Пример #1
 channel( unsigned int index, const channel::options& options )
     : index_( index )
     , scaled_( options.scale )
     , row_( 0, block_size )
     , row_count_( 0 )
     , angle_step_( ( M_PI * 2 ) / block_size )
     , options_( options )
     if( options.colourmap == "green" ) { colourmap_ = color_map::constant( 0, 255, 0 ); }
     else if( options.colourmap == "red" ) { colourmap_ = color_map::constant( 255, 0, 0 ); }
     else if( options.colourmap == "hot" ) { colourmap_ = color_map::temperature( 96, 96 ); }
     else if( options.colourmap == "jet" ) { colourmap_ = color_map::jet(); }
         std::vector< std::string > v = comma::split( options.colourmap, ',' );
         if( v.size() != 3 ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "image-accumulate: expected colourmap, got '" << options.colourmap << "'" ); }
         colourmap_ = color_map::constant( boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( v[0] ), boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( v[1] ), boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( v[2] ) );
     if( options.dial_colour == "white" ) { dial_colour_ = cv::Scalar( 255, 255, 255 ); }
     else if( options.dial_colour == "white" ) { dial_colour_ = cv::Scalar( 255, 255, 255 ); }
     else if( options.dial_colour == "black" ) { dial_colour_ = cv::Scalar( 0, 0, 0 ); }
     else if( options.dial_colour == "red" ) { dial_colour_ = cv::Scalar( 0, 0, 255 ); }
     else if( options.dial_colour == "green" ) { dial_colour_ = cv::Scalar( 0, 255, 0 ); }
     else if( options.dial_colour == "blue" ) { dial_colour_ = cv::Scalar( 255, 0, 0 ); }
     else if( options.dial_colour == "yellow" ) { dial_colour_ = cv::Scalar( 0, 255, 255 ); }
         std::vector< std::string > v = comma::split( options.dial_colour, ',' );
         if( v.size() != 3 ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "image-accumulate: expected colour, got '" << options.dial_colour << "'" ); }
         dial_colour_ = cv::Scalar( boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( v[2] ), boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( v[1] ), boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( v[0] ) );
Пример #2
turn_laser_on::turn_laser_on(stream_base& ios, laser_device& device, bool reboot_on_error):ios(ios)
    state_command start( "BM" ); // starts transmission
    state_reply start_reply;

    ios.write( start.data(), state_command::size  );
    comma::io::select select;
    select.read().add( ios.native() );
    select.wait( 1 ); // wait one select for reply, it can be much smaller
    if( !select.read().ready( ios.native() ) ) { 
        COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "no reply received from laser scanner after a startup (BM) command: " << std::string( start.data(), state_command::size ) ); 
    ios.read( start_reply.data(), state_reply::size  );
    if( start_reply.status() != 0 && 
        start_reply.status() != 10 &&
        start_reply.status() != 2 ) // 0 = success, 2 seems to be returned when it is already in scanning mode but idle
        if( reboot_on_error )
        COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, std::string("Starting laser with BM command failed, status: ") + std::string( start_reply.status.data(), 2 ) ); 
Пример #3
int dc1394color_coding_to_cv_type(dc1394color_coding_t color_coding)
    //std::cerr << "Color coding: " << color_coding_to_string( color_coding ) << std::endl;
    switch( color_coding )
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO8:
            return CV_8UC1;
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB8:
            return CV_8UC3;
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO16:
            return CV_16UC1;
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB16:
            return CV_16UC3;
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO16S:
            return CV_16SC1;
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB16S:
            return CV_16SC3;
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RAW8:
            return CV_8UC1;
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RAW16:
            return CV_16UC1;
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV411:
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV422:
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV444:
            COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "unsupported color coding: " << color_coding);
            COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "invalid color coding: " << color_coding);
Пример #4
