Пример #1
		  HRESULT Set(ULONG ordinal, const DBPARAMBINDINFO &rParamBindInfo)
			  this->iOrdinal = ordinal;
			  if (this->pwszName != 0)
				  delete [] this->pwszName;
				  this->pwszName = 0;

			  if (rParamBindInfo.pwszName != 0)
				  this->pwszName = new OLECHAR[::wcslen( rParamBindInfo.pwszName ) + 1];
				  if (this->pwszName == 0)
					  return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
				  ::wcscpy( this->pwszName, rParamBindInfo.pwszName );

			  this->wType = CheckDataType(rParamBindInfo.pwszDataSourceType);
			  this->ulParamSize = rParamBindInfo.ulParamSize;
			  this->dwFlags = rParamBindInfo.dwFlags; 
			  this->bPrecision = rParamBindInfo.bPrecision;
			  this->bScale = rParamBindInfo.bScale;

			  return S_OK;
Пример #2
bool NonlinearConstraint::Initialize()
      (wxT("NonlinearConstraint::Initialize() entered. interpreted=%d, optimizer=%p, ")
       wxT("arg1=%p, arg2=%p\n"), interpreted, optimizer, arg1, arg2);

   // Commented out since this caused crash when this command created
   // from the GUI and run (loj: 2007.05.15)
   //if (!interpreted)
   //   if (!InterpretAction())
   //      throw CommandException(
   //         "NonlinearConstraint: error interpreting input data\n");
   bool retval = GmatCommand::Initialize();

   if (optimizer == NULL)
      throw CommandException(
         wxT("Optimizer not initialized for NonlinearConstraint command\n  \"")
         + generatingString + wxT("\"\n"));
   // Set references for the wrappers   
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Setting refs for arg1\n"));
   if (SetWrapperReferences(*arg1) == false)
      return false;
   CheckDataType(arg1, Gmat::REAL_TYPE, wxT("NonlinearConstraint"));
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Setting refs for arg2\n"));
   if (SetWrapperReferences(*arg2) == false)
      return false;
   CheckDataType(arg2, Gmat::REAL_TYPE, wxT("NonlinearConstraint"));
   // The optimizer cannot be finalized until all of the loop is initialized
   optimizerDataFinalized = false;

      (wxT("NonlinearConstraint::Initialize() exiting. optimizer=%p, arg1=%p, arg2 = %p\n"), 
      optimizer, arg1, arg2);
   return retval;
Пример #3
bool Minimize::Initialize()
   #if DEBUG_MINIMIZE_INIT // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ debug ~~~~
      ("Minimize::Initialize() entered. optimizer=%p, objective=%p\n", 
      optimizer, objective);
   #endif // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ end debug ~~~~

   if (!interpreted)
      if (!InterpretAction())
         throw CommandException(
            "Minimize: error interpreting input data\n");
   bool retval = SolverSequenceCommand::Initialize();

   if (optimizer == NULL)
      throw CommandException(
         "Optimizer not initialized for Minimize command\n  \""
         + generatingString + "\"\n");

   //Integer id = optimizer->GetParameterID("Goals");  // no clue
   //optimizer->SetStringParameter(id, goalName);

   // find objectiveName
   //GmatBase *obj = (*objectMap)[objectiveName];
   //if (obj == NULL) 
   //   std::string errorstr = "Could not find variable parameter ";
   //   errorstr += objectiveName;
   //   throw CommandException(errorstr);

   // The optimizer cannot be finalized until all of the loop is initialized
   optimizerDataFinalized = false;

   if (SetWrapperReferences(*objective) == false)
      return false;
   CheckDataType(objective, Gmat::REAL_TYPE, "Minimize");
   #if DEBUG_MINIMIZE_INIT // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ debug ~~~~
      ("Minimize::Initialize() exiting. optimizer=%p, objective=%p\n", 
      optimizer, objective);
   #endif // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ end debug ~~~~
   return retval;
Пример #4
bool Minimize::SetElementWrapper(ElementWrapper *toWrapper, const std::string &withName)
   bool retval = false;

