Пример #1
   register WCHAR *newdir
   WCHAR       denvname[ 4 ];
   WCHAR       newpath[ MAX_PATH ];
   WCHAR       denvvalue[ MAX_PATH ];
   WCHAR       c, *s;
   DWORD       attr;

   GetCurrentDirectoryW( MAX_PATH, denvvalue );
   c = (WCHAR)(DWORD)CharUpperW((LPTSTR)(DWORD)denvvalue[0]);

   denvname[0] = WCHAR_EQUAL;
   if (IsCharAlphaW(*newdir) && newdir[1] == WCHAR_COLON) {
      denvname[1] = (WCHAR)(DWORD)CharUpperW((LPTSTR)(DWORD)*newdir);
      newdir += 2;
   } else {
      denvname[ 1 ] = c;
   denvname[ 2 ] = WCHAR_COLON;
   denvname[ 3 ] = WCHAR_NULL;

   if ((*newdir == WCHAR_BSLASH) || (*newdir == WCHAR_SLASH)) {
      newpath[ 0 ] = denvname[ 1 ];
      newpath[ 1 ] = denvname[ 2 ];
      wcscpy( &newpath[ 2 ], newdir );
   } else {
      if (NULL != (s = SheGetEnvVarW( denvname ))) {
         wcscpy( newpath, s );
      } else {
         newpath[ 0 ] = denvname[ 1 ];
         newpath[ 1 ] = denvname[ 2 ];
         newpath[ 2 ] = WCHAR_NULL;
      s = newpath + wcslen( newpath );
      *s++ = WCHAR_BSLASH;
      wcscpy( s, newdir );

   if (!GetFullPathNameW(newpath, MAX_PATH, denvvalue, &s )) {
      return( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED );

   attr = GetFileAttributesW( denvvalue );
   if (attr == -1 || !(attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {
      return( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED );

   if (SheSetEnvVarW(denvname,denvvalue)) {
      return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );

   SetCurrentDirectoryW( denvvalue );

   // this seems wrong... SheGetDir(GD_DEFAULT, CurDrvDirW) ;
   wcscpy(CurDrvDirW, denvvalue);   // this seems right to me.
   return(SUCCESS) ;
Пример #2
static inline BSTR str_dup_upper(BSTR str)
    INT len = (lstrlenW(str) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
    BSTR p = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, len);
    if (p)
        memcpy(p, str, len);
    return p;
Пример #3
wchar_t * MyStringUpper(wchar_t *s)
  if (s == 0)
    return 0;
  wchar_t *res = CharUpperW(s);
  if (res != 0 || ::GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
    return res;
  AString a = UnicodeStringToMultiByte(s);
  return MyStringCopy(s, (const wchar_t *)MultiByteToUnicodeString(a));
Пример #4
uint32_t charUpper(uint32_t param)
	if (param<128) {
		if (param>='a' && param<='z') param += 'A' - 'a';
		return param;
	else if (param<0x10000) {
		return (unsigned)CharUpperW((WCHAR*)param);
	else return param;
Пример #5
wchar_t MyCharUpper(wchar_t c)
  if (c == 0)
    return 0;
  wchar_t *res = CharUpperW((LPWSTR)(unsigned int)c);
  if (res != 0 || ::GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
    return (wchar_t)(unsigned int)res;
  const int kBufferSize = 4;
  char s[kBufferSize];
  int numChars = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, &c, 1, s, kBufferSize, 0, 0);
  ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, s, numChars, &c, 1);
  return c;
Пример #6
   register WCHAR *fname,
   DWORD sizpath,
   WCHAR *buf)
   DWORD rc = SUCCESS;         /* prime with good rc */
   DWORD buflen;               /* buffer length      */
   WCHAR *filepart;

