int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { CO_NMT_reset_cmd_t reset = CO_RESET_NOT; CO_ReturnError_t odStorStatus_rom, odStorStatus_eeprom; int CANdevice0Index = 0; int opt; bool_t firstRun = true; char* CANdevice = NULL; /* CAN device, configurable by arguments. */ int nodeId = -1; /* Set to 1..127 by arguments */ bool_t rebootEnable = false; /* Configurable by arguments */ #ifndef CO_SINGLE_THREAD bool_t commandEnable = false; /* Configurable by arguments */ #endif if(argc < 3 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0){ printUsage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* Get program options */ while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "i:p:rc:s:a:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'i': nodeId = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'p': rtPriority = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'r': rebootEnable = true; break; #ifndef CO_SINGLE_THREAD case 'c': /* In case of empty string keep default name, just enable interface. */ if(strlen(optarg) != 0) { CO_command_socketPath = optarg; } commandEnable = true; break; #endif case 's': odStorFile_rom = optarg; break; case 'a': odStorFile_eeprom = optarg; break; default: printUsage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if(optind < argc) { CANdevice = argv[optind]; CANdevice0Index = if_nametoindex(CANdevice); } if(nodeId < 1 || nodeId > 127) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong node ID (%d)\n", nodeId); printUsage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(rtPriority != -1 && (rtPriority < sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO) || rtPriority > sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO))) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong RT priority (%d)\n", rtPriority); printUsage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(CANdevice0Index == 0) { char s[120]; snprintf(s, 120, "Can't find CAN device \"%s\"", CANdevice); CO_errExit(s); } printf("%s - starting CANopen device with Node ID %d(0x%02X)", argv[0], nodeId, nodeId); /* Verify, if OD structures have proper alignment of initial values */ if(CO_OD_RAM.FirstWord != CO_OD_RAM.LastWord) { fprintf(stderr, "Program init - %s - Error in CO_OD_RAM.\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(CO_OD_EEPROM.FirstWord != CO_OD_EEPROM.LastWord) { fprintf(stderr, "Program init - %s - Error in CO_OD_EEPROM.\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(CO_OD_ROM.FirstWord != CO_OD_ROM.LastWord) { fprintf(stderr, "Program init - %s - Error in CO_OD_ROM.\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* initialize Object Dictionary storage */ odStorStatus_rom = CO_OD_storage_init(&odStor, (uint8_t*) &CO_OD_ROM, sizeof(CO_OD_ROM), odStorFile_rom); odStorStatus_eeprom = CO_OD_storage_init(&odStorAuto, (uint8_t*) &CO_OD_EEPROM, sizeof(CO_OD_EEPROM), odStorFile_eeprom); /* Catch signals SIGINT and SIGTERM */ if(signal(SIGINT, sigHandler) == SIG_ERR) CO_errExit("Program init - SIGINIT handler creation failed"); if(signal(SIGTERM, sigHandler) == SIG_ERR) CO_errExit("Program init - SIGTERM handler creation failed"); /* increase variable each startup. Variable is automatically stored in non-volatile memory. */ printf(", count=%u ...\n", ++OD_powerOnCounter); while(reset != CO_RESET_APP && reset != CO_RESET_QUIT && CO_endProgram == 0) { /* CANopen communication reset - initialize CANopen objects *******************/ CO_ReturnError_t err; printf("%s - communication reset ...