attribute::attribute( AVT::VmbAPI::FeaturePtr feature )
    : feature_( feature )
    , type_( VmbFeatureDataUnknown )
    VmbErrorType status = feature_->GetName( name_ );
    if( status != VmbErrorSuccess )
        COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, error_msg( "GetName() failed", status ));

    status = feature_->GetDataType( type_ );
    if( status != VmbErrorSuccess )
        COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, error_msg( "GetDataType() failed", status ));

    status = feature_->GetDescription( description_ );
    if( status != VmbErrorSuccess )
        COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, error_msg( "GetDescription() failed", status ));

Пример #5
 void sendcommand( const command& c )
     if( !m_ostream ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "cannot write to read-only stream" ); }
     if( m_commandId ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "got a new command (0x" << std::hex << command::id << "), while waiting for response to 0x" << *m_commandId << std::dec ); }
     commands::packet< command > packet( c );
     m_ostream->write( packet.data(), commands::packet< command >::size );
     if( m_ostream->bad() ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to send command (0x" << std::hex << command::id << std::dec ); }
Пример #6
 static boost::posix_time::time_duration time_delay( unsigned int block, unsigned int laser )
     if(laser<0 ||laser>=lasers_per_block) {
         COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "laser id out of range" << laser );
     if(block<0||block>=block_count) {
         COMMA_THROW(comma::exception, "block id out of range"<<block );
     double delay = (time_table[block][laser] ) + timestamps::ethernetOutputDuration * 1e6;
     return boost::posix_time::microseconds( delay);
Пример #7
int main( int ac, char** av )
    comma::command_line_options options( ac, av, usage );
            std::size_t size=snark::asd::commands::acquire_data::spectrum_data::size;
            if (timestamp) { size += sizeof(boost::posix_time::ptime);}
            std::cout<< size << std::endl;
            return 0;
        if(timestamp && !raw) { COMMA_THROW(comma::exception, "--timestamp option only works with --raw");}
        std::vector<std::string> unnamed=options.unnamed("--verbose,-v,--raw,--timestamp,--strict,--acquire,--omit-new-line", "--timeout,--sleep");
        if(unnamed.size() != 1) { COMMA_THROW(comma::exception, "expected address (one unnamed arg); got " << unnamed.size() ); }
        bool omit_new_line=options.exists("--omit-new-line");
        snark::asd::protocol protocol(unnamed[0], options.value("--timeout",0));
            //comma::verbose<<"reading stdin..."<<std::endl;
            std::string cmd;
            std::getline( std::cin, cmd );
            if( cmd.empty() ) { continue; }
            if(!omit_new_line) { cmd += '\n'; }
            comma::verbose<<"sending command: "<<cmd<<std::endl;
            bool processed =  process_acquire_data(protocol,cmd)
                || app<snark::asd::commands::version>::process(protocol,cmd)
                || app<snark::asd::commands::abort>::process(protocol,cmd)
                || app<snark::asd::commands::restore>::process(protocol,cmd)
                || app<snark::asd::commands::optimize>::process(protocol,cmd)
                || app<snark::asd::commands::init>::process(protocol,cmd)
                || app<snark::asd::commands::save>::process(protocol,cmd)
                || app<snark::asd::commands::erase>::process(protocol,cmd)
                || app<snark::asd::commands::instrument_gain_control>::process(protocol,cmd);
            if ( !processed ) { COMMA_THROW(comma::exception, "invalid command " << cmd );  }
        return 0;
    catch( std::exception& ex )
        std::cerr << comma::verbose.app_name() << ": " << ex.what() << std::endl;
    catch( ... )
        std::cerr << comma::verbose.app_name() << ": " << "unknown exception" << std::endl;
    return 1;
Пример #8
 udp_stream( const std::string& address ) : stream( address ), socket_( service_ )
     const std::vector< std::string >& v = comma::split( address, ':' );
     if( v.size() != 2 ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "io-cat: expected udp:<port>, e.g. udp:12345, got" << address ); }
     unsigned short port = boost::lexical_cast< unsigned short >( v[1] );
     socket_.open( boost::asio::ip::udp::v4() );
     boost::system::error_code error;
     socket_.set_option( boost::asio::ip::udp::socket::broadcast( true ), error );
     if( error ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "io-cat: udp failed to set broadcast option on port " << port ); }
