Пример #1

#include <mod_process.h>

#include <syntax.h>

static const ConstraintSyntax process_count_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("in_range_define", "", "List of classes to define if the matches are in range", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewIntRange("match_range", CF_VALRANGE, "Integer range for acceptable number of matches for this process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("out_of_range_define", "", "List of classes to define if the matches are out of range", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax process_count_body = BodySyntaxNew("process_count", process_count_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax process_select_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("command", "", "Regular expression matching the command/cmd field of a process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewIntRange("pid", CF_VALRANGE, "Range of integers matching the process id of a process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewIntRange("pgid", CF_VALRANGE, "Range of integers matching the parent group id of a process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewIntRange("ppid", CF_VALRANGE, "Range of integers matching the parent process id of a process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewIntRange("priority", "-20,+20", "Range of integers matching the priority field (PRI/NI) of a process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("process_owner", "", "List of regexes matching the user of a process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
     "Boolean class expression returning the logical combination of classes set by a process selection test", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewIntRange("rsize", CF_VALRANGE, "Range of integers matching the resident memory size of a process, in kilobytes", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("status", "", "Regular expression matching the status field of a process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Пример #2
static const ConstraintSyntax report_data_select_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("classes_include", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for class names to be included into class report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("classes_exclude", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for class names to be excluded from class report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("variables_include", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for variable full qielified path to be included into variables report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("variables_exclude", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for variable full qielified path to be excluded from variables report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("promise_notkept_log_include", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for handle name to be included into promise not kept log report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("promise_notkept_log_exclude", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for handle name to be excluded from promise not kept log report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("promise_repaired_log_include", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for handle name to be included into promise repaired log report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("promise_repaired_log_exclude", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for handle name to be excluded from promise repaired log report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("monitoring_include", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for slot name to be included from monitoring report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("monitoring_exclude", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for slot name to be excluded from monitoring report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax report_data_select_body = BodySyntaxNew("report_data_select", report_data_select_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

const ConstraintSyntax CF_REMACCESS_BODIES[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("admit", "", "List of host names or IP addresses to grant access to file objects", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("deny", "", "List of host names or IP addresses to deny access to file objects", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("maproot", "", "List of host names or IP addresses to grant full read-privilege on the server", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("ifencrypted", "true/false whether the current file access promise is conditional on the connection from the client being encrypted. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("resource_type", "path,literal,context,query,variable", "The type of object being granted access (the default grants access to files)", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("report_data_select", &report_data_select_body, "Report content filter", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

const ConstraintSyntax CF_REMROLE_BODIES[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("authorize", "", "List of public-key user names that are allowed to activate the promised class during remote agent activation", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Пример #3
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("log_level", "inform,verbose,error,log", "The reporting level sent to syslog", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("log_kept", CF_LOGRANGE,"This should be filename of a file to which log_string will be saved, if undefined it goes to the system logger", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("log_priority", "emergency,alert,critical,error,warning,notice,info,debug","The priority level of the log message, as interpreted by a syslog server", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("log_repaired", CF_LOGRANGE,"This should be filename of a file to which log_string will be saved, if undefined it goes to the system logger", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("log_failed", CF_LOGRANGE,"This should be filename of a file to which log_string will be saved, if undefined it goes to the system logger", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewReal("value_kept", CF_REALRANGE, "A real number value attributed to keeping this promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewReal("value_repaired", CF_REALRANGE, "A real number value attributed to reparing this promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewReal("value_notkept", CF_REALRANGE, "A real number value (possibly negative) attributed to not keeping this promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("audit", "true/false switch for detailed audit records of this promise. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("background", "true/false switch for parallelizing the promise repair. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("report_level", "inform,verbose,error,log", "The reporting level for standard output for this promise. Default value: none", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("measurement_class", "", "If set performance will be measured and recorded under this identifier", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax action_body = BodySyntaxNew("action", action_constraints, ActionCheck, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax classes_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("scope", "namespace,bundle", "Scope of the contexts set by this body", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("promise_repaired", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be defined globally", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("repair_failed", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be defined globally", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("repair_denied", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be defined globally", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("repair_timeout", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be defined globally", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("promise_kept", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be defined globally", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("cancel_kept", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be cancelled if the promise is kept", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("cancel_repaired", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be cancelled if the promise is repaired", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("cancel_notkept", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be cancelled if the promise is not kept for any reason", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("kept_returncodes", CF_INTLISTRANGE, "A list of return codes indicating a kept command-related promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("repaired_returncodes", CF_INTLISTRANGE,"A list of return codes indicating a repaired command-related promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("failed_returncodes", CF_INTLISTRANGE, "A list of return codes indicating a failed command-related promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Пример #4
#include <mod_storage.h>

