void SortTriangles_CenterRadialDistance( FVector SortCenter, int32 NumTriangles, const FSoftSkinVertex* Vertices, uint32* Indices )
	// Get the set number for each triangle
	TArray<uint32> TriSet;
	int32 MaxTriSet = GetConnectedTriangleSets( NumTriangles, Indices, TriSet );

	TArray<FTriStripSortInfo> Strips;
	for( int32 TriIndex=0;TriIndex<TriSet.Num();TriIndex++ )

	for( int32 s=0;s<Strips.Num();s++ )
		if( Strips[s].Triangles.Num() == 0 )
		FVector StripCenter(0,0,0);
		for( int32 TriIndex=0;TriIndex<Strips[s].Triangles.Num();TriIndex++ )
			int32 tri = Strips[s].Triangles[TriIndex];
			uint32 i1 = Indices[tri*3+0];
			uint32 i2 = Indices[tri*3+1];
			uint32 i3 = Indices[tri*3+2];
			FVector TriCenter = (Vertices[i1].Position + Vertices[i2].Position + Vertices[i3].Position) / 3.f;
			StripCenter += TriCenter;

		StripCenter /= Strips[s].Triangles.Num();
		Strips[s].SortKey = (StripCenter-SortCenter).SizeSquared();

	struct FCompareSortKey
		FORCEINLINE bool operator()( const FTriStripSortInfo& A, const FTriStripSortInfo& B ) const
			return A.SortKey < B.SortKey;
	Strips.Sort( FCompareSortKey() );

	// export new draw order
	TArray<uint32> NewIndices;
	for( int32 s=0;s<Strips.Num();s++ )
		int32 StripStartIndex = NewIndices.Num();
		for( int32 TriIndex=0;TriIndex<Strips[s].Triangles.Num();TriIndex++ )
			int32 tri = Strips[s].Triangles[TriIndex];
		CacheOptimizeSortStrip( &NewIndices[StripStartIndex], Strips[s].Triangles.Num()*3 );
	FMemory::Memcpy( Indices, NewIndices.GetData(), NewIndices.Num() * sizeof(uint32) );
void FSavedCustomSortSectionInfo::Restore(USkeletalMesh* NewSkelMesh, int32 LODModelIndex, TArray<int32>& UnmatchedSections)
	FStaticLODModel& LODModel = NewSkelMesh->GetImportedResource()->LODModels[LODModelIndex];
	FSkeletalMeshLODInfo& LODInfo = NewSkelMesh->LODInfo[LODModelIndex];

	// Re-order the UnmatchedSections so the old section index from the previous model is tried first
	int32 PrevSectionIndex = UnmatchedSections.Find(SavedSectionIdx);
	if( PrevSectionIndex != 0 && PrevSectionIndex != INDEX_NONE )
		Exchange( UnmatchedSections[0], UnmatchedSections[PrevSectionIndex] );

	// Find the strips in the old triangle data.
	TArray< TArray<uint32> > OldStrips[2];
	for( int32 IndexCopy=0; IndexCopy < (SavedSortOption==TRISORT_CustomLeftRight ? 2 : 1); IndexCopy++ )
		const uint32* OldIndices = &SavedIndices[(SavedIndices.Num()>>1)*IndexCopy];
		TArray<uint32> OldTriSet;
		GetConnectedTriangleSets( SavedNumTriangles, OldIndices, OldTriSet );

		// Convert to strips
		int32 PrevTriSet = MAX_int32;
		for( int32 TriIndex=0;TriIndex<SavedNumTriangles; TriIndex++ )
			if( OldTriSet[TriIndex] != PrevTriSet )
				PrevTriSet = OldTriSet[TriIndex];

	bool bFoundMatchingSection = false; 

	// Try all remaining sections to find a match
	for( int32 UnmatchedSectionsIdx=0; !bFoundMatchingSection && UnmatchedSectionsIdx<UnmatchedSections.Num(); UnmatchedSectionsIdx++ )
		// Section of the new mesh to try
		int32 SectionIndex = UnmatchedSections[UnmatchedSectionsIdx];
		FSkelMeshSection& Section = LODModel.Sections[SectionIndex];

		TArray<uint32> Indices;
		LODModel.MultiSizeIndexContainer.GetIndexBuffer( Indices );
		const uint32* NewSectionIndices = Indices.GetData() + Section.BaseIndex;

		// Build the list of triangle sets in the new mesh's section
		TArray<uint32> TriSet;
		GetConnectedTriangleSets( Section.NumTriangles, NewSectionIndices, TriSet );

		// Mapping from triangle set number to the array of indices that make up the contiguous strip.
		TMap<uint32, TArray<uint32> > NewStripsMap;
		// Go through each triangle and assign it to the appropriate contiguous strip.
		// This is necessary if the strips in the index buffer are not contiguous.
		int32 Index=0;
		for( int32 s=0;s<TriSet.Num();s++ )
			// Store the indices for this triangle in the appropriate contiguous set.
			TArray<uint32>* ThisStrip = NewStripsMap.Find(TriSet[s]);
			if( !ThisStrip )
				ThisStrip = &NewStripsMap.Add(TriSet[s],TArray<uint32>());

			// Add the three indices for this triangle.

