void Pet::setDeathState(DeathState s) // overwrite virtual Creature::setDeathState and Unit::setDeathState { Creature::setDeathState(s); if (getDeathState() == CORPSE) { if (getPetType() == HUNTER_PET) { // pet corpse non lootable and non skinnable SetUInt32Value(UNIT_DYNAMIC_FLAGS, UNIT_DYNFLAG_NONE); RemoveFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_SKINNABLE); //lose happiness when died and not in BG/Arena MapEntry const* mapEntry = sMapStore.LookupEntry(GetMapId()); if (!mapEntry || (mapEntry->map_type != MAP_ARENA && mapEntry->map_type != MAP_BATTLEGROUND)) ModifyPower(POWER_HAPPINESS, -HAPPINESS_LEVEL_SIZE); //SetFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_STUNNED); } } else if (getDeathState() == ALIVE) { //RemoveFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_STUNNED); CastPetAuras(true); } }
bool Pet::UpdateStats(Stats stat) { if(stat > STAT_SPIRIT || stat < STAT_STRENGTH ) return false; // value = ((create_value + base_value * base_pct) + total_value) * total_pct float value = GetTotalStatValue(stat); SetStat(stat, int32(value)); switch(stat) { case STAT_STRENGTH: UpdateAttackPowerAndDamage(); break; case STAT_AGILITY: UpdateAttackPowerAndDamage(true); UpdateArmor(); break; case STAT_STAMINA: UpdateMaxHealth(); break; case STAT_INTELLECT: UpdateMaxPower(POWER_MANA); break; case STAT_SPIRIT: default: break; } if(stat == STAT_STAMINA || stat == STAT_INTELLECT ) if (HasAura(35696)) // Demonic Knowledge if(Unit* owner=GetOwner()) { owner->RemoveAurasDueToSpell(35696); CastPetAuras(true); } return true; }
bool Pet::LoadPetFromDB(Player* owner, uint32 petentry, uint32 petnumber, bool current) { m_loading = true; uint32 ownerid = owner->GetGUIDLow(); QueryResult result; if (petnumber) // known petnumber entry 0 1 2(?) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT id, entry, owner, modelid, level, exp, Reactstate, slot, name, renamed, curhealth, curmana, curhappiness, abdata, savetime, CreatedBySpell, PetType " "FROM character_pet WHERE owner = '%u' AND id = '%u'", ownerid, petnumber); else if (current) // current pet (slot 0) 0 1 2(?) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT id, entry, owner, modelid, level, exp, Reactstate, slot, name, renamed, curhealth, curmana, curhappiness, abdata, savetime, CreatedBySpell, PetType " "FROM character_pet WHERE owner = '%u' AND slot = '%u'", ownerid, PET_SAVE_AS_CURRENT); else if (petentry) // known petentry entry (unique for summoned pet, but non unique for hunter pet (only from current or not stabled pets) // 0 1 2(?) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT id, entry, owner, modelid, level, exp, Reactstate, slot, name, renamed, curhealth, curmana, curhappiness, abdata, savetime, CreatedBySpell, PetType " "FROM character_pet WHERE owner = '%u' AND entry = '%u' AND (slot = '%u' OR slot > '%u') ", ownerid, petentry, PET_SAVE_AS_CURRENT, PET_SAVE_LAST_STABLE_SLOT); else // any current or other non-stabled pet (for hunter "call pet") // 0 1 2(?) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT id, entry, owner, modelid, level, exp, Reactstate, slot, name, renamed, curhealth, curmana, curhappiness, abdata, savetime, CreatedBySpell, PetType " "FROM character_pet WHERE owner = '%u' AND (slot = '%u' OR slot > '%u') ", ownerid, PET_SAVE_AS_CURRENT, PET_SAVE_LAST_STABLE_SLOT); if (!result) { m_loading = false; return false; } Field* fields = result->Fetch(); // update for case of current pet "slot = 0" petentry = fields[1].GetUInt32(); if (!petentry) return false; uint32 summon_spell_id = fields[15].GetUInt32(); SpellInfo const* spellInfo = sSpellMgr->GetSpellInfo(summon_spell_id); bool is_temporary_summoned = spellInfo && spellInfo->GetDuration() > 0; // check temporary summoned pets like mage water elemental if (current && is_temporary_summoned) return false; PetType pet_type = PetType(fields[16].GetUInt8()); if (pet_type == HUNTER_PET) { CreatureTemplate const* creatureInfo = sObjectMgr->GetCreatureTemplate(petentry); if (!creatureInfo || !creatureInfo->isTameable(owner->CanTameExoticPets())) return false; } uint32 pet_number = fields[0].GetUInt32(); if (current && owner->IsPetNeedBeTemporaryUnsummoned()) { owner->SetTemporaryUnsummonedPetNumber(pet_number); return false; } Map* map = owner->GetMap(); uint32 guid = sObjectMgr->GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_PET); if (!Create(guid, map, owner->GetPhaseMask(), petentry, pet_number)) return false; float px, py, pz; owner->GetClosePoint(px, py, pz, GetObjectSize(), PET_FOLLOW_DIST, GetFollowAngle()); Relocate(px, py, pz, owner->GetOrientation()); if (!IsPositionValid()) { sLog->outError("Pet (guidlow %d, entry %d) not loaded. Suggested coordinates isn't valid (X: %f Y: %f)", GetGUIDLow(), GetEntry(), GetPositionX(), GetPositionY()); return false; } setPetType(pet_type); setFaction(owner->getFaction()); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_CREATED_BY_SPELL, summon_spell_id); CreatureTemplate const* cinfo = GetCreatureInfo(); if (cinfo->type == CREATURE_TYPE_CRITTER) { map->AddToMap(this->ToCreature()); return