Пример #1
char *getSwitchFromBundle(char *swtch) {
#if OSX
		CFBundleRef br = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
		if (br) {
			CFStringRef cfswitch = CFStringCreateWithCString(0,swtch,kCFStringEncodingASCII);
			CFStringRef bd_index = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(br,cfswitch);
			if (bd_index) {
				long i=switches_count++;
				switches = realloc(switches,switches_count*sizeof(char*));
				switches[i] = malloc(FILENAME_MAX);
				return switches[i];
	return NULL;
static String bundleName()
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, name, (ASCIILiteral("WebKit")));

#if USE(CF)
    static bool initialized;

    if (!initialized) {
        initialized = true;

        if (CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle())
            if (CFTypeRef bundleExecutable = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(bundle, kCFBundleExecutableKey))
                if (CFGetTypeID(bundleExecutable) == CFStringGetTypeID())
                    name = reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>(bundleExecutable);

    return name;
Пример #3
CFNetDiagnosticRef CFNetDiagnosticCreateBasic(	CFAllocatorRef allocator,
											CFStringRef remoteHost, 
											CFStringRef protocol, 
											CFNumberRef port) {
	CFMutableDictionaryRef retval = NULL;
	retval = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(allocator, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
	if(retval != NULL) {
		_CFNetDiagnosticSetDictionaryKeyIfNotNull(_CFNetDiagnosticNameKey, CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(CFBundleGetMainBundle(), kCFBundleNameKey), retval);		
		_CFNetDiagnosticSetDictionaryKeyIfNotNull(_CFNetDiagnosticBundleKey, CFBundleGetIdentifier( CFBundleGetMainBundle() ), retval);
		_CFNetDiagnosticSetDictionaryKeyIfNotNull(_CFNetDiagnosticRemoteHostKey, remoteHost, retval);
		_CFNetDiagnosticSetDictionaryKeyIfNotNull(_CFNetDiagnosticProtocolKey, protocol, retval);
		_CFNetDiagnosticSetDictionaryKeyIfNotNull(_CFNetDiagnosticPortKey, port, retval);
		_CFNetDiagnosticSetDictionaryKeyIfNotNull(_CFNetDiagnosticMethodKey, CFSTR("CFNetDiagnosticCreateBasic"), retval);
	return (CFNetDiagnosticRef)retval;
Пример #4
CFNetDiagnosticRef CFNetDiagnosticCreateWithURL(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFURLRef url) {
	CFMutableDictionaryRef retval;
	SInt32 port = 0;
	retval = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(allocator, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
	if(retval != NULL && CFURLCanBeDecomposed(url)) {
		port = CFURLGetPortNumber(url);
		_CFNetDiagnosticSetDictionaryKeyIfNotNull(_CFNetDiagnosticNameKey, CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(CFBundleGetMainBundle(), kCFBundleNameKey), retval);		
		_CFNetDiagnosticSetDictionaryKeyIfNotNull(_CFNetDiagnosticBundleKey, CFBundleGetIdentifier( CFBundleGetMainBundle() ), retval);
		_CFNetDiagnosticSetDictionaryKeyAndReleaseIfNotNull(_CFNetDiagnosticRemoteHostKey, CFURLCopyHostName(url), retval);
		_CFNetDiagnosticSetDictionaryKeyAndReleaseIfNotNull(_CFNetDiagnosticProtocolKey, CFURLCopyScheme(url), retval);
		_CFNetDiagnosticSetDictionaryKeyAndReleaseIfNotNull(_CFNetDiagnosticPortKey, CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &port), retval);
		_CFNetDiagnosticSetDictionaryKeyIfNotNull(_CFNetDiagnosticMethodKey, CFSTR("CFNetDiagnosticCreateWithURL"), retval);
	return (CFNetDiagnosticRef)retval;
Пример #5
QSettingsPrivate *QSettingsPrivate::create(QSettings::Format format,
                                           QSettings::Scope scope,
                                           const QString &organization,
                                           const QString &application)
    if (format == QSettings::NativeFormat) {
        QString org = organization;
        QString app = application;
#if 0
        static int forAppStore = -1;
        if (forAppStore == -1) {
            // Check for a Key called "QtForAppStore" in Info.plist
            forAppStore = 0;
            CFBundleRef mainBundle;
            mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
            CFStringRef key = QCFString::toCFStringRef(QLatin1String("QtForAppStore"));
            CFTypeRef val = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(mainBundle, key);
            if (CFGetTypeID(val) == CFStringGetTypeID()
                    && !QCFString::toQString((CFStringRef)val).compare(QLatin1String("yes"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
                // The value for "QtForAppStore"' is "Yes"
                forAppStore = 1;
            //Release the variables
        // Check whether to apply AppStore folder restrictions.
        if (forAppStore) {
            CFBundleRef mainBundle;
            mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
            QString identifier = QCFString::toQString(CFBundleGetIdentifier(mainBundle));
            QStringList parts = identifier.split(QChar('.'));
            if (parts.count() >= 3) {
                app = QStringList(parts.mid(2)).join(".");
                org = parts[1] + QLatin1Char('.') +parts[0];
        return new QMacSettingsPrivate(scope, org, app);
    } else {
        return new QConfFileSettingsPrivate(format, scope, organization, application);
Image JUCE_API getIconFromApplication (const String& applicationPath, const int size)
    Image hostIcon;

    if (CFStringRef pathCFString = CFStringCreateWithCString (kCFAllocatorDefault, applicationPath.toRawUTF8(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8))
        if (CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath (kCFAllocatorDefault, pathCFString, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, 1))
            if (CFBundleRef appBundle = CFBundleCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, url))
                if (CFTypeRef infoValue = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey (appBundle, CFSTR("CFBundleIconFile")))
                    if (CFGetTypeID (infoValue) == CFStringGetTypeID())
                        CFStringRef iconFilename = reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef> (infoValue);
                        CFStringRef resourceURLSuffix = CFStringHasSuffix (iconFilename, CFSTR(".icns")) ? nullptr : CFSTR("icns");
                        if (CFURLRef iconURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL (appBundle, iconFilename, resourceURLSuffix, nullptr))
                            if (CFStringRef iconPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath (iconURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle))
                                File icnsFile (CFStringGetCStringPtr (iconPath, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()));
                                hostIcon = getIconFromIcnsFile (icnsFile, size);
                                CFRelease (iconPath);

                            CFRelease (iconURL);

                CFRelease (appBundle);

            CFRelease (url);

        CFRelease (pathCFString);

    return hostIcon;
Пример #7
extern CFStringRef MyGetCustomTitle (Boolean stillNeeded)
    static CFStringRef sTitle = NULL;

    if (stillNeeded)
        if (sTitle == NULL)
            // Get the name of the application hosting us.
            CFBundleRef appBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
            if (appBundle)
                CFStringRef bundleString = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(
                                            appBundle, CFSTR("CFBundleName"));
                // We don't get an owning reference here, so make a copy.
                if (bundleString && (CFGetTypeID(bundleString) == CFStringGetTypeID()))
                    sTitle = CFStringCreateCopy(NULL, bundleString);
        // If that failed, use a resource - we may be hosted by an unbundled app.
        if (sTitle == NULL)
            sTitle = CFCopyLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle (
                CFSTR("Web Browser"),
                "the custom pane title");
        if (sTitle != NULL)
            CFRelease (sTitle);
            sTitle = NULL;

    return sTitle;
Пример #8
static uint32_t
fsbundle_find_fssubtype(const char *bundle_path_C,
                        const char *claimed_name_C,
                        uint32_t    claimed_fssubtype)
    uint32_t result = FUSE_FSSUBTYPE_UNKNOWN;

    CFStringRef bundle_path_string  = NULL;
    CFStringRef claimed_name_string = NULL;

    CFURLRef    bundleURL = NULL;
    CFBundleRef bundleRef = NULL;

    CFDictionaryRef fspersonalities = NULL;

    CFIndex idx   = 0;
    CFIndex count = 0;
    Boolean found = false;

    CFStringRef     *keys     = NULL;
    CFDictionaryRef *subdicts = NULL;

    bundle_path_string = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault,
    if (!bundle_path_string) {
        goto out;

    bundleURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault,
    if (!bundleURL) {
        goto out;

    bundleRef = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, bundleURL);
    if (!bundleRef) {
        goto out;

    fspersonalities = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(
                          bundleRef, CFSTR(kFSPersonalitiesKey));
    if (!fspersonalities) {
        goto out;

    count = CFDictionaryGetCount(fspersonalities);
    if (count <= 0) {
        goto out;

    keys = (CFStringRef *)malloc(count * sizeof(CFStringRef));
    subdicts = (CFDictionaryRef *)malloc(count * sizeof(CFDictionaryRef));

    if (!keys || !subdicts) {
        goto out;

