Пример #1
namespace MixFuncTable
	typedef Int8MToIntS I8M;
	typedef Int16MToIntS I16M;
	typedef Int8SToIntS I8S;
	typedef Int16SToIntS I16S;
	typedef Int8MToFloatS I8M;
	typedef Int16MToFloatS I16M;
	typedef Int8SToFloatS I8S;
	typedef Int16SToFloatS I16S;
#endif // MPT_INTMIXER

// Table index:
//	[b1-b0]	format (8-bit-mono, 16-bit-mono, 8-bit-stereo, 16-bit-stereo)
//	[b2]	ramp
//	[b3]	filter
//	[b6-b4]	src type

// Sample type / processing type index
enum FunctionIndex
	ndx16Bit		= 0x01,
	ndxStereo		= 0x02,
	ndxRamp			= 0x04,
	ndxFilter		= 0x08,

// SRC index
enum ResamplingIndex
	ndxNoInterpolation	= 0x00,
	ndxLinear			= 0x10,
	ndxFastSinc			= 0x20,
	ndxKaiser			= 0x30,
	ndxFIRFilter		= 0x40,

// Build mix function table for given resampling, filter and ramping settings: One function each for 8-Bit / 16-Bit Mono / Stereo
#define BuildMixFuncTableRamp(resampling, filter, ramp) \
	SampleLoop<I8M, resampling<I8M>, filter<I8M>, MixMono ## ramp<I8M> >, \
	SampleLoop<I16M, resampling<I16M>, filter<I16M>, MixMono ## ramp<I16M> >, \
	SampleLoop<I8S, resampling<I8S>, filter<I8S>, MixStereo ## ramp<I8S> >, \
	SampleLoop<I16S, resampling<I16S>, filter<I16S>, MixStereo ## ramp<I16S> >

// Build mix function table for given resampling, filter settings: With and without ramping
#define BuildMixFuncTableFilter(resampling, filter) \
	BuildMixFuncTableRamp(resampling, filter, NoRamp), \
	BuildMixFuncTableRamp(resampling, filter, Ramp)

// Build mix function table for given resampling settings: With and without filter
#define BuildMixFuncTable(resampling) \
	BuildMixFuncTableFilter(resampling, NoFilter), \
	BuildMixFuncTableFilter(resampling, ResonantFilter)

const MixFuncInterface Functions[5 * 16] =
	BuildMixFuncTable(NoInterpolation),			// No SRC
	BuildMixFuncTable(LinearInterpolation),		// Linear SRC
	BuildMixFuncTable(FastSincInterpolation),	// Fast Sinc (Cubic Spline) SRC
	BuildMixFuncTable(PolyphaseInterpolation),	// Kaiser SRC
	BuildMixFuncTable(FIRFilterInterpolation),	// FIR SRC

#undef BuildMixFuncTableRamp
#undef BuildMixFuncTableFilter
#undef BuildMixFuncTable

static forceinline ResamplingIndex ResamplingModeToMixFlags(uint8 resamplingMode)
	case SRCMODE_NEAREST:   return ndxNoInterpolation;
	case SRCMODE_LINEAR:    return ndxLinear;
	case SRCMODE_SPLINE:    return ndxFastSinc;
	case SRCMODE_POLYPHASE: return ndxKaiser;
	case SRCMODE_FIRFILTER: return ndxFIRFilter;
	return ndxNoInterpolation;

} // namespace MixFuncTable
Пример #2
namespace MixFuncTable
	typedef Int8MToIntS I8M;
	typedef Int16MToIntS I16M;
	typedef Int8SToIntS I8S;
	typedef Int16SToIntS I16S;
	typedef Int8MToFloatS I8M;
	typedef Int16MToFloatS I16M;
	typedef Int8SToFloatS I8S;
	typedef Int16SToFloatS I16S;
#endif // MPT_INTMIXER

// Build mix function table for given resampling, filter and ramping settings: One function each for 8-Bit / 16-Bit Mono / Stereo
#define BuildMixFuncTableRamp(resampling, filter, ramp) \
	SampleLoop<I8M, resampling<I8M>, filter<I8M>, MixMono ## ramp<I8M> >, \
	SampleLoop<I16M, resampling<I16M>, filter<I16M>, MixMono ## ramp<I16M> >, \
	SampleLoop<I8S, resampling<I8S>, filter<I8S>, MixStereo ## ramp<I8S> >, \
	SampleLoop<I16S, resampling<I16S>, filter<I16S>, MixStereo ## ramp<I16S> >

// Build mix function table for given resampling, filter settings: With and without ramping
#define BuildMixFuncTableFilter(resampling, filter) \
	BuildMixFuncTableRamp(resampling, filter, NoRamp), \
	BuildMixFuncTableRamp(resampling, filter, Ramp)

// Build mix function table for given resampling settings: With and without filter
#define BuildMixFuncTable(resampling) \
	BuildMixFuncTableFilter(resampling, NoFilter), \
	BuildMixFuncTableFilter(resampling, ResonantFilter)

const MixFuncInterface Functions[6 * 16] =
	BuildMixFuncTable(NoInterpolation),			// No SRC
	BuildMixFuncTable(LinearInterpolation),		// Linear SRC
	BuildMixFuncTable(FastSincInterpolation),	// Fast Sinc (Cubic Spline) SRC
	BuildMixFuncTable(PolyphaseInterpolation),	// Kaiser SRC
	BuildMixFuncTable(FIRFilterInterpolation),	// FIR SRC
	BuildMixFuncTable(AmigaBlepInterpolation),	// Amiga emulation

#undef BuildMixFuncTableRamp
#undef BuildMixFuncTableFilter
#undef BuildMixFuncTable

ResamplingIndex ResamplingModeToMixFlags(ResamplingMode resamplingMode)
	case SRCMODE_NEAREST:   return ndxNoInterpolation;
	case SRCMODE_LINEAR:    return ndxLinear;
	case SRCMODE_SPLINE:    return ndxFastSinc;
	case SRCMODE_POLYPHASE: return ndxKaiser;
	case SRCMODE_FIRFILTER: return ndxFIRFilter;
	case SRCMODE_AMIGA:     return ndxAmigaBlep;
	default:                MPT_ASSERT_NOTREACHED();
	return ndxNoInterpolation;

} // namespace MixFuncTable