CFDataRef WebApiClientDataCreateWithHexEncodedString(CFStringRef string) { CFIndex len = CFStringGetLength(string); CFMutableDataRef result = CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, len / 2); bool allocated = false; char *str = (char *)CFStringGetCStringPtr(string, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if ( str == NULL ) { CFIndex bufferSize = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(len, kCFStringEncodingUTF8) + 1; str = malloc(bufferSize); if ( !str ) { return result; } if ( !CFStringGetCString(string, str, bufferSize, kCFStringEncodingUTF8) ) { free(str); return result; } allocated = true; } CFIndex i; unsigned char byte = 0; size_t slen = strnlen(str, len); slen -= (slen % 2); // if odd # of characters, truncate down for ( i = 0; i < slen; i += 2 ) { if ( sscanf(&str[i], "%2hhx", &byte) ) { CFDataAppendBytes(result, &byte, 1); } else { break; } } if ( allocated ) { free(str); } return result; }
// Missing glyphs run constructor. Core Text will not generate a run of missing glyphs, instead falling back on // glyphs from LastResort. We want to use the primary font's missing glyph in order to match the fast text code path. CoreTextController::CoreTextRun::CoreTextRun(const SimpleFontData* fontData, const UChar* characters, unsigned stringLocation, size_t stringLength, bool ltr) : m_fontData(fontData) , m_characters(characters) , m_stringLocation(stringLocation) , m_stringLength(stringLength) { Vector<CFIndex, 16> indices; unsigned r = 0; while (r < stringLength) { indices.append(r); if (U_IS_SURROGATE(characters[r])) { ASSERT(r + 1 < stringLength); ASSERT(U_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(characters[r])); ASSERT(U_IS_TRAIL(characters[r + 1])); r += 2; } else r++; } m_glyphCount = indices.size(); if (!ltr) { for (unsigned r = 0, end = m_glyphCount - 1; r < m_glyphCount / 2; ++r, --end) std::swap(indices[r], indices[end]); } m_indicesData.adoptCF(CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, m_glyphCount * sizeof(CFIndex))); CFDataAppendBytes(m_indicesData.get(), reinterpret_cast<const UInt8*>(, m_glyphCount * sizeof(CFIndex)); m_indices = reinterpret_cast<const CFIndex*>(CFDataGetBytePtr(m_indicesData.get())); }
CFDataRef createConvertedString( CFDataRef text, char* srcEncoding, char* dstEncoding ) { iconv_t cd; cd = iconv_open (dstEncoding, srcEncoding); if (cd == (iconv_t) -1) return NULL; CFMutableDataRef result = CFDataCreateMutable(NULL, 0); char *inPtr = (char*) CFDataGetBytePtr(text); size_t inBytesLeft = CFDataGetLength(text); char buffer[BUFFERSIZE]; do { size_t outBytesLeft = BUFFERSIZE; char *outPtr = (char*)buffer; iconv(cd, &inPtr, &inBytesLeft, &outPtr , &outBytesLeft); CFIndex converted = BUFFERSIZE - outBytesLeft; CFDataAppendBytes(result, (UInt8*) &buffer, converted); } while (inBytesLeft > 0); iconv_close( cd ); return result; }
/* static */ void _HttpContextHandleHasBytesAvailable(HttpContextRef context) { UInt8 buffer[2048]; // Try reading the bytes into the buffer. CFIndex bytesRead = CFReadStreamRead(context->_inStream, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); // Reset the timeout. CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate(context->_timer, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() + kTimeOutInSeconds); // If there wasn't an error (-1) and not end (0), process the data. if (bytesRead > 0) { // Add the bytes of data to the receive buffer. CFDataAppendBytes(context->_rcvdBytes, buffer, bytesRead); // Parse recieved data int result = HTTPParseRequest(context); if ( result == 1 ) { // HTTP message is fully loaded, process it HTTPProcessMessage(context); // Reset the timeout. CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate(context->_timer, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() + kTimeOutInSeconds); } // If the ouput stream can write, try sending the bytes. if (result != 0 && CFWriteStreamCanAcceptBytes(context->_outStream)) _HttpContextHandleCanAcceptBytes(context); } }