                                 (const void **)keys,
                                 (const void **)subdicts);

    if (claimed_fssubtype == (uint32_t)FUSE_FSSUBTYPE_INVALID) {
        goto lookupbyfsname;

    for (idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) {
        CFNumberRef n = NULL;
        uint32_t candidate_fssubtype = (uint32_t)FUSE_FSSUBTYPE_INVALID;
        if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(subdicts[idx],
                                          (const void *)CFSTR(kFSSubTypeKey),
                                          (const void **)&n)) {
            if (CFNumberGetValue(n, kCFNumberIntType, &candidate_fssubtype)) {
                if (candidate_fssubtype == claimed_fssubtype) {
                    found = true;
                    result = candidate_fssubtype;

    if (found) {
        goto out;


    claimed_name_string = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault,
    if (!claimed_name_string) {
        goto out;

    for (idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) {
        CFRange where = CFStringFind(claimed_name_string, keys[idx],
        if (where.location != kCFNotFound) {
            found = true;
        if (found) {
            CFNumberRef n = NULL;
            uint32_t candidate_fssubtype = (uint32_t)FUSE_FSSUBTYPE_INVALID;
            if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(
                    subdicts[idx], (const void *)CFSTR(kFSSubTypeKey),
                    (const void **)&n)) {
                if (CFNumberGetValue(n, kCFNumberIntType,
                                     &candidate_fssubtype)) {
                    result = candidate_fssubtype;

    if (keys) {

    if (subdicts) {

    if (bundle_path_string) {

    if (bundleURL) {

    if (claimed_name_string) {

    if (bundleRef) {

    return result;
Пример #9
bool XMacSystem::DisplayNotification( const VString& inTitle, const VString& inMessage, EDisplayNotificationOptions inOptions, ENotificationResponse *outResponse)
	CFOptionFlags flags = (inOptions & EDN_StyleCritical) ? kCFUserNotificationCautionAlertLevel : kCFUserNotificationPlainAlertLevel;

	CFStringRef cfIconFileName = (CFStringRef) CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey( CFBundleGetMainBundle(), CFSTR("CFBundleIconFile"));
	CFURLRef cfIconURL = (cfIconFileName == NULL) ? NULL : CFBundleCopyResourceURL( CFBundleGetMainBundle(), cfIconFileName, NULL, NULL);

	CFMutableDictionaryRef dico = CFDictionaryCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);

	if (cfIconURL != NULL && dico != NULL)
		CFDictionaryAddValue( dico,	kCFUserNotificationIconURLKey, cfIconURL);
	// kCFUserNotificationAlertHeaderKey is required
	if (inTitle.IsEmpty())
		PutStringIntoDictionary( inMessage, dico, kCFUserNotificationAlertHeaderKey);
		PutStringIntoDictionary( inTitle, dico, kCFUserNotificationAlertHeaderKey);
		PutStringIntoDictionary( inMessage, dico, kCFUserNotificationAlertMessageKey);

	ENotificationResponse responseDefault = ERN_None;
	ENotificationResponse responseAlternate = ERN_None;
	ENotificationResponse responseOther = ERN_None;

	switch( inOptions & EDN_LayoutMask)
		case EDN_OK_Cancel:
			if (inOptions & EDN_Default1)
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationDefaultButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("OK"));
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationAlternateButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("Cancel"));
				responseDefault = ERN_OK;
				responseAlternate = ERN_Cancel;
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationAlternateButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("OK"));
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationDefaultButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("Cancel"));
				responseDefault = ERN_Cancel;
				responseAlternate = ERN_OK;

		case EDN_Yes_No:
			if (inOptions & EDN_Default1)
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationDefaultButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("Yes"));
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationAlternateButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("No"));
				responseDefault = ERN_Yes;
				responseAlternate = ERN_No;
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationDefaultButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("No"));
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationAlternateButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("Yes"));
				responseDefault = ERN_No;
				responseAlternate = ERN_Yes;
		case EDN_Yes_No_Cancel:
			if ((inOptions & EDN_DefaultMask) == EDN_Default1)
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationDefaultButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("Yes"));
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationAlternateButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("No"));
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationOtherButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("Cancel"));
				responseDefault = ERN_Yes;
				responseAlternate = ERN_No;
				responseOther = ERN_Cancel;
			else if ((inOptions & EDN_DefaultMask) == EDN_Default2)
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationDefaultButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("No"));
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationAlternateButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("Yes"));
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationOtherButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("Cancel"));
				responseDefault = ERN_No;
				responseAlternate = ERN_Yes;
				responseOther = ERN_Cancel;
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationDefaultButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("Cancel"));
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationAlternateButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("No"));
				CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationOtherButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("Yes"));
				responseDefault = ERN_Cancel;
				responseAlternate = ERN_No;
				responseOther = ERN_Yes;

		case EDN_Abort_Retry_Ignore:
			CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationDefaultButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("Retry"));
			CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationAlternateButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("Ignore"));
			CFDictionaryAddValue( dico, kCFUserNotificationOtherButtonTitleKey, CFSTR("Abort"));
			responseDefault = ERN_Retry;
			responseAlternate = ERN_Ignore;
			responseOther = ERN_Abort;

		case EDN_OK:
			responseDefault = ERN_OK;

	SInt32 error = 0;
	CFUserNotificationRef refNotification = CFUserNotificationCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0 /*CFTimeInterval timeout*/, flags, &error, dico);

	if ( (refNotification != NULL) && (outResponse != NULL) )
		*outResponse = ERN_None;
		if (error == 0)
			CFOptionFlags responseFlags = 0;
			SInt32 rCode = CFUserNotificationReceiveResponse( refNotification, 0 /*CFTimeInterval timeout*/, &responseFlags);
			if (testAssert( rCode == 0))	// "0 if the cancel was successful; a non-0 value otherwise."
				switch( responseFlags & 0x3)
					case kCFUserNotificationDefaultResponse:	*outResponse = responseDefault; break;
					case kCFUserNotificationAlternateResponse:	*outResponse = responseAlternate; break;
					case kCFUserNotificationOtherResponse:		*outResponse = responseOther; break;
					case kCFUserNotificationCancelResponse:		*outResponse = ERN_Timeout; break;

	if (refNotification != NULL)
		CFRelease( refNotification);

	if (cfIconURL != NULL)
		CFRelease( cfIconURL);

	if (dico != NULL)
		CFRelease( dico);

	return error == 0;
Пример #10
CFStringRef FSCopyFormatNameForFSType(CFStringRef fsType, int16_t fsSubtype, bool localized, bool encrypted) 
    CFTypeRef formatName;
    CFStringRef formatNameTableKey;
    CFIndex indx;

    if (NULL == fsType) return NULL;

    // Create a key for cache localized name table (i.e. "0hfs0")
    formatNameTableKey = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%d%@%d"), (localized ? 1 : 0), fsType, fsSubtype);

    // Use OSSpinLock to protect the table accessed from multiple threads
    formatName = (void*)((NULL == __FSLocalizedNameTable) ? NULL : CFDictionaryGetValue(__FSLocalizedNameTable, (const void *)formatNameTableKey));

    if (NULL == formatName) { // not in the cache
        CFBundleRef bundle = NULL;
        CFURLRef bundleURL;
        CFStringRef fsTypeName;
	static CFArrayRef searchPaths = NULL;

        /* Construct a bundle path URL from the fsType argument and create a CFBundle.  We search (using CFCopySearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains) /Network/Library/Filesystems, /Library/Filesystems, and /System/Library/Filesystems. */

        // Create CFURL for /System/Library/Filesystems and cache it
	if (NULL == searchPaths) {
		CFArrayRef tmpPaths = CFCopySearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(kCFLibraryDirectory, kCFSystemDomainMask | kCFNetworkDomainMask | kCFLocalDomainMask, true);
		CFMutableArrayRef tmpStrings;
		CFIndex i;

		if (NULL == tmpPaths)
			return NULL;	// No directories to search?!?!

		tmpStrings = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, CFArrayGetCount(tmpPaths), NULL);
		if (tmpStrings == NULL)
			goto done;
		for (i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount(tmpPaths); i++) {
			CFStringRef tStr;
			char path[PATH_MAX + 1];
			CFTypeRef tobject = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(tmpPaths, i);

			if (CFGetTypeID(tobject) == CFURLGetTypeID()) {
				if (false ==
						sizeof(path))) {
					goto done;
			} else if (CFGetTypeID(tobject) == CFStringGetTypeID()) {
				CFStringGetCString(tobject, path, sizeof(path), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
			} else {
				goto done;
			strlcat(path, "/Filesystems", sizeof(path));
			tStr = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, path, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
			if (tStr == NULL)
				goto done;
			tURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(NULL, tStr, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true);
			if (tURL) {
				CFArrayAppendValue(tmpStrings, tURL);
		searchPaths = CFArrayCreateCopy(NULL, tmpStrings);
		if (searchPaths == NULL)
			return NULL;

	for (indx = 0; indx < CFArrayGetCount(searchPaths); indx++) {
		CFURLRef libRef = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(searchPaths, indx);

		fsTypeName = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@.fs"), fsType);
		bundleURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase(NULL, fsTypeName, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true, libRef);
		bundle = CFBundleCreate(NULL, bundleURL);

		if (NULL != bundle) {

        if (NULL != bundle) { // the bundle exists at path	
			CFDictionaryRef localPersonalities = NULL;

			// Access the Info dictionary in the bundle 
			CFDictionaryRef bundleDict = CFBundleGetInfoDictionary(bundle);

			// Get localized FSPersonalities only if we want localized name
			if (localized == true) {
				localPersonalities = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(bundle, KEY_FS_PERSONALITIES);
//NSLog(CFSTR("localPersonalities = %@\n"), localPersonalities);

			/* Get global FSPersonalities.  We need to access this since FSSubType exists only
			 * in global FSPersonalities 
            CFDictionaryRef globalPersonalities = CFDictionaryGetValue(bundleDict, (const void *) KEY_FS_PERSONALITIES);
//NSLog(CFSTR("globalPersonalities = %@\n"), globalPersonalities);
			CFIndex numPersonalities;
            if (((NULL != localPersonalities) || (localized == false)) &&	// localPersonalities or we don't want localizations 
			    (NULL != globalPersonalities) && 
				((numPersonalities = CFDictionaryGetCount(globalPersonalities)) > 0)) {