#include <syntax.h>

static const ConstraintSyntax volume_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("check_foreign", "true/false verify storage that is mounted from a foreign system on this host. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("freespace", "[0-9]+[MBkKgGmb%]", "Absolute or percentage minimum disk space that should be available before warning", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("sensible_size", CF_VALRANGE, "Minimum size in bytes that should be used on a sensible-looking storage device", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("sensible_count", CF_VALRANGE, "Minimum number of files that should be defined on a sensible-looking storage device", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("scan_arrivals", "true/false generate pseudo-periodic disk change arrival distribution. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax volume_body = BodySyntaxNew("volume", volume_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax mount_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("edit_fstab", "true/false add or remove entries to the file system table (\"fstab\"). Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("mount_type", "nfs,nfs2,nfs3,nfs4", "Protocol type of remote file system", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("mount_source", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "Path of remote file system to mount", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("mount_server", "", "Hostname or IP or remote file system server", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("mount_options", "", "List of option strings to add to the file system table (\"fstab\")", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("unmount", "true/false unmount a previously mounted filesystem. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax mount_body = BodySyntaxNew("mount", mount_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);
Пример #5
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("log_level", "inform,verbose,error,log", "The reporting level sent to syslog", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("log_kept", CF_LOGRANGE,"This should be filename of a file to which log_string will be saved, if undefined it goes to the system logger", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("log_priority", "emergency,alert,critical,error,warning,notice,info,debug","The priority level of the log message, as interpreted by a syslog server", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("log_repaired", CF_LOGRANGE,"This should be filename of a file to which log_string will be saved, if undefined it goes to the system logger", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("log_failed", CF_LOGRANGE,"This should be filename of a file to which log_string will be saved, if undefined it goes to the system logger", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewReal("value_kept", CF_REALRANGE, "A real number value attributed to keeping this promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewReal("value_repaired", CF_REALRANGE, "A real number value attributed to reparing this promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewReal("value_notkept", CF_REALRANGE, "A real number value (possibly negative) attributed to not keeping this promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("audit", "true/false switch for detailed audit records of this promise. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("background", "true/false switch for parallelizing the promise repair. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("report_level", "inform,verbose,error,log", "The reporting level for standard output for this promise. Default value: none", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("measurement_class", "", "If set performance will be measured and recorded under this identifier", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax action_body = BodySyntaxNew("action", action_constraints, ActionCheck, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax classes_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("scope", "namespace,bundle", "Scope of the contexts set by this body", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("promise_repaired", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be defined globally", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("repair_failed", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be defined globally", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("repair_denied", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be defined globally", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("repair_timeout", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be defined globally", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("promise_kept", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be defined globally", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("cancel_kept", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be cancelled if the promise is kept", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("cancel_repaired", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be cancelled if the promise is repaired", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("cancel_notkept", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be cancelled if the promise is not kept for any reason", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("kept_returncodes", CF_INTLISTRANGE, "A list of return codes indicating a kept command-related promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("repaired_returncodes", CF_INTLISTRANGE,"A list of return codes indicating a repaired command-related promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Пример #6
#include <mod_databases.h>

#include <syntax.h>

static const ConstraintSyntax database_server_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("db_server_owner", "", "User name for database connection", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("db_server_password", "", "Clear text password for database connection", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("db_server_host", "", "Hostname or address for connection to database, blank means localhost", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("db_server_type", "postgres,mysql,sqlite", "The dialect of the database server. Default value: none", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("db_server_connection_db", "", "The name of an existing database to connect to in order to create/manage other databases", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("db_embedded_directory_path", "", "The root directory in which to store embedded database files", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax database_server_body = BodySyntaxNew("database_server", database_server_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax databases_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("database_server", &database_server_body, "Credentials for connecting to a local/remote database server", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("database_type", "sql,ms_registry", "The type of database that is to be manipulated. Default value: none", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("database_operation", "create,delete,drop,cache,verify,restore", "The nature of the promise - to be or not to be", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("database_columns", ".*", "A list of column definitions to be promised by SQL databases", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("database_rows", ".*,.*", "An ordered list of row values to be promised by SQL databases", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("registry_exclude", "", "A list of regular expressions to ignore in key/value verification", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

const PromiseTypeSyntax CF_DATABASES_PROMISE_TYPES[] =
    PromiseTypeSyntaxNew("agent", "databases", databases_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Пример #7
#include <mod_measurement.h>

#include <syntax.h>

static const ConstraintSyntax match_value_constraints[] =
    /* Row models */
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("select_line_matching", CF_ANYSTRING, "Regular expression for matching line location", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("select_line_number", CF_VALRANGE, "Read from the n-th line of the output (fixed format)", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("extraction_regex", "", "Regular expression that should contain a single backreference for extracting a value", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("track_growing_file", "If true, cfengine remembers the position to which is last read when opening the file, and resets to the start if the file has since been truncated", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("select_multiline_policy", "average,sum,first,last", "Regular expression for matching line location", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax match_value_body = BodySyntaxNew("match_value", match_value_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax CF_MEASURE_BODIES[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("stream_type", "pipe,file", "The datatype being collected.", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("data_type", "counter,int,real,string,slist", "The datatype being collected.", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("history_type", "weekly,scalar,static,log", "Whether the data can be seen as a time-series or just an isolated value", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("units", "", "The engineering dimensions of this value or a note about its intent used in plots", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("match_value", &match_value_body, "Criteria for extracting the measurement from a datastream", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

const PromiseTypeSyntax CF_MEASUREMENT_PROMISE_TYPES[] =
    PromiseTypeSyntaxNew("monitor", "measurements", CF_MEASURE_BODIES, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Пример #8
  (COSL) may apply to this file if you as a licensee so wish it. See
  included file COSL.txt.

