/* get ASN.1 contentType OID sum, return 0 on success, <0 on failure */ int GetContentType(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, word32* oid, word32 maxIdx) { int length; word32 i = *inOutIdx; byte b; *oid = 0; CYASSL_ENTER("GetContentType"); b = input[i++]; if (b != ASN_OBJECT_ID) return ASN_OBJECT_ID_E; if (GetLength(input, &i, &length, maxIdx) < 0) return ASN_PARSE_E; while(length--) { *oid += input[i]; i++; } *inOutIdx = i; return 0; }
/* Add Decoded CRL, 0 on success */ static int AddCRL(CYASSL_CRL* crl, DecodedCRL* dcrl) { CRL_Entry* crle; CYASSL_ENTER("AddCRL"); crle = (CRL_Entry*)XMALLOC(sizeof(CRL_Entry), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); if (crle == NULL) { CYASSL_MSG("alloc CRL Entry failed"); return -1; } if (InitCRL_Entry(crle, dcrl) < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("Init CRL Entry failed"); XFREE(crle, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); return -1; } if (LockMutex(&crl->crlLock) != 0) { CYASSL_MSG("LockMutex failed"); FreeCRL_Entry(crle); XFREE(crle, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); return BAD_MUTEX_E; } crle->next = crl->crlList; crl->crlList = crle; UnLockMutex(&crl->crlLock); return 0; }
/* Free all CRL resources */ void FreeCRL(CYASSL_CRL* crl, int dynamic) { CRL_Entry* tmp = crl->crlList; CYASSL_ENTER("FreeCRL"); if (crl->monitors[0].path) XFREE(crl->monitors[0].path, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_MONITOR); if (crl->monitors[1].path) XFREE(crl->monitors[1].path, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_MONITOR); while(tmp) { CRL_Entry* next = tmp->next; FreeCRL_Entry(tmp); XFREE(tmp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); tmp = next; } #ifdef HAVE_CRL_MONITOR if (crl->tid != 0) { CYASSL_MSG("stopping monitor thread"); if (StopMonitor(crl->mfd) == 0) pthread_join(crl->tid, NULL); else { CYASSL_MSG("stop monitor failed, cancel instead"); pthread_cancel(crl->tid); } } #endif FreeMutex(&crl->crlLock); if (dynamic) /* free self */ XFREE(crl, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL); }
/* OS X monitoring */ static void* DoMonitor(void* arg) { int fPEM, fDER, kq; struct kevent change; CYASSL_CRL* crl = (CYASSL_CRL*)arg; CYASSL_ENTER("DoMonitor"); kq = kqueue(); if (kq == -1) { CYASSL_MSG("kqueue failed"); return NULL; } fPEM = -1; fDER = -1; if (crl->monitors[0].path) { fPEM = open(crl->monitors[0].path, XEVENT_MODE); if (fPEM == -1) { CYASSL_MSG("PEM event dir open failed"); return NULL; } } if (crl->monitors[1].path) { fDER = open(crl->monitors[1].path, XEVENT_MODE); if (fDER == -1) { CYASSL_MSG("DER event dir open failed"); return NULL; } } if (fPEM != -1) EV_SET(&change, fPEM, EVFILT_VNODE, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_ONESHOT, NOTE_DELETE | NOTE_EXTEND | NOTE_WRITE | NOTE_ATTRIB, 0, 0); if (fDER != -1) EV_SET(&change, fDER, EVFILT_VNODE, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_ONESHOT, NOTE_DELETE | NOTE_EXTEND | NOTE_WRITE | NOTE_ATTRIB, 0, 0); for (;;) { struct kevent event; int numEvents = kevent(kq, &change, 1, &event, 1, NULL); CYASSL_MSG("Got kevent"); if (numEvents == -1) { CYASSL_MSG("kevent problem, continue"); continue; } if (SwapLists(crl) < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("SwapLists problem, continue"); } } return NULL; }
static int StartMonitorCRL(CYASSL_CRL* crl) { (void)crl; CYASSL_ENTER("StartMonitorCRL"); CYASSL_MSG("Not compiled in"); return NOT_COMPILED_IN; }
int InitOCSP(CYASSL_OCSP* ocsp, CYASSL_CERT_MANAGER* cm) { CYASSL_ENTER("InitOCSP"); XMEMSET(ocsp, 0, sizeof(*ocsp)); ocsp->cm = cm; if (InitMutex(&ocsp->ocspLock) != 0) return BAD_MUTEX_E; return 0; }
