void WaypointManagerWidget::OnAction(int id) { switch (Buttons(id)) { case NEW: OnWaypointNewClicked(); break; case IMPORT: OnWaypointImportClicked(); break; case EDIT: OnWaypointEditClicked(GetList().GetCursorIndex()); break; case SAVE: OnWaypointSaveClicked(); break; case DELETE: OnWaypointDeleteClicked(GetList().GetCursorIndex()); break; } }
void Keyboard( unsigned char c, int x, int y ) { switch( c ) { case 'o': case 'O': WhichProjection = ORTHO; break; case 'p': case 'P': WhichProjection = PERSP; break; case 'q': case 'Q': case ESCAPE: Buttons( QUIT ); // will not return here break; // happy compiler default: fprintf( stderr, "Don't know what to do with keyboard hit: '%c' (0x%0x)\n", c, c ); } Glui->sync_live( ); glutSetWindow( MainWindow ); glutPostRedisplay( ); }
// Connected to INT13 of CPU (use MINT13 mask): // ISR can be used by the user. __interrupt void INT13_ISR(void) // INT13 or CPU-Timer1 { //***********************************WARNING!!********************************************\\ //BE CAREFUL YOU NEED TO ALLOW NESTING FOR ANY INTERRUPT THAT MIGHT HAPPEN IN THIS INTERRUPT\\ EINT; //enable all interrupts //todo USER: Define Clock ISR Clock_Ticks.DataOut++; Clock_Ticks.HeartBeat++; if (Clock_Ticks.DataOut >= DATAOUT_TICKS) { //send data or fill data Clock_Ticks.DataOut = 0; } if (Clock_Ticks.HeartBeat >= HEARTBEAT_TICKS) { HeartBeat(); Clock_Ticks.HeartBeat = 0; } Buttons(); ReloadCpuTimer1(); StartCpuTimer1(); DINT; }
NS_IMETHODIMP MouseEvent::GetButtons(uint16_t* aButtons) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aButtons); *aButtons = Buttons(); return NS_OK; }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget* parent) :QMainWindow(parent) { GUI(); Buttons(); outGraph(); matrixSize = 0; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void EventInputQueue::push_RelativePointerEventCallback(OSObject* target, int buttons_raw, int dx, int dy, AbsoluteTime ts, OSObject* sender, void* refcon) { GlobalLock::ScopedLock lk; if (!lk) return; Params_RelativePointerEventCallback::log(true, Buttons(buttons_raw), dx, dy); // ------------------------------------------------------------ Buttons buttons(buttons_raw); Buttons justPressed; Buttons justReleased; IOHIPointing* device = OSDynamicCast(IOHIPointing, sender); if (!device) return; ListHookedPointing::Item* item = static_cast<ListHookedPointing::Item*>(ListHookedPointing::instance().get(device)); if (!item) return; // ------------------------------------------------------------ CommonData::setcurrent_ts(ts); // ------------------------------------------------------------ justPressed = buttons.justPressed(item->get_previousbuttons()); justReleased = buttons.justReleased(item->get_previousbuttons()); item->set_previousbuttons(buttons); // ------------------------------------------------------------ // divide an event into button and cursormove events. for (int i = 0; i < ButtonStatus::MAXNUM; ++i) { PointingButton btn(1 << i); if (justPressed.isOn(btn)) { Params_RelativePointerEventCallback params(buttons, 0, 0, btn, true); bool retainFlagStatusTemporaryCount = Config::get_essential_config(BRIDGE_ESSENTIAL_CONFIG_INDEX_general_lazy_modifiers_with_mouse_event); enqueue_(params, retainFlagStatusTemporaryCount, item->getDeviceIdentifier()); } if (justReleased.isOn(btn)) { Params_RelativePointerEventCallback params(buttons, 0, 0, btn, false); bool retainFlagStatusTemporaryCount = Config::get_essential_config(BRIDGE_ESSENTIAL_CONFIG_INDEX_general_lazy_modifiers_with_mouse_event); enqueue_(params, retainFlagStatusTemporaryCount, item->getDeviceIdentifier()); } } // If (dx == 0 && dy == 0), the event is either needless event or just pressing/releasing buttons event. // About just pressing/releasing buttons event, we handled these in the above processes. // So, we can drop (dx == 0 && dy == 0) events in here. if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { Params_RelativePointerEventCallback params(buttons, dx, dy, PointingButton::NONE, false); bool retainFlagStatusTemporaryCount = true; enqueue_(params, retainFlagStatusTemporaryCount, item->getDeviceIdentifier()); } setTimer(); }