     socket_.bind( boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint( boost::asio::ip::udp::v4(), port ), error );
     if( error ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "io-cat: udp failed to bind port " << port ); }
Пример #9
dc1394speed_t iso_speed_from_string ( const std::string& speed )
    if( speed == "DC1394_ISO_SPEED_100" )
        return DC1394_ISO_SPEED_100;
    else if( speed == "DC1394_ISO_SPEED_200" )
        return DC1394_ISO_SPEED_200;
    else if( speed == "DC1394_ISO_SPEED_400" )
        return DC1394_ISO_SPEED_400;
    else if( speed == "DC1394_ISO_SPEED_800" )
        return DC1394_ISO_SPEED_800;
    else if( speed == "DC1394_ISO_SPEED_1600" )
        return DC1394_ISO_SPEED_1600;
    else if( speed == "DC1394_ISO_SPEED_3200" )
        return DC1394_ISO_SPEED_3200;
        COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "invalid iso speed: " << speed );
Пример #10
std::string color_coding_to_string( dc1394color_coding_t color_coding )
    switch( color_coding )
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO8:
            return "DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO8";
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV411:
            return "DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV411";
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV422:
            return "DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV422";
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV444:
            return "DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV444";
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB8:
            return "DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB8";
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO16:
            return "DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO16";
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB16:
            return "DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB16";
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO16S:
            return "DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO16S";
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB16S:
            return "DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB16S";
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RAW8:
            return "DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RAW8";
        case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RAW16:
            return "DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RAW16";
            COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "invalid color coding: " << color_coding );
Пример #11
    static inline boost::property_tree::ptree& parse( boost::property_tree::ptree& ptree
            , const std::string& s
            , char equal_sign
            , char delimiter
            , bool use_index ) // todo? make using index default?
        const std::vector< std::string >& v = comma::split( s, delimiter );
        impl::path_filter< check_type > c( ptree );

        for( std::size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i )
            if( v[i].empty() ) {
            std::string::size_type p = v[i].find_first_of( equal_sign );
            if( p == std::string::npos ) {
                COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "expected '" << delimiter << "'-separated xpath" << equal_sign << "value pairs; got \"" << v[i] << "\"" );
            const std::string& path = comma::strip( v[i].substr( 0, p ), '"' );
            const std::string& value = comma::strip( v[i].substr( p + 1, std::string::npos ), '"' );
            if( c.put_allowed( path, use_index ) )
                if( use_index ) {
                    property_tree::put( ptree, path, value, use_index );    // quick and dirty
                else {
                    ptree.put( boost::property_tree::ptree::path_type( path, '/' ), value );
        return ptree;
Пример #12
static void set_pixel( cv::Mat& m, const input_t& v, const std::pair< double, double >& offset ) // quick and dirty; reimplement as templates
    int x = std::floor( v.x + 0.5 - offset.first );
    int y = std::floor( v.y + 0.5 - offset.second );
    if( x < 0 || x >= m.cols ) { return; }
    if( y < 0 || y >= m.rows ) { return; }
    switch( m.type() )
        case CV_8UC1:
            m.at< unsigned char >( y, x ) = v.channels[0];
        case CV_32FC1:
            m.at< float >( y, x ) = v.channels[0];
        case CV_8UC3:
            cv::Vec3b& p = m.at< cv::Vec3b >( y, x );
