Пример #1
BOOL __section(SectionForFlashOperations) SAM7X_BS_Driver::IsBlockErased( void* context, ByteAddress Address, UINT32 BlockLength )
    const BlockDeviceInfo *     deviceInfo = config->BlockConfig.BlockDeviceInformation;

    UINT32 iRegion, iRange;
    CHIP_WORD *chipAddress, *endAddress;

    // 1st or 2nd FLASH controller 
    if (!deviceInfo->FindRegionFromAddress( Address, iRegion, iRange )) return FALSE;

    Address = CPU_GetCachableAddress(Address);

    chipAddress = (CHIP_WORD *) Address;
    endAddress  = (CHIP_WORD *)(Address + BlockLength);
    while(chipAddress < endAddress)
        if(*chipAddress++ != 0xFFFFFFFF)
            return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

CryptoState::CryptoState( UINT32 dataAddress, UINT32 dataLength, BYTE* sig, UINT32 sigLength, UINT32 sectorType ) : 
#if defined(ARM_V1_2)
    m_dataAddress( CPU_GetCachableAddress( dataAddress ) ),
    m_dataAddress( dataAddress    ),
    m_dataLength ( dataLength      ),
    m_sig        ( sig             ),
    m_sigLength  ( sigLength       ),
    m_sectorType ( sectorType      ),
    m_handle     ( NULL            ),
    m_res        ( CRYPTO_FAILURE  )
Пример #3
// erase one  page
BOOL __section(SectionForFlashOperations) SAM7X_BS_Driver::EraseBlock( void* context, ByteAddress address )

    const BlockDeviceInfo *     deviceInfo = config->BlockConfig.BlockDeviceInformation;

    UINT32 iRegion, iRange;
    UINT32 pageNumber=0, baseAddress;
    // 1st or 2nd FLASH controller 
    if (!deviceInfo->FindRegionFromAddress( address, iRegion, iRange )) return FALSE;

    address     = CPU_GetUncachableAddress(address);
    baseAddress = CPU_GetCachableAddress(deviceInfo->Regions[iRegion].Start);

    // the pageNumber is the start of page of "Sector", even Sector is not the start sectoraddres of the block
    pageNumber  = ((address - baseAddress) / AT91C_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE);

    AT91_BL_EFC &efc = AT91_BL_EFC::BL_EFC(( pageNumber < 1024 ) ? 0:1);

    ChipReadOnly( context, FALSE, FLASH_PROTECTION_KEY );
    // Set EFC Mode Register - number of cycles during 1.5 microsecond
    efc.EFC_FMR = (efc.EFC_FMR & ~(AT91_BL_EFC::MC_FMCN | AT91_BL_EFC::MC_NEBP)) | (((SYSTEM_CYCLE_CLOCK_HZ / 2000000) * 3) << 16);
    pageNumber = pageNumber % 1024;

        // Erase Block (write 0xFFFFFFFF)
        // perform write/erase command
        for (UINT32 i=0; i<AT91C_IFLASH_PAGE_PER_BLOCK; i++)
            efc.EFC_FCR  = (AT91_BL_EFC::MC_KEY_VALUE  | (pageNumber << 8) | AT91_BL_EFC::MC_FCMD_START_PROG);
        // wait for FLASH ready
            while( (efc.EFC_FSR & AT91_BL_EFC::MC_FRDY) != AT91_BL_EFC::MC_FRDY );
            pageNumber ++;

    ChipReadOnly( context, TRUE, FLASH_PROTECTION_KEY );

    return TRUE;
I28F_16_BS_Driver::CHIP_WORD __section("SectionForFlashOperations") I28F_16_BS_Driver::Action_WriteWord( volatile CHIP_WORD * Sector, CHIP_WORD Data, MEMORY_MAPPED_NOR_BLOCK_CONFIG* FlashConfig )
    CHIP_WORD StatusRegister;


    Sector = CPU_GetUncachableAddress( Sector );

    // Enter Word Program Mode.
    *Sector = PROGRAM_WORD;
    *Sector = Data;

    // wait for device to signal completion
    // break when the device signals completion by looking for Data (0xff erasure value) on I/O 7 (a 0 on I/O 7 indicates erasure in progress)
    while((*Sector & SR_WSM_READY) != SR_WSM_READY);

    StatusRegister = *Sector;

    // Exit Status Read Mode.

    CPU_InvalidateAddress( CPU_GetCachableAddress( Sector ) );

    FLASH_END_PROGRAMMING_FAST( "I28F_16 WriteWord", Sector );

    return StatusRegister;
Пример #5
BOOL DK_LM3S9B96_BlockStorage_Driver::IsBlockErased( void* context, ByteAddress Address, UINT32 BlockLength )
    const BlockDeviceInfo *     deviceInfo = config->BlockConfig.BlockDeviceInformation;

    UINT32 iRegion, iRange;
    unsigned long StartAddress, EndAddress, PageAddress;

    // 1st or 2nd FLASH controller 
    if (!deviceInfo->FindRegionFromAddress( Address, iRegion, iRange )) return FALSE;

    Address = CPU_GetCachableAddress(Address);

    StartAddress = (unsigned long) Address;
    EndAddress  =  (unsigned long)(Address + BlockLength);
    for(PageAddress = StartAddress; PageAddress < EndAddress; PageAddress+=LM3S_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
        unsigned long ulAddress = PageAddress - LM3S_IFLASH;
        if( SSIFlashRead(ulAddress,LM3S_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE,pageBuffer) == LM3S_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
            int i, LoopCnt;
            UINT32 *pData = (UINT32*)pageBuffer;
            for(i=0, LoopCnt = (LM3S_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE>>2); i< LoopCnt; i++)
                if( *pData++ != 0xFFFFFFFF)
                    return FALSE;
            return FALSE;