static DerivedMesh *applyModifier(ModifierData *md, Object *UNUSED(ob), DerivedMesh *dm, ModifierApplyFlag UNUSED(flag)) { RemeshModifierData *rmd; DualConOutput *output; DualConInput input; DerivedMesh *result; DualConFlags flags = 0; DualConMode mode = 0; DM_ensure_tessface(dm); /* BMESH - UNTIL MODIFIER IS UPDATED FOR MPoly */ rmd = (RemeshModifierData *)md; init_dualcon_mesh(&input, dm); if (rmd->flag & MOD_REMESH_FLOOD_FILL) flags |= DUALCON_FLOOD_FILL; switch (rmd->mode) { case MOD_REMESH_CENTROID: mode = DUALCON_CENTROID; break; case MOD_REMESH_MASS_POINT: mode = DUALCON_MASS_POINT; break; case MOD_REMESH_SHARP_FEATURES: mode = DUALCON_SHARP_FEATURES; break; } output = dualcon(&input, dualcon_alloc_output, dualcon_add_vert, dualcon_add_quad, flags, mode, rmd->threshold, rmd->hermite_num, rmd->scale, rmd->depth); result = output->dm; MEM_freeN(output); if (rmd->flag & MOD_REMESH_SMOOTH_SHADING) { MPoly *mpoly = CDDM_get_polys(result); int i, totpoly = result->getNumPolys(result); /* Apply smooth shading to output faces */ for (i = 0; i < totpoly; i++) { mpoly[i].flag |= ME_SMOOTH; } } CDDM_calc_edges(result); result->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS; return result; }
static DerivedMesh *generate_ocean_geometry(OceanModifierData *omd) { DerivedMesh *result; GenerateOceanGeometryData gogd; int num_verts; int num_polys; const bool use_threading = omd->resolution > 4; gogd.rx = omd->resolution * omd->resolution; gogd.ry = omd->resolution * omd->resolution; gogd.res_x = gogd.rx * omd->repeat_x; gogd.res_y = gogd.ry * omd->repeat_y; num_verts = (gogd.res_x + 1) * (gogd.res_y + 1); num_polys = gogd.res_x * gogd.res_y; = omd->size * omd->spatial_size; = omd->size * omd->spatial_size; gogd.ox = / 2.0f; gogd.oy = / 2.0f; /= gogd.rx; /= gogd.ry; result = CDDM_new(num_verts, 0, 0, num_polys * 4, num_polys); gogd.mverts = CDDM_get_verts(result); gogd.mpolys = CDDM_get_polys(result); gogd.mloops = CDDM_get_loops(result); gogd.origindex = CustomData_get_layer(&result->polyData, CD_ORIGINDEX); /* create vertices */ BLI_task_parallel_range(0, gogd.res_y + 1, &gogd, generate_ocean_geometry_vertices, use_threading); /* create faces */ BLI_task_parallel_range(0, gogd.res_y, &gogd, generate_ocean_geometry_polygons, use_threading); CDDM_calc_edges(result); /* add uvs */ if (CustomData_number_of_layers(&result->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV) < MAX_MTFACE) { gogd.mloopuvs = CustomData_add_layer(&result->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_polys * 4); CustomData_add_layer(&result->polyData, CD_MTEXPOLY, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_polys); if (gogd.mloopuvs) { /* unlikely to fail */ gogd.ix = 1.0 / gogd.rx; gogd.iy = 1.0 / gogd.ry; BLI_task_parallel_range(0, gogd.res_y, &gogd, generate_ocean_geometry_uvs, use_threading); } } result->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS; return result; }
static DerivedMesh *applyModifier(ModifierData *md, Object *UNUSED(ob), DerivedMesh *dm, ModifierApplyFlag UNUSED(flag)) { RemeshModifierData *rmd; DualConOutput *output; DualConInput input; DerivedMesh *result; DualConFlags flags = 0; DualConMode mode = 0; DM_ensure_tessface(dm); /* BMESH - UNTIL MODIFIER IS UPDATED FOR MPoly */ rmd = (RemeshModifierData *)md; init_dualcon_mesh(&input, dm); if (rmd->flag & MOD_REMESH_FLOOD_FILL) flags |= DUALCON_FLOOD_FILL; switch (rmd->mode) { case MOD_REMESH_CENTROID: mode = DUALCON_CENTROID; break; case MOD_REMESH_MASS_POINT: mode = DUALCON_MASS_POINT; break; case MOD_REMESH_SHARP_FEATURES: mode = DUALCON_SHARP_FEATURES; break; } output = dualcon(&input, dualcon_alloc_output, dualcon_add_vert, dualcon_add_quad, flags, mode, rmd->threshold, rmd->hermite_num, rmd->scale, rmd->depth); result = output->dm; MEM_freeN(output); CDDM_calc_edges(result); CDDM_calc_normals(result); return result; }