\n", argv[0]); #ifndef CO_SINGLE_THREAD /* Wait other threads (command interface). */ pthread_mutex_lock(&CO_CAN_VALID_mtx); #endif /* Wait rt_thread. */ if(!firstRun) { CO_LOCK_OD(); CO->CANmodule[0]->CANnormal = false; CO_UNLOCK_OD(); } /* Enter CAN configuration. */ CO_CANsetConfigurationMode(CANdevice0Index); /* initialize CANopen */ err = CO_init(CANdevice0Index, nodeId, 0); if(err != CO_ERROR_NO) { char s[120]; snprintf(s, 120, "Communication reset - CANopen initialization failed, err=%d", err); CO_errExit(s); } /* initialize OD objects 1010 and 1011 and verify errors. */ CO_OD_configure(CO->SDO[0], OD_H1010_STORE_PARAM_FUNC, CO_ODF_1010, (void*)&odStor, 0, 0U); CO_OD_configure(CO->SDO[0], OD_H1011_REST_PARAM_FUNC, CO_ODF_1011, (void*)&odStor, 0, 0U); if(odStorStatus_rom != CO_ERROR_NO) { CO_errorReport(CO->em, CO_EM_NON_VOLATILE_MEMORY, CO_EMC_HARDWARE, (uint32_t)odStorStatus_rom); } if(odStorStatus_eeprom != CO_ERROR_NO) { CO_errorReport(CO->em, CO_EM_NON_VOLATILE_MEMORY, CO_EMC_HARDWARE, (uint32_t)odStorStatus_eeprom + 1000); } /* Configure callback functions for task control */ CO_EM_initCallback(CO->em, taskMain_cbSignal); CO_SDO_initCallback(CO->SDO[0], taskMain_cbSignal); CO_SDOclient_initCallback(CO->SDOclient, taskMain_cbSignal); CO_SYNC_initCallback(CO->SYNC, CANrx_lockCbSync); /* Initialize time */ CO_time_init(&CO_time, CO->SDO[0], &OD_time.epochTimeBaseMs, &OD_time.epochTimeOffsetMs, 0x2130); /* First time only initialization. */ if(firstRun) { firstRun = false; /* Configure epoll for mainline */ mainline_epoll_fd = epoll_create(4); if(mainline_epoll_fd == -1) CO_errExit("Program init - epoll_create mainline failed"); /* Init mainline */ taskMain_init(mainline_epoll_fd, &OD_performance[ODA_performance_mainCycleMaxTime]); #ifdef CO_SINGLE_THREAD /* Init taskRT */ CANrx_taskTmr_init(mainline_epoll_fd, TMR_TASK_INTERVAL_NS, &OD_performance[ODA_performance_timerCycleMaxTime]); OD_performance[ODA_performance_timerCycleTime] = TMR_TASK_INTERVAL_NS/1000; /* informative */ /* Set priority for mainline */ if(rtPriority > 0) { struct sched_param param; param.sched_priority = rtPriority; if(sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, ¶m) != 0) CO_errExit("Program init - mainline set scheduler failed"); } #else /* Configure epoll for rt_thread */ rt_thread_epoll_fd = epoll_create(2); if(rt_thread_epoll_fd == -1) CO_errExit("Program init - epoll_create rt_thread failed"); /* Init taskRT */ CANrx_taskTmr_init(rt_thread_epoll_fd, TMR_TASK_INTERVAL_NS, &OD_performance[ODA_performance_timerCycleMaxTime]); OD_performance[ODA_performance_timerCycleTime] = TMR_TASK_INTERVAL_NS/1000; /* informative */ /* Create rt_thread */ if(pthread_create(&rt_thread_id, NULL, rt_thread, NULL) != 0) CO_errExit("Program init - rt_thread creation failed"); /* Set priority for rt_thread */ if(rtPriority > 0) { struct sched_param param; param.sched_priority = rtPriority; if(pthread_setschedparam(rt_thread_id, SCHED_FIFO, ¶m) != 0) CO_errExit("Program init - rt_thread set scheduler failed"); } #endif #ifndef CO_SINGLE_THREAD /* Initialize socket command interface */ if(commandEnable) { if(CO_command_init() != 0) { CO_errExit("Socket command interface initialization failed"); } printf("%s - Command interface on socket '%s' started ...\n", argv[0], CO_command_socketPath); } #endif /* Execute optional additional application code */ app_programStart(); } /* Execute optional additional application code */ app_communicationReset(); /* start CAN */ CO_CANsetNormalMode(CO->CANmodule[0]); #ifndef CO_SINGLE_THREAD pthread_mutex_unlock(&CO_CAN_VALID_mtx); #endif reset = CO_RESET_NOT; printf("%s - running ...