Пример #1
#include "quakedef.h"

qboolean			isDedicated;

int noconinput = 0;
int nostdout = 0;

// Look for data on either the sdcard or the internal data store.
// (We look at the sdcard first

static const char *basedir1 = "/";
static const char *basedir2 = "/";

static const char *cachedir = "/tmp";

cvar_t  sys_linerefresh = CVAR2("sys_linerefresh","0");// set for entity display

// =======================================================================
// General routines
// =======================================================================

void Sys_DebugNumber(int y, int val)

void Sys_Printf (char *fmt, ...)
  va_list		argptr;
  char		text[1024];
Пример #2
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

// chase.c -- chase camera code

#include "quakedef.h"

cvar_t	chase_back = CVAR2("chase_back", "100");
cvar_t	chase_up = CVAR2("chase_up", "16");
cvar_t	chase_right = CVAR2("chase_right", "0");
cvar_t	chase_active = CVAR2("chase_active", "0");

vec3_t	chase_pos;
vec3_t	chase_angles;

vec3_t	chase_dest;
vec3_t	chase_dest_angles;
//not get it niuzbs

void Chase_Init (void)
	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&chase_back);
	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&chase_up);
Пример #3
See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

// sv_user.c -- server code for moving users

#include "quakedef.h"

edict_t	*sv_player;

extern	cvar_t	sv_friction;
cvar_t	sv_edgefriction = CVAR2("edgefriction", "2");
extern	cvar_t	sv_stopspeed;

static	vec3_t		forward, right, up;

vec3_t	wishdir;
float	wishspeed;

// world
float	*angles;
float	*origin;
float	*velocity;

qboolean	onground;

usercmd_t	cmd;
Пример #4
double		oldrealtime;			// last frame run
int			host_framecount;
qboolean    host_framethrottled; // Running too fast

int			host_hunklevel;

int			minimum_memory;

client_t	*host_client;			// current client

jmp_buf 	host_abortserver;

byte		*host_basepal;
byte		*host_colormap;

cvar_t	host_framerate = CVAR2("host_framerate","0");	// set for slow motion
cvar_t	host_speeds = CVAR2("host_speeds","0");			// set for running times

cvar_t	sys_ticrate = CVAR2("sys_ticrate","0.05");
cvar_t	serverprofile = CVAR2("serverprofile","1");

cvar_t	fraglimit = CVAR4("fraglimit","0",false,true);
cvar_t	timelimit = CVAR4("timelimit","0",false,true);
cvar_t	teamplay = CVAR4("teamplay","0",false,true);

cvar_t	samelevel = CVAR2("samelevel","0");
cvar_t	noexit = CVAR4("noexit","0",false,true);

#ifdef QUAKE2
cvar_t	developer = CVAR2("developer","1");	// should be 0 for release!
Пример #5
#include "quakedef.h"

#ifdef _WIN32
#include "winquake.h"


int		net_drop;
cvar_t	showpackets = CVAR2("showpackets", "0");
cvar_t	showdrop = CVAR2("showdrop", "0");
cvar_t	qport = CVAR2("qport", "0");

void Netchan_Init (void)
	int		port;

	// pick a port value that should be nice and random
#ifdef _WIN32
	port = ((int)(timeGetTime()*1000) * time(NULL)) & 0xffff;
	port = ((int)(getpid()+getuid()*1000) * time(NULL)) & 0xffff;

	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&showpackets);
	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&showdrop);
	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&qport);
	Cvar_SetValue("qport", port);
Пример #6
#include "quakedef.h"

#define MAX_NUM_ARGVS	50
#define NUM_SAFE_ARGVS	6

usercmd_t nullcmd; // guarenteed to be zero

static char	*largv[MAX_NUM_ARGVS + NUM_SAFE_ARGVS + 1];
static char	*argvdummy = " ";

static char	*safeargvs[NUM_SAFE_ARGVS] =
	{"-stdvid", "-nolan", "-nosound", "-nocdaudio", "-nojoy", "-nomouse"};

cvar_t	registered = CVAR2("registered","0");

qboolean	com_modified;	// set true if using non-id files

int		static_registered = 1;	// only for startup check, then set

qboolean		msg_suppress_1 = 0;

void COM_InitFilesystem (void);
void COM_Path_f (void);