static DerivedMesh * applyModifier(ModifierData *md, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *derivedData, int UNUSED(useRenderParams), int UNUSED(isFinalCalc)) { DerivedMesh *dm = derivedData, *result; ParticleInstanceModifierData *pimd= (ParticleInstanceModifierData*) md; ParticleSimulationData sim; ParticleSystem *psys= NULL; ParticleData *pa= NULL, *pars= NULL; MFace *mface, *orig_mface; MVert *mvert, *orig_mvert; int i,totvert, totpart=0, totface, maxvert, maxface, first_particle=0; short track=ob->trackflag%3, trackneg, axis = pimd->axis; float max_co=0.0, min_co=0.0, temp_co[3], cross[3]; float *size=NULL; trackneg=((ob->trackflag>2)?1:0); if(pimd->ob==ob){ pimd->ob= NULL; return derivedData; } if(pimd->ob){ psys = BLI_findlink(&pimd->ob->particlesystem,pimd->psys-1); if(psys==NULL || psys->totpart==0) return derivedData; } else return derivedData; if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Parents) totpart+=psys->totpart; if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Children){ if(totpart==0) first_particle=psys->totpart; totpart+=psys->totchild; } if(totpart==0) return derivedData; sim.scene = md->scene; sim.ob = pimd->ob; sim.psys = psys; sim.psmd = psys_get_modifier(pimd->ob, psys); if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_UseSize) { int p; float *si; si = size = MEM_callocN(totpart * sizeof(float), "particle size array"); if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Parents) { for(p=0, pa= psys->particles; p<psys->totpart; p++, pa++, si++) *si = pa->size; } if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Children) { ChildParticle *cpa = psys->child; for(p=0; p<psys->totchild; p++, cpa++, si++) { *si = psys_get_child_size(psys, cpa, 0.0f, NULL); } } } pars=psys->particles; totvert=dm->getNumVerts(dm); totface=dm->getNumFaces(dm); maxvert=totvert*totpart; maxface=totface*totpart; psys->lattice=psys_get_lattice(&sim); if(psys->flag & (PSYS_HAIR_DONE|PSYS_KEYED) || psys->pointcache->flag & PTCACHE_BAKED){ float min_r[3], max_r[3]; INIT_MINMAX(min_r, max_r); dm->getMinMax(dm, min_r, max_r); min_co=min_r[track]; max_co=max_r[track]; } result = CDDM_from_template(dm, maxvert,dm->getNumEdges(dm)*totpart,maxface); mvert=result->getVertArray(result); orig_mvert=dm->getVertArray(dm); for(i=0; i<maxvert; i++){ MVert *inMV; MVert *mv = mvert + i; ParticleKey state; inMV = orig_mvert + i%totvert; DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, i%totvert, i, 1); *mv = *inMV; /*change orientation based on object trackflag*/ copy_v3_v3(temp_co, mv->co); mv->co[axis]=temp_co[track]; mv->co[(axis+1)%3]=temp_co[(track+1)%3]; mv->co[(axis+2)%3]=temp_co[(track+2)%3]; if((psys->flag & (PSYS_HAIR_DONE|PSYS_KEYED) || psys->pointcache->flag & PTCACHE_BAKED) && pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Path){ float ran = 0.0f; if(pimd->random_position != 0.0f) { BLI_srandom(psys->seed + (i/totvert)%totpart); ran = pimd->random_position * BLI_frand(); } if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_KeepShape) { state.time = pimd->position * (1.0f - ran); } else { state.time=(mv->co[axis]-min_co)/(max_co-min_co) * pimd->position * (1.0f - ran); if(trackneg) state.time=1.0f-state.time; mv->co[axis] = 0.0; } psys_get_particle_on_path(&sim, first_particle + i/totvert, &state,1); normalize_v3(state.vel); /* TODO: incremental rotations somehow */ if(state.vel[axis] < -0.9999f || state.vel[axis] > 0.9999f) { state.rot[0] = 1; state.rot[1] = state.rot[2] = state.rot[3] = 0.0f; } else { float temp[3] = {0.0f,0.0f,0.0f}; temp[axis] = 1.0f; cross_v3_v3v3(cross, temp, state.vel); /* state.vel[axis] is the only component surviving from a dot product with the axis */ axis_angle_to_quat(state.rot,cross,saacos(state.vel[axis])); } } else{ state.time=-1.0; psys_get_particle_state(&sim, first_particle + i/totvert, &state,1); } mul_qt_v3(state.rot,mv->co); if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_UseSize) mul_v3_fl(mv->co, size[i/totvert]); VECADD(mv->co,mv->co,; } mface=result->getFaceArray(result); orig_mface=dm->getFaceArray(dm); for(i=0; i<maxface; i++){ MFace *inMF; MFace *mf = mface + i; if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Parents){ if(i/totface>=psys->totpart){ if(psys->part->childtype==PART_CHILD_PARTICLES) pa=psys->particles+(psys->child+i/totface-psys->totpart)->parent; else pa= NULL; } else pa=pars+i/totface; } else{ if(psys->part->childtype==PART_CHILD_PARTICLES) pa=psys->particles+(psys->child+i/totface)->parent; else pa= NULL; } if(pa){ if(pa->alive==PARS_UNBORN && (pimd->flag&eParticleInstanceFlag_Unborn)==0) continue; if(pa->alive==PARS_ALIVE && (pimd->flag&eParticleInstanceFlag_Alive)==0) continue; if(pa->alive==PARS_DEAD && (pimd->flag&eParticleInstanceFlag_Dead)==0) continue; } inMF = orig_mface + i%totface; DM_copy_face_data(dm, result, i%totface, i, 1); *mf = *inMF; mf->v1+=(i/totface)*totvert; mf->v2+=(i/totface)*totvert; mf->v3+=(i/totface)*totvert; if(mf->v4) mf->v4+=(i/totface)*totvert; } CDDM_calc_edges(result); CDDM_calc_normals(result); if(psys->lattice){ end_latt_deform(psys->lattice); psys->lattice= NULL; } if(size) MEM_freeN(size); return result; }