   if (*fname == WCHAR_NULL) {
      SheGetDirW(GD_DEFAULT, buf);
      buf += 2;                           /* Inc past drivespec      */
      buflen = wcslen(buf);             /* Is curdir root only?    */
      if (buflen >= MAX_PATH-3) {  /* If too big then stop    */
         dwDosErr = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND;
         rc = FAILURE;
       } else if (buflen != 1) {              /* if not root then append */
         *(buf+buflen++) = WCHAR_BSLASH;      /* ...a pathchar and...    */
         *(buf+buflen) = WCHAR_NULL ;              /* ...a null CHAR...       */
       }                                 /*                         */
   } else {
      if ((wcslen(fname) == 2) &&
          (*(fname + 1) == WCHAR_COLON)
          // && (!is_dbcsleadchar(*fname))
         ) {
         SheGetDirW((WCHAR)(DWORD)CharUpperW((LPWSTR)(DWORD)*fname) - WCHAR_CAP_A, buf);                 /* Get curdrvdir           */
         if ((buflen = wcslen(buf)) > 3) {
            *(buf+buflen++) = WCHAR_BSLASH;      /* ...a pathchar and...    */
            *(buf+buflen) = WCHAR_NULL ;          /* ...a null CHAR...           */
      } else {
         if (!GetFullPathNameW( fname, sizpath, buf, &filepart )) {
            dwDosErr = GetLastError();
            rc = FAILURE;
Пример #7
wchar_t * _wcsupr(wchar_t * pszArg)
    return CharUpperW(pszArg);
Пример #8
static int _glfwTranslateKey( DWORD wParam, DWORD lParam )
    MSG next_msg;
    DWORD msg_time;
    DWORD scan_code;

    // Check which key was pressed or released
    switch( wParam )
        // The SHIFT keys require special handling
        case VK_SHIFT:
            // Compare scan code for this key with that of VK_RSHIFT in
            // order to determine which shift key was pressed (left or
            // right)
            scan_code = MapVirtualKey( VK_RSHIFT, 0 );
            if( ((lParam & 0x01ff0000) >> 16) == scan_code )
                return GLFW_KEY_RSHIFT;
            return GLFW_KEY_LSHIFT;

        // The CTRL keys require special handling
        case VK_CONTROL:
            // Is this an extended key (i.e. right key)?
            if( lParam & 0x01000000 )
                return GLFW_KEY_RCTRL;
            // Here is a trick: "Alt Gr" sends LCTRL, then RALT. We only
            // want the RALT message, so we try to see if the next message
            // is a RALT message. In that case, this is a false LCTRL!
            msg_time = GetMessageTime();
            if( PeekMessage( &next_msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ) )
                if( next_msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN ||
                    next_msg.message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN )
                    if( next_msg.wParam == VK_MENU &&
                        (next_msg.lParam & 0x01000000) &&
                        next_msg.time == msg_time )
                        // Next message is a RALT down message, which
                        // means that this is NOT a proper LCTRL message!
                        return GLFW_KEY_UNKNOWN;
            return GLFW_KEY_LCTRL;

        // The ALT keys require special handling
        case VK_MENU:
            // Is this an extended key (i.e. right key)?
            if( lParam & 0x01000000 )
                return GLFW_KEY_RALT;
            return GLFW_KEY_LALT;

        // The ENTER keys require special handling
        case VK_RETURN:
            // Is this an extended key (i.e. right key)?
            if( lParam & 0x01000000 )
                return GLFW_KEY_KP_ENTER;
            return GLFW_KEY_ENTER;

        // Special keys (non character keys)
        case VK_ESCAPE:        return GLFW_KEY_ESC;
        case VK_TAB:           return GLFW_KEY_TAB;
        case VK_BACK:          return GLFW_KEY_BACKSPACE;
        case VK_HOME:          return GLFW_KEY_HOME;
        case VK_END:           return GLFW_KEY_END;
        case VK_PRIOR:         return GLFW_KEY_PAGEUP;
        case VK_NEXT:          return GLFW_KEY_PAGEDOWN;
        case VK_INSERT:        return GLFW_KEY_INSERT;
        case VK_DELETE:        return GLFW_KEY_DEL;
        case VK_LEFT:          return GLFW_KEY_LEFT;
        case VK_UP:            return GLFW_KEY_UP;
        case VK_RIGHT:         return GLFW_KEY_RIGHT;
        case VK_DOWN:          return GLFW_KEY_DOWN;
        case VK_F1:            return GLFW_KEY_F1;
        case VK_F2:            return GLFW_KEY_F2;
        case VK_F3:            return GLFW_KEY_F3;
        case VK_F4:            return GLFW_KEY_F4;
        case VK_F5:            return GLFW_KEY_F5;
        case VK_F6:            return GLFW_KEY_F6;
        case VK_F7:            return GLFW_KEY_F7;
        case VK_F8:            return GLFW_KEY_F8;
        case VK_F9:            return GLFW_KEY_F9;
        case VK_F10:           return GLFW_KEY_F10;
        case VK_F11:           return GLFW_KEY_F11;
        case VK_F12:           return GLFW_KEY_F12;
        case VK_F13:           return GLFW_KEY_F13;
        case VK_F14:           return GLFW_KEY_F14;
        case VK_F15:           return GLFW_KEY_F15;
        case VK_F16:           return GLFW_KEY_F16;
        case VK_F17:           return GLFW_KEY_F17;
        case VK_F18:           return GLFW_KEY_F18;
        case VK_F19:           return GLFW_KEY_F19;
        case VK_F20:           return GLFW_KEY_F20;
        case VK_F21:           return GLFW_KEY_F21;
        case VK_F22:           return GLFW_KEY_F22;
        case VK_F23:           return GLFW_KEY_F23;
        case VK_F24:           return GLFW_KEY_F24;
        case VK_SPACE:         return GLFW_KEY_SPACE;

