Пример #1
void CgAssign(                  // EMIT AN ASSIGNMENT
    cg_name lhs,                // - lhs argument
    cg_name rhs,                // - rhs argument
    cg_type type )              // - type for assignment
    CgDone( CGLVAssign( lhs, rhs, type ), TY_POINTER );
Пример #2
void CgExprDtored(              // DTOR CG EXPRESSION
    cg_name expr,               // - expression
    cg_type type,               // - expression type
    DGRP_FLAGS pop_type,        // - type of popping destruction
    FN_CTL* fctl )              // - function control
#if 0
    cg_type type;               // - expression type

    switch( CgExprStackSize() ) {
      case 0 :
      case 1 :
      { boolean temp_dtoring = fctl->temp_dtoring;
        SYMBOL temp = getExprTempSym( &type, fctl, pop_type );
        if( temp_dtoring ) {
            if( fctl->ctor_test ) {
                pop_type |= DGRP_CTOR;
            CgDestructExprTemps( pop_type, fctl );
            if( NULL != temp ) {
                CgExprPush( CgFetchSym( temp ), type );
      } break;
      DbgDefault( "CgExprDtored -- too many temps" );
    SYMBOL temp;                // - NULL or copied temp

    DbgVerify( 0 == CgExprStackSize(), "CgExprDtored -- more than one expr" );
    if( expr != NULL ) {
        if( pop_type & DGRP_DONE ) {
            CGDone( expr );
            temp = NULL;
        } else if( pop_type & DGRP_TRASH ) {
            CGTrash( expr );
            temp = NULL;
        } else if( fctl->temp_dtoring ) {
            temp = CgVarTempTyped( type );
            CGDone( CGLVAssign( CgSymbol( temp ), expr, type ) );
        } else {
            CgExprPush( expr, type );
            temp = NULL;
        if( fctl->temp_dtoring ) {
            fctl->temp_dtoring = FALSE;
            if( fctl->ctor_test ) {
                pop_type |= DGRP_CTOR;
            CgDestructExprTemps( pop_type, fctl );
            if( NULL != temp ) {
                CgExprPush( CgFetchSym( temp ), type );
Пример #3
cg_name CgAssignStateVar(       // ASSIGN STATE-VAR VALUE
    SYMBOL blk,                 // - R/W Block
    SE* se,                     // - state entry
    target_offset_t offset )    // - offset of state variable
    return CGLVAssign( CgSymbolPlusOffset( blk, offset )
                     , CgOffset( SeStateVar( se ) )
                     , CgTypeOffset() );
Пример #4
cg_name CgSaveAsTemp(           // SAVE INTO A TEMPORARY
    temp_handle* a_hand,        // - addr[ temp handle ]
    cg_name expr,               // - expression to be saved
    cg_type type )              // - and its type
    temp_handle handle;         // - allocated temporary handle

    handle = CGTemp( type );
    *a_hand = handle;
    return CGLVAssign( CGTempName( handle, type ), expr, type );
Пример #5
void    FCChar1Move( void ) {

// Perform single character assignment.

    cg_type     typ;
    cg_name     dest;

    typ = GetType( GetU16() );
    dest = XPop();
    XPush( CGLVAssign( SCBPointer( dest ), GetChOp( typ ), typ ) );
Пример #6
void    MakeSCB( sym_id scb, cg_name len ) {

// Make an SCB.

    CGTrash( CGAssign( SCBLenAddr( CGFEName( scb, TY_CHAR ) ), len, TY_INTEGER ) );
    // assumption is that the pointer in the SCB is the first field in
    // the SCB so that when we push the cg_name returned by CGAssign()
    // it is a pointer to the SCB
    XPush( CGLVAssign( SCBPtrAddr( CGFEName( scb, TY_CHAR ) ), XPop(), TY_POINTER ) );
// Don't do it the following way:
//    CGTrash( CGAssign( SCBPtrAddr( CGFEName( scb, TY_CHAR ) ), XPop(), TY_POINTER ) );
//    XPush( CGFEName( scb, TY_CHAR ) );
Пример #7
SE* DtorForDelBeg(              // DTORING AREA TO BE DELETED: start
    FN_CTL* fctl,               // - function information
    target_size_t elem_size,    // - size of one element in area
    unsigned dlt1,              // - entry type when one arg
    unsigned dlt2,              // - entry type when two args
    SYMBOL op_del )             // - operator delete to be used
    SE* se_dlt;                 // - entry allocated
    SYMBOL var;                 // - var containing address of delete area
    cg_name top_expr;           // - top expression
    cg_type top_type;           // - type of top expression
    cg_name emit;               // - expression for state update
    patch_handle patch;         // - patch handle for area