// if a packfile directory differs from this, it is assumed to be hacked
#define	PAK0_COUNT		339
#define	PAK0_CRC		52883
Пример #7
#define	MAX_SFX		512
sfx_t		*known_sfx;		// hunk allocated [MAX_SFX]
int			num_sfx;

sfx_t		*ambient_sfx[NUM_AMBIENTS];

int 		desired_speed = 11025;
int 		desired_bits = 16;

int sound_started=0;

cvar_t bgmvolume = CVAR3("bgmvolume", "1", true);
cvar_t volume = CVAR3("volume", "0.7", true);

cvar_t nosound = CVAR2("nosound", "0");
cvar_t precache = CVAR2("precache", "1");
cvar_t loadas8bit = CVAR2("loadas8bit", "0");
cvar_t bgmbuffer = CVAR2("bgmbuffer", "4096");
cvar_t ambient_level = CVAR2("ambient_level", "0.3");
cvar_t ambient_fade = CVAR2("ambient_fade", "100");
cvar_t snd_noextraupdate = CVAR2("snd_noextraupdate", "0");
cvar_t snd_show = CVAR2("snd_show", "0");
cvar_t _snd_mixahead = CVAR3("_snd_mixahead", "0.1", true);

// ====================================================================
// User-setable variables
// ====================================================================

Пример #8
#include "quakedef.h"

int			glx, gly, glwidth, glheight;

// only the refresh window will be updated unless these variables are flagged
int			scr_copytop;
int			scr_copyeverything;

float		scr_con_current;
float		scr_conlines;		// lines of console to display

float		oldscreensize, oldfov;
cvar_t          scr_viewsize = CVAR3("viewsize","100", true);
cvar_t          scr_fov = CVAR2("fov","90"); // 10 - 170
cvar_t          scr_conspeed = CVAR2("scr_conspeed","300");
cvar_t          scr_centertime = CVAR2("scr_centertime","2");
cvar_t          scr_showram = CVAR2("showram","1");
cvar_t          scr_showturtle = CVAR2("showturtle","0");
cvar_t          scr_showpause = CVAR2("showpause","1");
cvar_t          scr_printspeed = CVAR2("scr_printspeed","8");
cvar_t			scr_allowsnap = CVAR2("scr_allowsnap", "1");
cvar_t			gl_triplebuffer = CVAR3("gl_triplebuffer", "1", true );
extern	cvar_t	crosshair;

qboolean	scr_initialized;		// ready to draw

qpic_t		*scr_ram;
qpic_t		*scr_net;
qpic_t		*scr_turtle;
Пример #9
// screen size info
refdef_t	r_refdef;

mleaf_t		*r_viewleaf, *r_oldviewleaf;

texture_t	*r_notexture_mip;

int		d_lightstylevalue[256];	// 8.8 fraction of base light value

void R_MarkLeaves (void);

cvar_t	r_norefresh = CVAR2("r_norefresh","0");
cvar_t	r_drawentities = CVAR2("r_drawentities","1");
cvar_t	r_drawviewmodel = CVAR2("r_drawviewmodel","1");
cvar_t	r_speeds = CVAR2("r_speeds","0");
cvar_t	r_fullbright = CVAR2("r_fullbright","0");
cvar_t	r_lightmap = CVAR2("r_lightmap","0");
cvar_t	r_shadows = CVAR2("r_shadows","0");
cvar_t	r_mirroralpha = CVAR2("r_mirroralpha","1");
cvar_t	r_wateralpha = CVAR2("r_wateralpha","1");
cvar_t	r_dynamic = CVAR2("r_dynamic","1");
cvar_t	r_novis = CVAR2("r_novis","0");

cvar_t	gl_finish = CVAR2("gl_finish","0");
cvar_t	gl_clear = CVAR2("gl_clear","0");
cvar_t	gl_cull = CVAR2("gl_cull","1");
cvar_t	gl_texsort = CVAR2("gl_texsort","1");
Пример #10
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#include "quakedef.h"
#include "winquake.h"

cvar_t	cl_nopred = CVAR2("cl_nopred","0");
cvar_t	cl_pushlatency = CVAR2("pushlatency","-999");

extern	frame_t		*view_frame;


If pmove.origin is in a solid position,
try nudging slightly on all axis to
allow for the cut precision of the net coordinates
void CL_NudgePosition (void)