Пример #1
void wxStatusBar95::SetFieldsWidth()
    if ( !m_nFields )

    int aBorders[3];
    SendMessage(GetHwnd(), SB_GETBORDERS, 0, (LPARAM)aBorders);

    int extraWidth = aBorders[2]; // space between fields

    wxArrayInt widthsAbs =
        CalculateAbsWidths(GetClientSize().x - extraWidth*(m_nFields - 1));

    int *pWidths = new int[m_nFields];

    int nCurPos = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < m_nFields; i++ ) {
        nCurPos += widthsAbs[i] + extraWidth;
        pWidths[i] = nCurPos;

    if ( !StatusBar_SetParts(GetHwnd(), m_nFields, pWidths) ) {

    delete [] pWidths;
Пример #2
void wxStatusBarGeneric::DoUpdateFieldWidths()
    m_lastClientSize = GetClientSize();

    // recompute the cache of the field widths if the status bar width has changed
    m_widthsAbs = CalculateAbsWidths(m_lastClientSize.x);
Пример #3
void wxStatusBar::MSWUpdateFieldsWidths()
    if ( m_panes.IsEmpty() )

    const int count = m_panes.GetCount();

    const int extraWidth = MSWGetBorderWidth() + MSWGetMetrics().textMargin;

    // compute the effectively available amount of space:
    int widthAvailable = GetClientSize().x;     // start with the entire width
    widthAvailable -= extraWidth*(count - 1);   // extra space between fields
    widthAvailable -= MSWGetMetrics().textMargin;   // and for the last field

    // Deal with the grip: we shouldn't overflow onto the space occupied by it
    // so the effectively available space is smaller.
    const int gripWidth = HasFlag(wxSTB_SIZEGRIP) ? MSWGetMetrics().gripWidth
                                                  : 0;
    widthAvailable -= gripWidth;

    // distribute the available space (client width) among the various fields:

    wxArrayInt widthsAbs = CalculateAbsWidths(widthAvailable);

    // update the field widths in the native control:

    int *pWidths = new int[count];

    int nCurPos = 0;
    int i;
    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        nCurPos += widthsAbs[i] + extraWidth;
        pWidths[i] = nCurPos;

    // The total width of the panes passed to Windows must be equal to the
    // total width available, including the grip. Otherwise we get an extra
    // separator line just before it.
    pWidths[count - 1] += gripWidth;

    if ( !StatusBar_SetParts(GetHwnd(), count, pWidths) )

    // Now that all parts have been created, set their text.
    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )

    delete [] pWidths;
Пример #4
void wxStatusBarGeneric::DoUpdateFieldWidths()
    m_lastClientSize = GetClientSize();

    int width = m_lastClientSize.x;
    if ( ShowsSizeGrip() )
        width -= GetSizeGripRect().width;

    // recompute the cache of the field widths if the status bar width has changed
    m_widthsAbs = CalculateAbsWidths(width);
Пример #5
void wxStatusBarGeneric::SetStatusWidths(int n, const int widths_field[])
    // only set status widths when n == number of statuswindows
    wxCHECK_RET( (size_t)n == m_panes.GetCount(), wxT("status bar field count mismatch") );

    wxStatusBarBase::SetStatusWidths(n, widths_field);

    // update cache
    int width;
    GetClientSize(&width, &m_lastClientHeight);
    m_widthsAbs = CalculateAbsWidths(width);
Пример #6
void wxStatusBarGeneric::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    // FIXME: workarounds for OS/2 bugs have nothing to do here (VZ)
    int width;
#ifdef __WXPM__
    GetSize(&width, &m_lastClientHeight);
    GetClientSize(&width, &m_lastClientHeight);

    // recompute the cache of the field widths if the status bar width has changed
    m_widthsAbs = CalculateAbsWidths(width);
Пример #7
wxRect wxStatusBarUniv::GetTotalFieldRect(wxCoord *borderBetweenFields)
    wxRect rect = GetClientRect();

    // no, don't do this - the borders are meant to be inside this rect
    // wxSize sizeBorders =
    if ( borderBetweenFields )
        *borderBetweenFields = m_renderer->GetStatusBarBorderBetweenFields();
    //rect.Deflate(sizeBorders.x, sizeBorders.y);

    // recalc the field widths if needed
    if ( m_widthsAbs.IsEmpty() )
        // the total width for the fields doesn't include the borders between
        // them
        m_widthsAbs = CalculateAbsWidths(rect.width -
                                         *borderBetweenFields*(m_panes.GetCount() - 1));

    return rect;
Пример #8
void wxStatusBarBeOS::DrawStatusBar()

	int i=0;
	int leftPos=0;
	wxArrayInt widthsAbs;
	wxString text;

	BRect bounds(m_view->bounds());
	BView * drawview = m_view->GetBack();
		rgb_color clr;
		clr = drawview->ViewColor();
		clr.red-=50; clr.green-=50; clr.blue-=50;
		drawview->StrokeLine(BPoint(bounds.left, bounds.top), BPoint(bounds.right, bounds.top));
		clr.red+=100; clr.green+=100; clr.blue+=100;
		drawview->StrokeLine(BPoint(bounds.left, bounds.top+1), BPoint(bounds.right, bounds.top+1));
			widthsAbs = CalculateAbsWidths(bounds.IntegerWidth() - 2*(m_nFields - 1));
			text = GetStatusBufferText(i);
			drawview->DrawString(text, BPoint(leftPos, bounds.bottom-2));
Пример #9
  // Get the position and size of the field's internal bounding rectangle
bool wxStatusBarGeneric::GetFieldRect(int n, wxRect& rect) const
    wxCHECK_MSG( (n >= 0) && (n < m_nFields), false,
                 _T("invalid status bar field index") );

    // FIXME: workarounds for OS/2 bugs have nothing to do here (VZ)
    int width, height;
#ifdef __WXPM__
    GetSize(&width, &height);
    GetClientSize(&width, &height);

    // we cache m_widthsAbs between calls and recompute it if client
    // width has changed (or when it is initially empty)
    if ( m_widthsAbs.IsEmpty() || (m_lastClientWidth != width) )
        wxConstCast(this, wxStatusBarGeneric)->
            m_widthsAbs = CalculateAbsWidths(width);
        // remember last width for which we have recomputed the widths in pixels
        wxConstCast(this, wxStatusBarGeneric)->
            m_lastClientWidth = width;

    rect.x = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        rect.x += m_widthsAbs[i];

    rect.x += m_borderX;
    rect.y = m_borderY;

    rect.width = m_widthsAbs[n] - 2*m_borderX;
    rect.height = height - 2*m_borderY;

    return true;