		// Get the new vertices
		TArray<FSoftSkinVertex> NewVertices;

		// Do the processing once for each copy if the index data
		for( int32 IndexCopy=0; IndexCopy < (SavedSortOption==TRISORT_CustomLeftRight ? 2 : 1); IndexCopy++ )
			// Copy strips in the new mesh's section into an array. We'll remove items from
			// here as we match to the old strips, so we need to keep a new copy of it each time.
			TArray<TArray<uint32> > NewStrips;
			for( TMap<uint32, TArray<uint32> >::TIterator It(NewStripsMap); It; ++It )

			// Match up old strips to new
			int32 NumMismatchedStrips = 0;
			TArray<TArray<uint32> > NewSortedStrips; // output
			for( int32 OsIdx=0;OsIdx<OldStrips[IndexCopy].Num();OsIdx++ )
				TArray<uint32>& OldStripIndices = OldStrips[IndexCopy][OsIdx];

				int32 MatchingNewStrip = INDEX_NONE;

				for( int32 NsIdx=0;NsIdx<NewStrips.Num() && MatchingNewStrip==INDEX_NONE;NsIdx++ )
					// Check if we have the same number of triangles in the old and new strips.
					if( NewStrips[NsIdx].Num() != OldStripIndices.Num() )

					// Make a copy of the indices, as we'll remove them as we try to match triangles.
					TArray<uint32> NewStripIndices = NewStrips[NsIdx];

					// Check if all the triangles in the new strip closely match those in the old.
					for( int32 OldTriIdx=0;OldTriIdx<OldStripIndices.Num();OldTriIdx+=3 )
						// Try to find a match for this triangle in the new strip.
						bool FoundMatch = false;
						for( int32 NewTriIdx=0;NewTriIdx<NewStripIndices.Num();NewTriIdx+=3 )
							if( (SavedVertices[OldStripIndices[OldTriIdx+0]] - NewVertices[NewStripIndices[NewTriIdx+0]].Position).SizeSquared() < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER &&
								(SavedVertices[OldStripIndices[OldTriIdx+1]] - NewVertices[NewStripIndices[NewTriIdx+1]].Position).SizeSquared() < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER &&
								(SavedVertices[OldStripIndices[OldTriIdx+2]] - NewVertices[NewStripIndices[NewTriIdx+2]].Position).SizeSquared() < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER )
								// Found a triangle match. Remove the triangle from the new list and try to match the next old triangle.
								FoundMatch = true;

						// If we didn't find a match for this old triangle, the whole strip doesn't match.
						if( !FoundMatch )

					if( NewStripIndices.Num() == 0 )
						// strip completely matched
						MatchingNewStrip = NsIdx;

				if( MatchingNewStrip != INDEX_NONE )
					NewSortedStrips.Add( NewStrips[MatchingNewStrip] );

			if( IndexCopy == 0 )
				if( 100 * NumMismatchedStrips / OldStrips[0].Num() > 50 )
					// If less than 50% of this section's strips match, we assume this is not the correct section.

				// This section matches!
				bFoundMatchingSection = true;

				// Warn the user if we couldn't match things up.
				if( NumMismatchedStrips )
					UnFbx::FFbxImporter* FFbxImporter = UnFbx::FFbxImporter::GetInstance();
					FFbxImporter->AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Warning, FText::Format(LOCTEXT("RestoreSortingMismatchedStripsForSection", "While restoring \"{0}\" sort order for section {1}, {2} of {3} strips could not be matched to the new data."),

				// Restore the settings saved in the LODInfo (used for the UI)
				FTriangleSortSettings& TriangleSortSettings = LODInfo.TriangleSortSettings[SectionIndex];
				TriangleSortSettings.TriangleSorting = SavedSortOption;
				TriangleSortSettings.CustomLeftRightAxis = SavedCustomLeftRightAxis;
				TriangleSortSettings.CustomLeftRightBoneName = SavedCustomLeftRightBoneName;

				// Restore the sorting mode. For TRISORT_CustomLeftRight, this will also make the second copy of the index data.
				FVector SortCenter;
				bool bHaveSortCenter = NewSkelMesh->GetSortCenterPoint(SortCenter);
				LODModel.SortTriangles(SortCenter, bHaveSortCenter, SectionIndex, (ETriangleSortOption)SavedSortOption);

			// Append any strips we couldn't match to the end
			NewSortedStrips += NewStrips;

			// Export the strips out to the index buffer in order
			TArray<uint32> Indexes;
			LODModel.MultiSizeIndexContainer.GetIndexBuffer( Indexes );
			uint32* NewIndices = Indexes.GetData() + (Section.BaseIndex + Section.NumTriangles*3*IndexCopy);
			for( int32 StripIdx=0;StripIdx<NewSortedStrips.Num();StripIdx++ )
				FMemory::Memcpy( NewIndices, &NewSortedStrips[StripIdx][0], NewSortedStrips[StripIdx].Num() * sizeof(uint32) );

				// Cache-optimize the triangle order inside the final strip
				CacheOptimizeSortStrip( NewIndices, NewSortedStrips[StripIdx].Num() );

				NewIndices += NewSortedStrips[StripIdx].Num();
			LODModel.MultiSizeIndexContainer.CopyIndexBuffer( Indexes );

	if( !bFoundMatchingSection )
		UnFbx::FFbxImporter* FFbxImporter = UnFbx::FFbxImporter::GetInstance();
		FFbxImporter->AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Warning, FText::Format(LOCTEXT("FailedRestoreSortingNoSectionMatch", "Unable to restore triangle sort setting \"{0}\" for section number {1} in the old mesh, as a matching section could not be found in the new mesh. The custom sorting information has been lost."),
			FText::FromString(TriangleSortOptionToString((ETriangleSortOption)SavedSortOption)), FText::AsNumber(SavedSectionIdx))));
void SortTriangles_None( int32 NumTriangles, const FSoftSkinVertex* Vertices, uint32* Indices )
	CacheOptimizeSortStrip( Indices, NumTriangles*3 );