				// read all FSPersonalities keys and values 
                CFDictionaryRef valuesBuffer[MAX_FS_SUBTYPES];
				CFStringRef keysBuffer[MAX_FS_SUBTYPES];
				CFDictionaryRef *values = ((numPersonalities > MAX_FS_SUBTYPES) ? (CFDictionaryRef *)malloc(sizeof(CFDictionaryRef) * numPersonalities) : valuesBuffer);
				CFStringRef *keys = ((numPersonalities > MAX_FS_SUBTYPES) ? (CFStringRef *)malloc(sizeof(CFStringRef) * numPersonalities) : keysBuffer);
                CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(globalPersonalities, (const void **)keys, (const void **)values);

				// create CFNumberRef for the FSSubType 
		        CFNumberRef subTypeID = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberSInt16Type, (const void *)&fsSubtype);
				CFStringRef FSNameKey = NULL;
				// search for valid FSSubType - we will use its key from global FSPersonalties to 
				// access FSName from localized FSPersonalities
				CFIndex index;
				CFNumberRef readSubTypeID;
				for (index = 0; index < numPersonalities; index++) {
					if ((true == CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(values[index], (const void *)KEY_FS_SUBTYPE, (const void **)&readSubTypeID)) &&
						(CFNumberCompare(subTypeID, readSubTypeID, NULL) == 0)) {
						FSNameKey = keys[index];

                /* If a personality hasn't been found, use the last value in the dictionary (note the content of CFDictionary is unordered so choosing the last doesn't produce consistent result) */
                if (NULL == FSNameKey) {
                    FSNameKey = keys[numPersonalities - 1]; // is selecting the last entry right ?

				// Get FSName from the FSPersonalities entry
				CFDictionaryRef FSNameDict;
				if (localized == true) { 
					FSNameDict = CFDictionaryGetValue(localPersonalities, FSNameKey);
				} else {
					FSNameDict = CFDictionaryGetValue(globalPersonalities, FSNameKey);
				if (NULL != FSNameDict) {
					CFStringRef tempName = CFDictionaryGetValue(FSNameDict, (const void *)KEY_FS_NAME);
					CFStringRef encrName = CFDictionaryGetValue(FSNameDict, CFSTR(kFSCoreStorageEncryptNameKey));
					if (tempName) {
						if (encrName) {
							formatName = (void*)CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
							if (formatName != NULL) {
								(void)CFDictionarySetValue((void*)formatName, tempName, encrName);
						} else {
							formatName = tempName;

				if (values != valuesBuffer) free(values);
				if (keys != keysBuffer) free(keys);

        // If all failed, return "Unknown format (f_fstypename)" as the last resort
        if (NULL == formatName) {
            static CFStringRef unknownTypeString = NULL;
			CFStringRef unknownFSNameString = NULL;

            // This should use the framework bundle this code resides. CarbonCore ??? */
            if (NULL == unknownTypeString) unknownTypeString = CFCopyLocalizedString(UNKNOWN_FS_NAME, "This string is displayed when localized file system name cannot be determined.");
			unknownFSNameString = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@ (%@)"), unknownTypeString, fsType);
			formatName = (void*)unknownFSNameString;
        // Cache the result
        if (NULL == __FSLocalizedNameTable) __FSLocalizedNameTable = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
//	NSLog(CFSTR("Setting value %@ for key %@\n"), formatName, formatNameTableKey);	
        CFDictionarySetValue(__FSLocalizedNameTable, (const void *)formatNameTableKey, (const void *)formatName);
//	NSLog(CFSTR("Localized Name Table = %@\n"), __FSLocalizedNameTable);
        if (NULL != bundle) CFRelease(bundle); // it has to be released here since formatName might be owned by the bundle


     if (CFGetTypeID(formatName) == CFStringGetTypeID()) {
	     return CFRetain(formatName);
     } else if (CFGetTypeID(formatName) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) {
	     // Dictionary with the (possibly localized) name as the key, and the encrypted name as the value
	     // If we want the encrypted name, we return the value, else we return the key
	     size_t numEntries = CFDictionaryGetCount((void*)formatName);
	     void *keyNames[numEntries];
	     void *values[numEntries];
	     CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues((void*)formatName, (const void**)&keyNames, (const void**)&values);
	     if (encrypted)
		     return CFRetain(values[0]);
		     return CFRetain(keyNames[0]);
    return CFRetain(formatName);
Пример #11
void ArchHooks_MacOSX::Init()
	// First, handle non-fatal termination signals.
	SignalHandler::OnClose( DoCleanShutdown );
	CrashHandler::CrashHandlerHandleArgs( g_argc, g_argv );
	SignalHandler::OnClose( DoCrashSignalHandler );
	SignalHandler::OnClose( DoEmergencyShutdown );

	// Now that the crash handler is set up, disable crash reporter.
	// Breaks gdb
	// task_set_exception_ports( mach_task_self(), EXC_MASK_ALL, MACH_PORT_NULL, EXCEPTION_DEFAULT, 0 );

	// CF*Copy* functions' return values need to be released, CF*Get* functions' do not.
	CFStringRef key = CFSTR( "ApplicationBundlePath" );

	CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
	CFStringRef appID = CFBundleGetIdentifier( bundle );
	if( appID == NULL )
		// We were probably launched through a symlink. Don't bother hunting down the real path.
	CFStringRef version = CFStringRef( CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(bundle, kCFBundleVersionKey) );
	CFPropertyListRef old = CFPreferencesCopyAppValue( key, appID );
	CFURLRef path = CFBundleCopyBundleURL( bundle );
	CFPropertyListRef value = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( path, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle );
	CFMutableDictionaryRef newDict = NULL;

	if( old && CFGetTypeID(old) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID() )
		CFRelease( old );
		old = NULL;

	if( !old )
		newDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
						     &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks );
		CFDictionaryAddValue( newDict, version, value );
		CFTypeRef oldValue;
		CFDictionaryRef dict = CFDictionaryRef( old );

		if( !CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(dict, version, &oldValue) || !CFEqual(oldValue, value) )
			// The value is either not present or it is but it is different
			newDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, dict );
			CFDictionarySetValue( newDict, version, value );
		CFRelease( old );

	if( newDict )
		CFPreferencesSetAppValue( key, newDict, appID );
		if( !CFPreferencesAppSynchronize(appID) )
			LOG->Warn( "Failed to record the run path." );
		CFRelease( newDict );
	CFRelease( value );
	CFRelease( path );
Пример #12
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructeur
// ------------
bStdExtLib::bStdExtLib(CFBundleRef bndl,
                       bGenericMacMapApp* gapp){
char	path[PATH_MAX];
UInt32	lsign=_kNULLSign_;

CFStringRef	cfs;

CFURLRef	url=CFBundleCopyBundleURL(_bndl);

_te_("bStdExtLib::bStdExtLib returns "+_status);
char	c[256];
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
_tm_(c+" "+(unsigned int*)(&_family)+"\t"+(unsigned int*)(&lsign)+" loaded");
Пример #13
kim_error kim_os_library_get_caller_name (kim_string *out_application_name)
    kim_error err = KIM_NO_ERROR;
    kim_string name = NULL;
    CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle ();
    CFStringRef cfname = NULL;

    if (!err && !out_application_name) { err = check_error (KIM_NULL_PARAMETER_ERR); }

    if (!err && bundle) {
        cfname = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey (bundle,

        if (!cfname || CFGetTypeID (cfname) != CFStringGetTypeID ()) {
            cfname = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey (bundle,

        if (cfname) {
            cfname = CFStringCreateCopy (kCFAllocatorDefault, cfname);

    if (!err && !cfname) {
        kim_string path = NULL;
        CFURLRef cfpath = NULL;
        CFURLRef cfpathnoext = NULL;

        err = kim_os_library_get_application_path (&path);

        if (!err) {
            cfpath = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation (kCFAllocatorDefault,
                                                              (const UInt8 *) path,
                                                              strlen (path),

            if (cfpath) {
                cfpathnoext = CFURLCreateCopyDeletingPathExtension (kCFAllocatorDefault,

            if (cfpathnoext) {
                cfname = CFURLCopyLastPathComponent (cfpathnoext);
            } else {
                cfname = CFURLCopyLastPathComponent (cfpath);

        if (cfpathnoext) { CFRelease (cfpathnoext); }
        if (cfpath     ) { CFRelease (cfpath); }
        kim_string_free (&path);

    if (!err && cfname) {
        err = kim_os_string_create_from_cfstring (&name, cfname);

    if (!err) {
        *out_application_name = name;
        name = NULL;


    if (cfname) { CFRelease (cfname); }
    kim_string_free (&name);

    return check_error (err);
String ResourceHandle::privateBrowsingStorageSessionIdentifierDefaultBase()
    return String(reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>(CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(CFBundleGetMainBundle(), kCFBundleIdentifierKey)));
Пример #15
PreLink(KXKextManagerRef theKextManager, CFDictionaryRef kextDict, 
        const char * kernelCacheFilename,
	const char * kernel_file_name, 
	const char * platform_name,
	const char * root_path,
	CFSetRef kernel_requests,
	Boolean all_plists,
	const NXArchInfo * arch,
	int verbose_level, Boolean debug_mode)
    KXKextManagerError	result = kKXKextManagerErrorFileAccess;
    CFIndex		kexts_count, i;
    KXKextRef *		kexts = NULL;   // must free
    KXKextRef 		theKext = NULL; // don't release

    char symbol_dir[1 + strlen(TEMP_DIR)];
    const char * temp_file = "cache.out";
    int outfd = -1, curwd = -1;