void ResourceHandle::handleDataArray(CFArrayRef dataArray) { ASSERT(client()); if (client()->supportsDataArray()) { client()->didReceiveDataArray(this, dataArray); return; } CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(dataArray); ASSERT(count); if (count == 1) { CFDataRef data = static_cast<CFDataRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(dataArray, 0)); client()->didReceiveBuffer(this, SharedBuffer::wrapCFData(data), -1); return; } CFIndex totalSize = 0; CFIndex index; for (index = 0; index < count; index++) totalSize += CFDataGetLength(static_cast<CFDataRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(dataArray, index))); RetainPtr<CFMutableDataRef> mergedData = adoptCF(CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, totalSize)); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { CFDataRef data = static_cast<CFDataRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(dataArray, index)); CFDataAppendBytes(mergedData.get(), CFDataGetBytePtr(data), CFDataGetLength(data)); } client()->didReceiveBuffer(this, SharedBuffer::wrapCFData(mergedData.get()), -1); }
void ResourceHandle::handleDataArray(CFArrayRef dataArray) { ASSERT(client()); if (client()->supportsDataArray()) { client()->didReceiveDataArray(this, dataArray); return; } CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(dataArray); ASSERT(count); if (count == 1) { CFDataRef data = static_cast<CFDataRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(dataArray, 0)); CFIndex length = CFDataGetLength(data); client()->didReceiveData(this, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(CFDataGetBytePtr(data)), length, static_cast<int>(length)); return; } CFIndex totalSize = 0; CFIndex index; for (index = 0; index < count; index++) totalSize += CFDataGetLength(static_cast<CFDataRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(dataArray, index))); RetainPtr<CFMutableDataRef> mergedData(AdoptCF, CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, totalSize)); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { CFDataRef data = static_cast<CFDataRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(dataArray, index)); CFDataAppendBytes(mergedData.get(), CFDataGetBytePtr(data), CFDataGetLength(data)); } client()->didReceiveData(this, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(CFDataGetBytePtr(mergedData.get())), totalSize, static_cast<int>(totalSize)); }
CFDataRef Monitor::receive_request(CFMessagePortRef local, SInt32 msgid, CFDataRef data, void *info) { Monitor *monitor = (Monitor *)info; CFIndex length = CFDataGetLength(data); memcpy(monitor->_request, CFDataGetBytePtr(data), length); CFDataRef reply = monitor->_response_buffer = CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorMallocZone, 0); // sample the stack. monitor->_stack_bottom = (void*) auto_get_sp(); // scan args monitor->tokenize_args(); // prevent the collector from collecting until we've processed the request. Zone *zone = Zone::zone(); if (zone) zone->block_collector(); // process request generating report monitor->process_request(); // unblock the collector. if (zone) zone->unblock_collector(); // return the response. CFDataAppendBytes(monitor->_response_buffer, (const UInt8*)"\0", 1); monitor->_response_buffer = NULL; return reply; }