static DerivedMesh *generate_ocean_geometry(OceanModifierData *omd) { DerivedMesh *result; MVert *mverts; MPoly *mpolys; MLoop *mloops; int *origindex; int cdlayer; const int rx = omd->resolution * omd->resolution; const int ry = omd->resolution * omd->resolution; const int res_x = rx * omd->repeat_x; const int res_y = ry * omd->repeat_y; const int num_verts = (res_x + 1) * (res_y + 1); /* const int num_edges = (res_x * res_y * 2) + res_x + res_y; */ /* UNUSED BMESH */ const int num_faces = res_x * res_y; float sx = omd->size * omd->spatial_size; float sy = omd->size * omd->spatial_size; const float ox = -sx / 2.0f; const float oy = -sy / 2.0f; float ix, iy; int x, y; sx /= rx; sy /= ry; result = CDDM_new(num_verts, 0, 0, num_faces * 4, num_faces); mverts = CDDM_get_verts(result); mpolys = CDDM_get_polys(result); mloops = CDDM_get_loops(result); origindex = CustomData_get_layer(&result->polyData, CD_ORIGINDEX); /* create vertices */ #pragma omp parallel for private(x, y) if (rx > OMP_MIN_RES) for (y = 0; y <= res_y; y++) { for (x = 0; x <= res_x; x++) { const int i = y * (res_x + 1) + x; float *co = mverts[i].co; co[0] = ox + (x * sx); co[1] = oy + (y * sy); co[2] = 0; } } /* create faces */ #pragma omp parallel for private(x, y) if (rx > OMP_MIN_RES) for (y = 0; y < res_y; y++) { for (x = 0; x < res_x; x++) { const int fi = y * res_x + x; const int vi = y * (res_x + 1) + x; MPoly *mp = &mpolys[fi]; MLoop *ml = &mloops[fi * 4]; ml->v = vi; ml++; ml->v = vi + 1; ml++; ml->v = vi + 1 + res_x + 1; ml++; ml->v = vi + res_x + 1; ml++; mp->loopstart = fi * 4; mp->totloop = 4; mp->flag |= ME_SMOOTH; /* generated geometry does not map to original faces */ origindex[fi] = ORIGINDEX_NONE; } } CDDM_calc_edges(result); /* add uvs */ cdlayer = CustomData_number_of_layers(&result->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV); if (cdlayer < MAX_MTFACE) { MLoopUV *mloopuvs = CustomData_add_layer(&result->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_faces * 4); CustomData_add_layer(&result->polyData, CD_MTEXPOLY, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_faces); if (mloopuvs) { /* unlikely to fail */ ix = 1.0 / rx; iy = 1.0 / ry; #pragma omp parallel for private(x, y) if (rx > OMP_MIN_RES) for (y = 0; y < res_y; y++) { for (x = 0; x < res_x; x++) { const int i = y * res_x + x; MLoopUV *luv = &mloopuvs[i * 4]; luv->uv[0] = x * ix; luv->uv[1] = y * iy; luv++; luv->uv[0] = (x + 1) * ix; luv->uv[1] = y * iy; luv++; luv->uv[0] = (x + 1) * ix; luv->uv[1] = (y + 1) * iy; luv++; luv->uv[0] = x * ix; luv->uv[1] = (y + 1) * iy; luv++; } } } } result->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS; return result; }
/* read .bobj.gz file into a fluidsimDerivedMesh struct */ static DerivedMesh *fluidsim_read_obj(const char *filename) { int wri = 0,i; int gotBytes; gzFile gzf; int numverts = 0, numfaces = 0; DerivedMesh *dm = NULL; MFace *mf; MVert *mv; short *normals, *no_s; float no[3]; // ------------------------------------------------ // get numverts + numfaces first // ------------------------------------------------ gzf = gzopen(filename, "rb"); if (!gzf) { return NULL; } // read numverts gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); numverts = wri; // skip verts gotBytes = gzseek(gzf, numverts * 3 * sizeof(float), SEEK_CUR) != -1; // read number of normals if(gotBytes) gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); // skip normals gotBytes = gzseek(gzf, numverts * 3 * sizeof(float), SEEK_CUR) != -1; /* get no. of triangles */ if(gotBytes) gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); numfaces = wri; gzclose( gzf ); // ------------------------------------------------ if(!numfaces || !numverts || !gotBytes) return NULL; gzf = gzopen(filename, "rb"); if (!gzf) { return NULL; } dm = CDDM_new(numverts, 0, numfaces); if(!dm) { gzclose( gzf ); return NULL; } // read numverts gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); // read vertex position from file mv = CDDM_get_verts(dm); for(i=0; i<numverts; i++, mv++) gotBytes = gzread(gzf, mv->co, sizeof(float) * 3); // should be the same as numverts gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); if(wri != numverts) { if(dm) dm->release(dm); gzclose( gzf ); return NULL; } normals = MEM_callocN(sizeof(short) * numverts * 3, "fluid_tmp_normals" ); if(!normals) { if(dm) dm->release(dm); gzclose( gzf ); return NULL; } // read normals from file (but don't save them yet) for(i=numverts, no_s= normals; i>0; i--, no_s += 3) { gotBytes = gzread(gzf, no, sizeof(float) * 3); normal_float_to_short_v3(no_s, no); } /* read no. of triangles */ gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); if(wri!=numfaces) { printf("Fluidsim: error in reading data from file.\n"); if(dm) dm->release(dm); gzclose( gzf ); MEM_freeN(normals); return NULL; } // read triangles from file mf = CDDM_get_faces(dm); for(i=numfaces; i>0; i--, mf++) { int face[3]; gotBytes = gzread(gzf, face, sizeof(int) * 3); // check if 3rd vertex has index 0 (not allowed in blender) if(face[2]) { mf->v1 = face[0]; mf->v2 = face[1]; mf->v3 = face[2]; } else { mf->v1 = face[1]; mf->v2 = face[2]; mf->v3 = face[0]; } mf->v4 = 0; test_index_face(mf, NULL, 0, 3); } gzclose( gzf ); CDDM_calc_edges(dm); CDDM_apply_vert_normals(dm, (short (*)[3])normals); MEM_freeN(normals); // CDDM_calc_normals(result); return dm; }
static DerivedMesh * explodeMesh(ExplodeModifierData *emd, ParticleSystemModifierData *psmd, Scene *scene, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *to_explode) { DerivedMesh *explode, *dm=to_explode; MFace *mf= NULL, *mface; /* ParticleSettings *part=psmd->psys->part; */ /* UNUSED */ ParticleSimulationData sim= {NULL}; ParticleData *pa=NULL, *pars=psmd->psys->particles; ParticleKey state, birth; EdgeHash *vertpahash; EdgeHashIterator *ehi; float *vertco= NULL, imat[4][4]; float rot[4]; float cfra; /* float timestep; */ int *facepa=emd->facepa; int totdup=0,totvert=0,totface=0,totpart=0; int i, j, v, mindex=0; MTFace *mtface = NULL, *mtf; totface= dm->getNumFaces(dm); totvert= dm->getNumVerts(dm); mface= dm->getFaceArray(dm); totpart= psmd->psys->totpart; sim.scene= scene; sim.ob= ob; sim.psys= psmd->psys; sim.psmd= psmd; /* timestep= psys_get_timestep(&sim); */ //if(part->flag & PART_GLOB_TIME) cfra= BKE_curframe(scene); //else // cfra=bsystem_time(scene, ob,(float)scene->r.cfra,0.0); /* hash table for vertice <-> particle relations */ vertpahash= BLI_edgehash_new(); for (i=0; i<totface; i++) { /* do mindex + totvert to ensure the vertex index to be the first * with BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey */ if(facepa[i]==totpart || cfra < (pars+facepa[i])->time) mindex = totvert+totpart; else mindex = totvert+facepa[i]; mf= &mface[i]; /* set face vertices to exist in particle group */ BLI_edgehash_insert(vertpahash, mf->v1, mindex, NULL); BLI_edgehash_insert(vertpahash, mf->v2, mindex, NULL); BLI_edgehash_insert(vertpahash, mf->v3, mindex, NULL); if(mf->v4) BLI_edgehash_insert(vertpahash, mf->v4, mindex, NULL); } /* make new vertice indexes & count total vertices after duplication */ ehi= BLI_edgehashIterator_new(vertpahash); for(; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi); BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi)) { BLI_edgehashIterator_setValue(ehi, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(totdup)); totdup++; } BLI_edgehashIterator_free(ehi); /* the final duplicated vertices */ explode= CDDM_from_template(dm, totdup, 0,totface); mtface = CustomData_get_layer_named(&explode->faceData, CD_MTFACE, emd->uvname); /*dupvert= CDDM_get_verts(explode);*/ /* getting back to object space */ invert_m4_m4(imat,ob->obmat); psmd->psys->lattice = psys_get_lattice(&sim); /* duplicate & displace vertices */ ehi= BLI_edgehashIterator_new(vertpahash); for(; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi); BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi)) { MVert source; MVert *dest; /* get particle + vertex from hash */ BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, &j, &i); i -= totvert; v= GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehashIterator_getValue(ehi)); dm->getVert(dm, j, &source); dest = CDDM_get_vert(explode,v); DM_copy_vert_data(dm,explode,j,v,1); *dest = source; if(i!