Пример #1
 * AdressRangeMapping REGISTERING:
 * start, length .... identifies addressrange
 * *initial_value ... pointer to buffer containing (if necessary) initial value
 *                    NULL means undefined
 * arm_tag .......... identifier for arm_tag_handler 
 *                    (usually pointer to raw1394_arm_reqhandle)
 * access_rights .... access-rights for registered addressrange handled 
 *                    by kernel-part. Value is one or more binary or of the 
 *                    following flags: ARM_READ, ARM_WRITE, ARM_LOCK
 * notification_options ... identifies for which type of request you want
 *                    to be notified. Value is one or more binary or of the 
 *                    following flags: ARM_READ, ARM_WRITE, ARM_LOCK
 * client_transactions ... identifies for which type of request you want
 *                    to handle the request by the client application.
 *                    for those requests no response will be generated, but
 *                    has to be generated by the application.
 *                    Value is one or more binary or of the 
 *                    following flags: ARM_READ, ARM_WRITE, ARM_LOCK
 *                    For each bit set here, notification_options and
 *                    access_rights will be ignored.
 * returnvalue:       0  ... success
 *                    <0 ... failure
int ieee1394_arm_register(struct ieee1394_handle *handle, nodeaddr_t start, 
                         size_t length, byte_t *initial_value,
                         octlet_t arm_tag, arm_options_t access_rights,
                         arm_options_t notification_options,
                         arm_options_t client_transactions)
        int     retval=0;
        struct  raw1394_request req;

	if (((start & ~(0xFFFFFFFF)) != 0) ||
                (((start + length) & ~(0xFFFFFFFF)) != 0)) {
                errno = EINVAL;
                return (-1);
        req.type = RAW1394_REQ_ARM_REGISTER;
        req.generation = handle->generation; /* not necessary */
        req.address = start;
        req.length = length;
        req.tag = arm_tag;
        req.recvb = ptr2int(handle->buffer); /* arm_handle on success */ 
        req.misc = ((client_transactions & 0x0f) << 8)|((notification_options & 0x0F) << 4)|(access_rights & 0x0F)
                    |((ARM_REC_LENGTH & 0xFFFF) << 16);
        req.sendb = ptr2int(initial_value); 
        retval = (int) write(handle->fd, &req, sizeof(req));
        return (retval == sizeof(req)) ? 0:-1;
Пример #2
static unsigned int init_rawdevice(struct ieee1394_handle *h)
        struct raw1394_request req;

        req.type = RAW1394_REQ_INITIALIZE;
        req.misc = RAW1394_KERNELAPI_VERSION;
        h->protocol_version = RAW1394_KERNELAPI_VERSION;

        if (write(h->fd, &req, sizeof(req)) < 0) return -1;
        if (read(h->fd, &req, sizeof(req)) < 0) return -1;

        if (req.error == RAW1394_ERROR_COMPAT && req.misc == 3) {
                h->protocol_version = 3;
                if (write(h->fd, &req, sizeof(req)) < 0) return -1;
                if (read(h->fd, &req, sizeof(req)) < 0) return -1;

        if (req.error) {
                errno = EPROTO;
                return -1;
        memset(h->buffer, 0, HBUF_SIZE);

        return req.generation;
Пример #3
int ieee1394_set_port(struct ieee1394_handle *handle, int port)
        struct raw1394_request req;


        req.type = RAW1394_REQ_SET_CARD;
        req.generation = handle->generation;
        req.misc = port;

        if (write(handle->fd, &req, sizeof(req)) < 0) return -1;
        if (read(handle->fd, &req, sizeof(req)) < 0) return -1;

        switch (req.error) {
        case RAW1394_ERROR_GENERATION:
                handle->generation = req.generation;
                errno = ESTALE;
                return -1;
        case RAW1394_ERROR_INVALID_ARG:
                errno = EINVAL;
                return -1;
        case RAW1394_ERROR_NONE:
                if (handle->protocol_version == 3) {
                        handle->num_of_nodes = req.misc & 0xffff;
                        handle->local_id = req.misc >> 16;
                } else {
Пример #4
int ieee1394_get_port_info(struct ieee1394_handle *handle, 
                          struct raw1394_portinfo *pinf, int maxports)
        struct raw1394_request req;

        req.type = RAW1394_REQ_LIST_CARDS;
        req.generation = handle->generation;
        /* IMPORTANT: raw1394 will be writing directly into the memory you
           provide in pinf. The viability of this approach assumes that the 
           structure of libraw1394's raw1394_portinfo and the kernel's 
           raw1394_khost_list structs are the same!!
        req.recvb = ptr2int(pinf);
        req.length = sizeof(struct raw1394_portinfo) * maxports;

        while (1) {
                if (write(handle->fd, &req, sizeof(req)) < 0) return -1;
                if (read(handle->fd, &req, sizeof(req)) < 0) return -1;

                if (!req.error) break;

                if (req.error == RAW1394_ERROR_GENERATION) {
                        handle->generation = req.generation;

                return -1;

        return req.misc;
Пример #5
static int do_iso_listen(struct raw1394_handle *handle, int channel)
        struct sync_cb_data sd = { 0, 0 };
        struct raw1394_reqhandle rh = { (req_callback_t)_raw1394_sync_cb, &sd };
        int err;
        struct raw1394_request req;

        req.type = RAW1394_REQ_ISO_LISTEN;
        req.generation = handle->generation;
        req.misc = channel;
        req.tag = ptr2int(&rh);
        req.recvb = ptr2int(handle->buffer);
        req.length = HBUF_SIZE;

