Пример #1
Bool CCompiler::OnCompileFail( )
    CL_TRACE("Enter CCompiler::OnCompileFail");

    FileSystem::FileHandle compileLogFile = FileSystem::CreateFile(EFileType::E_FILE_TYPE_MEMORY);
    if( !compileLogFile->Open( m_compilerOutputFile, EAccesMode::E_ACCES_MODE_READ ) )
        CL_ERROR( "failed to open file:[%s]", m_compilerOutputFile.GetBuffer() );
        return false;

    u64 fileSize = compileLogFile->GetSize();
    CString fileContent;

    if( !compileLogFile->Read( fileContent.GetBuffer(), fileSize, 1 ) )
        CL_ERROR( "failed to read file content for:[%s]" ,m_compilerOutputFile.GetBuffer() );
        return false;


    //replace CompilerDummy.cpp with our file
    CString slnCppFileName = GetSolutionCppFileRaw();
    CString sourceFileName = "CodSursa.cpp";

    CRegex regexReplace( slnCppFileName );
    fileContent = regexReplace.Replace( fileContent, sourceFileName);

    CL_TRACE("fileContent:\n[%s]\n=======================", fileContent.GetBuffer());
    //CL_ERROR("fileContent:\n[%s]\n=======================", fileContent.GetBuffer());

    const CString regexString = sourceFileName + "\\([0-9]+\\):.*error C[0-9]+:[^\n]*";
    CRegex errorRegex( regexString, true );
    CRegex::TCaptures errors;

    if( !errorRegex.Find( fileContent, errors ) )
        CL_ERROR( "failed to find errors in file:[%s]",m_compilerOutputFile.GetBuffer() );
        return false;

    for( u64 i=0; i<errors.GetSize(); i++ )
        const CString& error = errors[i];
        m_compileErrors += error;
    m_compileErrors = fileContent;

    return true;    // The OnCompileFailed step succeeded;
Пример #2
/* set_sector:
static void set_sector ( MbColony *colony,
                         MbObject *sector )
  MbObject *t_mine;
  GList *l;
  MbsTaskFuncs funcs = { t_mine_init, t_mine_check, t_mine_process };
  MB_COLONY_CLASS(parent_class)->set_sector(colony, sector);
  /* create the mine tasks */
  t_mine = mb_task_find(MB_TASK(MB_COLONY_TOP_TASK(colony)), "work/mine");
  for (l = MB_SECTOR(sector)->veins; l; l = l->next)
      MbObject *vein = l->data;
      MbObject *task;
      task = mb_task_get_child(MB_TASK(t_mine),
      if (task)
      task = mbs_task_new(MB_OBJECT_GAME(sector),
      mb_task_add(MB_TASK(t_mine), task);
Пример #3
Bool CCompiler::RunCompileStep ( )
    CL_TRACE("Enter CCompiler::RunCompileStep");

    // remove the old .exe if exists;
    CPath::DeleteFile( GetCompiledExeFilePath() );

    // run bat file to setup visual studio env settings;
    CString outputFileCommandLineParameter = (m_compilerOutputFile.GetLenght()==0)? "" : (" /Out " + StringUtils::Quote(m_compilerOutputFile) );
    CString command = CString("devenv.exe ") + StringUtils::Quote( GetSolutionFile() ) + " /Rebuild \"Release|Win32\"" + outputFileCommandLineParameter;

    Bool rez = true;
    CString currDir;
    CPath::SetCurrPath( GetDevenvPath() );
    if( !RunCommand(command) )
        CPath::SetCurrPath( currDir );
        return false;
    rez &= CPath::SetCurrPath( currDir );

    return true;
Пример #4
Bool CCompiler::RunPreCompileStep( )
    CL_TRACE("Enter CCompiler::RunPreCompileStep");

    //if( !CopyCppFile() )
    //    CL_ERROR("failed to copy cpp files");
    //    return false;
    if( !CopySourceCode( m_sourceCodeToCompile ) )
        CL_ERROR("failed to copy source");
        return false;

    // delete output file to have a clean compile log
    CPath::DeleteFile( m_compilerOutputFile );  

