int32 TrackerString::IFindLast(const char* string, int32 beforeOffset) const { if (string == NULL) return -1; int32 length = Length(); uint32 stringLength = strlen(string); // The following two checks are required to be compatible // with BString: if (length <= 0) return -1; if (stringLength == 0) return beforeOffset; int32 start = MIN(beforeOffset, length - static_cast<int32>(stringLength)); int32 stop = 0; int32 position = -1; for (int32 i = start; i >= stop; i--) { if (tolower(string[0]) == tolower(ByteAt(i))) { // This check is to avoid mute str*cmp() calls. Performance. if (strncasecmp(string, String() + i, stringLength) == 0) { position = i; break; } } } return position; }
bool TexView::CanEndLine(int32 offset) { if(ByteAt(offset) == B_ENTER) return true; else return false; }
int32 TrackerString::FindFirst(const char* string, int32 fromOffset) const { if (string == NULL) return -1; int32 length = Length(); uint32 stringLength = strlen(string); // The following two checks are required to be compatible // with BString: if (length <= 0) return -1; if (stringLength == 0) return fromOffset; int32 stop = length - static_cast<int32>(stringLength); int32 start = MAX(0, MIN(fromOffset, stop)); int32 position = -1; for (int32 i = start; i <= stop; i++) { if (string[0] == ByteAt(i)) { // This check is to avoid mute str*cmp() calls. Performance. if (strncmp(string, String() + i, stringLength) == 0) { position = i; break; } } } return position; }
int TexView::FindFirstOnLine(char c,int offset,int eol) { for(int i=offset;i<eol;i++) { if(ByteAt(i) == c) return i; } return -1; }
int TexView::IsMathMode(int offset,vector<BString>& v,bool IsStart) { for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++) { //try all possibilities.... if(ByteAt(offset) == v[i].ByteAt(0)) { //should be fixed to incorporate sol -- maybe not! if(offset-1 >= 0/*!= sol*/ && ByteAt(offset-1) == '\\') return -1; int len = v[i].Length(); bool IsOk=true; int j=1; while(IsOk && j < len) { IsOk = (ByteAt(offset+j) == v[i].ByteAt(j)); j++; } if(IsOk == true) { if(len > 2) { if(IsStart) return offset+j; else return offset; } else { if(IsStart) return offset; else return offset+j; } } } } return -1; }
void TexView::FillSolEol(vector<int>& s,vector<int>& e,int start,int finish) { int i=start; int text_length = TextLength(); for(i=start;i>=0;i--) { if(ByteAt(i) == '\n') { break; } } start=i+1; i = finish; for(i=finish;i<text_length;i++) { if(ByteAt(i) == '\n') { break; } } finish=i; for(i=start;i<=finish;i++) { if(ByteAt(i) == '\n') { e.push_back(i); } } e.push_back(i); s.push_back(start); for(i=0;i<e.size()-1;i++) { s.push_back(e[i]+1); } }
int32 TexView::OffsetAtIndex(int32 index) { //int text_length = TextLength(); int i; int count = 0; int last=0; for(i=0;count < index;i++) { if(ByteAt(i) == '\n') { count++; last = i+1; } } return last; }
void InsertChar(INT Char) { INT space = CharSize(Char); if (IsViewOnly()) return; SetUnsafe(); if (Mode != ReplaceMode || (HexEditMode ? CharAt(&CurrPos) == C_EOF : CharFlags(CharAt(&CurrPos)) & 1)) Reserve(&CurrPos, space, 0); else { INT oldspace = CharSize(CharAt(&CurrPos)); if (space != oldspace) { Reserve(&CurrPos, -oldspace, 0); Reserve(&CurrPos, space, 0); } else { EnterDeleteForUndo(&CurrPos, oldspace, 0); EnterInsertForUndo(&CurrPos, space); } ByteAt(&CurrPos); } ++InsertCount; if (!SuppressMap) switch (CharSet) { case CS_EBCDIC: if ((unsigned)Char >= 0x100) Char = 0x1a; else Char = MapAnsiToEbcdic[Char]; break; case CS_OEM: Char = UnicodeToOemChar(Char); break; } assert(CurrPos.p->PageBuf); if (space > 1) { POSITION Pos = CurrPos; UnsafePage(&CurrPos); if (Char == C_CRLF) { if (UtfEncoding == 16) { assert((Pos.i & 1) == 0 && Pos.i + 1 < Pos.p->Fill); if (UtfLsbFirst) { Pos.p->PageBuf[Pos.i] = '\r'; Pos.p->PageBuf[Pos.i+1] = '\0'; Advance(&Pos, 2); Pos.p->PageBuf[Pos.i] = '\n'; Pos.p->PageBuf[Pos.i+1] = '\0'; } else { Pos.p->PageBuf[Pos.i] = '\0'; Pos.p->PageBuf[Pos.i+1] = '\r'; Advance(&Pos, 2); Pos.p->PageBuf[Pos.i] = '\0'; Pos.p->PageBuf[Pos.i+1] = '\n'; } assert(Pos.i + 1 < Pos.p->Fill); } else { Pos.p->PageBuf[Pos.i] = '\r'; Advance(&Pos, 1); Pos.p->PageBuf[Pos.i] = '\n'; } } else if (UtfEncoding == 16) { assert(Pos.i + 1 < Pos.p->Fill); if (UtfLsbFirst) { Pos.p->PageBuf[Pos.i] = Char; Pos.p->PageBuf[Pos.i+1] = Char >> 8; } else {
void FindTextView::KeyDown(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes) { if (fMode == kHexMode) { // filter out invalid (for hex mode) characters if (numBytes > 1) return; switch (bytes[0]) { case B_RIGHT_ARROW: case B_LEFT_ARROW: case B_UP_ARROW: case B_DOWN_ARROW: case B_HOME: case B_END: case B_PAGE_UP: case B_PAGE_DOWN: break; case B_BACKSPACE: case B_DELETE: { int32 start, end; GetSelection(&start, &end); if (bytes[0] == B_BACKSPACE && --start < 0) { if (end == 0) return; start = 0; } if (ByteAt(start) == ' ') BTextView::KeyDown(bytes, numBytes); BTextView::KeyDown(bytes, numBytes); if (bytes[0] == B_BACKSPACE) GetSelection(&start, &end); _HexReformat(start, start); Select(start, start); return; } default: { if (!strchr("0123456789abcdefABCDEF", bytes[0])) return; // the original KeyDown() has severe cursor setting // problems with our InsertText(). int32 start, end; GetSelection(&start, &end); InsertText(bytes, 1, start, NULL); return; } } } BTextView::KeyDown(bytes, numBytes); }
BOOL CALLBACK SearchCallback(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wPar, LPARAM lPar) { extern BOOL SearchBoxPosition, HexEditTextSide; extern INT SearchBoxX, SearchBoxY; static RECT DlgRect; static BOOL Enabled; static CHAR CloseString[10]; PARAM_NOT_USED(lPar); switch (uMsg) { RECT r; case WM_INITDIALOG: GetWindowRect(hDlg, &DlgRect); GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REPLACE), &r); SetWindowPos(hDlg, 0, SearchBoxX, SearchBoxY, DlgRect.right - DlgRect.left, -, SearchBoxPosition ? SWP_NOZORDER : SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE); SendMessage(hDlg, DM_REPOSITION, 0, 0); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_SHOWREPLACE), FALSE); if (HexInput != (HexEditMode && !HexEditTextSide)) { HexInput ^= TRUE; *SearchBuf = '\0'; } if (SelectCount && (HexInput ? 3 : 1) * SelectCount < WSIZE(SearchBuf)) { POSITION SelPos; INT i, c; PWSTR p = SearchBuf; SelPos = SelectStart; for (i=(INT)SelectCount; i; --i) { if (HexInput) { c = ByteAt(&SelPos); if (Advance(&SelPos, 1) != 1) break; if (UtfEncoding == 16 && i > 1) { if (UtfLsbFirst) c |= ByteAt(&SelPos) << 8; else c = (c << 8) | ByteAt(&SelPos); if (Advance(&SelPos, 1) != 1) break; --i; } p += _snwprintf(p, WSIZE(SearchBuf) - (p-SearchBuf), UtfEncoding == 16 ? L"%04x " : L"%02x ", c); } else { if ((c = CharAt(&SelPos)) == C_CRLF) c = '\r'; else if (!UtfEncoding) c = CharSetToUnicode(c); if (UtfEncoding == 16) { if (i > 1) --i; if (Advance(&SelPos, 2) != 2) break; } else if (Advance(&SelPos, 1) != 1) break; *p++ = c; } } if (HexInput) --p; *p = '\0'; if (*SearchBuf && !ViewOnlyFlag) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_SHOWREPLACE), TRUE); } else { PWSTR p; if ((p = ExtractIdentifier(NULL)) != NULL) wcsncpy(SearchBuf, p, WSIZE(SearchBuf)); } Enabled = *SearchBuf!