Пример #1
	co::int32 main( co::Range<std::string const> args )
		if( args.isEmpty() )
			throw lua::Exception( "lua.Launcher must receive a Lua script name as argument" );

		std::string filename;
		if( !LuaState::findScript( LuaState::getL(), args.getFirst(), filename ) )
			CORAL_THROW( lua::Exception, "launch script '" << args.getFirst()
				<< "' could not be found in the path" );

		lua_State* L = LuaState::getL();
		LuaState::loadFile( L, filename );
		co::int32 numArgs = static_cast<co::int32>( args.getSize() );

		for( ; args; args.popFirst() )
			LuaState::push( L, args.getFirst() );

		LuaState::call( L, numArgs, 1 );

		int resType = lua_type( L, -1 );
		co::int32 res = static_cast<co::int32>( lua_tointeger( L, -1 ) );
		lua_pop( L, 1 );

		if( resType != LUA_TNIL && resType != LUA_TNUMBER )
			CORAL_THROW( lua::Exception, "launch script '" << args.getFirst()
				<< "' returned an illegal (non-numerical) value" );

		return res;
Пример #2
	void defineIdentifier( const std::string& name )

		if( !LexicalUtils::isValidIdentifier( name ) )
			CORAL_THROW( IllegalNameException, "invalid identifier '" << name << "'" );

		std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = std::find( _identifiers.begin(), _identifiers.end(), name );
		if( it != _identifiers.end() )
			CORAL_THROW( IllegalNameException, "invalid duplicate identifier '" << name << "'" );

		_identifiers.push_back( name );
Пример #3
	void validate()
		// check for cyclic inheritance
		IInterface* base = _baseType;
		while( base )
			if( base == _myType )
				CORAL_THROW( IllegalStateException, "cyclic inheritance detected'" );
			base = base->getBaseType();


		// check for member clashes, considering all super types
		IInterface* type = _myType;
		Range<IInterface* const> superTypes = type->getSuperTypes();
		while( 1 )
			Range<IMember* const> members = type->getMembers();
			for( ; members; members.popFirst() )
				checkForMemberClashes( members.getFirst() );

			if( !superTypes )

			type = superTypes.getFirst();
Пример #4
void Requestor::requestSynchCall( MemberOwner& owner, co::IMethod* method, 
                                           co::Slice<co::Any> args, const co::Any& ret )
    if( !_connected )
        CORAL_THROW( RemotingException, "Trying to request with the node stopped");
    InvocationDetails details( owner.instanceID, owner.facetID, method->getIndex(), 
                              owner.inheritanceDepth, true );
    ParameterPusher& pusher = _marshaller.beginInvocation( _publicEndpoint, details );
    pushParameters( method, args, pusher );
    std::string msg;
    _marshaller.marshalInvocation( msg );

    _handler->handleSynchRequest( msg, msg );

	MessageType msgType = _demarshaller.demarshal( msg );
    if( msgType == EXCEPTION )
        raiseReturnedException( _demarshaller );
	ParameterPuller& puller = _demarshaller.getOutput();

	if( method->getReturnType() )
		getReturn( puller, method->getReturnType(), ret );

