Пример #1
static bool R_LoadMD5Anim( skelAnimation_t *skelAnim, void *buffer, const char *name )
	int            i, j;
	md5Animation_t *anim;
	md5Frame_t     *frame;
	md5Channel_t   *channel;
	char           *token;
	int            version;
	const char     *buf_p;

	buf_p = (char*) buffer;

	skelAnim->type = animType_t::AT_MD5;
	skelAnim->md5 = anim = (md5Animation_t*) ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *anim ), ha_pref::h_low );

	// skip MD5Version indent string
	COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );

	// check version
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );
	version = atoi( token );

	if ( version != MD5_VERSION )
		Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: '%s' has wrong version (%i should be %i)", name, version, MD5_VERSION );
		return false;

	// skip commandline <arguments string>
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );

	// parse numFrames <number>
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "numFrames" ) )
		Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected 'numFrames' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
		return false;

	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );
	anim->numFrames = atoi( token );

	// parse numJoints <number>
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "numJoints" ) )
		Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected 'numJoints' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
		return false;

	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );
	anim->numChannels = atoi( token );

	// parse frameRate <number>
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "frameRate" ) )
		Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected 'frameRate' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
		return false;

	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );
	anim->frameRate = atoi( token );

	// parse numAnimatedComponents <number>
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "numAnimatedComponents" ) )
		Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected 'numAnimatedComponents' found '%s' in model '%s'", token,
		           name );
		return false;

	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );
	anim->numAnimatedComponents = atoi( token );

	// parse hierarchy {
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "hierarchy" ) )
		Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected 'hierarchy' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
		return false;

	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) )
		Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected '{' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
		return false;

	// parse all the channels
	anim->channels = (md5Channel_t*) ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( md5Channel_t ) * anim->numChannels, ha_pref::h_low );

	for ( i = 0, channel = anim->channels; i < anim->numChannels; i++, channel++ )
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );
		Q_strncpyz( channel->name, token, sizeof( channel->name ) );

		//Log::Notice("RE_RegisterAnimation: '%s' has channel '%s'", name, channel->name);

		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );
		channel->parentIndex = atoi( token );

		if ( channel->parentIndex >= anim->numChannels )
			ri.Error( errorParm_t::ERR_DROP, "RE_RegisterAnimation: '%s' has channel '%s' with bad parent index %i while numBones is %i",
			          name, channel->name, channel->parentIndex, anim->numChannels );

		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );
		channel->componentsBits = atoi( token );

		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );
		channel->componentsOffset = atoi( token );

	// parse }
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) )
		Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected '}' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
		return false;

	// parse bounds {
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "bounds" ) )
		Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected 'bounds' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
		return false;

	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) )
		Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected '{' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
		return false;

	anim->frames = (md5Frame_t*) ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( md5Frame_t ) * anim->numFrames, ha_pref::h_low );

	for ( i = 0, frame = anim->frames; i < anim->numFrames; i++, frame++ )
		// skip (
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "(" ) )
			Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
			return false;

		for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );
			frame->bounds[ 0 ][ j ] = atof( token );

		// skip )
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, ")" ) )
			Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected ')' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
			return false;

		// skip (
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "(" ) )
			Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
			return false;

		for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );
			frame->bounds[ 1 ][ j ] = atof( token );

		// skip )
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, ")" ) )
			Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected ')' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
			return false;

	// parse }
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) )
		Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected '}' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
		return false;

	// parse baseframe {
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "baseframe" ) )
		Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected 'baseframe' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
		return false;

	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) )
		Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected '{' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
		return false;

	for ( i = 0, channel = anim->channels; i < anim->numChannels; i++, channel++ )
		// skip (
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "(" ) )
			Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
			return false;

		for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );
			channel->baseOrigin[ j ] = atof( token );

		// skip )
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, ")" ) )
			Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected ')' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
			return false;

		// skip (
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "(" ) )
			Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
			return false;

		for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );
			channel->baseQuat[ j ] = atof( token );

		QuatCalcW( channel->baseQuat );

		// skip )
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, ")" ) )
			Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected ')' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
			return false;

	// parse }
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) )
		Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected '}' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
		return false;

	for ( i = 0, frame = anim->frames; i < anim->numFrames; i++, frame++ )
		// parse frame <number> {
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "frame" ) )
			Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected 'baseframe' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
			return false;

		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, va( "%i", i ) ) )
			Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected '%i' found '%s' in model '%s'", i, token, name );
			return false;

		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, false );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) )
			Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected '{' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
			return false;

		frame->components = (float*) ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( float ) * anim->numAnimatedComponents, ha_pref::h_low );

		for (unsigned j = 0; j < anim->numAnimatedComponents; j++ )
			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );
			frame->components[ j ] = atof( token );

		// parse }
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, true );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) )
			Log::Warn("RE_RegisterAnimation: expected '}' found '%s' in model '%s'", token, name );
			return false;

	// everything went ok
	return true;
Пример #2
qboolean R_LoadMD5(model_t *mod, void *buffer, int bufferSize, const char *modName)
	int           i, j, k;
	md5Model_t    *md5;
	md5Bone_t     *bone;
	md5Surface_t  *surf;
	srfTriangle_t *tri;
	md5Vertex_t   *v;
	md5Weight_t   *weight;
	int           version;
	shader_t      *sh;
	char          *buf_p = ( char * ) buffer;
	char          *token;
	vec3_t        boneOrigin;
	quat_t        boneQuat;
	matrix_t      boneMat;
	int           numRemaining;
	growList_t    sortedTriangles;
	growList_t    vboTriangles;
	growList_t    vboSurfaces;
	int           numBoneReferences;
	int           boneReferences[MAX_BONES];

	// skip MD5Version indent string
	COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

	// check version
	token   = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
	version = atoi(token);

	if (version != MD5_VERSION)
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: %s has wrong version (%i should be %i)\n", modName, version, MD5_VERSION);
		return qfalse;

	mod->type      = MOD_MD5;
	mod->dataSize += sizeof(md5Model_t);
	md5            = mod->md5 = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(md5Model_t), h_low);

	// skip commandline <arguments string>
	token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);
	token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);
	//  Ren_Print("%s\n", token);

	// parse numJoints <number>
	token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

	if (Q_stricmp(token, "numJoints"))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'numJoints' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
		return qfalse;

	token         = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
	md5->numBones = atoi(token);

	// parse numMeshes <number>
	token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

	if (Q_stricmp(token, "numMeshes"))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'numMeshes' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
		return qfalse;

	token            = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
	md5->numSurfaces = atoi(token);
	//Ren_Print("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has %i surfaces\n", modName, md5->numSurfaces);

	if (md5->numBones < 1)
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has no bones\n", modName);
		return qfalse;

	if (md5->numBones > MAX_BONES)
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has more than %i bones (%i)\n", modName, MAX_BONES, md5->numBones);
		return qfalse;