            p[0] = v.channels[0];
            p[1] = v.channels[1];
            p[2] = v.channels[2];
        case CV_32FC3:
            cv::Vec3f& p = m.at< cv::Vec3f >( y, x );
            p[0] = v.channels[0];
            p[1] = v.channels[1];
            p[2] = v.channels[2];
            COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "unsupported cv mat type " << m.type() );
Пример #13
void gaussian_process::evaluate( const Eigen::MatrixXd& domains, Eigen::VectorXd& means, Eigen::VectorXd& variances ) const
    if( domains.cols() != domains_.cols() ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "expected " << domains_.cols() << " column(s) in domains, got " << domains.cols() << std::endl ); }
    Eigen::MatrixXd Kxsx = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero( domains.rows(), domains_.rows() );
    for( std::size_t r = 0; r < std::size_t( domains.rows() ); ++r )
        const Eigen::VectorXd& row = domains.row( r );
        for( std::size_t c = 0; c < std::size_t( domains_.rows() ); ++c )
            Kxsx( r, c ) = covariance_( row, domains_.row( c ) );
    means = Kxsx * alpha_;
    means.array() += offset_;
    Eigen::MatrixXd Kxxs = Kxsx.transpose();
    L_.matrixL().solveInPlace( Kxxs );
    Eigen::MatrixXd& variance = Kxxs;
    variance = variance.array() * variance.array();
    variances = variance.colwise().sum();
    // for each diagonal variance, set v(r) = -v(r,r) + Kxsxs
    for( std::size_t r = 0; r < std::size_t( domains.rows() ); ++r )
        variances( r ) = -variances( r ) + self_covariance_;
Пример #14
gaussian_process::gaussian_process( const Eigen::MatrixXd& domains
                                , const Eigen::VectorXd& targets
                                , const gaussian_process::covariance& covariance
                                , double self_covariance )
    : domains_( domains )
    , targets_( targets )
    , covariance_( covariance )
    , self_covariance_( self_covariance )
    , offset_( targets.sum() / targets.rows() )
    , K_( domains.rows(), domains.rows() )
    if( domains.rows() != targets.rows() ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "expected " << domains.rows() << " row(s) in targets, got " << targets.rows() << " row(s)" ); }
    targets_.array() -= offset_; // normalise
    //use m_K as Kxx + variance*I, then invert it
    //fill Kxx with values from covariance function
    //for elements r,c in upper triangle
    for( std::size_t r = 0; r < std::size_t( domains.rows() ); ++r )
        K_( r, r ) = self_covariance_;
        const Eigen::VectorXd& row = domains.row( r );
        for( std::size_t c = r + 1; c < std::size_t( domains.rows() ); ++c )
            K_( c, r ) = K_( r, c ) = covariance_( row, domains.row( c ) );
    L_.compute( K_ ); // invert Kxx + variance * I to become (by definition) B
    alpha_ = L_.solve( targets_ );
Пример #15
 key_press_t_( bool interactive = false, const std::string& tty = "/dev/tty" ) : interactive_( interactive )
     if( !interactive_ ) { return; }
     fd_ = ::open( &tty[0], O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK | O_NOCTTY );
     if( !isatty( fd_ ) ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "'" << tty << "' is not tty" ); }
     if( fd_ == -1 ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to open '" << tty << "'" ); }
     struct termios new_termios;
     ::tcgetattr( fd_, &old_termios_ );
     new_termios = old_termios_;
     new_termios.c_lflag &= ~( ICANON | ECHO );
     new_termios.c_iflag &= ~( BRKINT | ICRNL | INPCK | ISTRIP | IXON );
     if( ::tcsetattr( fd_, TCSANOW, &new_termios ) < 0 ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to set '" << tty << "'" ); }
     std::cerr << "csv-play: running in interactive mode" << std::endl;
     std::cerr << "          press <whitespace> to pause or resume" << std::endl;
     std::cerr << "          press left or down arrow key: output one record at a time" << std::endl;
Пример #16
static void on_frame_( const Pair& p ) // quick and dirty
    if( p.second.size().width == 0 )
        if( emptyFrameCounter > 20 )
            COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "got lots of empty frames, check that the packet size in the camera matches the mtu on your machine" );
        if( verbose )
            std::cerr << "gige-cat: got empty frame" << std::endl;
    emptyFrameCounter = 0;
    Pair q;
    if( is_shutdown || !running ) { return queue.push( q ); } // to force read exit
    q.first = p.first;
    p.second.copyTo( q.second ); // quick and dirty: full copy; todo: implement circular queue in gige::callback?