	co::TSlice<co::IParameter*> params = method->getParameters();
	for( int i = 0; i < params.getSize(); i++ )
		if( params[i]->getIsOut() )
			getReturn( puller, params[i]->getType(), args[i] );
Пример #5
void Requestor::requestSetField( MemberOwner& owner, co::IField* field, const co::Any arg )
    if( !_connected )
        CORAL_THROW( RemotingException, "Trying to request with the node stopped");
    InvocationDetails details( owner.instanceID, owner.facetID, field->getIndex(), 
                              owner.inheritanceDepth, false );
    ParameterPusher& pusher = _marshaller.beginInvocation( _publicEndpoint, details );
    co::IType* fieldType = field->getType();
    if( fieldType->getKind() != co::TK_INTERFACE )
        pusher.pushValue( arg, fieldType );
        ReferenceType refType;
        getProviderInfo( arg.get<co::IService*>(), refType );
        pusher.pushReference( refType );
    std::string msg;
    _marshaller.marshalInvocation( msg );
    _handler->handleAsynchRequest( msg );
Пример #6
void Requestor::getReturn( ParameterPuller& puller, co::IType* type, const co::Any& ret )
    if( type->getKind() != co::TK_INTERFACE && type->getKind() != co::TK_EXCEPTION )
        puller.pullValue( type, ret );
    ReferenceType refType;
	puller.pullReference( refType );
    co::IObject* instance;
    switch( refType.owner )
        case OWNER_RECEIVER:
            instance = _instanceMan->getInstance( refType.instanceID )->getInstance();
            if( !instance )
                CORAL_THROW( rpc::RemotingException, "Server returned an invalid reference to a local instance" );
        case OWNER_SENDER:
        case OWNER_ANOTHER:
            Requestor* req = _manager->getOrCreateRequestor( refType.ownerEndpoint );
            instance = req->getOrCreateProxy( refType.instanceID, refType.instanceType );
    co::TSlice<co::IPort*> ports = instance->getComponent()->getFacets();
    co::IPort* port = ports[refType.facetIdx];
    co::IService* service = instance->getServiceAt( port );
    ret.put( service );
Пример #7
co::IObject* Requestor::requestPublicInstance( const std::string& key, 
                                              const std::string& componentName )
    if( !_connected )
        CORAL_THROW( RemotingException, "Trying to request with the node stopped");
    std::string msg;
    _marshaller.marshalLookup( _publicEndpoint, key, componentName, msg );
    _handler->handleSynchRequest( msg, msg );
    MessageType type = _demarshaller.demarshal( msg );
    if( type == EXCEPTION )
        raiseReturnedException( _demarshaller );
    co::int32 instanceID = _demarshaller.getIntReturn();
    if( instanceID == -1 )
        return 0;
    // First, search if there isnt already a cp to the instanceID
    std::map<co::int32, ClientProxy*>::iterator it = _proxies.find( instanceID );
    if( it != _proxies.end() )
        return it->second;
    co::IComponent* component = co::cast<co::IComponent>( co::getType( componentName ) );
    ClientProxy* cp = new ClientProxy( this, component, instanceID );
    _proxies.insert( std::pair<co::int32, ClientProxy*>( instanceID, cp ) );

    return cp;
Пример #8
bool TypeLoader::findCSL( const std::string& typeName, std::string& fullPath, std::string& relativePath )
	std::string names[2];
	int n = 0;

	// if the current namespace is not the root, first try a relative path
	if( _namespace && _namespace->getParentNamespace() )
		const std::string& fullNS = _namespace->getFullName();
		names[n].reserve( fullNS.size() + typeName.size() + 5 );
		names[n] = fullNS;
		names[n].push_back( '.' );
		names[n].append( typeName );
		OS::convertDotsToDirSeps( names[n] );
		names[n].append( ".csl" );

	names[n].reserve( typeName.size() + 4 );
	names[n] = typeName;
	OS::convertDotsToDirSeps( names[n] );
	names[n].append( ".csl" );

	bool succeeded = OS::searchFile2( getPaths(), Slice<std::string>( names, n ),
										fullPath, NULL, &relativePath );
	if( !succeeded )
		CORAL_THROW( co::Exception, "type '" << typeName << "' was not found in the path" );

	return succeeded;
Пример #9
void ModuleManager::syncModuleWithSystemState( IModule* module )
		switch( getSystem()->getState() )
			case SystemState_Initializing:
				// module is already initialized
			case SystemState_Integrating:
			case SystemState_Integrated:
				updateModule( module, ModuleState_Integrated );
			case SystemState_IntegratingPresentation:
			case SystemState_Running:
				updateModule( module, ModuleState_PresentationIntegrated );
				assert( false );
	catch( std::exception& e )
		CORAL_THROW( ModuleLoadException, "exception raised by module '"
						<< module->getNamespace()->getFullName()
						<< "' during update: " << e.what() );
Пример #10
	void fillType()
		if( _interfaces.empty() )
			CORAL_THROW( MissingInputException, "missing component ports" );

		_myType->addPorts( _interfaces );
Пример #11
	void definePort( const std::string& name, IInterface* type, bool isFacet )

		if( !type )
			CORAL_THROW( IllegalArgumentException, "illegal null type" );

		if( !LexicalUtils::isValidIdentifier( name ) )
			CORAL_THROW( IllegalNameException, "port name '" << name << "' is not a valid indentifier");

		Port* port = new Port;
		port->setName( name );
		port->setType( type );
		port->setIsFacet( isFacet );

		_interfaces.push_back( port );
Пример #12
	void fillType()
		if( _fields.empty() )
			CORAL_THROW( MissingInputException, "missing struct contents" );

