice->Playing) { //JBF: prevent a deadlock caused by MV_StopVoice grabbing the mutex again //MV_StopVoice( voice ); LL_Remove(voice, next, prev); LL_Add((VoiceNode*) &VoicePool, voice, next, prev); switch (voice->wavetype) { #ifdef HAVE_VORBIS case FMT_VORBIS: MV_ReleaseVorbisVoice(voice); break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_FLAC case FMT_FLAC: MV_ReleaseFLACVoice(voice); break; #endif case FMT_XA: MV_ReleaseXAVoice(voice); break; default: break; } voice->handle = 0; if (MV_CallBackFunc) MV_CallBackFunc(voice->callbackval); } } while ((voice = next) != &VoiceList); //RestoreInterrupts(); }