        // Numeric keypad
        case VK_NUMPAD0:       return GLFW_KEY_KP_0;
        case VK_NUMPAD1:       return GLFW_KEY_KP_1;
        case VK_NUMPAD2:       return GLFW_KEY_KP_2;
        case VK_NUMPAD3:       return GLFW_KEY_KP_3;
        case VK_NUMPAD4:       return GLFW_KEY_KP_4;
        case VK_NUMPAD5:       return GLFW_KEY_KP_5;
        case VK_NUMPAD6:       return GLFW_KEY_KP_6;
        case VK_NUMPAD7:       return GLFW_KEY_KP_7;
        case VK_NUMPAD8:       return GLFW_KEY_KP_8;
        case VK_NUMPAD9:       return GLFW_KEY_KP_9;
        case VK_DIVIDE:        return GLFW_KEY_KP_DIVIDE;
        case VK_MULTIPLY:      return GLFW_KEY_KP_MULTIPLY;
        case VK_SUBTRACT:      return GLFW_KEY_KP_SUBTRACT;
        case VK_ADD:           return GLFW_KEY_KP_ADD;
        case VK_DECIMAL:       return GLFW_KEY_KP_DECIMAL;

        // The rest (should be printable keys)
            // Convert to printable character (ISO-8859-1 or Unicode)
            wParam = MapVirtualKey( wParam, 2 ) & 0x0000FFFF;

            // Make sure that the character is uppercase
            if( _glfwSys.HasUnicode )
                wParam = (DWORD) CharUpperW( (LPWSTR) wParam );
                wParam = (DWORD) CharUpperA( (LPSTR) wParam );

            // Valid ISO-8859-1 character?
            if( (wParam >=  32 && wParam <= 126) ||
                (wParam >= 160 && wParam <= 255) )
                return (int) wParam;
            return GLFW_KEY_UNKNOWN;
Пример #9
static void testFmtId(void)
    WCHAR szSummaryInfo[] = { 5,'S','u','m','m','a','r','y',
        'I','n','f','o','r','m','a','t','i','o','n',0 };
    WCHAR szDocSummaryInfo[] = { 5,'D','o','c','u','m','e','n','t',
        0 };
    WCHAR szIID_IPropSetStg[] = { 5,'0','j','a','a','a','a','a',
        'c',0 };
    WCHAR name[32];
    FMTID fmtid;
    HRESULT hr;

    if (pFmtIdToPropStgName) {
    hr = pFmtIdToPropStgName(NULL, name);
    ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got 0x%08x\n", hr);
    hr = pFmtIdToPropStgName(&FMTID_SummaryInformation, NULL);
    ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got 0x%08x\n", hr);
    hr = pFmtIdToPropStgName(&FMTID_SummaryInformation, name);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "FmtIdToPropStgName failed: 0x%08x\n", hr);
    ok(!memcmp(name, szSummaryInfo, (lstrlenW(szSummaryInfo) + 1) *
     sizeof(WCHAR)), "Got wrong name for FMTID_SummaryInformation\n");
    hr = pFmtIdToPropStgName(&FMTID_DocSummaryInformation, name);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "FmtIdToPropStgName failed: 0x%08x\n", hr);
    ok(!memcmp(name, szDocSummaryInfo, (lstrlenW(szDocSummaryInfo) + 1) *
     sizeof(WCHAR)), "Got wrong name for FMTID_DocSummaryInformation\n");
    hr = pFmtIdToPropStgName(&FMTID_UserDefinedProperties, name);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "FmtIdToPropStgName failed: 0x%08x\n", hr);
    ok(!memcmp(name, szDocSummaryInfo, (lstrlenW(szDocSummaryInfo) + 1) *
     sizeof(WCHAR)), "Got wrong name for FMTID_DocSummaryInformation\n");
    hr = pFmtIdToPropStgName(&IID_IPropertySetStorage, name);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "FmtIdToPropStgName failed: 0x%08x\n", hr);
    ok(!memcmp(name, szIID_IPropSetStg, (lstrlenW(szIID_IPropSetStg) + 1) *
     sizeof(WCHAR)), "Got wrong name for IID_IPropertySetStorage\n");