#include "mod_report.h"

#include "syntax.h"

static const ConstraintSyntax printfile_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("file_to_print", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "Path name to the file that is to be sent to standard output", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("number_of_lines", CF_VALRANGE, "Integer maximum number of lines to print from selected file", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax printfile_body = BodySyntaxNew("printfile", printfile_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

const const ConstraintSyntax CF_REPORT_BODIES[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("friend_pattern", "", "Regular expression to keep selected hosts from the friends report list", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewReal("intermittency", "0,1", "Real number threshold [0,1] of intermittency about current peers, report above. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("lastseen", CF_VALRANGE, "Integer time threshold in hours since current peers were last seen, report absence", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("printfile", &printfile_body, "Quote part of a file to standard output", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("report_to_file", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "The path and filename to which output should be appended", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("bundle_return_value_index", CF_IDRANGE, "The promiser is to be interpreted as a literal value that the caller can accept as a result for this bundle, i.e. a return value with array index defined by this attribute.", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("showstate", "", "List of services about which status reports should be reported to standard output", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

const PromiseTypeSyntax CF_REPORT_PROMISE_TYPES[] =
Пример #9

#include <mod_files.h>

#include <policy.h>
#include <syntax.h>

static const ConstraintSyntax location_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("before_after", "before,after", "Menu option, point cursor before of after matched line. Default value: after", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("first_last", "first,last", "Menu option, choose first or last occurrence of match in file. Default value: last", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("select_line_matching", CF_ANYSTRING, "Regular expression for matching file line location", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax location_body = BodySyntaxNew("location", location_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax edit_field_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("allow_blank_fields", "true/false allow blank fields in a line (do not purge). Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("extend_fields", "true/false add new fields at end of line if necessary to complete edit. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("field_operation", "prepend,append,alphanum,delete,set", "Menu option policy for editing subfields. Default value: none", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("field_separator", CF_ANYSTRING, "The regular expression used to separate fields in a line. Default value: none", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("field_value", CF_ANYSTRING, "Set field value to a fixed value", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("select_field", "0,99999999", "Integer index of the field required 0..n (default starts from 1)", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("start_fields_from_zero", "If set, the default field numbering starts from 0", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("value_separator", CF_CHARRANGE, "Character separator for subfields inside the selected field. Default value: none", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax edit_field_body = BodySyntaxNew("edit_field", edit_field_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);
Пример #10

#include <mod_knowledge.h>

#include <syntax.h>

static const ConstraintSyntax association_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("forward_relationship", "", "Name of forward association between promiser topic and associates", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("backward_relationship", "", "Name of backward/inverse association from associates to promiser topic", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("associates", "", "List of associated topics by this forward relationship", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),

static const BodySyntax association_body = BodySyntaxNew("association", association_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED);

static const ConstraintSyntax topics_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("association", &association_body, "Declare associated topics", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("synonyms", "", "A list of words to be treated as equivalents in the defined context", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("generalizations", "", "A list of words to be treated as super-sets for the current topic, used when reasoning", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),

static const ConstraintSyntax occurrences_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("about_topics", "", "List of topics that the document or resource addresses", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("represents", "", "List of explanations for what relationship this document has to the topics it is about", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("representation", "literal,url,db,file,web,image,portal", "How to interpret the promiser string e.g. actual data or reference to data", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
Пример #11
static const ConstraintSyntax contain_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("useshell", "noshell,useshell,powershell," CF_BOOL, "noshell/useshell/powershell embed the command in the given shell environment. Default value: noshell", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("umask", "", "The umask value for the child process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("exec_owner", "", "The user name or id under which to run the process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("exec_group", "", "The group name or id under which to run the process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("exec_timeout", "1,3600", "Timeout in seconds for command completion", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("chdir", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "Directory for setting current/base directory for the process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("chroot", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "Directory of root sandbox for process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("preview", "true/false preview command when running in dry-run mode (with -n). Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("no_output", "true/false discard all output from the command. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax contain_body = BodySyntaxNew("contain", contain_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax commands_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("args", "", "Alternative string of arguments for the command (concatenated with promiser string)", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("contain", &contain_body, "Containment options for the execution process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("module", "true/false whether to expect the cfengine module protocol. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

const PromiseTypeSyntax CF_EXEC_PROMISE_TYPES[] =
    PromiseTypeSyntaxNew("agent", "commands", commands_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),