    if( DtmTabular( fctl ) ) {
        if( 2 == SymFuncArgList( op_del )->num_args ) {
            se_dlt = SeAlloc( dlt2 );
            se_dlt->del_2_array.size = elem_size;
        } else {
            se_dlt = SeAlloc( dlt1 );
        se_dlt->del_1_array.op_del = op_del;
        var = CgVarRw( TY_POINTER, SC_AUTO );
        if( se_dlt->base.gen ) {
            AutoRelRegister( var, &se_dlt->del_1_array.offset );
        top_expr = CgExprPopType( &top_type );
        top_expr = CGLVAssign( CgSymbol( var ), top_expr, top_type );
        top_expr = CgFetchType( top_expr, top_type );
        emit = emitPatch( &patch );
        top_expr = emitPatchCallBack( top_expr
                                    , emit
                                    , top_type
                                    , &patchForDtorDelBeg
                                    , patch
                                    , se_dlt );
        CgExprPush( top_expr, top_type );
        DbgSetState( "patchForDtorDelBeg", se_dlt );
    } else {
        se_dlt = NULL;
    return se_dlt;
Пример #8
static SYMBOL getExprTempSym(   // EMIT CGDone, CGTrash, OR COPY TO TEMP
    cg_name expr,               // - expression
    cg_type type,               // - type of expression
    FN_CTL* fctl,               // - function control
    DGRP_FLAGS pop_type )       // - type of popping destruction
    SYMBOL temp;                // - NULL or copied temp

    if( pop_type & DGRP_DONE ) {
        CGDone( expr );
        temp = NULL;
    } else if( pop_type & DGRP_TRASH ) {
        CGTrash( expr );
        temp = NULL;
    } else if( fctl->temp_dtoring ) {
        temp = CgVarTemp( BETypeLength( type ) );
        CGDone( CGLVAssign( CgSymbol( temp ), expr, type ) );
    } else {
        temp = NULL;
    fctl->temp_dtoring = FALSE;
    return temp;
Пример #9
void    FCSubString( void ) {

// Do substring operation.

    sym_id      char_var;
    sym_id      dest;
    cg_name     src;
    cg_name     first_1;
    cg_name     first_2;
    cg_name     last;
    unsigned_16 typ_info;
    cg_name     len;
    cg_name     ptr;
    call_handle call;

    char_var = GetPtr();
    typ_info = GetU16();
    src = XPop();
    first_1 = XPopValue( GetType1( typ_info ) );
    if( char_var == NULL ) { // i.e. chr(i:i)
        len = CGInteger( GetInt(), TY_INTEGER );
        if( Options & OPT_BOUNDS ) {
            CloneCGName( first_1, &first_1, &last );
            last = CGBinary( O_PLUS, last, len, TY_INTEGER );
            last = CGBinary( O_MINUS, last, CGInteger( 1, TY_INTEGER ),
                             TY_INTEGER );
    } else {
        last = XPop();
        if( last == NULL ) {
            if( char_var->ns.xt.size == 0 ) {
                last = CharItemLen( char_var );
            } else {
                last = CGInteger( char_var->ns.xt.size, TY_INTEGER );
        } else {
            XPush( last );
            last = XPopValue( GetType2( typ_info ) );
        if( !( Options & OPT_BOUNDS ) ) {
            CloneCGName( first_1, &first_1, &first_2 );
            len = CGBinary( O_MINUS, last, first_2, TY_INTEGER );
            len = CGBinary( O_PLUS, len, CGInteger( 1, TY_INTEGER ), TY_INTEGER );
    dest = GetPtr();
    if( Options & OPT_BOUNDS ) {
        call = InitCall( RT_SUBSTRING );
        CGAddParm( call, CGFEName( dest, TY_CHAR ), TY_LOCAL_POINTER );
        CGAddParm( call, last, TY_INT_4 );
        CGAddParm( call, first_1, TY_INT_4 );
        CGAddParm( call, src, TY_LOCAL_POINTER );
        XPush( CGBinary( O_COMMA, CGCall( call ), CGFEName( dest, TY_CHAR ),
                         TY_LOCAL_POINTER ) );
    } else {
        ptr = CGBinary( O_PLUS, SCBPointer( src ),
                        CGBinary( O_MINUS, first_1, CGInteger( 1, TY_INTEGER ),
                                  TY_INTEGER ),
                        TY_GLOBAL_POINTER );
        CGTrash( CGAssign( SCBLenAddr( CGFEName( dest, TY_CHAR ) ),
                           len, TY_INTEGER ) );
        // Assumption is that the pointer in the SCB is the first field in
        // the SCB so that when we push the cg_name returned by CGAssign()
        // it is a pointer to the SCB.  We must leave the assignment of the
        // pointer into the SCB in the tree so that the aliasing information
        // is not lost.
        XPush( CGLVAssign( SCBPtrAddr( CGFEName( dest, TY_CHAR ) ),
                           ptr, TY_GLOBAL_POINTER ) );
// Don't do it the following way:
//        CGTrash( CGAssign( SCBPtrAddr( CGFEName( dest, TY_CHAR ) ),
//                           ptr, TY_GLOBAL_POINTER ) );
//        XPush( CGFEName( dest, TY_CHAR ) );