/* write a 16-bit word, little endian */ void appendUint16( CFMutableDataRef buf, uint16_t word) { unsigned char cb[2]; OSWriteLittleInt16(cb, 0, word); CFDataAppendBytes(buf, cb, 2); }
OSStatus impExpWrappedOpenSSHExport( SecKeyRef secKey, SecItemImportExportFlags flags, const SecKeyImportExportParameters *keyParams, // optional const CssmData &descData, CFMutableDataRef outData) // output appended here { CSSM_CSP_HANDLE cspdlHand = 0; OSStatus ortn; bool releaseCspHand = false; CSSM_RETURN crtn; if(keyParams == NULL) { return errSecParam; } /* we need a CSPDL handle - try to get it from the key */ ortn = SecKeyGetCSPHandle(secKey, &cspdlHand); if(ortn) { cspdlHand = cuCspStartup(CSSM_FALSE); if(cspdlHand == 0) { return CSSMERR_CSSM_ADDIN_LOAD_FAILED; } releaseCspHand = true; } /* subsequent errors to errOut: */ /* derive wrapping key */ CSSM_KEY wrappingKey; crtn = openSSHv1DeriveKey(cspdlHand, keyParams, VP_Export, &wrappingKey); if(crtn) { goto errOut; } /* GO */ CSSM_KEY wrappedKey; memset(&wrappedKey, 0, sizeof(CSSM_KEY)); crtn = impExpExportKeyCommon(cspdlHand, secKey, &wrappingKey, &wrappedKey, CSSM_ALGID_OPENSSH1, CSSM_ALGMODE_NONE, CSSM_PADDING_NONE, CSSM_KEYBLOB_WRAPPED_FORMAT_OPENSSH1, CSSM_ATTRIBUTE_NONE, CSSM_KEYBLOB_RAW_FORMAT_NONE, &descData, NULL); // IV if(crtn) { goto errOut; } /* the wrappedKey's KeyData is out output */ CFDataAppendBytes(outData, wrappedKey.KeyData.Data, wrappedKey.KeyData.Length); CSSM_FreeKey(cspdlHand, NULL, &wrappedKey, CSSM_FALSE); errOut: if(releaseCspHand) { cuCspDetachUnload(cspdlHand, CSSM_FALSE); } return crtn; }
//_____________________________________________________________________________ // void AUElement::SaveState(CFMutableDataRef data) { if(mUseIndexedParameters) { UInt32 nparams = mIndexedParameters.size(); UInt32 theData = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(nparams); CFDataAppendBytes(data, (UInt8 *)&theData, sizeof(nparams)); for (UInt32 i = 0; i < nparams; i++) { struct { UInt32 paramID; //CFSwappedFloat32 value; crashes gcc3 PFE UInt32 value; // really a big-endian float } entry; entry.paramID = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(i); AudioUnitParameterValue v = mIndexedParameters[i].GetValue(); entry.value = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(*(UInt32 *)&v ); CFDataAppendBytes(data, (UInt8 *)&entry, sizeof(entry)); } } else { UInt32 nparams = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(mParameters.size()); CFDataAppendBytes(data, (UInt8 *)&nparams, sizeof(nparams)); for (ParameterMap::iterator i = mParameters.begin(); i != mParameters.end(); ++i) { struct { UInt32 paramID; //CFSwappedFloat32 value; crashes gcc3 PFE UInt32 value; // really a big-endian float } entry; entry.paramID = CFSwapInt32HostToBig((*i).first); AudioUnitParameterValue v = (*i).second.GetValue(); entry.value = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(*(UInt32 *)&v ); CFDataAppendBytes(data, (UInt8 *)&entry, sizeof(entry)); } } }
