Пример #1
static Vector<String> stringListFromResourceId(SInt16 id)
    Vector<String> list;

    Handle handle = Get1Resource('STR#', id);
    if (!handle)
        return list;

    CFStringEncoding encoding = stringEncodingForResource(handle);

    unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)*handle;
    if (!p)
        return list;

    SInt16 count = *(SInt16*)p;
    p += sizeof(SInt16);

    for (SInt16 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        unsigned char length = *p;
        WTF::RetainPtr<CFStringRef> str = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(0, p, encoding);
        p += 1 + length;

    return list;
static CFStringRef BIMCreatePortName( const ProcessSerialNumber *inProcessSerialNumber )
    CFMutableStringRef	portName;
    CFStringRef		processSerialNumberStringRef;
    Str255		processSerialNumberString;
    Str255		processSerialNumberLowString;

    //  Convert the high and low parts of the process serial number into a string.

    NumToString( inProcessSerialNumber->highLongOfPSN, processSerialNumberString );
    NumToString( inProcessSerialNumber->lowLongOfPSN, processSerialNumberLowString );
    BlockMoveData( processSerialNumberLowString + 1,
                   processSerialNumberString + processSerialNumberString [0] + 1,
                   processSerialNumberLowString [0] );
    processSerialNumberString [0] += processSerialNumberLowString [0];

    //  Create a CFString and append the process serial number string onto the end.

    portName = CFStringCreateMutableCopy( NULL, 255, CFSTR( kBasicServerPortName ) );
    processSerialNumberStringRef = CFStringCreateWithPascalString( NULL,
                                                                   CFStringGetSystemEncoding() );
    CFStringAppend( portName, processSerialNumberStringRef );
    CFRelease( processSerialNumberStringRef );
    return portName;
Пример #3
OSStatus pathtofsref ( bigstring bspath, FSRef *ref ) {

	2009-08-30 aradke: mac-only helper function for converting from a pascal string (path) to an FSRef
	bigstring bs;
	CFStringRef csref;
	char str[256];

	copystring(bspath,  bs);

	// convert from colon-delimited to slash-delimited path

	stringswapall(':', '/', bs);

	insertstring ( BIGSTRING ( "\x09" "/Volumes/" ), bs );
	// convert from Mac Roman to UTF-8 */ 

	csref = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(kCFAllocatorDefault, bs, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
	CFStringGetCString(csref, str, sizeof(str), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

	// finally, pass our temporary copy of the string to the underlying system function
	return FSPathMakeRef((UInt8*) str, ref, NULL);
	} /*pathtofsref*/
Пример #4
CHXCFString::CHXCFString(ConstStr255Param pPString)
	mCFStringRef = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(kCFAllocatorDefault, pPString, CFStringGetSystemEncoding());

OSStatus OpenFileDialog(
    OSType applicationSignature,
    short numTypes,
    OSType typeList[],
    NavDialogRef *outDialog )
    OSStatus theErr = noErr;
    if ( gOpenFileDialog == NULL )
        NavDialogCreationOptions	dialogOptions;
        NavTypeListHandle			openList	= NULL;

        NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions( &dialogOptions );

        dialogOptions.modality = kWindowModalityNone;
        dialogOptions.clientName = CFStringCreateWithPascalString( NULL, LMGetCurApName(), GetApplicationTextEncoding());

        openList = (NavTypeListHandle)NewOpenHandle( applicationSignature, numTypes, typeList );

        theErr = NavCreateGetFileDialog( &dialogOptions, openList, GetPrivateEventUPP(), NULL, NULL, NULL, &gOpenFileDialog );

        if ( theErr == noErr )
            theErr = NavDialogRun( gOpenFileDialog );
            if ( theErr != noErr )
                NavDialogDispose( gOpenFileDialog );
                gOpenFileDialog = NULL;

        if (openList != NULL)

        if ( dialogOptions.clientName != NULL )
            CFRelease( dialogOptions.clientName );
        if ( NavDialogGetWindow( gOpenFileDialog ) != NULL )
            SelectWindow( NavDialogGetWindow( gOpenFileDialog ));

    if ( outDialog != NULL )
        *outDialog = gOpenFileDialog;

    return NULL;
Пример #6
void	CAComponent::SetCompInfo () const
	if (!mCompInfo) {
		Handle h1 = NewHandle(4);
		CAComponentDescription desc;
		OSStatus err = GetComponentInfo (Comp(), &desc, 0, h1, 0);
		if (err) return;
		HLock (h1);
		const_cast<CAComponent*>(this)->mCompInfo = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(NULL, (const unsigned char*)*h1, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);