	//Ren_Print("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has %i bones\n", modName, md5->numBones);

	// parse all the bones
	md5->bones = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*bone) * md5->numBones, h_low);

	// parse joints {
	token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

	if (Q_stricmp(token, "joints"))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'joints' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
		return qfalse;

	token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

	if (Q_stricmp(token, "{"))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '{' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
		return qfalse;

	for (i = 0, bone = md5->bones; i < md5->numBones; i++, bone++)
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);
		Q_strncpyz(bone->name, token, sizeof(bone->name));

		//Ren_Print("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has bone '%s'\n", modName, bone->name);

		token             = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
		bone->parentIndex = atoi(token);

		//Ren_Print("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has bone '%s' with parent index %i\n", modName, bone->name, bone->parentIndex);

		if (bone->parentIndex >= md5->numBones)
			Ren_Drop("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has bone '%s' with bad parent index %i while numBones is %i", modName,
			         bone->name, bone->parentIndex, md5->numBones);

		// skip (
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "("))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			token         = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
			boneOrigin[j] = atof(token);

		// skip )
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, ")"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected ')' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		// skip (
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "("))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			token       = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
			boneQuat[j] = atof(token);

		MatrixFromQuat(boneMat, boneQuat);

		VectorCopy(boneOrigin, bone->origin);
		QuatCopy(boneQuat, bone->rotation);

		MatrixSetupTransformFromQuat(bone->inverseTransform, boneQuat, boneOrigin);

		// skip )
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, ")"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

	// parse }
	token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

	if (Q_stricmp(token, "}"))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '}' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
		return qfalse;

	// parse all the surfaces
	if (md5->numSurfaces < 1)
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has no surfaces\n", modName);
		return qfalse;

	//Ren_Print("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has %i surfaces\n", modName, md5->numSurfaces);

	md5->surfaces = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*surf) * md5->numSurfaces, h_low);

	for (i = 0, surf = md5->surfaces; i < md5->numSurfaces; i++, surf++)
		// parse mesh {
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "mesh"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'mesh' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "{"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '{' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		// change to surface identifier
		surf->surfaceType = SF_MD5;

		// give pointer to model for Tess_SurfaceMD5
		surf->model = md5;

		// parse shader <name>
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "shader"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'shader' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
		Q_strncpyz(surf->shader, token, sizeof(surf->shader));

		//Ren_Print("R_LoadMD5: '%s' uses shader '%s'\n", modName, surf->shader);

		// FIXME .md5mesh meshes don't have surface names
		// lowercase the surface name so skin compares are faster
		//Ren_Print("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has surface '%s'\n", modName, surf->name);

		// register the shaders
		sh = R_FindShader(surf->shader, SHADER_3D_DYNAMIC, qtrue);

		if (sh->defaultShader)
			surf->shaderIndex = 0;
			surf->shaderIndex = sh->index;

		// parse numVerts <number>
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "numVerts"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'numVerts' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		token          = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
		surf->numVerts = atoi(token);

		if (surf->numVerts > SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES)
			Ren_Drop("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has more than %i verts on a surface (%i)",
			         modName, SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES, surf->numVerts);

		surf->verts = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*v) * surf->numVerts, h_low);

		for (j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)
			// skip vert <number>
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

			if (Q_stricmp(token, "vert"))
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'vert' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
				return qfalse;

			COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

			// skip (
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

			if (Q_stricmp(token, "("))
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
				return qfalse;

			for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
				token           = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
				v->texCoords[k] = atof(token);

			// skip )
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

			if (Q_stricmp(token, ")"))
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected ')' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
				return qfalse;

			token          = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
			v->firstWeight = atoi(token);

			token         = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
			v->numWeights = atoi(token);

			if (v->numWeights > MAX_WEIGHTS)
				Ren_Drop("R_LoadMD5: vertex %i requires more than %i weights on surface (%i) in model '%s'",
				         j, MAX_WEIGHTS, i, modName);

		// parse numTris <number>
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "numTris"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'numTris' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		token              = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
		surf->numTriangles = atoi(token);

		if (surf->numTriangles > SHADER_MAX_TRIANGLES)
			Ren_Drop("R_LoadMD5: '%s' has more than %i triangles on a surface (%i)",
			         modName, SHADER_MAX_TRIANGLES, surf->numTriangles);

		surf->triangles = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*tri) * surf->numTriangles, h_low);

		for (j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++)
			// skip tri <number>
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

			if (Q_stricmp(token, "tri"))
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'tri' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
				return qfalse;

			COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				token           = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
				tri->indexes[k] = atoi(token);

		// parse numWeights <number>
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "numWeights"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'numWeights' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		token            = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
		surf->numWeights = atoi(token);

		surf->weights = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*weight) * surf->numWeights, h_low);

		for (j = 0, weight = surf->weights; j < surf->numWeights; j++, weight++)
			// skip weight <number>
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

			if (Q_stricmp(token, "weight"))
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected 'weight' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
				return qfalse;

			COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

			token             = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
			weight->boneIndex = atoi(token);

			token              = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
			weight->boneWeight = atof(token);

			// skip (
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

			if (Q_stricmp(token, "("))
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
				return qfalse;

			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				token             = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);
				weight->offset[k] = atof(token);

			// skip )
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qfalse);

			if (Q_stricmp(token, ")"))
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected ')' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
				return qfalse;

		// parse }
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&buf_p, qtrue);

		if (Q_stricmp(token, "}"))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: expected '}' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName);
			return qfalse;

		// loop trough all vertices and set up the vertex weights
		for (j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)
			v->weights = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*v->weights) * v->numWeights, h_low);

			for (k = 0; k < v->numWeights; k++)
				v->weights[k] = surf->weights + (v->firstWeight + k);

	// loading is done now calculate the bounding box and tangent spaces
	ClearBounds(md5->bounds[0], md5->bounds[1]);

	for (i = 0, surf = md5->surfaces; i < md5->numSurfaces; i++, surf++)
		for (j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)
			vec3_t      tmpVert;
			md5Weight_t *w;


			for (k = 0, w = v->weights[0]; k < v->numWeights; k++, w++)
				vec3_t offsetVec;

				bone = &md5->bones[w->boneIndex];

				QuatTransformVector(bone->rotation, w->offset, offsetVec);
				VectorAdd(bone->origin, offsetVec, offsetVec);

				VectorMA(tmpVert, w->boneWeight, offsetVec, tmpVert);

			VectorCopy(tmpVert, v->position);
			AddPointToBounds(tmpVert, md5->bounds[0], md5->bounds[1]);

		// calc tangent spaces
#if 1
			const float *v0, *v1, *v2;
			const float *t0, *t1, *t2;
			vec3_t      tangent;
			vec3_t      binormal;
			vec3_t      normal;

			for (j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)

			for (j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++)
				v0 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[0]].position;
				v1 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[1]].position;
				v2 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[2]].position;

				t0 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[0]].texCoords;
				t1 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[1]].texCoords;
				t2 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[2]].texCoords;

