Пример #1
// Purpose: Give everyone ammo
void		ManiWarmupTimer::GiveAllAmmo(void)
	for (int i = 1; i <= max_players; i++)
		player_t player;

		player.index = i;
		if (!FindPlayerByIndex(&player)) continue;
		if (player.is_dead) continue;
		if (player.player_info->IsHLTV()) continue;

		CBaseEntity *pPlayer = EdictToCBE(player.entity);
		CBaseCombatCharacter *pCombat = CBaseEntity_MyCombatCharacterPointer(pPlayer);
		CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_GetSlot(pCombat, 0);
		if (pWeapon)
			int	ammo_index;
			ammo_index = CBaseCombatWeapon_GetPrimaryAmmoType(pWeapon);
			CBaseCombatCharacter_GiveAmmo(pCombat, 999, ammo_index, true);
			ammo_index = CBaseCombatWeapon_GetSecondaryAmmoType(pWeapon);
			CBaseCombatCharacter_GiveAmmo(pCombat, 999, ammo_index, true);

		pWeapon = CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_GetSlot(pCombat, 1);
		if (pWeapon)
			int	ammo_index;
			ammo_index = CBaseCombatWeapon_GetPrimaryAmmoType(pWeapon);
			CBaseCombatCharacter_GiveAmmo(pCombat, 999, ammo_index, true);
			ammo_index = CBaseCombatWeapon_GetSecondaryAmmoType(pWeapon);
			CBaseCombatCharacter_GiveAmmo(pCombat, 999, ammo_index, true);
Пример #2
// Purpose: Round Started
void		ManiWarmupTimer::RoundStart(void)
	if (war_mode) return;
	if (mani_warmup_timer.GetInt() == 0) return;
	if (!check_timer) return;
	if ((!gpManiGameType->IsGameType(MANI_GAME_CSS)) && (!gpManiGameType->IsGameType(MANI_GAME_CSGO))) return;

	for (int i = 1; i <= max_players; i++)
		player_t player;
		player.index = i;
		if (!FindPlayerByIndex(&player)) continue;
		if (player.player_info->IsHLTV()) continue;

		CBaseEntity *pPlayer = EdictToCBE(player.entity);
		CBaseCombatCharacter *pCombat = CBaseEntity_MyCombatCharacterPointer(pPlayer);
		CBasePlayer *pBase = (CBasePlayer*) pPlayer;
		if (!pCombat) continue;

		for (int j = 0; j < MAX_WEAPONS_USED; j++)
			CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_OwnsThisType(pCombat, gpManiWeaponMgr->GetWeaponName(j), 0);
			if (!pWeapon) continue;

			if (strcmp(CBaseCombatWeapon_GetName(pWeapon), "weapon_c4") != 0)

			CBasePlayer_RemovePlayerItem(pBase, pWeapon);

			// Switch to knife
			pWeapon = CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_GetSlot(pCombat, 2);
			if (pWeapon)
				CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_Switch(pCombat, pWeapon, 0);

	CBaseEntity *weaponc4 = (CBaseEntity*)CGlobalEntityList_FindEntityByClassname(NULL, "weapon_c4");
	if (weaponc4)

	CUtlVector<CBaseEntity*> hostages;
	CBaseEntity *hostage = (CBaseEntity*)CGlobalEntityList_FindEntityByClassname(NULL, "hostage_entity");

	while (hostage) 
		hostage = (CBaseEntity*)CGlobalEntityList_FindEntityByClassname(hostage, "hostage_entity");

	for (int x = 0; x < hostages.Count(); x++) 
Пример #3
void	ManiWeaponMgr::RemoveWeapons(player_t *player_ptr, bool refund, bool show_refund)
	int reason, limit, ratio;

	if (war_mode) return;
	CBaseEntity *pPlayer = EdictToCBE(player_ptr->entity);
	CBaseCombatCharacter *pCombat = CBaseEntity_MyCombatCharacterPointer(pPlayer);
	CBasePlayer *pBase = (CBasePlayer*) pPlayer;
	if (!pCombat) return;

	bool knife_mode = gpManiWarmupTimer->KnivesOnly();
	// Check all weapons
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS_USED; i++)
		if ( !weapons[i] ) break; // for DS tool and listen servers ... order of processing different
		if (weapons[i]->GetDisplayID() == 0) continue;
		if (!weapons[i]->CanBuy(player_ptr, 1, reason, limit, ratio) || knife_mode)
			CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_OwnsThisType(pCombat, weapons[i]->GetWeaponName(), 0);

			//CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = CBaseCombatCharacter_GetWeapon(pCombat, j);
			if (!pWeapon) continue;

			if (strcmp(CBaseCombatWeapon_GetName(pWeapon), weapons[i]->GetWeaponName()) != 0)