    CFBundleRef kextBundle = NULL;    // don't release
    CFMutableArrayRef      moduleList;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef infoDict;
    vm_offset_t nextKernelVM;

    Boolean	use_existing, kernel_swapped, includeInfo;

    vm_offset_t kernel_file, kernel_map;
    off_t       kernel_size;
    vm_size_t   kernel_file_size, bytes, totalBytes;
    vm_size_t   totalModuleBytes, totalInfoBytes;
    vm_size_t	totalSymbolBytes, totalSymbolSetBytes, totalSymbolDiscardedBytes;
    vm_size_t   remainingModuleBytes, fileoffset, vmoffset, tailoffset;
    CFIndex     idx, ncmds, cmd;
    IOReturn    err;

    struct segment_command * seg;
    struct segment_command * prelinkseg;
    struct section *         prelinksects;
    struct PrelinkState
        kmod_info_t modules[1];
    struct PrelinkState   prelink_state_init;
    struct PrelinkState * prelink_state;
    vm_size_t 		  prelink_size;
    int 		* prelink_dependencies;
    vm_size_t 		  prelink_dependencies_size;
    kmod_info_t * 	  lastInfo;

    struct FileInfo
	vm_offset_t mapped;
	vm_size_t   mappedSize;
	vm_offset_t symtaboffset;
	vm_offset_t symbolsetoffset;
	vm_size_t   symtabsize;
	vm_size_t   symtabdiscarded;
	CFStringRef key;
	KXKextRef   kext;
	Boolean	    code;
	Boolean	    swapped;
    struct FileInfo * files = NULL;

    // --

    symbol_dir[0] = 0;
    moduleList = CFArrayCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );

    if (kKXKextManagerErrorNone !=
        (err = readFile(kernel_file_name, &kernel_file, &kernel_file_size)))
        goto finish;

    find_arch( (u_int8_t **) &kernel_map, &kernel_size, arch->cputype, arch->cpusubtype, 
		(u_int8_t *) kernel_file, kernel_file_size);
    if (!kernel_size) {
	fprintf(stderr, "can't find architecture %s in %s\n",
                arch->name, kernel_file_name);
        err = kKXKextManagerErrorLinkLoad;
        goto finish;

    if (arch->cputype != CPU_TYPE_ANY)
    kernel_swapped = kld_macho_swap((struct mach_header *)kernel_map);

    ncmds = ((struct mach_header *)kernel_map)->ncmds;
    seg = (struct segment_command *)(((struct mach_header *)kernel_map) + 1);
    for (cmd = 0;
            cmd < ncmds;
            cmd++, seg = (struct segment_command *)(((vm_offset_t)seg) + seg->cmdsize))
        if (LC_SEGMENT != seg->cmd)
        if (strcmp("__PRELINK", seg->segname))
    if (cmd >= ncmds)
        fprintf(stderr, "no __PRELINK segment in %s\n", kernel_file_name);
        err = kKXKextManagerErrorLinkLoad;
        goto finish;

    prelinkseg   = seg;
    prelinksects = (struct section *) (prelinkseg + 1);

    if ((prelinkseg->nsects != 3)
     || (strcmp("__text",   prelinksects[0].sectname))
     || (strcmp("__symtab", prelinksects[1].sectname))
     || (strcmp("__info",   prelinksects[2].sectname)))
        fprintf(stderr, "unexpected __PRELINK sections in %s\n", kernel_file_name);
        err = kKXKextManagerErrorLinkLoad;
        goto finish;

    if (!prelinkseg->fileoff)
        prelinkseg->fileoff = prelinksects[0].offset;

    strcpy(symbol_dir, TEMP_DIR);
    if (0 != mkdir(symbol_dir, 0755))
        fprintf(stderr, "mkdir(%s) failed: %s\n", symbol_dir, strerror(errno));
        symbol_dir[0] = 0;
        err = kKXKextManagerErrorFileAccess;
        goto finish;
    curwd = open(".", O_RDONLY, 0);
    if (0 != chdir(symbol_dir))
        err = kKXKextManagerErrorFileAccess;
        goto finish;

    use_existing = false;
    if (!use_existing)
	int fd;

        bzero(&prelink_state_init, sizeof(prelink_state_init));
        prelink_state_init.modules[0].address = prelinkseg->vmaddr;

	fd = open("prelinkstate", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0755);
	if (-1 == fd)
            perror("create prelinkstate failed");
            err = kKXKextManagerErrorFileAccess;
            goto finish;
        err = writeFile(fd, &prelink_state_init, sizeof(prelink_state_init));
        if (kKXKextManagerErrorNone != err)
            goto finish;

   /* Prepare to iterate over the kexts in the dictionary.
    kexts_count = CFDictionaryGetCount(kextDict);
    kexts       = (KXKextRef *) calloc(kexts_count, sizeof(KXKextRef));

    if (!kexts) {
        fprintf(stderr, "memory allocation failure\n");
        err = kKXKextManagerErrorNoMemory;
        goto finish;
    CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(kextDict, (const void **)NULL, (const void **)kexts);

    for (i = 0; i < kexts_count; i++)
	Boolean linkit;

        theKext = (KXKextRef) kexts[i];
	linkit = KXKextGetDeclaresExecutable(theKext)
		&& (kextBundle = KXKextGetBundle(theKext));
	if (linkit && kernel_requests)
	    CFStringRef bundleIdentifier = CFBundleGetIdentifier(kextBundle);
	    linkit = (bundleIdentifier 
			&& CFSetContainsValue(kernel_requests, bundleIdentifier));

        if (linkit)
	    result = _KXKextManagerPrepareKextForLoading(
			    theKextManager, theKext, NULL /*kext_name*/,
			    FALSE /*check_loaded_for_dependencies*/,
			    FALSE /*do_load*/,
			    NULL  /*inauthenticKexts*/);

	    if (!use_existing && (result == kKXKextManagerErrorNone)) {

		result = _KXKextManagerLoadKextUsingOptions(
			    theKextManager, theKext, NULL /*kext_name*/, kernel_file_name,
			    NULL /*patch_dir*/,
			    kKXKextManagerLoadPrelink     /*load_options*/,
			    FALSE /*do_start_kmod*/,
			    0     /*interactive_level*/,
			    FALSE /*ask_overwrite_symbols*/,
			    FALSE /*overwrite_symbols*/,
			    FALSE /*get_addrs_from_kernel*/,
			    0     /*num_addresses*/, NULL /*addresses*/);

	    if ((result != kKXKextManagerErrorNone) && (verbose_level > 0))
                const char * kext_path = NULL; // must free

                kext_path = _KXKextCopyCanonicalPathnameAsCString(theKext);
                if (kext_path) {
                    fprintf(stderr, kext_path);
		    free((char *)kext_path);
		fprintf(stderr, " error 0x%x\n", result);
	struct module_header {
	    struct mach_header	   h;
	    struct segment_command seg[1];
	struct module_header * header;
	int num_modules;

        if (kKXKextManagerErrorNone !=
            (err = readFile("prelinkstate", 
                            (vm_offset_t *) &prelink_state, &prelink_size)))
	    goto finish;

        if (kKXKextManagerErrorNone !=
            (err = readFile("prelinkdependencies", 
			(vm_offset_t *) &prelink_dependencies, &prelink_dependencies_size)))
	    goto finish;

	num_modules =  prelink_state->modules[0].id;
	nextKernelVM = prelink_state->modules[0].address;

	if (!num_modules || (prelink_size < ((num_modules + 1) * sizeof(kmod_info_t))))
	    fprintf(stderr, "read prelinkstate failed\n");
            err = kKXKextManagerErrorFileAccess;
	    goto finish;
	if (verbose_level > 0)
	    verbose_log("%d modules - code VM 0x%lx - 0x%x (0x%lx, %.2f Mb)",
			num_modules, prelinkseg->vmaddr, nextKernelVM,
			nextKernelVM - prelinkseg->vmaddr,
			((float)(nextKernelVM - prelinkseg->vmaddr)) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 );

	// map files, get sizes
        files = (struct FileInfo *) calloc(num_modules, sizeof(struct FileInfo));
	totalModuleBytes = 0;
	for (idx = 0; idx < num_modules; idx++)
	    files[idx].key = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault,
				prelink_state->modules[1+idx].name, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);

	    files[idx].kext = KXKextManagerGetKextWithIdentifier(theKextManager, files[idx].key);

	    if (!prelink_state->modules[1+idx].size)

            if (kKXKextManagerErrorNone !=
                (err = readFile(prelink_state->modules[1+idx].name, 
                                &files[idx].mapped, &files[idx].mappedSize)))
		goto finish;

	    header = (struct module_header *) files[idx].mapped;
	    files[idx].swapped = kld_macho_swap(&header->h);
	    files[idx].code    = (LC_SEGMENT == header->seg[0].cmd);

	    if (files[idx].code)
		totalModuleBytes += header->seg[0].vmaddr + round_page(header->seg[0].vmsize) 
				    - prelink_state->modules[1+idx].address;

	totalSymbolBytes          = 0;
	totalSymbolDiscardedBytes = 0;
	totalSymbolSetBytes       = 0;
	remainingModuleBytes      = totalModuleBytes;

	// create prelinked kernel file

	outfd = open("mach_kernel.prelink", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666);
	if (-1 == outfd) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "can't create %s: %s\n", "mach_kernel.prelink",
            err = kKXKextManagerErrorFileAccess;
	    goto finish;

