Пример #1
COSXScreen::onKey(CGEventRef event)
	CGEventType eventKind = CGEventGetType(event);

	// get the key and active modifiers
	UInt32 virtualKey = CGEventGetIntegerValueField(event, kCGKeyboardEventKeycode);
	CGEventFlags macMask = CGEventGetFlags(event);
	LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "event: Key event kind: %d, keycode=%d", eventKind, virtualKey));

	// Special handling to track state of modifiers
	if (eventKind == kCGEventFlagsChanged) {
		// get old and new modifier state
		KeyModifierMask oldMask = getActiveModifiers();
		KeyModifierMask newMask = m_keyState->mapModifiersFromOSX(macMask);
		m_keyState->handleModifierKeys(getEventTarget(), oldMask, newMask);

		// if the current set of modifiers exactly matches a modifiers-only
		// hot key then generate a hot key down event.
		if (m_activeModifierHotKey == 0) {
			if (m_modifierHotKeys.count(newMask) > 0) {
				m_activeModifierHotKey     = m_modifierHotKeys[newMask];
				m_activeModifierHotKeyMask = newMask;

		// if a modifiers-only hot key is active and should no longer be
		// then generate a hot key up event.
		else if (m_activeModifierHotKey != 0) {
			KeyModifierMask mask = (newMask & m_activeModifierHotKeyMask);
			if (mask != m_activeModifierHotKeyMask) {
				m_activeModifierHotKey     = 0;
				m_activeModifierHotKeyMask = 0;
		return true;

	// check for hot key.  when we're on a secondary screen we disable
	// all hotkeys so we can capture the OS defined hot keys as regular
	// keystrokes but that means we don't get our own hot keys either.
	// so we check for a key/modifier match in our hot key map.
	if (!m_isOnScreen) {
		HotKeyToIDMap::const_iterator i =
											 & 0xff00u));
		if (i != m_hotKeyToIDMap.end()) {
			UInt32 id = i->second;
			// determine event type
			CEvent::Type type;
			//UInt32 eventKind = GetEventKind(event);
			if (eventKind == kCGEventKeyDown) {
				type = m_events->forIPrimaryScreen().hotKeyDown();
			else if (eventKind == kCGEventKeyUp) {
				type = m_events->forIPrimaryScreen().hotKeyUp();
			else {
				return false;
			m_events->addEvent(CEvent(type, getEventTarget(),
			return true;

	// decode event type
	bool down	  = (eventKind == kCGEventKeyDown);
	bool up		  = (eventKind == kCGEventKeyUp);
	bool isRepeat = (CGEventGetIntegerValueField(event, kCGKeyboardEventAutorepeat) == 1);

	// map event to keys
	KeyModifierMask mask;
	COSXKeyState::CKeyIDs keys;
	KeyButton button = m_keyState->mapKeyFromEvent(keys, &mask, event);
	if (button == 0) {
		return false;

	// check for AltGr in mask.  if set we send neither the AltGr nor
	// the super modifiers to clients then remove AltGr before passing
	// the modifiers to onKey.
	KeyModifierMask sendMask = (mask & ~KeyModifierAltGr);
	if ((mask & KeyModifierAltGr) != 0) {
		sendMask &= ~KeyModifierSuper;
	mask &= ~KeyModifierAltGr;

	// update button state
	if (down) {
		m_keyState->onKey(button, true, mask);
	else if (up) {
		if (!m_keyState->isKeyDown(button)) {
			// up event for a dead key.  throw it away.
			return false;
		m_keyState->onKey(button, false, mask);

	// send key events
	for (COSXKeyState::CKeyIDs::const_iterator i = keys.begin();
							i != keys.end(); ++i) {
		m_keyState->sendKeyEvent(getEventTarget(), down, isRepeat,
							*i, sendMask, 1, button);

	return true;
Пример #2
OSXKeyState::mapKeyFromEvent(KeyIDs& ids,
				KeyModifierMask* maskOut, CGEventRef event) const

	// map modifier key
	if (maskOut != NULL) {
		KeyModifierMask activeMask = getActiveModifiers();
		activeMask &= ~KeyModifierAltGr;
		*maskOut    = activeMask;

	// get virtual key
	UInt32 vkCode = CGEventGetIntegerValueField(event, kCGKeyboardEventKeycode);

	// handle up events
	UInt32 eventKind = CGEventGetType(event);
	if (eventKind == kCGEventKeyUp) {
		// the id isn't used.  we just need the same button we used on
		// the key press.  note that we don't use or reset the dead key
		// state;  up events should not affect the dead key state.
		return mapVirtualKeyToKeyButton(vkCode);

	// check for special keys
	VirtualKeyMap::const_iterator i = m_virtualKeyMap.find(vkCode);
	if (i != m_virtualKeyMap.end()) {
		m_deadKeyState = 0;
		return mapVirtualKeyToKeyButton(vkCode);

	// get keyboard info

#if defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5)
	TISInputSourceRef currentKeyboardLayout = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource(); 
	KeyboardLayoutRef currentKeyboardLayout;
	OSStatus status = KLGetCurrentKeyboardLayout(&currentKeyboardLayout);
	if (currentKeyboardLayout == NULL) {
		return kKeyNone;

	// get the event modifiers and remove the command and control
	// keys.  note if we used them though.
	// UCKeyTranslate expects old-style Carbon modifiers, so convert.
	UInt32 modifiers;
	modifiers = mapModifiersToCarbon(CGEventGetFlags(event));
	static const UInt32 s_commandModifiers =
		cmdKey | controlKey | rightControlKey;
	bool isCommand = ((modifiers & s_commandModifiers) != 0);
	modifiers &= ~s_commandModifiers;

	// if we've used a command key then we want the glyph produced without
	// the option key (i.e. the base glyph).
	//if (isCommand) {
		modifiers &= ~optionKey;

	// choose action
	UInt16 action;
	if(eventKind==kCGEventKeyDown) {
		action = kUCKeyActionDown;
	else if(CGEventGetIntegerValueField(event, kCGKeyboardEventAutorepeat)==1) {
		action = kUCKeyActionAutoKey;
	else {
		return 0;

	// translate via uchr resource
#if defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5)
	CFDataRef ref = (CFDataRef) TISGetInputSourceProperty(currentKeyboardLayout,
	const UCKeyboardLayout* layout = (const UCKeyboardLayout*) CFDataGetBytePtr(ref);
	const bool layoutValid = (layout != NULL);
	const void* resource;
	int err = KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty(currentKeyboardLayout, kKLuchrData, &resource);
	const bool layoutValid = (err == noErr);
	const UCKeyboardLayout* layout = (const UCKeyboardLayout*)resource;

	if (layoutValid) {
		// translate key
		UniCharCount count;
		UniChar chars[2];
		LOG((CLOG_DEBUG2 "modifiers: %08x", modifiers & 0xffu));
		OSStatus status = UCKeyTranslate(layout,
							vkCode & 0xffu, action,
							(modifiers >> 8) & 0xffu,
							LMGetKbdType(), 0, &m_deadKeyState,
							sizeof(chars) / sizeof(chars[0]), &count, chars);

		// get the characters
		if (status == 0) {
			if (count != 0 || m_deadKeyState == 0) {
				m_deadKeyState = 0;
				for (UniCharCount i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
				adjustAltGrModifier(ids, maskOut, isCommand);
				return mapVirtualKeyToKeyButton(vkCode);
			return 0;

	return 0;