		DisposeHandle (h1);
Пример #7
/* Some classcical Mac APIs use the encoding based on WorldScript. for example, Japanese language envrironment use
ShiftJIS encoding. So, unicode2NativePascalString, this function converts unicode encoded pascal string to suitable
encoding (came from CFStringGetSystemEncoding()).
void unicode2NativePascalString(ConstStr255Param fromString, StringPtr toString) {
	if (fromString != NULL) {
		CFStringRef strRef = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(kCFAllocatorDefault, fromString, gCurrentVMEncoding);
		if (strRef != NULL) {
			CFMutableStringRef mStrRef = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, strRef);
			if (gCurrentVMEncoding == kCFStringEncodingUTF8) 
				CFStringNormalize(mStrRef, kCFStringNormalizationFormKD);
			CFStringGetPascalString (mStrRef, toString, 256, CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
Пример #8
//  SGSettingsDialog with the "Compression" panel removed
static OSErr MinimalSGSettingsDialog(SeqGrabComponent seqGrab,
                                     SGChannel sgchanVideo, WindowPtr gMonitor)
        OSErr err;
        Component *panelListPtr = NULL;
        UInt8 numberOfPanels = 0;

        ComponentDescription cd = { SeqGrabPanelType, VideoMediaType, 0, 0, 0 };
        Component c = 0;
        Component *cPtr = NULL;

        numberOfPanels = CountComponents(&cd);
        panelListPtr =
            (Component *) NewPtr(sizeof(Component) * (numberOfPanels + 1));

        cPtr = panelListPtr;
        numberOfPanels = 0;
        CFStringRef compressionCFSTR = CFSTR("Compression");
        do {
                ComponentDescription compInfo;
                c = FindNextComponent(c, &cd);
                if (c) {
                        Handle hName = NewHandle(0);
                        GetComponentInfo(c, &compInfo, hName, NULL, NULL);
                        CFStringRef nameCFSTR =
                                                           (unsigned char
                        if (CFStringCompare
                            (nameCFSTR, compressionCFSTR,
                             kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) != kCFCompareEqualTo) {
                                *cPtr++ = c;
        } while (c);

        if ((err =
             SGSettingsDialog(seqGrab, sgchanVideo, numberOfPanels,
                              panelListPtr, seqGrabSettingsPreviewOnly,
                              (long)gMonitor))) {
                return err;
        return 0;
Пример #9
void 		CAComponent::SetCompNames () const
	if (!mCompName) {
		Handle h1 = NewHandle(4);
		CAComponentDescription desc;
		OSStatus err = GetComponentInfo (Comp(), &desc, h1, 0, 0);
		if (err) { DisposeHandle(h1); return; }
		char* ptr1 = *h1;
		// Get the manufacturer's name... look for the ':' character convention
		int len = *ptr1++;
		char* displayStr = 0;

		const_cast<CAComponent*>(this)->mCompName = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(NULL, (const unsigned char*)*h1, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
		for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
			if (ptr1[i] == ':') { // found the name
				ptr1[i] = 0;
				displayStr = ptr1;
		if (displayStr)
			const_cast<CAComponent*>(this)->mManuName = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, displayStr, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
			//move displayStr ptr past the manu, to the name
			// we move the characters down a index, because the handle doesn't have any room
			// at the end for the \0
			int i = strlen(displayStr), j = 0;
			while (displayStr[++i] == ' ' && i < len)
			while (i < len)
				displayStr[j++] = displayStr[i++];
			displayStr[j] = 0;

			const_cast<CAComponent*>(this)->mAUName = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, displayStr, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
		DisposeHandle (h1);
OSStatus SaveFileDialog(
    WindowRef parentWindow,
    CFStringRef documentName,
    OSType filetype,
    OSType fileCreator,
    void *inContextData,
    NavDialogRef *outDialog )
    NavDialogCreationOptions	dialogOptions;
    OSStatus					theErr = noErr;

    NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions( &dialogOptions );

    dialogOptions.clientName = CFStringCreateWithPascalString( NULL, LMGetCurApName(), GetApplicationTextEncoding());
    dialogOptions.saveFileName = documentName;
    dialogOptions.modality = ( parentWindow != NULL ) ? kWindowModalityWindowModal : kWindowModalityAppModal;
    dialogOptions.parentWindow = parentWindow;

    theErr = NavCreatePutFileDialog( &dialogOptions, filetype, fileCreator, GetEventUPP(), inContextData, outDialog );

    if ( theErr == noErr )
        theErr = NavDialogRun( *outDialog );
        if ( theErr != noErr )
            NavDialogDispose( *outDialog );
        if ( theErr != noErr || dialogOptions.modality == kWindowModalityAppModal )
            *outDialog = NULL;	// The dialog has already been disposed.