#if 1
				R_CalcTangentSpace(tangent, binormal, normal, v0, v1, v2, t0, t1, t2);
				R_CalcNormalForTriangle(normal, v0, v1, v2);
				R_CalcTangentsForTriangle(tangent, binormal, v0, v1, v2, t0, t1, t2);

				for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
					float *v;

					v = surf->verts[tri->indexes[k]].tangent;
					VectorAdd(v, tangent, v);

					v = surf->verts[tri->indexes[k]].binormal;
					VectorAdd(v, binormal, v);

					v = surf->verts[tri->indexes[k]].normal;
					VectorAdd(v, normal, v);

			for (j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)
			int         k;
			float       bb, s, t;
			vec3_t      bary;
			vec3_t      faceNormal;
			md5Vertex_t *dv[3];

			for (j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++)
				dv[0] = &surf->verts[tri->indexes[0]];
				dv[1] = &surf->verts[tri->indexes[1]];
				dv[2] = &surf->verts[tri->indexes[2]];

				R_CalcNormalForTriangle(faceNormal, dv[0]->position, dv[1]->position, dv[2]->position);

				// calculate barycentric basis for the triangle
				bb = (dv[1]->texCoords[0] - dv[0]->texCoords[0]) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - dv[0]->texCoords[1]) - (dv[2]->texCoords[0] - dv[0]->texCoords[0]) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] -

				if (fabs(bb) < 0.00000001f)

				// do each vertex
				for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
					// calculate s tangent vector
					s       = dv[k]->texCoords[0] + 10.0f;
					t       = dv[k]->texCoords[1];
					bary[0] = ((dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
					bary[1] = ((dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
					bary[2] = ((dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;

					dv[k]->tangent[0] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[0] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[0] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[0];
					dv[k]->tangent[1] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[1] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[1] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[1];
					dv[k]->tangent[2] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[2] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[2] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[2];

					VectorSubtract(dv[k]->tangent, dv[k]->position, dv[k]->tangent);

					// calculate t tangent vector (binormal)
					s       = dv[k]->texCoords[0];
					t       = dv[k]->texCoords[1] + 10.0f;
					bary[0] = ((dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
					bary[1] = ((dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
					bary[2] = ((dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;

					dv[k]->binormal[0] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[0] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[0] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[0];
					dv[k]->binormal[1] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[1] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[1] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[1];
					dv[k]->binormal[2] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[2] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[2] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[2];

					VectorSubtract(dv[k]->binormal, dv[k]->position, dv[k]->binormal);

					// calculate the normal as cross product N=TxB
#if 0
					CrossProduct(dv[k]->tangent, dv[k]->binormal, dv[k]->normal);

					// Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process for B
					// compute the cross product B=NxT to obtain
					// an orthogonal basis
					CrossProduct(dv[k]->normal, dv[k]->tangent, dv[k]->binormal);

					if (DotProduct(dv[k]->normal, faceNormal) < 0)

					VectorAdd(dv[k]->normal, faceNormal, dv[k]->normal);

#if 1
			for (j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)

#if 0
		// do another extra smoothing for normals to avoid flat shading
		for (j = 0; j < surf->numVerts; j++)
			for (k = 0; k < surf->numVerts; k++)
				if (j == k)

				if (VectorCompare(surf->verts[j].position, surf->verts[k].position))
					VectorAdd(surf->verts[j].normal, surf->verts[k].normal, surf->verts[j].normal);


	// split the surfaces into VBO surfaces by the maximum number of GPU vertex skinning bones
	Com_InitGrowList(&vboSurfaces, 10);

	for (i = 0, surf = md5->surfaces; i < md5->numSurfaces; i++, surf++)
		// sort triangles
		Com_InitGrowList(&sortedTriangles, 1000);

		for (j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++)
			skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_Allocate(sizeof(*sortTri));

			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				sortTri->indexes[k]  = tri->indexes[k];
				sortTri->vertexes[k] = &surf->verts[tri->indexes[k]];

			sortTri->referenced = qfalse;

			Com_AddToGrowList(&sortedTriangles, sortTri);

		//qsort(sortedTriangles.elements, sortedTriangles.currentElements, sizeof(void *), CompareTrianglesByBoneReferences);

#if 0
		for (j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
			int b[MAX_WEIGHTS * 3];

			skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);

			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				v = sortTri->vertexes[k];

				for (l = 0; l < MAX_WEIGHTS; l++)
					b[k * 3 + l] = (l < v->numWeights) ? v->weights[l]->boneIndex : 9999;

				qsort(b, MAX_WEIGHTS * 3, sizeof(int), CompareBoneIndices);
				//Ren_Print("bone indices: %i %i %i %i\n", b[k * 3 + 0], b[k * 3 + 1], b[k * 3 + 2], b[k * 3 + 3]);

		numRemaining = sortedTriangles.currentElements;

		while (numRemaining)
			numBoneReferences = 0;
			Com_Memset(boneReferences, 0, sizeof(boneReferences));

			Com_InitGrowList(&vboTriangles, 1000);

			for (j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
				skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);

				if (sortTri->referenced)

				if (AddTriangleToVBOTriangleList(&vboTriangles, sortTri, &numBoneReferences, boneReferences))
					sortTri->referenced = qtrue;

			if (!vboTriangles.currentElements)
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadMD5: could not add triangles to a remaining VBO surfaces for model '%s'\n", modName);

			AddSurfaceToVBOSurfacesList(&vboSurfaces, &vboTriangles, md5, surf, i, numBoneReferences, boneReferences);
			numRemaining -= vboTriangles.currentElements;


		for (j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
			skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);



	// move VBO surfaces list to hunk
	md5->numVBOSurfaces = vboSurfaces.currentElements;
	md5->vboSurfaces    = ri.Hunk_Alloc(md5->numVBOSurfaces * sizeof(*md5->vboSurfaces), h_low);

	for (i = 0; i < md5->numVBOSurfaces; i++)
		md5->vboSurfaces[i] = ( srfVBOMD5Mesh_t * ) Com_GrowListElement(&vboSurfaces, i);


	return qtrue;
Пример #3
 * @brief Finds and loads all .shader files, combining them into
 * a single large text block that can be scanned for shader names
int ScanAndLoadShaderFilesR1()
	char         **shaderFiles;
	char         *buffers[MAX_SHADER_FILES];
	char         *p;
	int          numShaderFiles, i;
	char         *oldp, *token, *textEnd;
	char         **hashMem;
	int          shaderTextHashTableSizes[MAX_SHADERTEXT_HASH], hash;
	unsigned int size;
	char         filename[MAX_QPATH];
	long         sum = 0, summand;

	Com_Memset(buffers, 0, MAX_SHADER_FILES);
	Com_Memset(shaderTextHashTableSizes, 0, MAX_SHADER_FILES);

