Пример #1
void ReadFile(CImage& img, const char* filename)
    // Determine the file extension
    const char *dot = strrchr(filename, '.');
    if (strcasecmp(dot, ".tga") == 0 || strcasecmp(dot, ".tga") == 0) {
        if ((&img.PixType()) == 0)
            img.ReAllocate(CShape(), typeid(uchar), sizeof(uchar), true);
        if (img.PixType() == typeid(uchar))
            ReadFileTGA(*(CByteImage *) &img, filename);
        else {
            CByteImage imgAux;
            ReadFileTGA(imgAux, filename);

            if(img.PixType() == typeid(float)) TypeConvert(imgAux, *(CFloatImage*) &img);
                throw CError("Cannot load image into img with this type of buffer");
    } else if (strcasecmp(dot, ".jpg") == 0 || strcasecmp(dot, ".jpeg") == 0) {
        if ((&img.PixType()) == 0)
            img.ReAllocate(CShape(), typeid(uchar), sizeof(uchar), true);
        if (img.PixType() == typeid(uchar))
            ReadFileJPEG(*(CByteImage *) &img, filename);
        else {
            CByteImage imgAux;
            ReadFileJPEG(imgAux, filename);

            if(img.PixType() == typeid(float)) TypeConvert(imgAux, *(CFloatImage*) &img);
                throw CError("Cannot load image into img with this type of buffer");

    } else
        throw CError("ReadFile(%s): file type not supported", filename);
Пример #2
HOGFeatureExtractor::render(const Feature& f) const
	CShape cellShape = _oriMarkers[0].Shape();
	CFloatImage hogImgF(CShape(cellShape.width * f.Shape().width, cellShape.height * f.Shape().height, 1));

	float minBinValue, maxBinValue;
	f.getRangeOfValues(minBinValue, maxBinValue);

	// For every cell in the HOG
	for(int hi = 0; hi < f.Shape().height; hi++) {
		for(int hj = 0; hj < f.Shape().width; hj++) {

			// Now _oriMarkers, multiplying contribution by bin level
			for(int hc = 0; hc < _nAngularBins; hc++) {
				float v = f.Pixel(hj, hi, hc) / maxBinValue;
				for(int ci = 0; ci < cellShape.height; ci++) {
					float* cellIt = (float*) _oriMarkers[hc].PixelAddress(0, ci, 0);
					float* hogIt = (float*) hogImgF.PixelAddress(hj * cellShape.height, hi * cellShape.height + ci, 0);

					for(int cj = 0; cj < cellShape.width; cj++, hogIt++, cellIt++) {
						(*hogIt) += v * (*cellIt);

	CByteImage hogImg;
	TypeConvert(hogImgF, hogImg);
	return hogImg;
Пример #3
    static float k_11[2] = {0.5f, 0.5f};
    static float k_121[3] = {0.25f, 0.5f, 0.25f};
    static float k_14641[5] = {0.0625f, 0.25f, 0.375f, 0.25f, 0.0625f};
    static float k_8ptFP[8] = {-0.044734f, -0.059009f,  0.156544f,  0.449199f,
                                0.449199f,  0.156544f, -0.059009f, -0.044734f};
    // The following are derived as fix-point /256 fractions of the above:
    //  -12, -15, 40, 115
    static float k_8ptI [8] = {-0.04687500f, -0.05859375f,  0.15625000f,  0.44921875f,
                                0.44921875f,  0.15625000f, -0.05859375f, -0.04687500f};

    ConvolveKernel_121.ReAllocate(CShape(3, 1, 1), k_121, false, 3);
    ConvolveKernel_121.origin[0] = -1;
    ConvolveKernel_14641.ReAllocate(CShape(5, 1, 1), k_14641, false, 5);
    ConvolveKernel_14641.origin[0] = -2;
    ConvolveKernel_8tapLowPass.ReAllocate(CShape(8, 1, 1), k_8ptI, false, 8);
    ConvolveKernel_8tapLowPass.origin[0] = -4;
Пример #4
cUFO::cUFO(double x, double y, TGame* game)
: CMoveAbleObject(CShape(
					new CPrimaryShape(SHAPE_TYPE_OVAL, x + 44, y, 70, 60),
					new CPrimaryShape(SHAPE_TYPE_OVAL, x+0, y+50, 150, 50)), UFO, 250.0, 20.0, 0.0)
	beamZone =	new CPrimaryShape(SHAPE_TYPE_RECT, x, y + 100, 150, 50);
	this->game = game;
	animation.setLastAnimationTime(SDL_GetTicks() - UFO_BEAM_TIME_DIFFERENCE);
Пример #5
void Convolve(CImageOf<T> src, CImageOf<T>& dst,
              CFloatImage kernel,
              float scale, float offset)
    // Determine the shape of the kernel and row buffer
    CShape kShape = kernel.Shape();
    CShape sShape = src.Shape();
    CShape bShape(sShape.width + kShape.width, kShape.height, sShape.nBands);
    int bWidth = bShape.width * bShape.nBands;