void TrafficListWidget::OnAction(int id) { switch (Buttons(id)) { case DETAILS: OpenDetails(GetList().GetCursorIndex()); break; } }
void AirspaceListWidget::OnAction(int id) { switch (Buttons(id)) { case DETAILS: OnAirspaceListEnter(GetList().GetCursorIndex()); break; } }
void WaypointListWidget::OnAction(int id) { switch (Buttons(id)) { case SELECT: OnWaypointListEnter(); break; } }
VideoPlayer::VideoPlayer(QWidget *parent): QWidget(parent), mediaPlayer(0, QMediaPlayer::VideoSurface), playButton(0), positionSlider(0) { setAcceptDrops(true);// Drag&Drop Widgets(); MainMenu(); Buttons(); HotKeys(); Sliders(); Layouts(); }
void Keyboard( unsigned char c, int x, int y ) { if( DebugOn != 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "Keyboard: '%c' (0x%0x)\n", c, c ); switch( c ) { case 'o': case 'O': WhichProjection = ORTHO; break; case 'p': case 'P': WhichProjection = PERSP; break; case 'q': case 'Q': case ESCAPE: Buttons( QUIT ); // will not return here break; // happy compiler case 'r': case 'R': LeftButton = ROTATE; break; case 's': case 'S': LeftButton = SCALE; break; default: fprintf( stderr, "Don't know what to do with keyboard hit: '%c' (0x%0x)\n", c, c ); } // synchronize the GLUI display with the variables: Glui->sync_live( ); // force a call to Display( ): glutSetWindow( MainWindow ); glutPostRedisplay( ); }
int main(int argc , char *argv[]){ gtk_init(&argc,&argv); vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE,2); CreateWindow(); Buttons(); ConnectNodes = gtk_label_new("No Torrent Selected"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox),HorizontalPanel(),FALSE,TRUE,2); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox),ConnectNodes,FALSE,TRUE,2); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox),ProgressBar(),FALSE,TRUE,2); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), vbox); gtk_widget_show_all(window); gtk_widget_hide(progress); gtk_main(); return 0; }
void ListHookedPointing::apply(const Params_RelativePointerEventCallback& params) { // if all button are released, send event for all devices. if (params.buttons == Buttons(0) && params.dx == 0 && params.dy == 0) { for (Item* p = static_cast<Item*>(list_.safe_front()); p; p = static_cast<Item*>(p->getnext())) { if (!p->isReplaced()) continue; p->apply(params); } } else { ListHookedPointing::Item* p = static_cast<ListHookedPointing::Item*>(get_replaced()); if (p) { p->apply(params); } } }
void ListHookedPointing::apply(const Params_RelativePointerEventCallback& params) { IOLockWrapper::ScopedLock lk(list_lock_); if (! lk) return; // if all button are released, send event for all devices. if (params.buttons == Buttons(0) && params.dx == 0 && params.dy == 0) { for (Item* p = static_cast<Item*>(list_->front()); p; p = static_cast<Item*>(p->getnext())) { if (! p->isReplaced()) continue; p->apply(params); } } else { ListHookedPointing::Item* p = static_cast<ListHookedPointing::Item*>(get_replaced_nolock()); if (p) { p->apply(params); } } }
static void lock_toggle(PointingButton button) { lock_toggle(Buttons(button)); }
static void decrease(PointingButton button) { decrease(Buttons(button)); }
static void increase(PointingButton button) { increase(Buttons(button)); }
void EventOutputQueue::push(const Params_RelativePointerEventCallback& p) { PUSH_TO_OUTPUTQUEUE; if (p.buttons != Buttons(0)) { FlagStatus::sticky_clear(); } }