	// scan for shader files
	shaderFiles = ri.FS_ListFiles("scripts", ".shader", &numShaderFiles);

	if (!shaderFiles || !numShaderFiles)
		Ren_Print("----- ScanAndLoadShaderFilesR1 (no files)-----\n");
		return 0;

	Ren_Print("----- ScanAndLoadShaderFilesR1 (%i files)-----\n", numShaderFiles);

	if (numShaderFiles >= MAX_SHADER_FILES)
		Ren_Drop("MAX_SHADER_FILES limit is reached!");

	// load and parse shader files
	for (i = 0; i < numShaderFiles; i++)
		Com_sprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "scripts/%s", shaderFiles[i]);

		Ren_Developer("...loading '%s'\n", filename);
		summand = ri.FS_ReadFile(filename, (void **)&buffers[i]);

		if (!buffers[i])
			Ren_Drop("Couldn't load %s", filename); // in this case shader file is cought/listed but the file can't be read - drop!

		p = buffers[i];
		while (1)
			token = COM_ParseExt(&p, qtrue);

			if (!*token)

			// Step over the "table"/"guide" and the name
			if (!Q_stricmp(token, "table") || !Q_stricmp(token, "guide"))
				token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);

				if (!*token)

			oldp = p;

			token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);
			if (token[0] != '{' && token[1] != '\0')
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: Bad shader file %s has incorrect syntax near token '%s' line %i\n", filename, token, COM_GetCurrentParseLine());
				buffers[i] = NULL;

			p = oldp;

		if (buffers[i])
			sum += summand;

	// build single large buffer
	s_shaderTextR1    = (char *)ri.Hunk_Alloc(sum + numShaderFiles * 2, h_low);
	s_shaderTextR1[0] = '\0';
	textEnd           = s_shaderTextR1;

	// free in reverse order, so the temp files are all dumped
	for (i = numShaderFiles - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)
		if (!buffers[i])

		strcat(textEnd, buffers[i]);
		strcat(textEnd, "\n");
		textEnd += strlen(textEnd);


	// free up memory

	Com_Memset(shaderTextHashTableSizes, 0, sizeof(shaderTextHashTableSizes));
	size = 0;

	p = s_shaderTextR1;
	// look for shader names
	while (1)
		token = COM_ParseExt(&p, qtrue);
		if (token[0] == 0)

		// skip shader tables
		if (!Q_stricmp(token, "table"))
			// skip table name
			(void) COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);

		// support shader templates
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "guide"))
			// parse shader name
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);
			//Ren_Print("...guided '%s'\n", token);

			hash = generateHashValue(token, MAX_SHADERTEXT_HASH);

			// skip guide name
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);

			// skip parameters
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);
			if (Q_stricmp(token, "("))
				Ren_Warning("expected ( found '%s'\n", token);

			while (1)
				token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);

				if (!token[0])

				if (!Q_stricmp(token, ")"))

			if (Q_stricmp(token, ")"))
				Ren_Warning("expected ( found '%s'\n", token);
			hash = generateHashValue(token, MAX_SHADERTEXT_HASH);

	//Ren_Print("Shader hash table size %i\n", size);


	hashMem = (char **)ri.Hunk_Alloc(size * sizeof(char *), h_low);

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_SHADERTEXT_HASH; i++)
		shaderTextHashTableR1[i] = hashMem;
		hashMem                 += shaderTextHashTableSizes[i] + 1;

	Com_Memset(shaderTextHashTableSizes, 0, sizeof(shaderTextHashTableSizes));

	p = s_shaderTextR1;

	// look for shader names
	while (1)
		oldp  = p;
		token = COM_ParseExt(&p, qtrue);
		if (token[0] == 0)

		// parse shader tables
		if (!Q_stricmp(token, "table"))
			int           depth;
			float         values[FUNCTABLE_SIZE];
			int           numValues;
			shaderTable_t *tb;
			qboolean      alreadyCreated;

			Com_Memset(&values, 0, sizeof(values));
			Com_Memset(&table, 0, sizeof(table));

			token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);

			Q_strncpyz(table.name, token, sizeof(table.name));

			// check if already created
			alreadyCreated = qfalse;
			hash           = generateHashValue(table.name, MAX_SHADERTABLE_HASH);
			for (tb = shaderTableHashTable[hash]; tb; tb = tb->next)
				if (Q_stricmp(tb->name, table.name) == 0)
					// match found
					alreadyCreated = qtrue;

			depth     = 0;
			numValues = 0;
				token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);

				if (!Q_stricmp(token, "snap"))
					table.snap = qtrue;
				else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "clamp"))
					table.clamp = qtrue;
				else if (token[0] == '{')
				else if (token[0] == '}')
				else if (token[0] == ',')
					if (numValues == FUNCTABLE_SIZE)
						Ren_Warning("WARNING: FUNCTABLE_SIZE hit\n");
					values[numValues++] = atof(token);
			while (depth && p);

			if (!alreadyCreated)
				Ren_Developer("...generating '%s'\n", table.name);
				GeneratePermanentShaderTable(values, numValues);
		// support shader templates
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "guide"))
			// parse shader name
			oldp  = p;
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);

			//Ren_Print("...guided '%s'\n", token);

			hash                                                          = generateHashValue(token, MAX_SHADERTEXT_HASH);
			shaderTextHashTableR1[hash][shaderTextHashTableSizes[hash]++] = oldp;

			// skip guide name
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);

			// skip parameters
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);
			if (Q_stricmp(token, "("))
				Ren_Warning("expected ( found '%s'\n", token);

			while (1)
				token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);

				if (!token[0])

				if (!Q_stricmp(token, ")"))

			if (Q_stricmp(token, ")"))
				Ren_Warning("expected ( found '%s'\n", token);
			hash                                                          = generateHashValue(token, MAX_SHADERTEXT_HASH);
			shaderTextHashTableR1[hash][shaderTextHashTableSizes[hash]++] = oldp;


	return numShaderFiles;
Пример #4
 * @brief The current text pointer is at the explicit text definition of the
 * shader. Parse it into the global shader variable.  Later functions
 * will optimize it.
 * @param[in,out] _text
 * @return
qboolean ParseShaderR1(char *_text)
	char **text = &_text;
	char *token;
	int  s = 0;

	shader.explicitlyDefined = qtrue;

	token = COM_ParseExt2(text, qtrue);

	if (token[0] != '{')
		Ren_Warning("WARNING: expecting '{', found '%s' instead in shader '%s'\n", token, shader.name);
		return qfalse;

	while (1)
		token = COM_ParseExt2(text, qtrue);
		if (!token[0])
			Ren_Warning("WARNING: no concluding '}' in shader %s\n", shader.name);
			return qfalse;