=totpart) { /* get particle */ pa= pars+i; psys_get_birth_coordinates(&sim, pa, &birth, 0, 0); state.time=cfra; psys_get_particle_state(&sim, i, &state, 1); vertco=CDDM_get_vert(explode,v)->co; mul_m4_v3(ob->obmat,vertco); sub_v3_v3(vertco,; /* apply rotation, size & location */ sub_qt_qtqt(rot, state.rot, birth.rot); mul_qt_v3(rot, vertco); if(emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_PaSize) mul_v3_fl(vertco,pa->size); add_v3_v3(vertco,; mul_m4_v3(imat, vertco); } } BLI_edgehashIterator_free(ehi); /*map new vertices to faces*/ for (i=0; i<totface; i++) { MFace source; int orig_v4; if(facepa[i]!=totpart) { pa=pars+facepa[i]; if(pa->alive==PARS_UNBORN && (emd->flag&eExplodeFlag_Unborn)==0) continue; if(pa->alive==PARS_ALIVE && (emd->flag&eExplodeFlag_Alive)==0) continue; if(pa->alive==PARS_DEAD && (emd->flag&eExplodeFlag_Dead)==0) continue; } dm->getFace(dm,i,&source); mf=CDDM_get_face(explode,i); orig_v4 = source.v4; if(facepa[i]!=totpart && cfra < pa->time) mindex = totvert+totpart; else mindex = totvert+facepa[i]; source.v1 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v1, mindex); source.v2 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v2, mindex); source.v3 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v3, mindex); if(source.v4) source.v4 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v4, mindex); DM_copy_face_data(dm,explode,i,i,1); *mf = source; /* override uv channel for particle age */ if(mtface) { float age = (cfra - pa->time)/pa->lifetime; /* Clamp to this range to avoid flipping to the other side of the coordinates. */ CLAMP(age, 0.001f, 0.999f); mtf = mtface + i; mtf->uv[0][0] = mtf->uv[1][0] = mtf->uv[2][0] = mtf->uv[3][0] = age; mtf->uv[0][1] = mtf->uv[1][1] = mtf->uv[2][1] = mtf->uv[3][1] = 0.5f; } test_index_face(mf, &explode->faceData, i, (orig_v4 ? 4 : 3)); } /* cleanup */ BLI_edgehash_free(vertpahash, NULL); /* finalization */ CDDM_calc_edges(explode); CDDM_calc_normals(explode); if(psmd->psys->lattice){ end_latt_deform(psmd->psys->lattice); psmd->psys->lattice= NULL; } return explode; }
/* read .bobj.gz file into a fluidsimDerivedMesh struct */ static DerivedMesh *fluidsim_read_obj(const char *filename, const MPoly *mp_example) { int wri = 0, i; int gotBytes; gzFile gzf; int numverts = 0, numfaces = 0; DerivedMesh *dm = NULL; MPoly *mp; MLoop *ml; MVert *mv; short *normals, *no_s; float no[3]; const short mp_mat_nr = mp_example->mat_nr; const char mp_flag = mp_example->flag; // ------------------------------------------------ // get numverts + numfaces first // ------------------------------------------------ gzf = BLI_gzopen(filename, "rb"); if (!gzf) { return NULL; } // read numverts gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); numverts = wri; // skip verts gotBytes = gzseek(gzf, numverts * 3 * sizeof(float), SEEK_CUR) != -1; // read number of normals if (gotBytes) gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); // skip normals gotBytes = gzseek(gzf, numverts * 3 * sizeof(float), SEEK_CUR) != -1; /* get no. of triangles */ if (gotBytes) gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); numfaces = wri; gzclose(gzf); // ------------------------------------------------ if (!numfaces || !numverts || !gotBytes) return NULL; gzf = BLI_gzopen(filename, "rb"); if (!gzf) { return NULL; } dm = CDDM_new(numverts, 0, 0, numfaces * 3, numfaces); if (!dm) { gzclose(gzf); return NULL; } // read numverts gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); // read vertex position from file mv = CDDM_get_verts(dm); for (i = 0; i < numverts; i++, mv++) gotBytes = gzread(gzf, mv->co, sizeof(float) * 3); // should be the same as numverts gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); if (wri != numverts) { if (dm) dm->release(dm); gzclose(gzf); return NULL; } normals = MEM_callocN(sizeof(short) * numverts * 3, "fluid_tmp_normals"); if (!normals) { if (dm) dm->release(dm); gzclose(gzf); return NULL; } // read normals from file (but don't save them yet) for (i = numverts, no_s = normals; i > 0; i--, no_s += 3) { gotBytes = gzread(gzf, no, sizeof(float) * 3); normal_float_to_short_v3(no_s, no); } /* read no. of triangles */ gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); if (wri != numfaces) { printf("Fluidsim: error in reading data from file.\n"); if (dm) dm->release(dm); gzclose(gzf); MEM_freeN(normals); return NULL; } // read triangles from file mp = CDDM_get_polys(dm); ml = CDDM_get_loops(dm); for (i = 0; i < numfaces; i++, mp++, ml += 3) { int face[3]; gotBytes = gzread(gzf, face, sizeof(int) * 3); /* initialize from existing face */ mp->mat_nr = mp_mat_nr; mp->flag = mp_flag; mp->loopstart = i * 3; mp->totloop = 3; ml[0].v = face[0]; ml[1].v = face[1]; ml[2].v = face[2]; } gzclose(gzf); CDDM_calc_edges(dm); CDDM_apply_vert_normals(dm, (short (*)[3])normals); MEM_freeN(normals); // CDDM_calc_normals(result); return dm; }
