static CGLayerRef createCGLayerForDrawing(CGContextRef c)
    CGRect rect = { 0, 0, 50, 50 };
    CGSize layerSize;
    CGLayerRef layer;

    // Make the layer the size of the rectangle that
    // this code draws into the layer.
    layerSize.width = rect.size.width;
    layerSize.height = rect.size.height;

    // Create the layer to draw into.
    layer = CGLayerCreateWithContext(c, layerSize, NULL);
    if(layer == NULL)
	return NULL;
    // Get the context corresponding to the layer. Note
    // that this is a 'Get' function so the code must
    // not release the context.
    CGContextRef layerContext = CGLayerGetContext(layer);
    if(layerContext == NULL){
		return NULL;
    // Set the fill color to opaque black.
    CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(layerContext, getRGBOpaqueBlackColor());
    // Draw the content into the layer.
    CGContextFillRect(layerContext, rect);
    // Now the layer has the contents needed.
    return layer;
Пример #2
void GraphicsContext::fillRect(const FloatRect& rect)
    if (paintingDisabled())

    CGContextRef context = platformContext();

    if (m_state.fillGradient) {
        CGContextConcatCTM(context, m_state.fillGradient->gradientSpaceTransform());
        if (hasShadow()) {
            CGLayerRef layer = CGLayerCreateWithContext(context, CGSizeMake(rect.width(), rect.height()), 0);
            CGContextRef layerContext = CGLayerGetContext(layer);
            CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint(context, CGPointMake(rect.left(),, layer);
        } else {
            CGContextClipToRect(context, rect);

    if (m_state.fillPattern)
    CGContextFillRect(context, rect);
Пример #3
// Stage 4 - Draw a 2K by 2K source image to an offscreen 512 x 512 CG Layer,
// effectively caching the original image. The test measures how fast drawing 
// the cached layer takes. The cache alleviates the time taken to color match the
// image and also time required to downsample the image. 
// This cache technique is useful when the image has to be repeatedly draw at the
// same scale. The difference between this test the previous is that the previous 
// performed the caching using a bitmap context. This one caches using a CGLayerRef.
// Notice that we don't need to know the colorspace or destination context's device
// specific information when creating a CG Layer. 
// The source image is created programattically as a gradient between colors.
// Returns: the number of operations per second for this stage
float drawStage4(CGContextRef context, CGRect rect)
    size_t numOperations;
    CGImageRef image;
    double delta;    
    int i;
    unsigned char *data;
    CGLayerRef lyr;
    CGContextRef lyrContext;
    data = createGradientARGBBuffer(W, H);
    if (data == NULL) return 0;
    // Create the source image from the data provider
    image = createImage(W, H, data);
    // Create a layer from the destination context. The layer is the best representation
    // for the layer. We have to specify the size of the layer we want to create 
    // in default userspace units. 
    lyr = CGLayerCreateWithContext(context,CGSizeMake(ScaledToWidth,ScaledToHeight),NULL);
    // Now we want to draw in to layer, so get the CGContext for the layer to draw to
    lyrContext = CGLayerGetContext(lyr);
    // Draw the 3K x 3K source image once to the layer context
    CGContextDrawImage(lyrContext, CGRectMake(0,0,ScaledToWidth,ScaledToHeight), image);
    CFRelease(image);	// Done with the image - now cached in the layer ref
    free(data);		// free the source data
    // Perform the drawing operation once to get an rough idea of how long it will take
    delta = currentTime();
        // Draw the contents of the layer to the destination
    delta = currentTime() - delta;   
    // Calculate the approximage number of operations needed in one second
    numOperations = SecsPerTest / delta;
    // Now run the test again repeatedly
    delta = currentTime();
    for (i = 0 ; i < numOperations; i++) {
        // Draw the contents of the layer to the destination
    delta = currentTime() - delta;   
    CFRelease(lyr);	// done with the layer ref
    return (numOperations / delta);
Пример #4
CGLayerRef CGBitmap::createCGLayer (CGContextRef context)
	if (layer && !dirty)
		return layer;
	CGImageRef image = getCGImage ();
	layer = image ? CGLayerCreateWithContext (context, CGSizeMake (size.x, size.y), 0) : 0;
	if (layer)
		CGContextRef layerContext = CGLayerGetContext (layer);
		CGContextDrawImage (layerContext, CGRectMake (0, 0, size.x, size.y), image);
	return layer;
Пример #5
CGLayerRef CGBitmap::createCGLayer (CGContextRef context)
	if (layer && !dirty)
		return layer;
	CGImageRef image = getCGImage ();
	layer = image ? CGLayerCreateWithContext (context, CGSizeFromCPoint (size), 0) : 0;
	if (layer)
		CGContextRef layerContext = CGLayerGetContext (layer);
		CGContextDrawImage (layerContext, CGRectMake (0, 0, static_cast<CGFloat> (size.x), static_cast<CGFloat> (size.y)), image);
	return layer;
static CGLayerRef createLayerWithImageForContext(CGContextRef c, CFURLRef url)
    CGSize layerSize;
    CGLayerRef layer;
    CGPDFDocumentRef pdfDoc = getThePDFDoc(url, &layerSize.width, &layerSize.height);
    if(pdfDoc == NULL){
		return NULL;

    // Make the layer 1/3 the size of the PDF document.
    layerSize.width /= 3;
    layerSize.height /= 3;

    // Create the layer to draw into.
    layer = CGLayerCreateWithContext(c, layerSize, NULL);
    if(layer == NULL)
		return NULL;
    // Get the context corresponding to the layer. Note
    // that this is a 'Get' function so the code must
    // not release the context.
    CGContextRef layerContext = CGLayerGetContext(layer);
    if(layerContext == NULL){
		return NULL;
    // Draw the PDF document into the layer.
		CGRectMake(0, 0, layerSize.width, layerSize.height), pdfDoc, 1);
    // Now the layer has the contents needed.
    return layer;
Пример #7
CGLayer* CGLayerCreateWithContext_wrap(CGContextRef context, float w, float h) {
  return CGLayerCreateWithContext( context, CGSizeMake(w, h), NULL);