		// end of shader definition
		if (token[0] == '}')
		// stage definition
		else if (token[0] == '{')
			if (s >= MAX_SHADER_STAGES)
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: too many stages in shader %s (max is %i)\n", shader.name, MAX_SHADER_STAGES);
				return qfalse;

			if (!ParseStage(&stages[s], text))
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: can't parse stages of shader %s @[%.50s ...]\n", shader.name, _text);
				return qfalse;
			stages[s].active = qtrue;
		// skip stuff that only the QuakeEdRadient needs
		else if (!Q_stricmpn(token, "qer", 3))
		// skip description
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "description"))
		// skip renderbump
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "renderbump"))
		// skip unsmoothedTangents
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "unsmoothedTangents"))
			Ren_Warning("WARNING: unsmoothedTangents keyword not supported in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
		// skip guiSurf
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "guiSurf"))
		// skip decalInfo
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "decalInfo"))
			Ren_Warning("WARNING: decalInfo keyword not supported in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
		// skip Quake4's extra material types
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "materialType"))
			Ren_Warning("WARNING: materialType keyword not supported in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
		// skip Prey's extra material types
		else if (!Q_stricmpn(token, "matter", 6))
			//Ren_Warning( "WARNING: materialType keyword not supported in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
		// sun parms
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "xmap_sun") || !Q_stricmp(token, "q3map_sun"))
			float a, b;

			token = COM_ParseExt2(text, qfalse);
			if (!token[0])
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: missing parm for 'xmap_sun' keyword in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
			tr.sunLight[0] = atof(token);

			token = COM_ParseExt2(text, qfalse);
			if (!token[0])
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: missing parm for 'xmap_sun' keyword in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
			tr.sunLight[1] = atof(token);

			token = COM_ParseExt2(text, qfalse);
			if (!token[0])
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: missing parm for 'xmap_sun' keyword in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
			tr.sunLight[2] = atof(token);


			token = COM_ParseExt2(text, qfalse);
			if (!token[0])
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: missing parm for 'xmap_sun' keyword in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
			a = atof(token);
			VectorScale(tr.sunLight, a, tr.sunLight);

			token = COM_ParseExt2(text, qfalse);
			if (!token[0])
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: missing parm for 'xmap_sun' keyword in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
			a = atof(token);
			a = a / 180 * M_PI;

			token = COM_ParseExt2(text, qfalse);
			if (!token[0])
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: missing parm for 'xmap_sun' keyword in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
			b = atof(token);
			b = b / 180 * M_PI;

			tr.sunDirection[0] = cos(a) * cos(b);
			tr.sunDirection[1] = sin(a) * cos(b);
			tr.sunDirection[2] = sin(b);
		// noShadows
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "noShadows"))
			shader.noShadows = qtrue;
		// noSelfShadow
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "noSelfShadow"))
			Ren_Warning("WARNING: noSelfShadow keyword not supported in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
		// forceShadows
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "forceShadows"))
			Ren_Warning("WARNING: forceShadows keyword not supported in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
		// forceOverlays
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "forceOverlays"))
			Ren_Warning("WARNING: forceOverlays keyword not supported in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
		// noPortalFog
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "noPortalFog"))
			Ren_Warning("WARNING: noPortalFog keyword not supported in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
		// fogLight
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "fogLight"))
			Ren_Warning("WARNING: fogLight keyword not supported in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
			shader.fogLight = qtrue;
		// blendLight
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "blendLight"))
			Ren_Warning("WARNING: blendLight keyword not supported in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
			shader.blendLight = qtrue;
		// ambientLight
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "ambientLight"))
			Ren_Warning("WARNING: ambientLight keyword not supported in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
			shader.ambientLight = qtrue;
		// volumetricLight
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "volumetricLight"))
			shader.volumetricLight = qtrue;
		// translucent
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "translucent"))
			shader.translucent = qtrue;
		// forceOpaque
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "forceOpaque"))
			shader.forceOpaque = qtrue;
		// forceSolid
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "forceSolid") || !Q_stricmp(token, "solid"))
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "deformVertexes") || !Q_stricmp(token, "deform"))
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "tesssize"))
		// skip noFragment
		if (!Q_stricmp(token, "noFragment"))
		// skip stuff that only the xmap needs
		else if (!Q_stricmpn(token, "xmap", 4) || !Q_stricmpn(token, "q3map", 5))
		// skip stuff that only xmap or the server needs
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "surfaceParm"))
		// no mip maps
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "nomipmap") || !Q_stricmp(token, "nomipmaps"))
			shader.filterType = FT_LINEAR;
			shader.noPicMip   = qtrue;
		// no picmip adjustment
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "nopicmip"))
			shader.noPicMip = qtrue;
		// RF, allow each shader to permit compression if available
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "allowcompress"))
			shader.uncompressed = qfalse;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "nocompress"))
			shader.uncompressed = qtrue;
		// polygonOffset
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "polygonOffset"))
			shader.polygonOffset = qtrue;
		// parallax mapping
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "parallax"))
			shader.parallax = qtrue;
		// entityMergable, allowing sprite surfaces from multiple entities
		// to be merged into one batch.  This is a savings for smoke
		// puffs and blood, but can't be used for anything where the
		// shader calcs (not the surface function) reference the entity color or scroll
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "entityMergable"))
			shader.entityMergable = qtrue;
		// fogParms
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "fogParms"))
			if (!ParseVector(text, 3, shader.fogParms.color))
				return qfalse;

			//shader.fogParms.colorInt = ColorBytes4(shader.fogParms.color[0] * tr.identityLight,
			//                                       shader.fogParms.color[1] * tr.identityLight,
			//                                       shader.fogParms.color[2] * tr.identityLight, 1.0);

			token = COM_ParseExt2(text, qfalse);
			if (!token[0])
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: 'fogParms' incomplete - missing opacity value in shader '%s' set to 1\n", shader.name);
				shader.fogParms.depthForOpaque = 1;
				shader.fogParms.depthForOpaque = atof(token);
				shader.fogParms.depthForOpaque = shader.fogParms.depthForOpaque < 1 ? 1 : shader.fogParms.depthForOpaque;
			//shader.fogParms.tcScale = 1.0f / shader.fogParms.depthForOpaque;

			shader.fogVolume = qtrue;
			shader.sort      = SS_FOG;

			// skip any old gradient directions
		// noFog
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "noFog"))
			shader.noFog = qtrue;
		// portal
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "portal"))
			shader.sort     = SS_PORTAL;
			shader.isPortal = qtrue;

			token = COM_ParseExt2(text, qfalse);
			if (token[0])
				shader.portalRange = atof(token);
				shader.portalRange = 256;
		// portal or mirror
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "mirror"))
			shader.sort     = SS_PORTAL;
			shader.isPortal = qtrue;
		// skyparms <cloudheight> <outerbox> <innerbox>
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "skyparms"))
		// This is fixed fog for the skybox/clouds determined solely by the shader
		// it will not change in a level and will not be necessary
		// to force clients to use a sky fog the server says to.
		// skyfogvars <(r,g,b)> <dist>
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "skyfogvars"))
			vec3_t fogColor;

			if (!ParseVector(text, 3, fogColor))
				return qfalse;
			token = COM_ParseExt(text, qfalse);

			if (!token[0])
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: missing density value for sky fog\n");

			if (atof(token) > 1)
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: last value for skyfogvars is 'density' which needs to be 0.0-1.0\n");