/* Iterate over the CSG Output Descriptors and create a new DerivedMesh from them */ static DerivedMesh *ConvertCSGDescriptorsToDerivedMesh( CSG_FaceIteratorDescriptor *face_it, CSG_VertexIteratorDescriptor *vertex_it, float parinv[][4], float mapmat[][4], Material **mat, int *totmat, DerivedMesh *dm1, Object *ob1, DerivedMesh *dm2, Object *ob2) { DerivedMesh *result, *orig_dm; GHash *material_hash = NULL; Mesh *me1= (Mesh*)ob1->data; Mesh *me2= (Mesh*)ob2->data; int i; // create a new DerivedMesh result = CDDM_new(vertex_it->num_elements, 0, face_it->num_elements); CustomData_merge(&dm1->faceData, &result->faceData, CD_MASK_DERIVEDMESH, CD_DEFAULT, face_it->num_elements); CustomData_merge(&dm2->faceData, &result->faceData, CD_MASK_DERIVEDMESH, CD_DEFAULT, face_it->num_elements); // step through the vertex iterators: for (i = 0; !vertex_it->Done(vertex_it->it); i++) { CSG_IVertex csgvert; MVert *mvert = CDDM_get_vert(result, i); // retrieve a csg vertex from the boolean module vertex_it->Fill(vertex_it->it, &csgvert); vertex_it->Step(vertex_it->it); // we have to map the vertex coordinates back in the coordinate frame // of the resulting object, since it was computed in world space mul_v3_m4v3(mvert->co, parinv, csgvert.position); } // a hash table to remap materials to indices if (mat) { material_hash = BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_ptrhash, BLI_ghashutil_ptrcmp, "CSG_mat gh"); *totmat = 0; } // step through the face iterators for(i = 0; !face_it->Done(face_it->it); i++) { Mesh *orig_me; Object *orig_ob; Material *orig_mat; CSG_IFace csgface; MFace *mface; int orig_index, mat_nr; // retrieve a csg face from the boolean module face_it->Fill(face_it->it, &csgface); face_it->Step(face_it->it); // find the original mesh and data orig_ob = (csgface.orig_face < dm1->getNumFaces(dm1))? ob1: ob2; orig_dm = (csgface.orig_face < dm1->getNumFaces(dm1))? dm1: dm2; orig_me = (orig_ob == ob1)? me1: me2; orig_index = (orig_ob == ob1)? csgface.orig_face: csgface.orig_face - dm1->getNumFaces(dm1); // copy all face layers, including mface CustomData_copy_data(&orig_dm->faceData, &result->faceData, orig_index, i, 1); // set mface mface = CDDM_get_face(result, i); mface->v1 = csgface.vertex_index[0]; mface->v2 = csgface.vertex_index[1]; mface->v3 = csgface.vertex_index[2]; mface->v4 = (csgface.vertex_number == 4)? csgface.vertex_index[3]: 0; // set material, based on lookup in hash table orig_mat= give_current_material(orig_ob, mface->mat_nr+1); if (mat && orig_mat) { if (!BLI_ghash_haskey(material_hash, orig_mat)) { mat[*totmat] = orig_mat; mat_nr = mface->mat_nr = (*totmat)++; BLI_ghash_insert(material_hash, orig_mat, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(mat_nr)); } else mface->mat_nr = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_ghash_lookup(material_hash, orig_mat)); } else mface->mat_nr = 0; InterpCSGFace(result, orig_dm, i, orig_index, csgface.vertex_number, (orig_me == me2)? mapmat: NULL); test_index_face(mface, &result->faceData, i, csgface.vertex_number); } if (material_hash) BLI_ghash_free(material_hash, NULL, NULL); CDDM_calc_edges(result); CDDM_calc_normals(result); return result; }