    CString pathToSettupBat;
    if( !ThGetEnvVariable(ms_vsEnvToolsVar, pathToSettupBat) )
        CL_ERROR("failed to get path to settup bat from env variable:[%s]", ms_vsEnvToolsVar );
        return false;

    CString vsSettupCommand =  "call \"" + pathToSettupBat + ms_vsSetupBat + "\"";

    if( !RunCommand(vsSettupCommand) )
        return false;        

    return true;
Пример #5
Bool CCompiler::RunCommand ( const CString& command )
    const char* ptr = command.GetBuffer();
    CL_TRACE("Running command:[%s]", ptr );

    int rezult = system(command.GetBuffer());

    CL_TRACE("command [%s] has finished with result:[%d]", command.GetBuffer(), rezult );

    if( rezult != 0 )
        return false;

    return true;
Пример #6
// main function to compile a file
Bool CCompiler::Compile ( )
    CL_TRACE("Begining compiling...");

    if( !RunPreCompileStep() )
        CL_ERROR( "failed to run precompile step\n" );
        SetStatus( ECompilerStatus_InternalFail );
        return false;

    if( !RunCompileStep( ) )
        CL_TRACE("Compilation failed..Trying to retrive the errors");
        if( OnCompileFail() )
            SetStatus( ECompilerStatus_CompileFailed );
            return true;
            SetStatus( ECompilerStatus_InternalFail );
            return false;
        CL_TRACE("Compilation succeded...Trying go get the rezult of the program");
        if( OnCompileSucceeded() )
            SetStatus( ECompilerStatus_CompileSucceeded );
            return true;
            SetStatus( ECompilerStatus_InternalFail );
            return false;

    return true; // Compile step succeeded;
Пример #7
Bool CCompiler::OnInit( const char* sourceCode, const char* programInput, const char* helperSolutionPath )
    CL_TRACE("Initializing Compiler with");
    if( !sourceCode )
        CL_ERROR("Failed to init Compiler! Source code is NULL");
        return false;

    m_programInput = programInput;
    m_sourceCodeToCompile = sourceCode;

    if( !helperSolutionPath )
        CL_ERROR(" helper solution path not found");
        return false;

    // set helper solution path and validate it;
    m_helperSolutionPath = helperSolutionPath;
    if( !CPath::IsAbsolute(m_helperSolutionPath) )
        CL_ERROR("solution path provided is not absolute:[%s]", m_helperSolutionPath.GetBuffer() );
        return false;
    if( !CPath::DirectoryExists(m_helperSolutionPath) )
        CL_ERROR( "solution directoy does not exists:[%s]", m_helperSolutionPath.GetBuffer() );
        return false;

    if( !CPath::GetCurrPath( m_workingDir ) )
        CL_ERROR("initialization step failed. Cannot get current directory");
        return false;

    CPath::SetCurrPath( m_helperSolutionPath );

    if( !CPath::GetAbsolutePath(ms_compilerLogFile, m_compilerOutputFile) )
        CL_ERROR( "failed to get absolute path from path:[%s]", ms_compilerLogFile );
        return false;

    // get path to devenv and validate it;
    CString vsToolsPath;
    ThGetEnvVariable( ms_vsEnvToolsVar, vsToolsPath );
    vsToolsPath += "..\\IDE\\";
    if( !CPath::GetAbsolutePath(vsToolsPath, m_devenvPath ) )
        CL_ERROR( " failed to get devenv absolute path from tools path:[%s]", vsToolsPath.GetBuffer() );
        return false;
    CString devenvExecutableFullPath = m_devenvPath + "devenv.exe";
    if( !CPath::FileExists( devenvExecutableFullPath ) )
        CL_ERROR( "failed to get path to devenv.exe. We got [%s] but this file does not exists!", devenvExecutableFullPath.GetBuffer() );
        return false;

    CL_TRACE("Compile initialization succeeded");
    return true;
Пример #8
    :m_compileStatus    ( ECompilerStatus_InternalFail )
    CL_TRACE("Enter Compiler Constructor");