/*** Take a picture and put it in a texture. @function takePicture @tparam number camera should be PORT_CAM1 if you have only 1 camera activated (`PORT_x`) @tparam number w width of the picture @tparam number h height of the picture @tparam[opt=PLACE_RAM] number place where to put the texture @treturn texture the texture object */ static int cam_takePicture(lua_State *L) { u8 cam = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1); s16 w = luaL_optinteger(L, 2, 640); s16 h = luaL_optinteger(L, 3, 480); u32 bufSize = 0; // Take the actual picture CAMU_GetMaxBytes(&bufSize, w, h); u8* buf = malloc(bufSize); CAMU_SetTransferBytes(cam, bufSize, w, h); Handle camReceiveEvent = 0; CAMU_ClearBuffer(cam); CAMU_StartCapture(cam); CAMU_SetReceiving(&camReceiveEvent, buf, cam, bufSize, (s16)bufSize); svcWaitSynchronization(camReceiveEvent, 300000000ULL); CAMU_StopCapture(cam); // Load it in a texture u8 place = luaL_optinteger(L, 4, SF2D_PLACE_RAM); texture_userdata *texture; texture = (texture_userdata *)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(*texture)); luaL_getmetatable(L, "LTexture"); lua_setmetatable(L, -2); texture->texture = sf2d_create_texture_mem_RGBA8(buf, w, h, TEXFMT_RGB565, place); sf2d_texture_tile32(texture->texture); texture->scaleX = 1.0f; texture->scaleY = 1.0f; texture->blendColor = 0xffffffff; return 1; }
static void task_capture_cam_thread(void* arg) { capture_cam_data* data = (capture_cam_data*) arg; Handle events[EVENT_COUNT] = {0}; events[EVENT_CANCEL] = data->cancelEvent; Result res = 0; u32 bufferSize = data->width * data->height * sizeof(u16); u16* buffer = (u16*) calloc(1, bufferSize); if(buffer != NULL) { if(R_SUCCEEDED(res = camInit())) { u32 cam = data->camera == CAMERA_OUTER ? SELECT_OUT1 : SELECT_IN1; if(R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_SetSize(cam, SIZE_CTR_TOP_LCD, CONTEXT_A)) && R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_SetOutputFormat(cam, OUTPUT_RGB_565, CONTEXT_A)) && R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_SetFrameRate(cam, FRAME_RATE_30)) && R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_SetNoiseFilter(cam, true)) && R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_SetAutoExposure(cam, true)) && R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_SetAutoWhiteBalance(cam, true)) && R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_Activate(cam))) { u32 transferUnit = 0; if(R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_GetBufferErrorInterruptEvent(&events[EVENT_BUFFER_ERROR], PORT_CAM1)) && R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_SetTrimming(PORT_CAM1, true)) && R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_SetTrimmingParamsCenter(PORT_CAM1, data->width, data->height, 400, 240)) && R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_GetMaxBytes(&transferUnit, data->width, data->height)) && R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_SetTransferBytes(PORT_CAM1, transferUnit, data->width, data->height)) && R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_ClearBuffer(PORT_CAM1)) && R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_SetReceiving(&events[EVENT_RECV], buffer, PORT_CAM1, bufferSize, (s16) transferUnit)) && R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_StartCapture(PORT_CAM1))) { bool cancelRequested = false; while(!task_is_quit_all() && !cancelRequested && R_SUCCEEDED(res)) { svcWaitSynchronization(task_get_pause_event(), U64_MAX); s32 index = 0; if(R_SUCCEEDED(res = svcWaitSynchronizationN(&index, events, EVENT_COUNT, false, U64_MAX))) { switch(index) { case EVENT_CANCEL: cancelRequested = true; break; case EVENT_RECV: svcCloseHandle(events[EVENT_RECV]); events[EVENT_RECV] = 0; svcWaitSynchronization(data->mutex, U64_MAX); memcpy(data->buffer, buffer, bufferSize); GSPGPU_FlushDataCache(data->buffer, bufferSize); svcReleaseMutex(data->mutex); res = CAMU_SetReceiving(&events[EVENT_RECV], buffer, PORT_CAM1, bufferSize, (s16) transferUnit); break; case EVENT_BUFFER_ERROR: svcCloseHandle(events[EVENT_RECV]); events[EVENT_RECV] = 0; if(R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_ClearBuffer(PORT_CAM1)) && R_SUCCEEDED(res = CAMU_SetReceiving(&events[EVENT_RECV], buffer, PORT_CAM1, bufferSize, (s16) transferUnit))) { res = CAMU_StartCapture(PORT_CAM1); } break; default: break; } } } CAMU_StopCapture(PORT_CAM1); bool busy = false; while(R_SUCCEEDED(CAMU_IsBusy(&busy, PORT_CAM1)) && busy) { svcSleepThread(1000000); } CAMU_ClearBuffer(PORT_CAM1); } CAMU_Activate(SELECT_NONE); } camExit(); } free(buffer); } else { res = R_APP_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } for(int i = 0; i < EVENT_COUNT; i++) { if(events[i] != 0) { svcCloseHandle(events[i]); events[i] = 0; } } svcCloseHandle(data->mutex); data->result = res; data->finished = true; }