   if (toWrapper == NULL) return false;
   if (toWrapper->GetWrapperType() == Gmat::ARRAY_WT)
      throw CommandException("A value of type \"Array\" on command \"" + typeName + 
                  "\" is not an allowed value.\nThe allowed values are:"
                  " [ Variable, Array Element, or Parameter ]. "); 
   if (toWrapper->GetWrapperType() == Gmat::NUMBER_WT)
      throw CommandException("A value of type \"Number\" on command \"" + typeName + 
                  "\" is not an allowed value.\nThe allowed values are:"
                  " [ Variable, Array Element, or Parameter ]. "); 
   //if (toWrapper->GetWrapperType() == Gmat::STRING_OBJECT_WT)
   //   throw CommandException("A value of type \"String Object\" on command \"" + typeName + 
   //               "\" is not an allowed value.\nThe allowed values are:"
   //               " [ Real Number, Variable, Array Element, or Parameter ]. "); 
   MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   Setting wrapper \"%s\" on Minimize command\n", 
   CheckDataType(toWrapper, Gmat::REAL_TYPE, "Minimize", true);

   if (objectiveName == withName)
      objective = toWrapper;
      // Reset the generating string so initialization works correctly
      GetGeneratingString(Gmat::SCRIPTING, "", "");
      retval = true;
   return retval;
Пример #5
// bool SetElementWrapper(ElementWrapper *toWrapper, const wxString &withName)
bool NonlinearConstraint::SetElementWrapper(ElementWrapper *toWrapper,
                                            const wxString &withName)
   bool retval = false;

   if (toWrapper == NULL) return false;
   if (toWrapper->GetWrapperType() == Gmat::ARRAY_WT)
      throw CommandException(wxT("A value of type \"Array\" on command \"") + typeName + 
                  wxT("\" is not currently an allowed value.\nThe allowed values are:")
                  wxT(" [ Real Number, Variable, Array Element, or Parameter ]. ")); 
   //if (toWrapper->GetWrapperType() == Gmat::STRING_OBJECT_WT)
   //   throw CommandException("A value of type \"String Object\" on command \"" + typeName + 
   //               "\" is not an allowed value.\nThe allowed values are:"
   //               " [ Real Number, Variable, Array Element, or Parameter ]. "); 
   CheckDataType(toWrapper,Gmat::REAL_TYPE, wxT("NonlinearConstraint"), true);
   MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("   Setting wrapper \"%s\" on NLC command\n"), 

   if (arg1Name == withName)
      arg1   = toWrapper;
      retval = true;
   if (arg2Name == withName)
      arg2   = toWrapper;
      retval = true;
   return retval;
Пример #6
bool KGDAL2CV::ImgWriteByGDAL(GDALRasterBand* pBand, const cv::Mat img, int xStart, int yStart)
	// if dataset is null, then there was a problem
	if (pBand == nullptr){
		return false;
	// make sure we have the proper access
	if (pBand->GetAccess() == GA_ReadOnly){
		std::cout << "Invalid access type of the GDALRasterBand!" << std::endl;
		return false;
	cv::Mat imgToSave = img.clone(); 
	if (img.channels() > 1){
		std::cout << "More channels of the cv::Mat will be passed!" << std::endl;
		std::vector<cv::Mat> singleMats;
		cv::split(img, singleMats);
		imgToSave = singleMats[0].clone();

	int width = pBand->GetXSize();
	int height = pBand->GetYSize();

	if (xStart < 0 || yStart < 0 || xStart >= width || yStart >= height)
		std::cout << "wrong param!" << std::endl;
		return false;
	int xWidth = imgToSave.cols;
	int yWidth = imgToSave.rows;

	if (xStart + xWidth > width)
		std::cout << "Saved image will be cutted!" << std::endl;
		imgToSave = (imgToSave.colRange(0, width - xStart)).clone();
	if (yStart + yWidth > height)
		std::cout << "Saved image will be cutted!" << std::endl;
		imgToSave = (imgToSave.rowRange(0, height - yStart)).clone();

	GDALDataType dataType = pBand->GetRasterDataType();
	CheckDataType(dataType, imgToSave);
	xWidth = imgToSave.cols;
	yWidth = imgToSave.rows;
	int cvDepth = imgToSave.depth();
	imgToSave.reshape(1, 1);

	double *imgBuff = new(std::nothrow) double[xWidth * yWidth];
	if (nullptr == imgBuff) return false;