    // Allocate the result, if necessary, and the row buffer
    dst.ReAllocate(sShape, false);
    CFloatImage buffer(bShape);
    if (sShape.width * sShape.height * sShape.nBands == 0)
    CFloatImage output(CShape(sShape.width, 1, sShape.nBands));

    // Fill up the row buffer initially
    for (int k = 0; k < kShape.height; k++)
        FillRowBuffer(&buffer.Pixel(0, k, 0), src, kernel, k, bWidth);

    // Determine if clipping is required
    //  (we assume up-conversion to float never requires clipping, i.e.,
    //   floats have the highest dynamic range)
    T minVal = dst.MinVal();
    T maxVal = dst.MaxVal();
    if (minVal <= buffer.MinVal() && maxVal >= buffer.MaxVal())
        minVal = maxVal = 0;

    // Process each row
    for (int y = 0; y < sShape.height; y++)
        // Do the convolution
        ConvolveRow2D(buffer, kernel, &output.Pixel(0, 0, 0),

        // Scale, offset, and type convert
        ScaleAndOffsetLine(&output.Pixel(0, 0, 0), &dst.Pixel(0, y, 0),
                           sShape.width * sShape.nBands,
                           scale, offset, minVal, maxVal);

        // Shift up the row buffer and fill the last line
        if (y < sShape.height-1)
            int k;
            for (k = 0; k < kShape.height-1; k++)
                memcpy(&buffer.Pixel(0, k, 0), &buffer.Pixel(0, k+1, 0),
                       bWidth * sizeof(float));
            FillRowBuffer(&buffer.Pixel(0, k, 0), src, kernel, y+k+1, bWidth);
Пример #6
void MotionToColor(CFloatImage motim, CByteImage &colim, float maxmotion)
    CShape sh = motim.Shape();
    int width = sh.width, height = sh.height;
    colim.ReAllocate(CShape(width, height, 3));
    int x, y;
    // determine motion range:
    float maxx = -999, maxy = -999;
    float minx =  999, miny =  999;
    float maxrad = -1;
    for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
	for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
	    float fx = motim.Pixel(x, y, 0);
	    float fy = motim.Pixel(x, y, 1);
	    if (unknown_flow(fx, fy))
	    maxx = __max(maxx, fx);
	    maxy = __max(maxy, fy);
	    minx = __min(minx, fx);
	    miny = __min(miny, fy);
	    float rad = sqrt(fx * fx + fy * fy);
	    maxrad = __max(maxrad, rad);
    printf("max motion: %.4f  motion range: u = %.3f .. %.3f;  v = %.3f .. %.3f\n",
	   maxrad, minx, maxx, miny, maxy);

    if (maxmotion > 0) // i.e., specified on commandline
	maxrad = maxmotion;

    if (maxrad == 0) // if flow == 0 everywhere
	maxrad = 1;

    if (verbose)
	fprintf(stderr, "normalizing by %g\n", maxrad);

    for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
	for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
	    float fx = motim.Pixel(x, y, 0);
	    float fy = motim.Pixel(x, y, 1);
	    uchar *pix = &colim.Pixel(x, y, 0);
	    if (unknown_flow(fx, fy)) {
		pix[0] = pix[1] = pix[2] = 0;
	    } else {
		computeColor(fx/maxrad, fy/maxrad, pix);
Пример #7
void ReadFile (CImage& img, const char* filename)
    // Determine the file extension
    char *dot = strrchr((char *) filename, '.');
    if (strcmp(dot, ".tga") == 0 || strcmp(dot, ".tga") == 0)
        if ((&img.PixType()) == 0)
            img.ReAllocate(CShape(), typeid(uchar), sizeof(uchar), true);
        if (img.PixType() == typeid(uchar))
            ReadFileTGA(*(CByteImage *) &img, filename);
           throw CError("ReadFile(%s): haven't implemented conversions yet", filename);
        throw CError("ReadFile(%s): file type not supported", filename);
Пример #8
    static float k_11[2] = {0.5f, 0.5f};
    static float k_121[3] = {0.25f, 0.5f, 0.25f};
    static float k_14641[5] = {0.0625f, 0.25f, 0.375f, 0.25f, 0.0625f};
    static float k_8ptFP[8] = {-0.044734f, -0.059009f,  0.156544f,  0.449199f,
                                0.449199f,  0.156544f, -0.059009f, -0.044734f};
    // The following are derived as fix-point /256 fractions of the above:
    //  -12, -15, 40, 115
    static float k_8ptI [8] = {-0.04687500f, -0.05859375f,  0.15625000f,  0.44921875f,
                                0.44921875f,  0.15625000f, -0.05859375f, -0.04687500f};