			RE_SetFog(FOG_SKY, 0, 5, fogColor[0], fogColor[1], fogColor[2], atof(token));

		// ET waterfogvars
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "waterfogvars"))
			vec3_t watercolor;
			float  fogvar;

			if (!ParseVector(text, 3, watercolor))
				return qfalse;
			token = COM_ParseExt(text, qfalse);

			if (!token[0])
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: missing density/distance value for water fog\n");

			fogvar = atof(token);

			// right now allow one water color per map.  I'm sure this will need
			//          to change at some point, but I'm not sure how to track fog parameters
			//          on a "per-water volume" basis yet.
			if (fogvar == 0)
			{                   // '0' specifies "use the map values for everything except the fog color
				// TODO
			else if (fogvar > 1)
			{                   // distance "linear" fog
				RE_SetFog(FOG_WATER, 0, fogvar, watercolor[0], watercolor[1], watercolor[2], 1.1);
			{                   // density "exp" fog
				RE_SetFog(FOG_WATER, 0, 5, watercolor[0], watercolor[1], watercolor[2], fogvar);
		// ET fogvars
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "fogvars"))
			vec3_t fogColor;
			float  fogDensity;
			int    fogFar;

			if (!ParseVector(text, 3, fogColor))
				return qfalse;

			token = COM_ParseExt(text, qfalse);
			if (!token[0])
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: missing density value for the fog\n");

			// NOTE:   fogFar > 1 means the shader is setting the farclip, < 1 means setting
			//         density (so old maps or maps that just need softening fog don't have to care about farclip)

			fogDensity = atof(token);
			if (fogDensity > 1)
			{                   // linear
				fogFar = fogDensity;
				fogFar = 5;

			RE_SetFog(FOG_MAP, 0, fogFar, fogColor[0], fogColor[1], fogColor[2], fogDensity);
			RE_SetFog(FOG_CMD_SWITCHFOG, FOG_MAP, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		// ET sunshader <name>
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "sunshader"))
			size_t tokenLen;

			token = COM_ParseExt2(text, qfalse);
			if (!token[0])
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: missing shader name for 'sunshader'\n");

			// Don't call tr.sunShader = R_FindShader(token, SHADER_3D_STATIC, qtrue);
			// because it breaks the computation of the current shader
			tokenLen         = strlen(token) + 1;
			tr.sunShaderName = (char *)ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(char) * tokenLen, h_low);
			Q_strncpyz(tr.sunShaderName, token, tokenLen);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "lightgridmulamb"))
			// ambient multiplier for lightgrid
			token = COM_ParseExt2(text, qfalse);
			if (!token[0])
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: missing value for 'lightgrid ambient multiplier'\n");
			if (atof(token) > 0)
				tr.lightGridMulAmbient = atof(token);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "lightgridmuldir"))
			// directional multiplier for lightgrid
			token = COM_ParseExt2(text, qfalse);
			if (!token[0])
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: missing value for 'lightgrid directional multiplier'\n");
			if (atof(token) > 0)
				tr.lightGridMulDirected = atof(token);
		// light <value> determines flaring in xmap, not needed here
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "light"))
			(void) COM_ParseExt2(text, qfalse);
		// cull <face>
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "cull"))
			token = COM_ParseExt2(text, qfalse);
			if (token[0] == 0)
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: missing cull parms in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);

			if (!Q_stricmp(token, "none") || !Q_stricmp(token, "twoSided") || !Q_stricmp(token, "disable"))
				shader.cullType = CT_TWO_SIDED;
			else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "back") || !Q_stricmp(token, "backside") || !Q_stricmp(token, "backsided"))
				shader.cullType = CT_BACK_SIDED;
			else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "front"))
				// CT_FRONT_SIDED is set per default see R_FindShader - nothing to do just don't throw a warning
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: invalid cull parm '%s' in shader '%s'\n", token, shader.name);
		// distancecull <opaque distance> <transparent distance> <alpha threshold>
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "distancecull"))
			int i;

			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				token = COM_ParseExt(text, qfalse);
				if (token[0] == 0)
					Ren_Warning("WARNING: missing distancecull parms in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
					shader.distanceCull[i] = atof(token);

			if (shader.distanceCull[1] - shader.distanceCull[0] > 0)
				// distanceCull[ 3 ] is an optimization
				shader.distanceCull[3] = 1.0f / (shader.distanceCull[1] - shader.distanceCull[0]);
				shader.distanceCull[0] = 0;
				shader.distanceCull[1] = 0;
				shader.distanceCull[2] = 0;
				shader.distanceCull[3] = 0;
		// twoSided
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "twoSided"))
			shader.cullType = CT_TWO_SIDED;
		// backSided
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "backSided"))
			shader.cullType = CT_BACK_SIDED;
		// clamp
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "clamp"))
			shader.wrapType = WT_CLAMP;
		// edgeClamp
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "edgeClamp"))
			shader.wrapType = WT_EDGE_CLAMP;
		// zeroClamp
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "zeroclamp"))
			shader.wrapType = WT_ZERO_CLAMP;
		// alphaZeroClamp
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "alphaZeroClamp"))
			shader.wrapType = WT_ALPHA_ZERO_CLAMP;
		// sort
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "sort"))
		// implicit default mapping to eliminate redundant/incorrect explicit shader stages
		else if (!Q_stricmpn(token, "implicit", 8))
			//Ren_Warning( "WARNING: keyword '%s' not supported in shader '%s'\n", token, shader.name);

			// set implicit mapping state
			if (!Q_stricmp(token, "implicitBlend"))
				implicitCullType  = CT_TWO_SIDED;
			else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "implicitMask"))
				implicitStateBits = GLS_DEPTHMASK_TRUE | GLS_ATEST_GE_128;
				implicitCullType  = CT_TWO_SIDED;
			else                // "implicitMap"
				implicitStateBits = GLS_DEPTHMASK_TRUE;
				implicitCullType  = CT_FRONT_SIDED;

			// get image
			token = COM_ParseExt(text, qfalse);
			if (token[0] != '\0')
				Q_strncpyz(implicitMap, token, sizeof(implicitMap));
				implicitMap[0] = '-';
				implicitMap[1] = '\0';