    if ( dialogOptions.clientName != NULL )
        CFRelease( dialogOptions.clientName );

    return theErr;
int dir_Lookup(char *pathString, int pathStringLength, int index,
  /* outputs: */
  char *name, int *nameLength, int *creationDate, int *modificationDate,
  int *isDirectory, squeakFileOffsetType *sizeIfFile) {
	/* Lookup the index-th entry of the directory with the given path, starting
	   at the root of the file system. Set the name, name length, creation date,
	   creation time, directory flag, and file size (if the entry is a file).
	   Return:	0 	if a entry is found at the given index
	   			1	if the directory has fewer than index entries
	   			2	if the given path has bad syntax or does not reach a directory

	int okay;
    FSSpec      spec;
    long        parentDirectory;
    OSErr       err;
    Str255      longFileName;
		FSVolumeInfoParam fsVolumeParam;
		HFSUniStr255 uniStr;
		FSVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
	/* default return values */
	*name             = 0;
	*nameLength       = 0;
	*creationDate     = 0;
	*modificationDate = 0;
	*isDirectory      = false;
	*sizeIfFile       = 0;

	if ((pathStringLength == 0)) {
		/* get volume info */
		fsVolumeParam.volumeName = &uniStr;
		fsVolumeParam.ioVRefNum = kFSInvalidVolumeRefNum;
		fsVolumeParam.volumeIndex = index;
		fsVolumeParam.whichInfo = 0;
		fsVolumeParam.volumeInfo = &volumeInfo;
		fsVolumeParam.ref = NULL;
		fsVolumeParam.whichInfo = kFSVolInfoCreateDate + kFSVolInfoModDate; 
		okay = PBGetVolumeInfoSync( &fsVolumeParam) == noErr;
		FSGetVolumeInfo (kFSInvalidVolumeRefNum,
		if (okay) {
			CFStringRef strRef = CFStringCreateWithCharacters( kCFAllocatorDefault, uniStr.unicode, uniStr.length );
			CFMutableStringRef mStr = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, strRef);
			// HFS+ imposes Unicode2.1 decomposed UTF-8 encoding on all path elements
			if (gCurrentVMEncoding == kCFStringEncodingUTF8) 
				CFStringNormalize(mStr, kCFStringNormalizationFormKC); // pre-combined
			Boolean result = CFStringGetCString(mStr, name, 256, gCurrentVMEncoding); // buffer size is to see primitiveDirectoryLookup
			if (result == true) {
				// strncpy(name, &(uniStr.unicode), uniStr.length);
				// *nameLength       = uniStr.length;
				*nameLength       = strlen(name);
					LocalDateTime local;
					*creationDate     = convertToSqueakTime(local.lowSeconds);
					LocalDateTime local;
					*modificationDate     = convertToSqueakTime(local.lowSeconds);
				*isDirectory      = true;
				*sizeIfFile       = 0;
				return ENTRY_FOUND;
			} else {
				return NO_MORE_ENTRIES;
		} else {
			return NO_MORE_ENTRIES;
	} else {
		/* get file or directory info */
		if (!equalsLastPath(pathString, pathStringLength)) {
 			/* lookup and cache the refNum for this path */
			err = lookupPath(pathString, pathStringLength, &spec,false,true);
 			if (err == noErr) 
				recordPath(pathString, pathStringLength, &spec);
				return BAD_PATH;
	    spec = lastSpec;
		*sizeIfFile   = 0;
		okay = fetchFileInfo(index,&spec,(unsigned char *) name,true,
		if (okay == noErr) {
			CFStringRef cfs= CFStringCreateWithPascalString(NULL, longFileName, gCurrentVMEncoding);
			CFMutableStringRef mStr= CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, cfs);
			// HFS+ imposes Unicode2.1 decomposed UTF-8 encoding on all path elements
			if (gCurrentVMEncoding == kCFStringEncodingUTF8) 
				CFStringNormalize(mStr, kCFStringNormalizationFormKC); // pre-combined
			CFStringGetCString(mStr, name, 256, gCurrentVMEncoding);

			*nameLength       = strlen(name);
			*creationDate     = convertToSqueakTime(*creationDate);
			*modificationDate = convertToSqueakTime(*modificationDate);
			return ENTRY_FOUND;
		} else
			return okay == fnfErr ? NO_MORE_ENTRIES : BAD_PATH;
Пример #12
CFStringFromStr255(ConstStr255Param pascalString)
  return CFStringCreateWithPascalString( NULL, pascalString, GetApplicationTextEncoding( ) );
Пример #13
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	AddCommandToAEDescList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static OSStatus AddCommandToAEDescList(
	ConstStr255Param		inCommandString,
	TextEncoding			inEncoding,
	DescType				inDescType,
	SInt32					inCommandID,
	MenuItemAttributes		inAttributes,
	UInt32					inModifiers,
	AEDescList*				ioCommandList)
	OSStatus theError = noErr;
	AERecord theCommandRecord = { typeNull, NULL };
	printf( "AddCommandToAEDescList: Trying to add an item.\n" );

