Пример #1
void CDlgSmsPhone::FillData( )
    QString strSql = "select a.cardno, b.carcp, c.username, c.userphone from \
            monthcard as a, carinfo as b, userinfo as c \
            where a.cardno = b.cardindex and a.cardno = c.cardindex and \
            c.userphone <> 'δ֪' and '1' = LEFT( c.userphone, 1 ) \
            and 11 = CHAR_LENGTH( c.userphone )";

    QStringList lstRows;
    CLogicInterface::GetInterface( )->ExecuteSql( strSql, lstRows );
    QTableWidgetItem* pItem = NULL;

    for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < lstRows.size( ); nIndex += 4 ) {
        ui->tableWidget->insertRow( 0 );

        for ( int nCol = 0; nCol < 5; nCol++ ) {
            if ( 4 != nCol ) {
                pItem = new QTableWidgetItem( lstRows[ nIndex + nCol ] );
            } else {
                pItem = new QTableWidgetItem(  );
                pItem->setCheckState( Qt::Unchecked );

            ui->tableWidget->setItem( 0, nCol, pItem );
            pItem->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
Пример #2
static VALUE
tre_traverse(VALUE pattern, VALUE string, long char_offset, VALUE params,
		VALUE ignore_case, VALUE multi_line, int num_captures, VALUE repeat) {

	// Compile once
	regex_t preg;
	tre_compile_regex(&preg, pattern, ignore_case, multi_line);

	// Build regaparams
	regaparams_t aparams;
	tre_build_aparams(&aparams, params);

	// Match data
	regamatch_t match;
	regmatch_t pmatch[num_captures + 1];
	// memset(&match, 0, sizeof(match));
	match.nmatch = num_captures + 1;
	match.pmatch = pmatch;

	// Scan
	VALUE arr = rb_ary_new();
	long char_offset_acc = char_offset;
	// rb_global_variable(&arr);

	while (1) {
		// Get substring to start with
		long char_len = CHAR_LENGTH(string) - char_offset;
		if (char_len <= 0) break;
		string = rb_str_substr(string, char_offset, char_len);

		int result = tre_reganexec(&preg, StringValuePtr(string), 
											RSTRING_LEN(string), &match, aparams, 0);

		if (result == REG_NOMATCH) break;

		// Fill in array with ranges
		VALUE subarr;
		if (match.nmatch == 1) 
			subarr = arr;	// Faking.. kind of.
		else {
			subarr = rb_ary_new();
			// rb_global_variable(&subarr);

		unsigned int i;
		for (i = 0; i < match.nmatch; ++i)
			// No match
			if (match.pmatch[i].rm_so == -1)
				rb_ary_push(subarr, Qnil);
			// Match => Range
			else {
				VALUE range = rb_range_new(
						LONG2NUM( char_offset_acc + BYTE_TO_CHAR(string, match.pmatch[i].rm_so) ),
						LONG2NUM( char_offset_acc + BYTE_TO_CHAR(string, match.pmatch[i].rm_eo) ),
				// rb_global_variable(&range);

				rb_ary_push(subarr, range);
		if (match.nmatch > 1) rb_ary_push(arr, subarr);

		// Stop or proceed
		if (repeat == Qfalse)
		else {
			char_offset = BYTE_TO_CHAR(string, match.pmatch[0].rm_eo);
			if (char_offset == 0) char_offset = 1; // Weird case
			char_offset_acc += char_offset;

	// Free once

	return arr;