static DerivedMesh *applyModifier(ModifierData *md, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *derivedData, ModifierApplyFlag UNUSED(flag)) { DerivedMesh *dm = derivedData, *result; ParticleInstanceModifierData *pimd = (ParticleInstanceModifierData *) md; ParticleSimulationData sim; ParticleSystem *psys = NULL; ParticleData *pa = NULL; MPoly *mpoly, *orig_mpoly; MLoop *mloop, *orig_mloop; MVert *mvert, *orig_mvert; int totvert, totpoly, totloop /* , totedge */; int maxvert, maxpoly, maxloop, totpart = 0, first_particle = 0; int k, p, p_skip; short track = ob->trackflag % 3, trackneg, axis = pimd->axis; float max_co = 0.0, min_co = 0.0, temp_co[3]; float *size = NULL; trackneg = ((ob->trackflag > 2) ? 1 : 0); if (pimd->ob == ob) { pimd->ob = NULL; return derivedData; } if (pimd->ob) { psys = BLI_findlink(&pimd->ob->particlesystem, pimd->psys - 1); if (psys == NULL || psys->totpart == 0) return derivedData; } else { return derivedData; } if (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Parents) totpart += psys->totpart; if (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Children) { if (totpart == 0) first_particle = psys->totpart; totpart += psys->totchild; } if (totpart == 0) return derivedData; sim.scene = md->scene; sim.ob = pimd->ob; sim.psys = psys; sim.psmd = psys_get_modifier(pimd->ob, psys); if (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_UseSize) { float *si; si = size = MEM_callocN(totpart * sizeof(float), "particle size array"); if (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Parents) { for (p = 0, pa = psys->particles; p < psys->totpart; p++, pa++, si++) *si = pa->size; } if (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Children) { ChildParticle *cpa = psys->child; for (p = 0; p < psys->totchild; p++, cpa++, si++) { *si = psys_get_child_size(psys, cpa, 0.0f, NULL); } } } totvert = dm->getNumVerts(dm); totpoly = dm->getNumPolys(dm); totloop = dm->getNumLoops(dm); /* totedge = dm->getNumEdges(dm); */ /* UNUSED */ /* count particles */ maxvert = 0; maxpoly = 0; maxloop = 0; for (p = 0; p < totpart; p++) { if (particle_skip(pimd, psys, p)) continue; maxvert += totvert; maxpoly += totpoly; maxloop += totloop; } psys->lattice_deform_data = psys_create_lattice_deform_data(&sim); if (psys->flag & (PSYS_HAIR_DONE | PSYS_KEYED) || psys->pointcache->flag & PTCACHE_BAKED) { float min[3], max[3]; INIT_MINMAX(min, max); dm->getMinMax(dm, min, max); min_co = min[track]; max_co = max[track]; } result = CDDM_from_template(dm, maxvert, 0, 0, maxloop, maxpoly); mvert = result->getVertArray(result); orig_mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm); mpoly = result->getPolyArray(result); orig_mpoly = dm->getPolyArray(dm); mloop = result->getLoopArray(result); orig_mloop = dm->getLoopArray(dm); for (p = 0, p_skip = 0; p < totpart; p++) { float prev_dir[3]; float frame[4]; /* frame orientation quaternion */ /* skip particle? */ if (particle_skip(pimd, psys, p)) continue; /* set vertices coordinates */ for (k = 0; k < totvert; k++) { ParticleKey state; MVert *inMV; MVert *mv = mvert + p_skip * totvert + k; inMV = orig_mvert + k; DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, k, p_skip * totvert + k, 1); *mv = *inMV; /*change orientation based on object trackflag*/ copy_v3_v3(temp_co, mv->co); mv->co[axis] = temp_co[track]; mv->co[(axis + 1) % 3] = temp_co[(track + 1) % 3]; mv->co[(axis + 2) % 3] = temp_co[(track + 2) % 3]; /* get particle state */ if ((psys->flag & (PSYS_HAIR_DONE | PSYS_KEYED) || psys->pointcache->flag & PTCACHE_BAKED) && (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Path)) { float ran = 0.0f; if (pimd->random_position != 0.0f) { ran = pimd->random_position * BLI_hash_frand(psys->seed + p); } if (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_KeepShape) { state.time = pimd->position * (1.0f - ran); } else { state.time = (mv->co[axis] - min_co) / (max_co - min_co) * pimd->position * (1.0f - ran); if (trackneg) state.time = 1.0f - state.time; mv->co[axis] = 0.0; } psys_get_particle_on_path(&sim, first_particle + p, &state, 1); normalize_v3(state.vel); /* Incrementally Rotating Frame (Bishop Frame) */ if (k == 0) { float hairmat[4][4]; float mat[3][3]; if (first_particle + p < psys->totpart) pa = psys->particles + first_particle + p; else { ChildParticle *cpa = psys->child + (p - psys->totpart); pa = psys->particles + cpa->parent; } psys_mat_hair_to_global(sim.ob, sim.psmd->dm, sim.psys->part->from, pa, hairmat); copy_m3_m4(mat, hairmat); /* to quaternion */ mat3_to_quat(frame, mat); /* note: direction is same as normal vector currently, * but best to keep this separate so the frame can be * rotated later if necessary */ copy_v3_v3(prev_dir, state.vel); } else { float rot[4]; /* incrementally rotate along bend direction */ rotation_between_vecs_to_quat(rot, prev_dir, state.vel); mul_qt_qtqt(frame, rot, frame); copy_v3_v3(prev_dir, state.vel); } copy_qt_qt(state.rot, frame); #if 0 /* Absolute Frame (Frenet