    queue.push( q );
    if( verbose ) { spin_(); }
    if( discard_more_than > 0 )
        int size = queue.size();
        if( size > 1 )
            int size_to_discard = size - discard_more_than;
            Pair p;
            for( int i = 0; i < size_to_discard; ++i ) { queue.pop( p ); } // clear() is not thread-safe
            if( verbose && size_to_discard > 0 ) { std::cerr << "gige-cat: discarded " << size_to_discard << " frames" << std::endl; }
Пример #17
 typename command::response write( const command& c )
     if( m_fault ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "got command, while having uncleared fault" ); }
     sendcommand( c );
     m_commandId = static_cast< commands::types >( command::id );
     return readresponse< command >();
Пример #18
inline static void init( comma::csv::options& csv_options, const comma::command_line_options& options, const std::string& defaultFields )
    csv_options.full_xpath = options.exists( "--full-xpath" );
    csv_options.fields = options.value( "--fields", defaultFields );
    if( options.exists( "--binary" ) )
        boost::optional< std::string > format = options.optional< std::string >( "--binary" );
        if( format )
            csv_options.format( options.value< std::string >( "--binary" ) );
    csv_options.precision = options.value< unsigned int >( "--precision", 12 );
    csv_options.delimiter = options.exists( "--delimiter" ) ? options.value( "--delimiter", ',' ) : options.value( "-d", ',' );
    boost::optional< std::string > quote_character = options.optional< std::string >( "--quote" );
    if( quote_character )
        switch( quote_character->size() )
            case 0: csv_options.quote.reset(); break;
            case 1: csv_options.quote = ( *quote_character )[0]; break;
            case 2: COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "expected a quote character, got \"" << *quote_character << "\"" );
    csv_options.flush = options.exists( "--flush" );
Пример #19
T* read_packet(std::istream& is, T& t)
    std::streamsize read_count=is.gcount();
    if(read_count==0&&!is.good()){return NULL;}
    if(read_count != t.size) { COMMA_THROW(comma::exception, "read count mismatch, expected: " << t.size << " bytes; got: " << read_count );}
    return &t;
Пример #20
std::pair< double, double > gaussian_process::evaluate( const Eigen::MatrixXd& domain ) const
    if( domain.rows() != 1 ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "expected 1 row in domain, got " << domain.rows() << " rows" ); }
    Eigen::VectorXd means( 1 );
    Eigen::VectorXd variances( 1 );
    evaluate( domain, means, variances );
    return std::make_pair( means( 0 ), variances( 0 ) );
Пример #21
 const scan_packet* readscan()
     if( m_fault ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "asked to read scan, while having uncleared fault" ); }
     if( m_commandId ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "cannot read scan, while waiting for response to 0x" << std::hex << *m_commandId << std::dec ); }
     if( !readpacket() ) { return NULL; }
     switch( m_header->type() )
         case header::scan_type:
             return reinterpret_cast< const scan_packet* >( &m_buf[0] );
         case header::fault_type:
             throw faultException(); // COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "received fault, while reading scan" );
         case header::response_type:
             COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "expected scan data, got command response of type 0x" << std::hex << ( reinterpret_cast< const commands::response_header* >( m_payload )->id() & 0x3fff ) << std::dec );
             COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "expected scan data, got packet of unknown type (0x" << std::hex << m_header->type() << std::dec );
Пример #22
 bool put_allowed( const std::string& p, bool use_index ) const
     if( use_index )
         if( property_tree::get( ptree_, p, use_index ) ) {
             COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "input path '" << p << "' already in the tree" );
         boost::optional< std::string > old_v = ptree_.get_optional< std::string >( boost::property_tree::ptree::path_type( p, '/' ) );
         if( old_v ) {
             COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "input path '" << p << "' already in the tree" );
     return true;
Пример #23
pcap_reader::pcap_reader( const std::string& filename )
    : m_handle( ::pcap_open_offline( filename.c_str(), m_error ) )
    #ifdef WIN32