	if (cvDepth == CV_8S)
		char * data = imgToSave.ptr<char>(0);
		for (int index = 0; index < xWidth * yWidth; ++index) imgBuff[index] = static_cast<double>(data[index]);
	else if (cvDepth == CV_16U)
		unsigned short * data = imgToSave.ptr<unsigned short>(0);
		for (int index = 0; index < xWidth * yWidth; ++index) imgBuff[index] = static_cast<double>(data[index]);
	else if (cvDepth == CV_16S)
		short * data = imgToSave.ptr<short>(0);
		for (int index = 0; index < xWidth * yWidth; ++index) imgBuff[index] = static_cast<double>(data[index]);
	else if (cvDepth == CV_32S)
		int * data = imgToSave.ptr<int>(0);
		for (int index = 0; index < xWidth * yWidth; ++index) imgBuff[index] = static_cast<double>(data[index]);
	else if (cvDepth == CV_32F)
		float * data = imgToSave.ptr<float>(0);
		for (int index = 0; index < xWidth * yWidth; ++index) imgBuff[index] = static_cast<double>(data[index]);
	else if (cvDepth == CV_64F)
		double * data = imgToSave.ptr<double>(0);
		for (int index = 0; index < xWidth * yWidth; ++index) imgBuff[index] = static_cast<double>(data[index]);
		unsigned char * data = imgToSave.ptr<unsigned char>(0);
		for (int index = 0; index < xWidth * yWidth; ++index) imgBuff[index] = static_cast<double>(data[index]);

	// datatype translate
	//for (int index = 0; index < xWidth * yWidth; ++index) imgBuff[index] = range_cast_inv(dataType, cvDepth, imgBuff[index]);
	pBand->RasterIO(GF_Write, xStart, yStart, xWidth, yWidth, imgBuff, xWidth, yWidth, GDT_Float64, 0, 0);

	delete[] imgBuff;
	return true;
Пример #7
// be sure the cv::Mat either a gray image or in RGB order!
bool KGDAL2CV::ImgWriteByGDAL(GDALDataset * dataset, const cv::Mat img, int xStart, int yStart)
	// if dataset is null, then there was a problem
	if (dataset == nullptr){
		return false;
	// make sure we have pixel data inside the raster
	if (dataset->GetRasterCount() <= 0){
		return false;
	// make sure we have the proper access

	if (dataset->GetAccess() == GA_ReadOnly){
		std::cout << "Invalid access type of the dataset!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	int nBand = dataset->GetRasterCount();

	if (nBand > img.channels())
		std::cout << "The channels of GDALDataset shouldn't be more than cv::Mat!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	int width = dataset->GetRasterXSize();
	int height = dataset->GetRasterYSize();

	if (xStart < 0 || yStart < 0 || xStart >= width || yStart >= height)
		std::cout << "wrong param!" << std::endl;
		return false;
	cv::Mat imgToSave = img;
	int xWidth = imgToSave.cols;
	int yWidth = imgToSave.rows;

	if (xStart + xWidth > width)
		std::cout << "Saved image will be cutted!" << std::endl;
		imgToSave = imgToSave.colRange(0, width - xStart);
	if (yStart + yWidth > height)
		std::cout << "Saved image will be cutted!" << std::endl;
		imgToSave = imgToSave.rowRange(0, height - yStart);

	/*if (width != img.cols || height != img.rows) {
		std::cout << "The size of cv::Mat and GDALDataset should be same!" << std::endl;
		return false;

	GDALDataType dataType = dataset->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType();
	CheckDataType(dataType, imgToSave);
	std::vector<cv::Mat> singleMats;
	int ret = 0;
	cv::split(imgToSave, singleMats);
	for (int index = 0; index < nBand; ++index)
		GDALRasterBand* band = dataset->GetRasterBand(index + 1);
		ret += (true == ImgWriteByGDAL(band, singleMats[index], xStart, yStart) ? 0 : 1);
	return (0 == ret);
Пример #8
BOOL ItemCommandLoop( LPRefObj pRefSrc, ULONG ulItmID )
	ULONG	ulDataType = 0;
	LPRefObj	pRefItm = NULL;
	char	buf[256];
	UWORD	wSel;
	BOOL	bRet = true;

	pRefItm = GetRefChildPtr_ID( pRefSrc, ulItmID );
	if ( pRefItm == NULL ) {
		// Create Item object and RefSrc structure.
		if ( AddChild( pRefSrc, ulItmID ) == true ) {
			printf("Item object is opened.\n");
		} else {
			printf("Item object can't be opened.\n");
			return false;
		pRefItm = GetRefChildPtr_ID( pRefSrc, ulItmID );