    static float k_7x7[49] = { 1.0, 4.0, 7.0, 10.0, 7.0, 4.0, 1.0, 
                               4.0, 12.0, 26.0, 33.0, 26.0, 12.0, 4.0,
                               7.0, 26.0, 55.0, 71.0, 55.0, 26.0, 7.0, 
                               10.0, 33.0, 71.0, 91.0, 71.0, 33.0, 10.0, 
                               7.0, 26.0, 55.0, 71.0, 55.0, 26.0, 7.0, 
                               4.0, 12.0, 26.0, 33.0, 26.0, 12.0, 4.0,
                               1.0, 4.0, 7.0, 10.0, 7.0, 4.0, 1.0 };

    for (int i = 0; i < 49; i++) {
        k_7x7[i] /= 1115.0;

    ConvolveKernel_121.ReAllocate(CShape(3, 1, 1), k_121, false, 3);
    ConvolveKernel_121.origin[0] = 1;
    ConvolveKernel_14641.ReAllocate(CShape(5, 1, 1), k_14641, false, 5);
    ConvolveKernel_14641.origin[0] = 2;
    ConvolveKernel_8tapLowPass.ReAllocate(CShape(8, 1, 1), k_8ptI, false, 8);
    ConvolveKernel_8tapLowPass.origin[0] = 4;
    ConvolveKernel_7x7.ReAllocate(CShape(7, 7, 1), k_7x7, false, 7);

    /* Sobel filters */
    static float k_SobelX[9] = { -1, 0, 1,
                                 -2, 0, 2,
                                 -1, 0, 1 };

    static float k_SobelY[9] = { -1, -2, -1,
                                  0,  0,  0,
                                  1,  2,  1 };    
    ConvolveKernel_SobelX.ReAllocate(CShape(3, 3, 1), k_SobelX, false, 3);
    ConvolveKernel_SobelX.origin[0] = 1;
    ConvolveKernel_SobelX.origin[1] = 1;
    ConvolveKernel_SobelY.ReAllocate(CShape(3, 3, 1), k_SobelY, false, 3);
    ConvolveKernel_SobelY.origin[0] = 1;
    ConvolveKernel_SobelY.origin[1] = 1;
SupportVectorMachine::predictSlidingWindow(const Feature &feat, CFloatImage &response) const
    response.ReAllocate(CShape(feat.Shape().width, feat.Shape().height, 1));

    /******** BEGIN TODO ********/
    // Sliding window prediction.
    // In this project we are using a linear SVM. This means that
    // it's classification function is very simple, consisting of a
    // dot product of the feature vector with a set of weights learned
    // during training, followed by a subtraction of a bias term
    //          pred <- dot(feat, weights) - bias term
    // Now this is very simple to compute when we are dealing with
    // cropped images, our computed features have the same dimensions
    // as the SVM weights. Things get a little more tricky when you
    // want to evaluate this function over all possible subwindows of
    // a larger feature, one that we would get by running our feature
    // extraction on an entire image.
    // Here you will evaluate the above expression by breaking
    // the dot product into a series of convolutions (remember that
    // a convolution can be though of as a point wise dot product with
    // the convolution kernel), each one with a different band.
    // Convolve each band of the SVM weights with the corresponding
    // band in feat, and add the resulting score image. The final
    // step is to subtract the SVM bias term given by this->getBiasTerm().
    // Hint: you might need to set the origin for the convolution kernel
    // in order to get the result from convoltion to be correctly centered
    // Useful functions:
    // Convolve, BandSelect, this->getWeights(), this->getBiasTerm()

Feature weights = this->getWeights();
	int nWtBands = weights.Shape().nBands;
	// Set the center of the window as the origin for the conv. kernel
	for (int band = 0; band < nWtBands; band++)
		// Select a band
		CFloatImage featBand;
		CFloatImage weightBand;
		BandSelect(feat, featBand, band, 0);
		BandSelect(weights, weightBand, band, 0);