static int InitOCSP_Entry(OCSP_Entry* ocspe, DecodedCert* cert) { CYASSL_ENTER("InitOCSP_Entry"); XMEMSET(ocspe, 0, sizeof(*ocspe)); XMEMCPY(ocspe->issuerHash, cert->issuerHash, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE); XMEMCPY(ocspe->issuerKeyHash, cert->issuerKeyHash, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE); return 0; }
static void FreeOCSP_Entry(OCSP_Entry* ocspe) { CertStatus* tmp = ocspe->status; CYASSL_ENTER("FreeOCSP_Entry"); while (tmp) { CertStatus* next = tmp->next; XFREE(tmp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_OCSP_STATUS); tmp = next; } }
/* Free all CRL Entry resources */ static void FreeCRL_Entry(CRL_Entry* crle) { RevokedCert* tmp = crle->certs; CYASSL_ENTER("FreeCRL_Entry"); while(tmp) { RevokedCert* next = tmp->next; XFREE(tmp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_REVOKED); tmp = next; } }
static int InitOCSP_Entry(OCSP_Entry* ocspe, DecodedCert* cert) { CYASSL_ENTER("InitOCSP_Entry"); ocspe->next = NULL; XMEMCPY(ocspe->issuerHash, cert->issuerHash, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE); XMEMCPY(ocspe->issuerKeyHash, cert->issuerKeyHash, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE); ocspe->status = NULL; ocspe->totalStatus = 0; return 0; }
/* Load CRL File of type, SSL_SUCCESS on ok */ int BufferLoadCRL(CYASSL_CRL* crl, const byte* buff, long sz, int type) { int ret = SSL_SUCCESS; const byte* myBuffer = buff; /* if DER ok, otherwise switch */ buffer der; DecodedCRL dcrl; der.buffer = NULL; CYASSL_ENTER("BufferLoadCRL"); if (crl == NULL || buff == NULL || sz == 0) return BAD_FUNC_ARG; if (type == SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) { int eccKey = 0; /* not used */ EncryptedInfo info; info.ctx = NULL; ret = PemToDer(buff, sz, CRL_TYPE, &der, NULL, &info, &eccKey); if (ret == 0) { myBuffer = der.buffer; sz = der.length; } else { CYASSL_MSG("Pem to Der failed"); return -1; } } InitDecodedCRL(&dcrl); ret = ParseCRL(&dcrl, myBuffer, (word32)sz, crl->cm); if (ret != 0) { CYASSL_MSG("ParseCRL error"); } else { ret = AddCRL(crl, &dcrl); if (ret != 0) { CYASSL_MSG("AddCRL error"); } } FreeDecodedCRL(&dcrl); if (der.buffer) XFREE(der.buffer, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL); if (ret == 0) return SSL_SUCCESS; /* convert */ return ret; }
/* linux monitoring */ static void* DoMonitor(void* arg) { int notifyFd; int wd; CYASSL_CRL* crl = (CYASSL_CRL*)arg; CYASSL_ENTER("DoMonitor"); notifyFd = inotify_init(); if (notifyFd < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("inotify failed"); return NULL; } if (crl->monitors[0].path) { wd = inotify_add_watch(notifyFd, crl->monitors[0].path, IN_CLOSE_WRITE | IN_DELETE); if (wd < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("PEM notify add watch failed"); return NULL; } } if (crl->monitors[1].path) { wd = inotify_add_watch(notifyFd, crl->monitors[1].path, IN_CLOSE_WRITE | IN_DELETE); if (wd < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("DER notify add watch failed"); return NULL; } } for (;;) { char buff[8192]; int length = read(notifyFd, buff, sizeof(buff)); CYASSL_MSG("Got notify event"); if (length < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("notify read problem, continue"); continue; } if (SwapLists(crl) < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("SwapLists problem, continue"); } } return NULL; }