		// spectrum
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "spectrum"))
			Ren_Warning("WARNING: spectrum keyword not supported in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);

			token = COM_ParseExt2(text, qfalse);
			if (!token[0])
				Ren_Warning("WARNING: missing parm for 'spectrum' keyword in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
			shader.spectrum      = qtrue;
			shader.spectrumValue = atoi(token);
		// diffuseMap <image>
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "diffuseMap"))
			ParseDiffuseMap(&stages[s], text);
		// normalMap <image>
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "normalMap") || !Q_stricmp(token, "bumpMap"))
			ParseNormalMap(&stages[s], text);
		// specularMap <image>
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "specularMap"))
			ParseSpecularMap(&stages[s], text);
		// glowMap <image>
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "glowMap"))
			ParseGlowMap(&stages[s], text);
		// reflectionMap <image>
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "reflectionMap"))
			ParseReflectionMap(&stages[s], text);
		// reflectionMapBlended <image>
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "reflectionMapBlended"))
			ParseReflectionMapBlended(&stages[s], text);
		// lightMap <image>
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "lightMap"))
			Ren_Warning("WARNING: obsolete lightMap keyword not supported in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
		// lightFalloffImage <image>
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "lightFalloffImage"))
			ParseLightFalloffImage(&stages[s], text);
		// Doom 3 DECAL_MACRO
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "DECAL_MACRO"))
			shader.polygonOffset      = qtrue;
			shader.sort               = SS_DECAL;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "DECAL_ALPHATEST_MACRO"))
			// what's different?
			shader.polygonOffset      = qtrue;
			shader.sort               = SS_DECAL;
		else if (SurfaceParm(token))
			Ren_Warning("WARNING: unknown general shader parameter '%s' in '%s'\n", token, shader.name);

	// ignore shaders that don't have any stages, unless it is a sky or fog
	if (s == 0 && !shader.forceOpaque && !shader.isSky && !(shader.contentFlags & CONTENTS_FOG) && implicitMap[0] == '\0')
		return qfalse;

	return qtrue;
Пример #5
 * @brief Scans the combined text description of all the shader files for
 * the given shader name.
 * @param[in] shaderName
 * @return NULL if not found, otherwise it will return a valid shader
char *FindShaderInShaderTextR1(const char *shaderName)
	char *token, *p;
	int  i, hash;

	hash = generateHashValue(shaderName, MAX_SHADERTEXT_HASH);

	for (i = 0; shaderTextHashTableR1[hash][i]; i++)
		p     = shaderTextHashTableR1[hash][i];
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);
		if (!Q_stricmp(token, shaderName))
			//Ren_Print("found shader '%s' by hashing\n", shaderName);
			return p;

	p = s_shaderTextR1;

	if (!p)
		return NULL;

	// look for label
	while (1)
		token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);
		if (token[0] == 0)

		if (!Q_stricmp(token, shaderName))
			//Ren_Print("found shader '%s' by linear search\n", shaderName);
			return p;
		// skip shader tables
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "table"))
			// skip table name
			(void) COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);

		// support shader templates
		else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "guide"))
			// parse shader name
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);

			if (!Q_stricmp(token, shaderName))
				Ren_Print("found shader '%s' by linear search\n", shaderName);
				return p;

			// skip guide name
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);

			// skip parameters
			token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);
			if (Q_stricmp(token, "("))

			while (1)
				token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue);

				if (!token[0])

				if (!Q_stricmp(token, ")"))

			if (Q_stricmp(token, ")"))
			// skip the shader body

	return NULL;
Пример #6
qboolean R_LoadMD5( model_t *mod, void *buffer, int bufferSize, const char *modName )
	int           i, j, k;
	md5Model_t    *md5;
	md5Bone_t     *bone;
	md5Surface_t  *surf;
	md5Triangle_t *tri;
	md5Vertex_t   *v;
	md5Weight_t   *weight;
	int           version;
	shader_t      *sh;
	char          *buf_p;
	char          *token;
	vec3_t        boneOrigin;
	quat_t        boneQuat;
	matrix_t      boneMat;

	buf_p = ( char * ) buffer;

	// skip MD5Version indent string
	COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );

	// check version
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
	version = atoi( token );

	if ( version != MD5_VERSION )
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: %s has wrong version (%i should be %i)\n", modName, version, MD5_VERSION );
		return qfalse;

	mod->type = MOD_MD5;
	mod->dataSize += sizeof( md5Model_t );
	md5 = mod->model.md5 = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( md5Model_t ), h_low );

	// skip commandline <arguments string>
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );
//  ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "%s\n", token);

	// parse numJoints <number>
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "numJoints" ) )
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected 'numJoints' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
		return qfalse;

	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
	md5->numBones = atoi( token );

	// parse numMeshes <number>
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "numMeshes" ) )
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected 'numMeshes' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
		return qfalse;

	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
	md5->numSurfaces = atoi( token );
	//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "R_LoadMD5: '%s' has %i surfaces\n", modName, md5->numSurfaces);

	if ( md5->numBones < 1 )
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: '%s' has no bones\n", modName );
		return qfalse;

	if ( md5->numBones > MAX_BONES )
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: '%s' has more than %i bones (%i)\n", modName, MAX_BONES, md5->numBones );
		return qfalse;

	//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "R_LoadMD5: '%s' has %i bones\n", modName, md5->numBones);

	// parse all the bones
	md5->bones = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *bone ) * md5->numBones, h_low );

	// parse joints {
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "joints" ) )
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected 'joints' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
		return qfalse;

	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) )
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected '{' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
		return qfalse;

	for ( i = 0, bone = md5->bones; i < md5->numBones; i++, bone++ )
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );
		Q_strncpyz( bone->name, token, sizeof( bone->name ) );

		//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "R_LoadMD5: '%s' has bone '%s'\n", modName, bone->name);

		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
		bone->parentIndex = atoi( token );

		//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "R_LoadMD5: '%s' has bone '%s' with parent index %i\n", modName, bone->name, bone->parentIndex);

		if ( bone->parentIndex >= md5->numBones )
			ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "R_LoadMD5: '%s' has bone '%s' with bad parent index %i while numBones is %i\n", modName,
			          bone->name, bone->parentIndex, md5->numBones );

		// skip (
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "(" ) )
			ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
			return qfalse;

		for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
			boneOrigin[ j ] = atof( token );

		// skip )
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, ")" ) )
			ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected ')' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
			return qfalse;

		// skip (
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "(" ) )
			ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
			return qfalse;

		for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
			boneQuat[ j ] = atof( token );

		QuatCalcW( boneQuat );
		MatrixFromQuat( boneMat, boneQuat );

		VectorCopy( boneOrigin, bone->origin );
		QuatCopy( boneQuat, bone->rotation );

		MatrixSetupTransformFromQuat( bone->inverseTransform, boneQuat, boneOrigin );
		MatrixInverse( bone->inverseTransform );

		// skip )
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, ")" ) )
			ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
			return qfalse;

	// parse }
	token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );

	if ( Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) )
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected '}' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
		return qfalse;

	// parse all the surfaces
	if ( md5->numSurfaces < 1 )
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: '%s' has no surfaces\n", modName );
		return qfalse;