Frame) */ if (state.vel[axis] < -0.9999f || state.vel[axis] > 0.9999f) { unit_qt(state.rot); } else { float cross[3]; float temp[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; temp[axis] = 1.0f; cross_v3_v3v3(cross, temp, state.vel); /* state.vel[axis] is the only component surviving from a dot product with the axis */ axis_angle_to_quat(state.rot, cross, saacos(state.vel[axis])); } #endif } else { state.time = -1.0; psys_get_particle_state(&sim, first_particle + p, &state, 1); } mul_qt_v3(state.rot, mv->co); if (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_UseSize) mul_v3_fl(mv->co, size[p]); add_v3_v3(mv->co,; } /* create polys and loops */ for (k = 0; k < totpoly; k++) { MPoly *inMP = orig_mpoly + k; MPoly *mp = mpoly + p_skip * totpoly + k; DM_copy_poly_data(dm, result, k, p_skip * totpoly + k, 1); *mp = *inMP; mp->loopstart += p_skip * totloop; { MLoop *inML = orig_mloop + inMP->loopstart; MLoop *ml = mloop + mp->loopstart; int j = mp->totloop; DM_copy_loop_data(dm, result, inMP->loopstart, mp->loopstart, j); for (; j; j--, ml++, inML++) { ml->v = inML->v + (p_skip * totvert); } } } p_skip++; } CDDM_calc_edges(result); if (psys->lattice_deform_data) { end_latt_deform(psys->lattice_deform_data); psys->lattice_deform_data = NULL; } if (size) MEM_freeN(size); result->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS; return result; }
/* read .bobj.gz file into a fluidsimDerivedMesh struct */ static DerivedMesh *fluidsim_read_obj(char *filename) { int wri,i,j; float wrf; int gotBytes; gzFile gzf; int numverts = 0, numfaces = 0; DerivedMesh *dm = NULL; MFace *mface; MVert *mvert; short *normals; // ------------------------------------------------ // get numverts + numfaces first // ------------------------------------------------ gzf = gzopen(filename, "rb"); if (!gzf) { return NULL; } // read numverts gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); numverts = wri; // skip verts for(i=0; i<numverts*3; i++) { gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wrf, sizeof( wrf )); } // read number of normals gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); // skip normals for(i=0; i<numverts*3; i++) { gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wrf, sizeof( wrf )); } /* get no. of triangles */ gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); numfaces = wri; gzclose( gzf ); // ------------------------------------------------ if(!numfaces || !numverts) return NULL; gzf = gzopen(filename, "rb"); if (!gzf) { return NULL; } dm = CDDM_new(numverts, 0, numfaces); if(!dm) { gzclose( gzf ); return NULL; } // read numverts gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); // read vertex position from file mvert = CDDM_get_verts(dm); for(i=0; i<numverts; i++) { MVert *mv = &mvert[i]; for(j=0; j<3; j++) { gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wrf, sizeof( wrf )); mv->co[j] = wrf; } } // should be the same as numverts gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); if(wri != numverts) { if(dm) dm->release(dm); gzclose( gzf ); return NULL; } normals = MEM_callocN(sizeof(short) * numverts * 3, "fluid_tmp_normals" ); if(!normals) { if(dm) dm->release(dm); gzclose( gzf ); return NULL; } // read normals from file (but don't save them yet) for(i=0; i<numverts*3; i++) { gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wrf, sizeof( wrf )); normals[i] = (short)(wrf*32767.0f); } /* read no. of triangles */ gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &wri, sizeof(wri)); if(wri!=numfaces) printf("Fluidsim: error in reading data from file.\n"); // read triangles from file mface = CDDM_get_faces(dm); for(i=0; i<numfaces; i++) { int face[4]; MFace *mf = &mface[i]; gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &(face[0]), sizeof( face[0] )); gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &(face[1]), sizeof( face[1] )); gotBytes = gzread(gzf, &(face[2]), sizeof( face[2] )); face[3] = 0; // check if 3rd vertex has index 0 (not allowed in blender) if(face[2]) { mf->v1 = face[0]; mf->v2 = face[1]; mf->v3 = face[2]; } else { mf->v1 = face[1]; mf->v2 = face[2]; mf->v3 = face[0]; } mf->v4 = face[3]; test_index_face(mf, NULL, 0, 3); } gzclose( gzf ); CDDM_calc_edges(dm); CDDM_apply_vert_normals(dm, (short (*)[3])normals); MEM_freeN(normals); // CDDM_calc_normals(result); return dm; }