='\0'; if (Enabled) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), TRUE); SetDlgItemTextW(hDlg, IDC_SEARCHSTRING, SearchBuf); SendMessage(hDlg, DM_SETDEFID, IDOK, 0L); } else { SendMessage(hDlg, DM_SETDEFID, IDCANCEL, 0L); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), FALSE); } EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REPLACESTRING), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REPLACE), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REPLACEALL), FALSE); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, *SrchDispBuf=='?' ? IDC_BACKWARD : IDC_FORWARD, TRUE); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_MATCHCASE, !IgnoreCaseFlag); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_MAGIC, Magic); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_HEXSEARCH, HexInput); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_WHOLEWORD, WholeWord); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_WRAPSCAN, WrapScanFlag); LOADSTRING(hInst, 909, CloseString, sizeof(CloseString)); ReplaceOpen = FALSE; PostMessage(hDlg, WM_COMMAND, 4569, 0); /*for Wine*/ return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: switch (COMMAND) { case 4569: /*Disable/enable again for Wine...*/ EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), Enabled); break; case IDOK: SearchOk(hDlg); break; case IDCANCEL: if (ReplacingAll) Interrupted = TRUE; PostMessage(hDlg, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); break; case IDC_SEARCHSTRING: GetDlgItemTextW(hDlg, IDC_SEARCHSTRING, CommandBuf, 4); if (Enabled != (*CommandBuf != '\0')) { if (Enabled ^= TRUE) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), TRUE); SendMessage(hDlg, DM_SETDEFID, IDOK, 0L); } else { SendMessage(hDlg, DM_SETDEFID, IDCANCEL, 0L); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), FALSE); } if (ReplaceOpen) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_REPLACE), Enabled); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_REPLACEALL),Enabled); } } break; case IDC_SHOWREPLACE: EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REPLACESTRING), TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REPLACE), SelectCount!=0); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REPLACEALL), TRUE); SetWindowPos(hDlg, 0,0,0, DlgRect.right-DlgRect.left,, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE); SendMessage(hDlg, DM_REPOSITION, 0, 0); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REPLACESTRING)); SendMessage(hDlg, DM_SETDEFID, IDC_REPLACE, 0L); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_SHOWREPLACE), FALSE); ReplaceOpen = TRUE; break; case IDC_REPLACE: ReplaceSearched(hDlg); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDCANCEL, CloseString); break; case IDC_REPLACEALL: SetupSearchString(hDlg, NULL); GlobalSubst(hDlg); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDCANCEL, CloseString); } return (TRUE); case WM_MOVE: case WM_CLOSE: SearchBoxPosition = TRUE; GetWindowRect(hDlg, &r); SearchBoxX = r.left; SearchBoxY =; if (uMsg == WM_CLOSE) { DestroyWindow(hDlg); hwndSearch = NULL; } return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); }
void WrappingTextView::KeyDown(const char *bytes, int32 numBytes) { if (IsEditable() && numBytes==1) { m_last_key_was_del = (bytes[0]==B_DELETE); switch( bytes[0]) { case B_RIGHT_ARROW: { // implement word-wise movement: int32 mods = Window()->CurrentMessage()->FindInt32("modifiers"); if (mods & (B_LEFT_CONTROL_KEY | B_RIGHT_OPTION_KEY)) { int32 len=TextLength(); int32 startPos, endPos; GetSelection( &startPos, &endPos); if (endPos==len) break; if (startPos==endPos && (mods & B_SHIFT_KEY)) m_selection_start=B_RIGHT_ARROW; int32 wordStart, wordEnd; if (mods & B_SHIFT_KEY && m_selection_start==B_LEFT_ARROW) { do { FindWord( startPos, &wordStart, &wordEnd); if (wordEnd > wordStart+1) break; if (wordEnd == wordStart+1 && ByteAt( wordStart)!