Пример #1
/* static */
bool DecoderTraits::ShouldHandleMediaType(const char* aMIMEType,
                                          DecoderDoctorDiagnostics* aDiagnostics)
  if (IsWaveType(nsDependentCString(aMIMEType))) {
    // We should not return true for Wave types, since there are some
    // Wave codecs actually in use in the wild that we don't support, and
    // we should allow those to be handled by plugins or helper apps.
    // Furthermore people can play Wave files on most platforms by other
    // means.
    return false;

  // If an external plugin which can handle quicktime video is available
  // (and not disabled), prefer it over native playback as there several
  // codecs found in the wild that we do not handle.
  if (nsDependentCString(aMIMEType).EqualsASCII("video/quicktime")) {
    RefPtr<nsPluginHost> pluginHost = nsPluginHost::GetInst();
    if (pluginHost &&
        pluginHost->HavePluginForType(nsDependentCString(aMIMEType))) {
      return false;

  return CanHandleMediaType(aMIMEType, false, EmptyString(), aDiagnostics)
         != CANPLAY_NO;
Пример #2
/* static */
bool DecoderTraits::ShouldHandleMediaType(const char* aMIMEType,
                                          DecoderDoctorDiagnostics* aDiagnostics)
  Maybe<MediaContainerType> containerType = MakeMediaContainerType(aMIMEType);
  if (!containerType) {
    return false;

  if (WaveDecoder::IsSupportedType(*containerType)) {
    // We should not return true for Wave types, since there are some
    // Wave codecs actually in use in the wild that we don't support, and
    // we should allow those to be handled by plugins or helper apps.
    // Furthermore people can play Wave files on most platforms by other
    // means.
    return false;

  // If an external plugin which can handle quicktime video is available
  // (and not disabled), prefer it over native playback as there several
  // codecs found in the wild that we do not handle.
  if (containerType->Type() == MEDIAMIMETYPE("video/quicktime")) {
    RefPtr<nsPluginHost> pluginHost = nsPluginHost::GetInst();
    if (pluginHost &&
        pluginHost->HavePluginForType(containerType->Type().AsString())) {
      return false;

  return CanHandleMediaType(*containerType, aDiagnostics) != CANPLAY_NO;
/* static */
bool DecoderTraits::ShouldHandleMediaType(const char* aMIMEType)
  if (IsWaveType(nsDependentCString(aMIMEType))) {
    // We should not return true for Wave types, since there are some
    // Wave codecs actually in use in the wild that we don't support, and
    // we should allow those to be handled by plugins or helper apps.
    // Furthermore people can play Wave files on most platforms by other
    // means.
    return false;
  return CanHandleMediaType(aMIMEType, false, EmptyString()) != CANPLAY_NO;
Пример #4
/* static */ bool
MP4Decoder::CanHandleMediaType(const nsAString& aContentType)
  nsContentTypeParser parser(aContentType);
  nsAutoString mimeType;
  nsresult rv = parser.GetType(mimeType);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    return false;
  nsString codecs;
  parser.GetParameter("codecs", codecs);

  return CanHandleMediaType(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mimeType), codecs);
Пример #5
/* static */
DecoderTraits::CanHandleContainerType(const MediaContainerType& aContainerType,
                                      DecoderDoctorDiagnostics* aDiagnostics)
  return CanHandleMediaType(aContainerType, aDiagnostics);