sdmmd_return_t SDMMD_MB2SendFileStream(SDMMD_AMConnectionRef conn, CFStringRef path, CFDataRef file) { sdmmd_return_t result = kAMDSuccess; CFDataRef file_path = CFStringCreateExternalRepresentation(kCFAllocatorDefault, path, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, 0); result = SDMMD_ServiceSend(SDMMD_TranslateConnectionToSocket(conn), file_path); CFSafeRelease(file_path); char data_chunk[1] = { 0x0C }; CFMutableDataRef data_separator = CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0); CFDataAppendBytes(data_separator, (const UInt8 *)data_chunk, sizeof(uint8_t)); CFDataAppendBytes(data_separator, CFDataGetBytePtr(file), CFDataGetLength(file)); result = SDMMD_ServiceSend(SDMMD_TranslateConnectionToSocket(conn), data_separator); CFSafeRelease(data_separator); char zero_chunk[1] = { 0x0 }; CFDataRef data_end = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8 *)zero_chunk, sizeof(uint8_t)); result = SDMMD_ServiceSend(SDMMD_TranslateConnectionToSocket(conn), data_end); CFSafeRelease(data_end); return result; }
static CFMutableDataRef createDataFromFile(const char *fname) { int fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY); CFMutableDataRef res = CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0); char buf[4096]; ssize_t amountRead; while ((amountRead = read(fd, buf, 4096)) > 0) { CFDataAppendBytes(res, (const UInt8 *)buf, amountRead); } close(fd); return res; }
// // print // // Formatted print to response pipe. // void Monitor::print(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); //XXX_JML needs a lock // XXX_PCB not if it's run off the main runloop. char *buffer; int length = vasprintf(&buffer, fmt, ap); if (buffer) { CFDataAppendBytes(_response_buffer, (const UInt8*)buffer, length); free(buffer); } va_end(ap); }
void write_buffer(CFStringRef inData) { #ifdef DEBUG syslog(LOG_ERR,"Writing buffer to file."); #endif if (CFWriteStreamGetStatus(logStream)!=kCFStreamStatusOpen) { CFWriteStreamSetProperty(logStream,kCFStreamPropertyAppendToFile,kCFBooleanTrue); CFWriteStreamOpen(logStream); } if (!CFBooleanGetValue(doEncrypt)) { CFWriteStreamWrite(logStream,(const UInt8*)CFStringGetCStringPtr(inData,CFStringGetFastestEncoding(inData)),CFStringGetLength(inData)); return; } int buff_pos = 0; while (1) { int avail_space = 8-CFDataGetLength(encrypt_buffer); //space rem in buffer int rem_to_copy = CFStringGetLength(inData)-buff_pos; //stuff in data that needs to be copied int to_copy = rem_to_copy<avail_space?rem_to_copy:avail_space; //amount left to encryp, or avail space if (avail_space) { UInt8 tmp_buff[8]; CFStringGetBytes(inData,CFRangeMake(buff_pos,to_copy),kCFStringEncodingNonLossyASCII,0,false,tmp_buff,8,NULL); CFDataAppendBytes(encrypt_buffer,tmp_buff,to_copy); avail_space -= to_copy; if (avail_space>0) // small buffer? still space left? break; buff_pos += to_copy; //move along the buffer } UInt8 enc_buff[8]; BF_ecb_encrypt(CFDataGetBytePtr(encrypt_buffer),enc_buff,&encrypt_bf_key,BF_ENCRYPT); CFWriteStreamWrite(logStream,enc_buff,8); CFDataDeleteBytes(encrypt_buffer,CFRangeMake(0,8)); if (buff_pos==CFStringGetLength(inData)) //just in case buffer happens to fit perfectly break; } return; }
CFDataRef CMFormatDescriptionCopyFLVVideoStartData(CMFormatDescriptionRef formatDescription) { const CMMediaType mediaType = CMFormatDescriptionGetMediaType(formatDescription); if(mediaType != kCMMediaType_Video) { return NULL; } const FourCharCode mediaSubType = CMFormatDescriptionGetMediaSubType(formatDescription); const uint8_t videoHeader = CMFormatDescriptionGetFLVVideoHeader(formatDescription, true); if(mediaSubType == kCMVideoCodecType_H264 || mediaSubType == kCMVideoCodecType_MPEG4Video) { CFDataRef extradata = NULL; CMPVideoFormatDescriptionCopyExtradata(NULL, formatDescription, &extradata); AVCHeader avcheader; avcheader.videoCodec = videoHeader; avcheader.nalu = 0x00; avcheader.time = 0; // TODO CFMutableDataRef data = CFDataCreateMutable(NULL, sizeof(avcheader) + CFDataGetLength(extradata)); CFDataAppendBytes(data, (UInt8 *)&avcheader, sizeof(avcheader)); CFDataAppendBytes(data, CFDataGetBytePtr(extradata), CFDataGetLength(extradata)); CFRelease(extradata); return data; } else { return NULL; } }