			CBasePlayer_RemovePlayerItem(pBase, pWeapon);
			if (!knife_mode)
				ShowRestrictReason(player_ptr, weapons[i], reason, limit, ratio);
				ProcessPlayActionSound(player_ptr, MANI_ACTION_SOUND_RESTRICTWEAPON);

			if (refund && !knife_mode)
				CCSWeaponInfo *weapon_info = (CCSWeaponInfo *) CCSGetFileWeaponInfoFromHandle(i);
				if (weapon_info)
					int cash = Prop_GetVal(player_ptr->entity, MANI_PROP_ACCOUNT,0);
					cash += weapon_info->standard_price;
					if (cash > 16000) cash = 16000;
					Prop_SetVal(player_ptr->entity, MANI_PROP_ACCOUNT, cash);
					if (show_refund)
						OutputHelpText(GREEN_CHAT, player_ptr, "%s", Translate(player_ptr, 3042, "%i", weapon_info->standard_price));

			// Switch to knife
			pWeapon = CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_GetSlot(pCombat, 2);
			if (pWeapon)
				CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_Switch(pCombat, pWeapon, 0);
Пример #4
// Purpose: called once per server frame, do recurring work here (like checking for timeouts)
void WebSpecPlugin::GameFrame( bool simulating )
	if (gpGlobals->curtime - g_lastUpdateTime > WEBSPEC_UPDATE_RATE_IN_SECONDS
		&& ws_spectators.Count() > 0) {
		char *buffer = (char *)malloc(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
		Vector playerOrigin;
		QAngle playerAngles;
		float playerUberCharge;
		int userid, health, playerClass;

		IPlayerInfo *playerInfo;
		CBaseEntity *playerEntity;
		int bufferLength;

		bufferLength = sprintf(buffer, "O");

		for (int i = 1; i < gpGlobals->maxClients; i++) {
			playerInfo = playerInfoManager->GetPlayerInfo(engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(i));
			if (playerInfo == NULL || !playerInfo->IsConnected() || playerInfo->IsDead()) continue;

			if (strlen(buffer) > 1)
				snprintf(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, "%s|", buffer);

			userid = playerInfo->GetUserID();
			health = playerInfo->GetHealth();
			playerOrigin = playerInfo->GetAbsOrigin();

			playerEntity = serverGameEnts->EdictToBaseEntity(engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(i));
			playerClass = *MakePtr(int*, playerEntity, WSOffsets::pCTFPlayer__m_iClass);
			playerAngles = CBaseEntity_EyeAngles(playerEntity);

			if (playerClass == TFClass_Medic) {
				CBaseCombatCharacter *playerCombatCharacter = CBaseEntity_MyCombatCharacterPointer(playerEntity);
				CBaseCombatWeapon *slot1Weapon = CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_GetSlot(playerCombatCharacter, 1);
				playerUberCharge = *MakePtr(float*, slot1Weapon, WSOffsets::pCWeaponMedigun__m_flChargeLevel);
			} else {
Пример #5
// Callback for the 'webspec' protocol
// Manages spectator connections & sending Initial messages to new spectators
int webspec_callback(struct libwebsocket_context *ctx, struct libwebsocket *wsi, 
	enum libwebsocket_callback_reasons reason, void *user, void *in, size_t len)
	switch (reason) {
			Msg("[WS] New connection\n");
			// New connection
			// Send basic game info to let client set up
			// MapName, Server name (may remove), current team names
			char *buffer = (char*)malloc(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
			char *mapName = (char*) STRING(gpGlobals->mapname);
			ConVarRef hostNameCVar = ConVarRef("hostname");
			string_t hostname;
			if (hostNameCVar.IsValid())
				hostname = MAKE_STRING(hostNameCVar.GetString());
				hostname = MAKE_STRING("WebSpec Demo Server"); //Can't imagine when hostname would be invalid, but this is Source
			int length = snprintf(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, "%c%s:%s:%s:%s", WSPacket_Init, mapName, STRING(hostname), STRING(ws_teamName[1]), STRING(ws_teamName[0]));

			SendPacketToOne(buffer, length, wsi);

			//Send connected players
			IPlayerInfo *playerInfo;
			for (int i=1; i<=gpGlobals->maxClients; i++) {
				playerInfo = playerInfoManager->GetPlayerInfo(engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(i));
				if (playerInfo != NULL && playerInfo->IsConnected()) {
					buffer = (char *)malloc(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
					int userid = playerInfo->GetUserID();
					int teamid = playerInfo->GetTeamIndex();
					int health = playerInfo->GetHealth();
					int maxHealth = playerInfo->GetMaxHealth();
					bool alive = !playerInfo->IsDead();
					string_t playerName = MAKE_STRING(playerInfo->GetName());
					//Pointer magic to get TF2 class
					CBaseEntity *playerEntity = serverGameEnts->EdictToBaseEntity(engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(i));
					int playerClass = *MakePtr(int*, playerEntity, WSOffsets::pCTFPlayer__m_iClass);

					float uberCharge = 0.0f;
					if (playerClass == TFClass_Medic) { 
						//Way more pointer magic to get ubercharge from medigun
						CBaseCombatCharacter *playerCombatCharacter = CBaseEntity_MyCombatCharacterPointer(playerEntity);
						CBaseCombatWeapon *slot1Weapon = CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_GetSlot(playerCombatCharacter, 1);
						uberCharge = *MakePtr(float*, slot1Weapon, WSOffsets::pCWeaponMedigun__m_flChargeLevel);

					int length = snprintf(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, "%c%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:0:%d:%s", 'C', userid, teamid, playerClass,
						health, maxHealth, alive, Round(uberCharge*100.0f), STRING(playerName));