		_myType->addMembers( _fields );
		_myType->sortMembers( _myType );
Пример #13
void SQLiteStatement::handleErrorCode( int errorCode )
	if( errorCode != SQLITE_OK && errorCode != SQLITE_DONE )
		CORAL_THROW( co::Exception, "SQLite statement error "
			<< sqlite3_errmsg( sqlite3_db_handle( _stmt ) ) );
	void onServiceChanged( ca::IServiceChanges* changes )
		if( nextException )
			const char* msg = nextException; nextException = NULL;
			CORAL_THROW( co::MissingServiceException, msg );
Пример #15
	void defineBaseType( IType* baseType )

		if( _baseType && _baseType->getFullName() != "co.IService" )
			CORAL_THROW( NotSupportedException, "multiple inheritance not supported" );

		if( !baseType )
			CORAL_THROW( IllegalArgumentException, "illegal null baseType" );

		co::TypeKind kind = baseType->getKind();
		if( kind != co::TK_INTERFACE )
			CORAL_THROW( IllegalArgumentException, "illegal baseType (interface expected, got "
							<< co::TK_STRINGS[kind] << ")" );

		_baseType = static_cast<Interface*>( baseType );
		_myType->setBaseType( _baseType );
Пример #16
IAnnotation* Loader::getAnnotationFrom( IObject* object )
	IAnnotation* annotation = object->getService<IAnnotation>();
	if( !annotation )
		CORAL_THROW( Exception, "component '" << object->getComponent()->getName()
						<< "' does not provide an annotation" );

	return annotation;
Пример #17
void Library::assertIsLoaded()
	if( !isLoaded() )
		std::string errorMsg;
		getLastErrorMessage( errorMsg );
		CORAL_THROW( ModuleLoadException, "error loading library '" << _fileName << "': " << errorMsg );
Пример #18
void ReflectorBase::checkNumArguments( co::IMethod* mi, size_t numArgs )
	assert( mi );
	size_t expectedNumArgs = mi->getParameters().getSize();
	if( numArgs < expectedNumArgs )
		CORAL_THROW( co::MissingInputException, "method '" << mi->getName() << "' takes "
					<< expectedNumArgs << " argument" << ( expectedNumArgs > 1 ? "s" : "" )
					<< ", but only " << numArgs << ( numArgs > 1 ? " were" : " was" ) << " passed" );
Пример #19
void Requestor::requestBarrierDown()
    if( !_connected )
        CORAL_THROW( RemotingException, "Trying to request with the node stopped");

    std::string msg;
    _marshaller.marshalBarrierDown( _publicEndpoint, msg );
    _handler->handleAsynchRequest( msg );
Пример #20
	void setSpace( ca::ISpace* space )
		if( !space )
			CORAL_THROW( co::IllegalArgumentException, "NULL space" );
		_space = space;
Пример #21
IType* TypeManager::loadTypeOrThrow( const std::string& fullName )
	TypeLoader loader( fullName, this );

	IType* type = loader.loadType();
	if( loader.getError() )
		CORAL_THROW( TypeLoadException, "could not load type '" << fullName << "':\n" << *loader.getError() );

	return type;
Пример #22
	void fillType()
		if( _identifiers.empty() )
			CORAL_THROW( MissingInputException, "missing enum identifiers" );

		for( Range<std::string> r( _identifiers ); r; r.popFirst() )
			_myType->addIdentifier( r.getFirst() );
Пример #23
void Requestor::requestLease( co::int32 instanceID, std::string lessee )
    if( !_connected )
        CORAL_THROW( RemotingException, "Trying to request with the node stopped");
    Marshaller marshaller; // cannot use the member instance (conflicts with other marshalling)
    std::string msg;
    marshaller.marshalLease( lessee, instanceID, msg );
    _handler->handleAsynchRequest( msg );
Пример #24
	void validate()
		Range<IPort* const> ports = _myType->getPorts();
		IPort* lastPort = ports.getFirst();
		for( ports.popFirst(); ports; ports.popFirst() )
			if( lastPort->getName() == ports.getFirst()->getName() )
				CORAL_THROW( IllegalNameException, "duplicate port '" << lastPort->getName()
					<< "' in component '" << _myType->getFullName() << "'" );
Пример #25
	IMethodBuilder* defineMethod( const std::string& name )

		if( !LexicalUtils::isValidIdentifier( name ) )
			CORAL_THROW( IllegalNameException, "method name '" << name << "' is not a valid identifier" );