	// create an apple event record for our command
	theError = AECreateList( NULL, kAEDescListFactorNone, true, &theCommandRecord );
	require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
	// stick the command text into the AERecord
	if ( inCommandString != NULL )
		if ( inDescType == typeChar )
			theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyAEName, typeChar,
				&inCommandString[1], StrLength( inCommandString ) );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
		else if ( inDescType == typeStyledText )
			AERecord	textRecord;
			WritingCode	writingCode;
			AEDesc		textDesc;
			theError = AECreateList( NULL, kAEDescListFactorNone, true, &textRecord );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
			theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &textRecord, keyAEText, typeChar,
				&inCommandString[1], StrLength( inCommandString ) );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
			RevertTextEncodingToScriptInfo( inEncoding, &writingCode.theScriptCode,
				&writingCode.theLangCode, NULL );
			theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &textRecord, keyAEScriptTag, typeIntlWritingCode,
				&writingCode, sizeof( writingCode ) );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );

			theError = AECoerceDesc( &textRecord, typeStyledText, &textDesc );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
			theError = AEPutKeyDesc( &theCommandRecord, keyAEName, &textDesc );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
			AEDisposeDesc( &textRecord );
		else if ( inDescType == typeIntlText )
			IntlText*	intlText;
			ByteCount	size = sizeof( IntlText ) + StrLength( inCommandString ) - 1;
			// create an IntlText structure with the text and script
			intlText = (IntlText*) malloc( size );
			RevertTextEncodingToScriptInfo( inEncoding, &intlText->theScriptCode,
				&intlText->theLangCode, NULL );
			BlockMoveData( &inCommandString[1], &intlText->theText, StrLength( inCommandString ) );
			theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyAEName, typeIntlText, intlText, size );
			free( (char*) intlText );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
		else if ( inDescType == typeUnicodeText )
			CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithPascalString( NULL, inCommandString, inEncoding );
			if ( str != NULL )
				Boolean doFree = false;
				CFIndex sizeInChars = CFStringGetLength( str );
				CFIndex sizeInBytes = sizeInChars * sizeof( UniChar );
				const UniChar* unicode = CFStringGetCharactersPtr( str );
				if ( unicode == NULL )
					doFree = true;
					unicode = (UniChar*) malloc( sizeInBytes );
					CFStringGetCharacters( str, CFRangeMake( 0, sizeInChars ), (UniChar*) unicode );
				theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyAEName, typeUnicodeText, unicode, sizeInBytes );
				CFRelease( str );
				if ( doFree )
					free( (char*) unicode );
				require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
		else if ( inDescType == typeCFStringRef )
			CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithPascalString( NULL, inCommandString, inEncoding );
			if ( str != NULL )
				theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyAEName, typeCFStringRef, &str, sizeof( str ) );
				require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
				// do not release the string; the Contextual Menu Manager will release it for us
	// stick the command ID into the AERecord
	if ( inCommandID != 0 )
		theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyContextualMenuCommandID,
				typeLongInteger, &inCommandID, sizeof( inCommandID ) );
		require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
	// stick the attributes into the AERecord
	if ( inAttributes != 0 )
		theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyContextualMenuAttributes,
				typeLongInteger, &inAttributes, sizeof( inAttributes ) );
		require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
	// stick the modifiers into the AERecord
	if ( inModifiers != 0 )
		theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyContextualMenuModifiers,
				typeLongInteger, &inModifiers, sizeof( inModifiers ) );
		require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
	// stick this record into the list of commands that we are
	// passing back to the CMM
	theError = AEPutDesc(
			ioCommandList, 			// the list we're putting our command into
			0, 						// stick this command onto the end of our list
			&theCommandRecord );	// the command I'm putting into the list
	// clean up after ourself; dispose of the AERecord
	AEDisposeDesc( &theCommandRecord );

    return theError;
} // AddCommandToAEDescList
Пример #14
QString qt_mac_from_pascal_string(const Str255 pstr)
    return QCFString(CFStringCreateWithPascalString(0, pstr, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()));
Пример #15
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    WindowRef window;
    HIViewRef content;
    HIViewRef combo;
    HIViewRef group;
    HIViewRef check;
    HIViewRef text;
    HIViewRef slider;
    HIViewRef quit;

    MenuRef menu;
    HIRect rect;

    // Window bounds

    Rect bounds = {0, 0, 436, 590};

    // Create window

                    kWindowStandardFloatingAttributes |
                    kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute |
		    kWindowInWindowMenuAttribute |
                    &bounds, &window);

    // Set the title

    SetWindowTitleWithCFString(window, CFSTR("Accordion"));

    // Create an application menu

    CreateNewMenu(0, 0, &menu);

    // Set menu title

    // Create an about item

    InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString(menu, CFSTR("About Accordion"),
                                   0, 0, kHICommandAbout);

    // Insert the menu

    InsertMenu(menu, 0);

    // Create a standard window menu

    CreateStandardWindowMenu(0, &menu);

    // Insert the menu

    InsertMenu(menu, 0);

    // Show and position the window

    RepositionWindow(window, NULL, kWindowCascadeOnMainScreen);

    // Find the window content


    // Set bounds for group box

    bounds.bottom = 92;
    bounds.right  = 550;

    // Create group box

    CreateGroupBoxControl(window, &bounds, NULL, true, &group);

    // Place in the window

    HIViewAddSubview(content, group);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(group, 20, 20);

    // Bounds of text

    bounds.bottom = 16;
    bounds.right = 74;