=' ') break; } while( ++startPos < len); Select( MIN(endPos, wordEnd), endPos); } else { do { FindWord( endPos, &wordStart, &wordEnd); if (wordEnd > wordStart+1) break; if (wordEnd == wordStart+1 && ByteAt( wordStart)!=' ') break; } while( ++endPos < len); if (mods & B_SHIFT_KEY) { Select( startPos, wordEnd); } else Select( wordEnd, wordEnd); } ScrollToSelection(); } else inherited::KeyDown( bytes, numBytes); break; } case B_LEFT_ARROW: { // implement word-wise movement: int32 mods = Window()->CurrentMessage()->FindInt32("modifiers"); if (mods & (B_LEFT_CONTROL_KEY | B_RIGHT_OPTION_KEY)) { int32 startPos, endPos; GetSelection( &startPos, &endPos); if (!startPos) break; if (startPos==endPos && (mods & B_SHIFT_KEY)) m_selection_start=B_LEFT_ARROW; int32 wordStart, wordEnd; if (mods & B_SHIFT_KEY && m_selection_start==B_RIGHT_ARROW) { --endPos; do { FindWord( endPos, &wordStart, &wordEnd); if (wordEnd > wordStart+1) break; if (wordEnd == wordStart+1 && ByteAt( wordStart)!=' ') break; } while( --endPos > 0); Select( startPos, MAX( startPos, wordStart)); } else { --startPos; do { FindWord( startPos, &wordStart, &wordEnd); if (wordEnd > wordStart+1) break; if (wordEnd == wordStart+1 && ByteAt( wordStart)!=' ') break; } while( --startPos > 0); if (mods & B_SHIFT_KEY) Select( wordStart, endPos); else Select( wordStart, wordStart); } ScrollToSelection(); } else inherited::KeyDown( bytes, numBytes); break; } default: inherited::KeyDown( bytes, numBytes); break; } } else if ( numBytes == 1 ) { // in read-only mode, we use cursor-keys to move scrollbar, and // we remap HOME / END to the vertical scrollbar (not the horizontal, // which is default). switch( bytes[0]) { case B_PAGE_UP: case B_PAGE_DOWN: case B_UP_ARROW: case B_DOWN_ARROW: case B_HOME: case B_END: { // move vertical scrollbar: float min, max, smallStep, bigStep, value; BScrollBar* bar = ScrollBar( B_VERTICAL); if (!bar) return; bar->GetRange( &min, &max); bar->GetSteps( &smallStep, &bigStep); value = bar->Value(); if (bytes[0] == B_UP_ARROW) { value = MAX( value-smallStep, min); } else if (bytes[0] == B_DOWN_ARROW) { value = MIN( value+smallStep, max); } else if (bytes[0] == B_PAGE_UP) { value = MAX( value-bigStep, min); } else if (bytes[0] == B_PAGE_DOWN) { value = MIN( value+bigStep, max); } else if (bytes[0] == B_HOME) { value = min; } else if (bytes[0] == B_END) { value = max; } bar->SetValue( value); break; } default: BTextView::KeyDown( bytes, numBytes); break; } } else inherited::KeyDown( bytes, numBytes); }
void TexView::ITwoColorPlateau(char c,int sol,int eol,rgb_color c1,vector<rgb_color>& colorVec) { int IsPlateau = false; int plLength = 0; int plStart; int i; for(i=sol;i<eol;i++) { //start a plateau if(c == '\\' && !IsPlateau && ByteAt(i) == c) { plStart = i; plLength++; IsPlateau = true; } else if(c != '\\' && !IsPlateau && ByteAt(i) == c && i - 1 >= 0 && ByteAt(i-1) != '\\') { plStart = i; plLength++; IsPlateau = true; } else if(IsPlateau && ByteAt(i) == c && i - 1 >= 0 && ByteAt(i-1) == c) { plLength++; } else if(IsPlateau && ByteAt(i) != c && i - 1 >= 0 && ByteAt(i-1) == c) { if(plLength % 2 == 0) { for(int k=plStart;k<plStart+plLength;k++) { colorVec[k-sol] = c1; } } else { for(int k=plStart;k<plStart+plLength-1 && k < eol;k++) { colorVec[k-sol] = c1; } colorVec[plStart+plLength-sol] = prefs->fg_color; if(c == '\\' && isalpha(ByteAt(i))) { BString match=""; int j=i; for(j=i;j < eol;j++) { if(isalpha(ByteAt(j))) match << (char)ByteAt(j); else break; } if(match.Length() > 