static inline void TSICTStringAppendObjectToMutableDataWithFormat(CFTypeRef object, CFMutableDataRef buffer, TSITStringFormat format) { if (object == NULL) { object = kCFNull; } CFRetain(object); TStringIRep* objRep = TSICTStringCreateWithObjectAndFormat(object, format); CFDataRef objData = TSICTStringCreateDataFromIntermediateRepresentation(objRep); CFDataAppendBytes(buffer, (CFDataGetBytePtr(objData)), CFDataGetLength(objData)); CFRelease(objData); TSICTStringDestroy(objRep); CFRelease(object); }
/* write a 32-bit word, little endian */ void appendUint32( CFMutableDataRef buf, uint32_t word) { #if 1 unsigned char cb[4]; OSWriteLittleInt32(cb, 0, word); CFDataAppendBytes(buf, cb, 4); #else /* This is an alternate implementation which may or may not be faster than the above. */ CFIndex offset = CFDataGetLength(buf); UInt8 *bytes = CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(buf); CFDataIncreaseLength(buf, 4); OSWriteLittleInt32(bytes, offset, word); #endif }
static void IPStreamCallback(CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType eventType, void *clientCallBackInfo) { CFMutableDataRef responseData = (CFMutableDataRef)clientCallBackInfo; if(eventType & kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable) { UInt8 buffer[1024]; CFIndex read; do { read = CFReadStreamRead(stream, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if(read > 0) CFDataAppendBytes(responseData, buffer, read); } while(read > 0); } if(eventType & (kCFStreamEventEndEncountered | kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred)) { if((eventType & kCFStreamEventEndEncountered) && publicIPState == IPStateFetching) { if(publicIPData) CFRelease(publicIPData); publicIPData = CFDataCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, responseData); publicIPState = IPStateFetched; } if(eventType & kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred) { if(publicIPData) CFRelease(publicIPData); publicIPData = NULL; publicIPState = IPStateInvalid; } CFReadStreamClose(stream); CFReadStreamSetClient(stream, 0, NULL, NULL); CFReadStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(stream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes); CFRelease(stream); CFRelease(responseData); } }
CFErrorRef fetch_and_clear_accumulated_data(CFMutableArrayRef *a, CFDataRef *data_out) { if (!*a) { *data_out = CFDataCreate(NULL, NULL, 0); return (*data_out) ? NULL : GetNoMemoryError(); } CFIndex i, c = CFArrayGetCount(*a); CFIndex total = 0, prev_total = 0; for(i = 0; i < c; i++) { total += CFDataGetLength((CFDataRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(*a, i)); if (total < prev_total) { return GetNoMemoryError(); } prev_total = total; } CFMutableDataRef out = CFDataCreateMutable(NULL, total); if (!out) { return GetNoMemoryError(); } for(i = 0; i < c; i++) { CFDataRef d = (CFDataRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(*a, i); CFDataAppendBytes(out, CFDataGetBytePtr(d), CFDataGetLength(d)); } if (CFDataGetLength(out) != total) { CFRelease(out); return GetNoMemoryError(); } CFArrayRef accumulator = *a; CFRelease(accumulator); *a = NULL; // This might be nice: // *data_out = CFDataCreateCopy(NULL, out); // CFRelease(out); // but that is slow (for large values) AND isn't really all that important anyway *data_out = out; return NULL; }