    // Create static text

    CreateStaticTextControl(window, &bounds, CFSTR("Instrument:"),
			    NULL, &text);

    // Place in the group box

    HIViewAddSubview(group, text);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(text, 16, 18);

    // Bounds of combo box

    rect.size.height = 20;
    rect.size.width = 168;    

    // Create combo box

    HIComboBoxCreate(&rect, CFSTR(" Accordion"), NULL, NULL,

    // Set visible and set command ID

    HIViewSetVisible(combo, true);
    HIViewSetCommandID(combo, kCommandInst); 

    // Add the instruments

    for (int i = 0; i < Length(instruments); i++)
                                      kCFStringEncodingMacRoman), NULL);

        // Set the current instrument

        if (strcmp(instruments[i], " Accordion") == 0)
            instrument = i;

    // Place in the group box

    HIViewAddSubview(group, combo);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(combo, 102, 16);

    // Bounds of check box

    bounds.bottom = 18;
    bounds.right = 121;

    // Create check box

    CreateCheckBoxControl(window, &bounds, CFSTR("Reverse"),
                          false, true, &check);

    // Set the control ID and the command ID

    HIViewSetID(check, kHIViewIDReverse);
    HIViewSetCommandID(check, kCommandReverse); 

    // Place in the group box

    HIViewAddSubview(group, check);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(check, 286, 17);

    // Bounds of text

    bounds.bottom = 16;
    bounds.right  = 32;

    // Create static text

    CreateStaticTextControl(window, &bounds, CFSTR("Key:"), NULL, &text);

    // Place in the group box

    HIViewAddSubview(group, text);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(text, 400, 18);

    // Bounds of combo box

    rect.size.width = 90;

    // Create combo box

    HIComboBoxCreate(&rect, CFSTR(" A/D/G"), NULL, NULL,

    // Set visible and set command ID

    HIViewSetVisible(combo, true);
    HIViewSetID(combo, kHIViewIDKey);
    HIViewSetCommandID(combo, kCommandKey); 

    // Add keys

    for (int i = 0; i < Length(keys); i++)
                                      kCFStringEncodingMacRoman), NULL);

        // Set current key

        if (strcmp(keys[i], " A/D/G") == 0)
            key = i;

    // Place in the group box

    HIViewAddSubview(group, combo);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(combo, 440, 16);

    // Bounds of text

    bounds.bottom = 16;
    bounds.right  = 54;

    // Create static text

    CreateStaticTextControl(window, &bounds, CFSTR("Volume:"), NULL, &text);

    // Place in the group box

    HIViewAddSubview(group, text);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(text, 16, 56);
    // Bounds of slider

    bounds.bottom = 16;
    bounds.right  = 168;

    // Create slider

    CreateSliderControl(window, &bounds, MAXVOL, 0, MAXVOL,
                        kControlSliderDoesNotPoint, 0, false, NULL, &slider);

    // Set command ID

    HIViewSetCommandID(slider, kCommandVolume); 

    // Place in the group box

    HIViewAddSubview(group, slider);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(slider, 100, 58);

    // Bounds of check box

    bounds.bottom = 18;
    bounds.right = 121;

    // Create check box

    CreateCheckBoxControl(window, &bounds, CFSTR("Notes"),
                          false, true, &check);

    // Set the control ID and the command ID

    HIViewSetID(check, kHIViewIDNote);
    HIViewSetCommandID(check, kCommandNote); 

    // Place in the group box

    HIViewAddSubview(group, check);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(check, 286, 56);

    // Bounds of push button

    bounds.bottom = 20;
    bounds.right  = 90;

    // Create push button

    CreatePushButtonControl(window, &bounds, CFSTR("Quit"), &quit);

    // Set command ID

    HIViewSetCommandID(quit, kHICommandQuit); 

    // Place in the group box

    HIViewAddSubview(group, quit);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(quit, 440, 54);

    // Group box bounds

    bounds.bottom = 48;
    bounds.right  = 550;

    // Create group box

    CreateGroupBoxControl(window, &bounds, NULL, true, &group);

    // Place in the window

    HIViewAddSubview(content, group);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(group, 20, 132);

    // Font style

    ControlFontStyleRec style;
    style.flags = kControlUseFontMask|kControlUseJustMask;
    style.font = kControlFontBigSystemFont;
    style.just = teCenter;

    // Bounds of text
    bounds.bottom = 16;
    bounds.right  = 550;

    // Create static text

    CreateStaticTextControl(window, &bounds, CFSTR("Accordion"),
                            &style, &text);

    // Place in the group box

    HIViewAddSubview(group, text);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(text, 0, 8);

    // Bounds of text

    bounds.bottom = 16;
    bounds.right  = 550;

    // Create static text

    CreateStaticTextControl(window, &bounds,
                            CFSTR("Play accordion on your keyboard"),
                            &style, &text);

    // Place in the group box

    HIViewAddSubview(group, text);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(text, 0, 24);

    // Group box bounds

    bounds.bottom = 196;
    bounds.right  = 550;