					SendPacketToOne(buffer, length, wsi);

Пример #6
// Purpose: Level has initialised
void		ManiWarmupTimer::PlayerSpawn(player_t *player_ptr)
	if (war_mode) return;
	if (mani_warmup_timer.GetInt() == 0) return;
	if (!check_timer) return;
	if (!gpManiGameType->IsValidActiveTeam(player_ptr->team)) return;
	if (fire_restart == false) return;

	respawn_list[player_ptr->index - 1].needs_respawn = false;

	if (player_ptr->is_bot)
		if (mani_warmup_timer_knives_only.GetInt() == 1)
			// Set cash to zero and strip weapons
			Prop_SetVal(player_ptr->entity, MANI_PROP_ACCOUNT, 0);
			CBaseEntity *pPlayer = player_ptr->entity->GetUnknown()->GetBaseEntity();
			CBaseCombatCharacter *pCombat = CBaseEntity_MyCombatCharacterPointer(pPlayer);

			CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon1 = CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_GetSlot(pCombat, 0);
			CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon2 = CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_GetSlot(pCombat, 1);
			CBasePlayer *pBase = (CBasePlayer*) pPlayer;
			if (pWeapon1)
				CBasePlayer_RemovePlayerItem(pBase, pWeapon1);

			if (pWeapon2)
				CBasePlayer_RemovePlayerItem(pBase, pWeapon2);

			CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_GetSlot(pCombat, 2);
			if (pWeapon)
				CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_Switch(pCombat, pWeapon, 0);

			CBaseEntity *weaponc4 = (CBaseEntity*)CGlobalEntityList_FindEntityByClassname(NULL, "weapon_c4");
			if (weaponc4)

	// Unlimited grenades
	if (mani_warmup_timer_unlimited_grenades.GetInt() == 1 && (gpManiGameType->IsGameType(MANI_GAME_CSS) || gpManiGameType->IsGameType(MANI_GAME_CSGO)))
		GiveItem(player_ptr->entity, "weapon_hegrenade");

	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i ++)
		if (item_name[i][0] != '\0')
			// Ignore assault suit if not CSS
			if (i == 0 && 
				(!gpManiGameType->IsGameType(MANI_GAME_CSS) && !gpManiGameType->IsGameType(MANI_GAME_CSGO)) &&
				strcmp(item_name[i], "item_assaultsuit") == 0)

			GiveItem(player_ptr->entity, item_name[i]);
Пример #7
// Purpose: Checks if player can buy this weapon or not
bool	MWeapon::CanBuy(player_t *player_ptr, int offset, int &reason, int &limit, int &ratio)
	//	Msg("[%s] [%s] [%i] [%i] [%s]\n", weapon_name, display_name, team_limit, round_ratio, (restricted == true) ? "YES":"NO");
	if (!restricted || war_mode) return true;
	if (!gpManiGameType->IsValidActiveTeam(player_ptr->team)) return true;
	if (translation_id == 0) return true;

	// Weapons are restricted, check if limit is 0
	if (round_ratio != 0)
		if (player_ptr->team == 2)
			if (gpManiTeam->GetTeamScore(2) - gpManiTeam->GetTeamScore(3) >= round_ratio)
				reason = WEAPON_RATIO;
				ratio = round_ratio;
				return false;
			if (gpManiTeam->GetTeamScore(3) - gpManiTeam->GetTeamScore(2) >= round_ratio)
				reason = WEAPON_RATIO;
				ratio = round_ratio;
				return false;

		if (team_limit == 0)
			return true;

	if (team_limit == 0 && round_ratio == 0) 
		return false;

	count[2] = 0;
	count[3] = 0;

	int compare = team_limit + offset;
	// Count up number of weapons that players have
	for (int i = 1; i <= max_players; i++)
		player_t player;
		player.index = i;
		if (!FindPlayerByIndex(&player)) continue;
		if (player.player_info->IsHLTV()) continue;

		CBaseEntity *pPlayer = EdictToCBE(player.entity);
		CBaseCombatCharacter *pCombat = CBaseEntity_MyCombatCharacterPointer(pPlayer);
		if (!pCombat) continue;
		for (int j = 0; j < MAX_WEAPONS_USED; j++)
			CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_OwnsThisType(pCombat, gpManiWeaponMgr->GetWeaponName(j), 0);
			if (!pWeapon) continue;

			if (strcmp(weapon_name, CBaseCombatWeapon_GetName(pWeapon)) == 0)
				count[player.team] ++;

	if (count[player_ptr->team] >= compare)
		reason = WEAPON_LIMIT;
		limit = team_limit;
		return false;

	return true;