/* Initialze CRL members */ int InitCRL(CYASSL_CRL* crl, CYASSL_CERT_MANAGER* cm) { CYASSL_ENTER("InitCRL"); crl->cm = cm; crl->crlList = NULL; crl->monitors[0].path = NULL; crl->monitors[1].path = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_CRL_MONITOR crl->tid = 0; #endif if (InitMutex(&crl->crlLock) != 0) return BAD_MUTEX_ERROR; return 0; }
/* Initialze CRL members */ int InitCRL(CYASSL_CRL* crl, CYASSL_CERT_MANAGER* cm) { CYASSL_ENTER("InitCRL"); crl->cm = cm; crl->crlList = NULL; crl->monitors[0].path = NULL; crl->monitors[1].path = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_CRL_MONITOR crl->tid = 0; crl->mfd = -1; /* mfd for bsd is kqueue fd, eventfd for linux */ #endif if (InitMutex(&crl->crlLock) != 0) return BAD_MUTEX_E; return 0; }
void FreeOCSP(CYASSL_OCSP* ocsp, int dynamic) { OCSP_Entry* tmp = ocsp->ocspList; CYASSL_ENTER("FreeOCSP"); while (tmp) { OCSP_Entry* next = tmp->next; FreeOCSP_Entry(tmp); XFREE(tmp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_OCSP_ENTRY); tmp = next; } FreeMutex(&ocsp->ocspLock); if (dynamic) XFREE(ocsp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_OCSP); }
/* Initialze CRL Entry */ static int InitCRL_Entry(CRL_Entry* crle, DecodedCRL* dcrl) { CYASSL_ENTER("InitCRL_Entry"); XMEMCPY(crle->issuerHash, dcrl->issuerHash, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE); /* XMEMCPY(crle->crlHash, dcrl->crlHash, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE); * copy the hash here if needed for optimized comparisons */ XMEMCPY(crle->lastDate, dcrl->lastDate, MAX_DATE_SIZE); XMEMCPY(crle->nextDate, dcrl->nextDate, MAX_DATE_SIZE); crle->lastDateFormat = dcrl->lastDateFormat; crle->nextDateFormat = dcrl->nextDateFormat; crle->certs = dcrl->certs; /* take ownsership */ dcrl->certs = NULL; crle->totalCerts = dcrl->totalCerts; return 0; }
/* The send embedded callback * return : nb bytes sent, or error */ int EmbedSendTo(CYASSL* ssl, char *buf, int sz, void *ctx) { CYASSL_DTLS_CTX* dtlsCtx = (CYASSL_DTLS_CTX*)ctx; int sd = dtlsCtx->fd; int sent; int len = sz; int err; CYASSL_ENTER("EmbedSendTo()"); sent = (int)SENDTO_FUNCTION(sd, &buf[sz - len], len, ssl->wflags, (const struct sockaddr*)dtlsCtx->peer.sa, dtlsCtx->peer.sz); if (sent < 0) { err = LastError(); CYASSL_MSG("Embed Send To error"); if (err == SOCKET_EWOULDBLOCK || err == SOCKET_EAGAIN) { CYASSL_MSG(" Would Block"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_WANT_WRITE; } else if (err == SOCKET_ECONNRESET) { CYASSL_MSG(" Connection reset"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_CONN_RST; } else if (err == SOCKET_EINTR) { CYASSL_MSG(" Socket interrupted"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_ISR; } else if (err == SOCKET_EPIPE) { CYASSL_MSG(" Socket EPIPE"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_CONN_CLOSE; } else { CYASSL_MSG(" General error"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_GENERAL; } } return sent; }
/* Start Monitoring the CRL path(s) in a thread */ static int StartMonitorCRL(CYASSL_CRL* crl) { pthread_attr_t attr; CYASSL_ENTER("StartMonitorCRL"); if (crl == NULL) return BAD_FUNC_ARG; if (crl->tid != 0) { CYASSL_MSG("Monitor thread already running"); return MONITOR_RUNNING_E; } pthread_attr_init(&attr); if (pthread_create(&crl->tid, &attr, DoMonitor, crl) != 0) { CYASSL_MSG("Thread creation error"); return THREAD_CREATE_E; } return SSL_SUCCESS; }