    if( filename == "-" ) { _setmode( _fileno( stdin ), _O_BINARY ); }
    if( m_handle == NULL ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to open pcap file " << filename ); }
Пример #24
 scaled( std::pair< double, double > from
       , std::pair< double, double > to = std::pair< double, double >( std::numeric_limits< T >::min(), std::numeric_limits< T >::max() ) )
     : from_( from )
     , to_( to )
     if( !comma::math::less( from.first, from.second ) ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "expected scale, got \"" << from.first << "," << from.second << "\"" ); }
     factor_ = ( to.second - to.first ) / ( from.second - from.first );
Пример #25
double triangle::circumscribing_radius() const
    COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "todo" );
    const Eigen::Vector3d& a = corners[1] - corners[0];
    const Eigen::Vector3d& b = corners[2] - corners[1];
    const Eigen::Vector3d& c = corners[0] - corners[2];
    return a.norm() / ( std::sqrt( 1 - b.dot( c ) / ( b.squaredNorm() * c.squaredNorm() ) ) * 2 );
Пример #26
static snark::las::header read_header( std::istream& is )
    snark::las::header header;
    is.read( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &header ), snark::las::header::size );
    int count = std::cin.gcount();
    if( count < snark::las::header::size ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "las-to-csv: expected las header of " << snark::las::header::size << " bytes, got only: " << count << std::endl ); }
    return header;
Пример #27
 bool put_allowed( const std::string& p, bool use_index ) const
     typedef std::pair< path_set::iterator, bool > result_of_insert;
     result_of_insert result = unique_.insert( p );
     if( !result.second ) {
         COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "input path '" << p << "' is not unique" );
     return true;
Пример #28
void handle_reply(const snark::asd::commands::reply_header& header)
    if(header.header() != 100) { comma::verbose<<"reply header: "<<header.header()<<" error: "<<header.error()<<std::endl; }
    if(header.error() != 0)
        if(strict) { COMMA_THROW(comma::exception, "asd reply error: " << header.error() ); }
        else { std::cerr<< comma::verbose.app_name() << ": asd reply error: " << header.error()<<std::endl; }
Пример #29
bool convex_polygon::is_valid() const
    if( corners.size() < 3 ) { return false; }
    COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "todo" );
    for( std::size_t i = 1; i < corners.size(); ++i )
        // todo
    return true;
Пример #30
snark::render::colour_map parse_colour_map( const std::string& colour )
    double from = 0;
    double to = 1;
    snark::render::colour< unsigned char > from_colour = snark::render::colours< unsigned char >::magenta();
    snark::render::colour< unsigned char > to_colour = snark::render::colours< unsigned char >::cyan();
    boost::optional< snark::render::colour_map::values > map;
    std::vector< std::string > v = comma::split( colour, ',' );
    switch( v.size() )
        case 0:
        case 2:
                std::vector< std::string > w = comma::split( v[1], ':' );
                if( w.empty() || w.size() > 2 ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "expected <from-colour>:<to-colour> or <colourmap>; got " << v[1] ); }
                switch( w.size() )
                    case 1:
                        if( w[0] == "jet" ) { map = snark::render::colour_map::jet(); }
                        else if( w[0] == "hot" ) { map = snark::render::colour_map::temperature( 96, 96 ); }
                        else { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "unknown colourmap: " << w[0] ); }
                    case 2:
                        from_colour = snark::render::colours< unsigned char >::from_string( w[0] );
                        to_colour = snark::render::colours< unsigned char >::from_string( w[1] );
        case 1:
            if( v[0].size() )
                std::vector< std::string > w = comma::split( v[0], ':' );
                if( w.size() != 2 ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "invalid '--colour': expected <min>:<max>; got " << v[0] ); }
                from = boost::lexical_cast< double >( w[0] );
                to = boost::lexical_cast< double >( w[1] );
        default: COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "invalid '--colour'; got " << colour );
    if( map ) { return snark::render::colour_map( from, to, *map ); }
    return snark::render::colour_map( from, to, from_colour, to_colour );