        err = write(handle->fd, &req, sizeof(req));
        while (!sd.done) {
                if (err < 0) return err;
                err = raw1394_loop_iterate(handle);

        switch (sd.errcode) {
        case RAW1394_ERROR_ALREADY:
                errno = EALREADY;
                return -1;

        case RAW1394_ERROR_INVALID_ARG:
                errno = EINVAL;
                return -1;

                errno = 0;
                return sd.errcode;
Пример #6
 * AdressRangeMapping UNREGISTERING:
 * start ............ identifies addressrange for unregistering 
 *                    (value of start have to be the same value 
 *                    used for registering this adressrange)
 * returnvalue:       0  ... success
 *                    <0 ... failure
int ieee1394_arm_unregister (struct ieee1394_handle *handle, nodeaddr_t start)
        int retval;
        struct raw1394_request req;

        req.type = RAW1394_REQ_ARM_UNREGISTER;
        req.generation = handle->generation; /* not necessary */
        req.address = start;
        retval = write(handle->fd, &req, sizeof(req));
        return (retval == sizeof(req)) ? 0:-1;
Пример #7
int raw1394_start_phy_packet_write(struct raw1394_handle *handle, 
	quadlet_t data, unsigned long tag)
        struct raw1394_request req;


        req.type = RAW1394_REQ_PHYPACKET;
        req.generation = handle->generation;
        req.tag = tag;

        req.sendb = data;

        return (int)write(handle->fd, &req, sizeof(req));
Пример #8
int raw1394_echo_request(struct raw1394_handle *handle, quadlet_t data)
        struct raw1394_request req;
        int retval=0;


        req.type = RAW1394_REQ_ECHO;
        req.misc = data;

        retval = (int)write(handle->fd, &req, sizeof(req));
        if (retval == sizeof(req)) {
                return 0; /* succcess */
	return -1;
Пример #9
 * AdressRangeMapping GET BUFFER:
 * start, length .... identifies addressrange
 * buf .............. pointer to buffer
 * This function copies 'length' bytes from one
 * ARM block in kernel memory area with start offset `start`
 * to user memory area 'buf'
 * returnvalue:       0  ... success
 *                    <0 ... failure, and errno - error code
int ieee1394_arm_get_buf (struct ieee1394_handle *handle, nodeaddr_t start,
                         size_t length, void *buf)
        struct raw1394_request req;


        req.type = RAW1394_REQ_ARM_GET_BUF;
        req.recvb = ptr2int(buf);
        req.length = length;
        req.address = start;

        if (write(handle->fd, &req, sizeof(req)) < 0) return -1;

        return 0;
Пример #10
int raw1394_start_write(struct raw1394_handle *handle, nodeid_t node,
                        nodeaddr_t addr, size_t length, quadlet_t *data,
                        unsigned long tag)
        struct raw1394_request req;


        req.type = RAW1394_REQ_ASYNC_WRITE;
        req.generation = handle->generation;
        req.tag = tag;

        req.address = ((__u64)node << 48) | addr;
        req.length = length;
        req.sendb = ptr2int(data);

        return (int)write(handle->fd, &req, sizeof(req));
Пример #11
int raw1394_start_async_send(struct raw1394_handle *handle,
                             size_t length, size_t header_length, unsigned int expect_response,
                             quadlet_t *data, unsigned long rawtag)
        struct raw1394_request req;


        req.type = RAW1394_REQ_ASYNC_SEND;
        req.generation = handle->generation;
        req.tag = rawtag;

        req.length = length;
        req.misc = (expect_response << 16) | (header_length & 0xffff);
        req.sendb = ptr2int(data);

        return (int)write(handle->fd, &req, sizeof(req));
Пример #12
int raw1394_start_iso_write(struct raw1394_handle *handle, unsigned int channel,
                            unsigned int tag, unsigned int sy,
                            unsigned int speed, size_t length, quadlet_t *data,
                            unsigned long rawtag)
        struct raw1394_request req;


        req.type = RAW1394_REQ_ISO_SEND;
        req.generation = handle->generation;
        req.tag = rawtag;

        req.address = ((__u64)channel << 48) | speed;
        req.misc = (tag << 16) | sy;
        req.length = length;
        req.sendb = ptr2int(data);

        return (int)write(handle->fd, &req, sizeof(req));
Пример #13
int raw1394_start_lock64(struct raw1394_handle *handle, nodeid_t node,
                         nodeaddr_t addr, unsigned int extcode, octlet_t data,
                         octlet_t arg, octlet_t *result, unsigned long tag)
        struct raw1394_request req;
        octlet_t sendbuf[2];

        if ((extcode > 7) || (extcode == 0)) {
                errno = EINVAL;
                return -1;


        req.type = RAW1394_REQ_LOCK64;
        req.generation = handle->generation;
        req.tag = tag;

        req.address = ((__u64)node << 48) | addr;
        req.sendb = ptr2int(sendbuf);
        req.recvb = ptr2int(result);
        req.misc = extcode;

        switch (extcode) {
        case 3: /* EXTCODE_FETCH_ADD */
        case 4: /* EXTCODE_LITTLE_ADD */
                sendbuf[0] = data;
                req.length = 8;
                sendbuf[0] = arg;
                sendbuf[1] = data;
                req.length = 16;

        return (int)write(handle->fd, &req, sizeof(req));