0) { if(Contains(green_matches,match)) { for(int k=i-1;k<j;k++) colorVec[k-sol] = prefs->format_cmd_color; } else if(Contains(purple_matches,match)) { for(int k=i-1;k<j;k++) colorVec[k-sol] = prefs->special_cmd_color; } else { for(int k=i-1;k<j;k++) colorVec[k-sol] = prefs->generic_cmd_color; } } } else { colorVec[plStart+plLength-1-sol] = prefs->fg_color; //if(plLength %2 == 0) colorVec[plStart+plLength-sol] = prefs->fg_color; } } IsPlateau = false; plLength = 0; } } if(IsPlateau) { if(plLength % 2 == 0) { for(int k=plStart;k<plStart+plLength;k++) { colorVec[k-sol] = c1; } } else { for(int k=plStart;k<plStart+plLength-1 && k < eol;k++) { colorVec[k-sol] = c1; } colorVec[plStart+plLength-sol] = prefs->fg_color; if(c == '\\' && isalpha(ByteAt(i))) { BString match=""; int j=i; for(j=i;j < eol;j++) { if(isalpha(ByteAt(j))) match << (char)ByteAt(j); else break; } if(match.Length() > 0) { if(Contains(green_matches,match)) { for(int k=i-1;k<j;k++) colorVec[k-sol] = prefs->format_cmd_color; } else if(Contains(purple_matches,match)) { for(int k=i-1;k<j;k++) colorVec[k-sol] = prefs->special_cmd_color; } else { for(int k=i-1;k<j;k++) colorVec[k-sol] = prefs->generic_cmd_color; } } } else { colorVec[plStart+plLength-1-sol] = prefs->fg_color; // if(plLength %2 == 0) colorVec[plStart+plLength-sol] = prefs->fg_color; } } IsPlateau = false; plLength = 0; } }
void TexView::ParseLine(int sol,int eol,vector<rgb_color>& colorVec) { int i; int offset = sol; int pos; int text_length = TextLength(); //Setup some defaults.... TwoColorPlateau('\'',sol,eol,prefs->comma_color,colorVec); TwoColorPlateau('`',sol,eol,prefs->comma_color,colorVec); TwoColorPlateau('\\',sol,eol,prefs->punc_symbol_color,colorVec); for(i=sol;i<eol;i++) { if(ByteAt(i) == '[' || ByteAt(i) == ']') { if(i-1 >= 0 && ByteAt(i-1) == '\\') { colorVec[i-1] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; } colorVec[i] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; } else if(ByteAt(i) == '&' || ByteAt(i) == '{' || ByteAt(i) == '}')// { if(i-1 >= 0 && ByteAt(i-1) == '\\') { colorVec[i-1] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; } colorVec[i] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; } else if(ByteAt(i) == '$') { if(i-1 >= 0 && ByteAt(i-1) == '\\') { colorVec[i-1] = prefs->fg_color; colorVec[i] = prefs->fg_color; } } else if(ByteAt(i) == '\\' && i+1 < eol) { if(ByteAt(i+1) == '#') { colorVec[i] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; colorVec[i+1] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; }else if(ByteAt(i+1) == '\'' || ByteAt(i+1) == '`') { colorVec[i] = prefs->fg_color; colorVec[i+1] = prefs->fg_color; } } } offset = sol; while((pos = FindFirstOnLine('%',offset,eol))>= 0 && offset < eol) { if(pos - 1 >= 0 && ByteAt(pos-1) == '\\') { colorVec[pos-1] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; colorVec[pos] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; } else { for(i=pos;i<eol;i++) colorVec[i] = prefs->comment_color; break; } offset= pos+1; } }
void TexView::IParseLine(int sol,int eol) { int size = eol-sol+1; vector<rgb_color> colorVec(size,prefs->fg_color); for(int k=0;k<size;k++) { colorVec[k] = prefs->fg_color; } int i; int offset = sol; int pos; int text_length = TextLength(); //Setup some defaults.... ITwoColorPlateau('\'',sol,eol,prefs->comma_color,colorVec); ITwoColorPlateau('`',sol,eol,prefs->comma_color,colorVec); ITwoColorPlateau('\\',sol,eol,prefs->punc_symbol_color,colorVec); for(i=sol;i<eol;i++) { if(ByteAt(i) == '[' || ByteAt(i) == ']') { if(i-1 >= 0 && ByteAt(i-1) == '\\') { colorVec[i-1-sol] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; } colorVec[i-sol] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; } else