    // Create group box

    CreateGroupBoxControl(window, &bounds, NULL, true, &group);

    // Place in the window

    HIViewAddSubview(content, group);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(group, 20, 200);

    // Button bounds

    bounds.bottom = SIZE;
    bounds.right  = SIZE;

    // Create row of bass buttons

    for (int i = 0; i < Length(bassdisplay); i++)
	int x = 15 + 44 * i;
	int y = 15;

	// Create button

	CreateBevelButtonControl(window, &bounds, NULL,
				 NULL, 0, 0, 0, &bassdisplay[i]);

	// Place in the group box

	HIViewAddSubview(group, bassdisplay[i]);
	HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(bassdisplay[i], x, y);

    // Create three rows of buttons

    for (int i = 0; i < Length(display); i++)
	for (int j = 0; j < ((i == 1)? Length(display[i]):
			 Length(display[i]) - 1); j++)
	    int x = (i == 1)? 37 + 44 * j: 59 + 44 * j;
	    int y = 59 + 44 * i;

	    // Create button

	    CreateBevelButtonControl(window, &bounds, NULL,
				     NULL, 0, 0, 0, &display[i][j]);

	    // Place in the group box

	    HIViewAddSubview(group, display[i][j]);
	    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(display[i][j], x, y);

    // Create spacebar button

    CreateBevelButtonControl(window, &bounds, NULL,
			     NULL, 0, 0, 0, &spacebar);

    // Place in the group box

    HIViewAddSubview(group, spacebar);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(spacebar, 16, 147);

    // Group box bounds, wider than the window to hide rounded corners

    bounds.bottom = 20;
    bounds.right = 598;

    // Create group box for fake status bar

    CreateGroupBoxControl(window, &bounds, NULL, false, &group);

    // Place in window at negative offset to hide rounded corners

    HIViewAddSubview(content, group);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(group, -4, 416);

    // Text bounds

    bounds.bottom = 16;
    bounds.right  = 590;

    // Font style

    style.flags = kControlUseFontMask|kControlUseJustMask;
    style.font = kControlFontSmallSystemFont;
    style.just = teCenter;

    // Create static text

    CreateStaticTextControl(window, &bounds,
        CFSTR("Press the keyboard keys as accordion buttons "
              "and the space bar as the bellows. 3rd button start."),
                            &style, &text);

    // Place in group box

    HIViewAddSubview(group, text);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(text, 0, 2);

    // Application events type spec

    EventTypeSpec applicationEvents[] =
        {{kEventClassApplication, kEventAppFrontSwitched}};

    // Install event handler

                                   Length(applicationEvents), applicationEvents,
                                   NULL, NULL);

    // Mouse events type spec

    EventTypeSpec mouseEvents[] =
	{{kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDown}};

    // Install event handler on the event dispatcher, so that we can
    // see mouse events before the default handler gets them

                        Length(mouseEvents), mouseEvents,
                        NULL, NULL);

    // Window events type spec

    EventTypeSpec windowEvents[] =
        {{kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowClose}};

    // Install event handler

    InstallWindowEventHandler(window, NewEventHandlerUPP(WindowHandler),
                              Length(windowEvents), windowEvents,
                              NULL, NULL);

    // Combo box events type spec

    EventTypeSpec comboBoxEvents[] =
        {{kEventClassHIComboBox, kEventComboBoxListItemSelected}};

    // Install event handler

                                   Length(comboBoxEvents), comboBoxEvents,
                                   NULL, NULL);

    // Command events type spec

    EventTypeSpec commandEvents[] =
        {{kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess}};

    // Install event handler

                                   Length(commandEvents), commandEvents,
                                   NULL, NULL);

    // Keyboard events type spec

    EventTypeSpec keyboardEvents[] =
        {{kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyDown},
         {kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyUp},
         {kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged}};

    // Install event handler on the event dispatcher

			Length(keyboardEvents), keyboardEvents,

    // Audio Unit graph

    AUGraph graph;

    // Audio Unit synthesizer and output node

    AUNode synthNode;
    AUNode outNode;

    // Component description

    ComponentDescription cd;
    cd.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;
    cd.componentFlags = 0;
    cd.componentFlagsMask = 0;

	// New AU graph

	OSStatus status = NewAUGraph(&graph);

	if (status != noErr)
			 CFSTR("Can't create a new AUGraph"),

	// Synthesizer

	cd.componentType = kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice;
	cd.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_DLSSynth;