	// start writing at the prelink segs file offset
	if (-1 == lseek(outfd, prelinkseg->fileoff, SEEK_SET)) {
            perror("couldn't write output");
            err = kKXKextManagerErrorFileAccess;
	    goto finish;

	for (idx = 0, lastInfo = NULL; idx < num_modules; idx++)
	    kmod_info_t *           info;
	    unsigned long           modcmd;
	    struct symtab_command * symcmd;
	    struct section *        sect;
	    vm_size_t               headerOffset;

	    if (!files[idx].code && prelink_state->modules[1+idx].size)
		// for symbol sets the whole file ends up in the symbol sect
		files[idx].symtaboffset    = 0;
	        files[idx].symtabsize      = prelink_state->modules[1+idx].size;
		files[idx].symbolsetoffset = totalSymbolBytes;
		totalSymbolBytes       += files[idx].symtabsize;
		totalSymbolSetBytes    += files[idx].symtabsize;

	    header = (struct module_header *) files[idx].mapped;

	    // patch kmod_info 

	    info = (kmod_info_t *) (prelink_state->modules[1+idx].id - header->seg[0].vmaddr
					+ header->seg[0].fileoff + files[idx].mapped);
	    info->next       = lastInfo;
	    lastInfo         = info;
	    bcopy(prelink_state->modules[1+idx].name, info->name, sizeof(info->name));
	    bcopy(prelink_state->modules[1+idx].version, info->version, sizeof(info->version));
	    info->address    = prelink_state->modules[1+idx].address;
	    info->size       = prelink_state->modules[1+idx].size;
	    info->id         = prelink_state->modules[1+idx].id;
	    info->hdr_size   = header->seg[0].vmaddr - prelink_state->modules[1+idx].address;

	    // patch offsets
	    // how far back the header moves
	    headerOffset = info->hdr_size - header->seg[0].fileoff;

	    header->seg[0].fileoff  += headerOffset;
	    header->seg[0].filesize += headerOffset;

	    // module code size
	    tailoffset = round_page(header->seg[0].vmsize) + info->hdr_size - headerOffset;

	    for (modcmd = 0, sect = (struct section *) &header->seg[1];
		 modcmd < header->seg[0].nsects;
		 modcmd++, sect++)
		sect->offset += headerOffset;

	    for (modcmd = 0, seg = &header->seg[0];
		    (modcmd < header->h.ncmds) && (LC_SYMTAB != seg->cmd);
		    modcmd++, seg = (struct segment_command *)(((vm_offset_t)seg) + seg->cmdsize))
	    if (modcmd >= header->h.ncmds)
		fprintf(stderr, "No LC_SYMTAB in %s\n", prelink_state->modules[1+idx].name);
                err = kKXKextManagerErrorLinkLoad;
		goto finish;
	    symcmd = (struct symtab_command *) seg;

	    theKext = files[idx].kext;
	    if (false
	     && theKext
	     && (kextBundle = KXKextGetBundle(theKext))
	     && CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(kextBundle, CFSTR("OSBundleCompatibleVersion")))
		// keeping symbols for this module
		struct nlist *		sym;
		long			align, lastUsedOffset = 0;
		const char *		lastUsedString;
		unsigned int 		strIdx;

		files[idx].symtaboffset = symcmd->symoff;
		files[idx].symtabsize   = symcmd->nsyms * sizeof(struct nlist);

		// .. but just the external strings
		sym = (struct nlist *) (symcmd->symoff + files[idx].mapped);
		for(strIdx = 0; strIdx < symcmd->nsyms; strIdx++, sym++)
		    if (!lastUsedOffset)
			lastUsedOffset = sym->n_un.n_strx;
		    else if (!(sym->n_type & N_EXT))
			sym->n_un.n_strx = 0;
		    else if (sym->n_un.n_strx > lastUsedOffset)
			lastUsedOffset = sym->n_un.n_strx;

		lastUsedString  = (const char *) (symcmd->stroff + lastUsedOffset + files[idx].mapped);
		lastUsedOffset += (1 + strlen(lastUsedString));
		align = lastUsedOffset % sizeof(long);
		if (align)
		    align = sizeof(long) - align;
		    bzero((void *) (symcmd->stroff + lastUsedOffset + files[idx].mapped), align);
		    lastUsedOffset += align;
		files[idx].symtabsize     += lastUsedOffset;
		files[idx].symtabdiscarded = symcmd->strsize - lastUsedOffset;
		symcmd->strsize            = lastUsedOffset;

		// unswap symbols
		kld_macho_unswap(&header->h, files[idx].swapped, 1);

		// patch offset to symbols
		// how far ahead the symtab moves
		bytes = remainingModuleBytes + totalSymbolBytes;

		symcmd->symoff    = bytes;
		symcmd->stroff   += bytes - files[idx].symtaboffset;
		totalSymbolBytes          += files[idx].symtabsize;
		totalSymbolDiscardedBytes += files[idx].symtabdiscarded;
		// ditching symbols for this module
		files[idx].symtaboffset = 0;
		files[idx].symtabsize   = 0;
		symcmd->nsyms           = 0;
		symcmd->symoff          = 0;
		symcmd->stroff          = 0;

	    remainingModuleBytes -= prelink_state->modules[1+idx].size;

	    // unswap rest of module
	    if (files[idx].swapped)
		info->next       = (void *) NXSwapLong((long) info->next);
		info->address    = NXSwapLong(info->address);
		info->size       = NXSwapLong(info->size);
		info->hdr_size   = NXSwapLong(info->hdr_size);
		info->id         = NXSwapLong(info->id);
	    kld_macho_unswap(&header->h, files[idx].swapped, -1);
	    files[idx].swapped = false;
	    header = 0;
	    info   = 0;
	    // copy header to start of VM allocation
	    if (kKXKextManagerErrorNone !=
                (err = writeFile(outfd, (const void *) files[idx].mapped, headerOffset)))
                goto finish;

	    // write the module
            if (kKXKextManagerErrorNone !=
                (err = writeFile(outfd, (const void *) files[idx].mapped, tailoffset )))
                goto finish;

	// write the symtabs, get info, unmap

	for (idx = 0; idx < num_modules; idx++)
	    bytes = files[idx].symtabsize;
	    if (bytes && prelink_state->modules[1+idx].size)
		if (files[idx].mappedSize < (files[idx].symtaboffset + bytes))
		    fprintf(stderr, "%s is truncated\n", prelink_state->modules[1+idx].name);
		    result = kKXKextManagerErrorFileAccess;
		    goto finish;
		else if (files[idx].mappedSize >
			(files[idx].symtaboffset + bytes + files[idx].symtabdiscarded))
		    fprintf(stderr, "%s has extra data\n", prelink_state->modules[1+idx].name);
		// write symtab
                if (kKXKextManagerErrorNone !=
                    (err = writeFile(outfd, (const void *) files[idx].mapped + files[idx].symtaboffset, bytes)))
                    goto finish;
	    // unmap file
	    if (files[idx].mappedSize)
		vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), files[idx].mapped, files[idx].mappedSize);
		files[idx].mapped     = 0;
		files[idx].mappedSize = 0;

	    // make info dict

	    theKext = files[idx].kext;
	    infoDict = NULL;

	    includeInfo = (theKext && (kextBundle = KXKextGetBundle(theKext)));
	    if (includeInfo && !all_plists)
		CFStringRef str;
		// check OSBundleRequired to see if safe for boot time matching
		str = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(kextBundle, CFSTR("OSBundleRequired"));
		includeInfo = (str && (kCFCompareEqualTo != CFStringCompare(str, CFSTR("Safe Boot"), 0)));

	    if (includeInfo)
		infoDict = copyInfoDict(kextBundle);

	    if (!infoDict)
		if (debug_mode > 0)
		    verbose_log("skip info for %s", prelink_state->modules[1+idx].name);
		infoDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(
		    kCFAllocatorDefault, 0,
		CFDictionarySetValue(infoDict, CFSTR("CFBundleIdentifier"), files[idx].key);
	    files[idx].key = 0;

	    if (prelink_state->modules[1+idx].address)
		CFMutableDataRef data;
		enum {		 kPrelinkReservedCount = 4 };
		UInt32		 prelinkInfo[kPrelinkReservedCount];

		prelinkInfo[0] = NXSwapHostIntToBig(prelink_state->modules[1+idx].id);
		prelinkInfo[1] = NXSwapHostIntToBig(0);
		prelinkInfo[2] = NXSwapHostIntToBig(sizeof(prelinkInfo));
		prelinkInfo[3] = NXSwapHostIntToBig(
			prelink_state->modules[1+idx].reference_count * sizeof(UInt32)
			+ sizeof(prelinkInfo));

		data = CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
		CFDataAppendBytes( data,
				    (const UInt8 *) prelinkInfo, 
				    sizeof(prelinkInfo) );

		if (prelink_state->modules[1+idx].reference_count)
		    CFIndex start = (CFIndex) prelink_state->modules[1+idx].reference_list;
		    CFDataAppendBytes( data, 
					(const UInt8 *) &prelink_dependencies[start], 
					prelink_state->modules[1+idx].reference_count * sizeof(CFIndex) );
		CFDictionarySetValue(infoDict, CFSTR("OSBundlePrelink"), data);
	    else if (files[idx].symtabsize)
		CFNumberRef num;
		num = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type,
					(const void *) &files[idx].symbolsetoffset);
		CFDictionarySetValue(infoDict, CFSTR("OSBundlePrelinkSymbols"), num);
	    CFArrayAppendValue(moduleList, infoDict);

	bytes = round_page(totalSymbolBytes) - totalSymbolBytes;
	totalSymbolBytes += bytes;
	if (-1 == lseek(outfd, bytes, SEEK_CUR)) {
            perror("couldn't write output");
            err = kKXKextManagerErrorFileAccess;
	    goto finish;