	//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "R_LoadMD5: '%s' has %i surfaces\n", modName, md5->numSurfaces);

	md5->surfaces = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *surf ) * md5->numSurfaces, h_low );

	for ( i = 0, surf = md5->surfaces; i < md5->numSurfaces; i++, surf++ )
		// parse mesh {
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "mesh" ) )
			ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected 'mesh' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
			return qfalse;

		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) )
			ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected '{' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
			return qfalse;

		// change to surface identifier
		surf->surfaceType = SF_MD5;

		// give pointer to model for Tess_SurfaceMD5
		surf->model = md5;

		// parse shader <name>
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "shader" ) )
			Q_strncpyz( surf->shader, "<default>", sizeof( surf->shader ) );
			surf->shaderIndex = 0;
			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
			Q_strncpyz( surf->shader, token, sizeof( surf->shader ) );

			//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "R_LoadMD5: '%s' uses shader '%s'\n", modName, surf->shader);

			// FIXME .md5mesh meshes don't have surface names
			// lowercase the surface name so skin compares are faster
			//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "R_LoadMD5: '%s' has surface '%s'\n", modName, surf->name);

			// register the shaders
			sh = R_FindShader( surf->shader, LIGHTMAP_NONE, qtrue );

			if ( sh->defaultShader )
				surf->shaderIndex = 0;
				surf->shaderIndex = sh->index;

			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );

		// parse numVerts <number>
		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "numVerts" ) )
			ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected 'numVerts' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
			return qfalse;

		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
		surf->numVerts = atoi( token );

		if ( surf->numVerts > SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES )
			ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "R_LoadMD5: '%s' has more than %i verts on a surface (%i)",
			          modName, SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES, surf->numVerts );

		surf->verts = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *v ) * surf->numVerts, h_low );

		for ( j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++ )
			// skip vert <number>
			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );

			if ( Q_stricmp( token, "vert" ) )
				ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected 'vert' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
				return qfalse;

			COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );

			// skip (
			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );

			if ( Q_stricmp( token, "(" ) )
				ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
				return qfalse;

			for ( k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
				token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
				v->texCoords[ k ] = atof( token );

			// skip )
			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );

			if ( Q_stricmp( token, ")" ) )
				ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected ')' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
				return qfalse;

			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
			v->firstWeight = atoi( token );

			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
			v->numWeights = atoi( token );

			if ( v->numWeights > MAX_WEIGHTS )
				ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "R_LoadMD5: vertex %i requires more than %i weights on surface (%i) in model '%s'",
				          j, MAX_WEIGHTS, i, modName );

		// parse numTris <number>
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "numTris" ) )
			ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected 'numTris' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
			return qfalse;

		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
		surf->numTriangles = atoi( token );

		if ( surf->numTriangles > SHADER_MAX_TRIANGLES )
			ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "R_LoadMD5: '%s' has more than %i triangles on a surface (%i)",
			          modName, SHADER_MAX_TRIANGLES, surf->numTriangles );

		surf->triangles = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *tri ) * surf->numTriangles, h_low );

		for ( j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++ )
			// skip tri <number>
			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );

			if ( Q_stricmp( token, "tri" ) )
				ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected 'tri' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
				return qfalse;

			COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );

			for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
				token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
				tri->indexes[ k ] = atoi( token );

		// parse numWeights <number>
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "numWeights" ) )
			ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected 'numWeights' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
			return qfalse;

		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
		surf->numWeights = atoi( token );

		surf->weights = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *weight ) * surf->numWeights, h_low );

		for ( j = 0, weight = surf->weights; j < surf->numWeights; j++, weight++ )
			// skip weight <number>
			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );

			if ( Q_stricmp( token, "weight" ) )
				ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected 'weight' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
				return qfalse;

			COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );

			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
			weight->boneIndex = atoi( token );

			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
			weight->boneWeight = atof( token );

			// skip (
			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );

			if ( Q_stricmp( token, "(" ) )
				ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected '(' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
				return qfalse;

			for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
				token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );
				weight->offset[ k ] = atof( token );

			// skip )
			token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qfalse );

			if ( Q_stricmp( token, ")" ) )
				ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected ')' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
				return qfalse;

		// parse }
		token = COM_ParseExt2( &buf_p, qtrue );

		if ( Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) )
			ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD5: expected '}' found '%s' in model '%s'\n", token, modName );
			return qfalse;

		// loop trough all vertices and set up the vertex weights
		for ( j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++ )
			v->weights = ri.Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *v->weights ) * v->numWeights, h_low );

			for ( k = 0; k < v->numWeights; k++ )
				v->weights[ k ] = surf->weights + ( v->firstWeight + k );

	// loading is done now calculate the bounding box and tangent spaces
	ClearBounds( md5->bounds[ 0 ], md5->bounds[ 1 ] );

	for ( i = 0, surf = md5->surfaces; i < md5->numSurfaces; i++, surf++ )
		for ( j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++ )
			vec3_t      tmpVert;
			md5Weight_t *w;

			VectorClear( tmpVert );

			for ( k = 0, w = v->weights[ 0 ]; k < v->numWeights; k++, w++ )
				vec3_t offsetVec;

				bone = &md5->bones[ w->boneIndex ];

				QuatTransformVector( bone->rotation, w->offset, offsetVec );
				VectorAdd( bone->origin, offsetVec, offsetVec );

				VectorMA( tmpVert, w->boneWeight, offsetVec, tmpVert );

			VectorCopy( tmpVert, v->position );
			AddPointToBounds( tmpVert, md5->bounds[ 0 ], md5->bounds[ 1 ] );

		// calc normals
			const float *v0, *v1, *v2;
			const float *t0, *t1, *t2;
			vec3_t      normal;

			for ( j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++ )
				VectorClear( v->tangent );
				VectorClear( v->binormal );
				VectorClear( v->normal );

			for ( j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++ )
				v0 = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ 0 ] ].position;
				v1 = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ 1 ] ].position;
				v2 = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ 2 ] ].position;

				t0 = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ 0 ] ].texCoords;
				t1 = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ 1 ] ].texCoords;
				t2 = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ 2 ] ].texCoords;

				R_CalcNormalForTriangle( normal, v0, v1, v2 );

				for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
					float *v;

					v = surf->verts[ tri->indexes[ k ] ].normal;
					VectorAdd( v, normal, v );

			for ( j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++ )
				VectorNormalize( v->normal );

#if 0

		// do another extra smoothing for normals to avoid flat shading
		for ( j = 0; j < surf->numVerts; j++ )
			for ( k = 0; k < surf->numVerts; k++ )
				if ( j == k )

				if ( VectorCompare( surf->verts[ j ].position, surf->verts[ k ].position ) )
					VectorAdd( surf->verts[ j ].normal, surf->verts[ k ].normal, surf->verts[ j ].normal );

			VectorNormalize( surf->verts[ j ].normal );


	return qtrue;