	// New synthesizer node

	status = AUGraphNewNode(graph, &cd, 0, NULL, &synthNode);

	if (status != noErr)
			 CFSTR("Can't create a new  AUGraph node"),

	// Output

	cd.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output;
	cd.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput;
	// New output node

	status = AUGraphNewNode(graph, &cd, 0, NULL, &outNode);

	if (status != noErr)
			 CFSTR("Can't create a new  AUGraph node"),

	// Open graph

	status = AUGraphOpen(graph);

	if (status != noErr)
			 CFSTR("Can't open AUGraph"),

	// Connect synthesizer node to output node

	status = AUGraphConnectNodeInput(graph, synthNode, 0, outNode, 0);

	if (status != noErr)
			 CFSTR("Can't connect AUGraph input node"),

	// Get a synthesizer unit

	status =
	    AUGraphGetNodeInfo(graph, synthNode, NULL, 0, NULL, &synthUnit);

	if (status != noErr)
			 CFSTR("Can't get AUGraph node info"),

	// Initialise

	status = AUGraphInitialize(graph);

	if (status != noErr)
			 CFSTR("Can't initialize AUGraph"),

	// Start

	status = AUGraphStart(graph);

	if (status != noErr)
			 CFSTR("Can't start AUGraph"),

	// Show the graph

	//     CAShow(graph);

    } while (false);

    // Change instrument


    // Run the application event loop


    // Stop the graph


    // Dispose of the graph


    // Exit

    return 0;
static OSStatus UniversalConfirmSaveDialog(
    WindowRef parentWindow,
    CFStringRef documentName,
    Boolean quitting,
    void* inContextData,
    NavDialogRef *outDialog,
    NavUserAction *outUserAction )
    OSStatus 			theErr 			= noErr;
    NavAskSaveChangesAction		action 			= 0;
    NavDialogRef			dialog 			= NULL;
    NavUserAction			userAction 		= kNavUserActionNone;
    NavDialogCreationOptions	dialogOptions;
    NavEventUPP			eventUPP;
    Boolean				disposeAfterRun;

    NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions( &dialogOptions );

    action = quitting ? kNavSaveChangesQuittingApplication : kNavSaveChangesClosingDocument;
    dialogOptions.modality = ( parentWindow != NULL ) ? kWindowModalityWindowModal : kWindowModalityAppModal;
    dialogOptions.parentWindow = parentWindow;

    dialogOptions.clientName = CFStringCreateWithPascalString( NULL, LMGetCurApName(), GetApplicationTextEncoding());
    if ( documentName != NULL )
        dialogOptions.saveFileName = documentName;

    eventUPP = ( inContextData == NULL ) ? GetPrivateEventUPP() : GetEventUPP();
    disposeAfterRun = ( dialogOptions.modality == kWindowModalityAppModal && inContextData == NULL );

    theErr = NavCreateAskSaveChangesDialog(
                 &dialog );

    if ( theErr == noErr )
        theErr = NavDialogRun( dialog );
        if ( theErr != noErr || disposeAfterRun )
            userAction = NavDialogGetUserAction( dialog );
            NavDialogDispose( dialog );
            dialog = NULL;

    if ( dialogOptions.clientName != NULL )
        CFRelease( dialogOptions.clientName );
    if ( outDialog != NULL )
        *outDialog = dialog;
    if ( outUserAction != NULL )
        *outUserAction = userAction;
    return theErr;
Пример #17
int readJPEG(Image * im, fullPath * sfile)
    struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
    struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
    FILE *infile;
    char filename[256];
    int scan_lines_to_be_read, scan_lines_read;
    unsigned int i, scanheight;
    unsigned char *data;
    JSAMPARRAY sarray;
    JOCTET *ptr = NULL;
    unsigned int size  = 0; 

#ifdef __Mac__
    unsigned char the_pcUnixFilePath[256];      // added by Kekus Digital
    Str255 the_cString;
    Boolean the_bReturnValue;
    CFStringRef the_FilePath;
    CFURLRef the_Url;           //till here

    //PrintError("%s", sfile->name);        

    cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);

    // Prepare the library for reading the ICC profile, see its source code
    // for further information

    if (GetFullPath(sfile, filename))
        return -1;

#ifdef __Mac__
    CopyCStringToPascal(filename, the_cString); //Added by Kekus Digital
    the_FilePath =
        CFStringCreateWithPascalString(kCFAllocatorDefault, the_cString,
    the_Url =
        CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, the_FilePath,
                                      kCFURLHFSPathStyle, false);
    the_bReturnValue =
        CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(the_Url, true, the_pcUnixFilePath,

    strcpy(filename, the_pcUnixFilePath);       //till here

    if ((infile = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) {
        PrintError("can't open %s", filename);
        return -1;

    jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, infile);

    jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);


    im->width = cinfo.output_width;
    im->height = cinfo.output_height;
    if (cinfo.output_components != 3)
        PrintError("Image must be rgb");
        return -1;

    im->bitsPerPixel = 24;
    im->bytesPerLine = im->width * 3;
    im->dataSize = im->width * 4 * im->height;
    im->data = (unsigned char **) mymalloc((size_t) im->dataSize);
    if (im->data == NULL)
        PrintError("Not enough memory");
        return -1;

    scanheight = cinfo.rec_outbuf_height;
    sarray = (JSAMPARRAY) malloc(scanheight * sizeof(JSAMPROW));

    scan_lines_to_be_read = im->height;
    data = *(im->data);

    while (scan_lines_to_be_read)
        for (i = 0; i < scanheight; i++)
            sarray[i] = (JSAMPROW) (data + i * im->bytesPerLine);

        scan_lines_read = jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, sarray, scanheight);

        scan_lines_to_be_read -= scan_lines_read;
        data += scan_lines_read * im->bytesPerLine;