/* The send embedded callback * return : nb bytes sent, or error */ int EmbedSend(CYASSL* ssl, char *buf, int sz, void *ctx) { int sd = *(int*)ctx; int sent; int len = sz; int err; uint32_t timeout = 500; socklen_t sizeOfTimeOut = sizeof(timeout); int result = setsockopt (sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *)&timeout, sizeOfTimeOut); if (result<0) { logOffNominal("setsockopt SO_SNDTIMEO failed(%d).",result); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_GENERAL; } CYASSL_ENTER("EmbedSend"); CYASSL_DEBUG("EmbedSend - lwip_send ssl=%08x sd=%08x, buf=%08x len=%u flags=%x", (unsigned)ssl, (unsigned)sd, (unsigned)&buf[sz - len], len, ssl->wflags); sent = (int)SEND_FUNCTION(sd, &buf[sz - len], len, ssl->wflags); CYASSL_DEBUG("EmbedSend - lwip_send ssl=%08x sd=%08x, buf=%08x len=%u flags=%x returned=%d", (unsigned)ssl, (unsigned)sd, (unsigned)&buf[sz - len], len, ssl->wflags, sent); if (sent < 0) { err = LastError(); CYASSL_MSG("Embed Send error"); if (err == SOCKET_EWOULDBLOCK || err == SOCKET_EAGAIN) { CYASSL_MSG(" Would Block"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_WANT_WRITE; } else if (err == SOCKET_ECONNRESET) { CYASSL_MSG(" Connection reset"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_CONN_RST; } else if (err == SOCKET_EINTR) { CYASSL_MSG(" Socket interrupted"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_ISR; } else if (err == SOCKET_EPIPE) { CYASSL_MSG(" Socket EPIPE"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_CONN_CLOSE; } else { CYASSL_MSG(" General error"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_GENERAL; } } socklen_t getSizeOfTimeOut = sizeof(timeout); timeout = 0xdeadbeef; result = getsockopt (sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *)&timeout, &getSizeOfTimeOut); if (result<0) logFatal("getsockopt SO_SNDTIMEO failed."); if (timeout != 500) logFatal("getsockopt SO_SNDTIMEO did not read what we wrote %u %u.", getSizeOfTimeOut, timeout); CYASSL_LEAVE("EmbedSend", sent); return sent; }
/* Is the cert ok with CRL, return 0 on success */ int CheckCertCRL(CYASSL_CRL* crl, DecodedCert* cert) { CRL_Entry* crle; int foundEntry = 0; int ret = 0; CYASSL_ENTER("CheckCertCRL"); if (LockMutex(&crl->crlLock) != 0) { CYASSL_MSG("LockMutex failed"); return BAD_MUTEX_E; } crle = crl->crlList; while (crle) { if (XMEMCMP(crle->issuerHash, cert->issuerHash, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE) == 0) { CYASSL_MSG("Found CRL Entry on list"); CYASSL_MSG("Checking next date validity"); if (!ValidateDate(crle->nextDate, crle->nextDateFormat, AFTER)) { CYASSL_MSG("CRL next date is no longer valid"); ret = ASN_AFTER_DATE_E; } else foundEntry = 1; break; } crle = crle->next; } if (foundEntry) { RevokedCert* rc = crle->certs; while (rc) { if (XMEMCMP(rc->serialNumber, cert->serial, rc->serialSz) == 0) { CYASSL_MSG("Cert revoked"); ret = CRL_CERT_REVOKED; break; } rc = rc->next; } } UnLockMutex(&crl->crlLock); if (foundEntry == 0) { CYASSL_MSG("Couldn't find CRL for status check"); ret = CRL_MISSING; if (crl->cm->cbMissingCRL) { char url[256]; CYASSL_MSG("Issuing missing CRL callback"); url[0] = '\0'; if (cert->extCrlInfoSz < (int)sizeof(url) -1 ) { XMEMCPY(url, cert->extCrlInfo, cert->extCrlInfoSz); url[cert->extCrlInfoSz] = '\0'; } else { CYASSL_MSG("CRL url too long"); } crl->cm->cbMissingCRL(url); } } return ret; }
/* The receive embedded callback * return : nb bytes read, or error */ int EmbedReceiveFrom(CYASSL *ssl, char *buf, int sz, void *ctx) { CYASSL_DTLS_CTX* dtlsCtx = (CYASSL_DTLS_CTX*)ctx; int recvd; int err; int sd = dtlsCtx->fd; int dtls_timeout = CyaSSL_dtls_get_current_timeout(ssl); struct sockaddr_storage peer; XSOCKLENT peerSz = sizeof(peer); CYASSL_ENTER("EmbedReceiveFrom()"); if (!CyaSSL_get_using_nonblock(ssl) && dtls_timeout != 0) { #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_API DWORD timeout = dtls_timeout * 1000; #else struct timeval