    if(pPropStgNameToFmtId) {
    /* test args first */
    hr = pPropStgNameToFmtId(NULL, NULL);
    ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got 0x%08x\n", hr);
    hr = pPropStgNameToFmtId(NULL, &fmtid);
    ok(hr == STG_E_INVALIDNAME, "Expected STG_E_INVALIDNAME, got 0x%08x\n",
    hr = pPropStgNameToFmtId(szDocSummaryInfo, NULL);
    ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got 0x%08x\n", hr);
    /* test the known format IDs */
    hr = pPropStgNameToFmtId(szSummaryInfo, &fmtid);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "PropStgNameToFmtId failed: 0x%08x\n", hr);
    ok(!memcmp(&fmtid, &FMTID_SummaryInformation, sizeof(fmtid)),
     "Got unexpected FMTID, expected FMTID_SummaryInformation\n");
    hr = pPropStgNameToFmtId(szDocSummaryInfo, &fmtid);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "PropStgNameToFmtId failed: 0x%08x\n", hr);
    ok(!memcmp(&fmtid, &FMTID_DocSummaryInformation, sizeof(fmtid)),
     "Got unexpected FMTID, expected FMTID_DocSummaryInformation\n");
    /* test another GUID */
    hr = pPropStgNameToFmtId(szIID_IPropSetStg, &fmtid);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "PropStgNameToFmtId failed: 0x%08x\n", hr);
    ok(!memcmp(&fmtid, &IID_IPropertySetStorage, sizeof(fmtid)),
     "Got unexpected FMTID, expected IID_IPropertySetStorage\n");
    /* now check case matching */
    CharUpperW(szDocSummaryInfo + 1);
    hr = pPropStgNameToFmtId(szDocSummaryInfo, &fmtid);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "PropStgNameToFmtId failed: 0x%08x\n", hr);
    ok(!memcmp(&fmtid, &FMTID_DocSummaryInformation, sizeof(fmtid)),
     "Got unexpected FMTID, expected FMTID_DocSummaryInformation\n");
    CharUpperW(szIID_IPropSetStg + 1);
    hr = pPropStgNameToFmtId(szIID_IPropSetStg, &fmtid);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "PropStgNameToFmtId failed: 0x%08x\n", hr);
    ok(!memcmp(&fmtid, &IID_IPropertySetStorage, sizeof(fmtid)),
     "Got unexpected FMTID, expected IID_IPropertySetStorage\n");
Пример #10
** Create the mutex and shared memory used for locking in the file
** descriptor pFile
static BOOL winceCreateLock(const char *zFilename, winFile *pFile){
  WCHAR *zTok;
  WCHAR *zName = utf8ToUnicode(zFilename);
  BOOL bInit = TRUE;

  /* Initialize the local lockdata */
  ZeroMemory(&pFile->local, sizeof(pFile->local));

  /* Replace the backslashes from the filename and lowercase it
  ** to derive a mutex name. */
  zTok = CharLowerW(zName);
  for (;*zTok;zTok++){
    if (*zTok == '\\') *zTok = '_';

  /* Create/open the named mutex */
  pFile->hMutex = CreateMutexW(NULL, FALSE, zName);
  if (!pFile->hMutex){
    return FALSE;

  /* Acquire the mutex before continuing */
  /* Since the names of named mutexes, semaphores, file mappings etc are 
  ** case-sensitive, take advantage of that by uppercasing the mutex name
  ** and using that as the shared filemapping name.
  pFile->hShared = CreateFileMappingW(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL,
                                       PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(winceLock),

