Пример #1
void DxLight::Manager::Light(VertexL *dstV, Plane *srcP, Vector *srcV, Vector *srcN, Color *srcC, UVPair *srcUV, U32 &countV, U16 *dstI, U16 *srcI, U32 &countI)

	// set up the material values
	ASSERT(countV > 0 && (material_diffuse.r + material_diffuse.g + material_diffuse.b + material_diffuse.a) > 0.0f);
	// if the polygons are two-sided...
	if (BucketMan::GetPrimitiveFlags() & RS_2SIDED)
		// combine the components without back-face culling
		Combine(dstV, srcP, srcV, srcN, srcC, srcUV, countV, dstI, srcI, countI);
		// combine the components with back-face culling
		BackCull(dstV, srcP, srcV, srcN, srcC, srcUV, countV, dstI, srcI, countI);
	// if there are any vertices left...
	if (countV)
		// calculate lighting for the vertices
		CalculateLighting(dstV, countV);

		// apply lighting to the vertices
		ApplyLighting(dstV, countV);
void SimpleStaticLighter::ShineLights (iMeshWrapper* mesh, iEngine* engine, int maxlights,
    ShadowType shadow_type)
  iMovable* movable = mesh->GetMovable ();
  if (!movable->InSector ()) return;	// No movable, do nothing.

  const csBox3& world_box = mesh->GetWorldBoundingBox ();
  CS_ALLOC_STACK_ARRAY (iLight*, lights, maxlights);
  size_t num = engine->GetNearbyLights (movable->GetSectors ()->Get (0),
	world_box, lights, maxlights);

  if (num == 0)
    ConstantColor (mesh, csColor4 (0, 0, 0, 0));
  if (num == 1)
    ShineLight (mesh, lights[0], shadow_type);

  iMeshFactoryWrapper* meshfact = mesh->GetFactory ();
  if (!meshfact) return;
  csRef<iGeneralFactoryState> fact_state = scfQueryInterface<
    iGeneralFactoryState> (meshfact->GetMeshObjectFactory ());
  if (!fact_state) return;	// Not a mesh we recognize.
  size_t count = fact_state->GetVertexCount ();
  csRef<iRenderBuffer> rbuf = csRenderBuffer::CreateRenderBuffer (
  CS_ALLOC_STACK_ARRAY (csColor4, colors, count);

  size_t l;
  for (l = 0 ; l < num ; l++)
    iLight* light = lights[l];
    CalculateLighting (mesh, fact_state, light, shadow_type, colors, l == 0);

  rbuf->CopyInto (colors, count);
  csRef<iGeneralMeshState> state = scfQueryInterface<iGeneralMeshState> (mesh->GetMeshObject ());
  state->AddRenderBuffer ("static color", rbuf);
  mesh->GetFlags().Set (CS_ENTITY_STATICLIT);
void SimpleStaticLighter::ShineLight (iMeshWrapper* mesh, iLight* light,
    ShadowType shadow_type)
  iMeshFactoryWrapper* meshfact = mesh->GetFactory ();
  if (!meshfact) return;
  csRef<iGeneralFactoryState> fact_state = scfQueryInterface<
    iGeneralFactoryState> (meshfact->GetMeshObjectFactory ());
  if (!fact_state) return;	// Not a mesh we recognize.
  size_t count = fact_state->GetVertexCount ();
  csRef<iRenderBuffer> rbuf = csRenderBuffer::CreateRenderBuffer (
  CS_ALLOC_STACK_ARRAY (csColor4, colors, count);

  CalculateLighting (mesh, fact_state, light, shadow_type, colors, true);

  rbuf->CopyInto (colors, count);
  csRef<iGeneralMeshState> state = scfQueryInterface<iGeneralMeshState> (mesh->GetMeshObject ());
  state->AddRenderBuffer ("static color", rbuf);
  mesh->GetFlags().Set (CS_ENTITY_STATICLIT);
Пример #4
Colour RayTracer::TraceScene(Scene* pScene, Ray& ray, Colour incolour, int tracelevel, bool shadowray)
	RayHitResult result;
	Colour outcolour = incolour;
	Colour reflectColour;
	Colour refractColour;

	std::vector<Light*>* light_list = pScene->GetLightList();

	if (tracelevel <= 0) // reach the MAX depth of the recursion.
		return outcolour;

	result = pScene->IntersectByRay(ray, shadowray);

	if (result.data) //the ray has hit something

		Vector3 start = ray.GetRayStart();

		if (!shadowray)
			outcolour = CalculateLighting(light_list,&start, &result);
			return outcolour * 0.3f;

		if(m_traceflag & TRACE_REFLECTION)
			//Only consider reflection for spheres and boxes
			if (((Primitive*)result.data)->m_primtype == Primitive::PRIMTYPE_Sphere || ((Primitive*)result.data)->m_primtype == Primitive::PRIMTYPE_Box)
				//TODO: Calculate reflection ray based on the current intersection result
				//Recursively call TraceScene with the reflection ray
				//Combine the returned colour with the current surface colour 