timeout; XMEMSET(&timeout, 0, sizeof(timeout)); timeout.tv_sec = dtls_timeout; #endif if (setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char*)&timeout, sizeof(timeout)) != 0) { CYASSL_MSG("setsockopt rcvtimeo failed"); } } recvd = (int)RECVFROM_FUNCTION(sd, buf, sz, ssl->rflags, (struct sockaddr*)&peer, &peerSz); recvd = TranslateReturnCode(recvd, sd); if (recvd < 0) { err = LastError(); CYASSL_MSG("Embed Receive From error"); if (err == SOCKET_EWOULDBLOCK || err == SOCKET_EAGAIN) { if (CyaSSL_get_using_nonblock(ssl)) { CYASSL_MSG(" Would block"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_WANT_READ; } else { CYASSL_MSG(" Socket timeout"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_TIMEOUT; } } else if (err == SOCKET_ECONNRESET) { CYASSL_MSG(" Connection reset"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_CONN_RST; } else if (err == SOCKET_EINTR) { CYASSL_MSG(" Socket interrupted"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_ISR; } else if (err == SOCKET_ECONNREFUSED) { CYASSL_MSG(" Connection refused"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_WANT_READ; } else { CYASSL_MSG(" General error"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_GENERAL; } } else { if (dtlsCtx->peer.sz > 0 && peerSz != (XSOCKLENT)dtlsCtx->peer.sz && memcmp(&peer, dtlsCtx->peer.sa, peerSz) != 0) { CYASSL_MSG(" Ignored packet from invalid peer"); return CYASSL_CBIO_ERR_WANT_READ; } } return recvd; }
/* OS X monitoring */ static void* DoMonitor(void* arg) { int fPEM, fDER; struct kevent change; CYASSL_CRL* crl = (CYASSL_CRL*)arg; CYASSL_ENTER("DoMonitor"); crl->mfd = kqueue(); if (crl->mfd == -1) { CYASSL_MSG("kqueue failed"); return NULL; } /* listen for custom shutdown event */ EV_SET(&change, CRL_CUSTOM_FD, EVFILT_USER, EV_ADD, 0, 0, NULL); if (kevent(crl->mfd, &change, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("kevent monitor customer event failed"); close(crl->mfd); return NULL; } fPEM = -1; fDER = -1; if (crl->monitors[0].path) { fPEM = open(crl->monitors[0].path, XEVENT_MODE); if (fPEM == -1) { CYASSL_MSG("PEM event dir open failed"); close(crl->mfd); return NULL; } } if (crl->monitors[1].path) { fDER = open(crl->monitors[1].path, XEVENT_MODE); if (fDER == -1) { CYASSL_MSG("DER event dir open failed"); close(crl->mfd); return NULL; } } if (fPEM != -1) EV_SET(&change, fPEM, EVFILT_VNODE, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_ONESHOT, NOTE_DELETE | NOTE_EXTEND | NOTE_WRITE | NOTE_ATTRIB, 0, 0); if (fDER != -1) EV_SET(&change, fDER, EVFILT_VNODE, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_ONESHOT, NOTE_DELETE | NOTE_EXTEND | NOTE_WRITE | NOTE_ATTRIB, 0, 0); for (;;) { struct kevent event; int numEvents = kevent(crl->mfd, &change, 1, &event, 1, NULL); CYASSL_MSG("Got kevent"); if (numEvents == -1) { CYASSL_MSG("kevent problem, continue"); continue; } if (event.filter == EVFILT_USER) { CYASSL_MSG("Got user shutdown event, breaking out"); break; } if (SwapLists(crl) < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("SwapLists problem, continue"); } } if (fPEM != -1) close(fPEM); if (fDER != -1) close(fDER); close(crl->mfd); return NULL; }