		// Set the origin of the kernel
		weightBand.origin[0] = weights.Shape().width / 2;
		weightBand.origin[1] = weights.Shape().height / 2;
		// Compute the dot product
		CFloatImage dotproduct;
		Convolve(featBand, dotproduct, weightBand);

		// Add the resulting score image
		for (int y = 0; y < feat.Shape().height; y++)
			for (int x = 0; x < feat.Shape().width; x++)
				response.Pixel(x, y, 0) += dotproduct.Pixel(x, y, 0);
			// End of x loop
		// End of y loop
	// End of band loop
	// Substract the SVM bias term
	for (int y = 0; y < feat.Shape().height; y++)
		for (int x = 0; x < feat.Shape().width; x++)
			response.Pixel(x, y, 0) -= this->getBiasTerm();
		// End of x loop
	// End of y loop

    /******** END TODO ********/
Пример #10
void CImage::DeAllocate()
    // Release the memory & set to default values
    ReAllocate(CShape(), *(const type_info *) 0, 0, 0, false, 0);
SupportVectorMachine::predictSlidingWindow(const Feature& feat) const
	CFloatImage score(CShape(feat.Shape().width,feat.Shape().height,1));

	/******** BEGIN TODO ********/
	// Sliding window prediction.
	// In this project we are using a linear SVM. This means that 
	// it's classification function is very simple, consisting of a
	// dot product of the feature vector with a set of weights learned
	// during training, followed by a subtraction of a bias term
	//          pred <- dot(feat, weights) - bias term
	// Now this is very simple to compute when we are dealing with
	// cropped images, our computed features have the same dimensions
	// as the SVM weights. Things get a little more tricky when you
	// want to evaluate this function over all possible subwindows of
	// a larger feature, one that we would get by running our feature
	// extraction on an entire image. 
	// Here you will evaluate the above expression by breaking
	// the dot product into a series of convolutions (remember that
	// a convolution can be though of as a point wise dot product with
	// the convolution kernel), each one with a different band.
	// Convolve each band of the SVM weights with the corresponding
	// band in feat, and add the resulting score image. The final
	// step is to subtract the SVM bias term given by this->getBiasTerm().
	// Hint: you might need to set the origin for the convolution kernel
	// in order to get the result from convoltion to be correctly centered
	// Useful functions:
	// Convolve, BandSelect, this->getWeights(), this->getBiasTerm()

	//printf("TODO: SupportVectorMachine.cpp:273\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); 
	Feature weights = getWeights();
	for (int b=0; b<feat.Shape().nBands; b++){
		CFloatImage currentBandWeights = CFloatImage(weights.Shape().width, weights.Shape().height, 1);
		CFloatImage currentBandFeatures = CFloatImage(feat.Shape().width, feat.Shape().height, 1);
		CFloatImage convolved = CFloatImage(CShape(feat.Shape().width, feat.Shape().height, 1));
		CFloatImage final(CShape(feat.Shape().width, feat.Shape().height, 1));
		BandSelect(weights, currentBandWeights, b, 0);
		BandSelect(feat, currentBandFeatures, b, 0);
		currentBandWeights.origin[0] = weights.origin[0];
		currentBandWeights.origin[1] = weights.origin[1];
		Convolve(feat, convolved, currentBandWeights);
		BandSelect(convolved, final, b, 0);
		score += final;
		} catch (CError err) {
			printf("OH NOES: the final chapter!");
	/******** END TODO ********/

	return score;
Пример #12
HOGFeatureExtractor::HOGFeatureExtractor(int nAngularBins, bool unsignedGradients, int cellSize):
    _kernelDx.ReAllocate(CShape(3, 1, 1), derivKvals, false, 1);
    _kernelDx.origin[0] = 1;

    _kernelDy.ReAllocate(CShape(1, 3, 1), derivKvals, false, 1);
    _kernelDy.origin[0] = 1;

    // For visualization
    // A set of patches representing the bin orientations. When drawing a hog cell 
    // we multiply each patch by the hog bin value and add all contributions up to 
    // form the visual representation of one cell. Full HOG is achieved by stacking 
    // the viz for individual cells horizontally and vertically.
    const int ms = 11;
    CShape markerShape(ms, ms, 1);

    // First patch is a horizontal line
    _oriMarkers[0].ReAllocate(markerShape, true);
    for(int i = 1; i < ms - 1; i++) _oriMarkers[0].Pixel(/*floor(*/ ms/2 /*)*/, i, 0) = 1;