true; } m_charmInfo->SetPetNumber(pet_number, IsPermanentPetFor(owner)); SetDisplayId(fields[3].GetUInt32()); SetNativeDisplayId(fields[3].GetUInt32()); uint32 petlevel = fields[4].GetUInt16(); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_NONE); SetName(fields[8].GetString()); switch (getPetType()) { case SUMMON_PET: petlevel = owner->getLevel(); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0, 0x800); // class = mage SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_PVP_ATTACKABLE); // this enables popup window (pet dismiss, cancel) break; case HUNTER_PET: SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0, 0x02020100); // class = warrior, gender = none, power = focus SetSheath(SHEATH_STATE_MELEE); SetByteFlag(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_2, 2, fields[9].GetBool() ? UNIT_CAN_BE_ABANDONED : UNIT_CAN_BE_RENAMED | UNIT_CAN_BE_ABANDONED); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_PVP_ATTACKABLE); // this enables popup window (pet abandon, cancel) SetMaxPower(POWER_HAPPINESS, GetCreatePowers(POWER_HAPPINESS)); SetPower(POWER_HAPPINESS, fields[12].GetUInt32()); setPowerType(POWER_FOCUS); break; default: if (!IsPetGhoul()) sLog->outError("Pet have incorrect type (%u) for pet loading.", getPetType()); break; } SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_PET_NAME_TIMESTAMP, uint32(time(NULL))); // cast can't be helped here SetCreatorGUID(owner->GetGUID()); InitStatsForLevel(petlevel); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_PETEXPERIENCE, fields[5].GetUInt32()); SynchronizeLevelWithOwner(); SetReactState(ReactStates(fields[6].GetUInt8())); SetCanModifyStats(true); if (getPetType() == SUMMON_PET && !current) //all (?) summon pets come with full health when called, but not when they are current SetPower(POWER_MANA, GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA)); else { uint32 savedhealth = fields[10].GetUInt32(); uint32 savedmana = fields[11].GetUInt32(); if (!savedhealth && getPetType() == HUNTER_PET) setDeathState(JUST_DIED); else { SetHealth(savedhealth > GetMaxHealth() ? GetMaxHealth() : savedhealth); SetPower(POWER_MANA, savedmana > GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA) ? GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA) : savedmana); } } // set current pet as current // 0=current // 1..MAX_PET_STABLES in stable slot // PET_SAVE_NOT_IN_SLOT(100) = not stable slot (summoning)) if (fields[7].GetUInt8()) { SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); trans->PAppend("UPDATE character_pet SET slot = '%u' WHERE owner = '%u' AND slot = '%u' AND id <> '%u'", PET_SAVE_NOT_IN_SLOT, ownerid, PET_SAVE_AS_CURRENT, m_charmInfo->GetPetNumber()); trans->PAppend("UPDATE character_pet SET slot = '%u' WHERE owner = '%u' AND id = '%u'", PET_SAVE_AS_CURRENT, ownerid, m_charmInfo->GetPetNumber()); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); } // Send fake summon spell cast - this is needed for correct cooldown application for spells // Example: 46584 - without this cooldown (which should be set always when pet is loaded) isn't set clientside // TODO: pets should be summoned from real cast instead of just faking it? if (summon_spell_id) { WorldPacket data(SMSG_SPELL_GO, (8+8+4+4+2)); data.append(owner->GetPackGUID()); data.append(owner->GetPackGUID()); data << uint8(0); data << uint32(summon_spell_id); data << uint32(256); // CAST_FLAG_UNKNOWN3 data << uint32(0); owner->SendMessageToSet(&data, true); } owner->SetMinion(this, true); map->AddToMap(this->ToCreature()); InitTalentForLevel(); // set original talents points before spell loading uint32 timediff = uint32(time(NULL) - fields[14].GetUInt32()); _LoadAuras(timediff); // load action bar, if data broken will fill later by default spells. if (!is_temporary_summoned) { m_charmInfo->LoadPetActionBar(fields[13].GetString()); _LoadSpells(); InitTalentForLevel(); // re-init to check talent count _LoadSpellCooldowns(); LearnPetPassives(); InitLevelupSpellsForLevel(); CastPetAuras(current); } CleanupActionBar(); // remove unknown spells from action bar after load sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_PETS, "New Pet has guid %u", GetGUIDLow()); owner->PetSpellInitialize(); if (owner->GetGroup()) owner->SetGroupUpdateFlag(GROUP_UPDATE_PET); owner->SendTalentsInfoData(true); if (getPetType() == HUNTER_PET) { result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional FROM character_pet_declinedname WHERE owner = '%u' AND id = '%u'", owner->GetGUIDLow(), GetCharmInfo()->GetPetNumber()); if (result) { delete m_declinedname; m_declinedname = new DeclinedName; Field* fields2 = result->Fetch(); for (uint8 i = 0; i < MAX_DECLINED_NAME_CASES; ++i) { m_declinedname->name[i] = fields2[i].GetString(); } } } //set last used pet number (for use in BG's) if (owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && isControlled() && !isTemporarySummoned() && (getPetType() == SUMMON_PET || getPetType() == HUNTER_PET)) owner->ToPlayer()->SetLastPetNumber(pet_number); m_loading = false; return true; }