	// deferred load __info
	if (!all_plists)
	 for (i = 0; i < kexts_count; i++)
	    theKext = (KXKextRef) kexts[i];
	    for (idx = 0;
		(idx < num_modules) && (theKext != files[idx].kext);
		idx++)	{}
	    if (idx < num_modules)

	    includeInfo = (theKext && (kextBundle = KXKextGetBundle(theKext)));
	    if (includeInfo)
		CFStringRef str;
		// check OSBundleRequired to see if safe for boot time matching
		str = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(kextBundle, CFSTR("OSBundleRequired"));
		includeInfo = (str && (kCFCompareEqualTo != CFStringCompare(str, CFSTR("Safe Boot"), 0)));
		if (includeInfo)
		    infoDict = copyInfoDict(kextBundle);
		    if (infoDict)
			CFDictionarySetValue(infoDict, CFSTR("OSBundleDefer"), kCFBooleanTrue);
			CFArrayAppendValue(moduleList, infoDict);

	// write __info
	    CFDataRef data;
	    data = IOCFSerialize(moduleList, kNilOptions);
            if (!data)
                fprintf(stderr, "couldn't serialize property lists\n");
                err = kKXKextManagerErrorSerialization;
                goto finish;
	    totalInfoBytes = round_page(CFDataGetLength(data));
	    if (kKXKextManagerErrorNone !=
                (err = writeFile(outfd, CFDataGetBytePtr(data), CFDataGetLength(data))))
                goto finish;
	    if (-1 == lseek(outfd, totalInfoBytes - CFDataGetLength(data), SEEK_CUR)) {
		perror("couldn't write output");
		err = kKXKextManagerErrorFileAccess;
		goto finish;


	totalBytes = totalModuleBytes + totalSymbolBytes + totalInfoBytes;
	if (verbose_level > 0)
	    verbose_log("added 0x%x bytes %.2f Mb (code 0x%x + symbol 0x%x + sets 0x%x - strings 0x%x + info 0x%x)",
			    totalBytes, ((float) totalBytes) / 1024.0 / 1024.0,
			    totalSymbolBytes, totalSymbolSetBytes, totalSymbolDiscardedBytes,
	fileoffset = totalBytes - prelinkseg->filesize;
	vmoffset   = totalBytes - round_page(prelinkseg->filesize);

	// unswap kernel symbols

	kld_macho_unswap((struct mach_header *)kernel_map, kernel_swapped, 1);

	// write tail of base kernel

	tailoffset = prelinkseg->fileoff + prelinkseg->filesize;

        if (kKXKextManagerErrorNone !=
            (err = writeFile(outfd, (const void *) (kernel_map + tailoffset),  kernel_size - tailoffset)))
            goto finish;

	// patch prelink sects sizes and offsets

	prelinkseg->vmsize     = totalBytes;
	prelinkseg->filesize   = totalBytes;

	prelinksects[0].size   = totalModuleBytes;

	prelinksects[1].addr   = prelinksects[0].addr + totalModuleBytes;
	prelinksects[1].size   = totalSymbolBytes;
	prelinksects[1].offset = prelinksects[0].offset + totalModuleBytes;

	prelinksects[2].addr   = prelinksects[1].addr + totalSymbolBytes;
	prelinksects[2].size   = totalInfoBytes;
	prelinksects[2].offset = prelinksects[1].offset + totalSymbolBytes;

	// patch following segs address & offsets

	seg = prelinkseg;
	for (; cmd < ncmds; cmd++)
	    seg = (struct segment_command *)(((vm_offset_t)seg) + seg->cmdsize);
	    if (LC_SYMTAB == seg->cmd)
		((struct symtab_command *)seg)->symoff += fileoffset;
		((struct symtab_command *)seg)->stroff += fileoffset;
	    else if (LC_SEGMENT == seg->cmd)
		seg->fileoff += fileoffset;
		seg->vmaddr  += vmoffset;

	bytes = prelinkseg->fileoff;
	// unswap kernel headers

	kld_macho_unswap((struct mach_header *)kernel_map, kernel_swapped, -1);
	kernel_swapped = false;
	prelinkseg = 0;

	// write head of base kernel, & free it

	if (-1 == lseek(outfd, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
            perror("couldn't write output");
            err = kKXKextManagerErrorFileAccess;
	    goto finish;
        if (kKXKextManagerErrorNone !=
            (err = writeFile(outfd, (const void *) kernel_map, bytes)))
            goto finish;

	outfd = -1;

	vm_deallocate( mach_task_self(), kernel_file, kernel_file_size );
	kernel_file = 0;
	kernel_map  = 0;

    // compresss
	char *    buf;
	char *    bufend;
	vm_size_t bufsize;
	struct {
	    uint32_t  signature;
	    uint32_t  compress_type;
	    uint32_t  adler32;
	    vm_size_t uncompressed_size;
	    vm_size_t compressed_size;
	    uint32_t  reserved[11];
	    char      platform_name[64];
	    char      root_path[256];
	    char      data[0];
	} kernel_header = { 0 };

        if (kKXKextManagerErrorNone !=
            (err = readFile("mach_kernel.prelink", &kernel_file, &kernel_file_size)))
	    goto finish;

	bufsize = kernel_file_size;
	buf = malloc(bufsize);
	kernel_header.signature		= NXSwapHostIntToBig('comp');
	kernel_header.compress_type	= NXSwapHostIntToBig('lzss');
	kernel_header.adler32		= NXSwapHostIntToBig(local_adler32(
		    (u_int8_t *) kernel_file, kernel_file_size));
	kernel_header.uncompressed_size = NXSwapHostIntToBig(kernel_file_size);

	strcpy(kernel_header.platform_name, platform_name);
	strcpy(kernel_header.root_path, root_path);

	if (verbose_level > 0)
	    verbose_log("adler32 0x%08x, compressing...", NXSwapBigIntToHost(kernel_header.adler32));
	bufend = compress_lzss(buf, bufsize, (u_int8_t *) kernel_file, kernel_file_size);
	totalBytes = bufend - buf;
	kernel_header.compressed_size = NXSwapHostIntToBig(totalBytes);
	if (verbose_level > 0)
	    verbose_log("final size 0x%x bytes %.2f Mb", totalBytes, ((float) totalBytes) / 1024.0 / 1024.0);

	vm_deallocate( mach_task_self(), kernel_file, kernel_file_size );

	outfd = open(temp_file, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666);
	if (-1 == outfd) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "can't create %s - %s\n", temp_file,
            err = kKXKextManagerErrorFileAccess;
	    goto finish;

	// write header
        if (kKXKextManagerErrorNone !=
            (err = writeFile(outfd, &kernel_header, sizeof(kernel_header))))
            goto finish;
	// write compressed data
        if (kKXKextManagerErrorNone !=
            (err = writeFile(outfd, buf, bufend - buf)))
            goto finish;

	outfd = -1;

    // move it to the final destination
    if (-1 == rename(temp_file, kernelCacheFilename)) {
	fprintf(stderr, "can't create file %s: %s\n", kernelCacheFilename,
	err = kKXKextManagerErrorFileAccess;
	goto finish;

    if (verbose_level > 0)
	verbose_log("created cache: %s", kernelCacheFilename);

    result = kKXKextManagerErrorNone;


    if (-1 != outfd)

    if (debug_mode)
	symbol_dir[0] = 0;

    if (symbol_dir[0])
        FTS *    fts;
        FTSENT * fts_entry;
        char *   paths[2];
        paths[0] = symbol_dir;
        paths[1] = 0;
        fts = fts_open(paths, FTS_NOCHDIR, NULL);
        if (fts) 
            while ((fts_entry = fts_read(fts)))
                if (fts_entry->fts_errno)
                if (FTS_F != fts_entry->fts_info)
                if (-1 == unlink(fts_entry->fts_path))
                    fprintf(stderr, "can't remove file %s: %s\n", 
                                fts_entry->fts_path, strerror(errno));

    if (-1 != curwd)
    if (symbol_dir[0] && (-1 == rmdir(symbol_dir)))

    if (kexts)
    if (files)

    return result;
Пример #16
void DebugPreflight(const char *logname, bool redirect, int level, int perms)
	// If we've preflighted already, just return
	if (gPreflighted) return;

	if (!gOutputFILE)
		gOutputFILE = stderr;
	if (!gOutputFileNo)
		gOutputFileNo = STDERR_FILENO;
	// Ignore logfile directives on iOS -- we always go to stderr
	if (logname && *logname)
		char	buffer[PATH_MAX*2+1] = {0};
		// Determine where the log file will go
		if (*logname != '/')
			const char * home = getenv("HOME");
			if (! geteuid())
				strcpy(buffer, "/var/log/");
			else if (home)
#if __APPLE__
				snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/Library/Logs/", home);
				snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/log/", home);
#endif // __APPLE__
				mkdir(buffer, 0700);
		strncat(buffer, logname, sizeof(buffer)-strlen(buffer)-1);
		if (! strstr(logname, ".log") && ! strstr(logname, ".txt"))
			strncat(buffer, ".log", sizeof(buffer)-strlen(buffer)-1);
		// Close the previous file
		if (gOutputFILE && (gOutputFILE != stderr))
		if ((strlen(buffer) <= PATH_MAX) && (gOutputFILE = fopen(buffer, "a")))
			// Open a new file and use it's file descriptor for our logging
			setvbuf(gOutputFILE, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
			gOutputFileNo = fileno(gOutputFILE);
			fchmod(gOutputFileNo, (perms) ? perms : 0600);
			// Default back to stderr
			gOutputFILE = stderr;
			gOutputFileNo = STDERR_FILENO;
	if (!gPreflighted)
		time_t		now;
		char		stamp[26] = "";
		char		name[PATH_MAX] = "";
		char		vers[32] = "";
		CFStringRef cfstr = NULL;