int ServeIndex(HttpContextRef context, char* index_name) { DBG(("Calling ruby framework to serve index\n")); char* res = callServeIndex(index_name); if (res) { DBG(("RESPONSE:\n")); _dbg_print_data((UInt8*)res, strlen(res)); DBG(("-- eof --\n")); DBG(("Add response to the send buffer")) CFDataAppendBytes(context->_sendBytes, (UInt8*)res, (CFIndex)strlen(res)); return 1; } return 0; }
int ServeIndex(HttpContextRef context, char* index_name) { RAWLOG_INFO("Calling ruby framework to serve index"); VALUE val = callServeIndex(index_name); char* res = getStringFromValue(val); if (res) { RAWTRACE("RESPONSE:"); RAWTRACE_DATA((UInt8*)res, strlen(res)); RAWTRACE("RESPONSE -- eof --"); RAWTRACE("Add response to the send buffer"); CFDataAppendBytes(context->_sendBytes, (UInt8*)res, (CFIndex)strlen(res)); releaseValue(val); return 1; } return 0; }
/* * Write a security buffer, providing the index into the CFData at which * this security buffer's offset is located. Just before the actual data is written, * go back and update the offset with the start of that data using secBufOffset(). */ void appendSecBuf( CFMutableDataRef buf, uint16_t len, CFIndex *offsetIndex) { #if 1 unsigned char cb[8]; OSWriteLittleInt16(cb, 0, len); /* buffer length */ OSWriteLittleInt16(cb, 2, len); /* buffer allocated size */ OSWriteLittleInt32(cb, 4, 0); /* offset is empty for now */ CFDataAppendBytes(buf, cb, 8); *offsetIndex = CFDataGetLength(buf) - 4; /* offset will go here */ #else appendUint16(buf, len); /* buffer length */ appendUint16(buf, len); /* buffer allocated size */ *offsetIndex = CFDataGetLength(buf); /* offset will go here */ appendUint32(buf, 0); /* but it's empty for now */ #endif }
static int _CallApplication(HttpContextRef context, RouteRef route) { DBG(("Calling ruby framework\n")); char* res = callFramework(_CreateRequestHash(context,route)); if (res) { DBG(("RESPONSE:\n")); _dbg_print_data((UInt8*)res, strlen(res)); DBG(("-- eof --\n")); DBG(("Add response to the send buffer")) CFDataAppendBytes(context->_sendBytes, (UInt8*)res, (CFIndex)strlen(res)); return 1; } return 0; }
CFDictionaryRef download_file(int socket, CFDictionaryRef dict) { UInt8 buffer[8192]; CFIndex bytesRead; CFStringRef path = CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, CFSTR("Path")); if(path == NULL || CFGetTypeID(path) != CFStringGetTypeID()) return NULL; CFMutableDictionaryRef out = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); CFURLRef fileURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, path, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, FALSE); CFReadStreamRef stream = CFReadStreamCreateWithFile(kCFAllocatorDefault, fileURL); CFRelease(fileURL); if(!CFReadStreamOpen(stream)) { CFErrorRef error = CFReadStreamCopyError(stream); if (error != NULL) { CFStringRef errorDesc = CFErrorCopyDescription(error); CFDictionaryAddValue(out, CFSTR("Error"), errorDesc); CFRelease(errorDesc); CFRelease(error); } CFRelease(stream); return out; } CFMutableDataRef data = CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0); while(CFReadStreamHasBytesAvailable(stream)) { if((bytesRead = CFReadStreamRead(stream, buffer, 8192)) <= 0) break; CFDataAppendBytes(data, buffer, bytesRead); } CFReadStreamClose(stream); CFRelease(stream); CFDictionaryAddValue(out, CFSTR("Data"), data); CFRelease(data); return out; }