\n", argv[0]); while(reset == CO_RESET_NOT && CO_endProgram == 0) { /* loop for normal program execution ******************************************/ int ready; struct epoll_event ev; ready = epoll_wait(mainline_epoll_fd, &ev, 1, -1); if(ready != 1) { if(errno != EINTR) { CO_error(0x11100000L + errno); } } #ifdef CO_SINGLE_THREAD else if(CANrx_taskTmr_process( { /* code was processed in the above function. Additional code process below */ INCREMENT_1MS(CO_timer1ms); /* Detect timer large overflow */ if(OD_performance[ODA_performance_timerCycleMaxTime] > TMR_TASK_OVERFLOW_US && rtPriority > 0) { CO_errorReport(CO->em, CO_EM_ISR_TIMER_OVERFLOW, CO_EMC_SOFTWARE_INTERNAL, 0x22400000L | OD_performance[ODA_performance_timerCycleMaxTime]); } } #endif else if(taskMain_process(, &reset, CO_timer1ms)) { uint16_t timer1msDiff; static uint16_t tmr1msPrev = 0; /* Calculate time difference */ timer1msDiff = CO_timer1ms - tmr1msPrev; tmr1msPrev = CO_timer1ms; /* code was processed in the above function. Additional code process below */ /* Execute optional additional application code */ app_programAsync(timer1msDiff); CO_OD_storage_autoSave(&odStorAuto, CO_timer1ms, 60000); } else { /* No file descriptor was processed. */ CO_error(0x11200000L); } } } /* program exit ***************************************************************/ /* join threads */ #ifndef CO_SINGLE_THREAD if(commandEnable) { if(CO_command_clear() != 0) { CO_errExit("Socket command interface removal failed"); } } #endif CO_endProgram = 1; #ifndef CO_SINGLE_THREAD if(pthread_join(rt_thread_id, NULL) != 0) { CO_errExit("Program end - pthread_join failed"); } #endif /* Execute optional additional application code */ app_programEnd(); /* Store CO_OD_EEPROM */ CO_OD_storage_autoSave(&odStorAuto, 0, 0); CO_OD_storage_autoSaveClose(&odStorAuto); /* delete objects from memory */ CANrx_taskTmr_close(); taskMain_close(); CO_delete(CANdevice0Index); printf("%s on %s (nodeId=0x%02X) - finished.\n\n", argv[0], CANdevice, nodeId); /* Flush all buffers (and reboot) */ if(rebootEnable && reset == CO_RESET_APP) { sync(); if(reboot(LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART) != 0) { CO_errExit("Program end - reboot failed"); } } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int CO_OD_storage_saveSecure( uint8_t *odAddress, uint32_t odSize, char *filename) { int ret = RETURN_SUCCESS; char *filename_old = NULL; uint16_t CRC = 0; /* Generate new string with extension '.old' and rename current file to it. */ filename_old = malloc(strlen(filename)+10); if(filename_old != NULL) { strcpy(filename_old, filename); strcat(filename_old, ".old"); remove(filename_old); if(rename(filename, filename_old) != 0) { ret = RETURN_ERROR; } } else { ret = RETURN_ERROR; } /* Open a new file and write data to it, including CRC. */ if(ret == RETURN_SUCCESS) { FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "w"); if(fp != NULL) { CO_LOCK_OD(); fwrite((const void *)odAddress, 1, odSize, fp); CRC = crc16_ccitt((unsigned char*)odAddress, odSize, 0); CO_UNLOCK_OD(); fwrite((const void *)&CRC, 1, 2, fp); fclose(fp); } else { ret = RETURN_ERROR; } } /* Verify data */ if(ret == RETURN_SUCCESS) { void *buf = NULL; FILE *fp = NULL; uint32_t cnt = 0; uint16_t CRC2 = 0; buf = malloc(odSize + 4); if(buf != NULL) { fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if(fp != NULL) { cnt = fread(buf, 1, odSize, fp); CRC2 = crc16_ccitt((unsigned char*)buf, odSize, 0); /* read also two bytes of CRC */ cnt += fread(buf, 1, 4, fp); fclose(fp); } free(buf); } /* If size or CRC differs, report error */ if(buf == NULL || fp == NULL || cnt != (odSize + 2) || CRC != CRC2) { ret = RETURN_ERROR; } } /* In case of error, set back the old file. */ if(ret != RETURN_SUCCESS && filename_old != NULL) { remove(filename); rename(filename_old, filename); } free(filename_old); return ret; }