				// DONE
				m_isReflecting = true;

				ray.SetRay(result.point, ray.GetRay().Reflect(result.normal));
				outcolour *= TraceScene(pScene, ray, outcolour, --tracelevel, shadowray);

		if (m_traceflag & TRACE_REFRACTION)
			//Only consider refraction for spheres and boxes
			if (((Primitive*)result.data)->m_primtype == Primitive::PRIMTYPE_Sphere || ((Primitive*)result.data)->m_primtype == Primitive::PRIMTYPE_Box)
				//TODO: Calculate refraction ray based on the current intersection result
				//Recursively call TraceScene with the reflection ray
				//Combine the returned colour with the current surface colour

				// DONE

				double refractionIndex = 1;

				// Better refraction that using a constant
				if (m_isRefracting)
					refractionIndex = ((Primitive*)result.data)->GetMaterial()->GetRefractiveIndex() / AIR_REFRACTIVE_INDEX;
					refractionIndex = AIR_REFRACTIVE_INDEX / ((Primitive*)result.data)->GetMaterial()->GetRefractiveIndex();
				m_isRefracting = true;

				ray.SetRay(result.point + (result.normal * -0.0001), ray.GetRay().Refract((result.normal), 1));
				outcolour += TraceScene(pScene, ray, outcolour, --tracelevel, shadowray) * ((Primitive*)result.data)->GetMaterial()->GetTransparency();
		//Check if this is in shadow
		if ( m_traceflag & TRACE_SHADOW )
			std::vector<Light*>::iterator lit_iter = light_list->begin();
			while (lit_iter != light_list->end())
				//TODO: Calculate the shadow ray using the current intersection result and the light position
				//Recursively call TraceScene with the shadow ray

				// DONE

				Vector3 l_normal = ((*lit_iter)->GetLightPosition() - result.point).Normalise();
				Vector3 l = result.point + (l_normal * 0.0001);
				ray.SetRay(l, l_normal);

				outcolour = TraceScene(pScene, ray, outcolour, --tracelevel, true);

	return outcolour;
Пример #5
void dx103DFluidRenderer::Draw(const dx103DFluidData &FluidData)
	//	We don't need ZB anyway

	const dx103DFluidData::Settings &VolumeSettings = FluidData.GetSettings();
	const bool bRenderFire = (VolumeSettings.m_SimulationType == dx103DFluidData::ST_FIRE);

	FogLighting  LightData;

	CalculateLighting(FluidData, LightData);

	const Fmatrix &transform = FluidData.GetTransform();

	RCache.set_xform_world( transform );


	//	Set shader element to set up all necessary constants to constant buffer
	//	If you change constant buffer layout make sure this hack works ok.

	// Set some variables required by the shaders:

	// The near and far planes are used to unproject the scene's z-buffer values
	RCache.set_c(strZNear, VIEWPORT_NEAR);
	RCache.set_c(strZFar, g_pGamePersistent->Environment().CurrentEnv->far_plane);

	//D3DXMATRIX worldView = g_gridWorld * g_View;
	D3DXMATRIX gridWorld;
	//D3DXMatrixTranspose(&gridWorld, (D3DXMATRIX*)&transform);
	gridWorld = *(D3DXMATRIX*)&transform;
	//D3DXMatrixTranspose(&View, (D3DXMATRIX*)&RCache.xforms.m_v);
	View = *(D3DXMATRIX*)&RCache.xforms.m_v;
	D3DXMATRIX WorldView = gridWorld * View;

	//	Modified later
	//Fmatrix	WorldView = RCache.xforms.m_wv;
	//RCache.set_xform_world( transform );

	// The length of one of the axis of the worldView matrix is the length of longest side of the box
	//  in view space. This is used to convert the length of a ray from view space to grid space.
	//D3DXVECTOR3 worldXaxis = D3DXVECTOR3(worldView._11, worldView._12, worldView._13);
	D3DXVECTOR3 worldXaxis = D3DXVECTOR3(WorldView._11, WorldView._12, WorldView._13);
	float worldScale = D3DXVec3Length(&worldXaxis);
	//pGridScaleFactorVar->SetFloat( worldScale );
	RCache.set_c(strGridScaleFactor, worldScale);

	// We prepend the current world matrix with this other matrix which adds an offset (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5)
	//  and scale factors to account for unequal number of voxels on different sides of the volume box. 
	// This is because we want to preserve the aspect ratio of the original simulation grid when 
	//  raytracing through it.
	//worldView = m_gridMatrix * worldView;
	WorldView = m_gridMatrix * WorldView;

//	Fmatrix temp;
//	temp = transform;
//	temp.mulB_44(m_gridMatrix);

//	RCache.set_xform_world( temp );
//	return;