		// Print a pretty header
		ctime_r(&now, stamp);
		strtok(stamp, "\n");
		fprintf(gOutputFILE, "--- Log opened %s ---\n", stamp);

		if ((cfstr = (CFStringRef) CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(
				CFBundleGetMainBundle(), CFSTR("CFBundleName"))))
			CFStringGetCString(cfstr, name, sizeof(name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
		if ((cfstr = (CFStringRef) CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(
				CFBundleGetMainBundle(), CFSTR("CFBundleVersion"))))
			CFStringGetCString(cfstr, vers, sizeof(vers), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
		if (*name)
			fprintf(gOutputFILE, "--- %s %s ---\n", name, vers);
			// Handle non-bundle processes (daemons, command-line tools)
			proc_name(getpid(), name, (uint32_t) sizeof(name));
			if (*name) 
  #if defined(VERSION)
				fprintf(gOutputFILE, "--- %s %s ---\n", name, VERSION);
				fprintf(gOutputFILE, "--- %s ---\n", name);
  #endif // VERSION

		// Ensure this has been preflighted as well
		if (gDebugLevel == 1)
		gPreflighted = true;

Пример #17
IOUSBIUnknown::GetIOUSBLibVersion(NumVersion *ioUSBLibVersion, NumVersion *usbFamilyVersion)
    CFURLRef    bundleURL;
    CFBundleRef myBundle;
    UInt32  	usbFamilyBundleVersion;
    UInt32  	usbLibBundleVersion;
    UInt32 * 	tmp;
    // Make a CFURLRef from the CFString representation of the
    // bundle's path. See the Core Foundation URL Services chapter
    // for details.
    bundleURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(
                                              true );
    // Make a bundle instance using the URLRef.
    myBundle = CFBundleCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, bundleURL );
    // Look for the bundle's version number.  CFBundleGetVersionNumber() does not deal with versions > 99, so if
    // we get 0, roll our own decoding
    usbFamilyBundleVersion = CFBundleGetVersionNumber( myBundle );
    if (usbFamilyBundleVersion == 0)
        usbFamilyBundleVersion = _versionNumberFromString((CFStringRef)CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(myBundle, kCFBundleVersionKey));
    // Any CF objects returned from functions with "create" or
    // "copy" in their names must be released by us!
    CFRelease( bundleURL );
    CFRelease( myBundle );
    // Make a CFURLRef from the CFString representation of the
    // bundle's path. See the Core Foundation URL Services chapter
    // for details.
    bundleURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(
                                              true );
    // Make a bundle instance using the URLRef.
    myBundle = CFBundleCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, bundleURL );
    // Look for the bundle's version number.  CFBundleGetVersionNumber() does not deal with versions > 99, so if
    // we get 0, roll our own decoding
    usbLibBundleVersion = CFBundleGetVersionNumber( myBundle );
    if (usbLibBundleVersion == 0)
        usbLibBundleVersion = _versionNumberFromString((CFStringRef)CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(myBundle, kCFBundleVersionKey));
    // Any CF objects returned from functions with "create" or
    // "copy" in their names must be released by us!
    CFRelease( bundleURL );
    CFRelease( myBundle );
    // Cast the NumVersion to a UInt32 so we can just copy the data directly in.
    if ( ioUSBLibVersion )
        tmp = (UInt32 *) ioUSBLibVersion;
        *tmp = usbLibBundleVersion;
    if ( usbFamilyVersion )
        tmp = (UInt32 *) usbFamilyVersion;
        *tmp = usbFamilyBundleVersion;
    return kIOReturnSuccess;
Пример #18
bool PluginPackage::fetchInfo()
    if (!load())
        return false;

    WTF::RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> mimeDict;

    WTF::RetainPtr<CFTypeRef> mimeTypesFileName = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(m_module, CFSTR("WebPluginMIMETypesFilename"));
    if (mimeTypesFileName && CFGetTypeID(mimeTypesFileName.get()) == CFStringGetTypeID()) {

        WTF::RetainPtr<CFStringRef> fileName = (CFStringRef)mimeTypesFileName.get();
        WTF::RetainPtr<CFStringRef> homeDir = homeDirectoryPath().createCFString();
        WTF::RetainPtr<CFStringRef> path = CFStringCreateWithFormat(0, 0, CFSTR("%@/Library/Preferences/%@"), homeDir.get(), fileName.get());

        WTF::RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> plist = readPListFile(path.get(), /*createFile*/ false, m_module);
        if (plist) {
            // If the plist isn't localized, have the plug-in recreate it in the preferred language.
            WTF::RetainPtr<CFStringRef> localizationName =
                (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(plist.get(), CFSTR("WebPluginLocalizationName"));
            CFLocaleRef locale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
            if (localizationName != CFLocaleGetIdentifier(locale))
                plist = readPListFile(path.get(), /*createFile*/ true, m_module);

        } else {
            // Plist doesn't exist, ask the plug-in to create it.
            plist = readPListFile(path.get(), /*createFile*/ true, m_module);

        mimeDict = (CFDictionaryRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(plist.get(), CFSTR("WebPluginMIMETypes"));

    if (!mimeDict)
        mimeDict = (CFDictionaryRef)CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(m_module, CFSTR("WebPluginMIMETypes"));

    if (mimeDict) {
        CFIndex propCount = CFDictionaryGetCount(mimeDict.get());
        Vector<const void*, 128> keys(propCount);
        Vector<const void*, 128> values(propCount);
        CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(mimeDict.get(), keys.data(), values.data());
        for (int i = 0; i < propCount; ++i) {
            String mimeType = (CFStringRef)keys[i];
            mimeType = mimeType.lower();

            WTF::RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> extensionsDict = (CFDictionaryRef)values[i];

            WTF:RetainPtr<CFNumberRef> enabled = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(extensionsDict.get(), CFSTR("WebPluginTypeEnabled"));
            if (enabled) {
                int enabledValue = 0;
                if (CFNumberGetValue(enabled.get(), kCFNumberIntType, &enabledValue) && enabledValue == 0)

            Vector<String> mimeExtensions;
            WTF::RetainPtr<CFArrayRef> extensions = (CFArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(extensionsDict.get(), CFSTR("WebPluginExtensions"));
            if (extensions) {
                CFIndex extensionCount = CFArrayGetCount(extensions.get());
                for (CFIndex i = 0; i < extensionCount; ++i) {
                    String extension =(CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(extensions.get(), i);
                    extension = extension.lower();
            m_mimeToExtensions.set(mimeType, mimeExtensions);

            String description = (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(extensionsDict.get(), CFSTR("WebPluginTypeDescription"));
            m_mimeToDescriptions.set(mimeType, description);

        m_name = (CFStringRef)CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(m_module, CFSTR("WebPluginName"));
        m_description = (CFStringRef)CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(m_module, CFSTR("WebPluginDescription"));

    } else {
        int resFile = CFBundleOpenBundleResourceMap(m_module);


        Vector<String> mimes = stringListFromResourceId(MIMEListStringStringNumber);

        if (mimes.size() % 2 != 0)
            return false;

        Vector<String> descriptions = stringListFromResourceId(MIMEDescriptionStringNumber);
        if (descriptions.size() != mimes.size() / 2)
            return false;

        for (size_t i = 0;  i < mimes.size(); i += 2) {
            String mime = mimes[i].lower();
            Vector<String> extensions;
            mimes[i + 1].lower().split(UChar(','), extensions);

            m_mimeToExtensions.set(mime, extensions);

            m_mimeToDescriptions.set(mime, descriptions[i / 2]);

        Vector<String> names = stringListFromResourceId(PluginNameOrDescriptionStringNumber);
        if (names.size() == 2) {
            m_description = names[0];
            m_name = names[1];

        CFBundleCloseBundleResourceMap(m_module, resFile);

    LOG(Plugins, "PluginPackage::fetchInfo(): Found plug-in '%s'", m_name.utf8().data());
    if (isPluginBlacklisted()) {
        LOG(Plugins, "\tPlug-in is blacklisted!");
        return false;

    return true;
Пример #19
QSettingsPrivate *QSettingsPrivate::create(QSettings::Format format,
                                           QSettings::Scope scope,
                                           const QString &organization,
                                           const QString &application)
    static bool useAppLocalStorage = false;
    static bool initialized = false;

    if (!initialized) {
        bool inSandbox = false;