if(ByteAt(i) == '&' || ByteAt(i) == '{' || ByteAt(i) == '}')// { if(i-1 >= 0 && ByteAt(i-1) == '\\') { colorVec[i-1-sol] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; } colorVec[i-sol] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; } else if(ByteAt(i) == '$') { if(i-1 >= 0 && ByteAt(i-1) == '\\') { colorVec[i-1-sol] = prefs->fg_color; colorVec[i-sol] = prefs->fg_color; } } else if(ByteAt(i) == '\\' && i+1 < eol) { if(ByteAt(i+1) == '#') { colorVec[i-sol] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; colorVec[i+1-sol] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; }else if(ByteAt(i+1) == '\'' || ByteAt(i+1) == '`') { colorVec[i-sol] = prefs->fg_color; colorVec[i+1-sol] = prefs->fg_color; } } } offset = sol; while((pos = FindFirstOnLine('%',offset,eol))>= 0 && offset < eol) { if(pos - 1 >= 0 && ByteAt(pos-1) == '\\') { colorVec[pos-1-sol] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; colorVec[pos-sol] = prefs->punc_symbol_color; } else { for(i=pos;i<eol;i++) colorVec[i-sol] = prefs->comment_color; break; } offset= pos+1; } //START COLOURING*********************************** BFont default_font(be_fixed_font); default_font.SetSize(prefs->FontSize); int plLength=0; int plStart=0; for(i=sol;i<eol;i++) { if(i == sol) { plLength = 1; plStart = i; } else if(colorVec[i-sol] != colorVec[i-sol-1]) { //if(colorVec[i-sol-1] != old_colors[i-sol]) SetFontAndColor(plStart,plStart+plLength,&default_font,B_FONT_ALL,&colorVec[i-sol-1]); plLength = 1; plStart = i; } else { plLength++; } } if(plLength > 0) SetFontAndColor(plStart,plStart+plLength,&default_font,B_FONT_ALL,&colorVec[i-sol-1]); }
void TexView::ShiftLeft() { int32 start,finish; GetSelection(&start,&finish); vector<int> sols; vector<int> eols; FillSolEol(sols,eols,0,TextLength()-1);//start,finish); int32 startline=-1; int32 endline=-1; //int TotalLines = CountLines(); for(int i=0;i<sols.size();i++) { if(start >= sols[i] && start <= eols[i]) startline = i; if(finish > sols[i] && finish <= eols[i]) endline = i; else if(finish >= sols[i] && finish <= eols[i]) { endline = i-1; if(start == sols[i]) endline++; } if(startline >= 0 && endline >= 0) break; } if(startline < 0 || endline < 0) return; //Select(0,0);//,start); //Highlight(sols[startline],eols[endline]); IsShifting = true; Select(sols[startline],sols[startline]); int tab_width=3; int offset_total=0; int first_offset=0; bool GotFirstOffset=false; for(int i=startline;i<=endline;i++) { // sols[i]-= first_offset; // eols[i]-= first_offset; int sol = sols[i]-offset_total; int eol = eols[i]-offset_total; if(//sol+2 < eol && ByteAt(sol) == ' ' && ByteAt(sol+1) == ' ' && ByteAt(sol+2) == ' ') { Delete(sol,sol+3); offset_total+=3; //if(!GotFirstOffset) ///{ // GotFirstOffset = true; first_offset=3; //} //if(startline == endline) // Select(sol,eol-2); } else if(//sol+1 < eol && ByteAt(sol) == ' ' && ByteAt(sol+1) == ' ') { Delete(sol,sol+2); offset_total+=2; //if(!GotFirstOffset) //{ // GotFirstOffset = true; first_offset=2; //} //if(startline == endline) // Select(sol,eol-1); } else if(//sol < eol && ByteAt(sol) == ' ') { Delete(sol,sol+1); offset_total+=1; //if(!GotFirstOffset) //{ // GotFirstOffset = true; first_offset=1; //} //if(startline == endline) // Select(sol,eol); } else if(//sol < eol && ByteAt(sol) == '\t') { Delete(sol,sol+1); offset_total+=1; //if(!GotFirstOffset) //{ // GotFirstOffset = true; first_offset=1; //} //if(startline == endline) // Select(sol,eol); } } //if(startline != endline) Select(sols[startline],eols[endline]-offset_total+1); IsShifting = false; }