Пример #1
// The "Up" button widget callback function.
// This function is called whenever someone presses the "Up" button.
OnBtnUp(tWidget *pWidget)
    uint32_t ui32Reason;
    FRESULT fresult;

    // Change up one directory.
    fresult = ChangeToDirectory("..", &ui32Reason);

    if(fresult != FR_OK)
        // Update the status display to show the error.
        PrintfStatus("Error changing directory.");
        PrintfStatus((char *)StringFromFresult(fresult));
        // Update the directory name and the list box contents.
        WidgetPaint((tWidget *)&g_sPWD);

        // If we are now in the root directory, hide the "Up" button.
        if((strlen(g_cCwdBuf) == 1) && (g_cCwdBuf[0] == '/'))
            WidgetRemove((tWidget *)&g_sUpBtn);
            WidgetAdd((tWidget *)&g_sUpBackground, (tWidget *)&g_sUpBtn);

        // Disable the CD button since re-populating the list removes the
        // selection.
        WidgetRemove((tWidget *)&g_sCDBtn);

        // Tell the user what happened.
        PrintfStatus("Changed to %s", g_cCwdBuf);

        // Repaint the buttons.
        WidgetPaint((tWidget *)&g_sUpBackground);
        WidgetPaint((tWidget *)&g_sCDBackground);
Пример #2
// Cmd_cd - This function implements the "cd" command.  It takes an argument
//          that specifies the directory to make the current working directory.
//          Path separators must use a forward slash "/".  The argument to cd
//          can be one of the following:
//          * root ("/")
//          * a fully specified path ("/my/path/to/mydir")
//          * a single directory name that is in the current directory("mydir")
//          * parent directory ("..")
//          It does not understand relative paths, so dont try something like
//          this: ("../my/new/path")
//          Once the new directory is specified, it attempts to open the
//          directory to make sure it exists.  If the new path is opened
//          successfully, then the current working directory (cwd) is changed
//          to the new path.
Cmd_cd(int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned long ulReason;
    FRESULT fresult;

    // Try to change to the directory provided on the command line.
    fresult = ChangeToDirectory(argv[1], &ulReason);

    // If an error was reported, try to offer some helpful information.
    if(fresult != FR_OK)
            case OPENDIR_ERROR:
                UARTprintf("Error opening new directory.\n");

            case NAME_TOO_LONG_ERROR:
                UARTprintf("Resulting path name is too long.\n");

                UARTprintf("An unrecognized error was reported.\n");

    // Return the appropriate error code.
// This function performs actions that are common whenever the directory
// level is changed up or down.  It populates the correct menu structure with
// the list of files in the directory.
static bool
ProcessDirChange(char *pcDir, uint32_t ui32Level)
    FRESULT fresult;
    uint32_t ui32Reason;
    uint32_t ui32FileCount;

    // Attempt to change to the new directory.
    fresult = ChangeToDirectory(pcDir, &ui32Reason);

    // If the directory change was successful, populate the
    // list of files for the new subdirectory.
    if((fresult == FR_OK) && (ui32Level < MAX_SUBDIR_DEPTH))
        // Get a pointer to the current menu for this CWD.
        tSlideMenu *psMenu = &g_psFileMenus[ui32Level];

        // Populate the menu items with the file list for the new CWD.
        ui32FileCount = PopulateFileList(ui32Level);

        // Initialize the file menu with the list of menu items,
        // which are just files and dirs in the root directory
        psMenu->psSlideMenuItems = g_psFileMenuItems[ui32Level & 1];
        psMenu->ui32Items = ui32FileCount;

        // Set the parent directory, if there is one.  If at level 0
        // (CWD is root), then there is no parent directory.
            psMenu->psParent = &g_psFileMenus[ui32Level - 1];
            psMenu->psParent = 0;

        // If we are descending into a new subdir, then initialize the other
        // menu item fields to default values.
        if(ui32Level > g_ui32Level)
            psMenu->ui32CenterIndex = 0;
            psMenu->ui32FocusIndex = 0;
            psMenu->bMultiSelectable = 0;

        // Return a success indication

    // Directory change was not successful
        // Return failure indication
Пример #4
// The "CD" button widget callback function.
// This function is called whenever someone presses the "CD" button.
OnBtnCD(tWidget *pWidget)
    int16_t i16Selected;
    uint32_t ui32Reason;
    FRESULT fresult;
    // Get the current selection from the list box.
    i16Selected = ListBoxSelectionGet(&g_sDirList);

    // Is there any selection?
    if(i16Selected == -1)
        // Is the selection a directory name?
        if(g_pcFilenames[i16Selected][1] == 'D')
            // Yes - change to the new directory.
            fresult = ChangeToDirectory(&g_pcFilenames[i16Selected][4],

            if(fresult != FR_OK)
                // Update the status display to show the error.
                PrintfStatus("Error changing directory.");
                PrintfStatus((char *)StringFromFresult(fresult));
                // Tell the user what happened.
                PrintfStatus("Changed to %s", g_cCwdBuf);

                // Update the directory name and the list box contents.
                WidgetPaint((tWidget *)&g_sPWD);

                // Enable the "Up" button and disable the "CD" button.
                WidgetAdd((tWidget *)&g_sUpBackground, (tWidget *)&g_sUpBtn);
                WidgetRemove((tWidget *)&g_sCDBtn);

                // Make sure the buttons are repainted correctly.
                WidgetPaint((tWidget *)&g_sUpBtn);
                WidgetPaint((tWidget *)&g_sCDBackground);