Пример #1
static void PrintFinalStats(void *cpode_mem)
  realtype h0u;
  long int nst, nfe, nsetups, nje, nfeLS, nni, ncfn, netf, nge;
  int flag;

  flag = CPodeGetActualInitStep(cpode_mem, &h0u);
  flag = CPodeGetNumSteps(cpode_mem, &nst);
  flag = CPodeGetNumFctEvals(cpode_mem, &nfe);
  flag = CPodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cpode_mem, &nsetups);
  flag = CPodeGetNumErrTestFails(cpode_mem, &netf);
  flag = CPodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cpode_mem, &nni);
  flag = CPodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cpode_mem, &ncfn);

  flag = CPDlsGetNumJacEvals(cpode_mem, &nje);
  flag = CPDlsGetNumFctEvals(cpode_mem, &nfeLS);

  flag = CPodeGetNumGEvals(cpode_mem, &nge);

  printf("\nFinal Statistics:\n");
  printf("h0u = %g\n",h0u);
  printf("nst = %-6ld nfe  = %-6ld nsetups = %-6ld nfeLS = %-6ld nje = %ld\n",
	 nst, nfe, nsetups, nfeLS, nje);
  printf("nni = %-6ld ncfn = %-6ld netf = %-6ld nge = %ld\n \n",
	 nni, ncfn, netf, nge);
Пример #2
void GetSol(void *cpode_mem, N_Vector yy0, realtype tol, 
            realtype tout, booleantype proj, N_Vector yref)
  N_Vector yy, yp;
  realtype t, x, y, xd, yd, g;
  int flag;
  long int nst, nfe, nsetups, nje, nfeLS, ncfn, netf;

  if (proj) {
    printf(" YES   ");
    CPodeSetProjFrequency(cpode_mem, 1);
  } else {
    CPodeSetProjFrequency(cpode_mem, 0);
    printf(" NO    ");

  yy = N_VNew_Serial(4);
  yp = N_VNew_Serial(4);

  flag = CPodeReInit(cpode_mem, (void *)f, NULL, 0.0, yy0, NULL, CP_SS, tol, &tol);

  flag = CPode(cpode_mem, tout, &t, yy, yp, CP_NORMAL_TSTOP);

  x  = Ith(yy,1);
  y  = Ith(yy,2);
  g = ABS(x*x + y*y - 1.0);

  N_VLinearSum(1.0, yy, -1.0, yref, yy);

  N_VAbs(yy, yy);

  x  = Ith(yy,1);
  y  = Ith(yy,2);  
  xd = Ith(yy,3);
  yd = Ith(yy,4);

  printf("%9.2e  %9.2e  %9.2e  %9.2e  |  %9.2e  |",  

  CPodeGetNumSteps(cpode_mem, &nst);
  CPodeGetNumFctEvals(cpode_mem, &nfe);
  CPodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cpode_mem, &nsetups);
  CPodeGetNumErrTestFails(cpode_mem, &netf);
  CPodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cpode_mem, &ncfn);

  CPDlsGetNumJacEvals(cpode_mem, &nje);
  CPDlsGetNumFctEvals(cpode_mem, &nfeLS);

  printf(" %6ld   %6ld+%-4ld  %4ld (%3ld)  |  %3ld  %3ld\n",
         nst, nfe, nfeLS, nsetups, nje, ncfn, netf);


Пример #3
int main(void)
  realtype dx, dy, reltol, abstol, t, tout, umax;
  N_Vector u, up;
  UserData data;
  void *cvode_mem;
  int iout, flag;
  long int nst;

  u = NULL;
  data = NULL;
  cvode_mem = NULL;

  u  = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ);
  up = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ);

  reltol = ZERO;
  abstol = ATOL;

  data = (UserData) malloc(sizeof *data);
  dx = data->dx = XMAX/(MX+1);
  dy = data->dy = YMAX/(MY+1);
  data->hdcoef = ONE/(dx*dx);
  data->hacoef = HALF/(TWO*dx);
  data->vdcoef = ONE/(dy*dy);

  SetIC(u, data);

  cvode_mem = CPodeCreate(CP_EXPL, CP_BDF, CP_NEWTON);
  flag = CPodeInit(cvode_mem, (void *)f, data, T0, u, NULL, CP_SS, reltol, &abstol);

  flag = CPLapackBand(cvode_mem, NEQ, MY, MY);
  flag = CPDlsSetJacFn(cvode_mem, (void *)Jac, data);

  /* In loop over output points: call CPode, print results, test for errors */
  umax = N_VMaxNorm(u);
  PrintHeader(reltol, abstol, umax);
  for(iout=1, tout=T1; iout <= NOUT; iout++, tout += DTOUT) {
    flag = CPode(cvode_mem, tout, &t, u, up, CP_NORMAL);
    umax = N_VMaxNorm(u);
    flag = CPodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
    PrintOutput(t, umax, nst);



Пример #4
static void PrintFinalStats(void *cpode_mem)
  long int nst, nfe, nni, ncfn, netf;
  realtype h0u;
  int flag;
  flag = CPodeGetActualInitStep(cpode_mem, &h0u);
  flag = CPodeGetNumSteps(cpode_mem, &nst);
  flag = CPodeGetNumFctEvals(cpode_mem, &nfe);
  flag = CPodeGetNumErrTestFails(cpode_mem, &netf);
  flag = CPodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cpode_mem, &nni);
  flag = CPodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cpode_mem, &ncfn);

  printf("\n Final statistics:\n\n");
  printf(" Number of steps                          = %4ld \n", nst);
  printf(" Number of f-s                            = %4ld \n", nfe);
  printf(" Number of nonlinear iterations           = %4ld \n", nni);
  printf(" Number of nonlinear convergence failures = %4ld \n", ncfn);
  printf(" Number of error test failures            = %4ld \n", netf);
  printf(" Initial step size                        = %g \n\n", h0u);

Пример #5
static void PrintFinalStats(void *cvode_mem)
  int flag;
  long int nst, nfe, nsetups, netf, nni, ncfn, nje, nfeLS;

  flag = CPodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  flag = CPodeGetNumFctEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
  flag = CPodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
  flag = CPodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
  flag = CPodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
  flag = CPodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);

  flag = CPDlsGetNumJacEvals(cvode_mem, &nje);
  flag = CPDlsGetNumFctEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS);

  printf("\nFinal Statistics:\n");
  printf("nst = %-6ld nfe  = %-6ld nsetups = %-6ld nfeLS = %-6ld nje = %ld\n",
     nst, nfe, nsetups, nfeLS, nje);
  printf("nni = %-6ld ncfn = %-6ld netf = %ld\n \n",
     nni, ncfn, netf);