		MethodBuilder* methodBuilder = new MethodBuilder;
		methodBuilder->init( this, name );

		return methodBuilder;
Пример #26
	void defineField( const std::string& name, IType* type, bool isReadOnly )

		if( !type )
			CORAL_THROW( IllegalArgumentException, "illegal null type" );

		if( type->getKind() == TK_EXCEPTION || type->getKind() == TK_COMPONENT )
			CORAL_THROW( IllegalArgumentException, ( type->getKind() == TK_EXCEPTION ?
					"exception" : "component" ) << "s are illegal as field types" );

		// struct-specific checks
		if( _kind == TK_STRUCT )
			if( isReadOnly )
				CORAL_THROW( IllegalArgumentException, "structs cannot have read-only fields" );

			if( _type == type )
				CORAL_THROW( IllegalArgumentException, "a struct cannot contain itself recursively" );

		if( !LexicalUtils::isValidIdentifier( name ) )
			CORAL_THROW( IllegalNameException, "field name '" << name << "' is not a valid identifier" );

		if( !LexicalUtils::isValidFieldName( name ) )
			CORAL_THROW( IllegalNameException, "field names must start with a lowercase letter" );

		Field* attr = new Field;
		attr->setType( type );
		attr->setName( name );
		attr->setIsReadOnly( isReadOnly );

		_fields.push_back( attr );
Пример #27
void ComponentBase::checkValidPort( IPort* port )
	if( !port )
		throw NoSuchPortException( "illegal null port" );

	IComponent* myType = getComponent();
	ICompositeType* owner = port->getOwner();
	if( owner != static_cast<ICompositeType*>( myType ) )
		CORAL_THROW( NoSuchPortException, "port '" << port->getName() << "' belongs to "
			<< owner->getFullName() << ", not to " << myType->getFullName() );

	assert( port->getIndex() < myType->getPorts().getSize() );
Пример #28
IArray* TypeManager::getArrayOf( IType* elementType )
	if( !elementType )
		CORAL_THROW( IllegalArgumentException, "null element type" );

	const std::string& elementTypeName = elementType->getName();

	std::string arrayName;
	arrayName.reserve( elementTypeName.length() + 2 );
	arrayName.append( elementTypeName );
	arrayName.append( "[]" );

	Namespace* ns = static_cast<Namespace*>( elementType->getNamespace() );

	// try to locate an existing array of this type
	IType* existingArrayType = ns->getType( arrayName );
	if( existingArrayType )
		assert( existingArrayType->getKind() == TK_ARRAY );
		return static_cast<IArray*>( existingArrayType );

	// otherwise, try to create it
	TypeKind kind = elementType->getKind();
	if( kind == TK_ARRAY )
		CORAL_THROW( IllegalArgumentException, "arrays of arrays are illegal" );

	if( !isData( kind ) )
		CORAL_THROW( IllegalArgumentException, "arrays of " << kind << "s are illegal" );

	RefPtr<ArrayType> arrayType = new ArrayType;
	arrayType->setType( TK_ARRAY, elementType->getName() + "[]", ns );
	arrayType->setElementType( elementType );

	ns->addType( arrayType.get() );

	return arrayType.get();
Пример #29
ISQLiteStatement* SQLiteConnection::prepare( const std::string& sql )
	if( !_db )
		throw co::Exception( "Database not connected. Cannot execute command" );

	sqlite3_stmt* stmt;

	int resultCode = sqlite3_prepare_v2( _db, sql.c_str(), -1, &stmt, 0 );
	if( resultCode != SQLITE_OK )
		CORAL_THROW( co::Exception, "Query Failed: " << sqlite3_errmsg( _db ) );

	return new SQLiteStatement( stmt );
Пример #30
void Requestor::requestAsynchCall( MemberOwner& owner, co::IMethod* method,  
                                            co::Slice<co::Any> args )
    if( !_connected )
        CORAL_THROW( RemotingException, "Trying to request with the node stopped");
    InvocationDetails details( owner.instanceID, owner.facetID, method->getIndex(), 
                              owner.inheritanceDepth, false );
    ParameterPusher& pusher = _marshaller.beginInvocation( _publicEndpoint, details );
    pushParameters( method, args, pusher );
    std::string msg;
    _marshaller.marshalInvocation( msg );
    _handler->handleAsynchRequest( msg );    