static int _CallApplication(HttpContextRef context, RouteRef route) { RAWLOG_INFO("Calling ruby framework"); VALUE val = callFramework(_CreateRequestHash(context,route)); char* res = getStringFromValue(val); if (res) { RAWTRACE("RESPONSE:"); RAWTRACE_DATA((UInt8*)res, strlen(res)); RAWTRACE( "RESPONSE -- eof --"); RAWTRACE("Add response to the send buffer"); CFDataAppendBytes(context->_sendBytes, (UInt8*)res, (CFIndex)strlen(res)); releaseValue(val); return 1; } return 0; }
void Zirk2PortClient::SendPan(UInt32 channel, Float32 azimuth, Float32 zenith, Float32 azimuthSpan, Float32 zenithSpan, Float32 gain) { if (!mRemoteMessagePort) return; ClearData(); CFDataAppendBytes(mData, (const UInt8*) &channel, sizeof(channel)); CFDataAppendBytes(mData, (const UInt8*) &azimuth, sizeof(azimuth)); CFDataAppendBytes(mData, (const UInt8*) &zenith, sizeof(zenith)); CFDataAppendBytes(mData, (const UInt8*) &azimuthSpan, sizeof(azimuthSpan)); CFDataAppendBytes(mData, (const UInt8*) &zenithSpan, sizeof(zenithSpan)); CFDataAppendBytes(mData, (const UInt8*) &gain, sizeof(gain)); CFDataRef returnData; SInt32 ans = CFMessagePortSendRequest(GetRemoteMessagePort(), kZirkPort_Pan, mData, 1., 1., NULL, &returnData); if (ans != 0) return; }
CFDataRef createDataFromURL( CFURLRef url ) { CFMutableDataRef fileContent = CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0); CFReadStreamRef stream = CFReadStreamCreateWithFile(kCFAllocatorDefault, url); if (stream) { if (CFReadStreamOpen(stream)) { UInt8 buffer[BUFFERSIZE]; CFIndex bytesRead; do { bytesRead = CFReadStreamRead(stream, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (bytesRead > 0) { CFDataAppendBytes(fileContent, buffer, bytesRead); } } while (bytesRead > 0); CFReadStreamClose(stream); } CFRelease(stream); } return fileContent; }
CryptoX_Result CryptoMac_VerifyUpdate(CryptoX_SignatureHandle* aInputData, void* aBuf, unsigned int aLen) { if (aLen == 0) { return CryptoX_Success; } if (!aInputData || !*aInputData) { return CryptoX_Error; } CFMutableDataRef inputData; if (!OnLionOrLater()) { inputData = (CFMutableDataRef)((CSSM_DATA_PTR)*aInputData)->Data; ((CSSM_DATA_PTR)*aInputData)->Length += aLen; } else { inputData = (CFMutableDataRef)*aInputData; } CFDataAppendBytes(inputData, (const uint8*)aBuf, aLen); return CryptoX_Success; }
static inline CFDataRef TSICTStringCreateDataFromIntermediateRepresentation(TStringIRep* rep) { CFIndex len = CFDataGetLength(rep->data); CFMutableDataRef buffer = CFDataCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, (len + 12), rep->data); UInt8* bufferBytes = CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(buffer); size_t prefixLength = strlen(rep->length) + 1; CFDataReplaceBytes(buffer, BeginningRange, (const UInt8*)rep->length, (CFIndex)prefixLength); if (rep->format == kTSITStringFormatTNetstring) { const UInt8 ftag = (UInt8)TNetstringTypes[rep->type]; CFDataAppendBytes(buffer, &ftag, 1); bufferBytes[(prefixLength - 1)] = TNetstringSeparator; } else if (rep->format == kTSITStringFormatOTNetstring) { const UInt8 ftag = (UInt8)OTNetstringTypes[rep->type]; bufferBytes[(prefixLength - 1)] = ftag; } CFDataRef dataRep = CFDataCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, buffer); CFRelease(buffer); return dataRep; }
CryptoX_Result CryptoMac_VerifyUpdate(CryptoX_SignatureHandle* aInputData, void* aBuf, unsigned int aLen) { if (!OnLionOrLater()) { return VFY_Update((VFYContext*)*aInputData, (const unsigned char*)aBuf, aLen); } if (aLen == 0) { return CryptoX_Success; } if (!aInputData || !*aInputData) { return CryptoX_Error; } CryptoX_Result result = CryptoX_Error; CFDataAppendBytes((CFMutableDataRef)*aInputData, (const UInt8 *) aBuf, aLen); if (*aInputData) { result = CryptoX_Success; } return result; }