    // read ICC profile 
    if (jpegICCReadProfile(&cinfo, &ptr, &size)) {
        im->metadata.iccProfile.size = size;        
        im->metadata.iccProfile.data = (char*) ptr;




    return 0;

Пример #18
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void drawIconListCell(ListHandle theList, const Rect *cellRect, 
								IconListCellDataRec *theCellData, Boolean selected)
	GrafPtr savedPort;
	CGrafPtr listPort;
	ThemeDrawingState savedState;
	Boolean active;
	Rect iconRect, textRect;
	short savedFont, savedSize;
	Style savedFace;
	CFStringRef cellName;
	listPort = GetListPort(theList);
	if (selected)						// we don't need to change the background 
	{									// color if this Cell isn't highlighted
		Pattern whitePattern;
		RGBColor highlightColor;
		GetQDGlobalsWhite(&whitePattern);	// set the background pattern so that 
		BackPat(&whitePattern);				// the color is properly set as a solid color
		RGBBackColor(&highlightColor);		// set the background to the highlight color
	calculateDrawingBounds(cellRect, &iconRect, &textRect);	// get the drawing Rects
	active = GetListActive(theList);
		// draw the IconRef using Icon Services
	PlotIconRef(&iconRect, kAlignNone, active ? kTransformNone : kTransformDisabled, 
				kIconServicesNormalUsageFlag, theCellData->icon);
#if TARGET_API_MAC_OS8		// draw TextEdit text in Classic
#pragma unused (cellName)
	savedFont = GetPortTextFont(listPort);	// Get/SetThemeDrawingState doesn't save or 
	savedFace = GetPortTextFace(listPort);	// restore these
	savedSize = GetPortTextSize(listPort);
	UseThemeFont(kThemeViewsFont, smCurrentScript);
	TETextBox(&theCellData->name[1], theCellData->name[0], &textRect, teCenter);
#else						// draw Appearance text in Carbon
#pragma unused (savedFont, savedSize, savedFace)
	cellName = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(kCFAllocatorDefault, theCellData->name, 
	DrawThemeTextBox(cellName, kThemeViewsFont, 
						active ? kThemeStateActive : kThemeStateInactive, true, 
						&textRect, teCenter, NULL);
	SetThemeDrawingState(savedState, true);
} // drawIconListCell
Пример #19
int writeJPEG(Image * im, fullPath * sfile, int quality, int progressive)
    struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
    struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
    FILE *outfile;
    char filename[512];
    int scanlines_written;
    unsigned char *data, *buf;

#ifdef __Mac__
    unsigned char the_pcUnixFilePath[512];      // added by Kekus Digital
    Str255 the_cString;
    Boolean the_bReturnValue;
    CFStringRef the_FilePath;
    CFURLRef the_Url;           //till here

    cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);

    if (GetFullPath(sfile, filename))
        return -1;

#ifdef __Mac__
    CopyCStringToPascal(filename, the_cString); //Added by Kekus Digital
    the_FilePath =
        CFStringCreateWithPascalString(kCFAllocatorDefault, the_cString,
    the_Url =
        CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, the_FilePath,
                                      kCFURLHFSPathStyle, false);
    the_bReturnValue =
        CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(the_Url, true, the_pcUnixFilePath,

    strcpy(filename, the_pcUnixFilePath);       //till here

    if ((outfile = fopen(filename, "wb")) == NULL)
        PrintError("can't open %s", filename);
        return -1;

    jpeg_stdio_dest(&cinfo, outfile);

    cinfo.image_width = im->width;      /* image width and height, in pixels */
    cinfo.image_height = im->height;
    cinfo.input_components = 3; /* # of color components per pixel */
    cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;     /* colorspace of input image */


    if (2 != (progressive & 2))
        cinfo.optimize_coding = TRUE;

    jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, quality, TRUE);

    if (1 == (progressive & 1))

    jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE);

    // Write ICC Profile if it exists

    if (im->metadata.iccProfile.size > 0) {
                           (JOCTET *)im->metadata.iccProfile.data,

    scanlines_written = 0;
    data = *(im->data);
    buf = (unsigned char *) malloc((size_t) im->bytesPerLine);
    if (buf == NULL)

        PrintError("Not enough memory");
        return -1;

    while (scanlines_written < im->height)
        memcpy(buf, data, (size_t) im->bytesPerLine);
        if (im->bitsPerPixel == 32)     // Convert 4->3 samples
            int x;
            unsigned char *c1 = buf, *c2 = buf;
            for (x = 0; x < im->width; x++)
                *c1++ = *c2++;
                *c1++ = *c2++;
                *c1++ = *c2++;


        if (jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, (JSAMPARRAY) & buf, 1))
            data += im->bytesPerLine;
    return 0;