/* linux monitoring */ static void* DoMonitor(void* arg) { int notifyFd; int wd; CYASSL_CRL* crl = (CYASSL_CRL*)arg; CYASSL_ENTER("DoMonitor"); crl->mfd = eventfd(0, 0); /* our custom shutdown event */ if (crl->mfd < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("eventfd failed"); return NULL; } notifyFd = inotify_init(); if (notifyFd < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("inotify failed"); close(crl->mfd); return NULL; } if (crl->monitors[0].path) { wd = inotify_add_watch(notifyFd, crl->monitors[0].path, IN_CLOSE_WRITE | IN_DELETE); if (wd < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("PEM notify add watch failed"); close(crl->mfd); close(notifyFd); return NULL; } } if (crl->monitors[1].path) { wd = inotify_add_watch(notifyFd, crl->monitors[1].path, IN_CLOSE_WRITE | IN_DELETE); if (wd < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("DER notify add watch failed"); close(crl->mfd); close(notifyFd); return NULL; } } for (;;) { fd_set readfds; char buff[8192]; int result, length; FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(notifyFd, &readfds); FD_SET(crl->mfd, &readfds); result = select(max(notifyFd, crl->mfd) + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL,NULL); CYASSL_MSG("Got notify event"); if (result < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("select problem, continue"); continue; } if (FD_ISSET(crl->mfd, &readfds)) { CYASSL_MSG("got custom shutdown event, breaking out"); break; } length = read(notifyFd, buff, sizeof(buff)); if (length < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("notify read problem, continue"); continue; } if (SwapLists(crl) < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("SwapLists problem, continue"); } } inotify_rm_watch(notifyFd, wd); close(crl->mfd); close(notifyFd); return NULL; }
int CyaSSL_get_using_nonblock(CYASSL* ssl) { CYASSL_ENTER("CyaSSL_get_using_nonblock"); CYASSL_LEAVE("CyaSSL_get_using_nonblock", ssl->options.usingNonblock); return ssl->options.usingNonblock; }
int CheckCertOCSP(CYASSL_OCSP* ocsp, DecodedCert* cert) { byte* ocspReqBuf = NULL; int ocspReqSz = 2048; byte* ocspRespBuf = NULL; OcspRequest ocspRequest; OcspResponse ocspResponse; int result = -1; OCSP_Entry* ocspe; CertStatus* certStatus = NULL; CertStatus newStatus; const char *url; int urlSz; CYASSL_ENTER("CheckCertOCSP"); if (LockMutex(&ocsp->ocspLock) != 0) { CYASSL_LEAVE("CheckCertOCSP", BAD_MUTEX_E); return BAD_MUTEX_E; } ocspe = ocsp->ocspList; while (ocspe) { if (XMEMCMP(ocspe->issuerHash, cert->issuerHash, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE) == 0 && XMEMCMP(ocspe->issuerKeyHash, cert->issuerKeyHash, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE) == 0) break; else ocspe = ocspe->next; } if (ocspe == NULL) { ocspe = (OCSP_Entry*)XMALLOC(sizeof(OCSP_Entry), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_OCSP_ENTRY); if (ocspe != NULL) { InitOCSP_Entry(ocspe, cert); ocspe->next = ocsp->ocspList; ocsp->ocspList = ocspe; } else { UnLockMutex(&ocsp->ocspLock); CYASSL_LEAVE("CheckCertOCSP", MEMORY_ERROR); return MEMORY_ERROR; } } else { certStatus = ocspe->status; while (certStatus) { if (certStatus->serialSz == cert->serialSz && XMEMCMP(certStatus->serial, cert->serial, cert->serialSz) == 0) break; else certStatus = certStatus->next; } } if (certStatus != NULL) { if (!ValidateDate(certStatus->thisDate, certStatus->thisDateFormat, BEFORE) || (certStatus->nextDate[0] == 0) || !ValidateDate(certStatus->nextDate, certStatus->nextDateFormat, AFTER)) { CYASSL_MSG("\tinvalid status date, looking up cert"); } else { result = xstat2err(certStatus->status); UnLockMutex(&ocsp->ocspLock); CYASSL_LEAVE("CheckCertOCSP", result); return result; } } UnLockMutex(&ocsp->ocspLock); if (ocsp->cm->ocspUseOverrideURL) { url = ocsp->cm->ocspOverrideURL; if (url != NULL && url[0] != '\0') urlSz = (int)XSTRLEN(url); else return OCSP_NEED_URL; } else if (cert->extAuthInfoSz != 0 && cert->extAuthInfo != NULL) { url = (const char *)cert->extAuthInfo; urlSz = cert->extAuthInfoSz; } else { /* cert doesn't have extAuthInfo, assuming CERT_GOOD */ return 0; } ocspReqBuf = (byte*)XMALLOC(ocspReqSz, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_IN_BUFFER); if (ocspReqBuf == NULL) { CYASSL_LEAVE("CheckCertOCSP", MEMORY_ERROR); return MEMORY_ERROR; } InitOcspRequest(&ocspRequest, cert, ocsp->cm->ocspSendNonce, ocspReqBuf, ocspReqSz); ocspReqSz = EncodeOcspRequest(&ocspRequest); if (ocsp->cm->ocspIOCb) result = ocsp->cm->ocspIOCb(ocsp->cm->ocspIOCtx, url, urlSz, ocspReqBuf, ocspReqSz, &ocspRespBuf); if (result >= 0 && ocspRespBuf) { XMEMSET(&newStatus, 0, sizeof(CertStatus)); InitOcspResponse(&ocspResponse, &newStatus, ocspRespBuf, result); OcspResponseDecode(&ocspResponse); if (ocspResponse.responseStatus != OCSP_SUCCESSFUL) result = OCSP_LOOKUP_FAIL; else { if (CompareOcspReqResp(&ocspRequest, &ocspResponse) == 0) { result = xstat2err(ocspResponse.status->status); if (LockMutex(&ocsp->ocspLock) != 0) result = BAD_MUTEX_E; else { if (certStatus != NULL) /* Replace existing certificate entry with updated */ XMEMCPY(certStatus, &newStatus, sizeof(CertStatus)); else { /* Save new certificate entry */ certStatus = (CertStatus*)XMALLOC(sizeof(CertStatus), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_OCSP_STATUS); if (certStatus != NULL) { XMEMCPY(certStatus, &newStatus, sizeof(CertStatus)); certStatus->next = ocspe->status; ocspe->status = certStatus; ocspe->totalStatus++; } } UnLockMutex(&ocsp->ocspLock); } } else result = OCSP_LOOKUP_FAIL; } } else result = OCSP_LOOKUP_FAIL; if (ocspReqBuf != NULL) XFREE(ocspReqBuf, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_IN_BUFFER); if (ocspRespBuf != NULL && ocsp->cm->ocspRespFreeCb) ocsp->cm->ocspRespFreeCb(ocsp->cm->ocspIOCtx, ocspRespBuf); CYASSL_LEAVE("CheckCertOCSP", result); return result; }
/* Load CRL path files of type, SSL_SUCCESS on ok */ int LoadCRL(CYASSL_CRL* crl, const char* path, int type, int monitor) { struct dirent* entry; DIR* dir; int ret = SSL_SUCCESS; CYASSL_ENTER("LoadCRL"); if (crl == NULL) return BAD_FUNC_ARG; dir = opendir(path); if (dir == NULL) { CYASSL_MSG("opendir path crl load failed"); return BAD_PATH_ERROR; } while ( (entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { char name[MAX_FILENAME_SZ]; struct stat s; XMEMSET(name, 0, sizeof(name)); XSTRNCPY(name, path, MAX_FILENAME_SZ/2 - 2); XSTRNCAT(name, "/", 1); XSTRNCAT(name, entry->d_name, MAX_FILENAME_SZ/2); if (stat(name, &s) != 0) { CYASSL_MSG("stat on name failed"); continue; } if (s.st_mode & S_IFREG) { if (type == SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) { if (strstr(entry->d_name, ".pem") == NULL) { CYASSL_MSG("not .pem file, skipping"); continue; } } else { if (strstr(entry->d_name, ".der") == NULL && strstr(entry->d_name, ".crl") == NULL) { CYASSL_MSG("not .der or .crl file, skipping"); continue; } } if (ProcessFile(NULL, name, type, CRL_TYPE, NULL, 0, crl) != SSL_SUCCESS) { CYASSL_MSG("CRL file load failed, continuing"); } } } if (monitor & CYASSL_CRL_MONITOR) { CYASSL_MSG("monitor path requested"); if (type == SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) { crl->monitors[0].path = strdup(path); crl->monitors[0].type = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM; if (crl->monitors[0].path == NULL) ret = MEMORY_E; } else { crl->monitors[1].path = strdup(path); crl->monitors[1].type = SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1; if (crl->monitors[1].path == NULL) ret = MEMORY_E; } if (monitor & CYASSL_CRL_START_MON) { CYASSL_MSG("start monitoring requested"); ret = StartMonitorCRL(crl); } } closedir(dir); return ret; }