#if 0 // debug
	std::cout << "DEBUG:" << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl;
	for(int i = 0; i < ms; i++) {
		for(int j = 0; j < ms; j++) {
			std::cout << _oriMarkers[0].Pixel(j, i, 0) << " ";
		std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << std::endl;

	char debugFName[2000];
	sprintf(debugFName, "/tmp/debug%03d.tga", 0);
	WriteFile(_oriMarkers[0], debugFName);

	// The other patches are obtained by rotating the first one
	CTransform3x3 T = CTransform3x3::Translation((ms - 1) / 2.0, (ms - 1) / 2.0);
    for(int angBin = 1; angBin < _nAngularBins; angBin++) {
    	double theta;
    	if(unsignedGradients) theta = 180.0 * (double(angBin) / _nAngularBins);
    	else theta = 360.0 * (double(angBin) / _nAngularBins);
   		CTransform3x3 R  = T * CTransform3x3::Rotation(theta) * T.Inverse();

   		_oriMarkers[angBin].ReAllocate(markerShape, true);

		WarpGlobal(_oriMarkers[0], _oriMarkers[angBin], R, eWarpInterpLinear);

#if 0 // debug
		char debugFName[2000];
		sprintf(debugFName, "/tmp/debug%03d.tga", angBin);
		WriteFile(_oriMarkers[angBin], debugFName);
Пример #13
/******************* TO DO 5 *********************
* BlendImages:
*		ipv: list of input images and their relative positions in the mosaic
*		blendWidth: width of the blending function
*		create & return final mosaic by blending all images
*		and correcting for any vertical drift
CByteImage BlendImages(CImagePositionV& ipv, float blendWidth)
    // Assume all the images are of the same shape (for now)
    CByteImage& img0 = ipv[0].img;
    CShape sh        = img0.Shape();
    int width        = sh.width;
    int height       = sh.height;
    int nBands       = sh.nBands;
    // int dim[2]       = {width, height};

    int n = ipv.size();
    if (n == 0) return CByteImage(0,0,1);

    bool is360 = false;

    // Hack to detect if this is a 360 panorama
    if (ipv[0].imgName == ipv[n-1].imgName)
        is360 = true;

    // Compute the bounding box for the mosaic
    float min_x = FLT_MAX, min_y = FLT_MAX;
    float max_x = 0, max_y = 0;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        CTransform3x3 &T = ipv[i].position;

        // BEGIN TODO
        // add some code here to update min_x, ..., max_y
printf("TODO: %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); 

        // END TODO

    // Create a floating point accumulation image
    CShape mShape((int)(ceil(max_x) - floor(min_x)),
        (int)(ceil(max_y) - floor(min_y)), nBands + 1);
    CFloatImage accumulator(mShape);

    double x_init, x_final;
    double y_init, y_final;

    // Add in all of the images
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // Compute the sub-image involved
        CTransform3x3 &M = ipv[i].position;
        CTransform3x3 M_t = CTransform3x3::Translation(-min_x, -min_y) * M;
        CByteImage& img = ipv[i].img;

        // Perform the accumulation
        AccumulateBlend(img, accumulator, M_t, blendWidth);

        if (i == 0) {
            CVector3 p;
            p[0] = 0.5 * width;
            p[1] = 0.0;
            p[2] = 1.0;

            p = M_t * p;
            x_init = p[0];
            y_init = p[1];
        } else if (i == n - 1) {
            CVector3 p;
            p[0] = 0.5 * width;
            p[1] = 0.0;
            p[2] = 1.0;

            p = M_t * p;
            x_final = p[0];
            y_final = p[1];

    // Normalize the results
    mShape = CShape((int)(ceil(max_x) - floor(min_x)),
        (int)(ceil(max_y) - floor(min_y)), nBands);

    CByteImage compImage(mShape);
    NormalizeBlend(accumulator, compImage);
    bool debug_comp = false;
    if (debug_comp)
        WriteFile(compImage, "tmp_comp.tga");

    // Allocate the final image shape
    int outputWidth = 0;
    if (is360) {
        outputWidth = mShape.width - width;
    } else {
        outputWidth = mShape.width;

    CShape cShape(outputWidth, mShape.height, nBands);

    CByteImage croppedImage(cShape);

    // Compute the affine transformation
    CTransform3x3 A = CTransform3x3(); // identify transform to initialize

    // fill in appropriate entries in A to trim the left edge and
    // to take out the vertical drift if this is a 360 panorama
    // (i.e. is360 is true)
printf("TODO: %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); 

    // END TODO

    // Warp and crop the composite
    WarpGlobal(compImage, croppedImage, A, eWarpInterpLinear);

    return croppedImage;