	// worldViewProjection is used to transform the volume box to screen space
	//D3DXMATRIX WorldViewProjection;
	D3DXMATRIX WorldViewProjection;
	//Fmatrix WorldViewProjection;
	//worldViewProjection = worldView * g_Projection;
	D3DXMATRIX Projection;
	//D3DXMatrixTranspose(&Projection, (D3DXMATRIX*)&RCache.xforms.m_p);
	Projection = *(D3DXMATRIX*)&RCache.xforms.m_p;
	WorldViewProjection = WorldView * Projection;
	//WorldViewProjection.mul(RCache.xforms.m_p, WorldView);
	//pWorldViewProjectionVar->SetMatrix( (float*)&worldViewProjection );
	//	NVidia used different matrix orientation
	//RCache.set_c(strWorldViewProjection, WorldViewProjection);
	RCache.set_c(strWorldViewProjection, *(Fmatrix*)&WorldViewProjection);

	// invWorldViewProjection is used to transform positions in the "near" plane into grid space
	//D3DXMATRIX invWorldViewProjection;
	D3DXMATRIX InvWorldViewProjection;
	//Fmatrix InvWorldViewProjection;
	D3DXMatrixInverse((D3DXMATRIX*)&InvWorldViewProjection, NULL, (D3DXMATRIX*)&WorldViewProjection);
	//RCache.set_c(strInvWorldViewProjection, InvWorldViewProjection);
	RCache.set_c(strInvWorldViewProjection, *(Fmatrix*)&InvWorldViewProjection);

	// Compute the inverse of the worldView matrix 
	//D3DXMATRIX worldViewInv;
	D3DXMATRIX WorldViewInv;
	//Fmatrix WorldViewInv;
	D3DXMatrixInverse((D3DXMATRIX*)&WorldViewInv, NULL, (D3DXMATRIX*)&WorldView);
	// Compute the eye's position in "grid space" (the 0-1 texture coordinate cube)
	//D3DXVECTOR4 eyeInGridSpace;
	//D3DXVECTOR3 origin(0,0,0);
	D3DXVECTOR4 EyeInGridSpace;
	D3DXVECTOR3 Origin(0,0,0);
	//Fvector4 EyeInGridSpace;
	//Fvector3 Origin = Fvector3().set(0,0,0);
	D3DXVec3Transform((D3DXVECTOR4*)&EyeInGridSpace, (D3DXVECTOR3*)&Origin, (D3DXMATRIX*)&WorldViewInv);
	RCache.set_c(strEyeOnGrid, *(Fvector4*)&EyeInGridSpace);

	float color[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0 };

	// Ray cast and render to a temporary buffer

	// Partial init of viewport struct used below
	//D3D10_VIEWPORT rtViewport;
	//rtViewport.TopLeftX = 0;
	//rtViewport.TopLeftY = 0;
	//rtViewport.MinDepth = 0;
	//rtViewport.MaxDepth = 1;

	// Compute the ray data required by the raycasting pass below.
	//  This function will render to a buffer of float4 vectors, where
	//  xyz is starting position of the ray in grid space
	//  w is the length of the ray in view space

	// Do edge detection on this image to find any 
	//  problematic areas where we need to raycast at higher resolution

	// Raycast into the temporary render target: 
	//  raycasting is done at the smaller resolution, using a fullscreen quad
	//m_pD3DDevice->ClearRenderTargetView( pRayCastRTV, color );
	HW.pDevice->ClearRenderTargetView( RT[RRT_RayCastTex]->pRT, color );
	//m_pD3DDevice->OMSetRenderTargets( 1, &pRayCastRTV , NULL ); 
	CRenderTarget* pTarget = RImplementation.Target;
	pTarget->u_setrt(RT[RRT_RayCastTex],0,0,0);		// LDR RT

	//rtViewport.Width = renderTextureWidth;
	//rtViewport.Height = renderTextureHeight;

	if (bRenderFire)

	RCache.set_c(strRTWidth, (float)m_iRenderTextureWidth);
	RCache.set_c(strRTHeight, (float)m_iRenderTextureHeight);



	// Render to the back buffer sampling from the raycast texture that we just created
	//  If and edge was detected at the current pixel we will raycast again to avoid
	//  smoke aliasing artifacts at scene edges
	//ID3D10RenderTargetView* pRTV = DXUTGetD3D10RenderTargetView();
	//ID3D10DepthStencilView* pDSV = DXUTGetD3D10DepthStencilView();
	//m_pD3DDevice->OMSetRenderTargets( 1, &pRTV , pDSV ); 
	//	Restore render state
	if( !RImplementation.o.dx10_msaa )
		pTarget->u_setrt( pTarget->rt_Generic_0,0,0,HW.pBaseZB);		// LDR RT
		pTarget->u_setrt( pTarget->rt_Generic_0,0,0,pTarget->rt_MSAADepth->pZRT);		// LDR RT

	if (bRenderFire)

	//rtViewport.Width = g_Width;
	//rtViewport.Height = g_Height;

	RCache.set_c(strRTWidth, (float)Device.dwWidth);
	RCache.set_c(strRTHeight, (float)Device.dwHeight);

	RCache.set_c(strDiffuseLight, LightData.m_vLightIntencity.x, LightData.m_vLightIntencity.y, LightData.m_vLightIntencity.z, 1.0f);