        // If we are running on at least 10.7.0 and have the com.apple.security.app-sandbox
        // entitlement, we are in a sandbox
        SInt32 version = 0;
        Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &version);
        SecCodeRef secCodeSelf;
        if (version >= 0x1070 && SecCodeCopySelf(kSecCSDefaultFlags, &secCodeSelf) == errSecSuccess) {
            SecRequirementRef sandboxReq;
            CFStringRef entitlement = CFSTR("entitlement [\"com.apple.security.app-sandbox\"]");
            if (SecRequirementCreateWithString(entitlement, kSecCSDefaultFlags, &sandboxReq) == errSecSuccess) {
                if (SecCodeCheckValidity(secCodeSelf, kSecCSDefaultFlags, sandboxReq) == errSecSuccess)
                    inSandbox = true;

        bool forAppStore = false;
        if (!inSandbox) {
            CFTypeRef val = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(CFBundleGetMainBundle(), CFSTR("ForAppStore"));
            forAppStore = (val &&
                           CFGetTypeID(val) == CFStringGetTypeID() &&
                           CFStringCompare(CFStringRef(val), CFSTR("yes"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) == 0);

        useAppLocalStorage = inSandbox || forAppStore;
        initialized = true;

    if (useAppLocalStorage) {
        // Ensure that the global and app-local settings go to the same file, since that's
        // what we really want
        if (organization == QLatin1String("Trolltech") ||
                organization.isEmpty() ||
                (organization == qApp->organizationDomain() && application == qApp->applicationName()) ||
                (organization == qApp->organizationName()) && application == qApp->applicationName())
            CFStringRef bundleIdentifier = CFBundleGetIdentifier(CFBundleGetMainBundle());
            if (!bundleIdentifier) {
                qWarning("QSettingsPrivate::create: You must set the bundle identifier when using ForAppStore");
            } else {
                QSettingsPrivate* settings = new QMacSettingsPrivate(bundleIdentifier);
                if (organization == QLatin1String("Trolltech"))
                return settings;

    if (format == QSettings::NativeFormat) {
        return new QMacSettingsPrivate(scope, organization, application);
    } else {
        return new QConfFileSettingsPrivate(format, scope, organization, application);
Пример #20
UBApplication::UBApplication(const QString &id, int &argc, char **argv) : QtSingleApplication(id, argc, argv)
  , mPreferencesController(NULL)
  , mApplicationTranslator(NULL)
  , mQtGuiTranslator(NULL)

    staticMemoryCleaner = new QObject(0); // deleted in UBApplication destructor



#if defined(Q_WS_MAC) && !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG)
    CFStringRef shortVersion = (CFStringRef)CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(CFBundleGetMainBundle(), CFSTR("CFBundleShortVersionString"));
    const char *version = CFStringGetCStringPtr(shortVersion, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);

    QStringList args = arguments();

    mIsVerbose = args.contains("-v")
        || args.contains("-verbose")
        || args.contains("verbose")
        || args.contains("-log")
        || args.contains("log");


    if (!undoStack)
        undoStack = new QUndoStack(staticMemoryCleaner);


    UBSettings *settings = UBSettings::settings();

    QString forcedLanguage("");
    	forcedLanguage=args.at(args.indexOf("-lang") + 1);
    	QString setLanguage = settings->appPreferredLanguage->get().toString();
    		forcedLanguage = setLanguage;

    connect(settings->appToolBarPositionedAtTop, SIGNAL(changed(QVariant)), this, SLOT(toolBarPositionChanged(QVariant)));
    connect(settings->appToolBarDisplayText, SIGNAL(changed(QVariant)), this, SLOT(toolBarDisplayTextChanged(QVariant)));

#ifndef Q_WS_MAC

    setStyle(new UBStyle()); // Style is owned and deleted by the application

    QString css = UBFileSystemUtils::readTextFile(UBPlatformUtils::applicationResourcesDirectory() + "/etc/Uniboard.css");
    if (css.length() > 0)

    QApplication::setStartDragDistance(8); // default is 4, and is a bit small for tablets


Пример #21
void propertyListExample (void) {
    CFMutableDictionaryRef dict;
    CFNumberRef num;
    CFArrayRef array;
    CFDataRef data;
    #define NumKids 2
    CFStringRef kidsNames[] = { CFSTR ("John"), CFSTR ("Kyra") };
    #define NumPets 0
    int yearOfBirth = 1965;
    #define NumBytesInPic 10
    const unsigned char pic[ NumBytesInPic ] = { 0x3c, 0x42, 0x81, 0xa5, 0x81, 0xa5, 0x99, 0x81, 0x42, 0x3c };
    CFDataRef xmlPropertyListData;
    CFStringRef xmlAsString;

    // Create and populate a pretty standard mutable dictionary: CFString keys, CF type values.
    // To be written out as a "propertyList", the tree of CF types can contain only:
    //   CFDictionary, CFArray, CFString, CFData, CFNumber, and CFDate.
    // In addition, the keys of the dictionaries should be CFStrings.

    dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable (NULL, 0, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks );

    CFDictionarySetValue (dict, CFSTR ("Name"), CFSTR ("John Doe"));

    CFDictionarySetValue (dict, CFSTR ("City of Birth"), CFSTR ("Springfield"));

    num = CFNumberCreate (NULL, kCFNumberIntType, &yearOfBirth);
    CFDictionarySetValue (dict, CFSTR ("Year Of Birth"), num);
    CFRelease (num);

    array = CFArrayCreate (NULL, (const void **)kidsNames, NumKids, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); 
    CFDictionarySetValue (dict, CFSTR ("Kids Names"), array);
    CFRelease (array);

    array = CFArrayCreate (NULL, NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
    CFDictionarySetValue (dict, CFSTR ("Pets Names"), array );
    CFRelease (array);

    data = CFDataCreate (NULL, pic, NumBytesInPic);
    CFDictionarySetValue (dict, CFSTR ("Picture"), data);
    CFRelease (data);

    // We now have a dictionary which contains everything we want to know about
    // John Doe; let's show it first:
    CFShow (CFSTR ("John Doe info dictionary: "));
    CFShow (dict);

    // Now create a "property list", which is a flattened, XML version of the
    // dictionary:
    xmlPropertyListData = CFPropertyListCreateXMLData (NULL, dict);

   // The return value is a CFData containing the XML file; show the data

    CFShow (CFSTR ("Shown as XML property list (bytes): "));
    CFShow (xmlPropertyListData);

    // Given CFDatas are shown as ASCII versions of their hex contents, we can also
    // attempt to show the contents of the XML, assuming it was encoded in UTF8
    // (This is the case for XML property lists generated by CoreFoundation currently)

    xmlAsString = CFStringCreateFromExternalRepresentation (NULL, xmlPropertyListData, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

    CFShow (CFSTR ("The XML property list contents: "));
    CFShow (xmlAsString);

    writePropertyListToFile (xmlPropertyListData);

    CFRelease (dict);
    CFRelease (xmlAsString);
    CFRelease (xmlPropertyListData);

    CFStringRef name = CFSTR("Brent");
    if (CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle ())
       if (CFTypeRef bundleExecutable = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(bundle, kCFBundleExecutableKey))
          if (CFGetTypeID(bundleExecutable) == CFStringGetTypeID())
             name = reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>(bundleExecutable);

    int value = 1;
    CFNumberRef numRef = CFNumberCreate(0, kCFNumberSInt8Type, &value);
    CFShow (CFSTR ("The number was: "));
    CFShow (numRef);
    CFRelease (numRef);
Пример #22
CFTypeRef Bundle::infoPlistItem(const char *name) const
	return CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(cfBundle(), CFTempString(name));
Пример #23
// The primary problem we need to resolve for OSX portability is that Apple
// only permit you to define static MIME types in the property list for
// plugins bundles, because we need to generate these dynamically.
// Luckily, Apple also want to generate MIME types dynamically for QuickTime,
// so they provide a (bizarre) API to do so.
// The solution is to set WebPluginMIMETypesFilename to an invalid filename,
// and then implement the dynamic symbol BP_CreatePluginMIMETypesPreferences.
// When the path is found to be invalid by the loader, our callback will be
// invoked and we can generate a new plist.
// Once our callback returns, the loader then attempts to load the missing
// filename again, and then parses it for the MIME types.
// In order to keep this file fresh, we should unlink() it on NP_Initialize().
// This is an example of the data we need:
//    <key>WebPluginMIMETypes</key>
//    <dict>
//        <key>application/pdf</key>
//        <dict>
//            <key>WebPluginExtensions</key>
//            <array>
//                <string>pdf</string>
//            </array>
//            <key>WebPluginTypeDescription</key>
//            <string>PDF Image</string>
//            <key>WebPluginTypeEnabled</key>
//            <false/>
//        </dict>
//    </dict>
// This is the dynamic symbol used by the loader to resolve the missing MIME list.
void __export BP_CreatePluginMIMETypesPreferences(void)
    CFMutableDictionaryRef  cf_root;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef  cf_mimetypes;
    CFDictionaryRef         cf_pluginmimetypes;
    struct plugin          *current;

    // We need to create a new preferences dictionary, so this will be the root
    // of the new property list.
    cf_root = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault,
    // A WebPluginMIMETypes Dictionary.
    cf_mimetypes = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault,

    // Every plugin should have a handle should have a CFBundle handle open,
    // which we can query for it's WebPluginMIMETypes CFDictionary, which we
    // simply merge with ours.
    for (current = registry.plugins; current; current = current->next) {
        // Verify this handle exists, it can be NULL when LoadPlugin fails.
        if (current->handle) {
            // This should be a CFDictionary of all the MIME types supported by the plugin.
            cf_pluginmimetypes = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(current->handle,

            // Check that key exists in the Proerty Info.
            if (cf_pluginmimetypes) {
                // Merge this dictionary with ours.
            } else {
                // FIXME: If a plugin does not have a WebPluginMIMETypes key,
                //        it is either invalid, or uses dynamic MIME type
                //        generation. QuickTime is the only major plugin that
                //        does this.
                //        I can implement it on request, but see no reason to
                //        implement now.
                l_warning("unable to handle plugin %s, from %s",

    // Add the types to my plist root.
    CFDictionarySetValue(cf_root, CFSTR("WebPluginMIMETypes"), cf_mimetypes);

    // Create the missing plist file.

    // Save changes to disk.

    // Clean up.