  /* Set a flag that indicates we're the first to create the memory so it 
  ** must be zero-initialized */
  if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS){
    bInit = FALSE;


  /* If we succeeded in making the shared memory handle, map it. */
  if (pFile->hShared){
    pFile->shared = (winceLock*)MapViewOfFile(pFile->hShared, 
             FILE_MAP_READ|FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, sizeof(winceLock));
    /* If mapping failed, close the shared memory handle and erase it */
    if (!pFile->shared){
      pFile->hShared = NULL;

  /* If shared memory could not be created, then close the mutex and fail */
  if (pFile->hShared == NULL){
    pFile->hMutex = NULL;
    return FALSE;
  /* Initialize the shared memory if we're supposed to */
  if (bInit) {
    ZeroMemory(pFile->shared, sizeof(winceLock));

  return TRUE;
Пример #11
WChar String::ToUpperCaseW( WChar ch ) const
    return (WChar)CharUpperW( (LPWSTR)ch );
Пример #12
inline wchar_t MyCharUpper(wchar_t c)
{ return (wchar_t)(unsigned int)(UINT_PTR)CharUpperW((LPWSTR)(UINT_PTR)(unsigned int)c); }
Пример #13
wchar_t * MyStringUpper(wchar_t *s) { return CharUpperW(s); }
Пример #14
static void test_SetTargetComputer(void)
    WCHAR buffer[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 3];  /* extra space for two '\' and a zero */
    DWORD len = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1;    /* extra space for a zero */
    WCHAR *oldname = NULL;
    WCHAR *name = NULL;
    HRESULT hres;

    buffer[0] = '\\';
    buffer[1] = '\\';
    if (!GetComputerNameW(buffer + 2, &len))

    /* Create TaskScheduler */
    hres = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_CTaskScheduler, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
            &IID_ITaskScheduler, (void **) &test_task_scheduler);
    ok(hres == S_OK, "CTaskScheduler CoCreateInstance failed: %08x\n", hres);
    if (hres != S_OK)
        skip("Failed to create task scheduler.  Skipping tests.\n");

    hres = ITaskScheduler_GetTargetComputer(test_task_scheduler, &oldname);
    ok(hres == S_OK, "got 0x%x and %s (expected S_OK)\n", hres, wine_dbgstr_w(oldname));

    /* NULL is an alias for the local computer */
    hres = ITaskScheduler_SetTargetComputer(test_task_scheduler, NULL);
    ok(hres == S_OK, "got 0x%x (expected S_OK)\n", hres);
    hres = ITaskScheduler_GetTargetComputer(test_task_scheduler, &name);
    ok((hres == S_OK && !lstrcmpiW(name, buffer)),
        "got 0x%x with %s (expected S_OK and %s)\n",
        hres, wine_dbgstr_w(name), wine_dbgstr_w(buffer));

    /* The name must be valid */
    hres = ITaskScheduler_SetTargetComputer(test_task_scheduler, does_not_existW);
    ok(hres == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_NETPATH), "got 0x%x (expected 0x80070035)\n", hres);
    /* the name of the target computer is unchanged */
    hres = ITaskScheduler_GetTargetComputer(test_task_scheduler, &name);
    ok((hres == S_OK && !lstrcmpiW(name, buffer)),
        "got 0x%x with %s (expected S_OK and %s)\n",
        hres, wine_dbgstr_w(name), wine_dbgstr_w(buffer));

    /* the two backslashes are optional */
    hres = ITaskScheduler_SetTargetComputer(test_task_scheduler, oldname + 2);
    ok(hres == S_OK, "got 0x%x (expected S_OK)\n", hres);

    /* the case is ignored */
    hres = ITaskScheduler_SetTargetComputer(test_task_scheduler, buffer);
    ok(hres == S_OK, "got 0x%x (expected S_OK)\n", hres);
    hres = ITaskScheduler_SetTargetComputer(test_task_scheduler, buffer);
    ok(hres == S_OK, "got 0x%x (expected S_OK)\n", hres);

    /* cleanup */
    hres = ITaskScheduler_SetTargetComputer(test_task_scheduler, oldname);
    ok(hres == S_OK, "got 0x%x (expected S_OK)\n", hres);