	// command loop
	do {
		printf( "\nSelect (1-7, 0)\n" );
		printf( " 1. Select Data Object       2. Delete                   3. IsAlive\n" );
		printf( " 4. Name                     5. DataTypes                6. DateTime\n" );
		printf( " 7. StoredBytes\n" );
		printf( " 0. Exit\n>" );
		scanf( "%s", buf );
		wSel = atoi( buf );

		switch( wSel )
			case 1:// Show Children
				// Select Data Object
				ulDataType = 0;
				bRet = SelectData( pRefItm, &ulDataType );
				if ( bRet == false )	return false;
				if ( ulDataType == kNkMAIDDataObjType_Image )
					// reset file removed flag
					g_bFileRemoved = false;
					bRet = ImageCommandLoop( pRefItm, ulDataType );
					// If the image data was stored in DRAM, the item has been removed after reading image.
					if ( g_bFileRemoved ) {
						RemoveChild( pRefSrc, ulItmID );
						pRefItm = NULL;
				else if ( ulDataType == kNkMAIDDataObjType_Video )
					// reset file removed flag
					g_bFileRemoved = false;
					bRet = MovieCommandLoop( pRefItm, ulDataType );
					if ( g_bFileRemoved ) {
						RemoveChild( pRefSrc, ulItmID );
						pRefItm = NULL;
				else if ( ulDataType == kNkMAIDDataObjType_Thumbnail )
					bRet = ThumbnailCommandLoop( pRefItm, ulDataType );
				if ( bRet == false )	return false;
			case 2:// Delete
				ulDataType = 0;
				bRet = CheckDataType( pRefItm, &ulDataType );
				if ( bRet == false )
					puts( "Movie object is not supported.\n" );
				bRet = DeleteDramCapability( pRefItm, ulItmID );
				if ( g_bFileRemoved )
					// If Delete was succeed, Item object must be closed. 
					RemoveChild( pRefSrc, ulItmID );
					pRefItm = NULL;
			case 3:// IsAlive
				bRet = SetBoolCapability( pRefItm, kNkMAIDCapability_IsAlive );
			case 4:// Name
				bRet = SetStringCapability( pRefItm, kNkMAIDCapability_Name );
			case 5:// DataTypes
				bRet = SetUnsignedCapability( pRefItm, kNkMAIDCapability_DataTypes );
			case 6:// DateTime
				bRet = SetDateTimeCapability( pRefItm, kNkMAIDCapability_DateTime );
			case 7:// StoredBytes
				bRet = SetUnsignedCapability( pRefItm, kNkMAIDCapability_StoredBytes );
				wSel = 0;
		if ( bRet == false ) {
			printf( "An Error occured. Enter '0' to exit.\n>" );
			scanf( "%s", buf );
			bRet = true;
	} while( wSel > 0 && pRefItm != NULL );

	if ( pRefItm != NULL ) {
		// If the item object remains, close it and remove from parent link.
		bRet = RemoveChild( pRefSrc, ulItmID );

	return bRet;
Пример #9
	  STDMETHOD(SetParameterInfo)(ULONG cParams, const ULONG rgParamOrdinals[], const DBPARAMBINDINFO rgParamBindInfo[])
		  HRESULT hr;
		  if (cParams == 0)
			  m_nSetParams = 0;
			  return S_OK;

		  if (cParams > 0 && rgParamOrdinals == 0) return E_INVALIDARG;
		  if (rgParamBindInfo != 0)
			  bool allParamNamesSet = true, oneParamNameSet = false;
			  for (ULONG i = 0; i < cParams; i++)
				  //  We do not handle default parameter conversion
				  if(rgParamBindInfo[i].pwszDataSourceType == 0)	return E_INVALIDARG;
				  DBTYPE dbType;
				  if((dbType = CheckDataType(rgParamBindInfo[i].pwszDataSourceType)) == DBTYPE_EMPTY) return DB_E_BADTYPENAME;
				  if( rgParamBindInfo[i].pwszName == 0 )
					  allParamNamesSet = false;
					  oneParamNameSet = true;
				  if( rgParamBindInfo[i].dwFlags & ~(DBPARAMIO_INPUT | DBPARAMIO_OUTPUT) )
					  return E_INVALIDARG;
			  if( oneParamNameSet && ! allParamNamesSet ) return DB_E_BADPARAMETERNAME;

		  for (ULONG i = 0; i < cParams; i++)
			  //  Look for the parameter already in the list
			  for (int j = m_nSetParams; --j >= 0;)
				  if( rgParamOrdinals[i] == m_paramInfo[j].iOrdinal )

			  if (j >= 0)
				  //  Discard the type info. for this parameter
				  if( rgParamBindInfo == 0 )
					  while( j < (int)m_nSetParams )
						  m_paramInfo[j] = m_paramInfo[j + 1];
				  //  Change parameter type info???
			  else if (rgParamBindInfo != 0)
				  ParamInfo tempInfo;
				  m_paramInfo.SetAtGrow( m_nSetParams, tempInfo );
				  ParamInfo &paramInfo = m_paramInfo[m_nSetParams];
				  if (FAILED(hr = paramInfo.Set( rgParamOrdinals[i], rgParamBindInfo[i]))) return hr;
		  return S_OK;